accelerated graphics port (AGP), 27, 980984,
accelerators, 947
access time, 221, 425, 630, 777778, 1385
Acer chipsets, 203204
Acer POST codes, 477
active low logic, 391
adapters, joystick (see joysticks/game ports)
adaptive delta pulse code modulation
(ADPCM), 1206
address latch enable (ALE), CMOS setup, 229
address settings, 245
addressing (see I/O addressing)
advanced configuration and power interface
(ACPI), 121, 979980
advanced power control (APC), 951
advanced power management (APM), 957,
air flow, hard drive, 589591, 590
A-Law codec, 1206
allocation units, 573
alpha blending, 1271
ALR BIOS POST codes, 478
AMD chipsets, 186190
American Megatrends BIOS, 126127
AMI BIOS, 124, 125, 470, 481493
AMI Multimedia channel, 1277, 1278
AMIT BIOS POST codes, 478481
Illustrations are indicated in boldface.
amplitude, 878
amplitude modulation (AM), 878
analog-to-digital conversions, 1195, 1297
antidotes (see also viruses/antiviral), 13421343
anti-static precautions (see electrostatic
antivirus (see virus/antivirals)
Apollo (VIA) chipsets P6 through Master
chipsets, 196200
application specific IC (ASIC), 185, 609610,
applications, 48, 91
arbiter mode, 241
arbitrate priority rotation, 243, 246
Arche Legacy BIOS POST codes, 493496
arithmetic test failure, 339
ASCII, 884, 1252, 16031605
assembly (see disassembly/assembly tips)
AST, 471, 497
asychronous communications, 1151, 11771180
asynchronous static RAM (ASRAM), 780781
AT attachment (ATA) interface, 400, 598600
AT attachment packet interface (ATAPI), 400,
405, 419, 599, 603, 13621363, 1551
AT form factor motherboards, 941, 1574
AT&T BIOS POST codes, 498499, 544545,
attenuation, 1198
attribute memory, 10171018
ATX form factor, 2427, 941, 943, 1574
audio standards (see also sound boards and
cards), 426427
audio video interleave (AVI), 1298
auto park feature, 222
back -to- back memory, 241, 244
backfilling, 804
backlight power supplies, 11161119, 1117
BackPack drives, compressed disks, 374
backplane board (see motherboards)
backup power supply (BPS), 1494,
14971499, 1498, 14991500, 1503, 1504
backup strategies (see also data recovery; tape
drives), 21, 410, 14161426, 1431, 1500,
Backup Window, Windows 95, 1422
CMOS backups, 249250, 1508, 1558
compression, 1419
criteria for backup systems, 14171419
disaster preparation, 1421
formatting media, 1418
frequency of backup, 14171418,
14201421, 1507
hardware requirements, 1418
incremental vs complete, 1507
limitations, 14201421
magneto optical (MO) backups, 1418
maintenance disks, 14321433
manual vs. automatic backups, 1419
media, 1421
storing backups, 1418, 1421
tape drives, 14191420
total vs. selective backup, 1418
bandwidth, 913
banks of memory, 788790, 1384, 1385, 1528
barrel distortion, 910, 911
basic input/output system (see BIOS/BIOS
batteries (see also power supplies), 99115,
948, 1501, 1502, 15301531
advanced configuration and power interface
(ACPI), 979980
backup batteries, 102107
BIOS error message, 133, 134
cell voltage, 100
CMOS backup batteries, 102107, 214, 255
conserving battery power, portable PCs,
constantcurrent chargers, 101102
electrodes and electrolytes, 100
life span of batteries in portable PCs, 109
lithium backup batteries, 102104, 104, 110
memory capacity with NiCad batteries, 108
memory effect in NiCad batteries, 108
mobile (notebook, laptop) batteries, 107115
nickel cadmium (NiCad), 101, 107109, 108
cabling and connectors, 23, 26, 26, 2829,
1511, 1515, 15221524, 1558
cache/caching, 8, 10, 221, 238, 603604, 605,
744, 783784, 784, 801, 956, 958, 1449,
14511452, 15291530
BIOS error message, 133, 134
CD-ROM and, 152, 167
