A Research Review of Passionflower
A Research Review of Passionflower
A Research Review of Passionflower
S p o n S o r e d b y:
The genus Passiflora L. comprises about 520 species of dicotyledonous plants in the family Passifloraceae. Passiflora incarnata and P. alata, also commonly known as Passionflower, are two species of a perennial climbing vine with beautiful exotic flowers and delicious fruit that grow worldwide, preferring subtropical, frost-free climates. They are native to the tropical and semi-tropical United States (Virginia to Florida and as far west as Texas), Mexico, Central American, and from Brazil to Paraguay through northern Argentina.1 Native Americans, such as the Cherokee of the southern Allegheny mountains, cultivated Passionflower for its sweet and sour fruit, which incidentally contains a significant amount of lycopene.2,3 Spanish conquistadors learned from the Aztecs that Passionflower was used as a sedative for nervousness and insomnia. The plant was introduced into European medicine and widely cultivated there. The unique appearance of the plants flowers led Spanish missionaries to name the plant in reference to aspects of the passion of Jesus Christ: the crown of thorns was symbolized by the coronal threads, the cords of the whips by the curling tendrils, the wounds by the five stamens, the nails on the cross by the three stigmas, the hammer by the ovary, and the ten true apostles by the five petals and five sepals of the flower.4 Passionflower is currently official in the national pharmacopeias of Egypt, France, Germany and Switzerland, and also mongraphed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia and the British Herbal Compendium, the ESCOP monographs, the Commission E, the German Standard Licenses, the German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 In Germany, Passionflower is used as a component in sedatives (combined with valerian root and lemon balm), a pediatric sedative tea (Species nervinae pro infantibus: with lemon balm, lavender flower, and St Johns Wort) and cardiotonic formulations (with hawthorn). 5 It is also a German homeopathic medicine for pain, insomnia, and neurasthenia.17 In the United States, Passionflower is commonly a component of herbal sleep aid formulations. It was official in the fourth (1916) and fifth (1926) US National Formularies and removed in 1936. It was also an approved OTC sedative until 1978.18,19 In preparing this review, evidence for efficacy and activity of Passiflora was obtained on the website of the American Botanical Council, which references 6 clinical trials, 3 observational case reports, 45 animal studies, 22 pharmacodynamic studies, 32 analytical chemistry papers, and 19 genetic and molecular biology studies.20 In addition, for the purpose of this review, studies cited in PubMed since 2007 (the date of the latest systematic review of Passiflora), limited to the sedative properties of the plant, were considered for inclusion.
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is considered the most bioactive of the species in the family Passifloraceae. Purple passionflower (P. edulis) has often been confused with P. incarnata; P. edulis is the source of passion fruit. Passiflora alata (fragrant granadilla; wing stemmed passionflower) is also called passionflower by some publications, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture's botanical database. Chemical content of Passiflora species is also not well delineated. Investigators have differed on whether its sedative effects are due to indole alkaloids such as harmane, harmaline, and harmol; flavonoids such as apigenin, luteolin, and scopoletin; or an isolated trisubstituted benzoflavone.
