Astro-Vision Lifesign Horoscope: (Ref: Lifesign-Sm 2.0 Eng-20081120)

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Astro-Vision LifeSign Horoscope [Ref: LifeSign-SM 2.

0 Eng-20081120]

Name : uday
Sex : Male
Date of Birth : 3 April,1972 Monday
Time of Birth (Hr:Min:Sec am/pm) : 09:25:00 am Standard Time
Time of Birth (Hr:Min:Sec 24 Hr Clock) : 09:25:00 Hr Standard Time
Time Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05.30East of Greenwich
Place of Birth : Trivandrum
Longitude & Latitude (Deg.Mins) : 77:0 , 8:31
Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha 023:28:24
Birth Star - Star Pada (Quarter) : Anizham - 2
Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : Vrischikam - Mars
Lagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Edavam - Venus
Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Chathurthy
Karanam : Leopard
Nithya Yoga : Siddhi
Sunrise (Hrs.Mins) : 06:19 am
Sunset (Hrs.Mins) : 06:32 pm
Dinamana (Hrs:Mins) : 12:13
Rasi of Sun - Star Position : Meenam - Revathi
Dagda Rasi : Edavam,Kumbam
Astrological Day of Birth : Monday

Sayana Longitude of Planets

The longitude of planets including that of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are given as per western method of

Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Aries

Planet Longitude Planet Longitude

Deg:Min:Sec Deg:Min:Sec

Lagnam 062:38:05 Jupiter 277:35:01

Moon 240:44:07 Saturn 062:59:34
Sun 013:30:20 Uranus 196:24:09 Retro
Mercury 008:39:53Retro Neptune 245:03:08 Retro
Venus 059:12:15 Pluto 180:21:03 Retro
Mars 064:33:44 Node 145:10:38

NIRAYANA longitudes of planets, which is the basis of calculations in the Indian system are derived from the
SAYANA values shown above. All the charts, calculations and analysis following this are based on Indian
Predictive Astrology.

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Nirayana Longitude of Planets

The Indian system of astrology is based on the nirayana longitude planets, which is obtained by subtracting the
ayanamsa value from the sayana longitudes, calculated as per western system.

There are different basis for calculating ayanamsa.

The method selected here is :Chitra Paksha = 023:28:24

Planet Longitude Rasi Long. in Rasi Star Pada

Deg:Min:Sec Deg:Min:Sec

Lagnam 039:09:41 Edavam 009:09:41 Kartika 4

Moon 217:15:42 Vrischikam 007:15:42 Anizham 2
Sun 350:01:55 Meenam 020:01:55 Revathi 2
Mercury 345:11:29 Meenam 015:11:29 Uthrattathi 4
Venus 035:43:51 Edavam 005:43:51 Kartika 3
Mars 041:05:19 Edavam 011:05:19 Rohini 1
Jupiter 254:06:36 Dhanu 014:06:36 Pooradam 1
Saturn 039:31:10 Edavam 009:31:10 Kartika 4
Rahu 278:13:19 Makaram 008:13:19 Uthradam 4
Ketu 098:13:19 Karkatakam 008:13:19 Pooyam 2
Gulikan 121:42:14 Chingam 001:42:14 Makam 1

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Ven Mar Sat
Sun Mer Rah Mar Maa
Sat Lag Lag
03 April, 1972 Ket Ven
09:25:00 am
Longitude 77:0
Rah Latitude 8:31 Maa Sun Jup

Jup Moo Mer Moo Ket

Dasa balance at birth = Saturn 13 Years, 4 Months, 25 Days

Ven Mar
Sun Mer
Sat Lag



Rah Maa

Jup Moo

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Bhava Table

Bhava Arambha Madhya Anthya Planets

Deg:Min:Sec Deg:Min:Sec Deg:Min:Sec Located in Bhava

1 022:53:48 039:09:41 052:53:48 Ven Mar Sat

2 052:53:48 066:37:56 080:22:03
3 080:22:03 094:06:11 107:50:18 Ket
4 107:50:18 121:34:25 137:50:18 Gul
5 137:50:18 154:06:11 170:22:03 Plu
6 170:22:03 186:37:56 202:53:48 Ura
7 202:53:48 219:09:41 232:53:48 Moo Nep
8 232:53:48 246:37:56 260:22:03 Jup
9 260:22:03 274:06:11 287:50:18 Rah
10 287:50:18 301:34:25 317:50:18
11 317:50:18 334:06:11 350:22:03 Sun Mer
12 350:22:03 006:37:56 022:53:48

