Smoking Issuekit 200409
Smoking Issuekit 200409
Smoking Issuekit 200409
statistical study was recently conducted for the National number of restaurants—mostly quickservice restaurants—that did
NOMIC IMPACT ON RESTAURANTS. Advanced Air Cleaning brings state-of-the-art filtration technology to venues
Smoking bans and restrictions do in fact impact the restaurant industry, yet each establishment is unique and such as bars. Advanced Air Cleaning reduces odors and particles in the air and
therefore each one is impacted differently. Each of the major restaurant segments—tableservice, quickservice, can help to reduce your housekeeping and maintenance costs. Advanced Air
family and fine dining—caters to a variety of customers, smokers and non-smokers alike. The fact remains Cleaning can include particle removal equipment such as Electrostatic
that if a restaurant’s customer base consists primarily of smokers, any type of ordinance will have some Precipitators and HEPA filters; Gas-Phase Cleaners for odor removal; and Ozone
impact. If an establishment’s customers are predominately non-smokers, then certainly that particular estab- Generators—which should only be used during unoccupied periods for odor
lishment would be less severely impacted. removal.
It would be inaccurate and presumptive for any study to say that the economic data confirms restaurants
sales are not impacted by smoking bans. In actuality, any study that claims smoking ordinances and bans
have no impact on restaurants only shows the resiliency of the industry and shows how restaurants, like ★ Three Principles of Indoor Air
many businesses either adapt to adverse conditions or perish. It would not be possible for any study to show
continued declining sales in a restaurant over a prolonged period of time because the average restaurant
Quality (IAQ)
would either alter business practices to compensate for lost sales or simply go out of business. OUTDOOR AIR
Sufficient outdoor air should be supplied to help dilute smoke and other indoor
OPPONENTS MAY CITE INCREASED TAX REVENUE AS PROOF OF INCREASED SALES DUE air constituents. Outdoor air will also help with proper ventilation and will pro-
TO SMOKING BANS. vide a “fresher” smelling establishment, making your customers’ experience
In making their case, opponents have claimed that state and county tax receipts indicate increased sales in more enjoyable.
bars and restaurants after a smoking ban has been implemented. Tax receipts will provide only a very rough
estimate of revenue generated by bars and restaurants. These receipts are not able to show the true impact HIGH QUALITY AIR FILTRATION
of smoking bans because many establishments may increase prices to make up for lost sales. Typical filters in use today are only 20 percent efficient. This means that 80
percent of the particles that hit the filter pass through to the air supply.
OPPONENTS ARE WELL ORGANIZED AND USE COMPELLING RESEARCH TO SUGGEST Efficient filters will have a 65–95% dust spot efficiency, removing more than
RESTAURANTS ARE NOT IMPACTED BY SMOKING RESTRICTIONS OR BANS. 40% of dust particles from the air. However, filters rated above 95 percent effi-
Dr. Stanton Glantz, a lead proponent of smoking bans, leads Tobacco Scam and continues to claim that bans cient, including HEPA filters, can have real economic payback such as heating,
in restaurants have no adverse economic impact. cooling and cleaning expenses, in addition to improving IAQ. While these filters
Dr. Glantz has publicly criticized the recent study conducted by Deloitte and Touche as a “statistical analy- cost more than the standard 20% filter, they have enormous economic pay-
sis that is nothing short of bizarre” and discounted its relevance because it was funded in part by Philip back by reducing housekeeping and maintenance costs in your establishment.
Morris. To view Tobacco Scam’s public attack on the National Restaurant Association and the study follow
the attached link: MANAGE AIR FLOW
The National Restaurant Association stands by the research as the only one of its kind that presents a Managing air flow can really make a difference in any establishment and will
fair and balanced view on the economic impact of smoking ordinances on restaurants. Unlike similar studies, help to control odor and smoke drift. Good airflow means supplying air to
it was never meant to prove or disprove the positive or the negative impact of smoking restrictions, but sim- areas with the least smoke and odor concentration and exhausting air from
ply determine whether there is any measurable impact of such restrictions. areas with the most smoke and odor concentration.
**IMPORTANT NOTE: The state information provided below is compiled from a number of reporting services as of July 1, 2004. However, no warranty of accuracy is given, particularly since
state laws can change frequently. The National Restaurant Association urges you to consult with the relevant state enforcement agency, your legal counsel, and/or your local human
resources expert before acting on an important matter related to smoking restrictions. The information below is provided with the understanding that the National Restaurant Association is
not engaged in rendering legal or professional services. It is also important to note that cities, counties and localities within each state may have more stringent restrictions.
