Persian Ky - 19
Persian Ky - 19
Persian Ky - 19
Chapter: 19
~ Iberian Peninsula centralized under professional bureaucracy, usually made up of trained lawyers and judges ~ 1492 1570 saw large spurts of warfare and conquering ~ Christopher Columbus surrenders personal control to the government ~Spanish legalism emerges (notaries, laws based on Spanish, adapted to America) ~ European conquest of Latin America by violence, domination, and theft, and often justified by religion ~ American Indians were susceptible to conquest due to lesser levels of technology, internal divisions, and high levels of centralization ~ European conquerors use superior technology, such as gunpowder, metal equipment, and horses to conquer the natives of Latin America ~ Spanish and Portuguese merchants shaped traditions that became relevant in the American colonies ~ African slave trade booms ~ Economy based on slave labor, sugar farming ~ Plantation farms pop up ~Silver and gold from America affect the economy of Europe ~ The Iberian peninsula emerges from multicultural mix of Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Goths, Muslims, to mostly Christian under Ferdinand and Isabella ~ Catholicism spread by individual priests, then by missionaries ~ Universities, cathedrals built in the New World ~ Catholicism used to justify conquest of Latin America
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~ Spain and Portugal have long tradition of holding slaves ~ Europeans impose their social standards upon the natives of the lands they conquer ~ Europeans often exploit the natives, using them as serfs (encomienda) ~ Lots of Spanish (including women) were stimulated to immigration by rumors and hopes ~ Slaves become up to half the population in some areas
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~ Universities, churches pop up in America as centers of learning ~Oftentimes, nuns and missionaries were also poets, musician, and social thinkers ~ Intellectual life is often centered around religion, involving schools run by clergy and created to teach law, theology, and foundations of state and society
~ Due to disease, warfare, slave labor, most natives die within several decades ~ European diseases are particularly destructive on the native populations