CMOS setup, 225, 232233, 238
Cache on a Stick (COAST), 1530
cache RAM, 15291530
cached DRAM (CDRAM), 782
calibrating joysticks, 653654
caller ID, 855, 898899
camera techniques, capture, 13021303
capture, video, 1298, 13001303, 13101317
CardBus, 1016
case/enclosure changes, 48, 2122, 27, 29,
3233 1509, 1520, 15741575
cathode ray tube (CRT) (see also monitors,
video adapaters), 3335, 34, 908, 921926,
922, 11191121, 1252
CRT controller (CRTC), 1252
discharging, 4142, 42
CCITT G.711 CODECS, 1206
CD-R drives (see also CD-ROM drives; DVD
absorption control error, 178
application code error, 178
ASPI driver problems, 178
buffer, recorder, 176, 178
cant find CD-R drive letter, 180
closed audio session errors, 178179
compatibility problems, 177
data block problems, 180
dead unit, 182
error codes, 179
file size, 175
fragmentation, 175
full disc errors, 179
general protection faults, 180
gold discs wont read, 182
hard disk drives, 175
image file problems, 181
indicator light problems, 181
installation, 13571374
multisession CD problems, 177
overrun/underrun problems, 179
QEMM problems, 820
read problems, 177, 179, 181, 182
recording process, 175176
speed, 175, 176
system interrupts, 175
thermal calibration, 176
TOC or PMA errors, 180
troubleshooting, 174182
write problems, 180182
write protected errors, 179
chassis, 23
checkpoints (see also POST codes), 242, 476,
checksum errors, 133, 141, 254, 954, 1589
chip RAM, 1384
Chips & Technologies chips, 204205, 511513
chipsets and microprocessors, 1011, 184212,
185, 938, 944, 958, 12621264, 15591568
286/386 to 486 upgrade, 1562
486 enhancements, 15621563
486 to Pentium upgrade, 1563
Acer chipsets, 203204
address latch enable (ALE) setup, 229
AMD 640 chipset, 187190
AMD chipsets, 186190
application specific ICs (ASICs), 185
AT bus setup, 231
automatic configuration, 228
BIOS and, 121
bus mode setup, 230
cache memory setup, 232233
Chips & Technologies chipsets, 204205
clock speed, 229230, 231, 15621563
CMOS setup, 228235
component/function list, 187189
core logic, 186
CPU removal/installation, 15651566
direct memory access (DMA)setup, 232
dirty bit RAM, 233
DRAM setup, 234, 235
electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage, 1565
error codes, 462
ETEQ Microsystems chipsets, 206
Faraday chipsets, 206
fast AT cycle, 230
fast decode enable, 231
I/O setup, 230, 231232
IDE setup, 232
Integrated Technology chipsets, 206
Intel chipsets, 190196
interleave mode, 234
interposer sockets, 1561
interrupt setup, 230
jumpers, 1566
legacy chips, 203211
list of, 186
memory remapping, 231
Northbridge controller (AMD 640 chipset),
OPTi chipsets, 200, 202203, 207208
overdrive CPUs, 15621563
Pentium enhancements, 15631564
Pentium to Pentium MMX upgrade, 1564
poor performance, 1567
pros and cons of upgrades, 15611562
refresh memory setup, 228229
row address strobe (RAS) setup, 234
SiS chipsets, 200, 201202, 208
Southbridge controller (AMD 645 chipset),
Suntec chipsets, 208
support ICs, 203211
Symphony Labs chipsets, 209
installation, 1566
Intel CPUs, 298, 304319
interposer sockets, 1561
jumpers, 1524, 15251526, 1566
lockups, 332333, 334, 340
math co processor (MCP), 287, 338343
motherboard, 963964
multiplier jumpers, 15251526
numerical processing unit (NPU), 287
overclocking, 323331, 337338
overdrive CPUs, 15621563
P rating (PR) system, 295
performance, 287, 323
pipelining, 297
poor performance, 1567
POST codes, 332
powers up, then stops, 1567
processor interrupts, 120
protected mode operation, 294
reboots repeatedly, 15671568
reduced instruction set computing (RISC),
removal, 15651566
slots, 1527
Socket 7, 1527
sockets, 295297, 296, 1527