ALASKA: Restaurants shall designate at least 25% of total seat- tobacco vendors and hotel rooms are limited to, restrooms, coatrooms, and
Smoking is restricted to designated ing capacity as a non-smoking area. (1987) exempt from any smoking ban (2003). entrances. Public areas do not include
areas in food service establishments Restaurants must still conform to local lobbies, waiting rooms, hallways, or
with a seating capacity of at least 50 FLORIDA: Restaurants ordinances passed before a statewide lounges. This law also applies to food
persons. (1990) Smoking is prohibited in the indoor por- moratorium was put into place from service establishments or food court
tions of restaurants. (2003) 1993 to 2003. areas in enclosed shopping malls.
ALABAMA: Restaurants Compliance with this section shall be
Restaurants are allowed to set up smok- GEORGIA: Restaurants MASSACHUSETTS: Restaurants used by local health departments as cri-
ing areas and are not required to put up None at the state level. As of July 5, 2004 this state enforces a teria to determine whether to deny, sus-
any physical barriers. The bill states that state wide ban of smoking in public pend, limit, or revoke a license. (1993)
“existing physical barriers and ventila- HAWAII: Restaurants places. (2004)
tion systems shall be used to minimize Retail eating establishments with a MINNESOTA: Restaurants
the toxic effect of smoke (the bill states seating capacity of 51 patrons or more MARYLAND: Restaurants Smoking is restricted to designated
that the smoking areas be no more than and the dining area of cruise ships shall Restaurants that do not possess an areas in restaurants. (1992)
25% of the total square footage unless provide nonsmoking areas proportion- alcoholic beverage license may have a
clientele dictate otherwise). ate to the preference of the customers separate enclosed smoking room not to MISSOURI: Restaurants
If any restaurant is deemed by its owner and so located as to obtain the maxi- exceed 40% of the total area of the Restaurant owners shall provide an
as being too small to have designated mum effect of existing physical barriers restaurant. Restaurants that do pos- area of sufficient size to accommodate
smoking are, it shall be left up to the dis- and ventilation systems to minimize the sess an alcoholic beverage license may usual and customary demand for non-
cretion of the owner if the facility will be toxic effect of smoke in adjacent non- designate the bar or bar area, a sepa- smoking areas by customers. This shall
a “smoking” or a “nonsmoking” facility. smoking areas. Violators may be fined rate enclosed room not exceeding 40% not be cause to exceed the 30% space
Areas designated as smoking or non- up to 20 dollars. (1993) of the total restaurant, or a combina- limitation for a smoking area. Bars and
smoking must prominently display “No tion of a bar or bar area and a separate Taverns, bowling alleys, billiard parlors,
Smoking” or “Smoking Permitted” signs, IOWA: Restaurants enclosed room not exceeding 40% of and restaurants have exemptions only
but specific size is not stated. Smoking Smoking is restricted to designated the total area of the restaurant includ- when fewer than 50 seats and with
is permitted in bars and lounges. (2003) areas in restaurants seating more than ing the bar or bar area, as a smoking easily seen signs stating “Non Smoking
50 people. (1990) area. A separate enclosed room in Areas are unavailable”. (2002)
ARKANSAS: Restaurants which smoking is permitted is not
None at the state level. IDAHO: Restaurants required to have a specially modified MISSISSIPPI: Restaurants
As of July 1, 2004 Idaho prohibits ventilation system for the room. None at the state level.
ARIZONA: Restaurants Smoking in all enclosed places of Smoking is permitted in any location
None at the state level. employment. (2004) that possesses an alcoholic beverage MONTANA: Restaurants
license for consumption on the premis- The proprietor or manager of a restaurant
CALIFORNIA: Restaurants ILLINOIS: Restaurants es and is generally recognized as a bar must designate smoking and non-smoking
Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed Smoking is restricted to designated areas or tavern or club. (1995) areas with easily readable signs. (1991) If
places of employment, except for in a in restaurants. The appropriate signs the operator has an all beverage license
non-work area where no one is required shall be posted. Violators are guilty of a MAINE: Restaurants (as opposed to just a beer/wine license),
to enter as part of his or her work petty offense. A unit of local government Smoking is prohibited in restaurants the operator may allow smoking.
responsibilities. (1996) in this state shall not have the power and and Class A restaurants and lounges.
