Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. [BSNL] will recruit about 300 [subject to
variation depending on the availability of vacancies] Management
Trainees(External) through competitive examinations to be held on All India
basis, on different dates, as per the details given below:-
Management Trainees(External) :
Stream No. of OBC SC ST OC
Telecom. 100 27 15 7 51
Marketing 50 13 7 3 27
Finance 50 13 7 3 27
HRM 50 13 7 3 27
IT 50 13 7 3 27
Reservation as per Central Govt. guidelines will be applicable for
SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped [PH].
1. Scale of Pay
The post of Management Trainee is in the IDA pay-scale of Rs. 13000-350-
18250. Total emoluments at the minimum of pay scale will be (Basic Pay Rs
13,000/- plus D.P. Rs 6500 plus DA Rs 7917/-)= Rs 27,417 plus HRA, CCA,
Perks, Medical Benefits, LTC etc. as admissible. The pay scale is likely to be
revised upwards.
3. Eligibility
a) Nationality : Only Indian Nationals would be eligible to apply.
applying for Management Trainees(External) Examination should possess the
first class degree and should have completed his/her courses on a regular full
time basis. The candidates
4.2 The Screening Test for Management Trainee (External) will be held on
5. Career Progression:
5.1. Appointment as Deputy Manager: On successful completion of
Probation-cum-training, the officer shall be appointed as Deputy
5.2. To be promoted as Manager on working as Deputy Manager for two
years subject to being adjudged fit for promotion.
5.3. Further career progression for promotion to higher grades shall be
regulated by concerned recruitment rules to be notified by BSNL in
5.4. Career progression will also be subject to terms and conditions decided
consequent to absorption of Group ‘A’ Officers in BSNL in future.
However, at no stage, the absorbed Group ‘A’ Officers will be ranked
junior to Management Trainees recruited by BSNL unless otherwise not
affected due to punishment or being judged unfit for promotion.
The appearance of the name in the merit-list does not confer any right on
the candidate for employment. A final call letter/appointment letter will be
issued to the candidate after completion of all other formalities.
7.2 The Examination Centre for the Screening Test and Written
examination of the Management Trainee(External) Examination will be
8. The centre for holding Group Discussion & Interview and Personality
Test to the successful candidates of written exam will be intimated
Original advertisement or photocopy of the format in the advertisement must
not be used for applying and in case a candidate submits such an application
the same will not be entertained. The given application format must be
separately typed.
by the demand draft [wherever applicable] for the prescribed examination
fee or incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected and no
communication in respect of the rejected application forms shall be
entertained. BSNL shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
The applicants would be admitted to the examination on the basis of the
information furnished by them in their application form. They are, therefore,
advised to ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions before applying. In
case it is found at a later stage that the information furnished by an
applicant is false or an applicant does not fulfill any of the eligibility
conditions, the candidature of such applicants would be cancelled and no
correspondence in this regard would be entertained. Issuance of an admit
card for the examination will NOT confer any right for appointment.
Appointment will be solely subject to fulfillment of all eligibility conditions.
13.3 All candidates provisionally recruited shall execute Bonds in the format
specified by the BSNL indicating their willingness to serve the Corporation for
a period of at least five years from the date of their appointment as
Management Trainee.
c.Bank Draft for Rs.1500/- (payable at par at the station of submitting the
application) - [Not required for SC/ST/PH candidates]
d.Medical certificate in respect of Physically Handicapped candidates
5. a) Date of Birth: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
(DD) (MM) (YYYY)
[in the format DD MM YYYY e.g. 1st August 2008 will be 01-08-2008]
[As mentioned in Matriculation or Equivalent Certificate]
b) Whether by birth / by domicile : …………………..
11. Marital status: [Married/Unmarried] ………………..
12. Details of Educational qualification :
[Give details of Degrees obtained only of B.E./B.Tech/M.Tech/MBA/CA/ICWA &
above as may be applicable]
I do hereby declare that all the statements made in the application are true,
complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that
in the event of any particular information given above being found false or
incorrect, my candidature for the post of Management Trainee is liable to be
rejected or cancelled and in the event of any mis-statement or discrepancy in the
particulars being detected after my appointment, my services are liable to be
terminated forthwith without any notice to me.
I also understand that if appointed, I would rank junior to any Group ‘A’
Officers who would be absorbed in BSNL in future.
