Newsletter 24 TH Feb

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Welcome to our Weekly Newsletter 24th February 2012

Diary Events for the week commencing 27th Feb 2012 Future Diary Events Mon Celebration Assembly Mon 5 Mar Assessment Week Y5 Trip to St Christophers School Mon 12 Mar Y3/4 Cricket Chorlton High 3:15 pm KS 1 Art Club 3:05 4:05 Wed 14 MarIndividual and class photos Mon 26 Mar Y5+Y6Basketball/trampolining Chorlton High3:15pm KS2 Craft Club 3:054:05 Thurs 29 MarchMardi Gras Disco Karate 3:054:05 (KS2) Fri 30 MarBreak Up for Easter 2PMNO AFTER SCHOOL CLUB Tues Breakdancing 3:054:05 (KS2) (Infant Hall) Mon 16 AprilSchool restarts 9 am. Garageband 3:05 4:05 (KS2) (Miss Evans Room) Thurs 19 April:Family and Community DayWhat Britain means to me Dodgeball 3 4:30 (Y1-6) (Junior Hall) Wed 25 AprilParents Evening Nursery Wed: Network Choir at Oswald Road Thurs 26 AprilParents Evening Rec to Y6 African Drumming Workshop Y3/4 Thur May 3School Closed Polling Day Arabic Club (3pm 4pm) Fri 4 MaySchool closedINSET DAY Cooking Club 3:054:15 (Y5 +6) Mon 7 May School closedMay Day Bank Holiday Football Club 3:05 pm4:15 pm Mon 14 May Start Y6 SATS Thurs World Book Day Computer club3:05 4 (Y5 and Y6) Fri 1 JuneSchool break up 3pm John Rylands Event for some children 4:307:30 Mon 11 JuneReturn to School WEEKLY ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY UPDATE - For the week ending 10/2/12 Whole School Attendance: 94.2% Winning Class for Attendance last week Unauthorised Absence.: 1.7 % FS: Reception - Purple No. of late children: 22 Key Stage 1: 1/2 ADS Key Stage 2: Year 3/4 AR

CHILDREN OF THE WEEK Nursery:Yellow Jessica Red Amaya 1/2 DP: Alisha Naveed 1/2 ADS: Whole Class 1/2 AB: Nyierah Vaughan Coston Blue Nehemiah REC: All children who took part in Sign to Sing at Lancasterian 3/4AR: Zaynab Chaudhry Year 5: Niah Campbell 3/4 KE: Robin OReilly Year 6: Callum Smith 3/4JRN: Mohammad Shah

SPOTLIGHT World Book Day

We would like all the children to come dressed as a book character on WORLD BOOK DAY -Thursday 1st March. All the children will receive a 1 book token that can be used to put towards a new book or buy a specially produced book. If you can't find anything to spend your token on, then please return it to school and we will use them to buy books for school. In the evening we have been invited to take a group of children to John Rylands Library to take part in a Blue Peter televised event. We'll let you know when to tune in!!
Healthy Snacks

Please can you make sure that if you send a snack into school for your child to eat at playtime it needs to be a Healthy one. We have noticed that some children have started bringing chocolate biscuits and crisps. Asthma Inhalers Please can we remind all parents of children with asthma to ensure that their child has a blue inhaler in school at all times, as we have had some children coming to the office saying that they do not have one in school Charity Fundraising One of our parents will be taking part in the Manchester United Zip Wire Event to raise money for the Francis House Childrens Hospice on 3rd March. A collection box will be available at the office if anyone would like to make any donations to the event.

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