It shows the chronological dependency of the different activities. On the right side of the model the concepts resulting from the activities are showed. The arrows show that one concept results from one or more previous concepts; the concept can not be made when the previous activities have not taken place. Below the three main activities are shortly described as well as their role as a basis for the next step or their dependency on the previous step. [edit]Segmenting Segmenting is the process of dividing the market into segments based on customer characteristics and needs. The main activity segmenting consists of four sub activities. These are: 1. determining who the actual and potential customers are 2. identifying segments 3. analyzing the intensity of competitors in the market 4. selecting the attractive customer segments. The first, second and fourth steps are described as market segmentation. The third step of analyzing the intensity of the competitors is added to the process of segmenting in this process description. When different segments are identified, it is not necessary that these segments are attractive to target. A company is almost never alone in a market -- competitors have a great influence on the attractiveness of entering a certain market. When there is a high intensity of competitors, it is hard to obtain a profitable market share and a company may decide not to enter a certain market. The third step of segmenting is the first part of the topic of competitor analysis. The need for segmenting a market is based on the fact that no market is homogeneous. For one product the market can be divided in different customer groups. The variables used for this segmenting in these groups are usually geographical, psychographical, behavioral and demographic variables. This results in segments which are homogeneous within and heterogeneous between each other. When these segments are known, it is important to decide on which market to target. Not every market is an attractive market to enter. A little filtering has been done in this activity, but there are more factors to take in account before targeting a certain market segment. This process is called targeting. [edit]Targeting
After the most attractive segments are selected, a company should not directly start targeting all these segments -- other important factors come into play in defining a target market. Four sub activities form the basis for deciding on which segments will actually be targeted. The four sub activities within targeting are: 1. defining the abilities of the company and resources needed to enter a market 2. analyzing competitors on their resources and skills 3. considering the companys abilities compared to the competitors' abilities 4. deciding on the actual target markets. The first three sub activities are described as the topic competitor analysis. The last sub activity of deciding on the actual target market is an analysis of the company's abilities to those of its competitors. The results of this analysis leads to a list of segments which are most attractive to target and have a good chance of leading to a profitable market share. Obviously, targeting can only be done when segments have been defined, as these segments allow firms to analyze the competitors in this market. When the process of targeting is ended, the markets to target are selected, but the way to use marketing in these markets is not yet defined. To decide on the actual marketing strategy, knowledge of the differential advantages of each segment is needed. [edit]Positioning When the list of target markets is made, a company might want to start on deciding on a good marketing mix directly. But an important step before developing the marketing mix is deciding on how to create an identity or image of the product in the mind of the customer. Every segment is different from the others, so different customers with different ideas of what they expect from the product. In the process of positioning the company: 1. identifies the differential advantages in each segment 2. decides on a different positioning concept for each of these segments. This process is described at the topic positioning, here different concepts of positioning are given. The process-data model shows the concepts resulting from the different activities before and within positioning. The model shows how the predefined concepts are the basis for the positioning statement. The analyses done of the market, competitors and abilities of the company are necessary to create a good positioning statement. When the positioning statement is created, one can start on creating the marketing mix.
Competitor analysis in marketing and strategic management is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context to identify opportunities and threats. xcprofiling coalesces all of the relevant sources of competitor analysis into one framework in the support of efficient and effective strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and adjustment.
Competitor analysis is an essential component of corporate strategy. It is argued that most firms do not conduct this type of analysis systematically enough. Instead, many enterprises operate on what is called informal impressions, conjectures, and intuition gained through the tidbits of information about competitors every manager continually receives. As a result, traditional environmental scanning places many firms at risk of dangerous competitive blindspots due to a lack of robust competitor analysis.
Competitor array
One common and useful technique is constructing a competitor array. The steps include: Define your industry - scope and nature of the industry Determine who your competitors are Determine who your customers are and what benefits they expect Determine what are the key success factors are in your industry Rank the key success factors by giving each one a weighting - The sum of all the weightings must add up to one. Rate each competitor on each of the key success factors Multiply each cell in the matrix by the factor weighting.
