5 Pillars of Modern Day Christianity
5 Pillars of Modern Day Christianity
5 Pillars of Modern Day Christianity
5 Pillars of Islam 1. Repeat sinners prayer 2. Really mean the prayer 3. Make the journey to the altar 4. Make sure you meant the prayer 5. Write date in back of bible Question: What is the difference between two? Answer: No difference at all! Both are based off works to get to Heaven, or according to Islam. Paradise! This modern day Christianity is NOT the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
knowledge of God (1 Cor. 2:2). Christianity today is not based on scripture its based on culture! Today Churches are sending out questioners to carnal people ( lost people) asking them what it is they would like to see in churches for them to attend. So obviously their answers are Starbucks, Atms, entertainment, etc So this is what happens. Instead of the church (the Body of Christ) influencing the culture, we have asked lost people what they want, and culture has influenced the church. It has corrupted our churches until the point of not being able to tell the difference of being in the secular world or the church. I think the reason of this corruption is because we do not preach the true Gospel; we have replaced it with this water down
Gospel, which is no Gospel at all!!! In this discussion we will study the true Gospel in depth, to show what it really is that Christ did for us. Romans 3:23-27 A. Vs.23: for all have sinned -I am going to try to paint the big picture hereso think! Before we can receive grace, and mercy, we must realize that we are sinners from the day of birth (Psalm 51:5) and are abominable, beastly, detestable, vile and vulgar people before a Holy and Righteous God. What makes us to realize this? The law of God. Paul said he did not know sin but by the law (Romans 7:7). So it is the perfect law of God that shows us our sin, apart from God and His grace we would not make it. Here are some verses that prove that we are pure sinners.
He went on: What comes out of a person is what defiles them. 21 For it is from within, out of a persons heart, that evil thoughts come sexual immorality, theft, murder, 22 adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. Mark 7:20-22
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21
Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Psalm 51:5
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. Isaiah 64:6 B. and fall short of the glory of God This part of the text here is not talking about us and our purpose, very minute, its about God. We were made for Him, not for ourselvesand being made for Him we will never have peace until we are for Him! Because of sin we all fall short and are separated from God.
A. Vs. 24: Being justified. This here is speaking of Christians. 65% of America thinks themselves as Christian, but honestly dont know what the word justified really means. The word justify is a legal term; the meaning of it is, the moment a person genuinely places their faith in Jesus Christ they are justified. God legally declares them to be right with him! Key word here is genuinely. Anyone who truly puts their faith and trust in Christ will have evidence (fruits) that God has saved them.
B. as a gift by His grace In John 15:25 (25 But they have done this to fulfill the word that is written in their (A) Law, (B) THEY HATED ME WITHOUT A CAUSE.). The phrase without a cause is translated the same as gift in the Greek. With this said no one had a reason for hating Jesusand for the same reason God had no reason to justify you! Understand God had no business to justify a wretch of a sinner like me, but he had mercy on me. I pray God open your hearts friends.WE WERE NOT WORTHY!
C. by His grace I want to look at the word grace. Grace in its short definition is unmerited favor. " God does not always give us what we so richly deserve. Here is a story that is an example of grace: "Grace? Isn't that what you old
people do before you eat a meal? I don't need any of your stinkin' grace." "Oh, but you do," says the principal. After studying the boy's face he whispers, "Oh yes, you truly do need grace." The boy glared as the principal continued. "Grace, in its short definition, is unmerited favor. You cant earn grace, my child. Grace is a gift and its always freely given. Grace means you will not be getting what you so richly deserve." The boy looks puzzled. "You're not gonna whup me? You just gonna let me walk?" The principal looks down at the unyielding child and says, "Yes, I am going to let you walk." The boy studies the face of the principal and says, "No punishment at all? Youre not going to punish me even though I socked Tommy and shoved his face into the sandbox?""Oh, there has to be punishment. What you did was wrong and there will always be consequences for our actions. There will be punishment. Grace is not an excuse for doing wrong.""I knew it," sneers the boy. Holding out his hands he says, "Lets get on with it." The principal nods toward the teacher and says, "Bring me the belt." The teacher presents the belt to the principal. He carefully folds it in two and hands it back to the teacher. He looks at the child and says, "I want you to count the blows." The principal slides out from behind his desk and walks over to the child. The child stands defiantly with his hands outstretched. The principal gently moves the childs expectant hands down to his sides. Turning to the teacher, the principal stretches out his own hands and quietly says, "Begin."The belt slaps against the principals outstretched hands. Crack! The young boy jumps. Shock registers across his face, "One" he whispers. Crack! "Two." His voice raises an octave. Crack! "Three." He is unable to believe this. Crack! "Four." Big tears well up in the eyes of the young rebel. "Okay, stop! That's enough. Stop!" Crack! The belt continues to come down on the principals swollen hands. Crack! The child flinches with each blow. Tears start streaming down the childs face. Crack! Crack! "No, please," the former rebel begs. "Stop. Im the one who did it. I'm the one who deserves the punishment. Stop! Please stop," the boy sobs. Still the blows come. Crack! Crack!Finally it is over. The principal, with sweat glistening across his forehead, turns to the former rebel and kneels down. Carefully cradling the childs face with his swollen hands, the principal softly
Redemption means to buy ones freedom as from a slave, servant, or captive. We were bought with a price, but heres a question who were we bought for? We were bought for God. He declared the demand for us to be able to come in a right standing with Himself. Therefore he bought us with His precious sons life Jesus Christ.
E. which is in Christ Jesus is all we have, anything outside of Christis NOTHING.it is NOTHING!!!