Contact Suzanne Nayback For Questions or Information:: Literacy, A Nonprofit Foundation
Contact Suzanne Nayback For Questions or Information:: Literacy, A Nonprofit Foundation
Contact Suzanne Nayback For Questions or Information:: Literacy, A Nonprofit Foundation
Students Current School _________________________ Male ____ Female ______ U.S. Citizen? Yes __ No __ Parents Name __________________________ Address________________________ City____________________________ Zipcode________________________ Parents Phone _______________ Parents Cell__________________ Parents Email _________________________________ Food Allergies? __________ Please Circle Your Campers T-Shirt Size and Desired Session: Youth Sizes: Medium 10-12 Large 14-16 Adult Sizes: Small Medium Large XL Session: One or Two
Spartan Writing Camp North is supported in part by funding from the Foundation for Teaching and Literacy, a nonprofit foundation whose primary purpose is to receive and administer funds to promote literacy education and support teachers in public schools who work with underserved students.
RCWP is a site of the National Writing Project, supported through matching grants from Michigan State University.
Scholarship Note:
Top-Of-The-Mitt 2012 Spartan Writers Camp North
Do you love to write? Do you like to talk about writing and share your work with others?
We only have a few scholarships for parents who request assistance. If you need to apply for a scholarship, please mail or email a letter to Suzanne
Nayback as soon as possible. Mrs. Nayback will consider each request and respond as quickly as she can. All campers will receive a confirmation by e-mail as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 29, 2012. Please clip and mail your completed application and a check made out to Foundation for Teaching and Literacy to: Mrs. Suzanne Nayback 1910 Cedar Valley Rd. Petoskey, MI 49770
Hosted by: North Central Michigan College in Petoskey Now Enrolling Students Currently in grades 3,4, and 5
We are running two camp sessions from 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. At North Central Michigan College in Petoskey Session One: July 9-13 Session Two: July 16-20 Cost per Camper is: Early registration $100 (if you register by Friday, April 27, 2012). $110 (if you register after April 27) (Each camper will receive a t-shirt, daily snacks and a journal) Checks Payable to: Foundation for Teaching and Literacy
Freeze the flavors of your thoughts at an ice cream shop. Spill your ideas along the shores of Lake Michigan. Capture a memory and stretch it across a page. Record a nature walk in digital pictures. Voice your opinion in a creative way.These experiences and more are ready and waiting for you at the Top-of-the-Mitt Spartan Writers Camp.