Amount 2 Words - ASK TOM Oracle

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nisha -- Thanks for the question regarding "Spell the number", version Oracle 8i
Submitted on 7-Feb-2001 16:00 Central time zone Tom's latest followup | Bookmark | Bottom Last updated 15-Nov-2011 7:32

You Asked
Hi, I am trying to spell the number which is greater than "5373484" . (I tried "select to_char( to_date(5373484,'J'),'Jsp') from dual; " with no Problem). Is there any functions available for me ?. Thanks.

and we said...
Sure, with a little effort -- you can use the J -> Jsp trick and do it yourself. tkyte@TKYTE816> create or replace 2 function spell_number( p_number in number ) 3 return varchar2 4 as 5 type myArray is table of varchar2(255); 6 l_str myArray := myArray( '', 7 ' thousand ', ' million ', 8 ' billion ', ' trillion ', 9 ' quadrillion ', ' quintillion ', 10 ' sextillion ', ' septillion ', 11 ' octillion ', ' nonillion ', 12 ' decillion ', ' undecillion ', 13 ' duodecillion ' ); 14 15 l_num varchar2(50) default trunc( p_number ); 16 l_return varchar2(4000); 17 begin 18 for i in 1 .. l_str.count 19 loop 20 exit when l_num is null; 21 22 if ( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3) <> 0 ) 23 then 24 l_return := to_char( 25 to_date( 26 substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3), 27 'J' ), 28 'Jsp' ) || l_str(i) || l_return; 29 end if; 30 l_num := substr( l_num, 1, length(l_num)-3 ); 31 end loop; 32 33 return l_return; 34 end; 35 / Function created. ops$tkyte@DEV816> ops$tkyte@DEV816> select 2 spell_number( 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 )

from dual;

SPELL_NUMBER(1234567890123456789012345678901234567 -------------------------------------------------Twelve undecillion Three Hundred Forty-Five decill ion Six Hundred Seventy-Eight nonillion Nine Hundr ed One octillion Two Hundred Thirty-Four septillio n Five Hundred Sixty-Seven sextillion Eight Hundre d Ninety quintillion One Hundred Twenty-Three quad rillion Four Hundred Fifty-Six trillion Seven Hund red Eighty-Nine billion Twelve million Three Hundr ed Forty-Five thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Eight ops$tkyte@DEV816> ops$tkyte@DEV816> declare 2 l_num number; 3 l_str varchar2(255); 4 l_spelled varchar2(4000); 5 begin 6 for i in 1 .. 10 7 loop 8 l_num := random.rand() || 9 random.rand() || 10 random.rand(); 11 l_str := 12 to_char( l_num, '999,999,999,999,999,999' ) ; 13 l_spelled := spell_number( l_num ); 14 15 dbms_output.put_line 16 ( l_str || ' -- ' || l_spelled ); 17 end loop; 18 end; 19 / 312,051,345,415,411 -- Three Hundred Twelve trillion Fifty-One billion Three Hundred Forty-Five million Four Hundred Fifteen thousand Four Hundred Eleven 25,131,160,032,468 -- Twenty-Five trillion One Hundred Thirty-One billion One Hundred Sixty million Thirty-Two thousand Four Hundred Sixty-Eight 210,202,025,424,018 -- Two Hundred Ten trillion Two Hundred Two billion Twenty-Five million Four Hundred Twenty-Four thousand Eighteen 28,221,169,384,374 -- Twenty-Eight trillion Two Hundred Twenty-One billion One Hundred Sixty-Nine million Three Hundred Eighty-Four thousand Three Hundred Seventy-Four 148,881,759,131,997 -- One Hundred Forty-Eight trillion Eight Hundred Eighty-One billion Seven Hundred Fifty-Nine million One Hundred Thirty-One thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Seven 178,761,729,314,960 -- One Hundred Seventy-Eight trillion Seven Hundred Sixty-One billion Seven Hundred Twenty-Nine million Three Hundred Fourteen thousand Nine Hundred Sixty 7,789,111,094,989 -- Seven trillion Seven Hundred Eighty-Nine billion One Hundred Eleven million Ninety-Four thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-Nine 137,652,698,329,777 -- One Hundred Thirty-Seven trillion Six Hundred Fifty-Two billion Six Hundred Ninety-Eight million Three Hundred Twenty-Nine thousand Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven 155,311,009,417,668 -- One Hundred Fifty-Five trillion Three Hundred Eleven billion Nine million Four Hundred Seventeen thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Eight 139,292,540,822,249 -- One Hundred Thirty-Nine trillion Two Hundred Ninety-Two billion Five Hundred Forty million Eight Hundred Twenty-Two thousand Two Hundred Forty-Nine PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte@DEV816> followup to comment about 1000 Correct, the code is updated to reflect that. forgot to take into consideration the possibility of 000 as part of a number. We just need to ignore that -- the if statement added takes care of that. Thanks.

Review s March 16, 2001 - 4pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader

April 30, 2001 - 3am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Helena Markova from Bratislava, Slovakia

Problem with spell_number function April 30, 2001 - 5am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Nusrat from Mumbai, India
the spell_number fuction does not work when 1000 is passed : i get the foll. message :1* select spell_number(1000) from dual SQL> / select spell_number(1000) from dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01854: julian date must be between 1 and 5373484 ORA-06512: at "PAYROLL.SPELL_NUMBER", line 19 ORA-06512: at line 1

Excellent January 22, 2002 - 5pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader
I want to suggest you should make a better search, or clasify to make easy to look in the search archive. Because I look with - translate number - number words etc. but I only found this article looking with 'JSP' Thanks.

Followup January 22, 2002 - 6pm Central time zone:

hmm, I don't see how "translate number" would find this, we are not translating a number. Number words eithers. But, I always find this one by looking for "spell a number" -- thats what you want to do -- "spell a number".

I don't know how I could have made a search that would find this based on your search strings -sorry. I find the interMedia text search to be pretty capable in this area myself.

Better then examples I have seen elsewhere January 22, 2002 - 7pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Jim from Australia
Liked it better then "spell a number" examples I have seen elsewhere. FUP to search facility, I think the serach facility is pretty good...

spell sound January 23, 2002 - 1am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader
do you now any facility so i can here a sound for the output

Followup January 23, 2002 - 7am Central time zone:

Not a specific one, that would be something specific to your client operating system. of many tools to convert text to speech.... I am aware

Excelent SQL Statment January 23, 2002 - 3am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Mohammed Al-moayed from Yemen
well, good I like these SQl , which add to my Skills new information , but Colud you please Explain to me what JSP Stand for

Followup January 23, 2002 - 7am Central time zone:

J is the format for a Julian date -- turns a number into a date or vice versa. 1* select to_char( sysdate, 'j' ) from dual [email protected]> / TO_CHAR ------2452298 [email protected]> select to_date( 2452299, 'j' ) from dual; TO_DATE(2 --------24-JAN-02 sp is a format for SPELLING a julian date: [email protected]> select to_char(sysdate,'jsp') from dual; TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'JSP') -----------------------------------------------------------------------------two million four hundred fifty-two thousand two hundred ninety-eight I just used that fact to spell much larger numbers then a julian date can hold

January 23, 2002 - 5am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Claudio from Argentina

January 23, 2002 - 6pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Asif Merchant from NY
May be this will be of some use... create or replace function Digits3_To_Word (P_number in number) return varchar2 as -- Pass only three digits -- This function return word equivalent to its number -- Accepted values are 0 to 999 -L_Return2 varchar2(500) := NULL ; i Number := 0 ; j Number := 0 ; k Number := 0 ; V_inp_Number Number := 0 ; V_temp Varchar2(50) := NULL; type OneArray is table of varchar2(50); type TenArray is table of varchar2(50); OneStr OneArray := OneArray('One ', 'Two ', 'Three ', 'Four ', 'Five ', 'Six ', 'Seven ', 'Eight ', 'Nine ', 'Ten ', 'Eleven ', 'Twelve ', 'Thirteen ', 'Fourteen ', 'Fifteen ', 'Sixteen ', 'Seventeen ', 'Eighteen ', 'Nineteen '); TenStr TenArray := TenArray('', 'Twenty ', 'Thirty ', 'Forty ' , 'Fifty ', 'Sixty ', 'Seventy ', 'Eighty ', 'Ninety '); BEGIN V_inp_Number := P_Number ; if V_inp_number > 999 then V_inp_number := 0 ; end if ; V_temp := LPAD(to_char(V_inp_number),3,0) ; -- Find Hundredth position i := to_number(substr(V_temp,1,1)); if i > 0 then L_Return2 := OneStr(i)||'Hundred ' ; end if ; -- Find last 2 digits i := to_number(substr(V_temp,2,2)); j := to_number(substr(V_temp,2,1)); k := to_number(substr(V_temp,3,1)); if i > 0 and i < 20 then L_Return2 := L_Return2 || OneStr(i) ; end if ; if j >= 2 then

L_Return2 := L_Return2 || TenStr(j) ; if k > 0 then L_Return2 := L_Return2|| OneStr(k) ; end if; end if; Return L_Return2 ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL ; END ; /

create or replace function NUM_TO_WORD (P_inp_num in NUmber) return Varchar2 as -- Functions called : Digits3_To_Word L_Return Varchar2(1000) ; m Number := 0 ; V_inp_Num Number := 0 ; V_inp_Int Number := 0 ; V_inp_dec Number := 0 ; V_Char Varchar2(100) ; V_Temp Number := 0 ; Type LionArray is table of Varchar2(500) ; In_str LionArray := LionArray ( '', 'Thousand ' , 'Million ' , 'Billion ' , 'Trillion ' , 'Quadrillion ' , 'Quintillion ' , 'Sextillion ' , 'Septillion ' , 'Octillion ' , 'Nonillion ' , 'Decillion ' , 'Undecillion ' , 'Duodecillion '); Begin if p_inp_num < 0 then V_inp_Num := (P_inp_Num * -1) ; else V_inp_Num := P_inp_Num; end if; V_inp_Int := Trunc(V_inp_Num) ; V_inp_Dec := V_inp_Num - V_inp_Int ; if V_inp_Dec > 0 then V_inp_dec := V_inp_dec * 100 ; V_inp_Dec := to_number(substr(to_char(V_inp_Dec),1,2)) ; end if ; V_char := to_char(V_inp_Int) ; for m in 1..In_Str.Count Loop exit when V_char is NULL ; V_Temp := To_Number(Substr(V_char,(Length(V_char)-2), 3)); if V_temp > 0 then L_Return := Digits3_To_Word(V_Temp) || In_str(m) || L_Return ; end if ; V_char := Substr(V_char,1,(Length(V_Char)-3)); End Loop ; if V_inp_Int > 0 then L_Return := 'Dollar '||L_Return ||' and '; elsif V_inp_Int = 0 then

L_return := 'Dollar Zero and ' ; end if ; -- Concatenate the word for decimal digits if V_inp_Dec > 0 then L_return := L_return || Digits3_To_Word(V_inp_Dec) ||' Cents'; elsif V_inp_Dec = 0 then L_Return := L_return ||' Zero Cents'; End if ; -- ------------------------------Return L_return; Exception when others then return NULL ; END; /

Followup January 23, 2002 - 9pm Central time zone:

don't see how that is better or even as good as "jSP" with a simple function?? I like to write as little as I have to, to use as much as is builtin as possible. this: to_char( to_date( three_digit_number,'J' ), 'JSP' ) just seems so much easier then digits3_to_word doesn't it?