speed, 10, 242, 287
superscalar execution, 298
system diagnostics, math co processors, 341
system integrity diagnostic test failure, 340
testing, 1515
troubleshooting, 331343
turbo mode, 225, 226
upgrading, 10
VESA bus, 334
vibration and CPU failure, 14591460
voltage, 333, 1461, 1524, 1561
voltage mismatch, voltage regulator module
(VRM), 333
Winstone 96 benchmark, 295
wrong CPU reported, 333, 334
zero insertion force (ZIF) sockets, 1527
crashes, 252253, 268, 332333, 338
crashes/reboots intermittently, 8990
shutdown failure, BIOS error messages, 140
cross interleaved Reed Solomon Code (CIRC),
CD-ROM, 157
cross linked files, 1437
cursor, 834
cycle time, 1385
cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 413, 573,
593, 885, 896, 1178
cylinder head sector (CHS) addressing, 406
cylinders, 572, 592594, 592, 593, 1541
Cyrix (see chipsets and microprocessors)
data acquisition adapter error codes, 458
data bus Xccelerator (DBX), 947
data carrier equipment (DCE), 11821183
data compression, 347, 878
data error, BIOS error messages, 134
data frames, 11771179, 1178
PC DOS, 5152
plug and play configuration, 10871090
sound boards and cards/audio systems:, 1211,
Stacker troubleshooting, 377387
startup file creation, 15471549
tape drives:, 1244
DOS boot record (DBR), 14411442
DOS extenders, 775776
DOS protected mode interface (DPMI), 776
DOSMAX, 829831
dot pitch, 908909
dots per inch (DPI), 683
double buffering, 12711272
DoubleGuard, DOS, 367
DoubleSpace (DBLSPACE.INI) compression,
351357, 366377
drift, in monitors, 913
drive adapters (see also hard disk drives),
1516, 388422, 389 1446,
error codes, 455, 456458, 463464
troubleshooting, 414422
drive board for CRT, 3536
Drive Rocket, 406, 967, 975976
drive translation, 400, 596597, 619
DrivePro, 14411442
drivers (see devices/device drivers)
drives (see CD-ROM drives; CD R drives; DVD
drives; hard disk drives; floppy disk drives)
DriveSpace (DRVSPACE.INI), 351357
DOS disk compression, 366377
Windows 95/98 disk compression, 357366
DSEA units, error codes, 450451, 456
DTK BIOS POST codes, 523
dual in line package (DIP), 747, 1591
dual inline memory modules (DIMMs), 10,
748749, 748, 753764, 13841388, 1390,
1392, 1515, 15271528
dual simultaneous voice and data (DSVD), 855
dual tone multi frequency (DTMF) signals, 853
duty cycles, power supplies, 1106
DVD drives (see also CD-ROM), 13,
423440, 424, 13721374
access time, 425
audio out, 437
audio standards, 426427
Books A through E, standards, 426
care of discs, 428430
CD-R/Photo CD problems, 439
CD-ROM compatibility, 427
data formats, 426
data transfer rates, 425426
decoder board connections, 434435, 435
Device Bay, 987
Dolby, 426, 434
drive installation problems, 438439
drive mechanics, 430432, 430432, 433
DVD-ROM, 424425
DVD-Video, 424425
indicator light flashing, 438
installation, 436437, 13571374
laser safety, 436
media, 427430, 428, 429
8086/8088 CPUs, 298, 304
8514/A adapter (PS/2), 12581259
ECC on SIMM (EOS), 787
EEPROMs, 1593
eight-to-fourteen modulation (EFM), 146,
147148, 147, 157
El Torito bootable CD-ROM, 11, 152
electrodes and electrolytes, battery, 100
electromagnetic interference (EMI), 1107
electronic control unit (ECU), 679680
Electronics Industries Association (EIA), 1011
electrophotographic (EP) printers (see
laser/LED printers)
electrostatic discharge (ESD), 46, 1016,
1389, 13971398, 1410, 1565, 1573
EMM386, 804, 805, 807808, 814, 823829,
emulation adapters, error codes, 455
enablers, PC card, 10141015, 1033
enclosures (see case/enclosure)
encoding/decoding, 878
enhanced capabilities port (ECP), 1002,
enhanced DRAM (EDRAM), 781
