Digimon World Digivolve

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Digimon World: Digivolving FAQ by APolizzi Version 3.

0, Last Updated 2000-08-07 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Digimon World (PS) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users.
========================================================== ========================================================== - [ D I G I M O N W O R L D - D I G I V O L V I N G ] ========================================================== ========================================================== Game Information: Name- Digimon World Platform- Playstation Distributer- Bandai Walkthrough Information: In Depth- Digivolving Author- Anthony Polizzi Author's Email- [email protected] Version- 3.0 Copyright- Anthony Polizzi ========================================================== Table of Contents: - Introduction - Most Wanted - Basic Digivolving - Advanced Digivolving - Ultimate Digivolving *MetalGreymon 100% *Andromon 100% - Digivolving Items - Credits ========================================================== ========================================================== INTRODUCTION ========================================================== First off I would like to say that I am not a Digimon fan, so please do not email me about anything beside the game. Now about the game, it's about raising your own digimon to battle against other digimon and save the digital world. To raise a strong monster you must take good care of it; feed it when hungry, take it to the bathroom, and let it battle. There's more to the game but in this In Depth guide I will only focus on Digivolving. ==========================================================

MOST WANTED ========================================================== If you have any information regarding any of the following items please Email me at [email protected] it would be greatly appreciated and you will be credited. - Information about any of the champion digimon I do not have listed in the "Advanced Digivolving" section. - Information about any of the ultimate digimon I do not have listed in the "Advanced Digivolving" section. - Any more digivolving items that you may have found in the game, with what digimon it digivolves to, what class digimon you use it on, and where you found it. - Anything regarding digivolving mutations, like how to get Skullgreymon or any digimon that isn't shown on the chart. ========================================================== BASIC DIGIVOLVING ========================================================== There are two classes of digimon that always digivolve to the same thing. These are the FRESH and TRAINING digimon. It takes half a day for a FRESH digimon to digivolve into a TRAINING digimon. Here is a list of all the ones in the game. Botamon Poyomon Punimon Yuromon to to to to Koromon Tokomon Tsunomon Tanemon

After the TRAINING digimon comes the ROOKIE digimon. It takes one day for the this to happen. This is where digivolving starts to get a little tricky. There are four TRAINING digimon and nine ROOKIE digimon, so that means that each TRAINING digimon could digivolve into at least two different digimon. Here is what I have so far. If you have the digimon that I don't have yet please email me with it's name, I will give you credit. Koromon to Agumon or Gabumon Tokomon to Patamon or Biyomon Tsunomon to Elecmon or Penguinmon Tanemon to Palmon or Betamon In order to get the digimon you want certain conditions have to be met. This could be anything from parameters to care mistakes. *Note*

Any TRAINING digimon can also digivolve to Kunemon if that digimon sleeps in "Kunemon's Bed". Any ROOKIE digimon can also digivolve to Bakemon if care mistakes occur to often. Or if your ROOKIE faints in a battle. Nanimon comes from all rookie forms!!!! Only happens when you do the scold command when happiness and discipline is at zero ========================================================== ADVANCED DIGIVOLVING ========================================================== This is the best part of the guide. I will go to the best of my abilities to get every champion and ultimate digimon posted here along with the requirements for each. If you have any information I would greatly appreciate it. I'll start with the digimon that you all hate, Numemon. NUMEMON From: Any digimon Class: Champion Requirements: Low stats, low weight, some caremistakes Discription: Green Blob, very weak GREYMON From: Agumon Class: Champion Requirements: 100+ off, 100+ def, 100+ speed, 100+ Brains Description: Large dinosaur, strong fire attacks CENTARUMON From: Agumon, Gabumon Class: Champion Requirements: 3 or less mistakes, weight 30, HP 1500+, Speed 100+, Brains 100+ Description: Centar looking digimon Note: If you have Agumon well disciplined he will digivolve to Centarumon! MONOCHROMON From: Agumon, Gabumon Class: Champion Requirements: 3 or less mistakes, weight 40, HP 1000+, Def 100+, Brains 100+ Description: Large four legged dinosaur, strong fire attacks TYRANNOMON From: Agumon, Patamon, Gabumon Class: Champion Requirements: 5 or less mistakes, weight 30, HP 1000+, Def 100+ Description: Large dinosaur, strong fire attacks LEOMON From: Patamon, Elecmon Class: Champion