Shodasavarga Table

Lag Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Rah Ket Ket

Rasi 2: 8: 12 : 12 : 2: 2: 9 2: 10 : 4: 5
Hora 4: 4: 5 5 4: 4: 5 4: 4: 4: 5
Drekkana 2: 8: 8: 4: 2: 6: 1 2: 10 : 4: 5
Chathurthamsa 5 8: 6: 6: 2: 5 12 : 5 1 7 5
Saptamsa 10 : 3 10 : 9 9 10 : 12 : 10 : 5 11 5
Navamsa 12 : 6: 10 : 8: 11 1 5 12 : 12 : 6: 1
Dasamsa 1 6: 2: 1 11 1 1 1 8: 2: 5
Dwadasamsa 5 10 : 8: 6: 4: 6: 2: 5 1 7 5
Shodasamsa 9 8: 7 5 8: 10 : 4: 10 : 5 5 5
Vimsamsa 3 1 6: 3 12 : 4: 2: 3 6: 6: 10 :
Chathurvimsamsa 11 9 8: 4: 8: 12 : 4: 11 10 : 10 : 6:
Bhamsa 12 : 4: 4: 11 9 1 1 12 : 11 5 2:
Trimsamsa 6: 6: 10 : 12 : 6: 6: 9 6: 6: 6: 1
Khavedamsa 7 4: 9 3 2: 9 7 7 5 5 3
Akshavedamsa 6: 3 3 7 1 9 6: 7 1 1 7
Shashtiamsa 8: 10 : 4: 6: 1 12 : 1 9 2: 8: 8:

Ojarasi Count 7 4 4 8 6 6 9 8 7 7 12

: - Yugma Rasi
1-Medam 2-Edavam 3-Minthuna 4-Karkata 5-Chingam 6-Kanni
7-Tula 8-Vrischika 9-Dhana 10-Makara 11-Kumba 12-Meena

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Ashtakavarga Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total

Medam 1 5 1 2 2 3 5 19
Edavam 3 4 6 3 6 4 2 28
Minthuna 3 3 5 3 1 6 1 22
Karkata 6 2 4 7 3 4 3 29
Chingam 3 6 7 5 4 3 2 30
Kanni 7 2 2 6 2 6 4 29
Tula 6 4 2 4 3 5 7 31
Vrischika 3 5 5 2 3 4 2 24
Dhana 3 4 6 4 4 5 2 28
Makara 5 5 5 7 4 5 3 34
Kumba 3 4 6 4 3 4 3 27
Meena 6 4 5 5 4 7 5 36

Details of Dasa and Bhukti (Apahara) Periods

( Years = 365.25 Days )
Dasa balance at birth = Saturn 13 Years, 4 Months, 25 Days

Dasa Apahara Arambha Anthya

Sat Mer 03-04-1972 10-05-1972

"" Ket 10-05-1972 19-06-1973
"" Ven 19-06-1973 18-08-1976
"" Sun 18-08-1976 31-07-1977
"" Moo 31-07-1977 02-03-1979
"" Mar 02-03-1979 09-04-1980
"" Rah 09-04-1980 14-02-1983
"" Jup 14-02-1983 28-08-1985

Mer Mer 28-08-1985 24-01-1988

"" Ket 24-01-1988 20-01-1989
"" Ven 20-01-1989 21-11-1991
"" Sun 21-11-1991 27-09-1992
"" Moo 27-09-1992 26-02-1994
"" Mar 26-02-1994 23-02-1995
"" Rah 23-02-1995 12-09-1997
"" Jup 12-09-1997 19-12-1999
"" Sat 19-12-1999 28-08-2002

Ket Ket 28-08-2002 24-01-2003

"" Ven 24-01-2003 25-03-2004

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"" Sun 25-03-2004 31-07-2004
"" Moo 31-07-2004 01-03-2005
"" Mar 01-03-2005 28-07-2005
"" Rah 28-07-2005 16-08-2006
"" Jup 16-08-2006 23-07-2007
"" Sat 23-07-2007 30-08-2008
"" Mer 30-08-2008 28-08-2009