enhanced graphics adapter (EGA), 1415,
enhanced IDE (EIDE), 405413, 598600, 967,
1395, 1400, 1402, 1540, 1544, 1546, 1588
528 Mb limit, 406407
BIOS settings, 407, 412413, 1588
CD-ROM, 157158, 411
CMOS settings, 412
conflicts, 410
cylinder head sector (CHS) addressing, 406
data transfer rates, 408409
device/drive support, 407408
file allocation tables (FAT), 407
installation, 409412
IORDY signal, 409410, 413
jumpers, 411, 412413
logical block addressing (LBA), 407, 411
mixing IDE and EIDE drives, 411
translation modes, 222223
Ultra ATA compatiblity, 414
enhanced ISA (EISA), SCSI devices, 1174
enhanced parallel port (EPP), 1002, 1005
486TST.ZIP, 74
fake memory (see also parity), 786787
fans/cooling (see also heatsinks), 8, 23, 24,
564565, 951, 14531463, 1526, 1561
cleaning, 1509, 1514
conduction vs. radiation of heat, 1454
convection, 1455
CPU fans, 14561457
excessive devices, 14601461
fan cards, 1456
fan runs/no system activity, 86
freeze up of CPU, 14621463
heat pipe, 14571458, 1457
heatsinks, 1455, 1455, 1456, 1459, 1526
liquid cooling, 14571458, 1457
loose fan, 334
noisy fan, 1462
overclocking CPUs, 325, 330331
piezoelectric coolers (Peltier coolers), 1458
power supplies, 1461, 1502
smoke and dust, 1461
stuck fan, 1462
sunlight and heat, 1460
testing, 1514
thermal cycling, 1460
troubleshooting, 14581463
vents, 1461
vibration and CPU failure, 14591460
voltage, overvoltage, 1461
worn fans, 1459
Faraday ATease BIOS POST codes, 526527
Faraday chipsets, 206
Fast ATA drives, 599
fast decode enable, 231
fast page mode (FPM) memory, 744, 781
fault codes (see also error codes; IBM diagnostic/error codes), 442
fax modem (see modems/fax cards)
FDISK, 632, 1404, 14331434, 1442
feedback loops, power supplies, 1105
file allocation table (FAT), 346, 380381, 407,
573, 578, 612613, 617, 637, 14351438,
1494, 15421543
file comparison (see also viruses/antivirals),
file transfer protocols, modems, 884885
FILES setting, 809
files, corrupted/missing, overclocked CPU, 338
files, viral infection, 1334
finalization, CD-ROM, 153
firmware, 47
fixation, CD-ROM, 153
flash BIOS, 15931595
flash memory, 130, 744, 948
floating point math (see math co processor;
numerical processing unit (NPU)
floating point unit (FPU), 953954
floppy disk drives, 11, 567586, 568,
13751382, 14641475, 15341535
access problems, 584
activity LED light, 586
alignment, 14641475
gain, 1198, 1200
game ports (see joysticks/game ports)
gestures and glyphs, pen systems,
gigabytes, 597
glyphs, pen systems, 10631064
Gouraud shading, 1271
graphical user interface (GUI), 48
graphics (see monitors, video adapters; video
capture; PC TV)
graphics accelerators (see also monitors,
video adapters), 1260
graphics adapter, error codes, 459461
graphics device interface (GDI), 12731274
Green Book standard, CD-ROM, 150
green PCs (see also power management),
grounds, enclosure as ground, 46
group special mobile (GSM) 6.10, 1206
handshaking, 1151
hard disk drives (HDD), 12, 587638, 588,
589, 13941405, 15391549
32 bit access, 636
528 Mb limit, 420, 618620
access time, 630
accidental format/deletion, 625
adapters, drive adapters, 1446
adding second drives, 13941405
air flow, 589591, 590
allocation of space, 346
application specific IC (ASIC), 609610
architecture, 1395
AT attachment (ATA) interface, 400, 598600
AT attachment packet interface (ATAPI),
400, 405, 419, 599, 603
I/O addressing, 241, 246, 294, 402403, 418,
744745, 744, 745, 938, 946948, 950
cylinder head sector (CHS) addressing, 406
logical block addressing (LBA), 407, 411,
599, 618
area assignments, 261266
BIOS error messages, 136, 141
CD-ROM drives:, 1362
