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Introducing the new ezlase diode laser, available in the traditional 810 nm wavelength or the new 940 nm wavelength,

designed to deliver the best clinical characteristics of 810 nm and 980 nm diode lasers in one stateof-the-art system. Its unique ComfortPulse settings deliver short, highpower cutting pulses with longer intervals for tissue thermal relaxation, which can provide both efficient cutting and greater patient comfort with less anesthetic.

Imagine the benefit of working without packing cord or using astringents, the ease with which you will be taking impressions, or the simple pleasure of all the ezlases features.
The ezlase 940 Wavelength

Until recently, soft-tissue dental diode lasers used one of two wavelengths: 810 nm or 980 nm. The older wavelengths, 810nm and 980nm were selected by laser manufacturers because of their commercial availability and energy absorption characteristics in soft tissue. An analysis of the wavelength absorption chart (Figure 1) shows that the new 940 nm wavelength can

provide great hemostasis during soft tissue procedures because of its position on the absorption peaks of Hb and HbO2 while being slightly off the absorption peak of H2O. In addition, clinical use by experienced diode laser users are indicating that the new ComfortPulse, pulse characteristics are more comfortable for patients. This research led BIOLASE Technology, to develop the ezlase, the first dental laser to obtain clearance at this unique 940 nm wavelength.

Indications Applicable to Hygienists.

The ezlase 940 nm soft tissue diode laser is ideal for use by hygienists.

Laser soft tissue curettage Laser removal of diseased, infected, inflamed and necrosed soft tissue within the periodontal pocket Sulcular debridement (removal of diseased, infected, inflamed and necrosed soft tissue in the periodontal pocket to improve clinical indices including gingival index, gingival bleeding index, probe depth, attachment loss and tooth mobility.)

FDA Indications

Dental Soft Tissue Indications for:

Incision, excision, vaporization, ablation and coagulation of oral soft tissues including marginal and inter-dental gingival and epithelial

lining of free gingiva and the following specific indications: Excisional and incisional biopsies Exposure of unerupted teeth Fibroma removal Frenectomy Frenotomy Gingival troughing for crown impressions Gingivectomy Gingivoplasty Gingival incision and excision Hemostasis and coagulation Implant recovery Incision and drainage of abscess Leukoplakia Operculectomy Oral papillectomies Pulpotomy Pulpotomy as an adjunct to root canal therapy

Reduction of gingival hypertrophy Soft tissue crown lengthening Treatment of canker sores, herpetic and aphthous ulcers of the oral mucosa. Vestibuloplasty procedures,

Laser Periodontal including:

Laser soft tissue curettage Laser removal of diseased, infected, inflamed and necrosed soft tissue within the periodontal pocket Sulcular debridement (removal of diseased, infected, inflamed and necrosed soft tissue in the periodontal pocket to improve clinical indices including gingival index, gingival bleeding index, probe depth, attachment loss and tooth mobility.)


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