Road Conditions 2-4-11 9pm

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T fic Advi ry Traff A isor

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Okla ahoma Depa artment of Tr ransportation Media & Public Relati ons Division n, P n 200 N.E. 21st St treet, Oklaho oma City, OK 73105 K ne: 1-6000, Fax: 405-521-2524 : Phon 405-521 ******************* ************** ***********************

Roa Conditio Update - Februar 4, 2011 9 p.m. ad ons e ry ____ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _____

This Day In History: In February, 2000, the new Sailboa Bridge ov Grand L H 2 at ver Lake was com mpleted and opened to traffic. ____ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _____ Follo owing a new round of snow over a large por w rtion of the state, trave remains s el strongly dis scouraged tonig and thro ght oughout Sa aturday. In ea astern Okla ahoma and along porti ions of the Texas bord snow to der, otals are as much as s s seven inch from this latest storm. Roadw hes ways remain slick and s n snow-packe and frig tempera ed, gid atures tonig will lead to black ic condition into the morning. ght d ce ns m Seve highwa have on one clea driving la in each direction, including I- from south of the eral ays nly ar ane h -35 Okla ahoma City metro area to the Tex state lin Crews c y a xas ne. continue wo orking to cle addition lanes, ear nal and hope warm tempera mer atures tomo orrow will aid that prog a gress. Drive are asked to delay any ers y unne ecessary tr rips to help in this effor Additiona traffic h rt. ally, heading to the Super Bowl in Tex should xas cons sider a later departure time, while road cond e e ditions impr rove. High hways closu updates at this tim ure s me: Mayes Co. - US-41 C 12A seven miles east of Locust G m o Grove - NOW OPEN W Osage Co.- US-60, near Bartlesville - NO OPEN C OW High hway crews continue working aro s w ound-the-clo shifts to restore clear driving conditions and ock o remain commit tted to do so until the roads are clear. o r
Regional Road Conditions C Arkansas 800 0-245-1672 arkansashigh Colorado 303 3-639-1111 Kans sas 866 6-511-5368 511.ksdot.or rg Misso ouri 800 0-222-6400 New Mexico 800 0-432-4269 m ays 888 8-425-2385 dps.state.ok. .us Oklahoma highwa 877 7-403-7623 m Oklahoma turnpikes Texa as 800 0-452-9292 ____ ____________ ___________ ___________ ________ OKC city streets and local snow routes: www C a w Tulsa city streets: www.cityoftu a --www.okladot.state.o and News Directors: Th office will pass informati ors s his p ion to your or rganization via e-mail as conditions warra a rant.)

____ ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ _ Follo us on @O ow OKDOT and Know B4 U Go! K G ODO strongly discourages texting or tw OT d weeting while driving. e For r road condition contact the Dept. of Public Safety's hotline 888-42 ns, e h 25-2385.
For st tatewide and extended construction closure visit www.ok e es, kladot.state.ok. .us, Traffic Adv visories.

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