CMOS setup, 231232, 241
COM/serial port addresses, 11811182,
conflicts after upgrade, 90
device/port assignments, typical, 267268
Japan Electronics Industry Development
Assoc. (JEIDA), 1011
Kermit, 885
key codes, 666667
keyboards (see also pen input systems;
touchpads), 663678, 664, 15331534
BIOS, 136137, 1595
cleaning/maintenance, 669672, 1510
CMOS setup, 223, 228, 247
conflicts, 677
dead/erratic keyboard, 674675
Dvorak keyboards, 668669
error codes, 444, 469, 675, 677
function keys, 676677
initialization errors, 673
interfaces/controllers (KBC), 666, 668
key codes/scan codes, 666667
macro/programmable keys, 675676
make/break connections, 664, 666667
matrix of keys, 665, 666
mechanical switch assembly, 664665, 664
membrane switch assembly, 665, 665
motherboard connection, 950, 955, 958
NumLock, 224, 678
sounds to keystrokes, 677
stuck cursor, 676
troubleshooting, 673678
typematic rate, 223
Windows specific keys, 676678
wireless keyboards, 676
Kodak Photo CDs, 149
LAN cards, 1023
landing zone (LZ), 222, 595, 1541
Landmark BIOS POST codes, 532536
lands, CD-ROM media, 144, 145, 427, 428
laptop computers (see portable PCs)
laser/LED printers, 679733
macro viruses, 13321333, 13441346
magnetic storage, 568573
allocation units, 573
binary data, 569570
coercivity, 569, 589
density of recording, 589, 591
disk organization, 571573
flux reversal, 570
logic 1/logic 0 in binary data, 570
modified frequency modulation (MFM), 570
oxide layer of magnetic media, 568
problems with media, 573
random access media, 572
refresh, 569
retentitivity, 569
tape, 569
thin-film media, 589
tracks, cylinders, sectors, clusters, 572573
magneto-optical (MO) drives, 150, 1418
main board (see motherboards)
maintenance disks, 14321433
maintenance, preventive, 15051518
make/break connections, 664, 666667
management extension hardware, 951
mapping memory, 1344
mask, shadow mask, 909910, 14861487
master boot record (MBR), 612, 14401442
master/slave drives, 419, 601603, 1541
math co processor, 8
MEMMAKER problems, 957
memory, 10, 960, 962, 964, 965
monitors, video adapters, 964, 1282
mounting, 23
NLX form factor, 2729, 27, 941, 943, 1574
overclocking CPUs, 324325
parallel ports, 8
parity errors, 960
password access, 958959
PCI bridge and memory controller (PMC),
PCI connectors, 951
pipelined memory, 958
ports, 950, 964
POST testing errors, 953955, 957
power supplies, 948, 952
printer ports, 964
processor card upgrades, 1572
RAM, 8, 955
refresh, 954
removal, 1574
repair vs. replace, 951952
SCSI, 962
single inline memory module (SIMM), 948,
956, 958, 962
Slot1 connectors, 947
slots, 944
Socket 7-, Socket 8-, or Slot 1-, 940
sockets, CPU, 295297, 296, 952
sound boards and cards, 944, 946, 960, 1409
speakers, 948
static device errors, 965
telephone support, 945946
testing, 1576
troubleshooting, 951965, 15761578
upgrading, 963, 964, 15691578
video errors, 960, 15771578
VL bus, 13481354
voltage, 1561
wavetable cards, 946, 951
Windows problems, 958, 961, 963
mouse (see also pen input systems;
touchpads), 833837, 836, 15491550
cleaning, 838839, 15101511
clicking/doubleclicking, 834835, 847
cursor position, 834, 845, 849850
dead unit, 849
drivers, 841842, 845846, 1549
erratic performance, 844845, 846857
error codes, 846
general protection faults, 846
hard drive compatibility, 421
installation, 15491550
interfaces, 840
mechanical construction, 835836, 835
modem problems, 848, 896
motherboard connection, 950
options for pointer, 847848
PC card problems, 1032
plug and play devices, 1096, 1098
port settings, 841
PS/2 mouse, 841, 847
NCR BIOS POST codes, 541544
NetBench, 80