Want more January 23, 2002 - 10pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader
Hi, Is it possible to spell all the digits after decimal point and know how many exact digits after point? Like: 23456.123423... Efficient(as you always did) way please. Thanks

Followup January 25, 2002 - 6am Central time zone:

Well, looking at the logic below -- it should be easy for you to accomplish this. the number of digits after? greatest(length(x)-instr(x||'.','.'),0) is one way, greatest(length(x-trunc(x))-1,0) another. spelling the decimal part should be easy for you to accomplish depending on the format you want to use. all of the pieces are here for you.

Intelligent query! January 23, 2002 - 11pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Sazzadur Rahman Tusar from Bangladesh
select to_char( to_date(5373484,'J'),'Jsp') from dual is a very intelligent query to spell out a number.

The above posting... January 24, 2002 - 12pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader
Compact it is, efficient it is, clever it is, cryptic it most certainly is. Intelligent?. Considering the alternatives, I'd certainly use it though...

Followup January 25, 2002 - 8am Central time zone:

Well, if you understand the formats -- cryptic it isn't -- I suppose if you didn't understand what 'J' and 'JSP' formats did, it would be but... isn't: y += x >> 1; cryptic? Well, not to a C programmer it isn't. I guess its what you know....

January 24, 2002 - 4pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader
Great !!!! Does this JSP works for decimals also ex 23456.66

Followup January 25, 2002 - 8am Central time zone:

it works for Julian dates -- you can use it as PART of your solution as I did.

Follow up - Intelligent Query & Decimals January 24, 2002 - 5pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Jim from Australia
"select to_char( to_date(l_my_variable,'J'),'Jsp') from dual " Is fine when the number is less than or equal to 5373484 for numbers bigger then that you will have to use a solution like Tom's Re decimals questions - you will have to handle the decimal yourself. The to_date converts the input to a Julian date. You will get an error trying to convert 1234.34 to a julian date. Since the to_char JSP option is julian spell then I am certain that trying to to_char(1234.56, 'JSP') will also return an error. So you will have to split your value into the whole number part and the decimal part. You could then use the functions to spell the whole number part and concatenate it with the decimal part. Fairly straight forward to do in PL/SQL

decimals January 24, 2002 - 6pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Barbara Boehmer from Norwalk, CA USA
Here is a modification of Tom's function to include decimal places, just concatenating the original with the word point followed by each successive digit spelled out: SQL> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 create or replace function spell_number( p_number in number ) return varchar2 -- original by Tom Kyte -- modified to include decimal places as type myArray is table of varchar2(255); l_str myArray := myArray( '', ' thousand ', ' million ', ' billion ', ' trillion ', ' quadrillion ', ' quintillion ', ' sextillion ', ' septillion ', ' octillion ', ' nonillion ', ' decillion ', ' undecillion ', ' duodecillion ' ); l_num varchar2(50) default trunc( p_number ); l_return varchar2(4000); begin for i in 1 .. l_str.count loop exit when l_num is null; if ( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3) <> 0 ) then l_return := to_char( to_date( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3), 'J' ), 'Jsp' ) || l_str(i) || l_return; end if; l_num := substr( l_num, 1, length(l_num)-3 ); end loop; -- beginning of section added to include decimal places: if to_char( p_number ) like '%.%' then l_num := substr( p_number, instr( p_number, '.' )+1 ); if l_num > 0 then l_return := l_return || ' point'; for i in 1 .. length (l_num) loop exit when l_num is null; if substr( l_num, 1, 1 ) = '0' then l_return := l_return || ' zero'; else l_return := l_return || ' ' || to_char( to_date( substr( l_num, 1, 1), 'j' ), 'jsp' ); end if; l_num := substr( l_num, 2 ); end loop; end if; end if; -- end of section added to include decimal places return l_return; end spell_number; /

Function created.

SQL> SQL> 2 3 4

column number_spelled format a55 word_wrapped select spell_number( 1234567890123456789.0123456789012345678 ) as number_spelled from dual /

NUMBER_SPELLED ------------------------------------------------------One quintillion Two Hundred Thirty-Four quadrillion Five Hundred Sixty-Seven trillion Eight Hundred Ninety billion One Hundred Twenty-Three million Four Hundred Fifty-Six thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Nine point zero one two three four five six seven eight nine zero one two three four five six seven eight SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> declare 2 l_num number; 3 l_str varchar2(255); 4 l_spelled varchar2(4000); 5 begin 6 for i in 1 .. 5 7 loop 8 -- uses random package by Tom Kyte: 9 l_num := random.rand() || 10 random.rand() || 11 random.rand() || 12 '.' || 13 random.rand() || 14 random.rand(); 15 16 l_str := 17 to_char( l_num, '999,999,999,999,999,999.999999999999999999' ) ; 18 l_spelled := spell_number( l_num ); 19 20 dbms_output.put_line 21 ( l_str || ' -- ' || l_spelled ); 22 end loop; 23 end; 24 / 12,950,208,415,891.291723034800000000 -- Twelve trillion Nine Hundred Fifty billion Two Hundred Eight million Four Hundred Fifteen thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-One point two nine one seven two three zero three four eight 2,911,782,023,376.154431611000000000 -- Two trillion Nine Hundred Eleven billion Seven Hundred Eighty-Two million Twenty-Three thousand Three Hundred Seventy-Six point one five four four three one six one one 230,111,308,428,449.206853487000000000 -- Two Hundred Thirty trillion One Hundred Eleven billion Three Hundred Eight million Four Hundred Twenty-Eight thousand Four Hundred Forty-Nine point two zero six eight five three four eight seven 22,772,324,131,461.593213475000000000 -- Twenty-Two trillion Seven Hundred Seventy-Two billion Three Hundred Twenty-Four million One Hundred Thirty-One thousand Four Hundred Sixty-One point five nine three two one three four seven five 130,622,360,517,691.106893185700000000 -- One Hundred Thirty trillion Six Hundred Twenty-Two billion Three Hundred Sixty million Five Hundred Seventeen thousand Six Hundred Ninety-One point one zero six eight nine three one eight five seven PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

How about other language? June 10, 2002 - 10pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top

Reviewer: Hing-chau Leung from Hongkong

Your solution is excellent. I just wonder is there any similar solution for other language.

Followup June 11, 2002 - 10am Central time zone:

No, it only works for english, sorry.

Nice ... but what about UK English? June 11, 2002 - 11am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Charlie from UK
Here in the UK we deal with numbers slightly differently, inserting the word "and" between the hundreds and tens/units values throughout. Hence 766,411 is seven hundred <b>and</b> sixty-six thousand, four hundred <b>and</b> eleven. Is there any way to do this, or do we have to suffer the rather grating Americanism ;-) Thank you, Charlie E.

Followup June 11, 2002 - 2pm Central time zone:

Ok, here is the somewhat pedantic but english-ized (or would that be "english-ised") version ;) [email protected]> create or replace 2 function spell_number( p_number in number ) 3 return varchar2 4 as 5 type myArray is table of varchar2(255); 6 l_str myArray := myArray( '', 7 ' thousand ', ' million ', 8 ' billion ', ' trillion ', 9 ' quadrillion ', ' quintillion ', 10 ' sextillion ', ' septillion ', 11 ' octillion ', ' nonillion ', 12 ' decillion ', ' undecillion ', 13 ' duodecillion ' ); 14 15 l_num varchar2(50) default trunc( p_number ); 16 l_return varchar2(4000); 17 begin 18 for i in 1 .. l_str.count 19 loop 20 exit when l_num is null; 21 22 if ( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3) <> 0 ) 23 then 24 l_return := replace( 25 to_char( 26 to_date( 27 substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3), 28 'J' ), 29 'Jsp' ) || l_str(i), 'Hundred', 'Hundred AND') || l_return; 30 end if; 31 l_num := substr( l_num, 1, length(l_num)-3 ); 32 end loop; 33 34 return l_return; 35 end; 36 / Function created.

[email protected]> [email protected]> column n format a60 [email protected]> [email protected]> [email protected]> select 2 spell_number( 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 ) n 3 from dual; N -----------------------------------------------------------Twelve undecillion Three Hundred AND Forty-Five decillion Si x Hundred AND Seventy-Eight nonillion Nine Hundred AND One o ctillion Two Hundred AND Thirty-Four septillion Five Hundred AND Sixty-Seven sextillion Eight Hundred AND Ninety quintil lion One Hundred AND Twenty-Three quadrillion Four Hundred A ND Fifty-Six trillion Seven Hundred AND Eighty-Nine billion Twelve million Three Hundred AND Forty-Five thousand Six Hun dred AND Seventy-Eight

June 12, 2002 - 3am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Sagi from India.
Once again thank you tom. Regards,

Re: Nice ... but what about UK English? June 12, 2002 - 4am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Charlie E from England (where we invented English)
Well, we English are renowned for being pedantic (well, I am, anyway). However, there is still a tiny problem with trailing 'AND's wherever there is no tens/units value ... SQL> select spell_number(100200) from dual;

SPELL_NUMBER(100200) ------------------------------------------One Hundred AND thousand Two Hundred AND SQL> select spell_number(100) from dual; SPELL_NUMBER(100) ------------------------------------------One Hundred AND Charlie

Followup June 12, 2002 - 7am Central time zone:

trivial change: c/'Hundred', 'Hundred AND'/'Hundred ', 'Hundred AND '/ just add a space

other languages June 13, 2002 - 12am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Barbara Boehmer from Norwalk, CA USA
Tom, I have seen frequent requests on the OTN forums and elsewhere for a function to spell a number in another format or another language. I and various other people have posted various solutions.

