ECON2234 Unit Outline - Final
ECON2234 Unit Outline - Final
ECON2234 Unit Outline - Final
Business School
* This Unit Outline should be read in conjunction with the Business School Unit Outline Supplement available on the Current Students web site
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I welcome you to the second-year macroeconomics, Macroeconomics: Policy and Applications. Like the first-year macroeconomics, the second-year unit is fairly broad, covering topics from short-run economic fluctuations to long-run economic growth. Unlike the first-year macroeconomics, the second-year unit uses formal macroeconomic models to analyse macroeconomic issues such as unemployment, inflation, growth and open economy.
Unit content
Macroeconomics is the study of the performance of the national economy and the policies used to improve that performance. The study of macroeconomic issues is usually divided into short, medium and long run. The IS-LM model is widely used to study short-run movements in the goods and financial markets. The aggregate supply and aggregate demand (AS-AD) model allows us to understand the relation between output and inflation, and the role of monetary and fiscal policy both in the short and medium run. In the long run, macroeconomists are primarily interested in the question of how sustainable output growth can be achieved. We will cover the IS-LM model, AS-AD model and neoclassical model of growth in this unit. In addition, we will introduce open economy in the models if time permits at the end.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: Understand how equilibrium is determined in the goods and financial markets in a closed economy. Understand the mechanics of fiscal and monetary policy. Use the AS-AD model to analyse the effects of government policy on the movements of goods, financial and labour markets. Analyse the effects of openness on goods and financial markets. Understand the major forces of economic growth.
Participation in class, whether it be listening to a lecture or getting involved in other activities, is an important part of the learning process. It is therefore important that you attend classes. More formally, the University regulations state that to complete a course or unit students shall attend prescribed classes, lectures, seminars and tutorials.
We strongly advise students to regularly access their student email accounts. Important information regarding the unit is often communicated by email and will not be automatically forwarded to private email addresses. Unit coordinator/lecturer Name: Email: Phone: Consultation hours: Lecture times: Lecture venue: Tutorial times: Tutorial venue: Sam Tang [email protected] 6488 2931 2:00pm 4:00pm, Tuesdays Please check: Please check:
Recommended/required text(s)
Almost all topics addressed in lectures are covered in the following text for this unit: Weil, Blanchard and Sheen, 2011, Macroeconomics: Theory & Applications
The textbook is available in the bookstore. Note that this textbook is a combined version of two individual textbooks: Weil, David, Economic Growth: International Edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, Sydney, 2008. (2nd edition) Blanchard, Olivier, and Sheen (B&S), Macroeconomics: Australasian Edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, Sydney, 2009. (3rd edition)
Week # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Week commencing 1 August 8 August 15 August 22 August 29 August 5 September 12 September 19 September 26 September 9 10 11 12 3 October 10 October 17 October 24 October Topic Introduction Economic Growth Physical Capital and the Solow Model Population and Economic Growth Measuring Productivity and Incorporating Technology in the Solow Model The Goods Market Financial Markets The IS-LM Model The Labour Market 1 Week Non-Contact Study Break Putting All Markets Together: The ASAD Model Openness in Goods and Financial Markets The Goods Market in an Open Economy Output, the Interest Rate and the Exchange Rate Catch Up and Revision Section 2: Chapter 7 Section 2: Chapter 18 Section 2: Chapter 19 Section 2: Chapter 20 Required Text Reading Section 1: Chapter 1, 2 Section 1: Chapter 3 Section 1: Chapter 4 Section 1: Chapter 7 & 8 Appendix Section 2: Chapter 3 Section 2: Chapter 4 Section 2: Chapter 5 Section 2: Chapter 6
31 October
There are 13 teaching weeks in the semester in total. Tutorials will start from Monday, 15 August 2011 (Week 3). Students should attend a 45-minute tutorial session for each week between Week 3 and Week 13. It should be noted that tutorials require class discussion and participation, which will be assessed and recorded. Students who fail to attend a tutorial class will receive a mark of zero for that class. Tutorial allocations can be made on-line at Students are required to submit 5 tutorial assignments to the Reception at UWA Business School Building by 12.00 noon on the due dates. The written assignments are worth 2.5 per cent each and they will be graded and returned to students in tutorials. The 45-minute tutorial sessions following the assignment due dates will be used to work through the tutorial assignments. Class discussion and participation in these 5 tutorial classes are worth 5 per cent of the total assessment. In addition to the written assignments, there are 5 required tutorial readings for the Unit. It should be noted that both the midterm test and final exam will include questions relating to these 5 required tutorial readings. Students can download the required readings online from UWAs library website or from the Units WebCT. Also, for each required reading, students will sit for a quiz (15 minutes) in the tutorial which consists of multiple-choice and short questions. Each of the 5 quizzes is worth 2.5 per cent of the total assessment. Failure to submit an assignment or to sit for a quiz will result in getting a mark of zero for the assignment/quiz.
