LDP 2012 Rules and Bylaws

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LOUISIANA DEMOCRATIC PARTY BY-LAWS PREAMBLE We, the members of the Democratic State Central Committee, in order to organize

and perpetuate a representative, effective, and responsible Democratic Party organization in the State of Louisiana, to advance the interests of the Louisiana Democratic, and to uphold both human and civil rights and a constitutional government, do hereby adopt the following By-laws for the purposes of the organization, management, and administration of the Louisiana Democratic Party. Article 1 SUBORDINATION OF BYLAWS These By-laws adopted pursuant thereto shall be subordinate to the laws of the United States and the State of Louisiana, including their election laws, the Democratic National Committee Charter, the Rules of the Democratic National Committee, and the Constitution of Louisiana Democratic Party. Should any conflict arise between any of the forgoing and these By-laws, the provisions of any law of the United States, State of Louisiana, Charter and rules of the Democratic National Committee or Constitution of Louisiana Democratic Party shall control. Article 2 Governance of the Louisiana Democratic Party The Democratic State Central Committee shall be the sole governing body for the Democratic Party of Louisiana and shall have sole responsibility for the affairs of the Louisiana Democratic Party. All other Democratic organizations in the State of Louisiana must be approved by and shall be subject to the rules and governance of the Democratic State Central Committee. Article 3 Authority & Purpose of Democratic State Central Committee Section 1 General Purposes and Authority. The Democratic State Central Committee shall conduct such activities, as it deems appropriate to: A. Elect Democratic candidates in national, state and local elections. B. Conduct the orderly delegate selection processes to fill the Louisiana delegation to the Democratic National Conventions and Democratic Party Conferences, according to rules established by the Democratic National Committee. C. Formulate and disseminate statements of State Party policy. D. Formulate and disseminate statements of State Party policy on issues, proposed and actual legislative actions, and actions and activities of non-Democratic affiliated candidates and elected officials. 1

E. Establish and maintain a state headquarters for State Party activities and maintain a staff to promote and build the State Party. F. Maintain relations with local Democratic committees and affiliated bodies organized to promote Democratic Party activities. G. Maintain relations with the Democratic National Committee by that body in accordance with the rules of Democratic National Committee. H. Promote and encourage Party activities at every level.

G. Promote and encourage Party participation by voters and citizens of the State of Louisiana. H. Raise funds, and devise ways and means for the operation of Party activities and the election of Democratic candidates. I. Establish, maintain, and support an adequate system of political, legislative, executive, judicial and administrative issue research. J. Develop and maintain public relations, voter education and leadership programs. K. Prepare, distribute and communicate Party information to Party members and the general public. L. Develop programs for the coordination of Party committees, organizations, groups, public officials, and members to assist in the recruitment of and election of Democratic candidates and recruitment of new Democratic voters. M. Approve the budget and authorize expenditures on behalf of the Democratic State Central Committee. N. Establish standing and special committees of the Democratic State Committee. O. Remove members from the Democratic State Committee as provided for in these Bylaws. P. Censure members of the Democratic State Committee and Democratic candidates as provided for in these By-laws. Q. Take such action and conduct such activities, as it deems appropriate, necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of the Louisiana Democratic Party Constitution and these Bylaws, resolutions, and other official actions to achieve the objectives of the Party.

Section 2 Participation in National Party Affairs

A. The Democratic State Central Committee shall work to implement and carry out the objectives and support such issues of the Democratic National Committee, when such objectives are not in conflict with the objectives of and issues supported by the Louisiana Democratic Party. B. The Democratic State Central Committee shall work in cooperation with the Democratic National Committee to promote national, state, and local Party affairs. C. The Democratic State Central Committee shall support and actively work toward the election of the Democratic candidates for President and Vice President of the United States. Section 3 Endorsements and Support of Candidates for Public Office A. The Democratic State Central Committee may endorse Democratic candidates for federal, state, or local offices by a vote of the 106 members of the Democratic State Central Committee, attending and voting in person at any official meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee called for the purpose of endorsing candidates. No proxies shall be allowed in the voting on any endorsement. B. No member of the Democratic State Central Committee shall use the name of the Committee in opposing a candidate who has been endorsed by the Democratic State Central Committee. C. If the Democratic State Central Committee has received notice from a Democratic Parish Executive Committee of that Committee's endorsement or favorable rating of a Democratic affiliated candidate for local office in the parish, with the exception of a candidate for State Senator, State Representative, or any other multi-parish office, then the Democratic State Central Committee may not endorse any other candidate for the office. D. The Executive Committee shall meet at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the qualifying period and review information regarding the campaigns of Democratic candidates at every level. Upon review of the information, the Executive Committee will determine what races will be considered for endorsement by the Democratic State Central Committee and may also recommend candidates for endorsement by the Democratic State Central Committee at a meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee held after the closing of qualifying period for such office. If such a meeting is called, Democratic State Central Committee members will receive at least ten (10) days notice of the meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee, provided however, in the case of any special election the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee may shorten or modify the above time periods as they deem appropriate. E. At a Democratic State Central Committee meeting called for the purpose of endorsing candidates, the meeting notice shall specify the offices for which endorsements shall be considered and a list of all Democratic candidates who have qualified for the offices. Each such Democratic candidate shall be notified of the meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee and the purpose thereof and shall be given the opportunity to address the Democratic State Central Committee prior to any vote thereon. F. Should a meeting to endorse candidates be called, any member of the Democratic State Central Committee may propose that an endorsement be made for a specific office by filing a resolution therefore at least five (5) days prior to a meeting of the Democratic State Central 3

Committee called for that purpose. G. In the event of a special election, or the withdrawal, death, or disability of an endorsed candidate, where there is insufficient time to follow the above procedures, the Democratic State Central Committee Executive Committee shall meet at the earliest opportunity and establish Extraordinary Procedures to cover the particular circumstances. H. At any meeting called for the endorsement of a candidate, no member of the Democratic State Central Committee shall be permitted to wear any campaign paraphernalia. Article 4 Organization of Democratic State Central Committed Section 1 Election of Officers At the first meeting following the election of new members of the Democratic State Central Committee, the newly-elected members by majority vote of all the newly-elected members, shall elect officers for the Party in accordance with the Louisiana Election Code and the Louisiana Democratic Party Constitution. Such meeting shall be held at time as provided under State law and only elected members shall be entitled to vote. For purposes of this meeting only, a majority of the newly elected members either present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum. Section 2 Elections to Fill Vacancies Should any vacancy occur in any office, the election to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term shall be held at the next meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee. Section 3 Officers and Their Duties The Democratic State Central Committee shall have the following officers who shall have the following duties: A. The Chairperson shall be the chief executive officer of the Democratic State Central Committee and the chief Party official of the Louisiana Democratic Party. The Chairperson shall exercise authority delegated by the Democratic State Central Committee and the Executive Committee in carrying out the day-to-day activities of the Democratic State Central Committee and the Louisiana Democratic Party. All appointments by the Chair are subject to the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, unless otherwise provided for in the Louisiana Democratic Party Constitution or these By-laws. The Chairperson shall be the custodian of all books, records, and papers of the Democratic State Central Committee, including financial and otherwise. All such records shall be stored and maintained at the office of the Democratic State Central Committee. The Chairperson shall serve until the earlier of its resignation, removal, or election of a new Chairperson. B. The First Vice-Chairperson shall preside at any meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee in the absence of the Chairperson and shall perform such duties as may be delegated by the Chairperson. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chairperson, the First Vice-Chairperson shall 4

