Skills Rubrics
Skills Rubrics
Skills Rubrics
y y y y y
Tasks should be judged to be an appropriate degree of complexity for each Grade level Each rubric should be applied in the context of both the subject and Grade level Interpret: Almost all = 90%; most = > half; some = just less than half; (very) little = less than All criteria (apart from working independently and persevering) assume the levels are reached with no help; if a little help is given reduce the level by one; if considerable help is given lower the level by two Failure to meet the requirements of level 1 results in a 0.
Skill: Creating
Level 4
Generating plans/procedures/solutions
Constructs a complete and safe plan/procedure/set of instructions with no obvious errors that can be followed easily and includes almost all equipment needed or constructs a complete solution which has no obvious errors to solve a problem
Constructs a complete and safe plan/procedure/set of instructions with only one or two minor errors, that can be followed quite easily and includes most equipment needed or constructs a complete solution which has one or two minor errors to solve a problem Constructs a complete and safe plan/procedure/set of instructions with only one or two minor errors, but is a bit difficult to follow and includes some equipment needed
or constructs an incomplete and generally safe plan/procedure/set of instructions with only one or two minor errors, that can be followed quite easily and includes most equipment needed or constructs an incomplete solution which has no obvious errors but does not solve a problem
Constructs a plan/procedure/set of instructions that can just be followed and includes some equipment needed or constructs a solution that tries to solve a problem
N.B. a procedure could be a game in PE. Science may wish to refer to fair experiments
Level 4 3
Constructing products
Constructs a complete product/object that demonstrates reasonably good workmanship/skill and uses obvious originality/imagination that meets totally the task requirements (design specifications) Constructs a complete product/object that demonstrates fair workmanship/skill and uses a little originality/imagination that meets almost totally the task requirements (design specifications) Constructs an almost complete product/object that demonstrates reasonably good workmanship/skill and uses a little originality/imagination that meets almost totally the task requirements (design specifications) or constructs a complete product/object that demonstrates fair workmanship/skill that meets almost totally the task requirements (design specifications)
Constructs a product/object that demonstrates a little workmanship/skill that partly meets the task requirements (design specifications)
The NSM highlights a range of skills to be included as part of Approaches to Learning. There is no such list of skills for other Grades nor is there yet any intention to measure or report on these skills to parents.
The table below describes the skills that should be developed in all students G6-12 and included in all subjects as part of CA. Several of the skills also feature as part of external assessments (e.g. EMSA and T3 examinations).
Evaluating Reflecting
Handling Researching
Inquiring Experimenting
Every subject must assess all seven skills in CA by the end of the year, even though the contribution of each skill may vary according to subject and Grade level An assessment task (technique) must assess at least two different skills An assessment technique may have skills in it that are not specifically assessed A skill that is assessed must represent a significant contribution to that technique (e.g. less than 20% time devoted to a skill within a task is unreasonable) A technique may be weighted 20 40% per Trimester (i.e. at least three techniques) Some techniques might be classified as more than one technique (e.g. ECART, portfolio) Subject/curriculum areas determine the techniques to be used by teachers that specify their respective skills, criteria and weightings Each criterion (bullet point) within a skill has a rubric (assessment tool) to measure performance in four levels. These may be adopted unchanged or subject areas may develop their own rubrics but the (seven) skills must be clearly identified All CA tasks must represent a reasonable challenge for the Grade and not be trivial exercises Subject teachers must be encouraged to determine standards of performance of students through internal and external standardisation procedures PD support will be through CMs, EA s, Operators and Regional Subject Support Specialists
y y y
y y y
y y
Level 4 3 2 1
Suggesting hypotheses/conclusions
Suggests a feasible explanation/accurate conclusion totally consistent with the observations/patterns/results Suggests a feasible explanation/accurate conclusion partly consistent with the observations/patterns/results Suggests a feasible explanation/accurate conclusion partly consistent with the observations/patterns/results Suggests an explanation/conclusion
Level 4 3
Presenting information/data
Shows almost all relatively complex information/data in an accurate, appropriate and clear manner Shows most relatively complex information/data in an accurate, appropriate and clear manner or shows almost all relatively complex information/data in an accurate and generally appropriate and clear manner Shows some relatively complex information/data and almost all straightforward information/data in an appropriate and fairly clear manner Shows some straightforward information/data in a fairly appropriate manner
2 1
Level 4 3 2 1
Level 4 3 2 1
Suggesting improvements
Recognises at least two inaccuracies/errors/weaknesses in a procedure/plan/object/decision/opinion and suggests at least three realistic and relevant improvements Recognises one inaccuracy/error/weakness in a procedure/plan/object/decision/opinion and suggests two realistic and relevant improvements Recognises one inaccuracy/error/weakness in a procedure/plan/object/decision/opinion and suggests two improvements Suggests an improvement to a procedure/plan/object/decision/opinion