Numerous pharmacological effects of Passiflora incarnata are mediated via modulation of the GABA system including affinity to GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors, and effects on GABA uptake. Although the active ingredients have not been conclusively delineated, most available data suggests flavonoids and GABA account for the reported effects.22,25 Dhawans group conducted at least 3 rodent studies with what they described as a newly isolated benzoflavone (BZF) moiety from P. incarnata.22 An Austrian group subsequently performed a study to isolate the compound for analytical purposes, in P. incarnata from 3 different origins (India, Italy and France).26 A compound with the published thin layer chromatograph was detected in trace amounts only in the Italian product, and none was found in the herbs from France and India. In a commercial extract, two compounds with the expected TLC characteristics were detected, one as a phytol isomer and the other in such small amounts
Passionflower extract is classified as "generally regarded as safe" (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration. There is one case report of occupational allergic asthma and rhinitis to Passiflora in a pharmacy technician who prepared extracts of P. alata.34 Mild adverse effects were reported in only one other study, including dizziness, drowsiness and confusion.35 There are no other confirmed reports of adverse effects or toxicity, no known adverse interactions, and no known contraindications. Beneficial interactions have been reported in vitro and in a mice model, showing a synergistic anti-depressive effect of P. incarnata with Hypericum.36 Oral administration of extracts of P. incarnata given for 15 days have also shown hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice, suggesting the possibility of additive or synergistic effects when Passiflora is given to humans who are taking anti-diabetic or lipid-lowering medications.37 A randomized controlled study of 60 patients undergoing spinal anesthesia showed that oral P. incarnata extract had no effect on hemodynamics during their operations.38 Pregnant women are advised to avoid high doses.
Mice treated orally with P. incarnata at 3 different doses revealed activity in the elevated plusmaze (EPM) test at 375mg/kg, but none at 150 and 600 mg/kg respectively, indicating a Ushaped dose response curve.39 A Chinese study of the anxiolytic effects of P. edulis and P. edulis flavicarpa in the EPM test of mice revealed activity at equivalent oral doses but significant differences in flavonoid compounds between the two species.40 A Brazilian team evaluated the effects of P. alata and P. edulis on anxiety and memory in rats injected intraperitoneally with aqueous extracts prior to the EPM test, inhibitory avoidance test, and habituation to an open-field apparatus.41 Treatment with both extracts induced anxiolyticlike effects comparable to diazepam. Memory was not affected with any dose of P. alata or P. edulis, but diazepam disrupted memory process. P. edulis was active at half the dose of P. alata, which could be explained by the differences in flavonoid content. In 2010, a study at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy characterized the anxiolytic activity of fractions from a hydroethanol extract of P. incarnata, again using the EPM test in mice.42 The results suggested that the active principle of Passionflower was in the chloroform fraction and to a lower extent in the butanol fraction, but the petroleum ether fraction did not show any effects. In 2001, an Iranian group performed a controlled study of P. incarnata with oxazepam in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).35 36 outpatients with GAD were randomized to Passiflora extract plus placebo tablet or oxazepam 30 mg/day plus placebo drops, for a 4 week trial. The two treatments were equally effective. Oxazepam had a more rapid onset of action, but caused greater impairment of job performance.
Anxiogenic effects
In the Oregon study by Elsas referenced earlier25, five different extracts, prepared from a single batch of P. incarnata, were administered to mice for one week in their drinking water before evaluating their behavioral effects. Anticonvulsant effects against pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures were seen in mice that received two of the five Passiflora extracts. Instead of the anxiolytic effects described by others, anxiogenic effects in the elevated plus maze were seen in mice receiving any of the five Passiflora extracts. Comparing ingredient and biological activity from all extracts, there was no correlation between total flavonoid or GABA content with anxiogenic or anticonvulsant effects. The two extracts with the highest GABA content did not show anticonvulsant effects, and the two extracts with anticonvulsant effects differed widely in their total flavonoid content. Similarly, there was no correlation between GABA content and anxiogenic effects. This is the first study administering P. incarnata extracts in drinking water for 1 week prior to behavioral testing in mice, thus closely mimicking regular intake using the oral route in humans. Surprisingly, the data showed an increase in anxiety measures. The activity of the mice was not affected, excluding the possibility that potential alterations in activity contributed to the increase in anxiety measures. Consistent with this, the investigators also found that intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of wild-type mice or mice deficient in apolipoprotein E once 1 hour prior to behavioral testing increased measures of anxiety. In contrast to these findings by Elsas et all, other studies have reported anxiety-reducing effects of Passiflora extracts following single i.p. injections or oral (p.o.) administration. These
In 2001, Akhondzadehs group also reported on a controlled trial of P. incarnata in the treatment of opiate withdrawal.46 According to the authors, opiate detoxification is completed in 75% of inpatients and 15% of outpatients. The typical withdrawal syndrome consists of symptoms such as anxiety, convulsions, nausea and tremor. The drug clonidine is an accepted treatment in this context but only ameliorates the physical symptoms and not the psychological symptoms of withdrawal. The trial compared clonidine + Passiflora with clonidine + placebo in 65 male opiate addicts undergoing detoxification on an outpatient basis. 15 subjects in each of the two groups completed the 14 day trial. A psychiatrist interviewed each subject on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 14 and asked for ratings of severity of 16 withdrawal symptoms on the modified Short Opiate Withdrawal Scale (SOWS). On day 14, the mean total SOWS score was significantly lower in the clonidine + Passiflora group. The mental withdrawal symptoms were also significantly lower in severity in the clonidine + Passiflora group.