discharge the duties of Chairperson until an election can be held to elect a new Chairperson. The First Vice-Chairperson, in his/her capacity as Acting Chairperson, shall call a meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee within 90 days of the vacancy for the purpose of electing a new Chairperson. In the event of a vacancy in the office of First, Second, or Third Vice-Chairperson, the subsequent Vice-Chairperson shall move up and the final vacancy shall occur in the office of Fourth Vice-Chairperson. C. The Vice-Chairperson in Charge of Elected Officials shall serve as a liaison between the Democratic State Central Committee and all Democratic elected officials. D. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Democratic State Central Committee. The Treasurer shall serve as Chairperson of the Budget Committee and shall be responsible for: (1) Maintaining all financial records of the Democratic State Central Committee, maintain the budget as approved, assist in the conducting of audits of the Democratic State Central Committee financial records and filing of all reports with all agencies required to be filed on behalf of the Democratic State Central Committee by law or the National Democratic Committee. (2) Assuring that all Democratic State Central Committee funds are deposited in accounts in either licensed state or national banks, and that persons permitted to draw on such accounts are bonded with corporate surety in such reasonable amounts as may be determined by the Executive Committee. (3) Receive the annual Audit Committees Report and forward the report to the Democratic State Central Committee Executive Committee as provided in Section 4, Paragraph G of Article 4. (4) Receiving and review the annual financial reports of the Democratic Parish Executive Committees. (5) Such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Chairperson, the Executive Committee, or the Democratic State Central Committee E. The Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of all proceedings of the Democratic State Central Committee. The Secretary shall keep on file all committee reports. F. The Legal Counsel shall be an attorney-at-law (i) admitted and licensed to the practice of law by and (ii) in good standing with the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana. The Legal Counsel shall be selected and approved by the Executive Committee from a list of not less than three (3) but not more than five (5) persons provided by the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee. The Legal Counsel shall serve as legal advisor to the Democratic State Central Committee, the Executive Committee, any officer and committee of the Democratic State Central Committee. Legal Counsel, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee may appoint one or more attorneys-at-law, licensed to practice in the State of Louisiana as assistant Legal Counsel to assist the Legal Counsel in the performance of its legal representation.

G. The Clerk shall keep the Democratic State Central Committee's official membership roll and shall call the roll when it is required. H. The Parliamentarian shall ensure that all proceedings of the Democratic State Central Committee shall be conducted according to the official Constitution and By-laws of the Louisiana Democratic Party and/or, in the absence thereof, Roberts Rules of Order, most recently revised, pursuant to these By-laws. I. Compliance Officer. After consultation with the Executive Committee, the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee shall appoint a Compliance Officer who is knowledgeable with laws and rules governing the acceptance of campaign donations, use of funds and donations in campaigns and for any other purposes, and the disclosure of receipt of funds and donations and their use under the laws and rules of the State of Louisiana, Federal Government and the National Democratic Committee. The Compliance Officer may not be employed or contracted with by any other campaign or candidate for office in the State of Louisiana. Any waiver may be requested by the Compliance Officer, which must be approved by vote of the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee. J. Executive Director. There shall be an Executive Director for the Democratic State Central Committee. 1. Manner of Selection. The Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee shall appoint a subcommittee of the Executive Committee and/or the Democratic State Central Committee to (i) review the resumes and interview of potential candidates for Executive Director and submit a list of there (3) names for consideration to the Executive Committee. From this list the Chairperson of the State Democratic Sate Central Committee shall nominate a person to be Executive Director who must be approved by majority vote of the Executive Committee. 2. The Executive Director may be removed by majority vote of the members of the members of the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee. Section 3 Democratic State Central Committee Executive Committee A. Members. The Democratic State Central Committed Executive Committee shall be composed of (i) the officers of the Democratic State Central Committee as set forth in Article IX of the Louisiana Democratic Party Constitution, (ii) the Louisiana members of the Democratic National Committee, (iii) two members elected from each Congressional District Caucus (one male and one female) and (iv) such other persons as appointed by the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee. B. Voting Members. The voting members of the shall be Democratic State Central Committed Executive Committee shall be composed of (i) the officers of the Democratic State Central Committee as set forth in Article IX of the Louisiana Democratic Party Constitution, (ii) the Louisiana members of the Democratic National Committee, (iii) two members elected from each Congressional District Caucus (one male and one female). No other person or member of the Executive Committee may vote on any matter or issue coming before the Executive Committee. C. Duties. The Executive Committee shall be charged with the responsibility to transact 6

the business of the Democratic State Central Committee and the Louisiana Democratic Party affairs at times when the Democratic State Central Committee is not in session. All actions of the Executive Committee shall be submitted to and acted upon by the Democratic State Central Committee. D. Attendance & Participation at Meetings. Any Member of the Democratic State Central Committee or person invited by the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee may attend a meeting of the Executive Committee as an observer. Only voting members of the Executive Committee may participate in the meetings, provided however, the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee, may allow any person in attendance to participate. Such participation shall be limited as determined by the Chairperson. E. Meetings of the Executive Committee. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be by telephonic conference or any other electronic means. F. Written Action. The Executive Committee may take any action by written approval of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting members of the Committee. Section 4 Democratic State Central Committee Standing Committees Except for any event that attendance is by payment only, any member of the Democratic State Central Committee may (i) attend any meeting, seminar, function, or activity of any standing committee of the Democratic State Central Committee and (ii) participate in any discussion of the committee as allowed by the chairperson of that particular, but will have no vote on any matter coming before that committee. At the discretion of the Chairperson of any committee of the Democratic State Central Committee, a meeting of that committee may be held by telephonic conference or other electronic means. Unless otherwise provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Democratic State Central Committee, the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee shall appoint all (i) all members of standing committees and (ii) a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for each standing Committee. Except for the Secretary and Treasurer of the Democratic State Central Committee the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee may at any time without cause remove (i) any member of any standing committee and (ii) chairperson or vice-chairperson of any standing committee. A member of any standing committee and its chairperson or vice-chairperson term shall end on the earlier of (i) their resignation, (ii) removal, or (iii) they no longer being qualified to be a member of that committee. The Democratic State Central Committee shall have the following standing committees and such other committees as may be appointed from time to time by the Chairperson, provided that the committee appointed does not supersede the function, authority and power any of the following committees: A. Budget Committee: The Budget Committee shall be comprised of the State Party Treasurer, State Party Secretary, and (i) the Finance Chair, (ii) such other persons as may be appointed by the Chairperson, who also need not be members of the Democratic State Central Committee, and (iii) at least three(3) other members Democratic State Central Committee appointed by the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee all of whom must be ratified by the Democratic State Central Committee. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for: (1) Preparing a proposed annual budget for an administrative year beginning January 1, by November 1 of the prior year. Said proposed budget shall be submitted to the Executive 7

