Spring 2012
Spring 2012
Spring 2012
MERCURY LEARNING AND INFORMATION, provides print and digital content in the areas of science and medicine, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM disciplines) for the professional/reference, library, higher education, career school, and online training markets.
This book is a companion for students and novices to begin working within the computing environment and the tasks associated with productivity software that will be used throughout their education and professional careers. Designed to primarily address the Windows operating system and the 2010 Microsoft Office application suite, it also includes instructions for students using OpenOffice and MacOS platforms
The focus of this text is to provide new students and those with some experience with the skills needed to proficiently discuss essential computer concepts, navigate and conduct basic tasks using an operating system, and develop files using basic productivity applications. Video tutorials on the DVD will support each chapter by demonstrating the principles presented.
Designed to address the Windows operating system and the 2010 Microsoft Office application suite Integrates the use of both MacOS and OpenOffice into the text to describe the respective concepts in Windows and Microsoft Office Includes 4-color design with supplementary video tutorials Covers the topic of interoperability of the software packages throughout the text Numerous instructor supplements available upon adoption Includes a comprehensive DVD with project files, tips, figures, and shortcuts
Brief Table of Contents: I: The Computer Environment. 1.Introduction to Computer Concepts 2. Using the Computing Environment 3.Working with the Web 4. Microsoft Outlook and Email Clients. II: Word Processing and Microsoft Word 5. Introduction to Word 6. Developing and Editing Documents 7. Advanced Features. III: Presentation Software and Microsoft PowerPoint 8. Introduction to PowerPoint 9. Creating Presentations 10. Advanced Features. IV: Spreadsheet Software and Microsoft Excel 11. Introduction to Excel 12. Developing a Worksheet 13. Formulas, Functions and the What-If Analysis 14.Advanced Features. V: Database Software and Microsoft Access 15. Introduction to Databases 16. Developing a Database 17. Queries and Maintaining the Database. Appendices. A. OS Scripting B. Programming in Excel and Access.
THEODOR RICHARDSON is the Online Program Director and Interim Chair for the Information Technology Department at a private university. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering with a concentration in multimedia and image processing. Charles Thies has a successful track record as an IT executive in business and with the Department of Defense, and is currently an instructor at Tulane University.
This book targets business and IT professionals who need an introduction to business intelligence and data warehousing through a simple question/answer format. Organized into 30 chapters, each on a different topic, the book contains approximately 500 questions with answers and tips.
Topics include evolution and fundamentals, characteristics and process, architecture and objects, metadata, data conversion, ETL, data storage, infrastructure, data access, data marts, implementation approaches, planning, design, Inmon vs. Kimball, multi-dimensionality, OLAP, facts and dimensions, common mistakes and tips, etc. The book can also be used as a supplemental textbook, for various data warehousing/business intelligence courses.
ARSHAD KHAN, who has over a dozen books to his credit, has consulted for major corporations on data warehousing and business intelligence. He has taught several university courses and currently teaches the business intelligence course at University of California, Santa Cruz. Mr. Khan has a graduate degree in chemical engineering as well as an MBA.
OCTOBER 2011 Paperback 250 pages US $35.95 6x9 ISBN: 978-1-936420-32-2 Computers/ Business Intelligence
This book covers the features of HTML5 Canvas, CSS3 graphics, and shows how you can extend the power of CSS3 with SVG. The material in this book is accessible to people who have limited knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. Companion DVD with source code and graphics.
