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IX The Question Paper will be divided into four sections: Section A: Reading Comprehension Section B: Writing 25 marks 30 marks 15 marks 10 marks Time: 3Hrs.

Section C: Grammar Section D: Literature -

Scheme of Section and Weightage to content: (Including Non detailed Text Book) 10 SECTION Section A DETAILS OF TOPICS/SECTIONS 1 Unseen Prose Passage (100-150 words) 1 weather bulletin (with clues) 1 description of person (with picture and clues) 1 dialogue(re-ordering) 1 Message/invitation (30-35 words) 1 recipe (30-35 words) GRAMMAR TYPES OF QUESTIONS True or False MCQ NO. OF QUESTIONS 04 08 MARKS 4 x 1/2 = 2 8 x 1= 8 Total =10 1X5=5 1X5=5 05 SA 1X5=5 1X5=5 1X5=5 Total = 25 06 X 5 = 30

Section B

Section C



Section D

LITERATURE (Culture and Civilization) (Lesson 0-4)

MCQ (including True or False & find the odd one) SA


Total= 30 5X1=5 5 X 2 = 10

05 Total = 15

Total: 80 marks

SYLLABUS FOR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT FIRST TERM (APRIL 2010-SEPTEMBER 2010) SEPTEMBER 2010 ________French______(Code 018) CLASS : IX Time:3 hrs. TOPICS A) Reading Section: One unseen prose passage (factual/descriptive) (100-150 words) 10 marks Marks:80

B) Writing Section: 25 marks Short compositions (dialogue, recipe, message, weather bulletin (with clues) (30-35 words), description of a person (with visual input and clues) C) Grammar Section: 30 marks Based on Entre Jeunes(Lessons 0-4) Articles, Adjecty possessif, Adjecty demonstrative, prepositions, verbs (present, future proche, future, pass compose, Imperatif)Pronominal Verbs: editing sentences, re-ordering sentences, question formation, qualifying adjectives D) Literature Section: Text Prose- 1. Ls 0 La France 2. Ls 1 Au Lycee 3. Ls 2 - La Famille 4. Ls 3 Une Journee bien regles 5. Ls 4 Les saisons Textbook Prescribed: Entre Jeunes (CBSE) 1. Textbook Ls 0-4 2. Workbook Ls 0-4 (only grammar to be tested) 15 marks

EXAMINATION STRUCTURE FOR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: SECOND TERM (OCTOBER2010-MARCH 2011) MARCH 2011 FRENCH (CODE 018) : CLASS IX The Question Paper will be divided into four sections: Section A: Reading Comprehension - 10 marks Section B: Writing 25 marks 30 marks 15 marks Time: 3Hrs.

Section C: Grammar Section D: Literature -

Scheme of Section and Weightage to content: SECTION Section A DETAILS OF TOPICS/SECTIONS 1 Unseen Prose Passage (100-150 words) 1 long composition (informal letter) 3 short compositions (Message, Post Card, Dialogue, Recipe) GRAMMAR TYPES OF QUESTIONS True or False MCQ LA SA NO. OF QUESTIONS 04 08 01 03 MARKS 4 x 1/2 = 2 8 x 1= 8 Total =10 1 X 10 = 10 1X5=5 1X5=5 1X5=5 Total = 25 06 X 5 = 30

Section B

Section C



Section D

LITERATURE (Culture and Civilization) (Lesson 5-10)

MCQ (including True or False & find the odd one) SA


Total= 30 5X1=5 5 X 2 = 10

05 Total = 15

Total=80 marks

SYLLABUS FOR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT SECOND TERM (OCTOBER 2010-MARCH 2011) March 2011 ________French_______(Code 018) CLASS : IX Time:3 hrs. TOPICS A) Reading Section: One unseen prose passage (factual description) (100-150 words) 10 marks Marks:80

B) Writing Section: 25 marks One long composition (Informal letter) 80 words Short composition (dialogue, recipe (30-35 words) (message, post card) C) Grammar Section: 30 marks Based on Entre Jeunes(Lessons 0-10) Integrated questions (Articles, prepositions, Tenses of verbs done, editing sentences, re-ordering sentences, personal pronouns, negatives, degrees of adjectives, possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, question formation, relative pronouns) D) Literature Section: Text Prose- 1. Chapter 5 Voyages 2. Chapter 6 La Rentree 3. Chapter 7 Largent de Poche 4. Chapter 8 Faire des Achats 5. Chapter 9 Les Loisire et las sports 6. Chapter 10 Las Jetes Textbook Prescribed: Entre Jeunes -I 3. Textbook : Lessons 5-10 4. Workbook: Lessons 5-10 (only grammar to be tested) 15 marks

EXAMINATION STRUCTURE FOR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: FIRST TERM (APRIL-SEPTEMBER 2011) SEPTEMBER 2011 AND FIRST TERM (APRIL-SEPTEMBER 2010) SEPTEMBER 2010 ___________French_____(CODE 018)_____ : CLASS : X The Question Paper will be divided into four sections: Section A: Reading Comprehension - 10marks Section B: Writing - 25 marks Section C: Grammar - 30 marks Section D: Literature - 15 marks Scheme of Section and Weightage to content:
1 Unseen Prose Passage (150-200 words) 1 long composition (informal letter) (80 words) 3 short compositions (Message, Recipe, Rearranging a text/ dialogue in logical sequence/or completing text with clues) GRAMMAR