network adapters, error codes, 455456, 467
network operating systems (NOS), 989990
BIOS, 1588
Infrared Data Association (IrDA), 991992,
11841187, 11901191
LAN cards, 1023
optical networks, 991992, 11841187,
PC cards, 10331034, 10421043, 1045
peripheral component interconnect (PCI),
10491054, 1050
wireless networks, 991992, 11841187,
newsgroups, PC related, 16121613
nibble mode, 1004
nickel cadmium (NiCad) batteries, 101,
107109, 108
nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries, 101, 109
NLX form factor motherboards, 2729, 941,
943, 1574
nonsystem disk error, BIOS, 138
Northbridge controller (AMD 640 chipset), 189
Norton Anti Virus, hard drive problems, 421
offset, 1151
Olivetti BIOS POST codes, 544548
on-the-fly compression, 347
open architectures, 257, 639
operating systems, 4570, 617
adjusting MS DOS for upgrades, 5961
advanced power management (APM), 985986
boot disk creation, 6970
boot process, 6570
bugs or errors in, 6465
disk operating system (DOS), 47
environment configuration, 6869
graphical user interface (GUI), 48
initialization (see boot process), 65
installing/using multiple versions of MS
DOS, 61
limitations, 620
loading, 68
MS DOS, 5051, 5765
OS 2 Warp 4.x, 5253
partitioning limits, 618
PC DOS 7.0, 5152
plug and play devices, 1078
registry files (SYSTEM.DAT), 68
troubleshooting, 6465
upgrading, 65
WINBOOT.SYS files, 58, 68
Windows 95/98, 52, 5559
Windows CE, 53
Windows NT (Workstation), 5355
OPTi chipsets, 200, 202203, 207208
optical networks, IrDA, 991992, 11841187,
optical storage technology association
(OSTA), 426
optimization, CMOS, 221
Orange Book standard, CD-ROM, 150, 152153
OS 2 Warp 4.x, 5253
overclocking CPUs, 323331, 15621563
75 and 83 MHz bus speeds, 328
AMD K5 series, 330
bus speed, 327, 328
corrupted/missing files, 338
CPU issues, 324, 338
crashes, 338
Cyrix/IBM 6X86, 330
devices not recognized, 338
heat/cooling, 325, 330331
Intel Pentium CPUs, 328, 329
Intel Pentium Pro, 328, 330
lockups, 338
memory errors, 338
motherboards, 324325
P rating (PR) system, 295
packet write mode, CD-ROM, 154
paddle board, 400
pages, in memory, 781, 783
PAL standards, 1303
palletized textures, 1270
parallel ports (see also laser/LED printers;
printers), 8, 16, 964965
bi-directional ports, type 1 and 3, 10031004
BIOS error messages, 141
Centronics ports, 9971009, 998
enhanced capabilities port (ECP), 1002,
enhanced parallel port (EPP), 1002, 1005
motherboard connection, 950
unidirectional ports, 1003
parity, 239, 749, 785787, 794795, 960,
1386, 1393, 1529
BIOS error messages, 136, 138139
CMOS settings, 224, 239
parking heads, hard disk drives, 1431
partitioning, 394395, 399, 611615, 618,
1402, 14331434, 15421543
password access, 226, 254255, 958959
PC busses (see also industry standard
architecture), 640
PC cards, 13, 10101047
anti-virus program problems, 10311032
architecture, 10121014, 1013
attribute memory, 10171018
audio system problems, 1035
beep codes, 1033, 1046
boot problems, 1043, 1046
CardBus, 1016
configuration/compatibility problems, 1033,
1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1041, 10431046
connections/interfaces, 10181021
device/device driver incompatibility,
10231025, 10321033
enablers, 10141015, 1033
error codes, 463
hot insertion/removal, hot swapping, 1017
installation, 10231026
interrupts, 1033
lock ups, 1032, 1034
logon problems, 10401041
QEMM, 804, 814823
quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), 879
Quadtel BIOS codes, 475, 553556
quarter inch cartridge (QIC), 12181221
rabbit, virus, 1331
RAM, 8, 10, 938, 955956, 1265, 1385, 1527
RAMBUS, 744, 782783
RAMDAC, 1261, 12651266
