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V1 19 Conversion Notes

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An updated release of AEMPro and a new ECU Firmware release is out! AEMPro v3.22 AEMLog v3.10 Strategy v1.

19b Changes from v1.11 to v1.19: Firmware: 1. Improved automatic transmission torque converter lockup function 2. Added an integrated radiator fan / air conditioning control feature 3. Improved O2 FB function 4. Improved Alt control function 5. Improved the engine load calculation function for use with frequency inputs 6. Added selectable analog inputs for MAP, MAF and TPS inputs (previously restricted to individual input pins) 7. Added programmable telemetry function 8. Added accel fuel warmup enrichment table AEM Pro: 1. Expanded configure outputs dialog for AEM by adding a third section titled Switched Output Configure. 2. Added fixed timing to the ignition setup window programming the options ignition fixed and ign fixed. 3. Added shortcut button to menu bar for context window 4. Added connect to ECU or work offline dialog box on start up of AEM Pro 5. Fixed problem where closing a file by disconnect following an attempt to change a calibration online while the ECU is offline resulted in a GPF 6. Added shortcut button for configure outputs to AEMPro 7. Added message dialog following closure of injector change function window to open the battery offset wizard if desired. 8. Added AEM log icon in AEMPro. Also added ability to open a log file in AEMLog following successful download of a log file. 9. Modifications made to x axis of tabular maps such that the angle of text changes to better utilize the available space according to the shape of the rectangle in which it fits. It also uses a bigger maximum size font. 10. Added notes indicating fuel pressure/injector throughput changes when affected. 11. Fixed bug where resizing a table window resulted in the obscuring of the active site under follow ECU. 12. Fixed bug under full option window where hexadecimal values did not work. 13. Fixed bug whereby crashes repeat if a table graph window is displayed when the associated tabular view is not shown. Only noticeable if the current table site value changes. 14. Removed 'template save as window' from menu 15. Under compare across different versions, copying a value into the current calibration failed to remove the entry from the list. This occurred because the converted value isn't exactly the same. Modifications made ensure the entry is removed as the conversion is as close as possible. 16. Added use last folder option for storing calibration files. 17. When saving a log file note now adds ECU name, version, date and time ahead of note text. 18. Added programmable telemetry setup window: View | Telemetry Setup

19. Added a Save and Load function to the internal logger setup dialog box. Preconfigured setups can now be saved and re-loaded. AEM Log: 1. Added a programmable filter function.

Setup Instructions: 1. In AEMPro go to File|Convert and select OK under the Manual Conversion option then open the .cal you want to convert.


Select the new file type by choosing the V1.19 option from the drop down list.


When the following message box appears, choose Yes.


When the following message box appears, use the assign button to assign: A/C Clutch to A/C Output #1 and A/C Fan Speed to A/C Output #2 Select the options in each column and press the Assign button as shown below then press the Finished button. Next save the file.


Open the .cal file you just converted in AEMPro. Go to the menu Options|Configure Outputs. Select the output from the drop down lists associated with fuel pump control in your application. Refer to your connection diagram to identify your fuel pump output control. Ensure the basic activation criteria are always met and that the fuel pump function is activated. Pay special attention to the Road Spd criteria. Make sure this condition is always met. For example, if the Activation criteria for Road Spd is set to at least 255 MPH. This means the fuel pump will never activate unless your vehicle speed is at least 255 MPH. Make any changes as necessary.


Go to the menu Options|Configure Outputs. Review all configured outputs for your application. Ensure the activation criteria are appropriate. Refer to your connection diagram for a listing of the outputs used in your application or use your old calibration file for reference.


The A/C control function was revised in V1.19. Go to Setup | Air Conditioner | Options A/C. If you want to activate your radiator fan when the air conditioner is turned on, configure youre A/C options as follows: Find the low speed radiator fan output as defined in your applications pin-out sheet and use this output to define both the A/C Fan Speed and Rad Fan options as shown below. You must also turn off the low speed fan control LSX_Alt option. For example, if your low speed is defined as LS8, go to Options | Full List and turn option LS8_Alt OFF. IF you dont do this, the output will cycle when the A/C function is ON.


Go to Setup | Sensors | Manifold Pressure Sensor | Options MAP Sensor. If your application uses a 0-5V manifold pressure (MAP) sensor for the engine load input, select MAP voltage for the MAP Analog Input option.


Go to Setup | Sensors | Mass Airfow Sensor | 0-5V MAF | Options 0-5V MAF. If your application uses a 0-5V Mass Airflow (MAF) sensor for the engine load input, select MAF voltage for the MAF Analog Input option.

10. Go to Fuel | O2 Sensor Feedback | Options - O2 Sensor FB. If you are using O2FB, Select an appropriate value for the O2FB Cut Inhibit Option. Once any rev limiter is activated, O2FB will be inhibited for this amount of time after the rev limiter is turned off again. Recommend 200 ms. Select an appropriate value for the O2FB Minimum RPM option. O2FB will be disabled below the RPM setting for this option.