True or False MCQ LA SA

04 08 01 03

4 x 1/2 = 2 8 x 1= 8 Total =10 1 X 10 = 10 1X5=5 1X5=5 1X5=5 Total = 25

Section A

Section B

Section C



06 X 5 = 30

Section D

Literature (Culture and Civilization) Ls 1-4


05 05

Total= 30 5X1=5 5 X 2 =10

Total= 15

Total =80marks

SYLLABUS FOR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT FIRST TERM (APRIL 2011-SEPTEMBER 2011)SEPTEMBER 2011 AND FIRST TERM (APRIL 2010-SEPTEMBER 2010)SEPTEMBER 2010 ______French______________(Code 018) CLASS : X Time : 3 hrs. TOPICS A) Reading Section: One unseen prose passage (factual/descriptive) (150-200 words) Marks:80 10 marks

B) Writing Section: 25 marks One long composition(informal letter) (80 words) Short compositions (30-35 words) (recipe, message, re-arranging a text/dialogue in logical sequence or completing a text with the help of clues provided) C) Grammar Section: 30 marks Revision of grammatical points done in class 9. Future Anterieur, Forme Nominal, Pronms Personnels, I, en, Pronom demonstratif (simple/compose), cst .qui, editing sentences, forming questions, jumbled sentences. D) Literature Section: Text Ls 1-4 1. Ls 1 Retrouvons nos amis 3. Ls 2 - Apries le Bac 4. Ls 3 Bon Appetit 5. Ls 4 chacun ses gouts Book Prescribed: Entre Jeunes - 2 1. Textbook Lesson 1-4 Workbook Lesson 1-4 (only grammar to be tested) 15 marks

EXAMINATION STRUCTURE FOR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: SECOND TERM (OCTOBER 2011 - MARCH 2012 ) MARCH 2012 AND SECOND TERM (OCTOBER 2010 - MARCH 2011 ) MARCH 2011 __________French____(CODE 018)_____ : CLASS : X The Question Paper will be divided into four sections: Section A: Reading Comprehension - 10marks Section B: Writing - 25 marks Section C: Grammar - 30 marks Section D: Literature - 15 marks Scheme of Section and Weightage to content:
1 Unseen Prose Passage (150-200 words) 1 long composition (informal letter) (80 words) 3 short compositions (Message, Recipe, Rearranging a text/ dialogue in logical sequence/or completing text with clues provided) (30-35 words) GRAMMAR

Time: 3 Hrs.

True or False MCQ LA SA

04 08 01 03

4 x 1/2 = 2 8 x 1= 8 Total =10 1 X 10 = 10 1X5=5 1X5=5 1X5=5 Total = 25

Section A

Section B

Section C



06 X 5 = 30

Total= 30

Section D

Literature (Culture and Civilization) Ls 5-10


05 05

5X1=5 5 X 2 =10

Total= 15


SYLLABUS FOR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT SECOND TERM (OCTOBER 2011-MARCH 2012)MARCH 2012 and SECOND TERM (OCTOBER 2010-MARCH 2011) MARCH 2011 _________French_______(Code 018) CLASS : X Time: 3 hrs. TOPICS A) Reading Section: One unseen prose passage (factual/descriptive) (150-200 words) Marks : 80 10 marks

B) Writing Section: 25 marks One long composition (informal letter) (80 words) Short compositions (recipe (30-35 words), Message (30-35 words), re-arranging a text/dialogue in logical sequence or completing a text with the help of clues provided) C) Grammar Section: 30 marks All grammar topics done in classes 9 and 10 with special emphasis to be laid on the following topics: be pronoms possessif, les pronoms, relatifs (simples et comoses) plus-que-parfait, conditionnel passe, gerondif, subjonctif. D) Literature Section: Text Ls 5-10 Prose- 1. Ls 5 Chez le medicin 2. Ls 6 Chercher du travail 3. Ls 7 - Le plaiser de lire 4. Ls 8 Metro, boulol, dodo 5. Ls 9 Vive la Republique 6. Ls 10 Cat bon be progres Book Prescribed: Entre Jeunes - 2 2. Textbook Lesson 5-10 3. Workbook Lesson 5-10 15 marks


- Weightage = 10%

Suggested guidelines for conducting Formative Assessment in French Language for Class IX/X 1) Home Work/Class Work 20 marks

3 tasks to be given based on writing skills, culture and civilization and grammar. The tasks will be evaluated on the basis of regularity, neatness, content, accuracy, presentation creativity, etc. 2) i) Activities 40 marks Oral activity 10 marks Suggested topics: recitation, role-play, show and tell, quiz, skit, just-a-minute. The tasks will be evaluated on the basis of pronunciation, fluency, confidence, content, presentation etc. ii) Group/Creative Activity 20 marks Suggested tasks : collage making, project work in groups, power point presentation, quiz, skit, poster making iii) Vocabulary/comprehension worksheet 10 marks Suggested tasks : opposites/noun forms/verb forms/synonyms/jumbled words/dictation/sentence completion 3) Unit Test/Assignment Assignment Section A Section B Section C Section D Comprehension Writing Skills Gram Culture and Civilization IX 0, 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10 40 marks Unit 05 10 20 05 X 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10 Test 05 10 15 10

Suggested Syllabus Formative Assessment 1 Formative Assessment 2 Formative Assessment 3 Formative Assessment 4

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