Committee, which shall approve the budget, with any adopted amendments, by December 1 of each year. (2) Propose plans to raise additional funds to the Finance Committee. (3) Prior to presentation of the budget for approval or the presentation of any amendment to the budget for approval to the Executive Committee, the Budget Committee shall (i) consult with the Finance Committee and Political Committee as to the budget, income and expenses contained in the budget or any amendment to the budget and (ii) thirty (30) days prior to presentation of the budget to the Executive Committee cause to be forwarded by U.S. Mail and/or electronic mail to the members of the Democratic State Central Committee a copy of the proposed budget and a notice of the date, time and place of the meeting where the budget will be considered by the Executive Committee. (4) Such other duties as may be proscribed from time to time by the State Party Chairperson, the Executive Committee, or the Democratic State Central Committee. B. Rules and By-laws Committee: The Rules and By-laws Committee shall be comprised of members appointed by the Chairperson and ratified by the Democratic State Central Committee. The Rules and By-laws Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and approving all proposed changes and amendments to the Louisiana Democratic Party Constitution and Bylaws in compliance with Articles X and XI of said Constitution and of these By-laws. C. Resolutions Committee: The Resolutions Committee shall be comprised of members appointed by the Chairperson and ratified by the Democratic State Central Committee. The Resolutions Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and approving all proposed resolutions in compliance with Article 4, Section 6 of these By-laws. D. Research & Issues Committee: The Research and Issues Committee shall be comprised of such number of persons appointed by the Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson and ratified by the Executive Committee. They need not be members of the Democratic State Central Committee and may be compensated as approved by the Executive Committee. Members of the Research and Issues Committee shall be knowledgeable in political issues and policy, State and Federal legislative issues such as redistricting issues, economic issues, issues facing the National government, Louisiana state, and local governments, and issues of concern to the citizens of the State of Louisiana. They shall assist in preparing analytical papers and discussions on such issues as requested by the Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson, Democratic elected official, and the Chairperson of the Political Committee, to be made available to Democratic elected officials, agency heads, and candidates, the Democratic State Central Committee and its committees and the Louisiana Democratic Leadership Institute. The Chairpersons of the Finance Committee and the Political Committee shall be members of the Research and Issues Committee. The Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson shall appoint the Chairperson of the Research and Issues Committee who may organize the committee, as he deems appropriate. D. Political Committee: The Political Committee shall be comprised of such number of persons appointed by the Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson and ratified by the Executive Committee. They need not be members of the Democratic State Central Committee but shall represent current and former elected Democratic officials, Democratic agency heads, and 8

Democratic voters who have knowledge as to national, state and local politics and issues of concern to the citizens of the Louisiana. 1. Purpose: They shall assist the Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson, Democratic State Central Committee, the Parish Committees, and Caucasus in electing Democratic Candidates, recruiting Democratic Candidates, increasing Democratic voter registration and building the party. The Chairperson of the Committee and its members may organize the Political Committee, as they deem appropriate. 2. Executive Board: There shall be an Executive Board of the Political Committee, who shall consist of (a) the Chairperson of the Political Committee, who shall be Chairperson of the Executive Board, or his designee, and three(3) persons appointed by Chairperson of the Political Committee from the Political Committee, (b) the Chairperson of the Finance Committee or his designee, and two persons appointed by him from the Finance Committee, (c) one member of the Democratic State Central Committee chosen by that Committee, and (d) the Chairperson of the State Democratic Central Committee or his designee, and such other persons he may appoint, who need not be members of the State Democratic Central Committee. The Executive Board may exercise the authority of the Political Committee during its absence or inability to timely act as determined by the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee. Subject to approval of the Chairperson of Democratic State Central Committee, the Political Committee Chairperson may organize the Political Committee, as it deems appropriate. 3. Constituent Out Reach/Caucuses. The Political Committee, subject to the approval of both the Executive Democratic State Central Committee and Chairperson of the Central Committee, authorize one or more outreach programs for traditional Louisiana Democratic constituents. Any caucus, committee, or program may (i) be organized as approved by the Political Committee and the Democratic State Central Committee and (ii) only take such action as is approved by the Political Committee and the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee. No caucus, committee or program may be organized or approved so as to authorize any member to exercise any right or authority reserved to members of the Democratic State Central Committee under the laws of the Louisiana, and the Constitution and By-laws of the Democratic State Central Committee. No caucus, committee or program may take any action or conduct any activities without approval of the both the Political Committee and the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee. 4. Local Government Caucus. There shall be a Local Government Caucus within the Political Committee. It shall consist of the elected Democratic local and municipal officials. The purpose of the Local Government Caucus shall be a resource for discussion and information on issues of concern to local government officials and their constituents. The Caucus shall meet at least once a year in conjunction with the Louisiana Democratic Leadership Institute, the Finance Committee, and Political Committee and shall have access to and use of the Research and Issues Committee. The Caucus may be organized as approved by the members of the Caucus and the Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee. 5. Legislative Caucus. There shall be a Legislative Caucus within the Political Committee. It shall consist of the elected Democratic legislative officials. The purpose of the Legislative Caucus shall be a resource for discussion and information on issues of concern to legislative officials and their constituents. The Caucus shall meet at least once a year in conjunction with the Louisiana Democratic Leadership Institute, the Finance Committee and the 9

Political Committee and shall have access to and use of the Research and Issues Committee. The Caucus may be organized as approved by the members of the Caucus and the Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee. 6. Louisiana Democratic Leadership Institute Creation & Purpose: Within the Political Committee there shall be the Louisiana Democratic Leadership Institute. The purpose of the Institute is to provide for (i) leadership and political training of and (ii) information about issues of concern to the citizens of Louisiana to, elected Democratic officials, Democratic candidates, and Democratic leaders. The Institute shall be subject to the control and direction of the Political Committee. a. Executive Board Louisiana Democratic Leadership Institute. The Executive Board of the Institute shall consist of (a) the Chairperson of the Finance Committee or his designee and one person appointed by him from the Finance Committee, (b) the Chairperson of the Political Committee, who shall be Chairperson of the Executive Board, or his designee, and 3 persons appointed by him from the Political Committee, (c) the Chairperson of the State Democratic Central Committee or his designee and such other persons he may appoint, who need not be members of the State Democratic Central Committee. The Executive Board shall exercise the authority of the Political Committee over the Institute when the Political Committee is unable to do so. Without limiting the forgoing, the Political Committee may provide for such cases when the Executive Board of the Institute may act. b. Institute Executive Director. There shall be an Executive Director selected by the Executive Board of the Institute and approved by the Executive Committee of the State Democratic State Central Committee. It shall perform such functions as assigned to it by the Executive Board of the Institute and the Chairperson of the State Democratic State Central Committee. c. Meetings & Seminars. The Institute shall hold such seminars and meetings as is appropriate to carry out its function of training and dissemination of information. However it shall annually conduct a seminar on political campaigns, current issues, and leadership of potential Democratic candidates and leaders. Each year prior to or during the legislative session, it shall conduct an information session for Democratic members of the Louisiana Legislature and other elected officials about issues coming before the legislature or of concern to the citizens of Louisiana. Upon request of a Democratic elected official and upon approval of the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee, hold such seminar upon such topics and issues as requested.


