Modeling and Simulation of Methanation Catalytic Reactor in Ammonia Unit
Modeling and Simulation of Methanation Catalytic Reactor in Ammonia Unit
Modeling and Simulation of Methanation Catalytic Reactor in Ammonia Unit
Abstract In ammonia synthesis units the amount of CO and CO2 shall be minimized as they are considered as poisons for the related catalysts. To achieve this, methanation catalytic reactor is incorporated after the high and low temperature shift reactor to decrease the concentration of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide to an allowable limit. The nature of the reactions taken place in methanation catalytic reactor is similar to that of steam reforming one. So the reaction kinetic is somehow known but the important point is the approach incorporated to measure the effectiveness factor of catalytic reactions. In this paper the influence coefficient has been measured using Orthogonal Collocation approach. The system equation set has been solved using the general available approaches. The results taken from simulation show a good compatibility with the available industrial data in Khorasan petrochemical complex.
Keywords: Methanation, Modeling, Simulation, Catalytic Reactor, Effectiveness factor
1. Introduction Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are considered as catalyst poisons in lots of hydrogenation processes such as ammonia production. So in ammonia production units as well as other hydrogen production units, after adsorption of carbon dioxide, the amount of the residual carbon oxides shall be decreased as much as possible. In an ammonia unit, methanation is the last step of purgation. In this section the concentration of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide is 0.1 to 0.5 percent, which will be purged using catalytic reaction with hydrogen. The concentration of residual carbon oxides in outgoing gas of the methanation reactor will be less that 5 ppm . Methanation is a catalytic reaction from kinetic point of view and adiabatic considering its thermal characteristics. So in simulation of this reactor, the mathematical model includes the kinetics of the reactions carried out on the catalyst. Also considering penetration of reactor gases to internal surface of the catalyst, the mass transfer issues will be very important. In this paper, kinetic and mass transfer relations have been incorporated in simulation to yield proper results. 2. Modeling of Methanation Reactor 2. 1 Reaction Kinetics
The following assumptions have been considered in modeling of the reactor: 1. Gas mixture is considered ideal 2. System is in steady state condition
3. Relations of mass transfer, temperature, and momentum are assumed to be onedimensional. Also distribution of concentration, heat and pressure is uniform in each cross section of the reactor. 4. Axial mass and heat transfer are assumed to be negligible. Researches show that among the 11 equations outlined in table 1, the following thee primary equations play substantial role: CO + 3H2 CH 4 + H2O (1) CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (2) CO2 + 4H2 CH 4 + 2H2O (3) In fact the above equations are the reverse of steam reforming reactions. Table-1: Probable reactions in methanation reactor [5] H 2 9 8 ,k g /m o l Reactions
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
CO + 3H 2 CH 4 + H 2 O CO + H 2 O CO2 + H 2 CO2 + 4 H 2 CH 4 + 2 H 2 O CH 4 + CO2 +2CO + 2 H 2 CH 4 + 3CO2 +4CO + 2 H 2 O CH 4 C + 2H 2 2CO C + CO2 CO + H 2 C + H 2 O CO2 + H 2 C + 2 H 2 O CH 4 + 2CO 3C + 2 H 2 O CH 4 + CO2 2C + 2 H 2 O
-206.1 41.15 -165 -247.3 -330 -74.82 -173.3 131.3 90.13 187.6 15.3
Considering the Xu & Froment kinetic [5], reaction rate equations 1 to 3 are as follow:
3 For reaction 1: r = k1 P P PH PCO /(DEN )2 1 2.5 H O CH
For reaction 2:
PH32.5 ( D E N
PH42 PC O 2 2 PC H 4 PH 2O K 1K 2
Rate constants of the above equations are defined as functions of temperature [5,6]:
28879.0 kmol.kPa k1 = 9.490 1016 exp T kg.h 1 8074.3 kmol.kPa k 2 = 4.390 10 4 exp T kg.h
26830.0 K1 = 10266.76 exp + 30.11 ; kPa 2 T 4400.0 K 2 = exp 4.063 T 2 K 3 = K1K 2 ; kPa
2. 2 Mass, Energy and Momentum Balance Equations [5,6,7]
Before modeling of the reactor, equilibrium constraints on considered system have to be considered. For instance the process is exothermal and increase of temperature will reduce the conversion rate. Considering that two of the three main reactions are independent from each other, by definition of two corresponding variables, by means of the conversion rate, it is possible to determine all the concentration variables.
X CH 4 = X CO2 =
With the above definitions, it will be possible to drive all the models flow rates in terms of X CO2 and X CH 4 . For example the molar flow rate of methane FCH 4 will be as follows:
FCH 4 = FCH 4 , 0 (1 X CH 4 )
Hence, partial pressures are defined based on the components molar flow rates:
FH O FCH 4 , 0 ( X CH 4 + X CO2 PH 2O = Pt 2 , 0 Ftotal, 0 + 2 FCH 4, 0 X CH 4 FCH 4 , 0 1 X CH 4 PCH 4 = Pt Ftotal, 0 + 2 FCH 4 , 0 X CH 4 FH + FCH 4 , 0 (3 X CH 4 + X CO2 ) PH 2 = Pt 2 , 0 Ftotal, 0 + 2 FCH 4 , 0 X CH 4
Substituting of the above partial pressure equations of feed and product in reaction rate equations will cause the rate equations to be in terms of conversion rate variables. Now it will be possible to derive the balance equations. Mass balance equations for CH 4 and CO 2 are as follow:
dFCH 4 dZ dFCO2 dZ
= B (+r1 + 3 r3 ) = B (+ 2 r 2 + 3r3 )
In which
z is the length of the reactor ( m ), is the cross section of the reactor ( m 2 ), B is kg the catalyst mass density ( m 3 ) and 1 , 2 , 3 are Effectiveness Factors of the reaction.