Most of the ones that I have posted have been based on modifying your original function. I have listed a couple of them below. The first one is a modification of your original function that is intended to spell monetary amounts in Indian format. The second one is a function that converts the output from your function to French. I would imagine that one or the other of these methods could be used to produce output in just about any language. I would be interested in hearing any comments from you (Tom) or any of your readers as to whether there is a better way. Also, if anyone sees any errors in the French words or Indian format, please let me know. Thanks, Barbara create or replace function spell_indian_money ( p_number in number ) return varchar2 as type myArray is table of varchar2(255); l_str myArray := myArray( ' Thousand ', ' Lakh ', ' Crore ', ' Arab ', ' Kharab ', ' Shankh ' ); l_num varchar2(50) default trunc( p_number ); l_return varchar2(4000); begin if ( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3) <> 0 ) then l_return := to_char( to_date( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3), 'J' ), 'Jsp' ); end if; l_num := substr( l_num, 1, length(l_num)-3 ); for i in 1 .. l_str.count loop exit when l_num is null; if ( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-1, 2) <> 0 ) then l_return := to_char( to_date( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-1, 2), 'J' ), 'Jsp' ) || l_str(i) || l_return; end if; l_num := substr( l_num, 1, length(l_num)-2 ); end loop; if to_char( p_number ) like '%.%' then l_num := substr( round( p_number, 2), instr( p_number, '.' )+1 ); if l_num > 0 then l_return := l_return || ' And ' || to_char( to_date( l_num, 'J' ), 'Jsp' ) || ' Paise'; end if; end if; return l_return; end spell_indian_money; / create or replace function spell_number_french( p_number in number ) return varchar2 as begin return replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace(

replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( lower( spell_number( p_number )) , 'duodecillion', 'bidecillion' ) , 'quintillion' , 'cintillion' ) , 'billion' , 'milliard' ) , 'thousand' , 'mille' ) , 'hundred' , 'cent' ) , 'ninety' , 'quatre-vingt-dix') , 'eighty' , 'quatre-vingt' ) , 'seventy' , 'soixante-dix' ) , 'sixty' , 'soixante' ) , 'fifty' , 'cinquante' ) , 'forty' , 'quarante' ) , 'thirty' , 'trente' ) , 'twenty' , 'vingt' ) , 'nineteen' , 'dix-neuf' ) , 'eighteen' , 'dix-huit' ) , 'seventeen' , 'dix-sept' ) , 'sixteen' , 'seize' ) , 'fifteen' , 'quinze' ) , 'fourteen' , 'quatorze' ) , 'thirteen' , 'treize' ) , 'twelve' , 'douze' ) , 'eleven' , 'onze' ) , 'ten' , 'dix' ) , 'nine' , 'neuf' ) , 'eight' , 'huit' ) , 'seven' , 'sept' ) , 'five' , 'cinq' ) , 'four' , 'quatre' ) , 'three' , 'trois' ) , 'two' , 'deux' ) , 'one' , 'un' ) , 'dix-six' , 'seize' ) , 'dix-cinq' , 'quinze' ) , 'dix-quatre' , 'quatorze' ) , 'dix-trois' , 'treize' ) , 'dix-deux' , 'douze' ) , 'dix-un' , 'onze' ) , '-un ' , '-une ' ) , 'un cent' , 'cent' ) , 'un mille' , 'mille' ) , 'une' , 'un' ); end spell_number_french; /

Followup June 13, 2002 - 8am Central time zone:

Very cool -- thanks. Cannot vouch for the actual output -- the concept is sound

The last word on 'spell the number' (hopefully) June 14, 2002 - 6am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Ed Sleath from Cheshire, UK
My countryman was a bit off the mark with his analysis. We don't put the "and" in after the hundreds - it's more that we put the "and" in before the tens and units. So, for example, this year is "two thousand and two". So, here's another modification to Barbara and Tom's function to allow for this: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION spell_number( p_number IN NUMBER ) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS

TYPE myarray IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(255); l_str myarray := myarray('', ' thousand ', ' million ', ' billion ', ' trillion ', ' quadrillion ', ' quintillion ', ' sextillion ', ' septillion ', ' octillion ', ' nonillion ', ' decillion ', ' undecillion ', ' duodecillion ' ); l_num VARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT ABS(TRUNC(p_number)); l_words VARCHAR2(4000); l_return VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. l_str.COUNT LOOP EXIT WHEN l_num IS NULL; IF (SUBSTR(l_num, LENGTH(l_num) - 2, 3) <> 0) THEN l_words := TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(SUBSTR(l_num, LENGTH(l_num) - 2, 3), 'J'), 'Jsp'); IF MOD(l_num, 100) > 0 THEN l_words := SUBSTR(l_words, 1, INSTR(l_words, ' ', -1)) || 'and ' || SUBSTR(l_words, INSTR(l_words, ' ', -1) + 1); END IF; l_return := l_words || l_str(i) || l_return; END IF; l_num := SUBSTR(l_num, 1, LENGTH(l_num) - 3); END LOOP; l_return := LTRIM(l_return, 'and '); IF p_number <= l_return := ELSIF p_number l_return := END IF; -1 THEN 'minus '||l_return; < 0 THEN 'zero';

RETURN l_return; END; / Frankly, I can't see much practical use for this, but it's an interesting technical exercise. Incidentally (for Barbara), don't the French say "soixante-et-onze" rather than "soixante-onze"? Ed

response to Ed Sleath June 14, 2002 - 10pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Barbara Boehmer from Norwalk, CA USA
Ed, Thanks for your feedback. I think the most common practical usage for spelling numbers in various languages and formats is for automated check writing, especially payroll.

As to whether to say one hundred one or one hundred and one (as in the movie title "One Hundred and One Dalmations"), I have heard them both ways and seen them both ways. It may be that both are correct. I don't know if there is a definitive source that can be consulted. It may be that which is correct depends on the country or region that you are using it in. As to whether 71 should be soixante-onze or soixante et onze, I have also seen and heard that both ways. I found soixante-onze on one website that lists French numbers and soixante et onze on another. It has been too long since my French classes, for me to remember which way I was taught at the time. I asked a co-worker from France and she says soixante et onze. A friend in Canada says soixante-onze. I have also heard that there may be a difference in the usage depending on whether you are saying 71 things or counting 70, 71, 72, etc. According to one website, when French is spoken in Switzerland or Belgium, they use an entirely different word for 70. Once again, lacking a definitive source for clarification, it may be that both are correct, or which is correct is dependent upon the country or region of usage. Based on your suggestion, I modified the function to use soixante et onze. I also made a few other little related corrections below that. I have listed the corrected spell_number_french function and test below. However, the spell_number function that is being used within the spell_number_french function is the one that I provided in my response entitled decimals, which does not include the and's, because, if I used the one that includes and's, then I would also have to convert the and's to et's and eliminate them from where they don't belong. As far as I know, and according to one website, in French, 101 is cent un, not cent et un. Barbara create or replace function spell_number_french( p_number in number ) return varchar2 as begin return replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( lower( spell_number( p_number )) , 'duodecillion' , 'bidecillion' ) , 'quintillion' , 'cintillion' ) , 'billion' , 'milliard' ) , 'thousand' , 'mille' ) , 'hundred' , 'cent' ) , 'ninety' , 'quatre-vingt-dix') , 'eighty' , 'quatre-vingts' ) , 'seventy' , 'soixante-dix' ) , 'sixty' , 'soixante' ) , 'fifty' , 'cinquante' ) , 'forty' , 'quarante' ) , 'thirty' , 'trente' ) , 'twenty' , 'vingt' ) , 'nineteen' , 'dix-neuf' ) , 'eighteen' , 'dix-huit' ) , 'seventeen' , 'dix-sept' ) , 'sixteen' , 'seize' ) , 'fifteen' , 'quinze' ) , 'fourteen' , 'quatorze' ) , 'thirteen' , 'treize' ) , 'twelve' , 'douze' ) , 'eleven' , 'onze' ) , 'ten' , 'dix' ) , 'nine' , 'neuf' ) , 'eight' , 'huit' ) , 'seven' , 'sept' ) , 'five' , 'cinq' ) , 'four' , 'quatre' ) , 'three' , 'trois' ) , 'two' , 'deux' ) , 'one' , 'un' )

, 'dix-six' , , 'dix-cinq' , , 'dix-quatre' , , 'dix-trois' , , 'dix-deux' , , 'dix-un' , , '-un ' , , 'un cent' , , 'un mille' , , 'une' , , 'soixante-onze' , , 'quatre-vingts-' , , '-un' , , 'quatre-vingt et un', end spell_number_french; /

'seize' ) 'quinze' ) 'quatorze' ) 'treize' ) 'douze' ) 'onze' ) '-une ' ) 'cent' ) 'mille' ) 'un' ) 'soixante et onze') 'quatre-vingt-' ) ' et un' ) 'quatre-vingt-un');

SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> begin 2 for i in 1..101 3 loop 4 dbms_output.put_line( spell_number_french( i ) ); 5 end loop; 6 end; 7 / un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix onze douze treize quatorze quinze seize dix-sept dix-huit dix-neuf vingt vingt et un vingt-deux vingt-trois vingt-quatre vingt-cinq vingt-six vingt-sept vingt-huit vingt-neuf trente trente et un trente-deux trente-trois trente-quatre trente-cinq trente-six trente-sept trente-huit trente-neuf quarante quarante et un quarante-deux quarante-trois quarante-quatre quarante-cinq quarante-six quarante-sept quarante-huit quarante-neuf cinquante

cinquante et un cinquante-deux cinquante-trois cinquante-quatre cinquante-cinq cinquante-six cinquante-sept cinquante-huit cinquante-neuf soixante soixante et un soixante-deux soixante-trois soixante-quatre soixante-cinq soixante-six soixante-sept soixante-huit soixante-neuf soixante-dix soixante et onze soixante-douze soixante-treize soixante-quatorze soixante-quinze soixante-seize soixante-dix-sept soixante-dix-huit soixante-dix-neuf quatre-vingts quatre-vingt-un quatre-vingt-deux quatre-vingt-trois quatre-vingt-quatre quatre-vingt-cinq quatre-vingt-six quatre-vingt-sept quatre-vingt-huit quatre-vingt-neuf quatre-vingt-dix quatre-vingt-onze quatre-vingt-douze quatre-vingt-treize quatre-vingt-quatorze quatre-vingt-quinze quatre-vingt-seize quatre-vingt-dix-sept quatre-vingt-dix-huit quatre-vingt-dix-neuf cent cent un PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Spell Number is Great!! September 17, 2002 - 5am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: yendra from Jakarta, Indonesia
This function is great.I use in purchase order to convert example 1000000 to one million. But if i have 10000000.12, it doesn't show me what i want. I want to show the cent so it show one million and twelve cent. Can help me???? I need this function.

