Yael Yardeni Astrology Seminar 20090603 English

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The key takeaways are that Kabbalistic Astrology uses the Hebrew calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar, and each sign is influenced not just by one element but also by an internal element. The three column system also influences each sign.

The main differences are that Kabbalistic Astrology uses the Hebrew calendar rather than the Gregorian/solar calendar, and takes into account the positions of both the sun and moon. The Hebrew calendar signs may be different than Western Astrology signs.

The three column system has a left, central and right column that influence each sign. The external element is how we commonly identify the sign, but each sign also has an internal energy that influences its characteristics, which helps explain differences between signs of the same element.

Introduction to Kabbalistic Astrology

The Keys to the Soul


a b c d e f g h i j k l

The 4 Elements
KABBALAHCENTRE Introduction to Astrology

Earth! !
Taurs Virgo Capricorn

Water! !
Cancer Scorpio Pisces

Air! !
Gemini Libra Aquarius

Aries Leo Sagittarius

The 3 Column System & The Signs

What makes Kabbalah unique to other spiritual systems is its use of the three column system. Kabbalistic Astrology is no exception. Despite what we see at first glance, each sign is actually influenced by two elements, not just one. There is the external element, which is how we commonly identify the sign, and think about the sign in the grand scheme of things. However, each sign also has an internal energy that influences the signs characteristics. This internal energy is one of the things that helps the signs express their different nature. In other words, its why an Aries and a Leo have different characteristcs, even though they are both Fire signs.

Left Column - Fire

Central Column - Air

Right Column - Water

The Hebrew Calendar vs. The Gregorian Calendar

As we delve into Kabbalistic Astrology we find one significant difference right away. They use different calendars. While conventional Astrology is based on the solar or Gregorian calendar, Kabbalistic Astrology uses the Hebrew calendar; which takes into account the positions of both the sun and the moon. In order to determine what your Astrological sign is in the Hebrew calendar you can visit the following website: www.hebcal.com/converter You may find that you are a different sign in the Hebrew calendar than you are in the Gregorian calendar. The following is a list of the conventional names of the signs and their corresponding Hebrew month. Aries - Nissan Leo - Av Sagittarius - Kislev Taurus - Iyar Gemini - Sivan Virgo - Elul Libra - Tishrei Capricorn - Tevet Aquarius - Shvat Cancer - Tamuz Scorpio - Mar Chesvan Pisces - Adar


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Summer 2009

Excerps from the Sefer Yetzira

KABBALAHCENTRE Introduction to Astrology

Avraham The Patriarch was the first Kabbalistic Astrologer, some 3800 years ago. In his life he wrote a book know as The Sefer Yetzira, The Book of Formation. Contained within it are all of the secrets of the Universe, including the knowledge of Astrology and Cosmology. The following passages are the excerpts from The Sefer Yetzira concerning Astrology. Scanning them will help you connect more deeply to this information

: : :
He made the letter Hei king over speech. And He bound a crown to it. And He combined one with another. And with them He formed. Aries in the Universe. Nissan in the Year. And the right foot in the Soul. male and female. He made the letter Vav king over thought. And He bound a crown to it. And He combined one with another. And with them He formed. Taurus in the Universe. Iyar in the Year. And the right kidney in the Soul. male and female. He made the letter Zayin king over motion. And He bound a crown to it. And He bound one with another. And with them He formed. Gemini in the Universe. Sivan in the Year. And the left foot in the Soul. male and female.

: : :
He made the letter Chet king over sight. Ande he bound a crown to it. And He combined one with another. And with them He formed. Cancer in the Universe. Tamuz in the Year. And the right hand in the Soul. male and female. He made the letter Tet king over hearing. And He bound a crown to it. And He combined one with another. And with them He formed. Leo in the Universe. Av in the Year. And the left kidney in the Soul. male and female. He made the letter Yud king over action. And He bound a crown to it. And He combined one with another. And with them He formed. Virgo in the Universe. Elul in the Year. And the left hand in the Soul. male and female.