Enhanced sleep in laboratory animals given Passiflora has been demonstrated in several controlled experiments.47 The efficacy of P. incarnata tea on sleep quality was measured by an Australian team in a controlled fashion in a study of 41 healthy young adults, using sleep diaries validated by polysomnography plus an anxiety inventory.48 Subjects with a history of sleep disorder were excluded. Participants were exposed to 1 cup of either Passionflower or placebo tea (Parsley) for one week, followed by a 1 week washout period, and then crossed over. Sleep quality was significantly better (p <0.01) for those who drank Passionflower tea, but Passionflower tea failed to influence the other outcomes measured. The authors addressed this by noting that the dose may have been too low (1 cup vs. the standard dose of 3 cups) as well as other design limitations.
Current therapeutic treatment of epilepsy with antiepileptic drugs is associated with side effects, teratogenicity, and dose-related and chronic toxicity and approximately 30% of patients continue to have seizures with anti-epileptic therapy. Passiflora has been explored in at least two mice studies as a potentially safe and effective alternative to prescription anticonvulsants. An Iranian study investigated Pasipay, a hydro-alcoholic extract prepared from the standardized extract of leaves, flower and fruit of P. incarnata, with a total flavonoid content of 4%.27 In this pentylentetrazole (PTZ) model, Pasipay, diazepam and normal saline were injected peritoneally 30 minutes before PTZ. Flumazenil and naloxone were also injected 5 minutes before Pasipay. Compared to the saline group, Pasipay significantly prolonged the onset time of seizure and decreased the duration of seizures (p < 0.001). Seizure and mortality protection were 100%. Flumazenil and naloxone suppressed this anticonvulsant effect. As the main endogenous inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA might be expected to act as a natural anticonvulsant. Elsas et al.25 found that extractions methods affected the anticonvulsant potential of Passiflora. They did not, however, find correlation between Passiflora extracts GABA content and its anticonvulsant activity in mice. Two of five extracts reduced the severity and frequency of PTZ-induced seizures.
anxiety or nervousness Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) pre-surgical anxiety insomnia symptoms of opiate withdrawal seizure disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder palpitations arrhythmia hypertension low libido
Dried herb: 2 g, three to four times daily. Infusion: 2 g in 150 ml water, three to four times daily. Fluid extract 1:1 (g/ml): 2 ml, three to four times daily. Can be taken in liquid phyto-cap form, 2 capsules, three to four times daily. Tincture 1:5 (g/ml): 10 ml, three to four times daily.