While the material is accessible to those with limited knowledge of HTML and JavaScript, more advanced users will benefit from numerous graphics techniques. The book also includes illustrative code samples and illustrations that are useful for Web developers and SVG/Flash/Silverlight developers. Youll see examples that help you learn to do the following in HTML5 Canvas, CSS3, and SVG: render Bezier curves, apply colors and gradients, transform 2D shapes and JPG files, perform animation effects, create 2D/3D bar charts and line graphs, handle mouse events, render HTML5/CSS3/SVG pages in Android, and learn the mechanics of a Tic-tac-toe game. A companion DVD contains all the source code and color graphics from the book. Brief Table of Contents: 1: Features of HTML5. 2: CSS3 Graphics and Animation Effects. 3: CSS3 and SVG. 4: Basic Canvas Shapes. 5: Gradient Effects in Canvas. 6: Circles and Bezier Curves in Canvas. 7: Transformations in Canvas. 8: Mouse Events in Canvas. 9: Animation Effects in Canvas. 10: Charts and Graphs in Canvas. 11: Android and HTML5/CSS3/SVG. Appendix A. CSS Introduction. Appendix B. SVG Introduction.
OSWALD CAMPESATO is an independent consultant who specializes in Perl, Java, and Web application development in conjunction with Open Source projects. He is the author of several books including Web 2.0 Fundamentals (JB Learning).
JANUARY 2012 Paperback with DVD 400 pages 7 x 10 $39.95 ISBN: 978-1-936420-34-6 Computers/ Graphics
Spring/Summer 2012
This updated bestseller provides an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development using DirectX 11.
The book is divided into three main parts: basic mathematical tools, fundamental tasks in Direct3D, and techniques and special effects. It includes new Direct3D 11 features such as hardware tessellation, the compute shader, dynamic shader linkage and covers advanced rendering techniques such as screen-space ambient occlusion, level-of-detail handling, cascading shadow maps, volume rendering, and character animation. Includes a companion CD-ROM with code and figures. Brief Table of Contents: 1 Part I Mathematical Prerequisites. Vector Algebra. Matrix Algebra. Transformations. Part II Direct3D Foundations. Direct3D Initialization. The Rendering Pipeline. Lighting. Texturing. Blending. Stenciling. The Geometry Shader. The Hardware Tessellation Shaders. The Compute Shader. Part III Direct3D Topics. Ambient Occlusion. Cube Mapping. Normal Mapping. Shadow Mapping. Cascaded Shadow Maps. Meshes. Quaternions. Character Animation. Picking. Volume Rendering. Terrain Rendering. Atmospheric Scattering and Cloud Rendering. Particle Systems and Stream Output. Appendices. Introduction to Windows Programming. High-Level Shading Language Reference. Some Analytic Geometry
FRANK D. LUNA is a software engineer for medical devices. He has been programming interactive 3D graphics for more than ten years and has been using DirectX since v5. He is the author of three bestselling books on DirectX and lives in San Diego.
MARCH 2012 Paperback with CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-936420-22-3 600 pages 7x9 Computers/ Game Programming US $49.95
This text explores the concepts of introductory keyboarding and word processing in the computing environment.
Covering both the Windows and Mac OS, the strategy for this text is to introduce proper typing positioning through the key addition method. The book includes drill lessons to support each chapter and companion software to track speed and accuracy of typing. Web browser-based software enables access to practice drills and tutorials. Completing the text will provide the student with skills in typing on the full computer keyboard as well as an understanding of common software applications including word processing and data entry. Features:
Contains visual instructions for proper keyboard hand positions and key additions Shows complete details on how to enter text in word processing and spreadsheet applications (on both Windows and Macintosh operating system platforms) Includes hands-on activities and guided instruction that allow you to practice as you learn and demonstrate mastery of keyboarding Provides companion DVD with Web browser-based software to enable easy access to practice drills and tutorials
FEBRUARY 2012 Paperback with DVD 300 pages 8 x 11 US $79.95 T ISBN: 978-1-936420-36-0 Computer/ Keyboarding/ Word Processing
Brief Table of Contents: (tentative) Learning the Keyboard. Alphabetic Keys and Symbols. Row Keys and Numbers. Introduction to Word Processing. Composing Documents. Combining Keyboarding and Document Creation. Data Entry and Spreadsheets. Other Applications and Best Practices. On The DVD.
THEODOR RICHARDSON is the Online Program Director and Interim Chair for the Information Technology Department at a private university. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering with a concentration in multimedia and image processing. Charles Thies has a successful track record as an IT executive in business and with the Department of Defense, and is currently an instructor at Tulane University.