RAMDrive, 375376
random access, 572
raster, 35, 910912, 917, 928, 930931, 1482
raster drive board, 3637
read settings, 237, 243, 245, 294
real mode or base memory, 766, 767775
real time clock (RTC) (see also clock/timer
circuits), 131132, 950
rechargeable batteries (see batteries)
Recordable Compact Disc Standard,
CD-ROM, 150
recording density, 591
recording process, audio, 11931194, 1194,
1210, 1211
RECOVER function, 14381440
recovering data (see data recovery)
Red Book standard, CD-ROM, 150
reduced instruction set computing (RISC), 297
redundant array of independent disks (RAID),
refresh, 228229, 569, 779780, 954,
safety precautions, 2324
sampling, 11941195
scan codes, keyboard, 666667
scan line, in laser/LED printer, 686
SCANDISK, 1438, 1517
screen door/stippling effect, 1271
screen grid, 34
SCSI, 1617, 11471175
adapter cards, 1617, 1023
BIOS, 11721173
boot problems, 11681169, 1171, 1172
cables and terminators, 1152, 1160,
11621164, 1163, 1164
CD-ROM, 159, 13631365, 13691371,
configuration, bus pinouts, 10531158, 1161,
device independence, 1148
differential, 10511052
disconnect/reconnect, 1151
drivers, 1160, 11641165
EISA drives, 1174
erratic operation, 11691170
error codes, 458, 463, 466468, 1170
hangs up, 11721173,
hard disk drives, 1395, 14001401, 1404,
1540, 1541, 1545, 1546
host adapters for SCSI devices, 11581160,
1159, 1170
ID numbers, 10521053
initiators, 11501151
installation, 1162
motherboard, 962
negotiation, 1157
not recognized, 1171, 1172
plug and play devices, 10951096
sense codes, 12361238
singleended, 10511052
synchronous, asychronous communications,
tape drives, 12361238
244PC cards, Windows 95/98 problems, 1044
386MAX, 804, error codes/error states,
3D graphics accelerators, 12671272
3D WinBench 97, 79
Tandon BIOS POST codes, 556559
tape drives (see also backup strategies), 12, 376,
569, 12161249, 1217, 14191420, 1425
autoloaders, 12281229
auto-skip, 1247
bad blocks, 1230, 1243, 1245
beginning/end of tape, 1243
capacity, 12481249
caught tapes, freeing, 12321235
cleaning tapes/drives, 12271232, 1512
comparing tapes, 1425
compatibility issues, 1221, 1245, 1425
dead unit, 12381239
despooling tape, 1423
digital audio tape (DAT) drives, 12311232
DOS, 1244
dropout errors, 1230
electronic circuitry, 12261227, 1226
error codes, 467
exploded view, 1225
fault type errors, 12431244
floppy drives, 1247
format errors, 1230, 1246, 1247, 1248,
handling tape, 12271232
helical scan tapes, 12221224, 1223
load/eject problems, 1242, 1247
locks up, 1243
logic errors, 1248
maintenance, 12271232
mechanical components, 12241226, 1239,
1240, 1241
media errors, 1230, 1231, 1246
memory errors, 12461247, 14251426
not recognized, 1244, 1423
overlay errors, 12441245
quarter inch cartridge (QIC), 12181221
read/write errors, 1230, 12391240
restoring files, problems, 14231424
sense codes, 12361238
shoe shining errors, 1249
speed problems, 12401241, 1246, 1248
tape properties, 12171218
tape rotation for backups, 14191420
Travan tape cartridges, 12211222
troubleshooting, 12351249, 14221426
Windows 95, 1244
write protected tapes, 12421243
targets, SCSI, 11501151
temperature warnings, 140141
terminate and stay resident (TSR), 257, 269,
813, 1343
terminators, BIOS error messages, 140
test codes (see also error codes; IBM
diagnostic/error codes), 442
test questions, 16221661
test tick, memory, 224
u-Law codec, 1206
Ultra ATA drives, 413414, 599600, 1395,
1400, 1402, 1588
UNFORMAT, 14411442
unidirectional ports, 1003
uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), 1430,
1494, 14991500, 1503, 1504
universal asychronous receiver/transmitter