List of the Territorial Telecom Circles with the address to whom the
applicants should send their completely filled up forms and in whose favour
the Demand Draft should be drawn
(In case of any query/clarification, following Officers as at (3) may be contacted)
Sr. Name of the Address to whom the applica- Demand Draft to be
No Territorial tion is to be sent/ Examination drawn in favour of
(1) Circle Centre City (4)
(2) (3)
1. Andhra Pradesh DGM (Admn), Accounts
O/o the CGM Telecom, BSNL, Officer(Cash), BSNL,
Andhra Pradesh Telecom Circle, O/o the CGMT,
2nd floor, Doorsanchar Bhavan, A.P. Hyderabad
Nampalli Station Road,
Hyderabad – 500 001.
Tel : 040-23203213
2. Andaman & Nico- DGM (Admn.), A.O.(Cash)BSNL,
bar O/o the CGM Telecom, BSNL, A&N Telecom Circle,
A&N Telecom Circle, Port Blair
Telephone Bhavan,
Port Blair – 744 101.
Tel: 03192-238800
3. Assam DGM (Admn), Sr.Accounts Officer
O/o the CGM Telecom, BSNL, (A&P), O/o CGMT,
Assam Telecom Circle, BSNL, Guwahati
3rd floor, BSNL Administrative Build-
Guwahati – 781 001.
Tel: 0361-2736340
4. Bihar DGM (Admn), Accounts Officer(B&A),
O/o the CGM Telecom, BSNL, BSNL, O/o CGMT,
Bihar Telecom Circle, Sanchar Bihar Circle, Patna
Patna – 800 001.
Tel : 0612-2224093
5. Gujarat DGM (OP&C), O/o the CGM Telecom. Sr.A.O.(Cash),
BSNL, Gujarat Telecom Circle, O/o CGMT,
6th floor, Telephone Bhavan, Ahmedabad
Off. C.G. Road,
Ahmedabad – 380 006.
Tel: 079-26480608
6 Jammu & Kash- DGM (Planning), Accounts
mir O/o the CGM Telecom., BSNL, Officer(Cash),
J&K Telecom Circle, O/o CGM, BSNL
4th floor, North Block, Bahu Plaza, J&K Circle, Jammu
Rail Head Complex,
Jammu – 180 012.
Tel: 0191-2577878
7 Karnataka DGM (Staff, Sr. Accounts
O/o CGMT BSNL, Officer(Cash),
Karnataka Telecom Circle, O/o CGM Telecom,
No.1, Swamy Vivekananda Road, BSNL, Karnataka
Halasuru, Circle,
Bangalore-560 008. Bangalore – 560 008
Tel: 080-25363600
Sr. Name of the Address to whom the applica- Demand Draft to be
No Territorial tion is to be sent/ Examination drawn in favour of
(1) Circle Centre City (4)
(2) (3)
1. The external candidates applying for Management Trainees should
possess the first class degree and should have completed his/her courses on
a regular full time basis
2. The candidates should possess the prescribed qualifications or its equivalent
from a recognized Indian Institute/university recognized under Indian Laws.
Screening Test – for External Candidates
1. Scheme of Examination:
The paper shall comprise of 300 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with Computer
Marked sheets.
3. Qualifying Standards:
4.2 Section – B : General
3. Advanced Digital Signal Processing 4. Communication Networks
13. International Finance Management 14. Future Options and Derivatives
15. Public Finance and Budgeting 16. Treasury Management
17. Insurance and risk Management
18. Valuation, Merger, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring
MAIN Exam - for External Candidates
1. The successful candidates of Screening Test shall undertake Main Examination, which
shall have following components :
3. Qualifying Standards:
4.1 Paper - 1
4.1.1.Section – A - English
Note 1: The Papers on English will be of Matriculation or equivalent standard and will be
of qualifying nature only. The marks obtained in these papers will not be counted for ranking.
Note 2: The candidates will have to answer the English Papers in English language
(except where translation is involved).
Note 3: This section will be marked first and the remaining sections/paper may be
marked only of those candidates who have got qualifying marks in this section.