Finance Committee:

1. Membership: The Finance Committee shall be comprised of (i) the Treasurer or his designee, (ii) the Chairperson of the Political Committee or his designee, (iii) two members of the Political Committee appointed by the Chairperson of the Political Committee, (iv) the Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson or his designee, (v) such other number of 10

persons appointed by the Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson and ratified by the Executive Committee, who need not be members of the Democratic State Central Committee, and (vi) all donors who have reached the status of Patron and such level approved by the Finance Committee. It shall have a Chairperson who shall be appointed by the Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson and approved by the Executive Committee, who shall also be a member of the Budget Committee. 2. Purpose: The Finance Committee shall be responsible for raising funds for (i) the operation of the State Headquarters, (ii) payment of Democratic State Central Committee and its committees employees, its operations, activities, and expenses, (iii) support of Democratic Candidates, (iv) making known positions taken by the Democratic State Central Committee on issues, (v) party building, (vi) voter education and registration, and (vii) funding the Louisiana Democratic Leadership Institute. 3. Executive Board: The Executive Board of the Finance Committee, who shall consist of (a) the Chairperson of the Finance Committee or its designee, who shall be Chairperson of the Executive Board, and three(3) persons appointed by them from the Finance Committee and approved by the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee, (b) the Chairperson of the Political Committee or its designee, (c) the Treasurer, (d) one member of the Executive Committee of Democratic State Central Committee chosen by that Committee, and (e) the Chairperson of the State Democratic Central Committee or its designee, and one other person they may appoint, who need not be a member of the State Democratic Central Committee. The Executive Board may exercise the authority of the Finance Committee during its absence or inability to timely act as determined by the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee. 4. Approval of Fundraising Plans: Subject to approval by the Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson, the Finance Committee may implement such programs, development plans and methods for fundraising, as it deems appropriate. Any funds raised or contributed for a stated particular purpose may not be used only for such any other purposes, without approval of the Finance Committee or its Executive Board. 5. Consultation on Budget: Prior to the presentation of the proposed budget of the State Democratic Central Committee or any amendment to the budget, the Finance Committee shall submit its recommendation, to the Executive Committee for its approval prior to submission for vote of the Democratic State Central Committee. G. Audit Committee:

1. Membership: There shall be an Audit Committee composed of the Treasurer, the Chairperson of the Budget Committee, the Chairperson of the Finance Committee, the Chairperson of the Louisiana Democratic State Central Committee, or their designees, and two (2) other persons, who need not be members of the Louisiana Democratic State Central Committee, selected by the Executive Committee of the Louisiana Democratic State Central Committee. 2. Purpose: The purpose of the Committee is to (i) assist the Certified Accounting Firm selected by the Executive Committee, in the Annual Accounts Review and Compilation of the income, expenses, expenditures, and investments, and procedures for accounting and financial record keeping of the Louisiana State Democratic State Central Committee, (ii) make such records 11

as may be needed for the Annual Accounts Review and Compilation, (iii) receive the accounting firms report, and (iv) forward the accountings firms report along with the audit committees comments and recommendations. 3. Conduct of Audit: The Annual Accounts Review and Compilation shall be conducted by a Certified Accounting Firm selected by the Executive Committee of the Louisiana State Democratic State Central Committee. The Annual Accounts Review and Compilation shall be completed and forwarded to the Executive Committee within six (6) months of the end of the fiscal year of the Louisiana Democratic State Central Committee. Section 4 Expenses Officers, staff members, and members of the Democratic State Central Committee who represent the Louisiana Democratic Party on official business shall be reimbursed for actual traveling expenses, provided funds are available for such purposes. Said travel expenses are to be paid in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Executive Committee. Section 5 Filing Fees for Democratic Candidates A. In compliance with State law, the Democratic State Central Committee of Louisiana shall impose an additional filing fee for any state, local, or municipal candidate who qualifies as a Democrat. B. The amount of the additional filing fee shall be equal to one-half (1/2) the amount required by State law. C. Fees collected shall be used solely for the operations of the Democratic State Central Committee and shall not be used for the direct benefit of any particular candidate for public office. Section 6 Resolutions A. The Democratic State Central Committee may, as provided for below consider resolutions calling for the Congress, the State legislature, any Federal or State agency, or any nondemocrat elected official, appointee or candidate, (i) to take or cease any action or activity, (ii) in support of or in opposition to any proposed or enacted Federal or State legislative action or agency rule, (iii) in support of any Democratic elected official, Democratic appointee or Democratic candidate, their election, their actions, their activities, (iv) in support of or opposition to any issue or policy, or (v) any other resolution that the Democratic State Central Committee deems appropriate. Only members of the Louisiana State Democratic State Central Committee may submit resolutions for consideration by the Committee. B. All resolutions for consideration by the Democratic State Central Committee shall be submitted in writing to and must be received at the State Headquarters of the Louisiana Democratic Party at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the Democratic State Central Committee meeting at which the resolution will be considered. C. All resolutions shall be reviewed by the Resolutions Committee and either (i) approved or (ii) rejected by the Committee. The Resolutions Committee shall at least five (5) days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee shall mail to the 12