Ven Ven 28-08-2009 27-12-2012

"" Sun 27-12-2012 27-12-2013
"" Moo 27-12-2013 28-08-2015
"" Mar 28-08-2015 27-10-2016
"" Rah 27-10-2016 28-10-2019
"" Jup 28-10-2019 28-06-2022
"" Sat 28-06-2022 28-08-2025
"" Mer 28-08-2025 27-06-2028
"" Ket 27-06-2028 28-08-2029

Sun Sun 28-08-2029 15-12-2029

"" Moo 15-12-2029 16-06-2030
"" Mar 16-06-2030 22-10-2030
"" Rah 22-10-2030 15-09-2031
"" Jup 15-09-2031 04-07-2032
"" Sat 04-07-2032 16-06-2033
"" Mer 16-06-2033 22-04-2034
"" Ket 22-04-2034 28-08-2034
"" Ven 28-08-2034 28-08-2035

Moo Moo 28-08-2035 27-06-2036

"" Mar 27-06-2036 27-01-2037
"" Rah 27-01-2037 28-07-2038
"" Jup 28-07-2038 27-11-2039
"" Sat 27-11-2039 28-06-2041
"" Mer 28-06-2041 27-11-2042
"" Ket 27-11-2042 28-06-2043
"" Ven 28-06-2043 26-02-2045
"" Sun 26-02-2045 28-08-2045

Mar Mar 28-08-2045 24-01-2046

"" Rah 24-01-2046 11-02-2047
"" Jup 11-02-2047 18-01-2048
"" Sat 18-01-2048 26-02-2049
"" Mer 26-02-2049 23-02-2050
"" Ket 23-02-2050 22-07-2050
"" Ven 22-07-2050 21-09-2051
"" Sun 21-09-2051 27-01-2052
"" Moo 27-01-2052 27-08-2052

Rah Rah 27-08-2052 11-05-2055

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"" Jup 11-05-2055 03-10-2057
"" Sat 03-10-2057 09-08-2060
"" Mer 09-08-2060 26-02-2063
"" Ket 26-02-2063 16-03-2064
"" Ven 16-03-2064 17-03-2067
"" Sun 17-03-2067 08-02-2068
"" Moo 08-02-2068 09-08-2069
"" Mar 09-08-2069 28-08-2070

Jup Jup 28-08-2070 15-10-2072

The bottom line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.

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Bhava Predictions

This report describes the influence of planets on your character and life. You may find repetitions or
contradictions in the report which only show the interactive nature of various planets on your life.

Personality, physical structure, status

The first house of the horoscope represents the personality characteristics, physical structure, status and fame of
the person.

Based on the position of Lagna the following characteristics may be predicted about your personality. You will be:
Obstinate; proud; ambitious; affectionate; loving; sometimes unreasonable; tolerant; patient; willing to give
unconditionally to those you love; magnetic; authoritative. You are interested in: Competitive games; music;
pleasure. Physically you have: Enormous endurance; a beautiful face; small stature; a mark or mole on the back
of the body. You will probably have more daughters than sons. You may have some nervous complaints after the
age of fifty. Consult a specialist early.

Since your Lagna lies in the first Drekkana of its house, you make a lot of money, but you spend as much or more
than you earn. You tend to be anxious, and you should try to control your anxiety. You are likely to spend all that
you have, and thus may leave little for those who depend on you. Be careful about getting into debt. The
important years in your life are 21, 23, 31, 42, 51, 65 and 68.

Since the ascendant lord is on the ascendant, you will make and keep money. You will be recognized as an
independent spirit. You'll be happy to be true to the ideals you set for yourself. You are courageous, sometimes
unthinkingly so. However, you can also be changeable. You are a person of numerous interests. You are
fascinated by a variety of subjects and a variety of people. You are alert, both mentally and physically. You will
travel to or live in other countries.

Since Venus is in the first house, you will be scholarly. You will be a devoted partner and enjoy romance. You
will love children.

As Mars is in the first house, there will be scars on your body. You are capable of tact, but you can be easily
provoked to anger.

As Saturn is in the first house, you tend to be pessimistic or sorrowful and will not apply yourself totally to any

Lagna lord is positioned in own house, which indicates that you will rise to positions of power and authority.