authority, after October 1, 1989, to regu- Smoking is allowed in other lounges and NORTH CAROLINA: Restaurants
COLORADO: Restaurants late smoking in public places. (1989) taverns. (1999) Maine banned smoking None at the state level. * There is a
None at the state level. in all lounges effective 1/1/04. statute that says local jurisdiction can
INDIANA: Restaurants adopt a non-smoking requirement but
CONNECTICUT: Restaurants None at the state level. MICHIGAN: Restaurants cannot call for over 50 percent non-
Smoking is banned in all restaurants, Food service establishments seating 50 smoking in restaurants.
however smoking shall be allowed in KANSAS: Restaurants or more persons that are not owned or
taverns, cafes and bowling alleys until Smoking is restricted to designated operated by a private club must reserve NORTH DAKOTA: Restaurants
April 1, 2004, and the ban shall not areas in restaurants. (1987) a minimum of 50% of all seating for a Smoking is restricted to designated
apply to private clubs. (2003) non-smoking section. All food service areas in buildings or enclosed struc-
KENTUCKY: Restaurants establishments seating fewer than 50 tures that seat 50 or more persons and
DELAWARE: Restaurants None at the state level. people, including establishments owned are available to the public including
Smoking is prohibited in all restaurants, and operated by a private club, must restaurants, food service establish-
bars and casino properties. (2002) LOUISIANA: Restaurants reserve a minimum of 25% of the seat- ments, dining rooms, cafes, cafeterias
Local governments have the power to ing for a non-smoking section. Public or other rooms used primarily for the
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Restaurants regulate smoking, but restaurants that areas in restaurants must be smoke- service of food—regardless of whether
Restaurants seating over 50 persons serve liquor, bars, gambling operations, free. These areas include, but are not the establishments serve alcoholic bev-
* In the 2003 session the Massachusetts House and Senate both approved the passage of a statewide smoking ban. The bill must still be approved in a conference committee, which could take place January 2004.
erages. The proprietor of a food service notification of a violation, is subject to a ed as off-limits to minors under rules VIRGINIA: Restaurants
establishment may temporarily, during fine not to exceed $25. (1985) adopted by the Oregon Liquor Control Any restaurant having a seating capacity
the course of daily business, expand the Commission. A local county, district, of fifty or more persons shall have a desig-
designated smoking area beyond 50% NEW MEXICO: Restaurants municipality, port or political subdivision nated no-smoking area sufficient to meet
of the total available area if the smok- None at the state level. of this state may not prohibit smoking customer demand. In determining the
ing area becomes fully occupied and in any areas listed in this section unless extent of the no-smoking area, the follow-
additional space is needed. (1993) NEVADA: Restaurants the local government prohibition was ing shall not be included as seating capaci-
Restaurants seating 50 or more people passed before July 1, 2001. (2001) ty: (i) seats in any bar or lounge area of a
NEBRASKA: Restaurants are required to maintain a flexible non- restaurant and (ii) seats in any separate
Smoking is restricted to designated smoking area and offer each patron the PENNSYLVANIA: Restaurants room or section of a restaurant which is
areas in restaurants. Bars and restau- opportunity to be seated in a smoking Restaurants with seating capacities of 75 used exclusively for private functions. The
rants having a serving area of less than or nonsmoking area. (1999) An or more shall provide smoking and non- proprietor shall post signs conspicuous to
1,200 square feet may be designated as agency, board, commission or political smoking areas reasonably calculated to public view stating “Smoking Permitted”
a smoking area in their entirety. (1979) subdivision of this state shall not address the needs of their clientele. The or “No Smoking,” and in restaurants, signs
impose more stringent restrictions on size of the smoking area may be conspicuous to ordinary public view at or
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Restaurants the smoking, use, sale, distribution, increased or decreased by the proprietor near each public entrance stating “No-
Smoking is restricted to effectively segre- marketing, display, or promotion of or person in charge, according to need. Smoking Section Available.” Any person
gated smoking areas in restaurants seat- tobacco products than those provided Restaurants with fewer than 75 seats failing to post such signs may be subject
ing 50 or more people. Definition of by this law. (1993) shall either provide a non-smoking section to a civil penalty of not more than $25. No
“effectively segregated smoking areas” or post a notice at each entrance stating person shall smoke in a designated no-
in restaurants means all the following NEW YORK: Public Places / Restaurants that there is no smoking policy. (1988) smoking area and any person who contin-