Democratic State Central Committees Members (i) a copy of the proposed resolutions, (ii) a discussion of the resolution, (iii) a report of the action of the Resolutions Committees approval or rejection, and (iv) the reasons for the Resolutions Committees approval or rejection. The full Democratic State Central Committee shall consider all Resolutions approved by Resolutions. D. Any meeting of the Resolutions Committee may be by held telephonic conference or any other electronic means. E. Any resolution proposed to the Resolutions Committee may be approved or rejected by written consent of more than fifty percent (50%) of the members of the Committee without the necessity of a meeting. F. The Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee may suspend the rules regarding the fifteen (15) day filing and five (5) day mailing periods. G. A Resolution may be approved by either (i) a majority vote of the Democratic State Central Committee, but not less than ninety-four (94) members at any meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee or (ii) by vote of 75.00% of the members of the Democratic State Central Committee by mail ballot. F. Any resolution rejected by the Resolutions Committee can be considered by the Democratic State Central Committee if such consideration is approved by a majority vote of the Democratic State Central Committee. Article 5 Democratic State Central Committee Meetings Section 1 Meeting A. The Democratic State Central Committee shall meet upon the call of the Chairperson or upon petition in writing of at least one third (1/3) of the elected membership of the Democratic State Central Committee. At least three(3) meetings per year shall be called, one of which shall be held at the State Capitol and one of which shall be during the Regular State Legislative Session. At this meeting the Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson, after consultation with the Executive Committee, Research and Issues Committee, and Political Committee, may submit Resolutions in of support or in opposition for any proposed legislative action for consideration of and comment by the Democratic State Central Committee. All meetings will be conducted according to the official rules of order of the Democratic State Central Committee and/or, in the absence thereof, Robert's Rules of Order, most recently revised. B. Members of the Democratic State Central Committee and Democratic Parish Executive Committee Chairs and First Vice-Chairs shall be notified of all meetings no less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting. C. The Chair and First Vice-Chair of the Democratic Parish Executive Committees will be allowed to address meetings of the Democratic State Central Committee as non-voting members on all issues before the Democratic State Central Committee.


Section 2 Quorum and Voting by Proxy A. In order for any business to be transacted by the Democratic State Central Committee or any part of the Democratic State Central Committee, including subcommittees, a quorum of the members of said committee must be present in person or by proxy. A quorum will consist of a majority of the members of the committee or subcommittee. B. A member of the Democratic State Central Committee may cast a vote by proxy for an absent member, subject to the following conditions: (1) (2) (3) (4) No member shall exercise the proxy votes of more than three(3) other members at any meeting. Only a member of the Democratic State Central Committee shall hold and exercise a proxy. A proxy need not be notarized to be valid. Each proxy shall be filed in writing with the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee or a subcommittee prior to or at the time of a meeting. Proxies shall be used to determine a quorum.


Section 3 Voting by Mail Ballot The Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson upon approval of a majority vote of the Executive Committee may call for the vote on any issue that may come before a meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson by written mail ballot. In such a case the ballots shall be cast as follows: (1) The ballot along with a notice of the final date it must be returned to the State Headquarters and a detailed discussion of the proposed actions shall be mailed to all members of the Democratic State Central Committee along with the following 3 envelopes: (i) one plain unmarked envelope (Ballot Envelope), (ii) one envelope marked Signature Envelope (Signature Envelope), and one envelope marked return envelope which shall be postage prepaid and addressed to the Democratic State Central Committee headquarters (Return Envelope). (2) All Ballots much be received at the State Headquarters at such time set by the Executive Committee, which date shall be not less than 30 days nor more than 45 days from the date of mailing to the members of the Democratic State Committee. (3) The mailing shall include instructions to cast the ballot and place it in the Ballot Envelope. To place the Ballot Envelope in the Signature Envelope and sign the Signature Envelope, print the members name and their district. Finally to place the Signature Ballot into the Return Envelope and place it in the mail.


(4) When received each Return Envelope will be marked with the date received. (5) The Democratic State Central Committee Chairperson shall appoint a committee consisting of persons in favor and opposed to the proposition to count the ballots. (6) They shall open the Return and Signature Envelopes and note the name of the member voting and put into a pile the Ballot Envelope. (7) Once they have opened all the Signature Envelopes, they shall open the Ballot Envelopes and tally the vote. (8) The proposed measure shall pass upon Seventy five percent (75.00%) affirmative vote of the entire membership of the Democratic State Central Committee. Section 4 Attendance A. All members of the Democratic State Central Committee should attend or may designate a proxy to represent them at meetings of the Democratic State Central Committee. B. Any member failing to attend in person or by proxy at least three(3) meetings of the Democratic State Central Committee may be deemed to have resigned and vacated his or her office, unless he or she submits a doctor's certificate certifying that he or she was unable to attend. The Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee shall notify the former member and the Secretary of State and the Chairperson of the Democratic Parish Executive Committee of the vacancy. Section 5- Democratic State Central Committee Executive Session A. Upon motion of any member of the Democratic State Central Committee, stating the reason for the motion, and upon consent of forty percent (40.00%) of the members in actual attendance, a meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee or any committee thereof, may go into Executive Session for such time as determined by the Chairperson of the committee but not more than one hour, which may be extended upon motion and approval of a majority actual members in attendance at the meeting for a period not in excess of one half hour. B. No binding vote of the membership may be taken during such executive session on any matter, however a vote on the language of a proposed resolution or action of the Democratic State Central Committee or any committee thereof, that will be acted upon at the general membership meeting may be taken. Should such the language of a proposed resolution or action be adopted during the executive session, upon adjournment of executive session, the proposed resolution or action shall immediately be brought to a vote of the membership. No discussion of or amendment to the proposed resolution or proposed action shall be germane shall not be allowed. C. The only persons who shall be present at during such executive session are the members of the Democratic State Central Committee or any committee thereof, and such persons permitted by the Chairperson or majority vote of the members 15

of the committee. Section 6-Voting Any action taken by the Democratic State Central Committee shall be deemed approved only upon the vote of the larger of (i) a majority of the members present in person or by proxy at the meeting or (ii) ninety-four (94) members in person or by proxy. Article 6 Membership Section 1 Membership A. The Democratic State Central Committee shall be comprised of 210 members as provided for in the Louisiana Democratic Party Constitution and the Louisiana Election Code. Two members shall be elected from each of the districts from which members of the House of Representatives of the legislature are elected. B. As provided in the Louisiana Election Code, members of the Democratic State Central Committee shall be elected every four years. C. Any registered Democrat may seek membership on the Democratic State Central Committee. Candidates shall file with their respective Parish Clerk of Court in the parish in which they are seeking election, and shall pay a fee as set forth in La. Rev. Stat. Title 18:464. This fee shall be paid to the Democratic State Central Committee by the respective Parish Clerk of Court. D. All Louisiana members of the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic State Central Committee Executive Committee who are not elected members of the Democratic State Central Committee shall be afforded all privileges accorded to members of the Democratic State Central Committee except the privilege of voting. Section 2 Resignations of Members Any member of the Democratic State Central Committee wishing to resign his or her position shall notify, in writing, the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee of his or her desire to resign. Failure to attend three (3) meetings of the Democratic State Central Committee without providing a proxy shall be presumed a resignation. The Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee shall notify the Secretary of State and the Chairperson of the Democratic Parish Executive Committee that a vacancy exists. Said vacancy shall occur upon acceptance of the resignation by the Chairperson.

Section 3 Vacancies A. A vacancy occurs in the membership of the Democratic State Central Committee when a member dies, resigns, no longer meets the qualifications for membership on the Committee, or no one qualifies and is elected to succeed a member whose four-year term has expired.