Moon aspects Lagna. You can achieve progress through business or jobs related to water or waterways.

Wealth, land and properties

Land and properties, wealth, family, speech, food and skills are some of the important topics highlighted by the
second house in a horoscope.

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As the 2nd lord is in the 11th, you will earn wealth by diverse means and be industrious, ethical and famous. But
you will come to realize that enthusiasm is not a replacement for experience. Your health will be better in
adulthood than in childhood. Your changing sense of self may be confusing to friends and relatives. You will
probably do well in banking, or in the hotel or motel business.

Since Sun and the second lord are positioned in the same house, you will not hesitate to utilise your knowledge and
wealth for the benefit of the people and the world in general.

Since the second lord and the fourth lord are in conjunction, there are chances of your gaining wealth through
maternal connections.


Third house in the horoscope mainly refers to siblings, courage and cleverness .

Since the 3rd lord is in the 7th, you are better suited for professional employment where the income will be regular
and steady, rather than business. You will prove to be a good worker and you will enjoy the regard of your
bosses. You may occasionally overestimate your ability to perform a service or repay a debt. Therefore, you may
have to default on loans or promises when they come due. However, you will save yourself by being careful in
most dealings. Travelling is not good for you. You can expect help from one of the brothers who may settle

Since Ketu happens to be in the 3rd house, you will be considered intellectual, capable and good-natured.

Since third lord is aspected by Lagna lord, you will take efforts to maintain cordial relationship with your brothers
and sisters.

Property, Education etc.

The fourth house of your horoscope refers to property, education, mother, vehicles, and general happiness.

In your horoscope, the lord of the 4th house is occupying the 11th. You will be a self-made man. You will treat
others with kindness and consideration. You may appear weak, but you are in reality quite energetic. Your mother
will be educated, wealthy or devout. However, someone else may temporarily or permanently have to assume the
role of mother for you. You will do well with land acquisition.

As the Sun, who is the ruler of all planets, is the lord of the 4th, an element of determination and dignity will be
evident in all that you do. You are a man who will work hard to become an authority in your chosen area of

Apart from the above, you should be happy to note that there is a beneficial aspect of Jupiter on the fourth house
and this reduces any bad effects predicted otherwise.

Children, mind, intelligence.

The fifth house of the horoscope mainly gives indications regarding children, mind and intelligence.

Since the 5th lord is in the 11th, you will be learned, dear to people, and may be an author. Apart from the above,

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you will have ample opportunities to develop and demonstrate your skills in various fields, including academic
circles. To the very best of your ability, you will build a more secure future for your children. An intellectual and
emotional involvement with you is sure to be an educational experience for your children during their
development. Eventually you will feel proud of your children.

Diseases, enemies, obstacles

The sixth house gives indications regarding diseases, enemies, obstacles and other generally negative topics.

As the 6th lord is in the ascendant, you are adventurous by nature, but may become antagonistic to your own
family. You may join the armed forces, or have something to do with prisons. You will probably live with, or close
to your maternal uncle. Illness will constantly worry you. Part of this problem is imaginary. You will be a good
parent and will provide ideas and guidance to your children. Your spouse will help you ensure your stability and
security. This applies to financial, sexual and other aspects involving your co-operative effort. If you are not well
guided in childhood, the chances of your becoming involved in criminal activities cannot be ruled out.

Sixth lord is positioned together with Saturn. You may worry unnecessarily about loss of property.

Sixth lord is positioned together with Mars. You will end to fear about robberies and financial losses.

Marriage etc.

The various aspects of your married life are influenced by the 7th. house.

Your 7th lord is in the 1st house. Your wife will be intelligent, sensible and will demonstrate skill in administration.
Even in youth, you will be drawn to beauty and beautiful women. Attractiveness will be a primary consideration in
your choice of a life-partner. As a husband, you may not be as broad-minded as you should be. However, Your
wife will contribute considerably in maintaining your youthful vigour and mental happiness. Moreover, she will be
lucky for you and help to make you successful. As you are from a good family, your instinctive sense of pride and
self-confidence will be reflected in your behaviour. As a couple, you should take care not to squander the money
you make.

A person from the south could make an ideal partner for you.