Followup September 17, 2002 - 8am Central time zone:

think about it. I can spell

1000000 = One Million I can spell 12 = Twelve You have 1000000.12 -- so, maybe.... SPELL_NUMBER(TRUNC(:X))||'DOLLARSAND'||SPELL_NUMBER((:X-TRUNC(:X))*100)||'CENTS' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One million dollars and Twelve cents

Its Amazing but not works for -ve values October 28, 2002 - 3am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Kamran Laeeq from Pakistan
Dear Sir, Its Amazing and working for any digit except -ve values can any amendment be made to make it useful for -ve intergers also

Followup October 28, 2002 - 7am Central time zone:

and what the heck is -ve numbers. (I'm guessing you are making me play a word game and the word you are trying to get me to guess is "negative") Think about it, what could you do to get it to return Negative One Million. Maybe use abs() on the number when assigning to l_num and conditionally concatenating on the word "negative" or whatever you like at the end?

spell number > 38 digits April 8, 2003 - 12pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: ma from bristol, uk
hello here's my tuppence worth, the following will spell number > 38 digits and spell point zero at the end create or replace function spell_number(p_number in varchar2) -type string_array is table of varchar2(255); -v_string string_array := string_array('', ' thousand ', ' ' billion ', ' ' quadrillion ', ' ' sextillion ', ' ' octillion ', ' ' decillion ', ' ' duodecillion ', ' ' quaddecillion ', ' ' sexdecillion ', ' ' octdecillion ', ' ' dedecillion '); v_number varchar2(255); v_return varchar2(4000); begin if instr(p_number, '.') = 0 then v_number := p_number; else v_number := substr(p_number, 1, instr(p_number, '.')-1); end if; -if v_number = '0' then v_return := 'zero'; else return varchar2 as

million ', trillion ', quintillion ', septillion ', nonillion ', undecillion ', tridecillion ', quindecillion ', septdecillion ', nondecillion ',

for i in 1 .. v_string.count loop exit when v_number is null; -if (substr(v_number, length(v_number)-2, 3) <> 0) then v_return := to_char(to_date(substr(v_number, length(v_number)-2, 3), 'j'), 'jsp') || v_string(i) || v_return; end if; v_number := substr(v_number, 1, length(v_number)-3); end loop; end if; --- to include decimal places. -if p_number like '%.%' then v_number := substr(p_number, instr(p_number, '.')+1); v_return := v_return ||' point'; for i in 1 .. length(v_number) loop exit when v_number is null; if substr(v_number, 1, 1) = '0' then v_return := v_return ||' zero'; else v_return := v_return ||' '|| to_char(to_date(substr(v_number, 1, 1), 'j'), 'jsp'); end if; v_number := substr(v_number, 2); end loop; end if; -- include decimal places. return v_return; end spell_number; / select 11, spell_number('9948443321800876587765443737476566352652356988626255324.0992776467424') from dual nine septdecillion nine hundred forty-eight sexdecillion four hundred forty-three quindecillion three hundred twenty-one quaddecillion eight hundred tridecillion eight hundred seventy-six duodecillion five hundred eighty-seven undecillion seven hundred sixty-five decillion four hundred forty-three nonillion seven hundred thirty-seven octillion four hundred seventy-six septillion five hundred sixty-six sextillion three hundred fifty-two quintillion six hundred fifty-two quadrillion three hundred fifty-six trillion nine hundred eighty-eight billion six hundred twenty-six million two hundred fifty-five thousand three hundred twenty-four point zero nine nine two seven seven six four six seven four two four select 11, spell_number('324.0') from dual three hundred twenty-four point zero select 11, spell_number('.0') from dual point zero

spell number > 38 digits version 2 April 8, 2003 - 12pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: ma from bristol, uk
sorry, here's an update create or replace function spell_number(p_number in varchar2) -type string_array is table of varchar2(255); -v_string string_array := string_array('', ' thousand ', ' ' billion ', ' ' quadrillion ', ' ' sextillion ', ' ' octillion ', ' return varchar2 as

million ', trillion ', quintillion ', septillion ', nonillion ',

' ' ' ' ' '

decillion ', duodecillion ', quaddecillion ', sexdecillion ', octdecillion ', dedecillion ');

' ' ' ' '

undecillion ', tridecillion ', quindecillion ', septdecillion ', nondecillion ',

v_number varchar2(255); v_return varchar2(4000); begin if instr(p_number, '.') = 0 then v_number := p_number; else v_number := substr(p_number, 1, instr(p_number, '.')-1); end if; -if v_number = '0' or v_number is null then v_return := 'zero'; else for i in 1 .. v_string.count loop exit when v_number is null; -if (substr(v_number, length(v_number)-2, 3) <> 0) then v_return := to_char(to_date(substr(v_number, length(v_number)-2, 3), 'j'), 'jsp') || v_string(i) || v_return; end if; v_number := substr(v_number, 1, length(v_number)-3); end loop; end if; --- to include decimal places. -if p_number like '%.%' then v_number := substr(p_number, instr(p_number, '.')+1); v_return := v_return ||' point'; for i in 1 .. length(v_number) loop exit when v_number is null; if substr(v_number, 1, 1) = '0' then v_return := v_return ||' zero'; else v_return := v_return ||' '|| to_char(to_date(substr(v_number, 1, 1), 'j'), 'jsp'); end if; v_number := substr(v_number, 2); end loop; end if; -- include decimal places. return v_return; end spell_number; / select spell_number('9948443321800876587765443737476566352652356988626255324.0992776467424') from dual; > nine septdecillion nine hundred forty-eight sexdecillion four hundred forty-three quindecillion three hundred twenty-one quaddecillion eight hundred tridecillion eight hundred seventy-six duodecillion five hundred eighty-seven undecillion seven hundred sixty-five decillion four hundred forty-three nonillion seven hundred thirty-seven octillion four hundred seventy-six septillion five hundred sixty-six sextillion three hundred fifty-two quintillion six hundred fifty-two quadrillion three hundred fifty-six trillion nine hundred eighty-eight billion six hundred twenty-six million two hundred fifty-five thousand three hundred twenty-four point zero nine nine two seven seven six four six seven four two four select spell_number('.0') from dual; > zero point zero select spell_number('1') from dual; > one

select spell_number('1.0') from dual > one point zero

Terrific May 8, 2003 - 1pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Walker from Maryland, USA
Terrific Solution. Thanks to everyone for their reviews.

spellnum for german language August 14, 2003 - 8am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Maik Rabe from Stuttgart, Germany
Hi, i have write a stored procedure for all the people, that need this function in german language! The parameter is a number type, so the following is poosible too: SQL> select spellnum(10/4) from dual; SPELLNUM(10/4) --------------------------------------------Zwei Komma Fnf (Two Point Five) CREATE OR REPLACE function spellnum(val in number) return varchar2 is v_val varchar2(200); v_text varchar2(4000); v_exp_text varchar2(6); v_teiltext varchar2(200); commapos pls_integer; exppos pls_integer; commasep char; tsd_stelle pls_integer; i pls_integer DEFAULT 1; c char(3); function get_text(ziffer in varchar2) return varchar2 is begin case trim(ziffer) when commasep when '0' then when '1' then when '2' then when '3' then when '4' then when '5' then when '6' then when '7' then when '8' then when '9' then else return ' end case; end; then return ' Komma'; return ' Null'; return ' Ein'; return ' Zwei'; return ' Drei'; return ' Vier'; return ' Fnf'; return ' Sechs'; return ' Sieben'; return ' Acht'; return ' Neun'; Fehler_Text';

function get_hunderter_text(ziffer in varchar2) return varchar2 is v_text_hunderter varchar2(150); v_text_zehner varchar2(150); v_text_einer varchar2(150); begin