Spring/Summer 2012
This up-to-date quick reference guides the reader through the most popular SAP module (myERP Financial 6.0).
It thoroughly covers all of the sub modules of ERP Financials, including, FICO, FSCM (MM integration), New GL functionality, SAP integration points, and Report Painter. Unlike other books that only provide questions and answers for certification preparation, this book covers both configurations and end user transactions for validating the implementation methods. A companion CD-ROM with FICO templates, short cuts, and color figures is included. Features:
Includes both configurations and end-user transactions for validation Uses a quick-reference style for finding information quickly Covers the latest account configurations for New GL Includes a CD-ROM with FICO templates, short cuts, and color figures
APRIL 2012 Paperback with CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-936420-31-5 400 pages 7x9 Computers/ Software/ Finance/ Accounting US $49.95
SURYA N. PADHI has consulted for many large corporations in the US and throughout the world. A Chartered Accountant, he has almost 20 years of work experience in finance, accounting, and information technology. He is currently an SAP consultant and has participated in numerous projects during SAP implementations.
This text covers all of the skills for building effective multimedia presentations to include screen-captured software based tutorials, demonstrations, and lectures using CAMTASIA and the complete line of TechSmith products for both Windows and Mac OS. Video tutorials on the companion DVD.
The strategy for this text is to introduce concepts from the ground up to include development milestones, planning the presentation based on the targeted audience, story boarding, screen captures, editing and production based on the desired project. The text also covers Snagit to create sophisticated training documents using advanced image editing features and it uses Jing to make fast video presentations that can quickly be loaded on the Web. Completing the text will provide the reader with all the skills needed towards developing an array of rich multimedia based curriculum in any educational setting. Features:
Includes visual snap shots to provide the learner with a step-by-step approach to each topic Provides complete details on how to plan and prepare video and screen captures for production (on both Windows and Macintosh operating system platforms) Integrates guided instruction and sample projects to provide practical experience Includes video tutorials on the companion DVD to support each chapter by demonstrating the principles presented
APRIL 2012 Paperback with DVD 600 pages 7x9 US $49.95 ISBN: 978-1-936420-33-9
THEODOR RICHARDSON is the Online Program Director and Interim Chair for the Information Technology Department at a private university. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering with a concentration in multimedia and image processing. Charles Thies has a successful track record as an IT executive in business and with the DOD, and is currently an instructor at Tulane University.
New Titles
The book provides an extensive introduction to virtualization and cloud computing from the Linux and open-source perspective (to increase its accessibility), as well as to provide the necessary information to build cloud computing systems and applications.
Provides detailed coverage of virtualization from the Linux perspective, including related topics such as hypervisors, virtual machines, and device emulation Covers the entire ecosystem of the cloud, from the core Linux/virtualization all the way to large scale management Provides a practical grounding of cloud computing and storage through its exploration from Linux and the open source perspective
Table of Contents: Part 1. Cloud Computing Introduction. The Road to the Cloud. Cloud Enablers. Conceptual Architectures for Clouds. Cloud Computing Challenges. Part 2. Virtualization and the Computing Ecosystem. Introduction to Virtualization. Linux-based Virtualization. Virtual I/O and Device Emulation. Cloud Ecosystem Management. Part 3. Cloud Computing Ecosystem. Physical Architectures for Cloud Computing. Physical Architectures for Cloud Storage. Linux, Open-Source, and the Cloud. Open Source Hypervisors and Device Models. Part 4. Inside the Public Clouds. Cloud Computing and Storage Implementations. Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Google's AppEngine. Cloud Protocols. Web-Services. Part 5. Open Source Cloud Computing. Infrastructures. Application Servers. Management. Domain Specific Applications. On the Website Chapters. Installing and Using KVM.