4.2. PAPER – 2
4.2.1. Section – A:
4.2.2 Section B :
1. Consumer Behaviour 2. Sales and Distribution Management
3. Service Marketing 4. Advertising and Brand Management Services
5. International Marketing 6. Rural and Social Marketing
7. Retail Management 8. WTO and Intellectual Property Rights.
Classification of signals and systems: System modelling in terms of differential and difference
equations; State variable representation; Fourier series; Fourier transforms and their
application to system analysis; Laplace transforms and their application to system analysis;
Convolution and superposition integrals and their applications; Z-transforms and their
applications to the analysis and characterisation of discrete time systems; Random signals
and probability, Correlation functions; Spectral density; Response of linear system to random
4. Network theory:
Network analysis techniques; Network theorems, transient response, steady state sinusoidal
response; Network graphs and their applications in network analysis; Tellegen’s theorem.
Two port networks; Z, Y, h and transmission parameters. Combination of two ports, analysis
of common two ports. Network functions: parts of network functions, obtaining a network
function from a given part. Transmission criteria: delay and rise time, Elmore’s and other
definitions effect of cascading. Elements of network synthesis.
5. Electromagnetic Theory:
Basic concepts, standards and error analysis; Measurements of basic electrical quantities and
parameters; Electronic measuring instruments and their principles of working: analog and
digital, comparison, characteristics, application. Transducers; Electronic measurements of non
electrical quantities like temperature, pressure, humidity etc; basics of telemetry for
industrial use.
Transistor biasing and stabilization. Small signal analysis. Power amplifiers. Frequency
response. Wide banding techniques. Feedback amplifiers. Tuned amplifiers. Oscillators.
Rectifiers and Power supplies. Op Amp, PLL, other linear integrated circuits and applications.
Pulse shaping circuits and waveform generators.
9. Control Systems :
Transient and steady state response of control systems; Effect of feedback on stability and
sensitivity; Root locus techniques; Frequency response analysis. Concepts of gain and phase
margins: Constant-M and Constant-N Nichol’s Chart; Approximation of transient response from
Constant-N Nichol’s Chart; Approximation of transient response from closed loop frequency
response; Design of Control Systems, Compensators; Industrial controllers.
Basic information theory; Modulation and detection in analogue and digital systems; Sampling
and data reconstructions; Quantization & coding; Time division and frequency division
multiplexing; Equalisation; Optical Communication: in free space & fiber optic; Propagation of
signals at HF, VHF, UHF and microwave frequency; Satellite Communication.
Microwave Tubes and solid state devices, Microwave generation and amplifiers, Waveguides
and other Microwave Components and Circuits, Micro strip circuits, Microwave Antennas,
Microwave Measurements, Masers, lasers; Microwave propagation. Microwave
Communication Systems terrestrial and Satellite based.
Information Technology for Managers, Information Systems, System Analysis and Computers
Languages, Support Systems and Management Decision.
15. Marketing for Managers :
Planning personal function, Employee Selection, Development and Growth, Motivation, Job
Design and appraisal, Compensation planning, Managing Industrial Relations, Unions and
Demand and Revenue Analysis, Productions & Cost Analysis, Pricing Decisions,
Comprehensive case.
Basic Mathematics for Managers, Data Collections and Analysis, Probability and Probability
Distributions, Sampling and Sampling Distributions, Forecasting Methods.
22. Economic & Social Environment :
Economic & Social environment, Structure of the Indian Economy, Planning & Policies,
External Sector, Economic Reforms.
Introduction to Transistor Theory: BJT, FET, CMOS; Logic Design with MOSFETs: MOSFET as
switches, Complex Logic gates in CMOS, Transmission Gate Circuits, Clocking and Dataflow
control. Physical Structure of CMOS: Integrated circuits, Fabrication Structure of CMOS
Integrated Circuits, Elements of Physical Design: Layout of basic structures, Cell concepts, FET
sizing and the unit transistor, Physical design of Logic gates. Electrical Characteristics of
MOSFETs: FET RC Model, Modelling of Small MOSFETs; Electronic analysis of CMOS Logic gates:
DC characteristics of the CMOS inverter, inverter switching characteristics, power dissipation,
de characteristics: AND and NOR gates, NAND and NOR transient response, Analysis of
Complex Logic gates, gate design for transient performance, transmission gates and pass
transistors, gate delays, driving large capacitive loads. System-level physical design: Large
Scale physical design, Interconnect delay modelling, cross talk, interconnect scaling, Floor
planning and Routing, Input and Output Circuits, Power distribution and consumption. VLSI
Clocking and System Design: Clocked Flip-flops, CMOS clocking styles, pipeline systems, clock
generation and distribution.