B. In the case of a vacancy on the Democratic State Central Committee, the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee shall appoint a member to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term subject to the approval of a majority of the membership of the Democratic State Central Committee in attendance at a legally constituted meeting. The person(s) appointed must meet the guidelines provided in the Louisiana Democratic Party Constitution for membership on the Democratic State Central Committee and shall be required to pay a filing fee equal to the Party fee assessed by the Parish Clerk of Court as set forth in La. Rev. Stat. Title 18:464. Such filing fee shall be shared equally between the Democratic State Central Committee and the Parish Executive Committee from where the appointed member resides. All persons appointed may serve as temporary members until ratified at the first order of business by a majority vote of the Democratic State Central Committee. Section 4 Contest or Challenges A. Any challenges to the credentials of a member of the Democratic State Central Committee may be made by any Democrat from the Democratic State Central Committee district of the member challenged or by any member of the Democratic State Central Committee and shall be filed by registered mail (return receipt requested) with the Chairperson. B. In case of a contest or challenge to credentials, the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee shall appoint an Ad Hoc Credentials Committee of nine members to consider and report to the full Democratic State Central Committee their recommendations after allowing the challenged member an adequate opportunity to respond. Any member challenged will have 21 days in which to respond to the findings and recommendations of the Ad Hoc Credentials Committee in writing to the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee who shall report said response to the full membership of the Democratic State Central Committee. C. The findings and recommendations of the Ad Hoc Credentials Committee as well as the challenged member's response shall be considered and acted upon by a majority vote of the Democratic State Central Committee. Article 7 Censure Section 1 - Definition Censure is a public expression of condemnation by the Democratic State Central Committee. Section 2 - Grounds for Censure Any member of (i) the Democratic State Central Committee, (ii) of the various Democratic Parish Executive Committees, or (iii) any committee of any of thereof, may be subject to censure for (i) publicly endorsing or publicly supporting any candidate who is not registered with the Democratic Party in any election contest in which there is a candidate who is registered to vote with the Democratic Party or (ii) takes any action in contravention of the Constitution, By-laws, or 17

rules of the Democratic State Central Committee. Any Democratic candidate who has been unsuccessful in a primary election may be subject to censure for publicly endorsing or publicly supporting in the subsequent general election a candidate for that office who is not registered with the Democratic Party when there is a candidate for that office who is registered to vote with the Democratic Party. Section 3 - Initiation of Proceedings Censure may be initiated by the filing with the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee a petition signed by at least twenty (20) percent of the members of the Committee setting forth with particularity the grounds for the censure. Section 4 - Executive Committee Hearings A. Within three days after receipt of a censure petition, the Chairperson shall forward to the person named in the petition and to each member of the Democratic State Central Committee a copy of the petition and an official notice that a meeting of the Executive Committee will be convened for the purpose to consider the petition not less than seven (7) nor more than fourteen (14) days thereafter. B. The person named in the petition and any member of the Democratic State Central Committee may appear before the meeting of the Executive Committee to present evidence and arguments with respect to the proposed censure. The person named in the petition shall have the right to cross-examine any person who presents evidence against him/her. C. At the conclusion of the presentations, the committee may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total voting membership of the Executive Committee, recommend censure to the full Democratic State Central Committee. If, at the conclusion of the meeting, two-thirds (2/3) of the total voting membership of the Executive Committee has failed to adopt a motion recommending censure, the petition shall be dismissed and no further action taken. D. The petition for censure and proceedings of the Executive Committee dealing with or related to the petition of censure shall be confidential. Section 5 - Action by the Democratic State Central Committee A. If the Executive Committee recommends censure, the Chairperson shall immediately call a meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee to be held not less than seven (7) nor more than fourteen (14) days thereafter for the purpose of considering the censure petition. B. When the petition comes before the Democratic State Central Committee, each member shall have the right to present evidence and arguments with respect to the petition. In no instance shall the proponents and opponents of the petition be given less than one hour, respectively, to debate the censure. C. At the conclusion of the debate, the Democratic State Central Committee may, by roll call vote of a majority of the total membership in person of the Committee, vote in favor of censure. If, at the conclusion of the meeting, a majority of the total membership of the Committee has failed to approve the censure petition, the petition shall be dismissed and no further action shall 18

be taken. D. At any meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee called for the purposes of determining censure no proxy may be counted for determination of a quorum or in the determination of a majority vote of the total membership Democratic State Central Committee. Section 6 - Effect of Censure Any person censured by action of the Democratic State Central Committee shall be ineligible to receive political contributions or any form of political support from the Democratic State Central Committee until the censure has been lifted by a majority vote of the Democratic State Central Committee. Immediately after the adoption of a censure petition, the Democratic State Central Committee shall publicize one time the actions of the Committee and notify the Democratic National Committee and all Democratic members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives. Article 8 Affiliation of State Democratic Organizations Section 1 Who May Affiliate Organizations, which are organized to promote the Louisiana Democratic Party, may apply for and obtain affiliation with the Democratic State Central Committee. Section 2 Procedures for Affiliation A. Organizations wishing to affiliate with the Democratic State Central Committee shall submit to the Chairperson the following: (1) A resolution or motion passed by their organization requesting affiliation; (2) All information requested by Democratic State Central Committee; and, (3) A copy of the constitution, by-laws and all other corporate documents, if adopted. If none is adopted a copy of the proposed constitution and by-laws, which must be adopted prior to approval by the Democratic State Central Committee as an affiliated organization. B. Such organizations may be accepted for affiliation by the Executive Committee and approved by the Democratic State Central Committee by majority vote. C. The Democratic State Central Committee may require the constitution, by-laws, or any other corporate documents of the organization, to contain or delete such provisions as it may require. Upon failure to do so the Democratic State Central Committee may revoke or deny the affiliation of the organization. Additionally the Democratic State Central Committee may revoke the affiliation of any organization that is found not to be in compliance with the rules of the Democratic State Central Committee.


Article 9 Amendments to By-laws Section 1 Submission of Amendments. Any member of the Democratic State Central Committee may request that an amendment to the these By-laws be considered at the next meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee by submitting the amendment in writing along with an explanation of the proposed amendment, the parts of these By-laws to be amended, and the reason and purpose for the change to the Rules and By-laws Committee forty-five (45) days prior to the meeting. Section 2 Review & Approval by Rules & By-laws Committee. All changes and amendments to these By-laws must be reviewed and approved by the Rules and By-laws Committee within 20 days of the receipt of proposed amendment or change in order to be considered by the full Democratic State Central Committee. Section 3 Notices to Members. Upon approval of the amendment or change by the Rules and By-laws Committee the Rules and By-laws Committee shall cause a copy of the amendment or change along with the explanation of the change and purpose to be mailed to all the members of the Democratic State Central Committee fourteen days prior to the meeting it will be considered. Section 4 Consideration of Proposed Change if Rejected The Democratic State Central Committee may consider any changes or amendments to these Bylaws rejected by the Rules and By-laws Committee if such consideration is approved by a majority vote of the Democratic State Central Committee. ARTICLE 10 DEMOCRATIC PARISH EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES Section 1 Duty and Powers Subject to State law, the Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall have general responsibility for the affairs of the Democratic Party on the local level. This responsibility shall include, but not be limited to: A. Assisting in the election of local and statewide Democratic candidates; and, B. Promoting and encouraging Democratic Party activities, including, but not limited to the following: (1) Encouraging and promoting voter registration; (2) Establishing and maintaining a strong, viable Democratic organization on the parish level; (3) Assisting local Democratic organizations; 20