M. TIM JONES is a widely read author in a broad variety of disciplines. He has authored seven books and over 100 articles in the last 10 years. His broad base of experience ranges from embedded development, Linux, Linux kernel, cloud computing and storage, artificial intelligence, algorithms, software architectures, protocols, storage systems, and topics in performance and reliability.
MAY 2012 Paperback 350 pages US $49.95 7x9 ISBN: 978-1-936420-30-8 Computers/ Software
Spring/Summer 2012
Previously Announced
December 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
Now Available!
With VBA, SML and ASP Julitta Korol Paperback with CD-ROM US $49.95 978-1-936420-03-2
An Introduction Pete Shaner Paperback with DVD US $49.95 ISBN: 978-1-936420-11-7
Turning Scripts to Motion Stephanie Torta and Vladimir Minuty Paperback with DVD US $41.95 ISBN: 978-1-936420-00-1
Theory and Practice Christopher Llewellyn Reed Paperback with DVD US $41.95 ISBN: 978-1-936420-10-0
Spring/Summer 2012
Scott Post
Designed for the senior/graduate level course in thermodynamics or for use as a reference for practicing engineers, this book includes the theoretical underpinnings and derivations necessary for advanced study as well as numerous applications from industry. A companion CD-ROM with figures and MATLAB files is included.
Modern software tools, such as EXCEL and MATLAB, are used to solve mathematically challenging problems. Starting with the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, it shows how the principles of thermodynamics apply to engine and power plant design. Applications include combustion of traditional fossil-fuels, pollutants and their effects, and alternative energy technologies including fuel cells, solar power, and wind power. Features:
Includes a companion CD-ROM with files of images, figures, property data tables, and MATLAB codes Uses modern applications, e.g., alternative energy technologies to reinforce concepts Provides classical theoretical underpinnings and derivations Instructors resources available upon adoption
JUNE 2012 Hardcover with CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-936420-27-8 500 pages 7x9 US $79.95 T
Brief Table of Contents: 1. Gas Power Cycles. 2. Thermodynamic Property Data. 3. Two-Phase (Steam) Power Cycles. 4. Equations of State. 5. Multi-Phase Mixtures. 6. Combustion. 7. Alternative Energy. 8. Additional Applications. 9. Statistical Thermodynamics. Appendices A. Properties of Common Substances. B. Steam Tables.C. Property Tables for Ammonia, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Helium, and Air. D. MATLAB programs for property data. E. MATLAB codes for Cycle Simulations, Combustion and Chemical Reactions. F. Curve fit equations for property data. G. Combustion Properties for Common Fuels. H. Online Sources of Property Data. I. Conversion factors.
SCOTT POST received his PhD from Purdue University and has taught mechanical engineering at Michigan Technological University and Bradley University since 2001. He also worked at NASAs Dryden Flight Research Center. His research interests include computational fluid dynamics, high-speed photography, engines, alternative fuels, fuel sprays, turbulence, and aerodynamics.
Science/ Engineering
Designed for system engineers or those involved with system-based projects, this book provides a broad-stroke overview of systems-level concepts and techniques in the context of an integrated, design-oriented framework.
It focuses on the fundamentals of the systems process including lifecycle, analysis, human involvement, management, identifying system flaws, and integration. Practical suggestions for building and sustaining systems are integrated throughout the book, and themes from famous developers of systems have been included. Brief Table of Contents: Introduction. 2: Systems. 3: Engineering. 4: Systems Engineering. 5: Systems Analysis. 6: Educating. 7: Entrepreneuring. 8: The Human Element. 9: Changing and Fixing Systems. 10: Business as a System. 11: Slippages in Systems. 12: Managing Systems. 13: Integrating Systems. 14: Sustaining Systems. 15: Two Dozen Suggestions about Systems. Appendix: Systems Thinkers.
HOWARD EISNER is the Distinguished Research Professor in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at The George Washington University. Dr. Eisner has been active for many years in developing computer-aided systems and software engineering. He has written numerous articles and books, including Computer-Aided Systems Engineering (Prentice-Hall) that was the first in this field.