Overview of DSP fundamentals: deterministic and random signals, correlation functions, Power
spectra, time and frequency domain sampling of discrete time signals, DFT for finite duration
and its use for linear filtering, Multiplication of Two DFT’s and circular convolution, cepstrum.
DSP algorithms in LTI systems, Z transforms and system stability, methods of FIR and IIR filter
design and realisation Multi-rate digital signal processing: decimation by a factor D &
interpolation by a factor U, sampling rate conversion by rational factor U/D, filter design and
implementation for sampling rate conversion, direct from FIR filter and time variant filter
structures, applications of multi-rate DSP viz. Sub band coding of speech signals, interfacing
of digital systems with different rates, implementation of digital filter banks. Linear filters and
optimum linear filters, Rational power spectra, relationships between filter parameters and
auto correlation sequence, forward and backward linear predictions, relationship of AR
process to linear prediction, Levinson, Durbin algorithm and FIR Weiner filter, IIR weiner filter.
Least-squares method for system modelling and filter design; system identification based on
FIR (MA) model, all pole (AR) model, pole zero ARMA model, least square filter design for
prediction and deconvolution Introduction to architecture for DSP processors with case studies
such as ADSP 21xx, TMS 320C54xx. Application using ALP on these processors for basic DSP
algorithms (preferably fixed point).
Network Design Issues: Scope, Manageability, node placement, Link topology, Routing
Protocol selection. Network Performance Issues: Network Terminology centralised and
distributed approaches for networks. Networks Performance analysis, Traffic classes, Traffic
Control. Queuing Theory, PoIsson’s Model. Protocol Study: TCP/IP, ATM, 802.11, Bluetooth,
SNMP, IPV6, Routing Algorithms, Socket Programming, Protocol Analysis, performance Analysis
of protocols (Mathematical approach), Protocol analyzer. Network Troubleshooting. Network
Security: Cryptography, Authentication, Firewalls, and Security, on emails, Network
management Security. Network Applications: Wireless Networking connecting components &
transmission techniques. LAN, WAN, INTRANET, INTERNET, Case studies, and voice over IP,
Video conferencing, Digital Library. Network systems design using Network Processors:
Network processor technology and architecture. Study of network processors like Intel’s IXP
1200 network processors family.
Nature and scope of operations research; Problem formulation; Model construction; Deriving
solutions from models; Sensitivity analysis; Allocation problem; Assignment and distribution
problems; General linear allocation problems; Inventory problems; Replacement, maintenance
and reliability problems; dynamic programming; Queuing problems; Sequencing, coordination
(PERT and Critical Path) Method and routine problems; Competitive problems; Simulation and
problems of implementation.
Project Life Cycle: Economic Factors – Social Cost Benefit Analysis; Financial Factors –
Evaluation Techniques; Social Cost Benefit Analysis; Project Evaluation Practices of Domestic
Financial Institution.
Operations Management, Product Design and Process Selection, Total Quality Management,
Planning (Designing) of Systems, Capacity Planning, Facility Location and Layout, Job design
Production, Operations Standard & Work Measurement, Project Planning and Control,
Aggregate Planning, Inventory Systems, Operation Scheduling, Improving the Systems.
Role of leaders in team. Work Groups Vs. Teams. Transforming Groups to teams. Leaders as
facilitators, mentors. Synergy in teams, self managed teams. Measuring team effectiveness.
Communications and effectiveness: traditional brain storming, electronic brain storming,
negative brain storming.
directory protocols, memory based directory protocols, cache based directory protocols,
protocol design tradeoffs, synchronization. Scalable point – point interfaces: Alpha 364 and
HT protocols, high performance signalling layer. Enterprise Memory subsystem Architecture:
Enterprise RAS Feature set : Machine check, hot add/remove, domain partitioning, memory
mirroring/migration, patrol scrubbing, fault tolerant system.
Network Security Platform Options, IPSec VPN design considerations, Secured networking
threats, Encryption Techniques, Designing secured networks, Secret network Management
and Network security Management.