11. Go to Setup | <<Advanced Setup>> | Anti-Lag Turbo Spool | Drag Race Anti-Lag | Options Alt. Select an appropriate value for the Alt OK Below VSS Option. The Alt function will be disabled above the vehicle speed defined by this option.

12. If your application uses automatic transmission control 94-98 Toyota Supra TT automatic and 94-95 Ford Mustang GT automatic only, go to Transmission | Automatic | <<Advanced A/T>> | Options Advanced A/T. Enable or disable torque converter lockup hysteresis by selecting or deselecting the A/T Gear Lock Hyste option. The A/T Gear Lock Delay option can be used to define the lock/unlock delay time.

13. Now save your newly converted version 1.19 calibration file. 14. Before continuing, disconnect all injectors and coils (remove the harness connector). During firmware update, the EMS software does not control the outputs for a brief period of time. This step is a safeguard to protect the vehicles hardware. 15. Turn the key to the ON position then connect to the EMS. 16. Go to ECU|Update EMS Firmware. Follow the on-screen instruction to update the firmware. The firmware update process is now an automated procedure. The software will check each item as it is completed. 17. When the window below is displayed, click Next twice then select the AEM15 v1.19b.fin file.

18. Click Next then when prompted to select the calibration file for upload, remember to select the file saved above.

19. The software will clear the current calibration file from memory.

20. The following window displays the status of the firmware upgrade. You may have to wait a moment before it begins. DO NOT INTERRUPT THIS PROCESS. DO NOT TURN OFF SWITCHED POWER. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR LAPTOP TO SHUT DOWN OR GO INTO STANDBY MODE. BE SURE LAPTOP BATTERY POWER IS SUFFICIENT OR USE A/C POWER.

21. The software will automatically upload the chosen calibration file.

22. Click close when each item is shown as completed.

23. IMPORTANT NOTE: When the firmware update and calibration file upload process is completed, cycle the vehicle power. 24. Re-connect all injector and coil wiring. 25. Connect to the EMS.

26. Go to Setup | Internal Logging and configure your internal logger setup as necessary. Your Internal Logger setup configuration must be re-defined after the file is converted.

27. Save your calibration file. 28. Start the car. 29. Confirm ignition timing by using the ignition sync function. Go to Configure|ECU Setup|Set Ignition and follow the on-screen instructions. 30. If any problems are encountered during this process. Compare your calibration file to the provided AEM Base map for your application.

New and renamed options in V1.19: New Items Map Min Notes Raw bit value alias of Map Min voltage option. Used to calculate scaling if frequency input defined by Map analog input. Raw bit value alias of Map Max voltage option. Used to calculate scaling if frequency input defined by Map analog input.. Defines the minimum RPM threshold for O2FB activation. Engine speed must be above this value before O2FB activated. Defines the delay time applied before reactivating O2FB after rev limiter enabled. Used to control the A/C clutch. Active when A/C criteria satisfied. Not Used Alias option for A/C Clutch. Used to activate the low speed fan when A/C criteria satisfied. Leave disabled if using the new A/C Rad Fan integrated function. Not Used Alias option for A/C Fan. Used to activate the low speed fan when A/C criteria satisfied. Must be set to same output as Rad Fan if using new A/C Rad Fan integrated function. Not used Alias option for A/C Fan Speed. Defines the output assigned to the radiator fan function. Must be set to the same output as the A/C Fan Speed option if using the new A/C Rad Fan integrated function. Not used Alias option for Rad Fan. Programmable delay for engaging and disengaging the torque converter lockup function. When active, hysteresis is applied to the to torque converter lockup function. Inverts the Raw MAP signal. Maximum VSS threshold for ALT Function Defines the number of parameters to be transmitted. Defines the baud rate. Baudrate (bits/sec) = 500,000/Tele Baud Activates datastream output. Requires a switched power reset. If parity active then Odd parity, else even Activates parity. Defines the number of bits per character Inverts the datastream checksum

Map Max O2 FB Minimum RPM O2 FB Cut Inhibit A/C Clutch Out A/C Clutch A/C Fan

Out Fan A/C A/C Fan Speed

Out A/C Fan Speed Rad Fan

Out Rad Fan A/T Gear Lock Delay A/T Gear Lock Hyste

Map Raw Invert Alt OK Below VSS Tele 1 Count Tele 1 Baud Tele 1 UART Enable Tele 1 Mode Odd Tele 1 Mode Parity Tele 1 Mode 9 Bit Tele 1 Checksum Inv

Tele 1 Header Tele 1 Data (01-19) MAF Analog Input Throttle Analog Input MAP Period Input

Defines the header byte transmitted over the AEM datastream Defines the individual channels transmitted over the AEM datastream Can be used to assign any analog input to the MAF channel. Can be used to assign any analog input to the TPS channel. Used to assign a frequency input to the MAP channel.

New and renamed tables in V1.19:

New Items Accel Warmup Enric table

Notes Defines a multiplier applied to the calculated acceleration fuel trim based on coolant temperature. Used to enhance throttle response after cold start.

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