(4) Raising funds for both state and parish Democratic activities and for the Louisiana Democratic Party; and, (5) Educating local voters as to Democratic Party issues and activities. Section 2 Membership A. The Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall be composed of membership as provided by state law. B. Any registered Democrat may seek election to the Democratic Parish Executive Committee of the parish in which he is registered. C. Members of the Democratic Parish Executive Committees shall be elected every four years in compliance with State law. D. Election of Democratic Parish Executive Committee Members (1) If the number of candidates who qualified for office exceeds the number of candidates to be elected for that office, the candidate who receives the greater number of votes cast shall be elected. If two or more offices of the same character are to be filled, each candidate who received the greater number of votes cast, as compared with the number of votes cast for each other candidate, is elected until all offices are filled. If two or more candidates receive the same number of votes, and as a result thereof, the number of candidates who would otherwise be elected exceed the number of remaining offices, the offices shall be filled by a public drawing of lots among such candidates, conducted by the Democratic Parish Executive Committee at its organizational meeting held pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. Title 18:444 C. (2) If, after the close of the qualifying period, the number of candidates for membership on a Democratic Parish Executive Committee does not exceed the number of members to be elected to the Committee, the candidates for membership on that Democratic Parish Executive Committee, or those remaining after the death or withdrawal of one or more candidates, are declared elected by the people, and their name shall not appear on the ballot. Section 3 Meetings A. The newly elected members of each Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall meet at the Parish courthouse or such other place as may be designated by the outgoing Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee commencing at 12:00 p.m., on a date at least twenty-eight (28) days before the organizational meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee. At the organizational meeting of the Democratic Parish Executive Committee, a temporary Chairperson shall be elected to conduct the meeting, and the following officers shall be elected: Chairperson, First Vice-Chair, who shall be of the opposite sex of the Chairperson, and Treasurer. Election shall be by a majority of those in attendance and voting. Nominations and elections for officers to be elected shall be conducted as follows: Nominations for Chairperson, election of Chairperson; nominations for First Vice-Chair, election of First Vice-Chair; nominations for Treasurer, election of Treasurer; and nominations and elections of all other committee officers as may be provided for by the By-laws of the Committee or by custom. The 21

newly-elected Chairperson of each Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall certify the full names, complete mailing addresses, and telephone numbers of the newly-elected officers to the outgoing Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee within three (3) days of the election. B. After the election of the Committee officers, and at the next meeting of the Democratic Parish Executive Committee, a majority of the newly-elected members of the Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of organizing and filling any vacancies which may exist due to death, ineligibility, or failure to fill a vacancy by election. In the event that no person qualifies for membership on the Democratic Parish Executive Committee, or not enough people qualify to fill offices of Chairperson, First Vice-Chair, and Treasurer, as set out hereinabove, the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee shall institute such procedures as he/she deems appropriate for the formation of a Committee. C. The Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall meet at least four times a year at a time and date to be determined by the Chairperson of the Parish Executive Committee. D. A member of a Democratic Parish Executive Committee may vote by written proxy for an absent member. A member shall not exercise the proxy votes of more than two other members at a time. Section 4 Vacancies A. A vacancy occurs in the membership of a Democratic Parish Executive Committee when a member dies, resigns, no longer meets the qualifications for membership on the Committee, or no person qualifies and is elected to succeed a member whose four-year term has expired. A Democratic Parish Executive Committee may declare a vacancy when a member has failed to attend in person three (3) consecutive meetings of a Democratic Parish Executive Committee either in person or by proxy, unless he/she has submitted a doctor's certificate certifying that he/she was unable to attend. B. A vacancy in the membership of a Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall be filled by a member appointed by a majority of the newly elected members of the Executive Committee to serve until an election to fill the unexpired term is conducted and the newly elected member takes office. An election to fill the unexpired term of an office of a member of a Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall be held in conjunction with and at the same time as the next regular or special election, which is conducted and held throughout the entirety of the district wherein the vacancy occurred. C. The person(s) appointed or elected must meet the guidelines provided in the Louisiana Democratic Party Constitution for membership on the Democratic State Central Committee and shall be required to pay a filing fee equal to the Party fee assessed by the Parish Clerk of Court as set forth in La. Rev. Stat. Title 18:464. Such filing fee shall be shared equally between the Democratic State Central Committee and the Parish Executive Committee from where the appointed member resides. All persons appointed may serve as temporary members until ratified at the first order of business by a majority vote of the Democratic State Central Committee. D. A member elected to a Democratic Parish Executive Committee at such an election shall be elected as provided by state law and the By-laws of the Democratic State Central 22

Committee of Louisiana, except that if an office is to be filled by a public drawing of lots, the public drawing shall be conducted within fifteen (15) days after the election. Section 5 Affiliation with the Democratic State Central Committee A. The Democratic Parish Executive Committee is an integral part of the Democratic Party, and under the jurisdiction of the Democratic State Central Committee in accordance with state law and the rules of the Democratic National Committee. B. No Democratic Parish Executive Committee may adopt any constitution, by-laws, Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Association, Articles of Organization, rules without written majority approval of the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee and the Parish Executive Committee. C. No Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall file any Constitution, Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Association, Articles of Organization or any other document may be filed with the Secretary of State of Louisiana, any Clerk of Court or in any other office of any state or local official without approval of the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee and the Parish Executive Committee. D. Prior to the adoption of any constitution, by-laws, Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Association, Articles of Organization, rules a Parish Democratic Central Committee shall submit a copy thereof to the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee. The Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee may require such changes, as it deems necessary by majority vote. E. The Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall provide the Democratic State Central Committee with changes in its membership and copies of minutes of its official meetings. F. At any meeting called for the endorsement of a candidate, no member of the Democratic State Central Committee shall be permitted to wear any campaign paraphernalia. Section 6 Fund Raising and Maintenance of Financial Records A. In compliance with state law, the Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall raise funds through the assessment of fees and other methods for Democratic Party operations, under the following conditions: (1) Each Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall establish a separate account for the deposit of all funds received by the assessment of qualifying fees from Democratic candidates. (2) Funds received by the assessment of such fees shall be used solely for the operations of the committee and shall not be used for the direct benefit of any particular candidate for public office. (3) Funds from sources other than the assessment of qualifying fees may be used in direct support of Democratic candidates. In no event shall a Democratic Parish Executive Committee make an expenditure other than in direct support of Democratic candidates, Democratic 23

