Rehmat Elahi

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Entire Muslim world to back Pakistan if India launches war. (From Our Staff Correspondent) Lahore, Nov. 13 : Ch.

Rehmat Ellahi, Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami. Pakistan, has said if India invaded Pakistan not only people of entire. Muslim world but some very important Muslim countries will come to aid of Pakistan with men and material to light Indian aggression shoulder to shoulder with Pakistan. These big Muslim countries, he said, had required military resources at their command and they would place them at disposal of Pakistan Government. He was addressing a press conference in Lahore this morning to explain his impressions of their two and a hall month foreign tour during which they visited 10 countries including UK, France, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Abu Dhabi. He was accompanied during tourtion of Israilis on Indian side. Arabic section of Jamaat-e-Islami's central office. Ch. Rehmat Ellahi said that they had found during town that extent of Indian propaganda against Pakistan was much more than it was being felt in Pakistan. He said that tire main purpose of hostile Indian propaganda was to bring in disrepute the good name of Pakistan Army whose brave soldiers are the main target of Bharati propagandists. Other aspect of anti-Pakistan campaign was active participation of Israelis oil Indian sided. Jews all over world have eared up their resources to finance and actively aid Indian based Bangladesh movement. So much so that few shopkeepers were offering 25 percent commission on goods sold to those East Pakistanis abroad about whom they make sure that, they were proBangladesh. He disclosed that some of the British employer were giving preference to only those East Pakistani who were already to who were sympathies for Bangladesh. Mr. Rehmat Ellahi complained that foreign publicity initiated by Pakistan to counteract Indian propaganda was not effective and suggested that delegations comprising newsmen from Pakistan should go abroad to explain Pakistan stand to their colleagues in foreign countries. He said that most of the Indian Ambassadors abroad Known language of country to which they are assigned but on this count also we are lagging behind. He expressed opinion that it was not necessary that all foreign missions should be headed by career diplomats and said Pakistan team should go abroad on official and unofficial level to explain Pakistan's stand. He said that Jamaat-e-Islami would soon send another delegation which will also include representatives from East Pakistan.

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