Requirements: 100+ off, 100+ def, 100+ speed, 100+ Brains Description: Lion like digimon ANGEMON From: Patamon, Elecmon Class: Champion Requirements: 0 mistakes, weight 20, MP 1000+, Brains 100+ Description: Angel digimon Note: I had my Patamon sleep for three days(still took care of him, but no training or fights) and he digivolved to Angemon. VEGIEMON From: Palmon, Kunemon Class: Champion Requirements: 5+ mistakes, weight 10, MP 1000+ Description: He likes vegies COELAMON From: Palmon, Betamon Class: Champion Requirements: 3+ mistakes, weight 30, Def 100+ Description: Fish looking SUKAMON From: Any digimon Class: Champion Requirements: Fill in the virus bar Description: Giant sh... GARURUMON From: Gabumon, Penguinmon Class: Champion Requirements: 1000+ MP, 100+ speed, 30+ Lbs Description: Big Ice Wolf KABUTERIMON From: Biyomon, Kunemon Class: Champion Requirements: 1000+ HP, 100+ off, 100+ def, 100+ speed, 30+ Lbs Description: Large Beetle SHELLMON From: Betamon, Penguinmon Class: Champion Requirements: 5+ mistakes, weight 40, HP 1000+, Def 100+ Description: Digimon with a large shell on it's back NINJAMON From: Palmon Class: Champion Requirements: 1000+ HP,100+off ,100+def Description: Tini ninja BIRDRAMON From: Biyomon, Agumon Class: Champion Requirements: 1000+ HP and MP, 100+off ,100+def, 100+brains, 100+speed

Description: Giant red bird Note: TicTACbandit told me that if you neglect Biyomon and its FRESH and TRAINING forms that you will get a Birdramon KOKATORIMON From: Biyomon, Elecmon Class: Champion Requirements: HP 1000+, speed 200+, weight 20(?) Description: A rooster NANIMON From: Agumon Class: Champion Requirements: HP/MP 1000+ , all others 100+ Description: A guy with a beard and sunglasses... Note: Make a lot of care mistakes SEADRAMON From: Betamon Class: Champion Requirements: 29lbs., 100+ def, 100+ off,100- speed, 100+ brains, 1500+ hp, 1000+mp Description: Giant sea serpant... MERAMON From: Agumon Class: Champion Requirements: HP 1000+, all others 100+, 20-30 Weight Description: Fire digimon DRIMOGEMON From: Gabumon Class: Champion Requirements: hp:1000 off:100 def:100 brains:100 weight:30 Description: Fat seal with drill on it's face DEVIMON From: Angemon Class: Champion Special: Have Angemon loose a heart a fifty percent Discipline OGREMON From: Gabumon Class: Champion Requirements: Hp and Mp at 1500, everyting else over 100, weight around 30. Really mad in the happiness meter. no discipline. AIRDRAMON From: Biyomon Class: Champion Requirements: It's weight is at 30 and its MP at 1000, speed is at 100, and brains are at 100 FRIGIMON From: Penguinmon Class: Champion

Requirements: 5 or less care mistakes, its weight is at 30 and his Mp is at 1000 and its brains are at 100, also bonus conditions are when his happiness gauge is at or above 75% WHAMON From: Betamon, Penguinmon Class: Champion Requirements: HP 1,000, DEF 100, OFF 100, BRAINS 100 UNIMON From: Patamon Class: Champion Requirements: 1000+ HP, 100+Off, Def, Brains, Speed, and 300+ MP, 30 lbs, Disapline 95% and Happiness 95% KUWAGAMON From:Kunemon,Palmon Class: Champion Requirements: HP1000+, MP1000+, Off100+, Speed100+ Bonus: Current Digimon Kunemon, Tech 28+ MOJYMON From:Penguinmonmon Class: Champion Requirements: ??? Bonus: Battles 5 or less, Tech 28+ On to Ultimates, but first... I realize that this isn't a complete list and doesn't even have most of the requirements, but I am doing this from memory. If you have any information that could fill in the ????? areas please send it in. METALGREYMON From: Greymon, Monochromon, Tyrannomon, Drimogemon Class: Ultimate Requirements: 300+ off, 300+ def, 300+ speed, 300+ Brains Description: Large dinosaur, strong metal attacks MONZAEMON From: Numemon Class: Ultimate Requirements: HP-3000, MP-3000, Offense-300, Defense-300, Speed-300, Brains300, 40g Bonus: Climb into the custome at Toy Town for quick digivolving Discription: Big yellow bear, very strong DIGITAMAMON From: Nanimon Class: Ultimate Requirements: HP-3000, MP-3000, Offense-400, Defense-400, Speed-400,Brains400, 10g Discription: A little egg...