conditions have been met: (a) Procedures The law bans smoking in almost all- ues to smoke in such area after having
for accurately and fairly determining pref- indoor work areas—Smoking is prohibit- RHODE ISLAND: Restaurants been asked to refrain from smoking may
erence have been followed; (b) The size ed in all indoor food service establish- Eating facilities seating 50 or more per- be subject to a civil penalty of not more
and location of no-smoking and smoking- ments (Defined as any area, including sons are required to have separate seat- than $25. Ordinances adopted after
permitted areas are designed, designat- outdoor areas devoted to the sale of ing arrangements for smokers and non- January 1, 1990, shall not contain provi-
ed, or juxtaposed so that smoke does not food for on-premise consumption). smokers. (1993) During the 2004 ses- sions or standards which exceed those
cause harm or unreasonably intrude into Smoking will be permitted in outdoor sion legislation was enacted to impose a established in this chapter. (1996)
the area occupied by persons who are areas of food service establishments if: complete ban on smoking in all public
not smoking; (c) A contiguous portion of There is no roof or ceiling enclosure on places effective March 1, 2005. WASHINGTON: Restaurants
the enclosed public place, including any the area; No more than 25% of the Managers of restaurants who choose to
seating arrangements, measures a mini- entire outdoor area is for smoking; The SOUTH CAROLINA: Restaurants provide smoking areas shall designate an
mum of 200 square feet, and at least one smoking are is at least three feet away None at the state level. adequate amount of seating to meet the
of the following 2 contingencies exist: (1) from the non-smoking area; The area demands of restaurant patrons who wish
There is a continuous, physical barrier must be clearly designated with written SOUTH DAKOTA: Restaurants to smoke. (1985) Restaurants were
such as a wall, partition or furnishing at signage. Smoking is banned in bars Smoking is prohibited. Restaurants licensed exempted from the Clean Air Act passed
least 56 inches in height to separate the (Defined as any area, including outdoor to sell alcohol are excluded. (2002) in 1985 (that prohibits smoking in all
no-smoking area from a smoking-permit- areas, devoted to the sale of alcoholic places of work) to allow those business-
ted area. The barrier may contain doors beverages for on-premise consumption TENNESSEE: Restaurants es such as restaurants, taverns, bowling
or portals for exit and entry; or (2) There where the service of food is incidental). None at the state level alleys and casinos (non-native American)
is a space of at least 4 feet in width to There are no conditions allowing smok- to permit smoking in designated areas,
separate the smoking-permitted and no- ing in outdoor areas of bars. (2003) TEXAS: Restaurants and restaurants can have their entire
smoking areas. This space may be either None at the state level establishment declared 100% smoking,
an unoccupied area or a section of seat- OHIO: Restaurants but must sign this accordingly at the
ing area representing a buffer zone in None at the state level. UTAH: Restaurants entrance of the restaurant.
which smoking is not permitted, but Smoking is prohibited in restaurants,
which itself is not part of the no-smoking OKLAHOMA: Restaurants cafes, and cafeterias. This law shall be WISCONSIN: Restaurants
designated area; and (d) In buildings A restaurant with a seating capacity of enforced by the state Department of Smoking is restricted to designated
where existing ventilation systems are in fifty or more persons may have desig- Health and local health departments. areas in restaurants, unless the restau-
place, areas designated as smoking areas nated smoking and nonsmoking areas Violators may be fined up to $100 for a rant’s liquor sales account for more than
are located, where reasonably possible, or may be designated as being a totally first violation and $100–$500 for sub- 50% of the receipts, or the seating
proximate to exhaust vents. (2000) smoking area or a totally nonsmoking sequent violations. This law supersedes capacity is less than 50 persons. (1992)
area. Beginning March 1, 2006, all any ordinance enacted by a governing
NEW JERSEY: Restaurants restaurants must either go smoke free body of a political subdivision that WEST VIRGINIA: Restaurants
Restaurants are encouraged to establish or smoking areas must be enclosed and restricts smoking and that is not essen- The state Supreme Court has ruled that
non-smoking areas, and must post signs separately-ventilated. (2003) tially identical to the provisions of this local health boards have the power to
at every public entrance indicating chapter. (1994) ban smoking in most indoor public set-
whether or not they maintain a non-smok- OREGON: Restaurants tings. No laws at the state level.
ing section. Any person who smokes in a Smoking is prohibited in restaurants VERMONT: Restaurants
nonsmoking area or a proprietor who fails unless they are posted off-limits to Smoking is banned entirely in restau- WYOMING: Restaurants
to comply with this law after receiving minors or areas of restaurants are post- rants. (1993) None at the state level.