(UART), 852853, 889, 11801181, 1180
universal disk format (UDF), 426
universal serial bus (USB), 1112, 121,
994995, 995
benchmarks, 75
conflicts after upgrade, 90
CPU upgrades, 10
memory, 10
operating system adjustments, 5961, 65
SCSI upgrades, 11581165
troubleshooting problems, 9091
upper memory area (UMA), 117, 158, 241,
776, 804, 809, 811, 812814, 1399
vaccines (see also viruses/antivirals),
vertical drive circuits, 3637
vertical scan/sync, 910912
VESA (see also VL bus), 1348, 1349
VGA card setting, 240, 243, 245
VIA Apollo chipsets, 196200, 209210
vibration and CPU failure, 14591460
video, video accelerators, video adapters,
video boards (see monitors, video adapters)
video BIOS/BIOS ROM, 233, 1253
video capture boards (see also monitors, video
adapters; PC TV), 1415, 14, 12951303,
1296, 1297
analog to digital/digital to analog conversion,
audio video interleave (AVI), 1298
camera techniques, capture, 13021303
capture process, 1298, 13001303, 13101317
CODECs, 12981299
color, 1302
direct memory access (DMA), 1306
frame rate, 1300
I/O addresses, 13061307
image window size for capture, 1300
Indeo video codec (Intel), 12991300
installing video capture boards, 13081310
intercast broadcasts, 13051306, 13161317
interrupts, 13061307
lighting, 1302
MPEG compression, 13201323
overlay mode, PC TV, 13041305
playback process, 13171320
primary surface mode, PC TV, 1305
quality of video source for capture, 1301
troubleshooting, 13061323
vertical sync/blanking, 1306
video electronics standards association (see
VESA; VL bus)
video graphics array (VGA), 15, 240, 243,
245, 1258
video palette snoop, 240
video RAM (VRAM), 744, 781, 831832
video ROM (VROM), 226, 820
video standards, 426427
virtual control program interface (VCPI), 776
virtual memory, 626
viruses/antivirals, 8185, 637, 13241347,
1429, 1431, 1433
antiviral tools, 13411344
CMOS protection setup, 227228
curing infections, 13401341
identifying, 8183
myths, 13351337
protection, 13371338
sterilizing the shop, 8385
symptoms, 13381339
virulent code, 13241332
VL bus, 241, 243, 417418, 1048, 1266,
CPU conflict after upgrade, 334
VL bus, cotninued
monitors, video adapters, 12821283
SCSI devices, 11731174
VLSI Technology chipsets, 210
voice mail, 855
voltage regulator module (VRM), 333
volume boot sector (VBS), 67
volume lables, 637
volume table of contents (VTOC), CD-ROM,
Vxx modem signal standards, 880882
wait states, 10, 221, 230, 231, 233234,
Warp (OS2) 4.x, 5253
WAV files, 12031206, 12081209
WebBench, 80
WebPhone (see also sound boards and cards),
Western Digital chipsets, 209
White Book standard, CD-ROM, 150
WINBOOT.SYS files, 58, 68
Windows 3.x, 1412, 1587
Windows 95/98, 52, 5559
Backup Window, 1422
BIOS, 1587
boot disk creation, 6970
boot process, problems, 9194
conflict resolution, 270283
device/device driver settings, 270283
DriveSpace disk compression, 357366
memory, 812, 821822
motherboard, 958, 961, 963
mouse, 842844, 848
overclocking CPUs, 327
PC card problems, 1032, 10371040,
plug and play devices, 10771086, 1093,
10951097, 10991102
registry files, missing, 9293
resource settings, 270283
SCSI devices, 1165
shortcut keys, 16141616
X-, Y-, ZModem, 884885
XA format, CD-ROM, 150
XGA and XGA/2 video adapter, 12591260
XtraDrive systems, QEMM problems, 820821
Y adapters, joysticks, 657, 658
Year 2000 (Y2K) problems, 131132
Yellow Book standard, CD-ROM, 150
zbuffering, 1270
Zenith BIOS POST codes, 560562
zero insertion force (ZIF) sockets, 1527
Zilog chipsets, 211
zinc air batteries, 110
Zip drive (Iomega), 1112, 11231131
zoned recording, IDE drives, 401, 594
Zoomed Video (ZV), 1016
Zymos chipsets, 211