This can best be displayed on a two dimensional matrix - competitors along the top and key success factors down the side. An example of a competitor array follows: Key Industry Success Factors
1 - Extensive distribution .4
2 - Customer focus
3 - Economies of scale
4 - Product innovation
In this example competitor #1 is rated higher than competitor #2 on product innovation ability (7 out of 10, compared to 4 out of 10) and distribution networks (6 out of 10), but competitor #2 is rated higher on customer focus (5 out of 10). Overall, competitor #1 is rated slightly higher than competitor #2 (20 out of 40 compared to 15 out of 40). When the success factors are weighted according to their importance, competitor #1 gets a far better rating (4.9 compared to 3.7). Two additional columns can be added. In one column you can rate your own company on each of the key success factors (try to be objective and honest). In another column you can list benchmarks. They are the ideal standards of comparisons on each of the factors. They reflect the workings of a company using all the industry's best practices. [edit]Competitor
The strategic rationale of competitor profiling is powerfully simple. Superior knowledge of rivals offers a legitimate source of competitive advantage. The raw material of competitive advantage consists of offering superior customer value in the firms chosen market. The definitive characteristic of customer value is the adjective, superior. Customer value is defined relative to rival offerings making competitor knowledge an intrinsic component of corporate strategy. Profiling facilitates this strategic objective in three important ways. First, profiling can reveal strategic weaknesses in rivals that the firm may exploit. Second, the proactive stance of competitor profiling will allow the firm to anticipate the strategic response of their rivals to the firms planned strategies, the strategies of other competing firms, and changes in the environment. Third, this proactive knowledge will give the firms strategic agility. Offensive strategy can be implemented more quickly in order to exploit opportunities and capitalize on strengths. Similarly, defensive strategy can be employed more deftly in order to counter the threat of rival firms from exploiting the firms own weaknesses.
Clearly, those firms practicing systematic and advanced competitor profiling have a significant advantage. As such, a comprehensive profiling capability is rapidly becoming a core competence required for successful competition. An appropriate analogy is to consider this advantage as akin to having a good
idea of the next move that your opponent in a chess match will make. By staying one move ahead, checkmate is one step closer. Indeed, as in chess, a good offense is the best defense in the game of business as well.
A common technique is to create detailed profiles on each of your major competitors. These profiles give an in-depth description of the competitor's background, finances, products, markets, facilities, personnel, and strategies. This involves: Background location of offices, plants, and online presences history - key personalities, dates, events, and trends ownership, corporate governance, and organizational structure
Financials P-E ratios, dividend policy, and profitability various financial ratios, liquidity, and cash flow Profit growth profile; method of growth (organic or acquisitive)
Products products offered, depth and breadth of product line, and product portfolio balance new products developed, new product success rate, and R&D strengths brands, strength of brand portfolio, brand loyalty and brand awareness patents and licenses quality control conformance reverse engineering
Marketing segments served, market shares, customer base, growth rate, and customer loyalty promotional mix, promotional budgets, advertising themes, ad agency used, sales force success rate, online promotional strategy distribution channels used (direct & indirect), exclusivity agreements, alliances, and geographical coverage pricing, discounts, and allowances
Facilities plant capacity, capacity utilization rate, age of plant, plant efficiency, capital investment location, shipping logistics, and product mix by plant
strength of management, and management style compensation, benefits, and employee morale & retention rates
Corporate and marketing strategies objectives, mission statement, growth plans, acquisitions, and divestitures marketing strategies
Scanning competitor's ads can reveal much about what that competitor believes about marketing and their target market. Changes in a competitor's advertising message can reveal new product offerings, new production processes, a new branding strategy, a new positioning strategy, a new segmentation strategy, line extensions and contractions, problems with previous positions, insights from recent marketing or product research, a new strategic direction, a new source of sustainable competitive advantage, or value migrations within the industry. It might also indicate a new pricing strategy such as penetration, price discrimination, price skimming, product bundling, joint product pricing, discounts, or loss leaders. It may also indicate a new promotion strategy such as push, pull, balanced, short term sales generation, long term image creation, informational, comparative, affective, reminder, new creative objectives, new unique selling proposition, new creative concepts, appeals, tone, and themes, or a new advertising agency. It might also indicate a new distribution strategy, new distribution partners, more extensive distribution, more intensive distribution, a change in geographical focus, or exclusive distribution. Little of this intelligence is definitive: additional information is needed before conclusions should be drawn. A competitor's media strategy reveals budget allocation, segmentation and targeting strategy, and selectivity and focus. From a tactical perspective, it can also be used to help a manager implement his own media plan. By knowing the competitor's media buy, media selection, frequency, reach, continuity, schedules, and flights, the manager can arrange his own media plan so that they do not coincide. Other sources of corporate intelligence include trade shows, patent filings, mutual customers, annual reports, and trade associations. Some firms hire competitor intelligence professionals to obtain this information. The Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals [1] maintains a listing of individuals who provide these services. [edit]New
In addition to analyzing current competitors, it is necessary to estimate future competitive threats. The most common sources of new competitors are: Companies competing in a related product/market
Companies using related technologies Companies already targeting your prime market segment but with unrelated products Companies from other geographical areas and with similar products New start-up companies organized by former employees and/or managers of existing companies
The entrance of new competitors is likely when: There are high profit margins in the industry There is unmet demand (insufficient supply) in the industry There are no major barriers to entry There is future growth potential Competitive rivalry is not intense Gaining a competitive advantage over existing firms is feasible
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