--Hunderter-Stelle If (substr(ziffer,1,1)!='0') then v_text_hunderter := get_text(substr(ziffer,1,1))||'hundert'; --wenn nachfolgender Einer/Zehner-Wert, dann 'und' ranhngen if (substr(ziffer,2,1) != '0' or substr(ziffer,3,1) != '0') then v_text_hunderter := v_text_hunderter||'und'; end if; end if; --nun die Einer if (substr(ziffer,3,1)!='0') then v_text_einer := get_text(substr(ziffer,3,1)); --wenn im Bereich 10..19, dann Einer-Text auf 4 Stellen beschneiden (Sieben->Sieb|zehn) if (substr(ziffer,2,1) = '1') then v_text_einer := substr(v_text_einer,1,5); end if; --wenn Zehner >=20, dann 'und' zwischen Zehner und Einer einfgen if (substr(ziffer,2,1) not in ('0','1')) then v_text_einer := v_text_einer||'und'; end if; --aus Ein wird hier Eins, wenn kein Zehner vorhanden if (substr(ziffer,2,1) = '0' and substr(ziffer,3,1)='1') then v_text_einer := v_text_einer||'s'; end if; end if; --nun die Zehner if (substr(ziffer,2,1) != '0') then v_text_zehner := substr(get_text(substr(ziffer,2,1)),1,5)||'zig'; end if; --10 und 20 korrigieren if (v_text_zehner=' Einzig') then v_text_zehner := ' Zehn'; end if; if (v_text_zehner=' Zweizig') then v_text_zehner := ' Zwanzig'; end if; --11 und 12 konvertieren if (v_text_einer||v_text_zehner=' Ein Zehn') then v_text_zehner := ' Elf'; v_text_einer:= null; end if; if (v_text_einer||v_text_zehner=' Zwei Zehn') then v_text_zehner := ' Zwlf'; v_text_einer:= null; end if; --Gro/Klein- und Zusammenschreibung abhngig vom vorausgehenden Text einstellen if ( v_text_hunderter is not null) then v_text_zehner := trim(lower(v_text_zehner)); v_text_einer := trim(lower(v_text_einer)); end if; if ( v_text_einer is not null) then v_text_zehner := trim(lower(v_text_zehner)); end if; return v_text_hunderter||v_text_einer||v_text_zehner; end; function get_tausender_text(stelle in pls_integer, val in pls_integer) return varchar2 is ret_text varchar2(100); begin case stelle when 0 then when 1 then when 2 then when 3 then return null; ret_text := ' Tausend'; ret_text := ' Million'; ret_text := ' Milliarde';

when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when

4 then ret_text := ' Billion'; 5 then ret_text := ' Billiarde'; 6 then ret_text := ' Trillion'; 7 then ret_text := ' Trilliarde'; 8 then ret_text := ' Quadrillion'; 9 then ret_text := ' Quadrilliarde'; 10 then ret_text := ' Quintillion'; 11 then ret_text := ' Quintilliarde'; 12 then ret_text := ' Sextillion'; 13 then ret_text := ' Sextilliarde'; 14 then ret_text := ' Septillion'; 15 then ret_text := ' Septilliarde'; 16 then ret_text := ' Oktillion'; 17 then ret_text := ' Oktilliarde'; 18 then ret_text := ' Nonillion'; 19 then ret_text := ' Nonilliarde'; 20 then ret_text := ' Dezillion'; 21 then ret_text := ' Dezilliarde'; else ret_text := ' mal Zehn hoch'||get_hunderter_text(lpad(3*stelle,3,'0')); end case; if (val > 1) then ret_text := replace(ret_text,'ion','ionen'); ret_text := replace(ret_text,'iarde','iarden'); end if; return ret_text; end; begin --Null-Wert sofort als 'unbekannt' zuck if (val is null) then return 'unbekannt'; end if; --Auslesen des aktuellenDezimalzeichens commasep:=substr(to_char(1/2),1,1); --Wert als Text und commapos bestimmen v_val := trim(to_char(val)); commapos := instr(v_val,commasep); --Bei Exponentialwert Exp-Teil extrahieren exppos := instr(v_val,'E'); if (exppos > 0) then v_exp_text :=substr(v_val, exppos+1); v_val := substr(v_val,1,exppos-1); v_val := rtrim(v_val,'0'); end if; --Betrag auswerten und String anpassen if (substr(v_val,1,1)='-') then v_text := 'Minus'; v_val := substr(v_val,2); commapos := commapos - 1; end if; --String auffllen auf durch 3 teilbare Stellenzahl mit fhrenden Nullen if (commapos < 1) then v_val := lpad(v_val, (trunc(length(v_val)/3)+1)*3,'0')||commasep; else v_val := lpad(v_val,length(v_val)+(trunc((commapos-1)/3)+1)*3-abs(commapos-1),'0'); end if; commapos := instr(v_val,commasep);

--Vorkommastellen while (i<=commapos-1) loop c := substr(v_val,i,3); v_teiltext := get_hunderter_text(c); if (v_teiltext is not null) then tsd_stelle := trunc((commapos-1-i)/3); if (tsd_stelle >1 and v_teiltext=' Eins') then v_teiltext:=' Eine';

end if; if (tsd_stelle = 1 and v_teiltext=' Eins') then v_teiltext:=' Ein'; end if; v_text := v_text||v_teiltext||get_tausender_text(tsd_stelle, to_number(c)); end if; i := i + 3; end loop; --Vorkomma-Null if (v_text is null or v_text = 'Minus') then v_text:= trim(v_text||' Null'); end if; --Nachkommastellen --wenn Nachkommastellen vorhanden, dann aufzaehlen if (commapos<length(v_val)) then --durchlaufen der Nachkommastellen for i in commapos .. length(v_Val) loop v_teiltext := get_text(substr(v_val, i,1)); if v_teiltext=' Ein' then v_teiltext:=' Eins'; end if; v_text := v_text||v_teiltext; end loop; end if; --wenn Exponentialdarstellung, dann exp-Wert angeben if (v_exp_text is not null) then if (v_text=' Eins') then v_text:=' Ein'; end if; v_text := v_text ||' mal Zehn hoch'; --Betrag auswerten und String anpassen if (substr(v_exp_text ,1,1)='-') then v_text := v_text || ' Minus'; end if; v_text := v_text || get_hunderter_text(substr(v_exp_text,2)); end if; return trim(v_text); end; / Hope, that this procedure will be used! Maik

August 25, 2003 - 6am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader
No review. Just thanks. well done everyone. James

January 28, 2004 - 4am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Helen from South Africa

Can you update the other page? April 25, 2004 - 8pm Central time zone

Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Tom Best from PA

Tom - would you be so kind as to update this: to reflect this solution? Thanks.

Followup April 26, 2004 - 6am Central time zone:

there, just made that page, this page :)

number 0 and numbers between 1721058 and 1721423 May 19, 2004 - 10am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Laurent from Switzerland
Hi, I just learned that the spell method will not work for the non-existant days of the non-existant year 0, that is for the numbers between 1721058 and 1721423 select to_char(to_date( '1721423' , 'J'),'JSP') from dual; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0 To spell numbers between 0 and 86399, you can use seconds of the day : SQL> select to_char(to_date(0, 'SSSSS'),'Ssssssp') from dual; TO_C ---Zero

Followup May 19, 2004 - 11am Central time zone:

very cool, we'll have to adjust for that.

spell_the_number function works for numbers between 1721058 and 1721423 May 22, 2004 - 4pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Barbara Boehmer from Riverside County, CA USA
Laurent, Although the method that you posted does not work for numbers between 1721058 and 1721423, the spell_the_number function by Tom does: scott@ORA92> select spell_the_number (1721058) from dual 2 / SPELL_THE_NUMBER(1721058) ------------------------------------------------------------------------One million Seven Hundred Twenty-One thousand Fifty-Eight scott@ORA92> select spell_the_number (1721423) from dual 2 / SPELL_THE_NUMBER(1721423) ------------------------------------------------------------------------One million Seven Hundred Twenty-One thousand Four Hundred Twenty-Three Barbara

spell_the_number function works for numbers between 1721058 and 1721423 June 17, 2004 - 9am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Laurent Schneider from Switzerland
Hi Barbara, I will give you a function for those missing numbers in plain SQL... SQL> select to_char(to_date('1','J') + 1721300 - 1,'Jsp') from dual; One Million Seven Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Three Hundred

Regards Laurent

Excellent July 30, 2004 - 7am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Ashwin from India
Just awesome guys.Thanks a lot.This helped me a lot.

converting cents into fraction August 19, 2004 - 10pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Yugi
hi, i need a functionality that would convert the number into words but the cents would be in fraction. example... 1,000.25 output : one thousand & 25/60

Followup August 19, 2004 - 10pm Central time zone:

& 25/60????? umm? huh? 60?

but anyway, sort of trivial no? substr( num, instr(num,'.')+1 ) len(x)+1 >>> call that X

>>> that is the number of digits after the "1"

ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> variable n number ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> exec :n := 1000.25 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> select substr( :n, instr(:n,'.')+1 ) from dual; SUBSTR(:N,INSTR(:N,'.')+1) ---------------------------------------25

ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> select substr( :n, instr(:n,'.')+1) || '/1' || rpad('0',length(substr( :n, instr(:n,'.')+1)),'0') 2 from dual; SUBSTR(:N,INSTR(:N,'.')+1)||'/1'||RPAD('0',LENGTH(SUBSTR(:N,INSTR(:N,'.')+1)),' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------25/100

just use the last one, concat onto the rest.

follow up on 25/100 August 19, 2004 - 11pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Yugi
hi, i'm sorry its 2/100 not 25/60.... can you pls post the exact script so i could arrive at this result 1000.25 one thousand & 25/100 only thanks again

Followup August 20, 2004 - 10am Central time zone:

ummm spell_number(trunc(:n)) || ' & ' || substr( :n, instr(:n,'.')+1) || '/1' || rpad('0',length(substr( :n, instr(:n,'.')+1)),'0') just what I said - concat the xx/100 with spell_number?

August 20, 2004 - 4am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader
hi, closing thread i got it..... thanks

hi August 20, 2004 - 5am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader
hi all, my mistake..i still have problem..pls post the whole script thanks.

hi August 22, 2004 - 8pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: YUgi
sorry for the confusion....i got it...thanks for the time

Can reverse way is possible ? ( words to number ) August 26, 2004 - 2am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top

Reviewer: pjp
Hi Tom, thanks for your great answers as usual. I have executed following SQL 1* select to_char(to_Date(5373484, 'J'), 'JSP') from dual 11:31:17 atlas@ATP1P1> / TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(5373484,'J'),'JSP') -------------------------------------------------------------------------FIVE MILLION THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY-THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY-FOUR I am just wondering that can we arrive to the number by reading words ) ( Only in SQL not in PL/SQL

select to_number(to_char('FIVE MILLION THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY-THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY-FOUR'), 'J') ... etc. so output will show me 5373484 thanks & regards pjp

Followup August 26, 2004 - 9am Central time zone:

believe you will be writing code for that yourself. words into numbers. there is no tricky format I know of to turn

math September 15, 2004 - 7pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: ho from usa
thirty two and sixty seven thousand ninety four hundred thousanaths

math September 15, 2004 - 7pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: ho from usa
thirty two and sixty seven thousand ninety four hundred thousanaths

RE: Can reverse way is possible ? ( words to number ) November 4, 2004 - 8am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Laurent Schneider from Switzerland
either write your own pl/sql function, or do a loop in sql select r from (select rownum r from (select 1 from dual group by cube(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)),(select 1 from dual group by cube(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)) where rownum < date '9999-12-31' - date '-4712-01-01') where to_char(date '-4712-01-01' + (r-1),'JSP') = 'FOUR MILLION FOUR HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR'; R ---------4444444

wow November 16, 2004 - 8pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: doug from calgary, AB, CA
RE: RE: Can reverse way is possible ? ( words to number )

That's some brilliant code, it's too bad that running it takes so long. translate 'FOUR') Great use / grasp of sql though, yeesh.

