Ingham's Mythos: Knyan

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Inhabitants of K'n-Yan

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Inhabitants of K'n-Yan
Men of Kn-yan (Lesser Independent Race)
the tall, lean, darkly robed being with the filleted black hair and seamed, coppery, expressionless, aquiline face looked more like an Indian than anything else in my previous experience. And yet my trained ethnologist's eye told me at once that this was no redskin of any sort hitherto known to histor... I saw, too, that the pattern of his robe represented a decorative tradition utterly remote from anything we recognise in southwestern native art. There were shining metal trappings, likewise, and a short sword or kindred weapon at his side, all wrought in a fashion wholly alien to anything I had ever heard of. As he paced back and forth along the top of the mound I followed him for several minutes with the glass, noting the kinaesthetic quality of his stride and the poised way he carried his head; and there was borne in upon me the strong, persistent conviction that this man, whoever or whatever he might be, was certainly not a savage. He was the product of a civilisation, I felt instinctively, though of what civilisation I could not guess. H.P. Lovecraft and Zealia Bishop, The Mound The not-quite human men of Kn-yan are inheritors of a highly technological and decadent culture given them long ago by the Great Old Ones. They worship Yig, Cthulhu and Shub-Niggurath with appalling rites, and spend their days indulging in depraved and soulshredding pleasures. They are experts in the engineering and breeding of life, dead and undead, and leave most difficult work to their slaves which include the Ym-bhi and the Gyaa-Yothn.
The Men of Kn-yan, subterranean degenerates Average STR 3D6 10-11 CON 3D6 10-11 SIZ 2D6+6 13 INT 3D6+6 16-17 POW 4D6 14 DEX 3D6 10-11 APP 3D6 10-11 EDU 2D6+9 16 SAN 0 0 Hit Points 10-11 Move 8 Spells: Most adults know Dematerialisation and ThoughtProjection. Many know Create Ym-bhi, Bind Ym-Bhi. Other spells, such as Contact Shub-Niggurath, and Contact Yig, may be known by individuals. SAN: 0 SAN to see one of the people of Kn-yan, 0/1D4 SAN to see a dematerialised man of Kn-yan. Witnessing some of the diversions of the people of Kn-yan may prove very costly indeed to SAN. Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 5D10%, Medicine 45%, Hide 55%, others as appropriate. Attack % Damage Attacks Blade 30%-50% 1D8+DB

Dematerialisation and Thought-Projection Anyone can learn to dematerialise or project thoughts of the people of Kn-yan. Learning how to dematerialise takes 1D8 months of training from the people of Kn-yan (or from studying the literature of Kn-yan), and costs 1D10 SAN. If (after having studied and having lost SAN) a student can succeed in a roll of POWx2, they can figure out how to do it. If the roll fails, they dont, and wont ever learn (having wasted time and sanity). Once learned, it costs 5 Magic Points and 1 SAN to dematerialise, and a further magic point for every ten minutes of being continually insubstantial. Objects in contact with the dematerialised person also become insubstantial. If an dematerialised person wishes to bring along a large object (or even another person), she must spend 1 Magic Point for very three points of additional SIZ. If an insubstantial object is dropped, it becomes substantial again; it costs 1 Magic Point to pick it up and cause it to become substantial once more. Dematerialised people can lift and manipulate things, but their influence on the substantial world is lessened, and STR is reduced by half. It can be hard to see a dematerialised person in poor lighting conditions. Being dematerialised adds 50% to Hide and Sneak rolls. It costs 0/1D4 SAN to see a dematerialised person. Learning how to project thoughts takes 1D6 days of study and training, and costs 1D3 SAN. It costs 1 Magic Point for a person not born to this talent to project a mental image or idea into a persons mind. The men of Kn-yan can project thoughts without spending Magic Points. If the target of a thoughtprojection is unwilling, the person sending the thought must succeed in a POW vs. POW struggle with the target.

Gyaa-Yothn (lesser servitor race)

As it is, he merely hinted at the shocking morbidity of these great floundering white things, with black fur on their backs, a rudimentary horn in the centre of their foreheads, and an unmistakable trace of human or anthropoid blood in their flat-nosed, bulging-lipped faces. They were, he declared later in his manuscript, the most terrible objective entities he ever saw in his life, either in K'n-yan or in the outer world. And the specific quality of their supreme terror was something apart from any easily recognisable or describable feature. The main trouble was that they were not wholly products of Nature. H.P. Lovecraft and Zealia Bishop, The Mound. The Gyaa-Yothn are the pack beasts of Kn-yan. Although they are fairly harmless, they are truly disturbing to see, probably because of the lingering

Inhabitants of K'n-Yan
apprehension in the viewer that they have been bred from human stock
Gyaa-Yothn, semi-human abominations Average STR 4D6 14 CON 4D6 14 SIZ 2D6+8 15 INT 1D6 3-4 POW 2D6 7 DEX 3D6 10-11 Hit Points 14 Move 10 Armour: 4 points hide. Spells: None. SAN: 1/1D10 SAN to see a Gyaa-Yoth. Attack % Damage Attacks Kick 25% 1D4+DB Horn 10% 1D6+DB

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headless, while others had suffered singular and seemingly capricious subtractions, distortions, transpositions, and graftings in various places. The Spaniard could not account for this condition, but Gll'-Hthaa-Ynn made it clear that these were slaves who had been used for the amusement of the people in some of the vast arenas; for the men of Tsath were connoisseurs of delicate sensation, and required a constant supply of fresh and novel stimuli for their jaded impulses. H.P. Lovecraft and Zealia Bishop, The Mound The Ym-bhi are the result of the vile entertainments of Kn-yan, mindless corpses used as sentries at the gates to the subterranean world. Many are missing heads or limbs, or have extra limbs grafted on to them.
Ym-bhi, mutilated sentries STR CON SIZ INT POW DEX Hit Points Move 4D6+6 4D6+6 2D6+6 0 1D3 3D6 10 Average 20 20 13 0 2 10-11 33

Ym-bhi (lesser servitor race)

He likewise observed the more manlike shapes that toiled along the furrows, and felt a curious fright and disgust toward certain of them whose motions were more mechanical than those of the rest. These, Gll'-Hthaa-Ynn explained, were what men called the y'm-bhiorganisms which had died, but which had been mechanically reanimated for industrial purposes by means of atomic energy and thought-powerThey were dog-like and faithful, but not so readily amenable to thought-commands as were living slaves. Those which most repelled Zamacona were those whose mutilations were greatest; for some were wholly

Armour: None, but the Ym-bhi are extremely hard to kill. A Ymbhi has double hit points. Spells: None. SAN: 1/1D10 SAN to see a Ym-bhi. Attack % Damage Attacks Fist (varies; 1- 4) 50% 1D3+DB, Grapple

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