PIXIMON From: Kokatorimon, Vegimon, Ninjamon Class: Ultimate Requirements: 15+ mistakes, off 300+, def 300+, Speed 400+ Brains 400+ Description: Little pink guy Note: Discipline must be 95% GIROMON From: Centarumon, Unimon, Bakemon, Ogremon Class: Ultimate Requirements: Mistakes 15+, Weight 5g, Off 400, Speed 300, Brains: 400 Bonus: Happy 95%+, Battles 100+, Techniques 35+ ANDROMON From: Centarumon, Meramon, Ogremon, Leomon and Angemon Class: Ultimate Requirements: 5 or less mistakes, 40 weight, HP 2000, MP 4000, Off 200, Def 400, Speed 200, Brains 400 BONUS: Battles: 30+, Technique: 30+ H- KABUTERIMON From: kuwagamon, kabuterimon, Shellmon Class: Ultimate Requirements: HP 3500+, MP 2500+, Off 250+, Def 250+, Spd 200+, brains 200+, full happiness, minimum discipline, 15+ battles Discription: Gaint beetle MEGADRAMON From: Tyrannomon, Devimon, Airdramon, Seadramon Class: Ultimate Requirements: HP-3000, MP-5000, Offense-500, Defense-300, Speed-400, Brains400, 55g, 10 or less care mistakes Discription: Flying Seadramon?? ETEMON From: Sukamon Class: Ultimate Requirements: HP-2000, MP-1000, Offense-400, Defense-200, Speed-400, Brains300, 15g Discription: Little monkey MAMEMON From: Leomon, Ninjamon, Frigimon, Whamon, Mojyamon Class: Ultimate Requirements: Offense:400, Defense:300, Speed:300, Brains:400, 5g, 15 or more care mistakes Description: A tough little guy METALMAMEMON From: Monochromon, Ninjamon, Kabuterimon, Frigimon Class: Ultimate Requirements: Offense-500, Defense-400, Speed-400, Brains-400, 10g, 15 or less

care mistakes Description: A metal mamemon..um... SKULLGREYMON From: Greymon, Devimon, Mojyamon, Garurumon, Bakemon Class: Ultimate Requirements: HP:4000, MP:6000, Offense:400, Defense:400, Speed: 200, Brains:500, 30g, 10 or more care mistakes Description: A dead greymon *SPECIAL* Vademon comes from all champion forms there is a 50% chance of digivolving to Vademon when 360 hours has passed in champ form ========================================================== ULTIMATE DIGIVOLVING ========================================================== Whant to learn how to get your favorite Ultimate Digimon... 100% of the time? Read on. Here are the things you will need: - Kawugamon and Kabuterimon at Green Gym - Training Manual(from Pixiemon) - Lots of food *Note* You might be able to this without the above things, but I had them and they will really make things easier. I have done all of this and it does work! METALGREYMON When you digimon fades away pick the first egg. Make sure that you get Agumon as your Rookie. Train at the Green Gym until HP and MP is 1500+ and every thing else is 100+. Make sure that Agumon has fought a few easy battles and is around 30 pounds. He should have a high Happiness. He will digivolve to either Greymon or Tyrannomon when he is five. Train at the Green Gym until HP is 4000+, MP is 3000+, and everything else is around 300. Walk out side into the native forest and beat 30+ battles. This should all be done by the time your digimon is 11 and he will digivolve! You now have a MetalGreymon! ANDROMON Pick the first egg when your digimon fades away. Train it's MP, speed and brains higher then all the other stats. You will get Gabumon as your ROOKIE.