(Try running it to

Ask Tom November 25, 2004 - 8pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: maryah from FLORIDA
Not useful at all! Because-too complicated -hard to understand with all the ( : ; ) = -no information -web page not designed well (eg. no color!)

Followup November 25, 2004 - 8pm Central time zone:

but gosh and golly batman, it actually answered the question. My favorite font: courier If I had my way, this would be white on blue/black but this seems to be the internet standard "black on white" (what the HECK does color have to do with CONTENT... geez) too complicated -- hmmm. ok -- you must not write code for money.

sorry, just feeling slightly sarcastic tonight but hey, there you go. I sort of thought "function over form" -- you will not see blinding colors here, animated gifs are totally outlawed. This site is about technical information. If you want pretty colors and flashing lights -- Las Vegas is for you. but -- have a nice day, happy thanksgiving and all!

Oh well.... November 26, 2004 - 3am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Gj from UK
I guess some people simply want to be spoon-fed all the answers with nice pretty lights included! Oh well, you can't please everyone I suppose!

Followup November 26, 2004 - 9am Central time zone:

yeah, the comment about "no colors" really made me laugh. point" The person sort of totally "misses the

Hey there! January 31, 2005 - 6pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Victoria Belmont from USA
Hey there this was a very useful site! thanx sooooooooooo much!

er5yujh5rl February 8, 2005 - 11pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: w5uwr6
5yeyttyrtuy etuw46ue6u et6yuie56i

Followup February 9, 2005 - 2am Central time zone:

^@$@$GRQtrqgfa I feel like I'm commicating now....

Thanks... March 21, 2005 - 4am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Kiran Shah from India
Thanks to Tom and Special thanks to Barbara Boehmer for her function spell_indian_money. I truly benefitted from this.

modification as under for indian version April 11, 2005 - 2am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Nikunj Thaker from Ahmedabad,India
Dear Barbara, In you code little change is required in indian function spell_indian_money b'coz if you see the below result. SQL> select spell_indian_money(8.02) from dual; SPELL_INDIAN_MONEY(8.02) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eight And Two Paise SQL> select spell_indian_money(8.20) from dual; SPELL_INDIAN_MONEY(8.20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eight And Two Paise if you see both resulting same but at actual 8.20 should return SQL> select nspell_indian_money(8.02) from dual; NSPELL_INDIAN_MONEY(8.02) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eight And Two Paise SQL> select nspell_indian_money(8.20) from dual; NSPELL_INDIAN_MONEY(8.20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eight And Twenty Paise So i had modified your code as below. create or replace function spell_indian_money ( p_number in number ) return varchar2 as type myArray is table of varchar2(255); l_str myArray := myArray( ' Thousand ', ' Lakh ', ' Crore ', ' Arab ', ' Kharab ', ' Shankh ' ); l_num varchar2(50) default trunc( p_number ); l_return varchar2(4000); d_count number; begin if ( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3) <> 0 ) then

l_return := to_char( to_date( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3), 'J' ), 'Jsp' ); end if; l_num := substr( l_num, 1, length(l_num)-3 ); for i in 1 .. l_str.count loop exit when l_num is null; if ( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-1, 2) <> 0 ) then l_return := to_char( to_date( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-1, 2), 'J' ), 'Jsp' ) || l_str(i) || l_return; end if; l_num := substr( l_num, 1, length(l_num)-2 ); end loop; if to_char( p_number ) like '%.%' then l_num := substr( round( p_number, 2), instr( p_number, '.' )+1 ); /* here i had done my modifcation */ if (length(substr( round( p_number, 2), instr( p_number, '.' )+1)))=1 then l_num:=to_number(to_char(l_num)||'0'); end if; /* here i had completed my modifcation */ if l_num > 0 then l_return := l_return || ' And ' || to_char( to_date( l_num, 'J' ), 'Jsp' ) || ' Paise'; end if; end if; return l_return; end spell_indian_money; / Regards, Nikunj.

English question April 25, 2005 - 10am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Andrea Foucher from Michigan
Is this the correct way to write "a hundred and sixty-nine thousand one hundred and sixty-seven" if I needed to spell it out?

Followup April 25, 2005 - 1pm Central time zone:

ops$tkyte@ORA10G> select to_char( to_date(169167,'j'),'jsp') from dual; TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(169167,'J'),'JSP') ------------------------------------------------------one hundred sixty-nine thousand one hundred sixty-seven one hundred, not "a hundred"

RE: RE: Can reverse way is possible ? ( words to number ) April 26, 2005 - 9am Central time

zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Laurent Schneider from Switzerland

> it's too bad that running it takes so long ok, here is one more try select sp, n from (select 'FIVE THOUSAND ONE' sp from dual) model dimension by (1 dim) measures (0 n, sp) rules iterate (10000) until (to_char(date '2000-01-01' + (ITERATION_NUMBER/86400),'SSSSSSP')=sp[1]) ( n[1]=ITERATION_NUMBER ) / SP N ----------------- ---------FIVE THOUSAND ONE 5001 Elapsed: 00:00:00.11

Followup April 26, 2005 - 9am Central time zone:

Interesting approach, I used connect by, should work up to the number of seconds in the day. ops$tkyte@ORA10G> variable x varchar2(100) ops$tkyte@ORA10G> ops$tkyte@ORA10G> begin 2 select to_char( to_date( 123, 'J' ), 'JSP' ) into :x from dual; 3 end; 4 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Elapsed: 00:00:00.00 ops$tkyte@ORA10G> ops$tkyte@ORA10G> select max(level)+1 2 from dual 3 connect by level < 86400 and to_char(trunc(sysdate)+level/86400,'SSSSSSP') <> :x 4 / MAX(LEVEL)+1 -----------123 Elapsed: 00:00:00.05 ops$tkyte@ORA10G> ops$tkyte@ORA10G> select sp, n from (select :x sp from dual) 2 model 3 dimension by (1 dim) 4 measures (0 n, sp) 5 rules iterate (86400) until (to_char(date '2000-01-01' + 6 (ITERATION_NUMBER/86400),'SSSSSSP')=sp[1]) 7 ( n[1]=ITERATION_NUMBER ) 8 / SP N ------------------------------ ---------ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE 123 Elapsed: 00:00:00.06 ops$tkyte@ORA10G> ops$tkyte@ORA10G> begin 2 select to_char( to_date( 86399, 'J' ), 'JSP' ) into :x from dual; 3 end; 4 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

ops$tkyte@ORA10G> ops$tkyte@ORA10G> select max(level)+1 2 from dual 3 connect by level < 86400 and to_char(trunc(sysdate)+level/86400,'SSSSSSP') <> :x 4 / MAX(LEVEL)+1 -----------86399 Elapsed: 00:00:00.83 ops$tkyte@ORA10G> ops$tkyte@ORA10G> select sp, n from (select :x sp from dual) 2 model 3 dimension by (1 dim) 4 measures (0 n, sp) 5 rules iterate (86400) until (to_char(date '2000-01-01' + 6 (ITERATION_NUMBER/86400),'SSSSSSP')=sp[1]) 7 ( n[1]=ITERATION_NUMBER ) 8 / SP N ------------------------------ ---------EIGHTY-SIX THOUSAND THREE HUND 86399 RED NINETY-NINE Elapsed: 00:00:01.04 ops$tkyte@ORA10G>

RE: RE: Can reverse way is possible ? ( words to number ) April 27, 2005 - 5am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Laurent Schneider from Switzerland
great piece of code :-)

correction of Indian version April 30, 2005 - 2pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Barbara Boehmer from Riverside County, CA USA
Nikunj Thaker, Thanks for pointing out the error. original code. The following corrects the problem by just adding rpad to the

create or replace function spell_indian_money ( p_number in number ) return varchar2 as type myArray is table of varchar2(255); l_str myArray := myArray( ' Thousand ', ' Lakh ', ' Crore ', ' Arab ', ' Kharab ', ' Shankh ' ); l_num varchar2(50) default trunc( p_number ); l_return varchar2(4000); begin if ( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3) <> 0 ) then l_return := to_char( to_date( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-2, 3), 'J' ), 'Jsp' ); end if; l_num := substr( l_num, 1, length(l_num)-3 ); for i in 1 .. l_str.count

loop exit when l_num is null; if ( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-1, 2) <> 0 ) then l_return := to_char( to_date( substr(l_num, length(l_num)-1, 2), 'J' ), 'Jsp' ) || l_str(i) || l_return; end if; l_num := substr( l_num, 1, length(l_num)-2 ); end loop; if to_char( p_number ) like '%.%' then -- correction made in line below by adding rpad: l_num := rpad (substr (round (p_number, 2), instr (p_number, '.' ) + 1), 2, '0'); if l_num > 0 then l_return := l_return || ' And ' || to_char( to_date( l_num, 'J' ), 'Jsp' ) || ' Paise'; end if; end if; return l_return; end spell_indian_money; /

sufficient June 3, 2005 - 4pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Hakim.Zen from USA
Too much code, it can be done with 1/2 as much my solution is superior

Followup June 3, 2005 - 5pm Central time zone:

might be superior, but it sure is "missing"

Check this out June 29, 2005 - 3am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Yasser Qureshi from Pakistan
Hi. I have done following for the problem. Useful for Pakistan & India. Can be modified according to any language. You can add code to spell a number upto any range. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION DO_SPELL (NUM IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CH VARCHAR2(200):=''; BEGIN IF VALUE_IS_ZERO(NUM)='TRUE' THEN RETURN '/- Rs Only'; ELSE IF LENGTH(NUM)=8 THEN CH:=INITCAP(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('30-JUL-'||SUBSTR(NUM,1,1)),'YSP')||' Crore '); CH:=CH||DO_SPELL(SUBSTR(NUM,2)); ELSIF LENGTH(NUM)=7 THEN CH:=INITCAP(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('30-JUL-'||SUBSTR(NUM,1,2)),'YYSP')||' Lac '); CH:=CH||DO_SPELL(SUBSTR(NUM,3)); ELSIF LENGTH(NUM)=6 THEN CH:=INITCAP(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('30-JUL-'||SUBSTR(NUM,1,1)),'YYSP')||' Lac '); CH:=CH||DO_SPELL(SUBSTR(NUM,2));


how do u spell 40 July 8, 2005 - 4pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Hassan from london
how do u spell 40

