Contact Suzanne Nayback For Questions or Information:: Literacy, A Nonprofit Foundation

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2012 Enrollment Application Top-Of-The-Mitt Spartan Writing Camp North Students Name __________________________ Grade This Fall in 2012___

Students Current School _________________________ Male ____ Female ______ U.S. Citizen? Yes __ No __ Parents Name __________________________ Address________________________ City____________________________ Zipcode________________________ Parents Phone _______________ Parents Cell__________________ Parents Email _________________________________ Food Allergies? __________ Please Circle Your Campers T-Shirt Size and Desired Session: Youth Sizes: Medium 10-12 Large 14-16 Adult Sizes: Small Medium Large XL Session: One or Two

Spartan Writing Camp North is supported in part by funding from the Foundation for Teaching and Literacy, a nonprofit foundation whose primary purpose is to receive and administer funds to promote literacy education and support teachers in public schools who work with underserved students.

Contact Suzanne Nayback for questions or information: [email protected]


Space is limited! Dont delay in registering!

RCWP is a site of the National Writing Project, supported through matching grants from Michigan State University.


Scholarship Note:
Top-Of-The-Mitt 2012 Spartan Writers Camp North

Do you love to write? Do you like to talk about writing and share your work with others?
We only have a few scholarships for parents who request assistance. If you need to apply for a scholarship, please mail or email a letter to Suzanne

If so, the Spartan Writing Camp is for you.

Top-Of-The-Mitt 2012 Spartan Writers Camp North
A Satellite Site of the National Writing Project

Nayback as soon as possible. Mrs. Nayback will consider each request and respond as quickly as she can. All campers will receive a confirmation by e-mail as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 29, 2012. Please clip and mail your completed application and a check made out to Foundation for Teaching and Literacy to: Mrs. Suzanne Nayback 1910 Cedar Valley Rd. Petoskey, MI 49770

Hosted by: North Central Michigan College in Petoskey Now Enrolling Students Currently in grades 3,4, and 5

We are running two camp sessions from 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. At North Central Michigan College in Petoskey Session One: July 9-13 Session Two: July 16-20 Cost per Camper is: Early registration $100 (if you register by Friday, April 27, 2012). $110 (if you register after April 27) (Each camper will receive a t-shirt, daily snacks and a journal) Checks Payable to: Foundation for Teaching and Literacy

Freeze the flavors of your thoughts at an ice cream shop. Spill your ideas along the shores of Lake Michigan. Capture a memory and stretch it across a page. Record a nature walk in digital pictures. Voice your opinion in a creative way.These experiences and more are ready and waiting for you at the Top-of-the-Mitt Spartan Writers Camp.

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