Line Drawing and transformation : Basic raster graphical algorithm for 2D primitives, Line
drawing algorithm, 2D and 3D transformation. Clipping: Window, Viewport, Clipping
algorithm; Curves and Surfaces: Circle drawing algorithm, Ellipse drawing algorithm, Bezier
curve, b-spline curve, surfaces, Solid modelling. Projection: Parallel projection, Perspective
projection, Computation of vanishing point. Visible surface determination: Z-buffer algorithm,
Scan line algorithm, Area subdivision algorithm, Raytracing algorithm. Shading: Illumination
mode, Specular reflection model, Shading models for curve surfaces, Radiosity method,
Rendering, Recursive ray tracing, Texture mapping. Advanced Modelling Techniques;
Procedural Models, Fractal Models, Grammar based models, particle systems. Animation; 3D
animation, morphing, simulation of key frames.
Concepts of software risk; Software risk models in general and their applications; Software
failures and the associated costs: Types of software reliability modelling; Various models of
software risk and the concepts of software failure, fault, reliability and risk; software product
characteristics; the concept of Software quality and the associated cost.
Understanding of the unique risks, issues, and critical success factors associated with
software projects design & design methodology; the stages and process of the project life
cycle; the various techniques for software project estimation & costing; basic methodologies
for software development, testing and implementation; various techniques for managing post
software development auditing security with context to present cyber-law and practical
models for E Commerce.
The development of the integrated enterprise information systems; planning, design and
implementation of cross-functional integrated ERP systems; evolution of ERP systems-from
internally focused client/server systems to externally focused extended ERP systems and
comprehensive managerial perspective on Enterprise Systems. Aspects of SAP R/3, mySAP
and Microsoft Business Solutions – Navision and Axapta.
Global sourcing of IT services and IT applications, software products and embedded software;
Management of outsourcing relationships across multiple organizations with multifaceted
interfaces; Basic principles and skill-sets, practices for developing outsourcing strategies. IT
as a strategy and its Alignment with Business; IT as a tool for new E Business model
development for existing enterprises; IT as re-engineering tool to bring strategic agility in the
enterprise; Strategy of IT management; issues of managing IT, tools, people, assets, long
term as well as short term view and IT services as a business opportunity.
Introduction to Sales Management: The Sales Management Function – Scope and Importance;
Personal Selling Process and Approaches; The Evolving Face of Personal Selling; Sales
Organization Structure; Sales Forecasting; Sales Territory Design. Sales Force Management:
Sales Force Job Analysis and Description; Recruiting and Selecting Sales Personnel; Training
Sales Personnel; Motivating the Sales Force; Sales Force Compensation; Evaluating Sales
Performance; Ethical and Legal Issues in Sales Management. Distribution, Planning and
Control: Role and Function of Intermediaries; Selection and Motivation of Intermediaries;
Distribution Analysis; Control and Management; Channel Dynamics-Vertical Marketing
Systems; Horizontal Marketing Systems; Multichannel Marketing Systems; Channel Conflict
and Management. Distribution System and Logistics: Physical Distribution System – Decision
Areas; Different Modes of Transport in India; Their Characteristics; Logistics Introduction –
Functional Areas of Logistics; Logistics Integration for Customer Satisfaction; Distribution
costs; Control and Customer Service; Supply Chain Management (SCM); Integration of Sales
and Distribution Strategy; Case Studies.
International Marketing Environment. International Market Segmentation and Positioning;
Screening and Selection of Markets; International Market Entry Strategies: Exporting,
Licensing, Contract Manufacturing, Joint Venture M & A, Setting-up of Wholly Owned
Subsidiaries Abroad, Strategic Alliances. International Product and Pricing Strategies: Product
Designing; Product Standardisation Vs. Adaptation; Managing Product Line, International Trade
Product: Life Cycle, New Product Development; Pricing for International Markets: Factors
Affecting International Price Determination; Price Quotations and Terms of Sale. Managing
International Distribution and Promotion: Distribution Channel Strategy-International
Distribution, Channels, their Roles and Functions; Selection and Management of Overseas
Agents; International Distribution Logistics; Planning for trade Fairs and Exhibitions;
International Promotion Mix- Advertising and other Modes of Communication. Emerging
Trends in International Marketing; Regionalism v/s Multi-laterism; Trade Blocks; Important
Grouping in the World; Legal Dimensions in International Marketing (Role of WTO); Marketing
Research for Identifying Opportunities in International Markets.
