PIFA Thesis
PIFA Thesis
PIFA Thesis
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)
Electrical Engineering Thesis
Choon Wee Khoo
Multi-Band Antenna Ior Handheld Transceivers 73
** Quad Band PIFA design program Ior use on FEKO
** Scaling Iactor (dimensions in mm)
SF 1 0.001
** Parameters
#Ireq1 900.0e6
#lambda1 #c0/#Ireq1*1000 ** Calculation oI the wavelength
#Ireq2 1800.0e6
#lambda2 #c0/#Ireq2*1000 ** Calculation oI the wavelength
#Ireq3 2000.0e6
#lambda3 #c0/#Ireq3*1000 ** Calculation oI the wavelength
#diam 1.3 ** Diameter oI the Ieeding probe
#trilen #lambda3/13
#seglen #lambda3/13
#segrad #diam/2
** Dimensions oI PIFA
#Ly 51.5-#Wd ** Length oI the antenna (y-axis)
#Wx 60.0 ** Width oI the antenna (x-axis)
#L1 23.6 ** Length oI slot 1
#L2 29.9 ** Length oI slot 2
#Wa 23.9 ** Width a
#Wc 7.2 ** Width c
#Wd 13.0 **Width d
#L3 33.35 **Length oI slot 3
#S3 2.0 **Width oI slot 3
#Ld #Wd#S3
#S1 2.0 ** Width oI Slot1
#S2 #S1 ** Width oI Slot2
#G1 6.0 ** Position oI shorting strip 1
#G2 7.0 ** Position oI shorting strip 2
#F -8.0 ** Position oI the Ieeding probe
#d 5.5 ** Width oI the shorting strip
#h 4.0 ** Height oI the PIFA
#Wb #Ly-#Wa-#Wc-#S1-#S2 ** Width b
#GG1 #G1#d
#GG2 #G2#d
#GG3 #G3#d
#t #Ly-#Wa
#m #Wx/2 ** midpoint position
** Dimensions oI ground
#a1 #m5 ** X-axis
#a2 70 ** Y-axis
Multi-Band Antenna Ior Handheld Transceivers 74
** DeIine points Ior PIFA
IP #segrad #trilen #seglen 5.0
** DeIine points Ior the Ioam
DP F1 -#m -#Wa #h
DP F2 #m #t#Ld 0
QU F2 F1 1.02 0.0000001
** DeIine points Ior PIFA X Y Z
DP P1 -#m -#Wa #h
DP P2 #F -#Wa #h
DP P3 #m -#Wa #h
DP P4 #m 0 #h
DP P5 #L1-#m 0 #h
DP P6 -#m 0 #h
DP P7 -#m #S1 #h
DP P8 #L1-#m #S1 #h
DP P9 #m #S1 #h
DP P10 #m #Wb#S1 #h
DP P11 #L2-#m #Wb#S1 #h
DP P12 -#m #Wb#S1 #h
DP P13 -#m #Wb#S1*2 #h
DP P14 #L2-#m #Wb#S1*2 #h
DP P15 #m #Wb#S1*2 #h
DP P16 #m #Ly-#Wa #h
DP P17 #L2-#m #Ly-#Wa #h
DP P18 -#m #Ly-#Wa #h
**Add on
DP A1 -#m #t#S3 #h
DP A2 #L2-#m #t#S3 #h
DP A3 #m #t#S3 #h
DP A4 #m #t#Ld #h
DP A5 #L2-#m #t#Ld #h
DP A6 -#m #t#Ld #h
DP A7 #L3-#m #t#S3 #h
DP A8 #L3-#m #Ly-#Wa #h
** DeIine point Ior shorting strips
DP P21 #m -#Wa#G2 #h
DP P22 #m -#Wa#GG2 #h
DP P23 #m -#Wa#GG2 0
DP P24 #m -#Wa#G2 0
DP P31 #m-#G1 -#Wa #h
DP P32 #m-#GG1 -#Wa #h
DP P33 #m-#GG1 -#Wa 0
DP P34 #m-#G1 -#Wa 0
Multi-Band Antenna Ior Handheld Transceivers 75
DP P51 #m-#G3 #t#Ld #h
DP P52 #m-#GG3 #t#Ld #h
DP P53 #m-#GG3 #t#Ld 0
DP P54 #m-#G3 #t#Ld 0
** Generated the PIFA
LA 1
PM P31 P32 P3 P21 P22 P4 P5 P6 P1 P2
BP P9 P8 P5 P4
BQ P11 P12 P7 P8
BQ P10 P11 P8 P9
BP P15 P14 P11 P10
PM P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 A8 P18
PM A1 A7 A2 A3 A4 P51 P52 A5 A6
PM A8 A7 A2 A3 P16 P17
** Generated the Shorting strips
LA 2
BP P21 P24 P23 P22
BP P31 P32 P33 P34
** DeIine point Ior Gound plane
DP P41 #a1 #a2 0
DP P42 #a1 -#Wa 0
DP P43 -#a1 -#Wa 0
DP P44 -#a1 #a2 0
** DeIine segment Ior the Ieeding probe
** DeIine axis X Y Z
DP S1 #F -#Wa #h
DP S2 #F -#Wa 0
** DeIine label Ior the Ieeding probe
LA 3
BL S2 S1
** Generate the Ground Plane
LA 0
PM P41 P44 P43 S2 P33 P34 P42
** End oI the geometry input
EG 0 0 0 0 0
PS 0 0 1 0
Multi-Band Antenna Ior Handheld Transceivers 76
** Load the Ieed segment with 50ohm impedance
LZ 3 50
** Excitation
FR 200 2 600e6 2700e6
A1 0 3 1 0
PW 1 0 1.0
** Calculates the Iar Iield in 2 vertical planes
FF 1 72 72 1 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0
** Calculates the electric & magnetic near Iields along the x axis
FE 7
** End