Summer 2009

KABBALAHCENTRE Introduction to Astrology

: : :
He made the letter Lamed king over coition. And He bound a crown to it. And He comined one with another. And with them He formed. Libra in the Universe. Tishrei in the Year. And the gall bladder in the soul. male and female. He made the letter Nun king over smell. And He bound a crown to it. And He combined one with another. And with them He formed. Scorpio in the Universe. Cheshvan in the Year. And the intestine in the Soul. male and female. He made the letter Samekh king over sleep. And He bound a crown to it. And He combined one with another. And with them he formed. Sagittarius in the Universe. Kislev in the Year. And the Kivah in the Soul. male and female.

: : : :
He made the letter Ayin king over anger. And He bound a crown to it. And he comined one with another. And with them He formed. Capricorn in the Universe. Tevet in the Year. And the liver in the Soul. male and female. He made the letter Tzaddik king over taste. And he bound a crown to it. And he combined one with another. And with them He formed. Aquarius in the Universe. Shvat in the Year. And the Korkeban in the Soul. male and female. He made the letter Kuf king over laughter. And he bound a crown to it. And he combined one with another. And with them He formed. Pisces in the Universe. Adar in the Year. And the spleen in the Soul. male and female. He made them like a trough. He arranged them like a a wall. He set them up like a battle.


Summer 2009

An Overview of the Signs

KABBALAHCENTRE Introduction to Astrology

Aries - a
Family: Fire Hebrew Month: Nissan Internal Energy: Water Hebrew Letter that created Aries: Controlling Planet: Mars E Hebrew Letter that created Mars: Organ of the body: Head Line of the Ana BKoach: 3rd

Tikkun Keyword: Freedom

Spiritual Goals:
Gaining Maturity Listening to Messages Being more aware of the needs of others Understanding things in depth Realizing that selfishness is not an option Realizing that anger is useless

Taurus - b
Family: Earth Hebrew Month: Iyar Internal Energy: Fire Hebrew Letter that created Taurus: Controlling Planet: Venus: D Hebrew Letter that created Venus: Organ of the body: Throat & Thyroid Gland Line of the Ana BKoach: 5th

Tikkun Keyword: Comfort

Spiritual Goals:
Love yourself less and others more Be more sensitive to other peoples needs Go out of your comfort zone to help others Genuinely care for another human being Push yourself to fulfill your big desire Think of Global Manifestation rather than security


Summer 2009

KABBALAHCENTRE Introduction to Astrology

Gemini - c
Family: Air Hebrew Month: Sivan Internal Energy: Air Hebrew Letter that created Gemini: Controlling Planet: Mercury: C Hebrew Letter that created Mercury: Organ of the body: Lungs & Nervous System Line of the Ana BKoach: 6th

Tikkun Keyword: Confusion

Spiritual Goals:
Choose ONE goal in life Have Complete Dedication to that goal Commit and follow through on your promises Bring Real Depth in what you learn Seek balance. Recognize your mistakes Helping people is more important than wisdom

Cancer - d
Family: Water Hebrew Month: Tamuz Internal Energy: Water Hebrew Letter that created Cancer: Controlling Planet: The Moon: B Hebrew Letter that created The Moon: Organ of the body: Mother Organs, Stomach & Line of the Ana BKoach: 7th Waters of The Body

Tikkun Keyword: Fear

Spiritual Goals:
No Fear Let go of the past Gain real emotional independence Care genuinely (not because you want to feel needed) Accept changes Loose your cynical side Learn to be happy


Summer 2009

Leo - e
KABBALAHCENTRE Introduction to Astrology Family: Fire Hebrew Month: Av Internal Energy: Fire Hebrew Letter that created Leo: Controlling Planet: The Sun: A Hebrew Letter that created The Sun: Organ of the body: The Heart & Spine Line of the Ana BKoach: 4th

Tikkun Keyword: Ego

Spiritual Goals:
Learn to ask for help Accept that the Light is higher than you Lose the need for recognition It doesnt matter what people think Surrender to your partner Never fake it - always be genuine You are not superman.