JULY 2012 Paperback 250 pages US $41.95 T 6x9 ISBN: 978-1-936420-24-7 Science/ Engineering
Previously Announced:
December 2011
Spring/Summer 2012
Designed for the undergraduate course in multivariable and vector calculus. Rather than concentrating on technical skills, it focuses on a deeper understanding of the subject by providing many unusual and challenging examples.
This book is aimed primarily at undergraduates in mathematics and the physical sciences. Rather than concentrating on technical skills, it focuses on a deeper understanding of the subject by providing many unusual and challenging examples. The basic topics of vector geometry, differentiation and integration in several variables are explored. It also provides numerous computer algebra illustrations and tutorials using MATLAB or MAPLE. Brief Table of Contents: 1. Geometry in R2. 2. Geometry in R3. 3. Multivariable Functions. 4. Partial Derivatives. 5. Partial Derivatives. 6. Differentiation.7. Taylors Theorem and Optimization. 8. Inverse Function Theorem and Implicit Function Theorem. 9. Multiple Integration. 10. Differential Forms and Stokes Theorem.
DAVID A. SANTOS holds a PhD from the University of Michigan. His interests range from number theory, combinatorics, and algorithms to computer programming. His publications include Probability: An Introduction (JB Learning).
MAY 2012 Hardcover 450 pages US $79.95 T 7x9 ISBN: 978-1-936420-28-5 Science/ Mathematics
Previously Announced:
December 2011
January 2012
An Introduction
Shubhendu Joardar
Designed for a course in radio astronomy or for use as a reference for practicing engineers and astronomers, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the topic. It begins with the history of radio astronomy then explains the fundamentals, polarization, designing radio telescopes, understanding radio arrays, interferometers, receiving systems, mapping techniques, image processing and propagation effects in relation to radio astronomy.
A special chapter in the end presents the GMRT radio array as an example of the explained techniques. Two supplemental chapters have been added that describe the coordinate systems used in radio astronomy and minimum basics of antenna theory. The review questions at the end of each chapter contain direct hints for easy solutions. Brief Table of Contents: 1 Foundations of Radio Astronomy. 2 Fundamentals of Radio Astronomy. 3 Polarization Analysis. 4 Designing Single Dishes and Phased Arrays. 5 Interferometry and Radio Arrays. 6 Receiving Systems. 7 Interferometer Aperture Synthesis and Radio Mapping. 8 Interferometer Data Calibration and Image Processing. 9 Propagation Effects in Radio Astronomy. 10 The GMRT Radio Array. Appendices. Bibliography. Index.
S. JOARDAR, PHD, is the senior engineer and scientific officer at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. He is a fellow of the Institute of the Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers and his major field of work has been in microwaves, antennas, astronomical radio spectrographs, RFI instrumentations, and data analysis for radio astronomy.
FEBRUARY 2012 Hardcover with CD-ROM US $59.95 T ISBN: 978-1-936420-35-3 500 pages 7x9 Science/ Astronomy
Spring/Summer 2012
CORPORATE OFFICE MERCURY LEARNING AND INFORMATION 22841 Quicksilver Drive Dulles, VA 20166 1-800-758-3756 EDITORIAL CONTACT David Pallai, Publisher [email protected] MEDIA INQUIRIES Jean Westcott [email protected] WORLD WIDE WEB http://www.merclearning.com http://www.internationalpubmarket.com /clients/mli/blurb.aspx E-MAIL / ELECTRONIC ORDERING [email protected] http://www.internationalpubmarket.com /clients/mli/blurb.aspx TELEPHONE ORDERS & CUSTOMER SERVICE 9AM-5PM, M-F (EST) 1-800-758-3756 (toll free) ORDERING BY MAIL MERCURY LEARNING AND INFORMATION PO Box 960 Herndon, VA 20172 FAX ORDERING 703-661-1501 RETURNS MERCURY LEARNING AND INFORMATION c/o Books International 22883 Quicksilver Drive Dulles, VA 20166
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Spring/Summer 2012