The Moon is in your 7th house. You are very possessive in love. You want the attention of your lover to be only
directed at you. Although you try to control yourself, jealousy and strong emotions often come out at inappropriate
moments. You probably felt that your mother's love was inadequate or fragmented. You may be revengeful. You
also have a tendency to squander your money. You are, however, capable of adopting appropriate remedial

Longevity, difficulties

The eighth house gives indications regarding longevity, medical treatment and other difficulties.

Since the 8th lord is in the 8th, longevity can be expected. You will have to face criticism or scandal. Your spouse
or lover will either be wealthy or will help you to become wealthy. There is a likelihood of your inheriting family
property as well. Your father will have had to pass through a crisis early in life. Those who are jealous of your

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progress will try and undermine you in any way possible. But you will have the courage and ability to successfully
withstand all this with the goodwill and active support of your partner. You will have plenty of self-control. You
will need all of it when your enemies try your patience. Don't do anything hasty or rash. People wonder how you
manage to come out of the worst situation looking good and feeling great.

Your 8th house is occupied by Jupiter. You will be wealthy and long lived. You will have friends and
acquaintances from all walks of life. The health of your children may be worrying to you.

Since the eighth lord is positioned in eighth house itself, there are no negative indications regarding longevity.

Fortune, Prosperity, Inheritance etc.

In your horoscope, the lord of the 9th house is occupying the 1st. So you will be a self-made man. You will take
full advantage of the opportunities available to you, regardless of the difficulties you face.

Since Rahu is occupying the ninth, it is likely that your partner will be nagging and domineering. You may have
strong feelings about your father and about tradition in general.

For general improvement, or for getting rid of diseases and worries, wear a ring or chain with blue sapphire in it.
Blue is a lucky color in your case. Wear this colour on important occassions.


Verse from Phaladeepika says that the tenth house indicates Vyapara (commerce), Aspada (rank or position),
Karma (acts, occupation, profession), Jaya (success), Kirti (fame), Kratu (sacrifice), Jeevana (livelihood,
profession), Vyoma (sky), Achara (conduct), Guna (good qualities), Pravritti (inclination), Gamana (going), Ajna

According to Sarvartha Chintamani, from the tenth house, the astrologer should judge occupation, command,
authority, fame, rain, life in foreign lands, performance of sacrifice, esteem, respect, means of livelihood,
profession, the knees and the servants. An analysis of the tenth house, lord of tenth house, planets in tenth house,
position of Sun and Moon are analysed below to get an insight into the professions astrologically indicated for you.

In your horoscope, the lord of the tenth house is placed in the lagna.
Verse from Brihat Parasara Hora indicates that as the lord of tenth house is placed in lagna, you will be learned,
famous and wealthy. You have poetic talent. Although sickness is indicated in the early age, wealth and happiness
are bound to increase as years go by.

The tenth house is Aquarius. Scientific pursuits, research work, atomic and nuclear sciences, electricity and
electronics are governed by the sign of Aquarius.

You can build up a successful career or business connected with electricity, electronics, computers, motors,
generators, railway, transport, metal forming, heavy industries, defence department and weaponry.

Ferries, water transport, bridges, aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic products are also suitable areas for you as
indicated by the watery sign of Aquarius.

Jupiter is in the 10th house from Sun in your chart.

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You will succeed in your projects. You will be respected in the community. You will be smart and prosperous.
You will enjoy wealth, relatives, conveyances and become famous.

This indicates success and honours in the professional or public life. You will have the ability to handle collective
social or religious courses. You will have to deal with the challenges and problems faced. Jupiter is also
considered as doctors planet.

Jupiter rules law and you can become a successful lawyer, or a respected judge. Other vocations indicated by
Jupiter are, teaching, banking, garment manufacturing, super markets, provision stores etc.

You have the ability to manage money lending business, private banking etc. You can take up these lines as a full
time engagement or even as a side business.

Jupiter in Sagittarius gives you intuition and inspiration. You are fond of sports and outdoor activities. If you take
interest, right from child-hood, you can build a brilliant career as a musician, actor, dancer or singer. Sedentary
office jobs are not to your taste. You love action.

Apart from the above analysis based on the planetary positions in the horoscope, some general guidance can be
derived from the birth star itself. Occupations suggested for your birth star are related to the following.