Virgo - f
Family: Earth Hebrew Month: Elul Internal Energy: Air Hebrew Letter that created Virgo: Controlling Planet: Mercury: C Hebrew Letter that created Mercury: Organ of the body: Digestive System & Bowels Line of the Ana BKoach: 6th

Tikkun Keyword: Judgment & Criticism

Spiritual Goals:
Learn to see the Big Picture Flow with life Just be happy not grumpy Let go of details - be more careless Dont judge people so quickly Give a second chance to those people that have disappointed you Love is unconditional, it is not dependent on how responsible people are.


Summer 2009

Libra - g
KABBALAHCENTRE Introduction to Astrology Family: Air Hebrew Month: Tishrei Internal Energy: Water Hebrew Letter that created Libra: Controlling Planet: Venus: D Hebrew Letter that created Venus: Organ of the body: The Ears & Kidneys Line of the Ana BKoach: 5th

Tikkun Keyword: Doubt

Spiritual Goals:
Trust the Light more than people Look for real life not fairy tales Love is hard work Act according to what YOU think Accept being able to make mistakes Discern between what you want and what others want from you Guilt

Scorpio - h
Family: Water Hebrew Month: Mar Cheshvan Internal Energy: Fire Hebrew Letter that created Scorpio: Controlling Planet: Mars E Hebrew Letter that created Mars: Organ of the body: The Sexual Organs & Line of the Ana BKoach: 3rd Gall Bladder

Tikkun Keyword: Control & Jealousy

Spiritual Goals:
Recognize and accept your fears Learn to trust people Fight for a common goal - and not a personal one Let go of past bad experiences Revenge is NOT necessary The grass is NEVER greener on the other side


Summer 2009

Sagittarius - i
KABBALAHCENTRE Introduction to Astrology Family: Fire Hebrew Month: Kislev Internal Energy: Air Hebrew Letter that created Sagittarius: Controlling Planet: Jupiter F Hebrew Letter that created Jupiter: Organ of the body: The Hips, Thighs & Liver Line of the Ana BKoach: 2nd

Tikkun Keyword: Guilt

Spiritual Goals:
Allow yourself to be emotional Accept frames Life is hard work! Be continuous and regular Organization will help you achieve more Gain commitment Learn accountability Stop knowing everything Challenge is not everything in life.

Capricorn - j
Family: Earth Hebrew Month: Tevet Internal Energy: Water Hebrew Letter that created Capricorn: Controlling Planet: Saturn G Hebrew Letter that created Saturn: Organ of the body: The Skin, Knees Bones & Line of the Ana BKoach: 1st Teeth Tikkun Keyword: Surrender

Spiritual Goals:
Open up to others Trust the system Stop the manipulation - completely Justice belongs to the Light, not you Let yourself be emotional Learn what real love is.


Summer 2009

Aquarius - k
KABBALAHCENTRE Introduction to Astrology Family: Air Hebrew Month: Shvat Internal Energy: Fire Hebrew Letter that created Aquarius: Controlling Planet: Saturn G Hebrew Letter that created Saturn: Organ of the body: The Blood, Ankles & Chin Line of the Ana BKoach: 1st Tikkun Keyword: One to One Relationships

Spiritual Goals:
Learn to be normal Learn to receive from others Improve one to one relationships Have genuine commitments Change yourself before changing the world People are more important than ideas.

Pisces - l
Family: Water Hebrew Month: Adar Internal Energy: Air Hebrew Letter that created Pisces: Controlling Planet: Jupiter F Hebrew Letter that created Jupiter: Organ of the body: The Feet & Spinal Cord Line of the Ana BKoach: 2nd

Tikkun Keyword: Lack of Ego

Spiritual Goals:
Genuinely care for others, dont get depressed by their problems Learn to confront and be heard Happiness is within you and not depending on circumstances Stand up for your beliefs Live life without anesthesia Increase your desire Express yourself in your own way Fears are an illusion.


Summer 2009

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