r1 , r2 , r3 are reaction rates (
kgmol ) in absence of penetration constraints. kg
dX CH 4 dZ
dX CO2 dZ
B ( 2 r2 + 3r3 ) FCH 4 , 0
Energy balance equation, with considering that the reactor is adiabatic, simultaneously solved with equations 17 and 18:
Momentum balance equation, which yields pressure drop along the reactor, is as follows:
g us dPt =f dp dz
In which dp is the equivalent diameter of the catalyst particle. To determine friction coefficient
f , experimental and semi-experimental relations are used. The artificial speed can be determined by means of continuity equation:
P T Ftotal, 0 + 2 FCH 4 , 0 X CH 4 (21) u s = u so t ,0 P To Ftotal, 0 t Inlet flow speed u so can be calculated using molar flow rate and input temperature and
pressure conditions:
u s ,0 =
Ftotal, 0 RTo Pt , 0
at z=0
X CH 4 = 0,
X CO2 = 0, T = T0 , Pt = Pt , 0
The set of equations with the mentioned boundary conditions are solved using Matlab software. 3. Calculation of Reaction Effectiveness Factor [5,8] Mass transfer or penetration resistances against the reaction materials, play important roles in the results obtained from modeling of catalytic reactions. So to modify the kinetic behavior of reaction rate equations, Effectiveness Factor is defined. In achieved modeling, the effectiveness factors can be calculated by definition of penetration equations in radial direction of the catalyst. Continuity equations for CH 4 and CO 2 in an spherical element is as follows:
De ,CH 4 De,CO2
In which De , CH 4 is the effective penetration coefficient in component i. Catalyst particle has been considered to be isothermal and it is assumed that there isnt any heat transfer from the catalyst particle to the outside. The obtained equations shall be solved in every radial position of the reactor with the assigned boundary conditions. Having partial pressures of CH 4 and CO 2 , concentrations of other components could be obtained by means of stoichiometry. Xu & Froment has used a similar model for determination of effective penetration factor. The boundary conditions for dimensionless catalytic particle equations are as below:
dPCH 4
(26) (27)
is the dimensionless radius of the catalyst particle, PCH 4 , PCO2 are local
partial pressures in catalyst and PCH 4 , B , PCO2 , B show the partial pressures in the fluid outside the particle. As the catalyst is assumed to be isothermal, there will be no energy balance equation satisfied for that and the reaction rate will be determined in fluid temperature. Also partial differential equations 26 and 27 have been derived by differential approximation. These equations are converted to a set of algebraic equations, which have been solved by Newton method. Because of the complexity of reaction rate equations, jacopian numerical method has been incorporated instead of analytical method. When effectiveness factor equations are solved, then the balance equations of the reactor will be also solvable. 3. 1 Simulation Results Reactor dimensions, catalyst specifications, operating conditions and concentration of the reactor input components adopted from available documents of methanation reactor of [9] Khorasan Petrochemical Complex Ammonia Unit. It has been given in table (2) . Simulation results and input/output data of the industrial reactor has been compared in table (3).
Table-2: Methanation reactor design and operation specifications [9]. Dimensions length of methanator inside diameter of the methanator 4.8 m 2.686 m
The Catalyst pellet Shape spherical particles Diameter Porosity Tortuosity factor Bulk density Catalyst length Mean pore radius Inlet conditions 0.00494-0.00476 m 0.625 2.74 1014 kg/m3 0.0010583 m 8000 A design actual 3298.251 13523 577.78 1823.82 Actual 0.1600 0 73.410 0.41 0.120 25.9
Feed flow rate, kmol/hr 3392.288 Methane flow rate, kmol/hr 16.557 Temperature, K 586.30 Pressure, kPa 2074.75 Composition, Mol% Design CO 0.4280 CO2 0.0500 H2 74.052 CH4 0.488 H2O 0.483 Inerts 24.499
In figures 1 and 2, distribution of methane and carbon dioxide concentration along the reactor has been illustrated. As expected, it shows decrease of the carbon dioxide while increase of methane along the reactor. Molar flow rates of the outlet components show a good compatibility with the output data of the available industrial reactor. This matter is also satisfied for the temperature and pressure conditions. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate temperature and pressure distribution along the reactor catalytic bed. Because of absence of industrial data along the bed, there is only the output data, which could be comparable. These figures show good compatibility with the industrial data. Table-3: Simulation Results and Industrial Methanation Reactor Data [9]. Input Output Industrial Simulation Industrial CO, kmol/hr 20.5 0 0.0 CO2, kmol/hr 3.4 0 0.0 H2, kmol/hr 4186.7 4407.53 4111.5 CH4, kmol/hr 26.1 55.61 50.1 H2O kmol/hr 58.0 92.12 85.3 Inerts, kmol/hr 16.6 16.6 16.6 In table 4 the error percentage of the simulation have been given. Table-4: Comparison of simulation data with those of the industrial data Actual Simulation Error% CO2 mol% 0 0 0 CH4 mol% 0.012 0.0132 10% Tout ,K 589 598 1.5% Pout , bar 29.2 29.381 0.6%
The achieved simulation shows that penetration constraints of the feed gases play an important role in control of the reaction rate. Considering the effects of the mass transfer resistances in reaction kinetics, called effectiveness factor, considerable results have been obtained which show quite a good compatibility with the industrial data. This is turn satisfies the simulation which has been done for the methanation reactor. Acknowledgements We acknowledge the fully collaborations by Khorasan petrochemical complex to disposal of industrial data within this investigation. Nomenclature
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