Party activities, or to maintain operations of the Committee. B. Collections and expenditures of funds received by the assessment of qualifying fees shall be audited annually and submitted to the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee no later than February 1 of each year and shall cover the period from January 1 through December 31 of the previous year. C. If any Democratic Parish Executive Committee raises or expends funds from sources other than the assessment of fees in excess of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) annually, the Committee shall file an additional statement of income and expenditures with the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee no later than February 1st of each year and shall cover the period from January 1 through December 31 of the previous year. Section 7 Formation of Democratic Parish Executive Committees in Parishes Where No Committee Has Been Elected Democratic Parish Executive Committees which are formed in parishes where no Parish Executive Committee has been elected shall do so in compliance with La. Rev. Stat. Title 18:445. Section 8 - Affiliation of Local Organizations A. Local organizations, which wish to be affiliated with the Democratic Parish Executive Committee, shall file with the Democratic State Central Committee and the Parish Executive Committee a proposed copy of their constitution and an updated membership list and a statement of their objectives. No Constitution, Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Association, Articles of Organization or any other document may be filed with the Secretary of State of Louisiana, any Clerk of Court or in any other office of any state or local official without written majority approval of the Democratic State Central Committee and the Parish Executive Committee. B. A local organization may receive affiliation only by a majority vote of both (i) the Executive Board of the Democratic State Central Committee and (ii) the members present at a meeting of the Democratic Parish Executive Committee.

Section 9 Attendance Any member failing to attend in person at least three consecutive meetings of a Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall be deemed to have vacated his or her office, unless he or she submits a doctor's certificate certifying that he or she was unable to attend. When such a vacancy is created, the Chairperson of said Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall notify the former member of the Democratic Parish Executive Committee and the Secretary of State of the vacancy, and the majority of duly elected and appointed members to the Parish Executive Committee will vote to fill the vacancy. ARTICLE 11 LOUISIANA DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONVENTION 24

A. A Louisiana Democratic Party Convention may be held every four years in a city and on a date to be determined by the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee. B. The delegate selection process for the Louisiana Democratic Party Convention is as follows: (1) The members of the Democratic State Central Committee shall automatically become voting delegates (total 210). All Democratic Parish Executive Committee Chairpersons and First Vice-Chairpersons shall be automatic voting delegates (total 128). Any other qualified Democrat is welcome and may attend the convention. (2) Each parish shall receive at least two (2) voting delegates and one (1) additional delegate for every 10,000 Democratic voters within the parish. The Democratic Parish Executive Committees shall elect these delegates. No parish shall receive less than two (2) delegates. (3) Democratic elected officials who are members of Congress, statewide elected officials, state senators, and state representatives, by virtue of their offices, shall serve as voting delegates to the Louisiana Democratic Party Convention. C. The officers of the Democratic State Central Committee shall serve as officers of the Louisiana Democratic Party Convention. D. All resolutions for consideration shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the opening date of the convention. Resolutions and other matters of reference shall be assigned to the appropriate committees. E. All resolutions and other actions approved by the membership of the Louisiana Democratic Party Convention shall be submitted to the Democratic State Central Committee for final approval. F. The Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee shall appoint a convention planning committee one (1) year prior to the convention.

Article 12 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CAUCUSES Section 1 Congressional District Caucuses Membership A Congressional District Caucus shall be comprised of members of the Democratic State Central Committee who reside in and are registered to vote in the Congressional District. In addition, a Chairperson or First ViceChairperson of a Democratic Parish Executive Committee shall be a member of the Caucus in the Congressional District in which he/she resides and is registered to vote. All Caucus members shall be eligible for election as officers of the Caucus or as a Congressional District Representative to the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee. Section 2 Congressional District Caucuses Officers: Officers of each Congressional District Caucus shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, who shall be of the opposite sex of the 25

Chairperson, and a Secretary. Two members, one male and one female shall represent each Caucus on the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee. The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary of a Caucus may also be elected to serve as a Caucus Representative to the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee. Section 3 Vacancies: Any vacancy for any the Congressional District Caucus office of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Caucus Representative to the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Central Committee shall be filled by majority vote of the members of that the Congressional District Caucus at a meeting called by the Chairperson of that Congressional District Caucus. Section 4 Organizational Meeting: The Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee shall call a meeting of each Congressional District Caucus no later than sixty (60) days following the organizational meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee on a date and at a place to be designated by the Chairperson. Members of the Caucuses shall be given at least ten (10) days advance notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting and shall be provided with the name, address, and to the extent possible, the telephone number of each Caucus member in his/her respective District when notice of the meeting is given. Caucus members present at the time of the meeting shall constitute a quorum. Section 5-Purpose of Congressional District Caucuses: A. Purpose: The purpose of the Congressional District Caucuses is to assist in electing of persons registered Democratic voters to local and congressional offices. A Congressional District Caucus shall be subordinate to the Democratic State Central Committee and shall not endorse candidates for public office. B. Meeting with Candidates: In order to assist in the election of such person within 15 days of a person announcing his intention to seek public office as a Democratic Candidate, the members of the Democratic State Central Committee and Parish Executive Committee who are eligible to vote for such candidate, the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee or his designee, a member of the Finance Committee and the Political Committee shall meet with the candidate to advise as to the assistance and resources that the State Central Committee and Parish Executive Committee may make available to the candidate. Thereafter on a regular basis the members of the Democratic State Central Committee and Parish Executive Committee who are eligible to vote for such candidate, the Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee or his designee, a member of the Finance Committee and the Political Committee shall meet with the candidate to determine what assistance and resources that the State Central Committee and Parish Executive Committee may make available to the candidate. No quorum shall be required for the meeting. C. Person to Call Candidate Meeting-Removal for Failure to Do So: It shall be the responsibility of the Congressional Caucus Chairperson and the Congressional Caucus representatives to the Democratic State Central Committee Executive Committee to organize, call and hold such meetings and to advise the Congressional Caucus members of the meeting. Should such meetings not occur the Congressional Caucus Chairperson and the Congressional Caucus representatives to the Democratic State Central Committee Executive Committee shall be removed from office. In such a case no vote or action of the Congressional Caucus or the Democratic State Central Committee shall be required. The Chairperson of the Democratic State Central Committee 26

shall upon notice of the failure to call and hold such meetings, shall call and set a time and place for the election of a new chairperson and representatives to the State Democratic Central Committee for the Congressional Caucus. Section 6 Congressional District Caucuses Meetings The Chairman of the Congressional District Caucuses may call a meeting of the Congressional District Caucus upon 15 day written notice to the members of the Caucus. Article 13 Effective Date These amended By-laws shall become effective upon majority vote of the Louisiana State Democratic State Central Committee. Approved at Duly Called Meeting of the Louisiana Democratic State Central Committee on the ______ day of __________, 2011 by Majority Vote.

_____________________________ Chairperson Louisiana Democratic State Central Committee

____________________________ Secretary Louisiana Democratic State Central Committee


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