Tutorial assignments are posted on the Units WebCT one week prior to the due dates and they must be submitted by 12.00 noon on the due dates. Students should keep a copy of the submitted assignment.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Assignment 2 (due 2 Sep.) Required reading 3 Assignment 3 (due 16 Sep.) Required reading 4 Assignment 4 (due 7 Oct.) Mid-term test result Required reading 5 Assignment 5 (due 28 Oct.)
Required reading 2: Weil, David, Economic Growth: International Edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, Sydney, 2008, 2nd edn), Chapter 12: Government. pp. 338-366. Required reading 3: Lane, Philip, The Cyclical Behaviour of Fiscal Policy: Evidence from the OECD, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 87, pp. 2661-75, 2003. Required reading 4: Stevens, Glenn, Monetary Policy and Inflation: How Does It Work?
Required reading 5: Walsh, Carl, The Future of Inflation Targeting, Economic Record, online version doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4932.2011.00735.x
Late assignments
As discussion of the correct answers to assignment questions commence in tutorial classes from the first working day after the due date, assignments submitted after 12:00 noon on the due date will not contribute to student assessment. Tutors have been instructed to enforce this rule strictly: late assignments are corrected by tutors but no grade is awarded for assessment purposes. However, if a student is unable to complete an assignment on time because of verifiable exceptional circumstances, such as when a medical practitioner has certified that he or she is too ill to complete a particular assignment by the due date, a notional mark for a late assignment will be determined as the mean mark from the Students graded tutorial assignments. Tutors refer all cases of this kind to the Unit Coordinator for final approval.
The purpose of assessment
There are a number of reasons for having assessable tasks as part of an academic program. The assessable tasks are designed to encourage you to explore and understand the subject more fully. The fact that we grade your work provides you an indication of how much you have achieved. Providing feedback on your work also serves as part of the learning process.
The final grade for all students will be determined using the following weighting: Item Mid-semester test 5 written assignments and 5 required readings Tutorial participation Final exam Note 1: Note 2: Weight 20% 25% (10 x 2.5%) 5% 50% Date 4.00pm 4.45pm, Tuesday, 4 October 2011 See due dates for tutorial assignments below under Tutorials. Attendance and participation in tutorial classes TBA on Student Connect
Results may be subject to scaling and standardisation under faculty policy and are not necessarily the sum of the component parts. Your assessed work may also be used for quality assurance purposes, such as to assess the level of achievement of learning outcomes as required for accreditation and audit purposes. The findings may be used to inform changes aimed at improving the quality of Business School programs. All material used for such processes will be treated as confidential, and the outcome will not affect your grade for the unit.
Students should go to the assigned venue for the test. The test will take approximately 45 minutes and will be comprised of multi-choice and short-answer questions. Students should note this date and be available for the test. Since most students are doing four subjects, it is more than likely that
other tests/assignments will be placed around about the same time. Students should take care and organise their study schedule.
Tutorial assignments
There will be 5 sets of tutorial assignments in total. The majority of the questions in the tutorial assignments are selected from the end-of-chapter questions in the textbooks. Students can download the tutorial assignments from the Units WebCT. Tutorial assignments are designed to enhance students understanding of material covered in lectures as well as assist in developing students' technical skills and problem-solving ability.
Final examination
A two-hour exam held in the normal examination period. Material covered in the mid-semester test may be re-examined. More information will be provided in Week 12 and 13.
Submission of assignments
Students are required to submit 5 tutorial assignments in hard copy to the Business School Undergraduate Students Centre. Please remember to attach an Assignment Cover sheet to the front of your assignment. You can download the relevant Assignment Cover sheet from the Business School Current Students web page
Student Guild
Phone: (+61 8) 6488 2295 Facsimile: (+61 8) 6488 1041 E-mail: [email protected] Website: