Healthcare Facility Projects
Healthcare Facility Projects
Healthcare Facility Projects
July 2009
CONTENTS SECTION 1: Page INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose.....4 1.2 Scope.....4 1.3 Guideline Users4 1.4 Processes...4 1.5 Fit-out Contractors Pre Qualification5 TERMS USED REFERENCES AND DEFINITIONS 2.1 Acronyms..6 2.2 References.6 2.3 Definitions.6 PROJECT CLASSIFICATIONS 3.1 DHCC shell and core building fit-outs...7 3.2 Developer shell and core building fit-outs.....7 3.3 Developer new building projects....7 CPQ DESIGN SUBMISSION COMPLIANCE APPROVAL PROCESS 4.1 Pre-requisites9 4.2 Design Standards.9 4.2.1 General...9 4.2.2 Clinical Design Submission..9 4.2.3 Non Clinical and Public Health Design Submissions9 4.2.4 Design Execution..9 4.3 DHCC Commercial License.10 4.4 Medical Equipment Supplier Information.10 4.5 Third Party Design Approvals Other Authorities Having Jurisdiction10 4.5.1 DU Telecommunications10 4.5.2 Dubai Health Authority Radiation Protection Unit...10 4.5.3 Dubai Municipality.10 4.5.4 Empower.10 DESIGN SUBMISSION PACKAGES 5.1 New Buildings11 5.1.1 General11 5.1.2 Preliminary Designs...12 5.1.3 Final (Detailed) Designs.12 5.1.4 Building Construction and Completion...14 5.2 Fit-out Projects..15 5.2.1 Design Submission Package 1 DHCC Al Razi Building Fit-out Projects..16 5.2.2 Design Submission Package 2 DHCC Buildings Other Fit-out Projects...16 5.2.3 Design Submission Package 3 Developer Building Fit Out Projects..17 FIT-OUT PROCESS 6.1 Fit-out Initiation Pre-Requisites...20 6.1.1 Building Completion Certificate20 6.1.2 Provisional Operating Permit....20 6.2 Fit-out Permit.20 6.2.1 General Documents Requirements20 6.2.2 Permit Disclaimer21 6.2.3 Technical Specification21 6.2.4 Door Removal and Additional Permit..21 6.2.5 Hoarding and Signage Specification Requirements.21
6.2.6 Storage and Handling of Fit-out Materials..21 6.3 Fit-out Work Execution21 6.4. Inspections..22 6.4.1 Regular.22 6.4.2 First Fix22 6.4.3 Completion...22 6.5 Modifications..23 6.6 Commissioning of Clinical Facilities.23 6.7 Fit-out Project Management.23 SECTION 7: HEALTH SAFET AND ENVIRONMENT 7.1 Zoning Authority General Requirements and HSE Inspections...25 7.1.1 General.25 7.1.2 Safety Rules on Site Contractors Responsibilities25 7.2 Contractor Familiarization with HSE Documents..26 7.3 Health safety and Environment Undertaking.26 7.4 Project Environmental Risk Impact Summary...26 7.5 CPQ Site Inspections..26 7.6 Environmental Design Considerations.26 SECTION 8: PRE-OPERATING ASSESSMENTS AND ISSUING OF OPERATING PERMITS 8.1 Responsibilities and Processes...27 8.1.1 Contractor....27 8.1.2 Client and Facility Preparedness...27 8.2 Operating Permits..27 8.2.1Clinical (P1)..27 8.2.2 Non Clinical (P2).28 8.2.3 Public Health....28 8.2.4 Permit Period and Renewals..28
SECTION 9: TRAINING OF CONSULTANTS/CONTRACTORS 9.1 Purpose....28 9.2 Responsibilities....28 9.3 Content....28 SECTION 10: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Design Submission Packages Buildings Appendix 2 Design Submission Package Fit-outs Appendix 3 Fit-out Permit Appendix 4 Fit-out Completion Inspection Request Appendix 5 CPQ Fit-out Contractor Pre Qualification Application Form Appendix 6 CPQ NOC Sample Letter for DEWA and Civil Defense Appendix 7 Environmental Risk Management Impact Summary Appendix 8 Health, Safety and Environment Undertaking Appendix 9 Design Submission Compliance Fees Appendix10 Declaration of Clinical Facility Preparedness for a Pre - Operating Assessment Survey Appendix 11 DEWA Application for Drawing Approval Form Appendix 12 DHA Application for Authorisation and Review Plans for Uses of X-Ray in Medicine Appendix 13 Technical Specifications - MEP and Environmental Design Considerations Appendix 14 Additional Signage/Door Removal Permit Appendix 15 Fit Out Site Visit Report Appendix 16 Medical Equipment Suppliers
1.1 Purpose The purpose of these Guidelines is to ensure DHCC Clients who have purchased or leased health care spaces, (clinical, non-clinical or public health), in DHCC, follow systematically, all design submission and project construction requirements. Failure to adhere to the requirements herein can add unnecessary project delays and costs. The Guidelines contains general information, with steps and guidelines to assist in expediting Clients/Consultants and Contractors in achieving the mandatory built facility requirements for their premises. 1.2 Scope Guidelines shall apply to all clinical, public health, commercial and residential premises within the jurisdiction of DHCC undertaking development of new facilities, new fit out works, fit out additions, and fit out modifications The following scopes are covered in this guideline Architectural and sub structure Structural (if applicable) MEP Installations Health, Safety and Environment regulations 1.3 Guideline Users All developers, landlords and building owners All tenants All Fit Out Consultants, Contactors and Sub Contractors who design and execute the fit out works Tenants undertaking fit out upgrades, medications or re-fits Tenants relocating or subleasing premises
1.4 Processes refer to CPQ Design Submission Compliance Approval Process Flow Chart below
The process step details described in this handbook are as follows: Design Review and Approvals - Design Concepts and Assumptions - Appointment of a project design consultant - Obtaining as built drawings and specifications of the building your project occupies - Submission compliance and approval of designs from CPQ - Submission and approval of designs from Third Parties - Authorities Having Jurisdiction - CPQ Fees Project Fit Out Permit - Obtaining Fit Out Permits to work - Appointing a Fit Out Contactor(s) - Project Environmental Risk Impact Summary - Project Management - Practical completion - Technical Specifications - As Constructed Record - Commissioning - Final inspections Pre Operating Assessments - Facility Surveys - CPQ Check List Requirements - Operating Permit Clients shall be responsible to ensure their facilities design team and consultants/ contractors have a copy of this handbook and they comply with the requirements herein.
1.5 Contractors Pre-qualification Fit-out work cannot commence until the building owner / tenant / fit-out coordinator appoint a prequalified fit-out contractor through CPQ. In order to pre-qualify as a Fit-out contractor to carry out architectural, partitioning, structural works, electrical / mechanical and plumbing installations, the following minimum requirements should be fulfilled: Valid trade license issued by the Government of Dubai - Department of Economic Development. The activity should be specified as electro-mechanical installations, general maintenance, etc. The company should be registered as an electrical contractor or Fit-out contractor at DEWA. The company should have previous experience in Fit-out Contracting (e.g. electrical, mechanical, plumbing, architectural/partitioning & structural) The company should have at least one Electrical Engineer under their sponsorship with minimum one year experience in Dubai in supervising electrical works and design in compliance with DEWA regulations for electrical installations and other related local authorities/services providers regulations. The company should have at least two Electricians under their sponsorship certified by DEWA. The company should have at least one Mechanical Engineer under their sponsorship with minimum one year experience in Dubai in supervising mechanical works and design in compliance with related local authorities/services providers regulations. The company should have at least one safety officer. All technicians to be under the contractors sponsorship. Fit-out contractor to provide a list of completed fit-out projects including the following details: - Project name - Project location - Client - Date of completion - Clients contact information: Name, Tel.# Fit-out contractor to fill and complete the Fit-out Contractors Pre-qualification Application with accompanying documents. Refer to Appendix 5
Dubai Healthcare City Centre for Healthcare Planning & Quality part of DHCC Health Care Operator Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing Services American Institute of Architects/ Academy of Architecture for Health Dubai Electricity and Water Authority Health Safety & Environment Harward Medical School of Dubai Center Dubai Municipality Dubai Technology, Electronic Commerce and Media - Zoning Authority Building Management System Provisional Clinical Operators Permit Provisional Non Clinical Operators Permit Provisional Public Health Operators Permit Clinical Operators Permit Non Clinical Operators Permit Public Health Operators Permit Gross Floor Area Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Services Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company Dubai Health Authority Environmental Risk Impact Summary Environmental Impact Report Environment Management System Complimentary Alternative Medicine
2.2 References
2.2.1 DHCC Preparation of Plans and Specification Guidelines 2.2.2 DHCC Commissioning Guidelines 2.2.3 HSE Contractors booklet 2.2.4 IDMA Asset Management Solutions Fit Out Handbook 2.2.5 DHCC Development Regulations and Guidelines Phase 1 and 2 2.2.6 TECOM Health Safety and Environment Regulations 2.2.7 TECOM Fit Out Guidelines Issued Date: 6th July 2008 Rev 1 2.2.8 AIA/AAH 2006 Edition 2.2.9 DHA Planning, Design, Construction and Commissioning Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities 2009 Edition 2.2.10 ETISALAT Telecommunications Design Guidelines 2.2.11 DU Design Guidelines for Telecommunications Infrastructure
2.3 Definitions Provisional Clinical Operating Permit (PCOP) - A permit issued to the Health Care Operator once an initial application to operate in DHCC has been approved. A PCOP is a pre-requisite for the commencement of the design and fit out stages of the project. Issued for healthcare facilities typically, hospitals, medical centres, outpatient clinics, outpatient surgical facilities, pharmacies, laboratories and CAM Services Clinical Operating Permit (COP) - A permit issued to the Health Care Operator once successfully completing all requirements of the Fit Out Completion, Pre Operating Assessment and CPQ Planning Council/Licensing Board - Issued for healthcare facilities typically, hospitals, medical centres, outpatient clinics, outpatient surgical facilities, pharmacies, laboratories and CAM Services. A COP is valid for a 2 year period and permit fees apply - refer to
6 Provisional Public Health Operating Permit (PPOP) - A permit issued to the Public Health Care Operator once an initial application to operate in DHCC has been approved. A PPHOP is a pre-requisite for the commencement of the design and fit out stages of the project. Issued for public health facilities typical activities include but are not limited to the following: Beauty Treatments, Hair Dressing, Water Activity and Spas, Tattoo and Body Piercing, Massage, Fitness, Childcare, Optical Shop, Tanning and Food/Beverage Outlets Public Health Operating Permit (POP) - A permit issued to the Public Health Care Operator once successfully completing all requirements of the Fit Out Completion, Pre Operating Assessment and CPQ Facilities Committee- Issued for public health facilities typical activities including but not limited to the following : Beauty Treatments, Hair Dressing, Water Activity and Spas, Tattoo and Body Piercing, Massage, Fitness, Childcare, Optical Shop, Tanning and Food/Beverage Outlets A POP is valid for a 2 year period and permit fees apply - refer to Provisional Non Clinical Operating Permit (PNOP) - A permit issued to the Non Clinical Operator once an initial application to operate in DHCC has been approved. A PNOP is a pre-requisite for the commencement of the design and fit out stages of the project. Issued for non clinical facilities typical activities include healthcare commercial, commercial and retail Non Clinical Operating Permit (NOP) - A permit issued to the Non Clinical once successfully completing all requirements of the Fit Out Completion, and CPQ Facilities Committee- Issued for non clinical facilities typical activities include healthcare commercial, commercial and retail A NOP is valid for a 2 year period and permit fees apply - refer to
3.1 DHCC shell and core building fit-out projects DHCC owned shell and core building fit out projects, the client will receive a MEP CD, (soft copy), that contains layouts of the existing architectural, structural and engineering services for the tenancy building (typically structural, electrical, water, drainage, fire fighting/detection HVAC and Communications/Data). Single line electrical diagrams for the building and tenancy space are available from CPQ The MEP CD will assist the Clients design consultant in the preparation of design drawings for his/her premises. The accuracy and content of all information provided must be validated on site by the Client or his/her representative. 3.2 Developer shell and core building fit-out projects For Developer shell and core building fit out projects in the city, the client will be required to obtain the same information/data for the respective owner/developer 3.3 Developer new building projects For developer clients undertaking new building projects the DHCC Development Regulations and Guidelines serve as instructions for mandatory building requirements within the DHCC Master Plan and TECOM, (Zoning Authority), regulations. Developers are encouraged to discuss with CPQ their engineering services requirements where a building project is undertaken to any include future clinical facilities. A critical pre-requisite to obtaining a project building permit from TECOM,, and which enables the commencement of work on site, is the submission of design documentation to CPQ. Refer to section 5.5.1 For Clinical projects, clients can select design consultant(s) from DHCC suggested list of consultants, or they can propose their own designer(s), who shall undergo a pre-qualification process. A pre qualification questionnaire and latest consultant lists are available from CPQ. Consultants are pre qualified based on previous healthcare design experience using the AIA/AAH Guidelines on healthcare projects and being established in the UAE.
Preliminary Design Submission Package Rejected with comments No Design Approval Yes CPQ Issues Zoning Authority NOC letter and 2 hard copy sets (stamped ) Approved with Comments
Detailed Design Submission Package Rejected with comments No Design Approval Approved with comments
5.1.1 General
Design submission packages shall be provided to the CPQ Document Controller only, and receipted on presentation. Submission package requirements are for Preliminary, (see section 5.1.2), and Detailed, (see section 5.1.3), design stages. In addition projects shall require CPQ approval for the style of architectural elevations incorporate key concepts of the published architectural guidelines for DHCC Phase 1 and Phase 2. The scope of these architectural guidelines is limited to the aesthetic aspects of design: exterior elevations, masses proportions, materials, roof lay out, etc. A CD copy of guidelines is available through CPQ. CPQ utilize 3rd party design consultants for the reviewing of elevation submissions and conformance with architectural guidelines. A separate design fee is chargeable Refer to CPQ Design Compliance Review Fees Appendix 9. Buildings where use is limited to healthcare commercial or non clinical, should consider adding at the project design stage, shell and core and MEP services requirements which can allow a building to be used for future clinical activities.
11 Design Submission packages shall be required as follows: 5.1.2 Preliminary Design Submission Package Submission Drawing Sets Submission sets shall include three sets of scaled and/or dimensioned drawings, legends and specifications shall include in either A1 or A2 format layouts for the following: * Appointment letter from the owner * Copy of the contractors licenses * A Works Program identifying time schedule against key project milestones * Dimensional Schematic Layout * Major Equipment and Furniture Layout * Design Brief description of architectural components, structural design materials selection including finishes, mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, fire detection/sprinkler and communication systems. * Engineering Brief * Affection Site Plans * Completed CPQ Design Submission Package Buildings form refer to Appendix 1 * Copy of the clients provisional operating permit (non clinical, public health or clinical) - refer to section 3.1 * Project environmental impact report * Building facades (4 elevations) in accordance with DHCC architectural guidelines Design Submission Compliance Fees Fees are payable with preliminary design submissions in accordance with CPQ Design Compliance Review Fees schedule Appendix 9. Submissions will not be accepted without fees payment. Review Period Generally, preliminary design reviews will take between 3 10 working days from date of submission to approval in order to proceed to the next design stage. Design Approval A CPQ preliminary design approval letter with two copies of stamped approved drawings, and any statements of agreed design intent, will be issued to the Client for distribution to his/her Contractor. A copy must be retained on site at all times. Submissions will be stamped either APPROVED AS NOTED WITH COMMENTS or NOT APPROVED.(REJECTED) Any site drawing(s) which are not stamped Approved Drawings by CPQ are disallowed for construction purposes. Submissions that are rejected and require re-submission will incur design compliance resubmission fees. Refer also to CPQ Design Compliance Review Fees Appendix 9. TECOM - No Objection Letter CPQ will provide a no objection letter with respect to TECOM (Zoning Authority) building permit requirements on the approval of the preliminary design submission refer to sample no objection letter in Appendix XX. It is the responsibility of the Clients Design Consultant to obtain TECOM approval of any Major Building and Developer Projects, and conform with TECOM submission 5.1.3 Detailed Design Submission Package Submission Drawing Sets Consultant Detailed Designs are generally required for clinical or clinical/commercial major building and developers projects Submission sets shall include three sets of scaled and/or dimensioned drawings, legends and specifications shall include in either A1 or A2 format layouts for the following: * Scaled and/or dimensioned drawings, legends and specifications shall include in either A1 or A2 format layouts and one soft copy (Auto CAD) * A revised works program identifying time schedule against key project milestones including facility and services commissioning where applicable * Affection Site Plans * Completed CPQ Design Submission Package Buildings form refer to Appendix 1 12
Architectural and Civil Drawings * Dimensional Schematic Layout * Wall, Ceiling and Floor Finishes and material selection * Elevations of equipment areas * Reflected Ceiling Plan * Civil * Structural * Gardens and Grounds * Site infrastructure and In-Ground Services * Parking facilities Electrical Drawings * A copy of DEWA approved drawings * DEWA No Objection Certificate *Single Line Diagram (Proposed LV Distribution and Tariff metering) * Site setting out layout/Key plan (indicating location of electrical room/MDBs/SMDBs/DBs, service routes, etc.) * Dimensional layout of electrical switch rooms/metering enclosures (indicating general arrangements of kWh metering, MDB, SMDB, etc.) * Wiring Layout (Lighting)- General, Essential, Surgical and Emergency where applicable * Wiring Layout (Power) General, Essential, Emergency, and UPS where applicable * Connected load (CL) & Max. Demand (MD) Schedules (Main & Sub-Main Distribution Boards) * Load Distribution Schedules (Final DBs) * Data and Communication points and Server Location * Extra Low Voltage Systems HVAC Drawings * ACU/FCU/VAV locations, ductwork, supply, return and ventilation rates at each diffuser/register, air pressure differentials where applicable and thermostat control locations * Air conditioning load schedules and heat load calculations * Exhaust and smoke ventilation systems FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS DRAWINGS - with Civil Defence Approval (Drawings Stamped by Authority) * Sprinkler pipework and head locations * Detector head locations * Sounder and break glass positions * Fire Extinguisher Types and Locations * Fire hydrant positions where inside the tenancy space *Sprinkler suppression systems * Emergency Evacuation Lighting systems * Fire Indicator Panel Location WATER AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS DRAWINGS * Water pipework, filtration and valves including pipe sizes and materials * Drainage and sewerage connections, gradients and pipe sizing and materials * Hot Water storage system * Rain water pipework, sizes and materials * New core hole locations * Liquid waste systems where applicable OTHER ENGINEERING SERVICES DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS * Medical Gases where applicable * BMS, Security, CCTV, MATV, Public Address, Access Control and Call systems where applicable * Special services ie diagnostics - radiology, laboratory, etc where applicable Review Period Generally, preliminary design reviews will take between 10 21 working days from date of submission to approval in order to proceed to the next design stage.
13 Design Approval A CPQ detailed design approval letter with two copies of stamped approved drawings, and any statements of agreed design intent, will be issued to the Client for distribution to his/her Contractor. A copy must be retained on site at all times. Detailed Design approval is given for design intent only. Clients have the responsibility to ensure that premises and building services are designed and constructed in accordance with relevant codes and current industry standards. Submissions will be stamped either APPROVED AS NOTED WITH COMMENTS or NOT APPROVED.(REJECTED) Any site drawing(s) which are not stamped Approved Drawings by CPQ are disallowed for construction purposes. Submissions that are rejected and require re-submission will incur design compliance resubmission fees. Refer also to CPQ Design Compliance Review Fees Appendix 9.
HSE Inspections
Design Approval
Contractor submits for Inspection through Fit Out Completion Inspection Request Form to CPQ
Project Construction For clinical projects DHCC representatives will conduct as required site inspections and participate in site management meetings on request from the Client. HSE Inspections During project construction, and up to building completion determined by the Zoning Authority, the building site will be subject to routine and adhoc, health safety and environment inspections from the DHCC HSE Department. Refer to Section 7 Health Safety and Environment. 14
Building Completion Building Occupancy is dependent on all Zoning Authority requirements being met for Building Certification Shell and Core Building In accordance with the approved design submission and designated land use, the built shell and core space usage will be:
Leased for future fit outs Clinical, Non Clinical (commercial/residential) or Public Health (Retail) Fit Outs will be subject to Design Submission Packages P1 P3 requirements. Refer to sections 5.2.1 5.2.3 Fitted Out - Fit Out Types F1 F3 Clinical,(Hospital/Medical Centre), Non Clinical (Commercial/Residential) or Public Health (Hotel/Retail). Fit Outs will be subject to meeting Pre Operating Inspections and Assessment requirements - Refer to section 10.
Provisional Operating Permit PCOP :Clinical PNOP : Non Clinical PPOP: Public Health
Contractor Pre Qualification Buildings Design Submission Packages with notes P1 - P3 P1 : Al Razi P2 : DHCC P3: Developer
Design Approval
CPQ Issues Approval Letter and Yes 2 hard copy sets (stamped )
5.2.1 Design Submission Package 1 DHCC Al Razi Building Fit-out Projects) Submission Drawing Sets For fit out projects in the DHCC Al Razi Building, design compliance submissions shall include three sets of scaled and/or dimensioned drawings, legends and specifications in either A2 or A3 format layouts for the following:
Completed CPQ Design Submission Package Fit-out form refer to Appendix 2 Legend, GFA, Building and Unit Number(s) A Works Program identifying time schedule against key project milestones Existing shell and core space and service connections Demolition Plans Dimensional Schematic Layout Coring point locations on building grids with building structural details Major Equipment and Furniture Layout shown on building grids Sections through major areas Below floor services including electrical, drainage, and waste piped systems Building electrical single line diagram - available from CPQ Proposed electrical load schedule Electrical Lighting and Power Layout Environmental Risk Impact Summary (ERIS), in accordance with the requirements specified in Appendix 7 Floor Coverings Fire Fighting Layouts - Sprinkler, Detector and Emergency Lighting Systems with Civil Defence approval HVAC layout and heat load calculations Voice and Data Layout Water and Drainage services 5.2.2 Design Submission Package 2 DHCC Buildings Other Fit-out Projects For fit out projects in other DHCC Buildings (not Al Razi), design compliance submissions shall include three sets of scaled and/or dimensioned drawings, legends and specifications in either A2 or A3 format layouts for the following: Completed CPQ Design Submission Package Fit-out form refer to Appendix 2 Legend, GFA, Building and Unit Number(s) A Works Program identifying time schedule against key project milestones Existing shell and core space and service connections Demolition Plans - where applicable Dimensional Schematic Layout Coring point locations on building grids with building structural details Major Equipment and Furniture Layout shown on building grids Sections through major areas showing water proofing details where required Below floor services including electrical, water, drainage and waste pipe systems Proposed electrical load schedule showing existing unit(s) design capacity Electrical Lighting and Power Layout Environmental Risk Impact Summary (ERIS), in accordance with the requirements specified in Appendix 7 Floor Coverings Fire Fighting Layouts - Sprinkler, Detector and Emergency Lighting Systems with Civil Defence approval Electrical Single Line Diagram Electrical Lighting and Power Layout DEWA Application Number
HVAC layout and heat load calculations Water and Drainage services 16
5.2.3 Design Submission Package 3 Developer Buildings Fit Out Projects For Developer Building fit out projects, design compliance submissions shall include three sets of scaled and/or dimensioned drawings, legends and specifications in either A2 or A3 format layouts for the following: Completed CPQ Design Submission Package Fit-out form refer to Appendix 2 Legend, GFA, Building and Unit Number(s) A Works Program identifying time schedule against key project milestones Existing shell and core space and service connections Demolition Plans - where applicable Dimensional Schematic Layout Coring point locations on building grids with building structural details Major Equipment and Furniture Layout shown on building grids Sections through major areas showing water proofing details where required Proposed electrical load schedule showing existing unit(s) design capacity Floor Coverings Fire Fighting Layouts - Sprinkler, Detector and Emergency Lighting Systems with Civil Defence approval Electrical Single Line Diagram Electrical Lighting, Power Layout and load schedules DEWA Application Number and Submission Approvals HVAC layout - include air quantities Water and Drainage services CPQ Design Compliance Review Fees - refer to Appendix 9 Environmental Risk Impact Summary (ERIS), in accordance with the requirements specified in Appendix 7 Important Notes for Design Submission Packages 1 - 3
DEWA Application For DHCC Building fit out projects, (Packages 1 and 2), DEWA applications must be coordinated through CPQ. DEWA on line applications for registration are accepted with the DEWA application number. (CR/CS Number). CPQ shall be provided with a hard copy. Attempts to apply directly to DEWA offices are not accepted by DEWA and will result in unnecessary delays. Details of DEWA application requirements are as below.
* DEWA Application for Drawings Approval Form Completed including registered DEWA Contractors stamp see Appendix 11 for Application Form or provide a copy of the on line application submission refer to 1. Single Line Diagram (Proposed LV Distribution and Tariff metering) 2. Site setting out layout/Key plan (indicating location of electrical room/MDBs/SMDBs/DBs, service routes, etc.) 3. Dimensional layout of electrical switch rooms/metering enclosures (indicating general arrangements of kWh metering, MDB, SMDB, etc.) 4. Wiring Layout (Lighting)- General, * Essential, and *UPS (*where required) 5. Wiring Layout (Power) General, * Essential, and *UPS (*where required) 6. Connected load (CL) & Max. Demand (MD) Schedules (Main & Sub-Main Distribution Boards). 7. Load Distribution Schedules (Final DBs) - existing and proposed 8. Contractor /Electrical trade license/copy. For Developer Building fit out projects, (Package 3), the contractor must submit drawings for DEWA approval directly. Submissions will require an NOC from CPQ - Refer to Appendix 5 for sample letter
MEP Service and Architectural Drawings All MEP and Architectural service drawings must be co-ordinated on site to ensure correct connection to existing building services, and future access for servicing and maintenance. Incorrect co-ordination will result in rejection of the project fit out on final inspection, resulting in completion delays for remedial work to be undertaken. Food Outlet Drawing Submissions For Food Outlets (Public Health Facility) - evidence of Dubai Municipality Food and Beverage Department approval must be provided on submissions to CPQ. Civil Defense Design Approval It is the responsibility of the Clients Design Consultant/Contractor to obtain Civil Defence approval certification on the fire fighting layout. Design Submission Fire Sprinkler, Detection/Alarms, Fire Fighting Equipment, and Emergency Lighting Drawings All Fire Fighting and Detector System installation work must be provided by the buildings nominated, specialist contractor (Civil Defense authorized). This includes supply and installation of system components and connection to the buildings fire panel system. Names and contact details of the specialist fit out contractor is available from CPQ.
Design Submission Compliance Fees Fees are payable with preliminary design submissions in accordance with CPQ Design Compliance Review Fees schedule Appendix 9. Submissions will not be accepted without fees payment. 6. Review Period Generally, preliminary design reviews will take between 3 10 working days from date of submission to approval in order to proceed to the next design stage. 7. Design Approval A CPQ preliminary design approval letter with two copies of stamped approved drawings, and any statements of agreed design intent, will be issued to the Client for distribution to his/her Contractor. A copy must be retained on site at all times. Submissions will be stamped either APPROVED AS NOTED WITH COMMENTS or NOT APPROVED.(REJECTED). Any site drawing(s) which are not stamped Approved Drawings by CPQ are disallowed for construction purposes. Submissions that are rejected and require re-submission will incur design compliance resubmission fees. Refer also to CPQ Design Compliance Review Fees Appendix 9.
Contractor submits for Fit Out Permit includes all pre -quisites CPQ Fit Out Permit Request Form (DEWA, Civil Defense, etc) Rejected with comments No CPQ Issues Fit Out Permit
Yes WORKS IN PROGRESS CPQ regular works inspections + HSE Department Inspections
Contractor submits for Inspection through Fit Out Completion Inspection Request Form to CPQ
Inspection Type First Fix or Final Final CPQ carries out Final Fit Out Inspection includes architectural, partitioning, HSE, structural and MEP elements where applicable Contractor to rectify snags and notify CPQ for re -inspection Objection Inspection Approval
First Fix
CPQ carries out inspections above false ceilings and wet areas
Once First Fix Inspection is cleared fit out contractor to close ceilings and complete wet area flooring
Contractctor to apply for final inspection through same Fit Out Completion Inspection Request Form to CPQ
No Objection No Objection Once final fit out inpsection is cleared CPQ will arrange for a Pre Operating Assessment Clinical - Non Cinical - Public Health -
19 6.1 Fit-out Initiation 6.1.2 Building Completion Certificate The Client (Tenant or Building Owner), shall appoint a Fit out coordinator and Facility Management Operator to liaise with CPQ A Design Submission Package with the documents required, including the Building Completion Certificate and contact details shall be submitted wit the Design Submission Package Fit-outs Form Refer to Appendix 2 6.1.2 Provisional Operating Permit The Client (Tenant or Building Owner) must have received from CPQ a provisional operating permit in order to initiate and progress with the Fit Out process. A provisional operating permit, is issued for approved facility services relating to either clinical, non clinical or public health activities. Pre requisites to a provisional operating permit being issued include having a signed lease agreement witnessed, and operating services approved by CPQ.
A Fitout permit shall only be issued once all design compliance review requirements are completed. Permit periods are generally 120 days and can be extended in accordance with project plan. Incomplete submissions will be subject to rejection with comments and re-submission processes
Consultant/Contractor must have attended a CPQ Education Session in the past 12 Months - refer to section 8
20 6.2.2 Permit Disclaimer Although the information listed in a permit has been compiled with reasonable care and is believed by Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC) to be accurate, accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. No judgment has been made by DHCC concerning the professional competency of the businesses shown on permits. DHCC does not assume any responsibility for certification and/or prequalification status of the Consultant or Fit-out Contractor at the time a permit is issued. In no event shall DHCC be liable for any loss of profits or income, direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever with respect to any services, provided by any of the businesses shown a permit or its employees, agents, representatives or independent contractors. 6.2.3 Technical Specification A Technical Specification for project fit outs is shown in Appendix 13. Consultant/Contractors must familiarize themselves with requirements to ensure adherence. Where fit out conformity to the specification is breached, the Consultant/Contractor will be responsible for any rectification works and delays arising. Where an alternate or additional specification is required i.e. for specialized medical equipment, this must be submitted and approved by CPQ prior to installation. 6.2.4 Door Removal Permit and Way finding Signage For shell and core fit outs CPQ permission is required where additional signage, including way finding and/or for the removal of the existing tenancy door is required. A permit is shown in Appendix 14. Removed door(s) must be handed to DHCC site representatives (IDAMA) for the permit to be applied 6.2.5 Hoarding & Signage Specifications Requirements (if applicable) In cases when changes are required to the entire office-front design, the contractor shall erect a hoarding for the protection of other clients, staff and the general public, after approval from CPQ. In such cases, the premises shall be enclosed within hoardings constructed from 19mm plywood sheets 1200 x 2400 on 50 x 50 softwood frames bolted together (white painted without any logo or artwork). The hoarding shall contain a single entrance lockable from inside and outside and shall be kept secure at all times. A spare set of keys must be given to the building security management for emergency access to be gained to the clients/tenants premises. The hoarding shall be erected on the premise line a shown on the outline drawings and shall not be removed, extended or dismantled without prior permission from CPQ. Hoarding may be moved into the common area (to a limited extent only). During the fit-out construction period, all fit-out contractors should provide and maintain clear signage (A2 size) on the hoarding to indicate the approval No Objection which is provided by CPQ. 6.2.6 Storage & Handling of Fit-out Materials All items of plants, tools and materials brought on to the site are contractors sole responsibility and must be stored within the clients/tenants premises area being fitted out at all times. There is no storage permissible outside the working area unless get prior approval from Zoning Authority. Fit-out contractor shall bring materials to site on daytoday basis. All loose materials including sand, cement, screed, plaster etc must be delivered to the site bagged. Storage and mixing of materials must occur within the clients/tenants premises. All floors must be protected to prevent the possible seeping of materials into other areas outside the unit premise. 6.3 Fit-out Work Execution Fit-out work will be conducted in accordance with the technical specifications defined in Appendix 13 and DHCC codes and standards defined herein. Standards in work practice, installation and finishes shall meet industry best practice and in accordance with approved design. DHCC reserves the right to reject poor workmanship and shall direct remedial work on the contractor where necessary.
During the project works in progress phase, a CPQ representative will undertake regular site inspections, (inspection frequency @ 1 week). Each inspection shall generate a site visit report that reports on the following: Contractor work execution Site safety, environmental stewardship and general housekeeping First Fix Inspection prior to closing false ceilings Wet area inspection prior to floor finish installation MEP Services - works in progress Estimated completed works Other observations
Appendix 15 shows a site inspection report template. Hard copy reports are returned to CPQ. Where items indicated on the report requiring further action, CPQ shall coordinate directly or through DHCC Facilities Management or other responsible parties. 6.4.2 At First Fix The appointed Consultant/Contactor shall apply for a First Fix, (preliminary), Inspection by submitting the Fit Out Completion Inspection Form .Refer to Appendix 5. Inspections are applied to MEP service elements before closing of any false ceiling, and prior to applying floor coverings to wet areas. Once the First Fix inspection is cleared the Fit-out Contractor to close ceilings and lay floor coverings to wet areas 6.4.3 At Completion At project completion, the appointed Consultant/Contractor must notify CPQ and complete the same Final Fit Out Completion Form submitted previously for the First Fix inspection refer to Appendix 5. A Fit Out Completion Form requires the following Contractors documents prior to issue: * Letter from the consultant/contractor indicating completion of work * Civil Defence certification refer to Civil Defense Approvals below * Drawings/schedules showing DEWAs approval and power connections refer to DEWA Approvals below * Two Copies of the As Built Drawings for clinical fit outs only * Copy of Original Fit-out Permit * Copy of Clients Commercial License * Client evaluation report (optional) For DHCC Buildings, CPQ will arrange to inspect the facility. Typically IDAMA are engaged to conduct the inspection and provide via an evaluation form a report on any fit out defects found. Reports with comments are forwarded to the Consultant/Contractor for rectification, and to arrange a second inspection for verification that defects are completed Notes 1. The project cannot continue to the next phase of CPQ approvals unless all defects identified which impact facility operations are rectified 2. Outcomes from the Client evaluation of the Fit Out, where provided, will be fed back to the Consultant/Contractor and included by CPQ for ongoing performance evaluations of pre qualified design consultants/contractors 3 All interior works must comply with the following regulations and specifications where applicable: * DHCC Development Regulations and Guidelines * Zoning Authority Regulations * Dubai Civil Defense Regulations
* DEWA Regulations * Dubai Internet City-IT Regulations * Dubai Municipality Requirements * All applicable laws and bylaws of the United Arab Emirates * TECOM Health Safety and Environment Regulations * IDAMA Fit Out Rules and Regulations * CPQ Technical Specifications - Refer to Appendix 13 22 4. DEWA Fit Out Completion Approvals Prior to the electrical power meter supply and connection it is the responsibility of the Clients Design Consultant/Contractor to obtain DEWA approval for the certification on the electrical installation. Typically the following DEWA pre-requisites are to be provided: * Completed DEWA on line application print out this includes the building original DEWA NOC Number, available from DHCC or building owner as applicable * Set of electrical drawings includes building single line diagram available from DHCC or building owner as applicable, load schedule, lighting and general power layouts * Key Plan Layout * CPQ No Objection Letter (refer to Appendix 6) includes DHCC Account Number 5. CIVIL DEFENCE Fit Out Completion Approvals It is the responsibility of the Clients Design Consultant/Contractor to obtain Civil Defence approval certification on the fire fighting layout. A Fit Out Completion inspection will require typically the following pre-requisites to be provided: * Set of approved Civil Defence Drawings * Affection Plan * CPQ No Objection Letter (refer to Appendix 6) * Commissioning certificate of the Fire Sprinkler and Detection systems for a specialist installer/supplier * A valid Fire Fighting Equipment Service Contract Agreement * Site Map Locator. Generally Civil Defence final inspection follows once the project has received an electrical power connection from DEWA 6.5 Modifications Any modifications or additions to the facility form part of a new project shall require approval and follow the fit out process steps defined above. Client submissions shall be subject to design approval costs along with all other costs associated with the fit out process 6.6 Commissioning of Clinical Facilities Issuing of a Clinical Operators Permit is subject to the completion of all requirements that form the Commissioning Guidelines. Requirements will vary subject to the project type, size and complexity of services described in the approval designs. Commissioning targets essential MEP services and Medical Equipment associated with patient care and support areas. Commissioning Guidelines are available from CPQ For larger projects assessment may extend over several days. Commissioning requirements must be addressed by the Healthcare Operators Representatives, prior to any commissioning inspection by CPQ. Commissioning includes certification by the design consultant(s) and 3rd parties for essential engineering services. All project consultants shall have representation at the commissioning inspection to answer technical queries and assist CPQ representatives as required. A full set of the As Constructed Record including drawings and manuals shall be available for assessment, at inspection. 6.7 Fit Out Project Management It is highly recommended for clients engaging consultants/contractors for design and fit out project work, to consider a contractual agreement that includes, but not limited to the following: * A scope of services to be provided by the Consultant/Contractor and any exclusions * Services to be provided by third parties clearly defined
* Procurement management * Performance management this includes workmanship and finish quality * Site inspections * A Works Project program with key milestones identified * A progress payment system based on the program outcomes and reasonable retention for practical completion and defects liability period 23 * A formal system of contract variations * A formal system for project requests for information between the parties * An agreed dispute resolution procedure * A contract termination agreement * Extent of insurance coverage including damages to 3rd parties * A technical specification For additional assurance on project deliverables,(typically cost, quality and timeliness),clients may consider engaging a 3rd party to provide on-site project management services.
SECTION 7: HEALTH SAFET AND ENVIRONMENT 7.1 Zoning Authority General & HSE Inspections
7.1.1 General Zoning Authority General Building Inspector and HSE Inspector will monitor and inspect the fit-out site to ensure Zoning Authority Rules & Regulations are followed and enforced along with Health, Safety and Environment Regulations. Where directed DHCCs HSE Inspectorate will perform monitoring and inspection of fit outs on behalf of the Zoning Authority. Refer also to Section 7.If the Fit-out contractor contravenes any rules and regulations including health, safety and environment; inspectors shall issue a violation notice as per belowo If minor violation, fine is applicable.o If major violation, fit-out work will be stopped immediately. Fit-out contractor should rectify the violations and notify Zoning Authority. Inspector will re-inspect and give clearance to resume fit-out Procedure Flowchart Zoning Authority General & HSE Inspections
Zoning Authority General & HSE Inspectors Repesentative monitor and inspect fit -out site
If Fit Out Contractor is violating Zoning Authority regulations Fine is issued by Inspector which is payable by Contractor
Minor/Major Violation Major Inspector issues fine and orders to stop all fit -out works
Zoning Authority Inspector re -inspects and gives clarance to resume fit out works
7.1.2 Safety Rules on Site Contractors Responsibilities The Contractor shall post the fit-out permit, safety rules on site and all necessary insurance certificates on the area
under construction. The permit shall be null and void if the insurance certificate expires without renewal. In order to resume fit-out activities, the contractor will have to re-apply for a permit. The Contractor shall be responsible for over-all job-site safety, including the safety of any nominated sub-contractors. Please refer to HSE contractors booklet for detailed information on safety rules on site, access passes and instructions for contractors during work execution. 25
7.2 Contractor Familiarization with HSE Documents Contractors must familiarize themselves with the HSE Handbook on the Health Safety and Environment Requirements for working on DHCC projects - Copies available from CPQ. The handbook focuses on * The DHCC Workplace * Requirements and Site Rules * Environment * Incident Reporting 7.3 Health Safety and Environment Undertaking The Contactor is obliged to complete and sign an HSE Undertaking form, which acknowledges having read the Health, Safety and Environment information handbook, and undertakes and agrees that his/her employees shall at all times observe and comply with relevant legislation and DHCC safety procedures. The undertaking shall include a method statement that contains the potential hazards and impacts, (hazard identification and risk assessment), with actions and control plans to minimize or eliminate the risk during the course of work Refer to Appendix 8. 7.4 Project Environmental Risk Impact Summary The environmental impact procedures are administered by the HSE Department of DHCC to ensure compliance to the Local Order 61/1991 The Environmental Protection Regulations for the Emirate of Dubai. The environmental impact procedure described below is a pre-requisite to the issuing of a Fit Out Permit * The Contractor should prepare an Environmental Risk Impact Summary (ERIS), in accordance with the requirements specified in Appendix 7 (Summary description and Form) * The HSE Department will review the ERIS and assess whether the environmental considerations and suitable mitigation measures are proposed. * The HSE Department will determine the significance of the project in terms of its aspects and impacts and may require the contractor to prepare a detailed Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in accordance with DHCC requirements. * The project shall be permitted, subject to the facilities design approval by CPQ and additional CPQ regulation where found applicable.. * When the project is implemented, the HSE Department or nominated representative in conjunction with the TECOM Zoning Authority is required to monitor the project to ensure compliance with Environment protection and Safety permit and the Zoning Authority Regulation. The contractor shall be subject to project remedial and rectification on non compliant requirements identified during monitoring process. The contractor shall be responsible for the development and implementation of an Environment Management Systems (EMS), to control, monitor and audit the environmental effects throughout the project life cycle. 7.5 Site Inspections CPQ shall undertake regular site inspections of project work in progress. Refer also to section 6 Zoning Authority General & HSE Inspections.Inspections include monitoring of site safety in accordance with the health safety and environment undertakings provided by the project contractor and HSE Handbook. Refer to Sections 7.1 and 7.2 and Appendices 8 and 15 7.6 Environmental Design As part of the challenge of dealing with the current environmental challenges and the Dubai Strategic Plan 2015 announced by Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid, new healthcare building specifications must comply with ratings under the US Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system. Refer to Appendix 13 for Environmental Design Considerations. Sustainable design elements include but are not limited selection of building materials, thermal insulation, energy efficient lighting, water saving devices and noise abatement.
PRE OPERATING ASSESSMENT Non Conformance with comments No Assessment Approval Yes Yes
PRE OPERATING ASSESSMENT Non Conformance with comments Assessment Approval Yes No
8.1 Responsibilities and Processes 8.1.1 Contractor The contractor shall have completed a final fit-out completion inspection, including correction of all defects advised from CPQ 8.1.2 Client and Facility Preparedness Clinical Operators must complete the Declaration of Facility Preparedness for A Pre Operating Assessment Survey Form refer to Appendix 10 This form should be submitted to CPQ at least five working days prior to conducting the pre-operating assessment. The form shall only be submitted where the Clinical Operator has undertaken a pre operating assessment education session arranged by CPQ, and completed a self assessment of survey check list requirements. Failure to meet requirements can delay the processing of issuing an operating permit 8.2 Operator Permits CPQ will advise the Client of outcomes from the pre operating assessment survey that require remedial action. A survey report showing each non conformance requirement with a due by date to complete will be provided to the client.
8.2.1 Clinical (P1) For a Clinical Operating permit to be issued the following must be completed * Fit Out Final Completion inspection requirements are met * All pre operating assessment survey major requirements are met * Approvals from the CPQ Planning Council for the facility and services 27
* Approval from the CPQ Licensing Board for professional licenses and privileges for the HCO to operate *Permit Fees paid refer to for further details 8.2.2 Non Clinical (P2) For a Non Clinical Operating permit to be issued the following must be completed * Fit Out Completion inspection requirements are met. * Approvals from the CPQ Facilities Committee. * Permit Fees paid refer to for further details. 8.2.3 Public Health (P3) For a Public Health Operating permit to be issued the following must be completed * Fit Out Completion inspection requirements are met. * All pre operating assessment survey major requirements are met. * Approvals from the CPQ Facilities Committee. * Permit Fees paid refer to for further details. 8.2.4 Permit Periods and Renewals Initial permits are for a 2 year period and renewable every 2 years.
Appendix 1 Design Submission Packages Buildings Appendix 2 Design Submission Package Fit-outs Appendix 3 Fit-out Permit Appendix 4 Fit-out Completion Inspection Request Appendix 5 CPQ Fit-out Contractor Pre Qualification Application Form Appendix 6 CPQ NOC Sample Letter for DEWA and Civil Defense Appendix 7 Environmental Risk Management Impact Summary Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Health, Safety and Environment Undertaking
Appendix 10 Declaration of Clinical Facility Preparedness for a Pre - Operating Assessment Survey Appendix 11 DEWA Application for Drawing Approval Form Appendix 12 DHA Application for Authorisation and Review Plans for Uses of X-Ray in Medicine
Appendix 13 Technical Specifications - MEP and Environmental Design Considerations Appendix 14 Additional Signage/Door Removal Permit Appendix 15 Fit Out Site Visit Report Appendix 16 Medical Equipment Suppliers
(A) GENE * Consult * Consult * Copy of * Copy O * Affection * NOC fro * NOC fro * NOC fro * NOC fro * NOC fro * Environ * A works * Design * Project * Stateme * CPQ D
(B) DRAW ALL DRA Prelimin * Existing * Propose * Propose * Propose * Propose * Approve
Received B
* Fit out Co * Fit out Co * Copy of F * Copy of F * Copy of C * NOC from * NOC from * NOC from * NOC from * Outline p * Hoarding * Copy of C * Professio + workma * AED 20,0 * Project E * Health Sa * Copy of C
Inspection D
Name: Date:
Contact No: _
FIRST FIX INS * CPQ Approv * DEWA Appro * Civil Defense * NOC from Te * NOC from Ot (if applicable)
NOTES: Refer t
1 F 2 F 3 F ou 4 F 5A a
2009 Messrs Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA) P.O. Box 564 Dubai, UAE Fax: 04 3248111 Attention: Head of Consumer Services Department Dear Sir, Project: Subject: No Objection Letter Permanent Power Connection
We refer to the details of the unit below which is located at . ...Unit and advise that we have no objection to you providing the sub-meter account number for occupant with permanent connection of power. Unit Ref. No. Main Meter Acct. No. DEWA approved load Connected Load SMDB Ref LVPanel Ref : : : : : :
We should be grateful if you could please provide us with the sub-meter account number for this Unit. Yours faithfully
Information for an Environmental Impact Summary shall include but not limited to the following: 1. A statement of the purpose and rationale of the proposed project 2. Description of the project, including in particular: Project period and major milestone dates A description of the physical characteristics of the whole project and the land- use requirements during the construction and operational phases A description of the main characteristics of the operational processes, for instance, the nature and quantity of materials used An estimate, by type and quantity, of expected wastes, residues and emissions (water, air and soil pollution, noise, vibration, light, heat, radiation, etc) resulting from the execution and operation of the proposed project. A risk rating for each environmental impact 3 Where appropriate, an outline of the main alternatives studied by the contractor, and an indication of the main reasons for his choice, taking into account the environmental effects 4. A description of the environmental aspects likely to be significantly affected by the proposed project, including, in particular, population, fauna, flora, soil, water, air climatic factors, material assets, including the architectural and archaeological heritage, landscape and interrelationship between the factors 5. A description of the likely significant effects, direct and indirect, of the proposed project on the environment resulting from: The existence of the project The use of natural resources The emission of pollutants, the creation of nuisances and the elimination of waste 6. A description of the mitigation measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and where possible offset any significant identifies operational process risks, and their adverse effects of the environment. 7. An indication of any difficulties (technical deficiencies or lack of know-how) encountered by the contractor in complying to the required information.
Wooden Furniture( 1000 kg), Carpets (2000 Sq ft), Wall papers( Roll of 20 kg) Yes. The design approved by the client out of 3 considered. The approved design provided better aesthetic environment, operational work flow and carpet space to the clients satisfaction. Noise, and Material dust produced during the drilling operation, organic vapors
Estimated quantity
Noise generated during drilling or fitting operations Wooden material used originates from trees Noise generated during fit-out process. Organic vapors generated during use of paints and thinners. Brief details Drilling operations will be planned in such a time that the area is thinly populated or will cause least disturbance to the people. Proper ventilation will be ensured during painting operation to minimize the inhalation of organic vapors. Lack of information on the noise level that will be generated during drilling operation and fixing of furniture.
Remarks Ear protector, dust mask and safety spectacles will be used by the working staff as required.
UNDERTAKING This undertaking must be signed by the Contractors supervisor seeking authorisation for receiving permit. It must be returned to DHCC prior to commencement of work Company name: ..
Company address: .. Type of work to be carried out: Mech./ Electrical/ Installation/ Civil works (Please specify) . . Work hazards identified, their impact and controls in place to mitigate or eliminate . .. Location of work: (Plot/ office) ... Name and position of person making the declaration: ... .... I acknowledge, that I have read the Health, Safety and Environment information. I undertake and agree that my employees shall at all times observe and comply with relevant legislation and DHCC safety procedures. Supervisor Name (BLOCK LETTERS): .. Date :.. Signature: Manager Name (BLOCK LETTERS): .. Date :.. Signature:
Company Stamp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Any changes or modifications in the design after the facility is operational will require re-submission of design with a design modification fee. This fee will apply only to the modified area. Note: Any on-site investigation to be performed by the design consultants will be charged separately based on quoted hourly rate and actual expenditure incurred.
Appendix 10: Declaration of Facility Preparedness for a Pre Operating Assessment Survey - Page 1 of 2
Dear Client (Name) In order for a Pre-operating Assessment to be scheduled, your facility should be completely prepared and operationally ready to receive patients. Therefore, CPQ need confirmation that you have undertaken and completed the mandatory requirements listed below: 1. The facility has carried out a self-assessment against the Pre-operating Assessment checklist provided, and, all major requirements listed are met. A copy of the completed Quality Improvement Department check list is attached 2. The facility staffing levels match clinical service delivery requirements, and, are in accordance with the provisional clinical operators permit issued. 3. Clinical staff are available on-site for the scheduled Pre-Operating Assessment, as they will be asked questions on the facilitys operational processes, including emergency clinical procedures applicable to the facility. Once you have completed the above, please complete the declaration on page 2 of this notice and send it to CPQ FAX: +971 4 362 4770. A Pre-operating Assessment will ONLY be scheduled when CPQ receives your faxed declaration. When CPQ receives your faxed declaration, a Pre-operating Assessment will be scheduled within 5 working days. For assistance with queries on the requirements, please contact the respective CPQ Departments directly, using the email addresses below. EMAIL ADDRESSES FOR QUESTIONS CONCERNING SELF-ASSESSMENTS Quality Improvement Department - [email protected] Facility Licensing & Design - [email protected] Health, Safety and Environment - [email protected] Healthcare Informatics Department - [email protected]
Appendix 10: Declaration of Facility Preparedness for a Pre Operating Assessment Survey - Page 2 of 2
I ___________________ confirm all of the above requirements have been completed for the facility and a pre-operating assessment survey can now be scheduled. A copy of the completed Quality Improvement Department check list is attached Signature
Return by fax to: Fax No +971 4 362 4770 Attention : Name of Coordinator -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Project Owner
List / Summary of Drawings & Load Distribution Schedules :Sl. No. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Title / Description Single Line Diagram (Proposed LV Distribution and Tariff metering) Site setting out layout/Key plan (indicating room/MDBs/SMDBs/DBs, service routes, etc.) location of electrical Drawing / Sheet Drg, 01/..To 01/.. Drg, 02/..To 02/.. Drg, 03/..To 03/.. Drg, 04/..To 04/.. Drg, 05/..To 05/.. .Sheets .Sheets
Dimensional layout of electrical switch rooms/metering enclosure/s, (indicating general arrangements of kWh metering, MDB, SMDB, etc.) Wiring Layout (Lighting) Wiring Layout (Power) Connected Load (CL) & Max. Demand (MD) Schedules (Main & Sub-Main Distribution Boards) Load Distribution Schedules (Final DBs)
Main Contractors Name :.. .. P.O. Box :. City : Tel.: . Fax.:. ... Authorized Signature: .. Date :.. (Stamp)
Electrical Contractors Name : .. .. P.O. Box :. City : Tel.: . Fax.:. Authorized Signature: .. Date :.. ... (Stamp) (For DEWA use) Date:
Registration No.
Appendix 12 : DHA Application for Authorisation and Review Plans for Uses of X-rays in Medicine
Radiation Protection Unit, Dubai Hospital. P.O. Box 7272, Dubai, UAE. Tel: 04- 2195000 (Ext. 5065 / 5522), Fax: 04-2719340 E-mail: [email protected] / / [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________________
Government Hospital Private Hospital Medical Center Educational or Scientific/Research Institution Ve Veterinary Ot Other: ______________________________ LOCATION OF THE FACILITY: _________________________________________ _________________________________________
Position in radiology*
Degree completed
Dental (Fixed or Mobile) Mammography (Fixed or Mobile) General Radiology (Fixed or Mobile) Fluoroscopy (Fixed or Mobile) Computed Tomography (CT) Bone densitometry Other (specify): ___________________________________
Model #
Max. Current
Fixed Dental Fixed Radiography Fixed Fluoroscopy Fixed Radiography/Fluoroscopy Fixed Mammography Bone densitometry Computed Tomography (CT) Mobile Dental Radiography Mobile Radiography Mobile Fluoroscopy Mobile Radiography/Fluoroscopy Mobile Mammography Other Application (please specify): ________________________________
THE RADIATION SHIELDING THICKNESS IV.1. GIVE ESTIMATES OF THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS: Average # Estimated of Average Average frequency exposures mA KVp (%) per exam
Type of Exam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
X-ray Room
Composition and thickness of the walls. Distances from A to C and B to D Show all doors and windows on the above drawing Show the position of the operator and the X-ray control panel Show the direction of the beam Occupation of the adjacent spaces behind each wall
(You may provide a copy of the floor layout if the facility has several radiation rooms)
Material (Walls) and Doors Conventional radiography Combined Radiography and Fluoroscopy Computed Tomography (CT) 15 m2 20 m2 24 m2 (Length: 6 m Width: 4 m) Walls: Lead Doors: Lead Walls: Lead Doors: Lead Walls: Lead Doors: Lead
and Height Walls: 1.5 mm Doors: 1.5 mm Height: 1.80 m Walls: 1.5 mm Doors: 1.5 mm Height: 1.80 m Walls: 1.5 mm Doors: 1.5 mm Height: from floor to ceiling Walls: normal stone wall (2.5 cm min) Doors: 1 mm Steel or 2.5 cm of hard wood 2.5 cm stone wall Walls: normal stone wall (2.5 cm min And 1mm Lead behind cassette holder Normal wall ---------Please note that the height of the shielding is from floor to ceiling!
9 m2 (3mX3m)
Walls: Stone Wall Board Doors: hard wood or steel Walls: Stone Wall Board Doors: normal door Walls: Stone Wall Board
No shielding is needed on the door If the cassette holder has lead lining, no need for additional shielding Operator must be at least 1.5 m from the machine One wall or two may not need lead; this depends on the position of the machine and the bucky.
Bone Densitometry
Chiropractic X-rays
15 m2
Please note that the shielding material and thicknesses of the control booth, floors and ceilings vary according to the design of the facility. The required standards can be provided on request.
Radiation Protection Rules: Establish written local radiation safety rules signed by the legal person (owner, manager or other decision-maker) and make them available to the occupational staff in the facility.
Labels and signs: Controlled areas Supervised areas Green/Red light sign indicating when the X-ray beam is OFF/ON X-ray caution sign on the tube housing. Radiation Protection Officer Provide the name and function of the person (doctor, physicist or radiographer) designated as responsible for radiation protection matters.
Personnel Dosimetry: Provide details regarding personnel dosimetry: name of the dosimetry provider, type of dosimetry badges used, and monitoring period.
Protective Clothing (where applicable): Lead aprons, thyroid shield, lead gloves, and lead glasses.
Protective Barrier For operator protection when the control panel is inside the X-ray room
Radiation Surveys (where applicable, e.g. interventional): Type of calibrated X-ray survey meter available, program of periodical surveys
Health Surveillance: Arrangements made for health surveillance of the radiation workers (Check up once a year).
Records to be kept: Personnel Monitoring results (Dosimetry) Change of staff Acceptance tests performed on X-ray machines Maintenance of X-ray machines Quality Control of X-ray tubes Change of X-ray Tubes Periodical tests on protective clothing Training of Staff in radiation protection (participation to refresher courses, workshops.)
Patient Safety:
Written Procedures Followed by the Applicant:
To avoid exposure mistakes To avoid excessive patient exposure To avoid accidental exposure of pregnant patient (wall posting, patient interview) To follow patient exposure (where applicable, e.g. fluoroscopy, CT) Quality Control of X-ray Tubes (conventional radiography only*):
Program for periodical evaluation of the X-ray machine radiation field parameters aiming at keeping patient exposure to X-rays at the lowest without losing the benefit of a good medical image. Type of QC test Frequency 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Beam alignment test X-ray field and light field alignment KVp accuracy KVp reproducibility Timer accuracy Output Linearity HVL Focal spot size Annually Semi-Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Acceptance Test
Protection of Visitors:
Ensure that visitors are not exposed to X-rays while waiting inside the facility.
* The documents on the required QC for fluoroscopy, CT, mammography, dental and hybrid systems will be provided separately
Appendix 13 : Technical Specification MEP and Environmental Services MECHANICAL SPECIFICTIONS Section-1 1.1 Ductwork and Accessories: 1.1.1 Types of ductwork required for project includes the following. 1.1.2 Air conditioning supply and return air system. Supply air ductwork construction classification shall be low pressure system. 1.1.3 Mechanical exhausts systems. 1.2 Type of duct accessories required for project include, but not limited to the following. 1.2.1 Volume control dampers. 1.2.2 Splitter dampers. 1.2.3 Flexible connectors. 1.3 Quality assurance: Generally comply with SMACNA recommendations for fabrication, construction details and installation procedures. Comply with BS (5720) for installation of air conditioning and ventilation system. 1.4 Submittals (Shop Drawings): Submit dimensioned layouts of ductwork showing both accurate scaled ductwork with its accessories and its relation to space enclosure. Provide proper legends and general notes for ducting material, insulation, design parameters on the layouts. 1.5 Ductwork materials: Ductwork shall be fabricated with galvanized steel sheet metal having a thickness as listed herein below and appropriate joints, reinforcement should be followed. 1.5.1 For low pressure duct work Size of duct (in mm) 300mm less in width/depth 310mm to 750mm width/depth 760mm to 1350mm width/depth 1360mm to 2100mm width/depth Gauge of sheet metal No.26 US Std Gauge (0.6mm) No.24 US Std Gauge (0.7mm) No.22US Std Gauge (0.9mm) No.20US Std Gauge (1.0mm)
1.5.2 Plenum boxes on supply and return ductwork shall be fabricated from 1.3mm (18 gauge) galvanized angle iron frame work and bracing. 1.5.3 Where width of largest dimension of duct is over 450mm duct shall be stiffened by bending in a break across corners in both directions. 1.6 Stainless steel or black steel sheet duct shall be provided for ductworks that is extracting air from kitchen hoods ( food-court area) and retails comply with BS 1449, Part 2 type 316. 1.7 Fire Dampers: Provide fire dampers in all ducts over (125 sqCM) as per BS 476 or NFPA 90A and complete with angle iron frame 72C fusible link at the following. - Duct shafts (ducts entering and leaving fire shafts) - Ducts passing through designated fire walls.
Ducts through floors and not encased in fire shafts Ducts leaving and entering plant area. Ducts leaving and entering storage area.
1.8 Flexible ducts: Insulated flexible ducts shall be factory pre insulated with 25mm thick, 16kg/cum density fiberglass blanked. The assembly shall be sheathed with a tough scuff resistant aluminum laminated jacketing to act as vapor barriers. Maximum air velocity and pressure shall be 30m/s and 250mm of water. 1.8.1 The length of flexible duct shall not exceed 3m in length and shall be supported at not less than 600mm intervals, support width shall not be less than 25mm. 1.9 Pre insulated Ductwork: Do not use the pre insulated ductworks for clinical activity. 1.9.1 Pre insulated ductworks are not recommended because of following. - Collecting insects - Do not have long life facility like GI duct. - After certain time period joints will start leaking (required pressure will not be available). - Not recommended for the negative pressure line (smoke, return). - Fire rated specifications are less than compliance compared to GI duct. 2.0 Insulation: Insulation material shall be applied to the following. Chilled water piping Supply, Return, Exhaust ductwork Condensate drain pipe Hot and cold surfaces of mechanical equipment. Domestic hot and recirculating water piping. Refrigerant pipes.
2.0.1 piping system insulation: Provide glass fiber performed pipe insulation material. Wrapped with a vapor barrier jacketing and should have the following properties. Thermal conductivity 0.032 w/mc at mean temperature 25c. Temperature limits -51c to 232 c. Jacket permeance 0.0012 g/MNs Insulation density 96kg/cum for external piping, 64kg/cum for internal piping.
2.0.2 Chilled water piping insulation: Shall be 40mm thick for pipe size up to 65mm, 50mm thick for pipe size 80mm-100mm, 60mm thick for pipe size 125mm and above. 2.0.3 Condensate drain pipe: Insulation thickness shall be 13mm of closed cell elastomeric rubber insulation 65kg/cum density. 2.0.4 Refrigerant pipes shall be thermally insulated with molded factory shape sectional pipe covering closed cell elastomeric foam rubber insulation with density 65-80kg/cum having thermal conductivity factor of 0.037 w/m k at 20c and 0.040 w/m k at 40c. Insulation thickness shall be 25mm. Note: External refrigerant pipe insulation shall be covered with 20X20 woven glass cloth cover, the cloth shall be protected and coated with two coats of waterproof sealant. 2.0.5 Ductwork system Insulation: Concealed supply ducts, return ducts: Insulation shall be 25mm thick having density of 24kg/cum and a
thermal conductivity of 0.035w/mc at mean temperature of 25c. All duct work shall be covered with 6 ounce canvas fabric wrap and coated with two layers of fungus resistant. Out door exposed ducts insulation shall be 50mm thick having density of 48kg/cum and thermal conductivity of 0.031w/mc at mean temperature of 25c with 4 oz canvas and two coats of water proof sealing mastic all to the approval of engineer. Kitchen hood exhaust ductwork shall be insulated with an inorganic blanket of rock wool mattresses stitched to 25mm galvanized hexagonal wired mesh. Insulation shall be 30mm thick having density of 80kg/cum and thermal conductivity of 0.063w/mc at 200c and maximum temperature rating of 750c.
2.1Cladding: Outdoor exposed dud work insulation and installed in mechanical vooms or exposed to view in areas with no suspended ceiling shall be covered by 0-8mm thick corrosion resistant aluminum sheeting. 2.1.1 Acoustic insulation: 2.1.1 All low pressure ductwork shall be lined with acoustic insulations up to the first take off point or 3meters from the fan/unit outlet. 2.1.2 Duct acoustic lining shall be 25mm thick, fiberglass 24kg/cum density with a thermal conductivity of 0.035 w/mc with approved coating on inside. 2.1.3 Liner will be attached by a fire resistant adhesive such as Benjamin Foster 81-99 or equivalent. 2.2 Pipe, tube and fittings: 2.2.1 Domestic cold water system: The system shall comprise of - Above ground and external pipe work inside shafts, and roof shall be composite poly propylene random co polymers (PPR with aluminum). - Internal cold water pipe work above ceiling inside toilet, kitchen and bathrooms shall be PPR and fitting and joints shall be of class PN 25. - Vertical drops to fixture in all kitchen/toilets/bathrooms shall be in PEX piping. 2.3 Hot water system: Hot water piping network of copper pipes to BS.2871 part1, tableX, all piping shall be insulated. 2.4 Fire Fighting System: 2.4.1 Steel pipes: ASTM A53, schedule 40, ERW factory galvanized. 2.4.2 Fittings: provide galvanized malleable iron fittings complying with BS 143 (welded up to 2"), grooved fittings for 2 1/2" and above and working pressure 20 bar. 2.5 Drainage for sanitary: 2.5.1 UPVC un plasticized polyvinyl and chloride pipe and fitting complying with BS4514,Waste pipe shall be UPVC to 5255 2.5.2 Fitting /UPVC socketed and solvent weld, and push fit seal ring connection. Joints/solvent welded joints, and push fit seal ring connectors.
Design temp 50 degree C. 2.5.3 Condensate drain pipe: - Exposed condensate piping shall be galvanized medium weight welded steel to BS 1387 with screwed joints fitting will be screwed type. - Concealed condensate drain piping shall be upvc pressure pipe to BS 3505 class E. 2.6 Pipe Fittings: Unless otherwise specified or directed, provide pipe fitting s that are of the type and class of material as that of the pipes where such fittings are installed. 2.7 Plumbing fixtures and equipment: 2.7.1 The type of fixtures and equipment required for the project include but are not limited to the following. Floor drains Water closet Water hammer arrestors K-sink, Double compartment (Ks-2) K-sink, Single compartment (Ks-1) Bidet (B-1) Electric water heater 2.7.2 Manufacturers Data: Submit manufacturers data for the plumbing fitures and the equipment including rough in drawings, templates, instruction and directions for installation of water and drain piping. 2.7.3 Floor drains: Integral deep drum type P- trap 70mm deep water seal with 50 mm weep holes, 75 diameter side outlet adjustable and removable plastic strainer and 110mm pipe extension piece. 2.7.4 Water closet: Shall be floor mounted type, made of heavy duty white color vitreous china or as proposed by contractor and reviewed by engineer with 7.5 liters flush tank, it shall be provided with built in S trap plastic seal, brass holding bolts, washers, nuts and china caps. 2.7.5 Water hammer arrestors: With stainless steel casing shall be installed wherever required and shown on the drawings, size in accordance with BS 6700 and shall be rated for maximum working pressure of 17bar and temperature rating 0c-150c. 2.7.6 K-sink, Double compartment (Ks-2): Stainless steel type 3161 minimum thickness 1.2mm with no.4 brush finish. Approximate overall dimentions 838X495X190 sink shall be completed with chrome plated mixture, chrome plated faucet, stainless steel 9mm cup, P-trap, valves and supply piping. 2.7.7 Bidet (B-1): Bidet shall be made of heavy duty vitreous china color as required by the engineer. Floor mounted type with overflow and single hole mixture. It shall come with following terms and accessories. -Fixation set kit. -15mm chrome plated single hole mixture. -Two/ 15mm chore plated angle valves having blue and red indices. -32mm chrome plated pop up waste set with plated P-trap. 2.7.8 Electric water heater: Hot water heaters shall be vertical or horizontal type installed above false ceiling. Heaters shall be fixed with immersion heating coil to give maximum out put Kw. Vessel shall be constructed of thick steel pressure tested at 12bars. Vessel shall be glass lined with titanium or
magnesium anode protection. Entire vessel and electric controls shall be engaged in rectangular or cylindrical sheet metal enclosure with baked enamel finish. Safety valve shall be provided at cold water inlet. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Section 2 1.0 Approved contractors: Each contractor who undertakes electrical installations is required to have at least one electrical engineer/electrician who holds a valid competency license issued by Dewa and can understand and apply DEWA regulation. 1.1 Selection of cabled, equipment, materials, wiring system: 1.1.1 Cables and conductors: - For general purpose and in normal situations XLPE insulated standard copper conductor cables complying with BS 6004/BS 5467 shall be used for all fixed wiring installation of building. - And standard copper conductor complying with BS 6141.(Multi core armored XLPE insulated, copper conductors) (BS5467). Single core cables armored with steel wire or tape shall not be used for A.C circuits. 1.1.2 Minimum size of conductors: -The minimum size of conductors used for lighting circuits shall be 1.2sqmm and 4sqmm for utility socket outlets. -Minimum size of conductor for flexible cables and cords shall be 1sqmm. 1.2 Colour Identification: Colour identification of insulated cable cores of unarmored and flexible cables and of sleeve band or dice of bare conductors shall be as given in the below schedule. 1.2.1 Non flexible cables and bare conductors Function Earth continuity conductor (ecc) Neutral conductor in 1 and 3 phase circuits Phase conductor in 1- phase circuits Phase conductor-3 phase R-phase -- Red Colour identification Green and yellow Black Red or Red /Yellow/Blue
Y-phase B-phase
-- Yellow -- Blue
1.2.2 Flexible cable and cores. Function Live Neutrals Earth 1.3 Load balancing: The various categories of connected load such as lighting sockets outlet, water heaters single phase air conditioning units, equipment apparatuses shall be distributed and connected on Red, Yellow and Blue phases as evenly as possible to ensure load balance between phases at all distribution level. 1.4 Wiring accessories and fittings: 1.4.1 Conducts and fittings: PVC conduits and fittings used shall be from high rigid PVC complying with BS 4607, BS 6053 and BS 6099 part 2 section 2.2 suitable for use at ambient temp up to 48c the material shall not soften or suffer structural. Degeneration at temperature of 70c and shall be non-hygroscopic fire redundant. Steel conduits and fittings shall comply with relevant specification in BS 4568, BS 6053, BS 6099 part 1. Flexible steel conduits and fittings shall comply with BS 731 part 1. Colour Brown Blue Green and Yellow
1.5 Trunking: Where applicable surface and under floor (duct) trunking and their fittings shall comply with BS 4678. Trunking and fittings shall be constructed of steel, hot dip galvanized, both inside and out side or non combustible insulating material with removable covers, installation of the trunking shall be carried out strictly as per the manufacturers guide lines. 1.6 Cable Trays Support: 1.6.1 Steel cable trays, accessories and supports shall normally be hot dip galvanized or pvc coated and s hall be either of the perforated type or ladder. 1.6.2 The cable trays shall have adequate strength and rigidity to support the cables installed with up stands on both sides. 1.6.3 All fittings, Bends, Tees, Elbows, Couplers, etc. shall be of substantial sections and of the same quality as the trays. Cables shall be fastened securely by purpose made clips, cleats saddles.
1.7 Final distribution boards: 1.7.1 The distribution board/s (DB/s) installed for construction of the final circuits with in the electrical installations shall be factory built complying with BS EN 60439. An integral isolator shall be provided for isolation of the incoming supply. 1.7.2 The circuit breaker accessories, etc. shall generally comply with the standards of authorities. 1.7.3 Rewirable type fuses shall not be permitted in any type of wiring installations. 1.7.4 The details of parameters of individual equipment and components and the DB/s in general, may appropriately be selected and specified as per the authorities guide lines 1.8 Apparatus and accessories: - switches - plug and socket outlet - cooker control units - household and similar electrical appliance - control of water heater - control of A/C equipment - safety and emergency light fittings
1.8.1 Switches: The switches provided for local isolation of electrical supply of individual apparatus and / or circuits shall comply with BS 3676. The rating of the switches shall be selected based on individual applications, such as for resistive or inductive loads. The minimum current rating shall be 5A. Weather proof switches shall be used for all out door installations. Switches installed for control of discharge lighting shall have a current rating not less than twice the study state continuous current of the circuits.
1.8.2 Plug and socket outlet: The single phase plugs and socket outlets used in domestic and commercial installations shall comply with BS 1363. The socket outlets shall be shuttered type, double pole 3 pin flat type wit h switch. The industrial plugs and socket outlets shall comply with BS 4343 and shall be with switch integrally built in or attached to it. The rating and type of socket outlets with plugs provided shall be selected to suite individual applications and shall not be inter changeable for different current ratings.
1.8.3 Cooker control units: Every stationary cooking appliance in domestic premises shall be controlled by a cooker control switch complying with BS 4177, separate from the appliance and installed with 2 meters of the appliance. The cooking appliance shall incorporate an integral earthing terminal. The cooker control switch shall be 2 pole for 1- phase and 4 pole for 3- phase appliance and connected to a separate final sub-circuit from the distribution board. Use of cooker control unit incorporating a general purpose socket outlet shall be avoided, to allow
grouping of socket outlet circuits in separate 30mA RCD/ELCB section. 1.8.4 Household and similar electrical appliance: The electrical appliances such as water heater, cookers, hot plates, etc. which are used in consumer installation generally comply with BS 3456.
1.8.5 Control of water heaters: Double pole switches (with neon indicator) of appropriate rating shall be provided for control of water heaters. The final connection to the heater shall be made from a flex outlet plate mounted adjacent to the heater. The control switch for water heater situated/installed in bath room or toilet shall be installed immediately outside the bathroom/toilet. Water heater shall be connected to a separate final sub-circuit from the distribution board. The heater shall incorporate an integral earthing terminal adjacent to the phase and neutral terminals. All terminals shall be housed in suitable recess with slash proof removable cover. Every heater circuit shall be protected by 30mA RCCB/ELCB.
1.8.6 Control of A/C equipment: A 15 Amp switched socket outlet shall be provided for room air conditioners to connect units only with cooling capacity up to 18000 Btu/hour. Double pole switch of appropriate rating with flex outlet mounted adjacent to the unit shall be provided for control of other room air conditioning units. Each room air conditioning unit shall be connected to a separate final sub circuit from the distribution board. A maximum of two air conditioning units are permitted to connect on a single phase supply. Where three or more units are installed they shall be balanced as nearly as possible over a three phase supply.
1.8.7 Safety and emergency light fittings: Safety lighting to meet operational requirements shall be provided to suit particular applications such as industries, production lines, hospitals, utility complexes shopping centers auditoriums etc. The source of supply for safety lighting shall be either maintained or non maintained type as appropriate to suite individual applications. All the electrical switch-rooms and operational areas shall be provided with adequate number of light fittings. The safety and emergency light fittings installed shall comply with BS 5266 and shall rated for a period not less than 3 hours continuous operation. The light fitting shall normally incorporate necessary battery and charger within. The safety light fittings shall also incorporate sign in Arabic and English such as EXIT and directional arrows, as applicable to individual locations.
1.9 Earth leakage Protection: The earth leakage protection shall be suitably designed and incorporated in each and every consumer installation. The earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) / Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCCB) shall generally comply with BS 4293, Recommended value of operating current of ELCBs/RCCBs are as per authorities regulations. Operation of the ELCBs/RCCBs, earth leakage system, etc shall be periodically checked and tested to ensure consumer safety.
2.0 Distribution Boards: All distribution boards either main, sub-main or final DBs shall be installed in location to which access is available at all the times for operation, testing inspection, maintenance and repair. Main, sub-main or final DBs shall not be installed with in bath rooms, toilets, damp or wet locations, bed room, kitchen above sink, store rooms, high ambient rooms, dangerous or hazardous locations or below any staircase. Main, sub-main or final DBs shall be selected and designed based on the guidelines specified in the authoritys regulations. Each distribution board shall incorporate means for isolation of mains supply in the form of either circuit breaker or incomer isolator as applicable. Every circuit breaker or fuse with in the distribution board shall be identified and labelled to indicate the apparatus or circuit it controls. Each final distribution board shall only the circuits in the same floor area, where the distribution board is located, except for specific locations such as staircase and common corridor lighting in high rise buildings, etc. Prior approval shall be obtained from DEWA for every application. In multi consumer installation, such as commercial or residential buildings, the consumers distribution boards shall be installed with in the respective consumers premises (e.g Shops, Flats etc.). Incoming supply cable installed to any distribution board shall be totally segregated and identified from the out going circuit cable/s wiring. All Distribution Boards shall be installed flush or surface mounted at a height not exceeding 2 meters to the top of the distribution board from the finished floor level.
2.1 Segregation of circuits, phases and wiring system: All wiring and accessories shall be selected and installed to suit individual locations and complying with relevant authorities regulations in addition to the following requirements. Circuits from different distribution boards shall not be installed in a common conduit or trunking. The circuit wires of different voltage grades shall be segregated with barriers in trunking runs or installed in separate conduits. The circuit wires of individual categories such as lighting, power, emergency, etc. shall be segregated with barriers in trunking runs or installed in separate conduits.
Wire a residential premises is supplied with a three phase supply, as far as possible, the light fittings, socket outlets, water heaters, cookers and other single phase apparatus installed with in any room shall not be connected to more than one phase. Wherever more than one phase can not be avoided a minimum distance of 2 meters shall be maintain between any outlet, accessory or appliance connected to different phase of the supply. Where switch box contain more than one phase, for group switching, approved switch boxes with phase barriers shall be used and labeled to indicate that 380 Volts exist at the box. All circuit wires shall be colour identified as per authority regulations. Where a wiring system is located in close proximity to non electrical service, the wiring system shall be adequately segregated and protected against hazards likely to arise from the presence of the other service in normal use. Provision shall be made for safe and adequate access to all parts of the wiring system which may require inspection, maintenance or replacement. No switches controlling light fitting or water heater, etc. shall be installed in bath room. In kitchen and in situations where water is regularly used, no switch shall be mounted with in 2 meters of any water tap, wash basin or sink. If this is not possible ceiling mounted insulated cord operated switches shall be used. No socket outlet shall be mounted with in 2 meters of any water tap, wash basin or sink in a kitchen.
Environmental Design Considerations Typical sustainability considerations for design and construction phases include, but are not limited to the following: * Construction waste management systems * Include recycling centers into building layouts * Use of recycled/recyclable building materials to minimize landfills * Use of energy efficient materials for building envelopes and interior finishes * Building orientation * Efficient use of insulator materials to ductwork and pipe work systems carrying energy emitting gases and fluids * Ceiling and under slab insulation * Building orientation and glazing systems * Use of local materials to reduce transportation distances * Use of low emitting materials to minimize free volatile organic polluting compounds, (toxins) into the atmosphere * Landscaping to shade buildings and reduce solar energy gains on air conditioning system * Water efficient landscaping * Use of energy efficient lighting, lighting controls and equipment * Time schedules for HVAC and Lighting controls * Energy economy controls for unoccupied Operating Theatres * Use of natural lighting * Solar heating for hot water systems * Water saving devices to shower heads and tap ware * Dual flush toilet cistern systems * Selection of energy efficient central plant and control systems including boilers, chillers, pumps, fans, compressors and HVAC systems * Use of variable speed drives * recycling waste water schemes for irrigation purposes * Storm water management systems * Include recycling centers into building layouts
Resource Information
Resources for Sustainable Design information for health projects and facilities include: * American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) * US Green Building Council (USGBC) * Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (H2E) * Healthy Building Network * US Green Building Council
Identification of Environmental aspects from The work activity and its impact arising from Emissions to air Releases to water Releases to Land Use of raw material and natural resources Comments
Not Met
Not Met
Not Met
Not Met
Not Met
*Universal Medical Device computer coding system for medical devices. UMDNS is the worldwide nomenclature that has been officially adopted by many nations. It is used in ECRI Institutes databases and publications, as well as in thousands of healthcare institutions worldwide and in ECRIs databases and publications.
Appendix 16 : Medical Equipment Suppliers Nomenclature System (*UMDNS) is a standard international nomenclature and
Manufacturer Grasbey Medicals Respironics Armstrong Medical Arcomed Laerdal Weinmann Atmos Eschmann Equipment Medela MGE Worldwide MAICO Siemens Hearing GSI (Garson Stadler Inc) Acoustic Systems GSI MAICO Natus
Local Distributor Pimex Medical Equipment Metromed Bin sagar Group Modern Pharmaceutical Co Modern Pharmaceutical Co Al Mashriq Medical Supplies Alphamed Gulf & World Traders Gulf & World Traders Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Saleh Al Shawaf Trading Est. New Medical Centre Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Saleh Al Shawaf Trading Est. EMITAC
Address P O Box 1179 P O Box 20116 P O Box 2760 P O Box 1586 P O Box 1586 P O Box 34570 P O Box 11245 P O Box 5527 P O Box 5527 P O Box 55320 P O Box 4996 P O box 7832 P O Box 55320 P O Box 55320 P O Box 55320 P O Box 4996 P O Box 8391
Telephone # 04-2621908 04-2213334 02-6335584 04-2824144 04-2824144 04-2827870 04-8105438 04-2821717 04-2821717 04-3624727 04-2243494 04-3474800 04-3624727 04-3624727 04-3624727 04-2243494 04-2827577
Aspirators, Emergency
Aspirators, Surgical
Audiometric Booths
Description Beds, Electric, Alternating Pressure Beds, Electric, Low-Air Loss Beds, Fixed, Air-Fluidized Mattress Systems, AlternatingPressure Mattress Systems, Low-Air-Loss
18-383 17-593 16-889 18-147 17-757
Local Distributor
Telephone #
Hill-Rom Hill-Rom Hill-Rom Huntleigh Invacare Hill-Rom Huntleigh Nesbit Stryker BD Biomerieux Eschweiler Radiometer Roche Diagnostics Armstrong Medical
EMITAC EMITAC EMITAC Al Thabat Trading Est. Gulf Drug Establishment EMITAC Modern Pharmaceutical Co Arabian Millenium Trading Pharma Trade LLC Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals City Pharmacy Pharma Trade LLC Bin Sagar Group
P O Box 8391 P O Box 8391 P O Box 8391 P O Box 1934 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 8391 P O Box 1586 P O Box 25681 P O Box 11397 P O Box 4483 P O Box 4483 P O Box 23181 P O Box 11397 P O Box 2760