Level 4 3 2 1
Evaluating procedures/plans/objects/decisions
Suggests appropriate means of evaluating a procedure/plan/object/decision by making clear criteria (descriptions) that define its quality, effectiveness and success Suggests appropriate means of evaluating a procedure/plan/object/decision by making clear criteria (descriptions) that define any two of: its quality, effectiveness or success Suggests appropriate means of evaluating a procedure/plan/object/decision by making clear criteria (descriptions) that define its quality or effectiveness or success Suggests how to evaluate a procedure/plan/object/decision
Level 4 3 2 1
Almost all measurements are accurate Most measurements are accurate Some measurements are accurate Very few measurements are accurate
Level 4 3 2 1
Using tools/instruments
Selects almost all appropriate tools/instruments; uses them with considerable skill and due attention to safety Selects most appropriate tools/instruments; uses them with skill and due attention to safety Selects most appropriate tools/instruments; uses them with little skill and little attention to safety Uses tools/instruments with little skill and very little attention to safety
Level 4 3 2 1
Level 4
Organising information/data
Sorts/sequences/classifies relatively complex information to make it easily understandable; all
3 2 1
Sorts/sequences/classifies some complex and all straightforward information to make it easily understandable; almost all accurately Sorts/sequences/classifies almost all straightforward information to make it fairly understandable; most accurately Sorts/sequences/classifies some straightforward information; some accurately
Level 4 3 2 1
Acknowledging sources
Uses at least three sources; acknowledges all of them Uses two sources; acknowledges both of them Uses at least two sources; acknowledges at least one Uses at least one source
Level 4 3 2 1
Level 4 3
Following Instructions
Follows almost all steps in a set of complex instructions competently (and safely where relevant) Follows most steps in a set of complex instructions competently (and safely where relevant) or follows almost all steps in a set of straightforward instructions competently (and safely where relevant) Follows a few steps in a set of complex instructions competently (and safely where relevant)
or follows most steps in a set of straightforward instructions competently (and safely where relevant) or follows most/virtually all steps in a set of instructions but with one or two minor safety issues Follows two or three steps in a set of straightforward instructions competently or follows most/virtually all steps but with several safety issues
Level 4
Predicting outcomes/consequences
Suggests an accurate and complete outcome/consequence of a complex event/process/action/change/calculation based completely on evidence/data
Suggests an almost accurate outcome/consequence of a complex event/process/action/change/calculation based almost completely on evidence/data or suggests an accurate and complete outcome/consequence of a straightforward event/process/action/change/calculation based completely on evidence/data Suggests an almost accurate outcome/consequence of a straightforward event/process/action/change/calculation Suggests an outcome/consequence of an event/process/action/change/calculation
2 1
Skill: Participating
Level 4 3 2 1
Level 4 3 2 1
Demonstrating responsibility
Shows an obvious sensible/conscientious attitude towards almost all task activities; pays complete attention to all task-specific rules and safety issues Shows an obvious sensible/conscientious attitude towards most task activities; pays almost complete attention to all task-specific rules and safety issues Shows a generally sensible/conscientious attitude towards a few task activities; pays some attention to most task-specific rules and safety issues Shows a slightly careless attitude towards most task activities; pays little attention to task-specific rules and safety issues
Level 4 3
seeking help
Requires regular supervision or encouragement to complete most task activities; tries to resolve only simple problems and complete a few task activities when faced with some difficulties or seeks help frequently
Requires frequent supervision or encouragement to complete almost all task activities; completes task activities only when difficulties are very minor or seeks immediate help
Skill: Remembering
Level 4 3 2 1
Level 4 3 2 1
Level 4 3 2
Gives complete reasons/causes/mechanisms for relatively complex processes/events/actions/results Gives almost complete reasons/causes/mechanisms for relatively complex processes/events/actions/results Gives complete reasons/causes/mechanisms for relatively straightforward processes/events/actions/results
Gives almost complete reasons/causes/mechanisms for relatively straightforward processes/events/actions/results or repeats terms for processes/events/actions/results
Level 4 3 2 1
Level 4 3 2 1
Outlines almost all the main points of a process/text/argument/law/set of facts with complete accuracy Outlines almost all the main points of a process/text/argument/law/set of facts with almost complete accuracy Outlines most of the main points of a process/text/argument/law/set of facts with complete accuracy Outlines some of the main points of a process/text/argument/law/set of facts with some accuracy
Level 4 3 2 1
Identifying relationships/patterns/anomalies
Identifies almost all relationships/patterns and errors/anomalies in data with complete accuracy Identifies almost all relationships/patterns and errors/anomalies in data with almost complete accuracy Identifies most relationships/patterns and errors/anomalies in data with almost complete accuracy Identifies some relationships/patterns or errors/anomalies in data with some accuracy