Preliminary positive evidence of anxiolytic activity exists for P. incarnata. RCTs examining the effectiveness of passiflora for anxiety are too few in number to permit any definite conclusions to be drawn. Caution should be taken when interpreting the results as many studies have not been replicated. RCTs are needed with larger samples that compare the effectiveness of Passiflora with placebo and other medications (e.g. Kava, prescription anxiolytics and hypnotics). Of the papers reviewed in this monograph, all but one show a positive direction of evidence for Passiflora as an anxiolytic without the risk of serious side effects. Several studies have found a U-shaped dose response curve for Passiflora, suggesting that extracts with a higher percentage of active ingredients may have an anxiogenic rather than anxiolytic effect. Different extraction methods of Passiflora influence the extract yield and total flavonoid and GABA content. While many plant extracts contain amino acids, Passiflora extracts were found to have the highest GABA content of 21 examined plants.21 The study by Elsas et al.25 show that Passiflora extracts not only contain a high amount of GABA, but are also able to induce direct GABA(A) currents in rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Since the extract with reduced amino acid levels induced no current, it is likely that the GABA content of the extract is sufficient to explain the observed GABA currents in vitro. However, no correlation was found between an extracts GABA content and its anticonvulsant activity in vivo. Large, well- designed clinical studies, possibly comparing a variety of Passiflora extracts, are needed for a more complete understanding of the range of clinical actions, mechanisms of action, therapeutic dosage range, drug/botanical agent interactions and to explore any unknown toxicity. A Canadian randomized trial of naturopathic care for anxiety was published in 2009 using Ashwaganda as an anxiolytic, along with dietary counseling, deep breathing relaxation techniques, and a standard multivitamin, in comparison to psychotherapy, relaxation techniques, and placebo.49 A similar whole practice trial using Passiflora as the anxiolytic would be a valuable comparison study. Two randomized controlled clinical trials using Passiflora as the primary component of herbal formulas for insomnia are currently underway by the author.
Michael Traub, ND, DHANP, CCH, FABNO attended the University of California, Irvine where he received a B.S. in biological sciences, and graduated from National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) in 1981. He completed a residency program in Family Practice and Homeopathy at NCNM. Since 1986, Dr. Traub has been Medical Director of an integrative healthcare center (Lokahi Health Center) in Kailua Kona, Hawaii. He is board certified in naturopathic oncology as well as homeopathy. Dr. Traub was the first naturopathic physician in contemporary times to be appointed to a hospital staff North Hawaii Community Hospital (NHCH). He was Chairman of the Integrated Healing Committee from the opening of the hospital in 1996 until 2001 and succeeded in gaining approval for the natural medicine formulary in the hospital including botanical, nutritional and homeopathic medicines. In 1998 he developed the Hawaii Residency Training Program at NHCH and has continued to serve as the Residency Program Director. He conducted a pilot study at the hospital of integrated treatment programs for breast cancer. He currently is co-coordinator of the course for fourth-year medical students on Integrative Healing at NHCH in collaboration with the University of Minnesota Center for Healing and Spirituality. From 2001-2003, Dr. Traub served as President of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP). In 2006 he was honored by the AANP as Physician of the Year. Dr. Traub has held numerous other leadership positions within the naturopathic profession throughout his career, from Chairman of the Hawaii Board of Naturopathic Medicine to President of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians and President of the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners. Dr. Traub has conducted a wide range of research studies on homeopathic growth factors in HIV and AIDS, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria in Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes, Hypovitaminosis D, and Elderberry Extract for Prevention of Influenza. He has been invited to make presentations at numerous medical conferences, including the 1999 International Conference on HIV/AIDS in Paris. He is the author of Essentials of Dermatological Diagnosis and Natural Therapeutics and Essentials of Dermatological Diagnosis and Integrative Therapeutics. He has contributed to several textbooks including the Textbook of Natural Medicine. He serves on the editorial board of the Natural Medicine Journal, the International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, and Holistic Primary Care. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Integrated Healthcare Policy Consortium and was co-author of the Final Report of the National Policy Dialogue to Advance Integrated Health Care: Finding Common Ground, 2001-2002, and co-editor of The Affordable Care Act & Beyond: A Stakeholder Conference on Integrated Healthcare Reform, Sept. 2010. He currently serves on the Scientific Advisory Boards for Gaia Herbs, Inc. and Nordic Naturals.
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