Medicine, surgery, law, mining, instrumental music, mechanical engineering, foundry, skins and hides, wollen
articles, oil extrati on, dentisrty, security jobs, technical trades, petroleum.

Moon is debilitated in your horoscope. You have to choose your career carefully.


The eleventh house mainly gives indications regarding income and sources of income.

As the 11th lord is in the 8th, you will probably live a long time. There will be ups and downs in your career, which
should not worry you unduly. Thieves, and swindlers may try to approach you. Exercise care in investing your
money. From an overall analysis, this position of the 11th lord is considered good.

Since Sun occupies the 11th house, you will have powerful or influential friends. You will be optimistic and
competent. Your father may endure difficulties. You will be long-lived.

Since Mercury occupies the 11th house, you will be honest and intellectual. You will have good friends, and you
will do well in business.

Expenditure, losses

The twelfth house gives indications regarding expenditure and losses.

Since the 12th lord is in the ascendant, you will be handsome, and a charming conversationalist. You may have a
weak constitution and a worried mind. You will have to travel. You will be extravagant. Occasionally you may
have breathing difficulties. This will prove annoying to you. You will be apprehensive about the future for no

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Effect of Dasa/Apahara

In Indian Astrology, the Dasa system divides your life into periods and sub-periods which are influenced by
various planets. The general trend of fortunes and misfortunes that may be expected are given below. The
intensity of experiences may vary depending on the natal and transit position of the planets. This needs further
in-depth analysis. The effects which are not applicable to a child should be considered as applicable to the
parents. Predictions are given starting from current dasa onwards. Details of apahara (bhukti) are given for a
maximum of twenty five years only. The starting and ending of each apahara is also shown. (The initial five years
are skipped for infants.) Strength of planets is judged by their positions in Saptavarga.

Ketu Dasa

During this dasa, you will have your share of suffering and problems. You may appear worried or tense. You
should try and maintain your calm and focus your attentions on what you are doing. You may suffer from one of
the following problems: enmity from rivals on account of women; loss of prestige or image; scandals; or dental
problems. Consult a dentist early. However, Ketu may confer money, power, domestic happiness and other
benefits. Check the nature of Ketu in your chart for an added analysis of its potential effects.

You may experience wounds and fevers. You may also feel mentally vulnerable. You must be careful in
preventing accidents. It is important to assess the people with whom you associate since their character will
determine, in large part, your happiness.

? Dasa - Ketu Apahara - Guru (16-08-2006 >> 23-07-2007)

You will have the opportunity to meet and interact with some remarkable people during during the sub-period of
Jupiter in the Ketu dasa. People will try and get closer to you. Children will somehow prove beneficial to you.
You will attain respectability or acceptance.

? Dasa - Ketu Apahara - Sani (23-07-2007 >> 30-08-2008)

During the sub-period of Saturn in the Ketu dasa, you may have different kinds of mild ailments. May have to
undertake long journeys, mostly for the purpose of business.

? Dasa - Ketu Apahara - Budha (30-08-2008 >> 28-08-2009)

The sub-period of Mercury in Ketu dasa is good for establishing lasting relationships. Your mind will be alert and
your thoughts sharp. Your financial situation will improve. Generally a good period. If you have children, they will
do well in school at this time.

Shukra Dasa (Venus)


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In this period, you will be a man who enjoys the effects of past and present efforts. You will be comfortable, and
you will prosper. Your family life will be happier. If married, you and your wife will be closer than ever before.
You may feel the urge to display or explore your artistic talents. You will witness the progress of all your efforts.
Success is ensured in most things you do now. Your financial transactions will prove beneficial. You will also
have the opportunity to travel at this time. You may be envied by those your age. However, you may be
separated for a time from the people you love. You may have some stress at this time.

Venus is well placed in the Varga and it will be able to give its good effects.

The presence of Malaveeya Yoga in the chart indicates luck for you during this dasa.

You will acquire artistic objects. You will achieve success through cooperation. Love, romance, or spiritedness
will be apparent. There will be marriages and happy events in the family. You will get ahead with help from the
opposite sex.

? Dasa - Shukra Apahara - Shukra (28-08-2009 >> 27-12-2012)

The sub-period of Venus in the Venus dasa is considered a good time for weddings and engagements. This is also
a good period for purchasing land or constructing a house. Your hidden talents will begin to emerge. You will be
well liked in your society.