Rural Marketing Introduction: Definition; Myths and Reality of Rural markets; Characteristics
of Rural people; Rural market Environment; Rural Infrastructure; Problems of Rural Marketing
as regards Product Positioning; Distributions; Language; Media; Transport etc. Challenges for
Rural marketing. Rural Marketing Strategies: Rural Market Segmentation; Product Strategies;
Pricing Strategies; Promotion Strategies; Distributor Strategies; Rural Marketing Research;
Role of IT in Rural Marketing (e-Chaupals etc.) with few case studies; Marketing of Rural and
Cottage Industry Products. Future of Rural Marketing in India. Foundation of Social Marketing:
Definition; Nature and Scope; Social Marketing Challenges; Conceptual Frame Work of Social
Marketing; Need for Social Marketing. Social Marketing Strategies and Applications: Social
Markets Segmentation; Product Strategies; Marketing Mix; Pricing Strategies; Promoter
Strategies: Role of Govt. and NGO’s in Social Marketing; Social Marketing; Applied in Family
Planning; Medicare; Small Savings; AIDS Prevention.
Definition, importance and scope of Retailing; Evolution of Retail Competition,- The Wheel of
Retailing, the Accordion, the Retail Life Cycle; Emerging Trends in Retailing; The Retail
Scenario in India; Retail Formats. Information Gathering in Retailing; Retail Strategic Planning
and Operation Management; Retail Financial Strategy; Target Market Selection and Retail
Location; Store Design and Layout; Visual Merchandising and Displays. Merchandise Planning,
Buying and Handling; Merchandise Pricing; Retail Communication Mix; Promotional Strategy;
Retail Human Resources Management; Customer Service, the GAPs Model, Customer
Relationship Management. Retail Management Information Systems; Retail Audits; Online
Retailing; Global Retailing; Legal and Ethical Issues in Retailing.
GATT and Evolution of World Trade Organisation (WTO), Role of WTO in International Trade,
Main Features of WTO, New Issues in WTO: Environment, Investment, Competition Policy,
Government Procurement, Trade Facilitation, Electronic Commerce, Social Clause, Labour
Standards; Implementation and Implication. General Introduction in the Intellectual Property
Law: The Notion of Intellectual Property, Historical Background, The Main Fields of Intellectual
Property, Industrial property law: Inventions, Industrial Creations Characterised by Relative
Novelty (innovations, know-how, Industrial Designs and Models, Utility Models, Layout-designs
of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits (semiconductor chips ), Plant Varieties, Trademarks,
Geographical Indications, Trade names, Emblems, Other Distinctive Signs; Scientific
Discoveries, neighbouring Rights. IPR and Economic Development, Copyright Law (“Rights of
Authors”), Correlation of Intellectual Property Law with Unfair Competition, Common Features
of the Intellectual Property Rights, Legal Nature of the Intellectual Property Rights, Position of
the Intellectual Property Law in the Legal System. International Protection of Intellectual
Property: The World Intellectual Property Organisation, The Agreement on Trade Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (“TRIPS”), The Paris convention for the protection of
Industrial Property, The Patent Cooperation Treaty, The Hague Agreement Concerning the
Deposit of Industrial Designs, The International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties
of Plants, The Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of
Microorganisms, The Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of
Trademarks and the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement, The Trademark Law Treaty,
The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, The Rome International
Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting
Organisation, The Geneva Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against
Unauthorised Duplications of their Phonograms.
Application, Philosophy Behind Performance Management. Various Aspects of Performance
Appraisal: Identifying and Measuring Employee Performance, Uses of Performance Appraisal,
Who Conducts Appraisals, e-HR Managing 360 Degree; Methods for Appraising Performance.
Performance Audit: Developing Performance Standards – DRA’s Process. Conducting
Performance Reviews; Performance Management Documentation, Potential Appraisal.
Feedback Counselling and Coaching: Ongoing Mentoring and Protégé Development, Annual
Stock Taking, Performance – Related Pay; Appraising for Recognition & Reward.
The objective of competitive advantage; the HRM Environment: Evolution of HRM, HRs New
Role Orientation, HRM for Competitive Advantage, HR and Organizational Performance.