04-2827577 04-2827577 04-2827577 04-2673113 04-3450163 04-2827577 04-2824144 04-3345455 04-2665134 06-5592481 06-5592481 06-5553922 04-2665134 02-6336684
Beds, Electric
Carts, Resuscitation
Herman Miller Kerry Equipment Waterloo Healthcare Alcon Laboratories Inc Bausch & Lomb Surgical DORC Nidek Co Ltd
EMITAC MED CPS Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Atlas Medical FZ Co Al Sadiq General trading Al Amin Medical (AMICO)
P O Box 8391 P O Box 26818 P O Box 4483 P O Box 55320 P O Box 54304 P O Box 62941 P O Box 55320
Local Distributor Pharma Trade LLC Gulf Drug Establishment City Pharmacy EMITAC City Pharmacy City Pharmacy Modern Pharmaceutical Co Atlas Medical FZ Co Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Alphamed Bin Salem
Address P O Box 11397 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 23181 P O Box 8391 P O Box 23181 P O Box 23181 P O Box 1586 P O Box 54304 P O Box 55320 P O Box 55320 P O Box 11245
Telephone # 04-2665134 04-3450163 06-5553922 04-2827577 06-5553922 06-5553922 04-2824144 04-2996444 04-3624727 04-3624727 04-8105438 02-6784343
Centrifuges, Tabletop
Cryosurgical Units
Gulf & World Traders EMITAC Gulf Drug Establishment Al Amin Medical (AMICO)
17-116 18500
Defibrillator/Pacemakers, External
17-904 Agfa HealthCare Eastman Kodak Fuji Photo Film GE Medical Systems Star Trivitron Emirates Photo Marketing Grand Stores Gulf & World Traders P O Box 505021 P O Box 1530 P O Box 2144 P O Box 5527 04-3624962 06-7466751 04-2823700 04-2821717
Philips Medical Systems Schiller AG ConMed Eschmann Equipment Valleylab Bio-logic Systems Corp Medtronic A/S VIASYS Healthcare Nihon Kohden Atom Medical Huntleigh Diagnostics VIASYS Healthcare
EMITAC Modern Pharmaceutical Co EMITAC Gulf & World Traders Al Zahrawi Medical Supplies EMITAC City Pharmacy Alphamed Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals Al Sharqi Medical & Scientific Modern Pharmaceutical Co Alphamed
P O Box 8391 P O Box 1586 P O Box 8391 P O Box 5527 P O Box 5973 P O Box 8391 P O Box 23181 P O Box 11245 P O Box 4483 P O Box 5582 P O Box 1586 P O Box 11245
04-2827577 04-2824144 04-2827577 04-2821717 04-2622728 04-2827577 06-5553922 04-8105438 06-5592481 04-3930005 04-2824144 04-8105438
Manufacturer GE Medical Systems Huntleigh Diagnostics Philips Medical Systems Advanced Sterilization Products
18-339 18-340
P O Box 11397
Belimed AG Olympus Allied Healthcare Products Inc Draeger Medical Getinge AB Hill-Rom COBE Cardiovascular Inc Jostra AG Terumo Cardiovascular Baxter Healthcare Corp Fresenius AG Esco Micro Pte Ltd ERLAB Esco Micro Pte Ltd Thermo Electron Corp GE Medical Systems Medtronic Inc
Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals Gulf Drug Establishment Al Mashriq Medical Supplies Gulf Drug Establishment Modern Pharmaceutical Co EMITAC Gulf & World Traders Modern Pharmaceutical Co Atlas Medical IBN Khaldoon Drug Stores Gulf Drug Establishment Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals City Pharmacy Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals ADI Nagi Medicals
06-5592481 04-3450163
P O Box 34570 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 1586 P O Box 8391 P O Box 5527 P O Box 1586 P O Box 46200 P O Box 19790 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 4483 P O Box 23181 P O Box 4483 P O Box 4483 P O Box 35880
04-2827870 04-3450163 04-2824144 04-2827577 04-2821717 04-2824144 02-6217732 04-2217761 04-3450163 06-5592481 06-5553922 06-5592481 06-5592481 02-6818995 04-2584258
Local Distributor
Telephone #
17-432 12-114
Atom Medical Draeger Medical Inc GE Medical Systems ALARIS Medical Systems Baxter Healthcare B Braun Medical Inc Graseby Medical Ltd ALARIS Medical Systems Baxter Healthcare B Braun Medical Inc Graseby Medical Ltd ALARIS Medical Systems Baxter Healthcare B Braun Medical Inc Graseby Medical Ltd Karl Storz Olympus Stryker Endoscopy Agfa HealthCare Eastman Kodak Fuji Photo Film
Al Sharqi Medical & Scientific Gulf Drug Establishment Gulf & World Traders Gulf & World Traders IBN Khaldoon Drug Stores City Pharmacy Pimex Medical Equipment Gulf & World Traders IBN Khaldoon Drug Stores City Pharmacy Pimex Medical Equipment Gulf & World Traders IBN Khaldoon Drug Stores City Pharmacy Pimex Medical Equipment City Pharmacy Gulf Drug Establishment Arabian Millenium Trading (AMT) Star Trivitron Emirates Photo Marketing Grand Stores
P O Box 5582 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 5527 P O Box 5527 P O Box 19790 P O Box 23181 P O Box 1179 P O Box 5527 P O Box 19790 P O Box 23181 P O Box 1179 P O Box 5527 P O Box 19790 P O Box 23181 P O Box 1179 P O Box 23181 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 25681 P O Box 505021 P O Box 1530 P O Box 2144
04-3930005 04-3450163 04-2821717 04-2821717 04-2217761 06-5553922 04-2621908 04-2821717 04-2217761 06-5553922 04-2621908 04-2821717 04-2217761 06-5553922 04-2621908 06-5553922 04-3450163 04-3345455 04-3624962 06-7466751 04-2823700
Insufflators, Laparoscopic
Laser Imagers
Local Distributor Alphamed City Pharmacy Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Gulf & World Traders
Lasers, Diode, Ophthalmic Lasers, Dye, Ophthalmic Lasers, Excimer, Ophthalmic Lasers, Krypton, Ophthalmic Lasers, Nd:YAG, Frequency-Doubled Lasers, Nd:YAG, Ophthalmic Lesion Generators: Catheters, Cardiac, Ablation, Radiofrequency Radiofrequency Therapy Systems, Tissue Ablation
Nidek Co Ltd Carl Zeiss VISX Inc Wavelight Laser Technologie Nidek Co Ltd Nidek Co Ltd Boston Scientific
Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Alphamed Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Medical International Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Modern Pharmaceutical Co
P O Box 55320 P O Box 11245 P O Box 55320 P O Box 8119 P O Box 55320 P O Box 55320 P O Box 1586
Manufacturer Karl Storz Olympus Stryker Berchtold Corp Draeger Medical Getinge AB TRUMPF Dornier MedTech Siemens AG Karl Storz Carl Zeiss Leica Olympus GE Medical Systems Nihon Kohden Philips Medical Systems Quinton
Local Distributor City Pharmacy Gulf Drug Establishment Arabian Millenium Trading Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals Gulf Drug Establishment Modern Pharmaceutical Co Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Gulf & World Traders Modern Pharmaceutical Co
Address P O Box 23181 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 25681 P O Box 4483 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 1586 P O Box 55320 P O Box 5527 P O Box 1586
Telephone # 06-5553922 04-3450163 04-3345455 06-5592481 04-3450163 04-2824144 04-3624727 04-2821717 04-2824144
Lights, Surgical
Lithotripters, Extracorporeal
Alphamed Modern Pharmaceutical Co Gulf Drug Establishment Gulf & World Traders Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals EMITAC EMITAC
P O Box 11245 P O Box 1586 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 5527 P O Box 4483 P O Box 8391 P O Box 8391
Ackermann Intercall Systems Inc Hill-Rom Sunrise Medical Ltd Invacare Respironics
P O Box 3264
*UMDNS 12-931
Manufacturer BIOTRONIK Medtronic St Jude Medical Baxter Fresenius Gambro Renal Draeger Medical Fisher & Packel Medela AG Draeger Medical GE Medical Systems Philips Medical Systems GE Medical Systems
Local Distributor Bin Salem Nagi Medicals Gulf & World Traders IBN Khaldoon Drug Stores Gulf Drug Establishment Al Mashriq Medical Supplies Gulf Drug Establishment Al Mashriq Medical Supplies Gulf & World Traders Gulf Drug Establishment Gulf & World Traders EMITAC Gulf & World Traders
P O Box 5527 P O Box 19790 P O Box 3264 P O Box 34570 P O Box 3264 P O Box 34570 P O Box 5527 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 5527 P O Box 8391 P O Box 5527
04-2821717 04-2217761 04-3450163 04-2827870 04-3450163 04-2827870 04-2821717 04-3450163 04-2821717 04-2827577 04-2821717
Phototherapy Units
12-648 Siemens Bard GE Medical Systems Siemens Medical GE Medical Systems Quinton Schiller
Modern Pharmaceutical Co Pharma Trade LLC Gulf & World Traders Modern Pharmaceutical Co Gulf & World Traders EMITAC Modern Pharmaceutical Co
P O Box 1586 P O Box 11397 P O Box 5527 P O Box 1586 P O Box 5527 P O Box 8391 P O Box 1586
*UMDNS 17-456
VIASYS Healthcare
P O Box 11245
Philips Medical Systems Siemens AG Toshiba Carl Zeiss Keeler Nidek Topcon
Atlas Medical Modern Pharmaceutical Co Emirates Hospital Supplies Alphamed Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Atlas Medical FZ Co
P O Box 46200 P O Box 1586 P O Box 366 P O Box 11245 P O Box 4483 P O Box 55320 P O Box 54304
Slit Lamps
Manufacturer Datascope GE Healthcare Welch Allyn VIASYS Healthcare Vitalograph Welch Allyn
Local Distributor City Pharmacy Gulf & World Traders New Medical Centre Alphamed New Medical Centre Gulf Drug Establishment
Address P O Box 23181 P O Box 5527 P O box 7832 P O Box 11245 P O box 7832 P.O. Box 3264
Spirometers, Diagnostic
Sterilizing Units, Steam, Bulk 16-141 Sterilizing Units, Steam, Tabletop 16-142 Tables, Operating 13-961 17-887
CISA Getinge STERIS Eschmann Equipment Melag Midmark SciCan Eschmann Equipment Getinge STERIS TRUMPF ALARIS Riester Welch Allyn
Arabian Millenium Trading (AMT) Modern Pharmaceutical Co Arabian Millenium Trading (AMT) Gulf & World Traders Al Mazroui Medical & Chemical Gulf Drug Establishment Al Mazroui Medical & Chemical Gulf & World Traders Modern Pharmaceutical Co Arabian Millenium Trading Al Amin Medical (AMICO) Gulf & World Traders Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals New Medical Centre
P O Box 25681 P O Box 1586 P O Box 25681 P O Box 5527 P O Box 6196 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 6196 P O Box 5527 P O Box 1586 P O Box 25681 P O Box 55320 P O Box 5527 P O Box 4483 P O box 7832
04-3345455 04-2824144 04-3345455 04-2821717 04-2661272 04-3450163 04-2661272 04-2821717 04-2824144 04-3345455 04-3624727 04-2821717 06-5592481 04-3474800
Ultrasound Therapy Systems, Physical Therapy 11-248 14-307 Ventilators, Intensive Care 17-429
STERIS Chattanooga Enraf-Nonius Physiomed Albyn Medical Medtronic Wiest International Draeger Maquet Tyco Healthcare Puritan Bennett Bio-Med Devices Draeger Newport Medical Sechrist Draeger Pneupac VIASYS Healthcare Weinmann
Arabian Millenium Trading Arabian Millenium Trading Modern Pharmaceutical Co Physiomed Trading Modern Pharmaceutical Co City Pharmacy Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals Gulf Drug Establishment Modern Pharmaceutical Co Al Mashriq Medical Supplies New Medical Centre Gulf Drug Establishment Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals EMITAC Gulf Drug Establishment EMITAC City Pharmacy Al Mashriq Medical Supplies
P O Box 25681 P O Box 25681 P O Box 1586 P O Box 42979 P O Box 1586 P O Box 23181 P O Box 4483 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 1586 P O Box 34570 P O box 7832 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 4483 P O Box 8391 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 8391 P O Box 23181 P O Box 34570
04-3345455 04-3345455 04-2824144 04-2663901 04-2824144 06-5553922 06-5592481 04-3450163 04-2824144 04-2827870 04-3474800 04-3450163 06-5592481 04-2827577 04-3450163 04-2827577 06-5553922 04-2827870
Ventilators, Transport
Local Distributor Al Mashriq Medical Supplies Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals City Pharmacy Gulf & World Traders Gulf Drug Establishment City Pharmacy Arabian Millenium Trading Modern Pharmaceutical Co Arabian Millenium Trading Gulf Drug Establishment Al Mashriq Medical Supplies Gulf & World Traders
Telephone #
P O Box 34570 P O Box 4483 P O Box 23181 P O Box 5527 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 23181 P O Box 25681
Ventilators, Portable
Warming Cabinets
P O Box 1586 P O Box 25681 P.O. Box 3264 P O Box 34570 P O Box 5527
Warming/Cooling Units,
Maquet (Jostra)
P O Box 1179
Manufacturer Anthos KaVo Sirona Atmos Entermed Otopront GE Healthcare Philips Medical Systems Siemens AG
Local Distributor Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals Al-Rowais Medical Equipment Modern Pharmaceutical Co Alphamed Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals Al Mazroui Medical & Chemical ADI Atlas Medical Modern Pharmaceutical Co
Address P O Box 4483 P.O. Box 71877 P O Box 1586 P O Box 11245 P O Box 4483 P O Box 6196 P O Box 35880 P O Box 46200 P O Box 1586
Telephone # 06-5592481 04-3212124 04-2824144 04-8105438 06-5592481 04-2661272 02-6818995 02-6217732 04-2824144