? Dasa - Shukra Apahara - Surya (27-12-2012 >> 27-12-2013)

During the sub-period of Sun in the Venus dasa, stomach trouble is possible; therefore, you should be cautious
about the quality and quantity of the food you consume. You may be prone to making complex, and unworkable
plans. You may find that your freedom is curbed. This period may be quite stifling.

? Dasa - Shukra Apahara - Chandra (27-12-2013 >> 28-08-2015)

You may experience fractures or other trouble with your bones during the sub-period of Moon in the Venus dasa.
You will enjoy travel. However, your trips may be inconvenient for your family. You will be unusually aggressive
and enterprising.

? Dasa - Shukra Apahara - Kuja (28-08-2015 >> 27-10-2016)

Your tendency to suspect all situations and individuals will be problematic during the sub-period of Mars in the
Venus dasa. Meaningless misunderstandings will develop for no apparent reason. You will develop land or
participate in its development.

? Dasa - Shukra Apahara - Rahu (27-10-2016 >> 28-10-2019)

During the sub-period of Rahu in the Venus dasa, you may have to tolerate people you dislike. This may lead to
arguments or fights. Your closest friends will worry about your situation. If you are in academics, you will do well
at this time.

? Dasa - Shukra Apahara - Guru (28-10-2019 >> 28-06-2022)

During the sub-period of Jupiter in the Venus dasa, you will not lack the essential comforts in life. You will be

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appreciated and accepted by your society. Your progress will be varied. This is a good period for those in college,
or involved in learning.

? Dasa - Shukra Apahara - Sani (28-06-2022 >> 28-08-2025)

When Saturn is ruling in the Venus dasa, you might be prone to waste your time or energy on counter-productive
activities. You may meet or have to deal with people much older than you. Your children may feel neglected at
this time. Antagonism and opposition will rise. Any dealings with a foreign country, or a foreign firm will be
beneficial to you.

? Dasa - Shukra Apahara - Budha (28-08-2025 >> 27-06-2028)

Your income will rise during the sub-period of Mercury in the Venus dasa. You may acquire or develop land. You
will maintain your dignity in all situations. You will gain prestige or standing in your community. You will progress.

? Dasa - Shukra Apahara - Ketu (27-06-2028 >> 28-08-2029)

During the sub-period of Ketu in the Venus dasa all unpredictable arguments may occur. You may end
friendships due to disagreements. However, no one will be able to undermine your best interests. Your only
formidable enemy at this time is yourself. If you decide to follow through with questionable friendships, or get
involved in unwise situations, you will ensure your decline. You have the potential to work hard to meet your goals.

Surya Dasa (Sun)


During this dasa you will desire to establish your superiority over others. You want to win profits by eliminating
those who stand in your way. You may become more calculating or cruel. You will, however, be respected and
well-liked. During your Surya dasa period, your family will do well. However, you may have to face trouble from
animals or fire. Stomach and teeth may give you trouble. As a man, you will be called on to fulfil the role of
protector. You may be separated from parents, or other older people who are important to you. During surya
dasa, you may inadvertently cause problems for your friends and properties.

? Dasa - Surya Apahara - Surya (28-08-2029 >> 15-12-2029)

During the sub-period of Sun in the Sun dasa, there will be progress in all your endeavors. You may receive
financial assistance or loans to help with your projects. Bosses or supervisors will be encouraging. You may,
however, be subjected to worry due to relatives. Your may have a problem matching income and expenditure.

? Dasa - Surya Apahara - Chandra (15-12-2029 >> 16-06-2030)

You will appear more calm and considerate during the sub-period of Moon in the Sun dasa. You will be ready to
accommodate all types of opponents. Your attitude will benefit you because you will engender goodwill.

? Dasa - Surya Apahara - Kuja (16-06-2030 >> 22-10-2030)

You are sure to gain attention and acceptance from bosses and those in power during the sub-period of Mars in

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the Sun dasa. Promotions, increases in salary, or a rise in status can be expected. You will do well when called
upon to speak in public.