Followup July 8, 2005 - 6pm Central time zone:

You would have to find "U" and ask "U" how "U" spells forty

RE: check this out July 22, 2005 - 9am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader
Interresting to spell years... SQL> select to_char(date '9999-01-01','SYYYYSP') from dual;

TO_CHAR(DATE'9999-01-01','SYYYYSP') -------------------------------------NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE SQL> select to_char(date '0000-01-01','SYYYYSP') from dual; TO_CHAR(DATE'0000-01-01','SYYYYSP') ------------------------------------------0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 SQL> select to_char(date '-4712-01-01','SYYYYSP') from dual; select to_char(date '-4712-01-01','SYYYYSP') from dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01801: date format is too long for internal buffer

Algorisms: Writing Large Numbers August 28, 2005 - 8am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Jenaya from Australia
im not sure how to make these numbers into numerals. these are the ones i am unsure of::: (a) 28 million, 5 thousand and seventy-four (b) thirty-four thousand and one (c) 7 million, five hundred and three (d) 729 thousand, 106 (e) 50 000 + 400+ 7 (f) 8 000 000 + 5000 + 85 (g) 22 000 + 80 +4

Followup August 28, 2005 - 8am Central time zone:

not sure what you mean? You have written the large numbers already.

hahahahahaha............ September 1, 2005 - 10am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Jay from Milwaukee, WI USA
Hey Tom, Hope you are doing well. I was laughing for ten minutes Non-Stop after reading this one. You can be really hilarious at times Tom!! Way to go :-) -----------------------------------------------------------Followup: You would have to find "U" and ask "U" how "U" spells forty

October 3, 2005 - 3am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: 90 from 89 90-9 Number to Words October 26, 2005 - 4pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Rajni Kant Tahlyan from Galesburg, MI USA
This is a very useful page, especially for the people working in projects related to finance. These guys usually needs to work on files to send the money figures and that too in both numbers and words. Here comes this page very helpful.

slightly varied problem November 11, 2005 - 5am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Asm Naveed from Pakistan
I have slightly varied problem. Given a number n, I want to know how many 1- How many millions are in it. 2- How many 100 Thousands are in the reaaining no. i.e. ( how many 100 thousands are in the no. n - (no. of millions in n) 3- How many 10 Thousands are in the remaining no. 4- Thousands are in the remaining no. 5- Hunderes are in the remaining no. 6- Tens are in the remaining no. 7- How many units are in the reamining no. For e.g. the number

4752524694 Has Four Thousand seven hundered and fifty two --Million Five ---Hundered Thousands in it. Two ----Ten Thousands in it. Four ---- Thousands in it. Six ---- Hundereds in it. Nine ---- Tens in it. Four ---- Units in it.

in it.

Can there by a function which can return me these words delemited by any delemeter. The maximum number will be of 10 digits only. Thanks and Regards,

Followup November 12, 2005 - 8am Central time zone:

give it is go - you see the techniques available to you - simple exercise in programming this one is. (looks like "substr" to me, doesn't it)

Spell the number December 27, 2005 - 7pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: YM Leong from Singapore
To Tom: I don't see "Hundred", "One", "Two" etc being initialised into the array, but results can produce the word "Hundred"? Lost See array values below: l_str myArray := myArray( '', ' thousand ', ' million ', ' billion ', ' trillion ', ' quadrillion ', ' quintillion ', ' sextillion ', ' septillion ', ' octillion ', ' nonillion ', ' decillion ', ' undecillion ', ' duodecillion ' );

Followup December 28, 2005 - 9am Central time zone:

I'm using to_char to spell out anything less than one thousand - we substr off upto three digits spell them - then add the thousand/million/etc as needed.

write the number February 6, 2006 - 3am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: matty from australia
how do you do this in numbers sixty-four thousand, nine hundred and twenty-eight

Followup February 7, 2006 - 12am Central time zone:

not sure what you mean? 64,928 ? are you just asking for:

write the number February 6, 2006 - 3am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: matty from australia
how do you do this in numbers sixty-four thousand, nine hundred and twenty-eight

Words to numbers? February 7, 2006 - 5am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Neil from London
Matty, Do you want to change words into numbers? I've never done it myself, but here's a couple of thoughts: I'd get rid of all the unnecessary stuff first like commas and "and". I think you could get rid of tokens like "million" and "thousand" as well. When you see the word "twenty" output a 2, if you see the word "twenty-seven" output a 2 and then a 7. One hundred and thrity nine? Output a 1 for the "one", ignore the "hundred" because the subsequently found words will multiply the previous by 10 thus preserving the magnitude, a 3 for the "thirty" and a 9 for the "nine". Stash the words in a pl/sql table indexed by varchar2 along with their eqivalents which you will print out. Thus the token "thrty" is looked up using the construct dbms_output.put_line(numbers(token).digit); where token is the If the token has a You will probably have be too hard. As I've said, this string "thirty" and the digit returned would be 3. hyphen in it, then look up the substrings to the left and then to the right. to look out for "dollars" and "cents" and the decimal point, but it shouldn't is just off the top of my head, and may crash and burn...

August 28, 2006 - 11pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Victoria Curry from Shaw, USA

Followup August 29, 2006 - 7am Central time zone:

WHY? CAN'T YOU? ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select spell_number( 10205000041 ) from dual; SPELL_NUMBER(10205000041) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ten billion Two Hundred Five million Forty-One

Add comment in the table October 13, 2006 - 8am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: senthil
i am create table that table having some column, now i want column_name,datatype and adding comment how is possible? example: create table emp (empno number /*this now see the comment: desc dict_columns; senthil.k empno /*);

Followup October 13, 2006 - 2pm Central time zone:

won't happen, doesn't work that way. You use the COMMENT sql command to comment on tables and columns.

Indian Currentcy in words February 15, 2007 - 5am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Manjunath from India Excellent job..hats off all of u.. this code is awesome..Thank u Number Spelling in Portuguese August 23, 2007 - 10am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Nuno Farinha from Lisbon, Portugal
For those needing, like me, this function for portuguese language. Note that like in french language we use the billion, trillion, etc on a 10^6 basis. This differs from the english language that uses it in a 10^3 basis. create or replace function spell_number( p_number in number) return varchar2 is --------------------------------------------------------------- NFarinha 2007/08/23 based on -- ask tom : -- Portuguese number spelling -------------------------------------------------------------type myArray is table of varchar2(255); l_str_pt myArray := myArray( '', ' milh', ' bili', ' trili', ' quatrili', ' quintili', ' sextili', ' septili', ' octili', ' nonili'); l_num l_curr_num_uni l_curr_num_mil l_return varchar2(50) default trunc( p_number ); varchar2(50); varchar2(50); varchar2(4000);

function spell_hundreds(p_val number) return varchar2 is retval varchar2(100); begin select des into retval from (select centenas.val*100 + dezenas.val val, case when centenas.val = 0 then null when centenas.val*100 + dezenas.val = 100 then 'cem' else centenas.des end|| case when centenas.val != 0 and dezenas.val != 0 then ' e ' end|| decode(dezenas.val ,0,null,dezenas.des) des from (select rownum-1 val,column_value des from table(varchar2_table_100('','cento','duzentos','trezentos','quatrocentos','quinhentos','seiscentos ', 'setecentos','oitocentos','novecentos'))) centenas, (select dezenas.val*10 + unidades.val val,

decode(dezenas.val ,0,null,dezenas.des)|| case when dezenas.val != 0 and unidades.val != 0 then ' e ' end|| unidades.des des from (select decode(rownum,1,0,rownum) val,column_value des from table(varchar2_table_100('','vinte','trinta','quarenta','cinquenta','sessenta','setenta','oitenta' ,' noventa'))) dezenas, (select rownum - 1 val,column_value des from table(varchar2_table_100('','um','dois','trs','quatro','cinco','seis','sete','oito','nove'))) unidades union all select rownum + 9 val, column_value des from table(varchar2_table_100('dez','onze','doze','treze','catorze','quinze','dezasseis','dezassete','d ez oito','dezanove')) excep) dezenas) where val = p_val; return retval; exception when others then return null; end; begin if l_num = 0 then return 'zero'; end if; for i in 1 .. l_str_pt.count loop exit when l_num is null; l_return := case when instr(l_return,' e ',-1) = 0 then ' e ' when l_curr_num_mil <> 0 or l_curr_num_uni <> 0 then ', ' end|| l_return; l_curr_num_uni := nvl(substr(l_num, -3), l_num); l_curr_num_mil := nvl(substr(l_num, -6), l_num); l_curr_num_mil := nvl(substr(l_curr_num_mil, 1, length(l_curr_num_mil)-3 ),0); if ( l_curr_num_uni <> 0 or l_curr_num_mil <> 0) then l_return := case when l_curr_num_uni <> 0 then spell_hundreds(l_curr_num_uni) end|| l_str_pt(i)|| case when l_str_pt(i) is not null and l_curr_num_mil = 0 and l_curr_num_uni = 1 then 'o' when l_str_pt(i) is not null then 'es' end|| l_return; end if; if ( l_curr_num_mil <> 0 ) then l_return := case when l_curr_num_mil > 1 then spell_hundreds(l_curr_num_mil)||' ' end|| 'mil'|| case when l_curr_num_uni between 1 and 100 then ' e ' when l_curr_num_uni <> 0 then ' ' end|| l_return; end if; l_num := substr( l_num, 1, length(l_num)-6 ); end loop; return l_return; exception when others then return null;


Good work Everyone February 13, 2008 - 3am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Sharon from UAE
Hi Yasser Qureyshi, I tried your query, the results are >Select Do_spell(454530) from dual; DO_SPELL(454530) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Four Lac Fifty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Thirty/- Rs Only > Select Do_spell(40254530) from dual; DO_SPELL(40254530) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Four Crore Two Lac Fifty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Thirty/- Rs Only > Select Do_spell(440254530) from dual; DO_SPELL(440254530) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not displaying any answer as the value is more than 5373484 julian limit so Tom's and Barbara's solutions are better.