Continue to train the same areas along with the others. Around the age of 5, Gabumon will digivolve to Centarumon. Train him to these stats; HP 2000, MP 4000, Off 200, Def 400, Speed 200, Brains 400 and then go fight 30 battles in Native forest. Wait until the right age, 11 or 12, and you've got Andromon! *Note* There will be new new digimon in this section as soon as I get them and am 100% sure that the way I have it here is the exact way to get that digimon. ========================================================== DIGIVOLVING ITEMS ========================================================== Throughout the game you will find items that will digivolve your digimon into a certian digimon. I will list them here with a location and class. HAIR GROWER - Trade with Mojyamon in freeze land - Digivolves rookies to Mojyamon RAINBOW HORN - Give merit points to ShogunGekomon - Digivolves rookies to Airdramon WATERBOTTLE - Give merit points to ShogunGekomon - Digivolves rookies to Seadramon RED SHELL - Give merit points to ShogunGekomon - Digivolves rookies to Shellmon HARD SCALE - Give merit points to ShogunGekomon - Digivolves rookies to Coelamon ICE CRYSTAL - Give merit points to ShogunGekomon - Digivolves rookies to Frigimon BEETLE PEARL - Beat the beetle land tournament on the 22nd - Digivolves champions to H-Kabuterimon WHITE WINGS - Beat the all winged tournament at the arena - Digivolves a ROOKIE into Angemon RED RUBY - Beat the version zero cup - Digivolves a champion to Pheonixmon TORN TATTER - ???????

- Digivolves to Bakemon ROOSTER - In arena - Digivolves to Kokatorimon SMALL SPEAR - In arena - Digivolves champions to Piximon RAY GUN - ?????? - Digivolves to Vademon (Alien in ufo) GOLD BANANA - Buy from Etemon - Digivolves champions to Etemon FLAMING MANE - Beat ultimate tournament - Digivolves a ROOKIE to Leomon BLUE CRYSTAL - Beat version 2 tournament - Digivolves a ROOKIE to Garurumon SPIKE CLUB - Beat king of combative sports tournament - Digivolves a ROOKIE to Ogremon NORTH STAR - Beat king of Cool tournament - Digivolves a ROOKIE to Whamon KOGALAWS - Recieve from Drimogomon's 10 day treasure hunt - Digivolve a ROOKIE to Ninjamon CORAL CHARM - Fish out of Dragon eye lake - Digivolves a Champion to Megaseadramon STEEL DRILL - Beat king of beastly bloodline tournament - Digivolves ROOKIE to Drimogemon MYSTY EGG - Found at Whamon's secret cave - Digivolves a champion to Digitamamon FLAMMING WING - Get from 10 day treasure hunt - Digivolves a ROOKIE to Birdramon ========================================================== CREDITS ==========================================================

MY BROTHER - He got me into this game... check out his city guide. GAMEFAQS.COM - They posted this. AL AMALOO - Thanks for using my FAQs at vgstrategies.about.com! GOKU SS4 - Gave me some helpful information about Kunemon, helped me a lot the champion information. VGAMER101 - Gave me some helpful information about Basic Digivolving. - Told me how to get Birdramon. EDGAR SARMIENTO - Told me a very easy way to get Centarumon. BOSCO CHAU - Gave me Pixiemon's digivolving information. LEO KU AND HIS COUSIN - Told me how to get H- Kabuterimon! THEROCK1947 - Gave me info on Ninjamon and other champions. SLIMSHADY DAREAL - Told me how to get the White Wings. FOLX_NUMEROSO - Gave me information on Kokatorimon. TICTACBANDIT - Told me some really useful info on Birdramon. - Told me how to get the Flamming Wing. HYPOR TRUNKS - Gave me tons of really cool information on a lot of digimon. JON CLARK

- Told me how to get Seadramon. FFMASTER36 - Gave me some information about Meramon. SIKANDER07 - Told me how to get the Red Ruby. RILEY LOWTHIAN - Gave me the requirements for Meramon. STYGIANKNIGHT2 - Gave me information on some digivolving items. ANDY NGO - Told me about a lot of digivolving items. HUAIFENG - Told me who digivolves to H- Kabuterimon. BLOCH-HEAD - Told me I forgot the Mysty Egg item. - Told me how to get Devimon. STARMJM - Gave me information on Drimogemon. SONICBOOM97 - Told me how to get Ogremon. EWATWC - Told me somethings about Bakemon. MINUSJKR - Gave me a ton of information on many Ultimate digimon. SSJ4GOKU - Told me how to get Whamon. RYAN - Told me how to get Unimon. - Gave me info. on a lot of champions. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

This is the end of the Digivolving Guide Copyright 2000 Anthony Polizzi

Digimon World: Digivolving FAQ by APolizzi Version 3.0, Last Updated 2000-08-07 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Digimon World (PS) FAQs & Guides

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