? Dasa - Surya Apahara - Rahu (22-10-2030 >> 15-09-2031)

During the sub-period of Rahu is the Sun dasa, you will be more suspicious of everyone. You must remember to
be practical in your financial calculations. You will have a sense of impending disaster or doom. Try and shake
the feeling and concentrate on the situation at hand. You will have to give special attention to the health of your
parents at this time.

? Dasa - Surya Apahara - Guru (15-09-2031 >> 04-07-2032)

Your health will be quite satisfactory during the sub-period of Jupiter in the Sun dasa. Your concentration and
determination will bring you success. Your competitors or opponents will not succeed against you.

? Dasa - Surya Apahara - Sani (04-07-2032 >> 16-06-2033)

During the sub-period of Saturn in the Sun dasa you may be emotionally weaker. Equipment you use may appear
unsafe. Land or properties you own may not acquire revenue. You may not receive favorable replies to your
requests. Although this is a time of slowness and seeming failure, you should not let depression overcome you.
Many of your requirements will be satisfied in time. Take particular care of your eyes.

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Transit forecast

Date of Birth : 3-April-1972 (Male)

Birth Rasi : Vrischika
Birth Star : Anizham
Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha

Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present position of planets with those in the birth-chart. The
movements of the Jupiter and Saturn have a great influence on your life. Sometimes the effects may be opposing,
nullifying or reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated, but you should be able to get an idea of the dynamics at
work by studying the impact of each particular transit aspect. Your immediate future, therefore, is a blend of the
following predictions.

Transit of Jupiter

Jupiter stays in one sign for about a year. It is a powerful planet and a lot of importance is attached to the effect
of this planet.

? (10-December-2008 >> 01-May-2009)

During this period Guru transits the Third house.

You have to face problems in your office or organization. You may find the need to budget your resources well to
get you over the current financial crisis. You will have the fortitude to face the obstacles that appear before you.
Jupiter's influence is not favorable at this time. You may wish to move, either to a new job, or to a new home.
You may face competition at work.

? (02-May-2009 >> 30-July-2009)

During this period Guru transits the Fourth house.

You will be more concerned about the nature of your relationships with those you love, as well as about their
health. You may find that you have to listen to and advise people. You might not have as much money as you
would like. However, you do manage these problems adequately.

? (31-July-2009 >> 19-December-2009)

During this period Guru transits the Third house.

You have to face problems in your office or organization. You may find the need to budget your resources well to
get you over the current financial crisis. You will have the fortitude to face the obstacles that appear before you.
Jupiter's influence is not favorable at this time. You may wish to move, either to a new job, or to a new home.
You may face competition at work.

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? (20-December-2009 >> 01-May-2010)

During this period Guru transits the Fourth house.

You will be more concerned about the nature of your relationships with those you love, as well as about their
health. You may find that you have to listen to and advise people. You might not have as much money as you
would like. However, you do manage these problems adequately.

? (02-May-2010 >> 31-October-2010)

During this period Guru transits the Fifth house.

Jupiter's transitory influence is positive at this time, and this could make you seem happy and cheerful to others.
You will be on good terms with your neighbors. You will be optimistic and happy. You may move to a new house,
or a new neighborhood. You, or your wife, will take a more serious interest in looking good. You will be more

? (01-November-2010 >> 06-December-2010)

During this period Guru transits the Fourth house.

You will be more concerned about the nature of your relationships with those you love, as well as about their
health. You may find that you have to listen to and advise people. You might not have as much money as you
would like. However, you do manage these problems adequately.

? (07-December-2010 >> 08-May-2011)

During this period Guru transits the Fifth house.

Jupiter's transitory influence is positive at this time, and this could make you seem happy and cheerful to others.
You will be on good terms with your neighbors. You will be optimistic and happy. You may move to a new house,
or a new neighborhood. You, or your wife, will take a more serious interest in looking good. You will be more

Transit of Saturn

Saturn is generally a sorrowful planet and its influence can be depressing. However, in certain positions it gives
powerful and beneficial results. Saturn takes about two and a half years to move through a sign.

? (10-September-2009 >> 15-November-2011)

During this period Sani transits the Eleventh house.

You will be luckier at this time. Therefore, you will do well financially. Projects you may have been waiting to
begin will get started or completed now. Your family will be happy. However, you might spend a lot of time out of
the house, and this will be difficult for your wife.

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With best wishes :

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