Thank you November 6, 2009 - 4am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader

December 10, 2009 - 8am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Asif Bin Qadir from Pakistan Thank you very much Tom, Your SPELL_NUMBER function is working fine. Thanks again. spell it December 10, 2009 - 12pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: preston from california
can you please spell this 15765648753476486376374765376537373735763754x10^32

Followup December 10, 2009 - 3pm Central time zone:

supply myArray values and we'd be glad to :) Google is your friend December 10, 2009 - 5pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Mike Kutz from High Point, NC
I like free info, but someone else will have to validate that it is correct. anything over 10^48 does not have a 'standard' naming convention. (perl an awk are also your friends) Following built from the "lower" table. (not the "Standard Dictionary" table) l_str ' ' ' ' ' myArray := myArray( '', thousand ', million ', billion ', trillion ', quadrillion ', It appears that

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

quintillion ', sextillion ', septillion ', octillion ', nonillion ', decillion ', undecillion ', duodecillion ', tredecillion ', quattuordecillion ', quindecillion ', sexdecillion ', septendecillion ', octodecillion ', novemdecillion ', vigintillion ', unvigintillion ', duovigintillion ', tresvigintillion ', quattuorvigintillion ', quinquavigintillion ', sesvigintillion ', septemvigintillion ', octovigintillion ', novemvigintillion ', trigintillion ', untrigintillion ', duotrigintillion ', trestrigintillion ', quattuortrigintillion ', quinquatrigintillion ', sestrigintillion ', septentrigintillion ', octotrigintillion ', noventrigintillion ', quadragintillion ' );

Neat/cool alternative: FFSP format January 11, 2010 - 1pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Martijn Hoekstra from Under 42" of snow I got this alternative via OTN, using TO_CHAR and TO_TIMESTAMP:

This article provides more details and the restrictions one might encounter:

( and the article references this thread as well ;-) ) and thought it might be useful to mention it over here as well.
SQL> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 with sample_data as ( select power(level, level) num from dual connect by level <= 8 ) ---select num , to_char( to_timestamp( lpad( num, 9, '0'), 'FF9' ), 'Ffsp' ) words1 --, to_char( to_timestamp( lpad( num, 9, '0'), 'FF9' ), 'Ffspth' ) words2 from sample_data /

NUM WORDS1 ---------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 One

4 27 256 3125 46656 823543 16777216

Four Twenty-Seven Two Hundred Fifty-Six Three Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Five Forty-Six Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Six Eight Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand Five Hundred Forty-Three Sixteen Million Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Thousand Two Hundred Sixteen

Imo the 'coolness-factor' here is quite large :-) Regards, Martijn

Followup January 18, 2010 - 12pm Central time zone:

nice, thanks for the update :) always good to see things evolve over time, change... spelling numbers April 16, 2010 - 9pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Jeffrey Lomba from New York, NY
spell 983,167,331,215

Followup April 17, 2010 - 12pm Central time zone:

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select spell_number( to_number( '983,167,331,215', '999,999,999,999' ) ) from dual; SPELL_NUMBER(TO_NUMBER('983,167,331,215','999,999,999,999')) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nine Hundred Eighty-Three billion One Hundred Sixty-Seven million Three Hundred Thirty-One thousand Two Hundred Fifteen

was there a problem? spell number May 19, 2010 - 8am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader from NH
spell number in spanish. Please let us know the approach for it.

Followup May 24, 2010 - 10am Central time zone:

ctl-f for other languages on this page, you'll see how people have done it for other languages. September 9, 2010 - 9pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: A reader
ninety five billion, twenty three million, eleven

Followup September 13, 2010 - 6am Central time zone:

nope, you guessed wrong, off by 42

October 31, 2011 - 1pm Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: bernice from siggiewi, malta
can you write this in figures for me pls ten billon,seventy two millon,six hundred and seventeen thousand,two hundred and eight :D thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thxthx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx :D

IF the NLS_CALENDAR is not GREGORIAN November 3, 2011 - 5am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Sridhar from India
Hi Tom, If the NLS_CALENDAR is not set to GREGORIAN, "Spell the number" code fails. We have a code in product to spell out numbers, but when we shipped to Dubai, where they use Arabic Hijrah Calendar it failed: alter session set nls_calendar='GREGORIAN'; select to_char(to_date(20,'J'),'JSP') from dual Output : TWENTY alter session set nls_calendar='Arabic Hijrah'; select to_char(to_date(20,'J'),'JSP') from dual ERROR : ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0 Is there a way to spell out numbers if the calendar is NOT gregorian?? Many Thanks. Sri

Followup November 3, 2011 - 5am Central time zone:

well, you sort of have the technique here. switch the nls_calendar in the function and put it back at the end. nls_session_parameters has the current nls_calendar, read it out - if not gregorian - set it and then put it back later. ORA-01841 but still a feedback November 3, 2011 - 8am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Sokrates
[email protected] > set feedback on [email protected] > alter session set nls_calendar='Arabic Hijrah'; Session altered. [email protected] > select to_date(20,'J') from dual; ERROR: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0 no rows selected

Question: My query encounters an exception - ok. But: why do I get a feedback "no rows selected" from sqlplus then ? I didn't expect that. See:
[email protected] > alter session set nls_calendar='Gregorian'; Session altered. [email protected] > select to_date('2011-11-31', 'yyyy-mm-dd') from dual; select to_date('2011-11-31', 'yyyy-mm-dd') from dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01839: date not valid for month specified [email protected] >

no "no rows selected" here. a bug ? ( btw: I didn't dare to post what I get when issuing "select to_date('2011-11-31', 'yyyy-mm-dd') from dual" against "nls_calendar='Arabic Hijrah'" )

Followup November 3, 2011 - 9am Central time zone:

ok, this is whacky:
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> alter session set nls_calendar='Arabic Hijrah'; Session altered. ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select to_date(20,'J') from dual; ERROR: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0

no rows selected ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select * from dual where to_date(20,'J') < sysdate; D X ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> begin 2 for x in (select to_date(20,'J') x from dual) loop dbms_output.put_line( 'hello world ' || x.x ); end loop; 3 end; 4 / for x in (select to_date(20,'J') x from dual) loop dbms_output.put_line( 'hello world ' || x.x ); end loop; * ERROR at line 2: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0 ORA-06512: at line 2 ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> begin

2 for x in (select to_date(20,'J') x from dual) loop dbms_output.put_line( 'hello world ' ); end loop; 3 end; 4 / hello world PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

apparently, it must be evaluating some of the NLS stuff after it returns from the database - notice how plsql doesn't die until you reference the selected attribute. if you look at the trace for the failed one:
===================== PARSING IN CURSOR #3914836 len=119 dep=0 uid=374 oct=47 lid=374 tim=1320351618864611 hv=2209841403 ad='20c7faac' sqlid='f601ur21vg07v' begin for x in (select to_date(20,'J') x from dual) loop dbms_output.put_line( 'hello world ' || x.x ); end loop; end; END OF STMT PARSE #3914836:c=0,e=163,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=0,tim=1320351618864610 ===================== PARSING IN CURSOR #3877348 len=34 dep=1 uid=374 oct=3 lid=374 tim=1320351618864806 hv=1142410920 ad='219d8eb0' sqlid='86gp9td21gmp8' SELECT TO_DATE(20,'J') X FROM DUAL END OF STMT PARSE #3877348:c=0,e=42,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=1,plh=1388734953,tim=1320351618864805 EXEC #3877348:c=0,e=36,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=1,plh=1388734953,tim=1320351618864882 FETCH #3877348:c=0,e=152,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=1,dep=1,og=1,plh=1388734953,tim=1320351618865078 STAT #3877348 id=1 cnt=1 pid=0 pos=1 obj=0 op='FAST DUAL (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=2 us cost=2 size=0 card=1)' CLOSE #3877348:c=0,e=2,dep=1,type=3,tim=1320351618865249 EXEC #3914836:c=0,e=604,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=0,tim=1320351618865275 ERROR #2:err=1841 tim=1320351618865286

The failure is associated with the plsql block - not the sql statement - the sql statement was successful, it actually returned a row. I'm not entirely sure how to classify this one. Looks like a mixture of o sql bug o plsql bug o sqlplus bug I think there are three bugs here. whacky indeed November 3, 2011 - 10am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Sokrates
[email protected] > alter session set nls_calendar='Arabic Hijrah'; Session altered. [email protected] > select dump(to_date(20,'J')) from dual; DUMP(TO_DATE(20,'J')) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Typ=13 Len=8: 152,237,1,20,0,0,0,0 [email protected] > select sysdate-to_date(20,'J') from dual; SYSDATE-TO_DATE(20,'J') ----------------------2455849.67 [email protected] > select sysdate - ( sysdate-to_date(20,'J') ) "to_date(20, 'J')" from dual;

ERROR: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0

no rows selected

hope you enjoyed your day in Copenhagen. Don't miss the Smrrebrd !

Followup November 3, 2011 - 10am Central time zone:

I will file a bug next week when I get back and let them sort it out ;) IF the NLS_CALENDAR is not GREGORIAN November 12, 2011 - 1am Central time zone Bookmark | Bottom | Top Reviewer: Sridhar from India
Hi Tom, Just wanted to let you know that we did find an elegant solution for this problem instead of switching the NLS_CALENDAR parameter: alter session set nlS_calendar = 'arabic hijrah'; select to_char(to_date(1,'J'),'JSP','nls_calendar=''gregorian''') from dual; But this works only for 11g environment, Fails in 10g environment(not sure why, if you could explain it would be of great help!! :) ). For 10g, the query has to be re-written as : alter session set nlS_calendar = 'arabic hijrah'; select to_char(to_date(1,'J','nls_calendar=''gregorian'''),'JSP', 'nls_calendar=''gregorian''') from dual; Cheers, Sri

Followup November 15, 2011 - 7am Central time zone:

NLS_CALENDAR is not supported there. I has that thought at first as well, but according to documentation only NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE is supported there.

The 'nlsparam' argument specifies the language of the text string that is being converted to a date. This argument can have this form: 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = language' Do not use the TO_DATE function with a DATE value for the char argument. The first two digits of the returned DATE value can differ from the original char, depending on fmt or the default date format.
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