Investment perspective of HR: Investment in Training & Development, Investment Practices
for Improved Retention, Non-traditional Investment Approaches: Investment in Disabled
Employees, Employee Assistance Programmes etc. Strategy and HR Planning: Importance of
Human Resources to Strategy, Overview of Theoretical Foundations of Strategic Concepts,
Strategy Driven Role Behaviours and Practices, Integration of Strategy and HR planning,
Determinants of Integration and Problems with Integration. Strategy Implementation and
Workforce Utilization: Selection of Employees, Strategically Oriented Performance
Management and Compensation Systems. Role of Strategic HR Leader, Future Roles and
Leadership Competencies, Managing Workforce Diversity, Cultural Issues of Expatriates.
Global Competitiveness: An Overview – Macroeconomic and Business Strategy Perspective,
Framework for Assessing Competitiveness – Various Approaches; International and National
Competitiveness Studies. Developing Competitiveness - Government Policy and
Competitiveness, Role of Quality and Productivity in Achieving World Class Competitiveness;
Attaining Competitiveness through Integrative Process Management; Science, Technology and
Innovation Policy, Human Capital and Competitiveness, Role of Information Systems in
Building Competitiveness, Industrial Clusters and Business Development, Strategic
Management of Technology and Innovation. Global Competitiveness of Indian Industry –
Status; cause of Uncompetitiveness; Strategic Options for Building Competitiveness,
Internationalization of Indian Business: Selected Case Studies of Globally Competitive Indian
Companies. Strategic Alliances – Value creation in alliances strategy, Management of
Strategic Alliances; Strategic Alliances in Indian Context.
Management Accounting, Material Cost, Labour Cost, Overhead: Actual versus pre-determined
overhead rates, Under – or over absorption of overheads; job, batch, contract and operating
costing, Process Costing, Cost Accounting Systems; Marginal costing and break-even analysis,
Marginal costing. Activity Based Costing; Decision Making, Standard costing and analysis of
variances, Integrated and Non-Integrated Accounting Systems, Reconciliation of cost and
financial accounts, Systems Choice: Decentralization and Transfer Pricing.
Investment and Project Appraisal Systems in PSUs; Funds Mobilization by PSUs; Financial
Performance of PSUs. Capital Budgeting, Long term financing, Working Capital Management,
Memorandum of understanding, Financial Control.
Company Accounts introduction; shares & debentures etc.; Company Accounts; Final
accounts; Cash and fund flow statements; Accounting standards.
Income Tax: Basic Concepts, Residential Status, Incidental of Tax; Income Exempt from Tax,
Computation of Income; Set off and Carry forward of Losses, deductions and rebates,
deduction of Tax at source (TDS) and Advance payment of Tax, Assessment of Individual,
duties and responsibilities of DDO; Central Excises Act, 1944 and Central Excise Tariff Act,
1985, Customs Duty, Finance Act 1994.
Basic concepts underlying accounting, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Accounts, Source and
usage of final statements, Financial topics related to balances received and profit and loss
accounts, Analyzing financial performance, Financial ratios, Applications of financial analysis,
Problems in financial statements and analysis, Break-even analysis and leverages.
Incorporation of Companies, Prospectus & Allotment, Share Capital & Debentures &
Registration of Charges, Management & Administration, Reconstruction, Mergers &
61. Auditing:
Nature, objective and basic principles of auditing; Techniques of auditing-physical verification,
examination of documents and vouching, direct confirmation, analytical review; Planning and
audit, audit programmes, working papers, audit press; Valuation of internal controls.
62. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management:
Contract Act, Partnership Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Consumer Protection Act, Industrial
Dispute Act, Sales Tax Act, Payment of Bonus Act.
Financial System and Economic Development, Financial Markets: Capital Market, SEBI: Role
and Regulatory Aspects; Government Securities Market, Money Market; Reserve Bank of India:
Role as Banker to the Government, Credit Control and other Regulatory Aspects, Indian
Foreign Exchange Market: Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA); Financial Institutions:
Banking Institutions, Non-Banking Financial Companies, Mutual Funds, Insurance
Organizations, Development Finance Institutions.
Financing Strategy and Financing Instruments including: Derivatives; Corporate risk
Management; Hedging; Forwards and futures; Options and swaps; Practical aspects of risk
Public Financial Administration, Public Expenditure, Budgeting, Revenue, Public Debt, Modern
Techniques in Budgeting, Central Government Budgeting Process, Public Investment-
Programming and Management, Fiscal Responsibility, Parliamentary Financial Committees.