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Commercial Operations
on Runways with
Arresting Systems
A number of airports throughout the world have joint commercial-military operations.
Runways at these airports often are equipped with arresting gear systems (such as
cables or barriers/nets) for tactical military aircraft to use. These systems pose a potential
damage and safety hazard to commercial airplanes that use the same runways. Airports and
airlines can take steps to help ensure safe commercial operations under such
circumstances, including writing airport procedures specifically for commercial airplane
operations, modifying existing arresting systems, reducing declared landing and takeoff
distances, and increasing inspections of airplanes with nosegear spray deflectors.
Of the nearly 36,000 airports around the This article is intended to help minimize tactical aircraft, such as fighter and attack
world that are classified as civil, military, the commercial operational impact at jets, but they are also found on joint-use
or joint-use, approximately 3,800 are used airports with runway arresting systems by runways. The third system is used at
for scheduled commercial operations. describing the types of systems, operational commercial airports that do not have
Worldwide, approximately 2,500 aircraft concerns for airlines, and measures to help sufficient safety areas at the end of the
arresting systems are installed on runways ensure safe commercial operations. runway. (See “U.S. and International Aircraft
in 74 countries. Approximately 400 airports Arresting Systems” on page 23.)
with arresting gear cable have reported
TYPES OF AIRCRAFT ARRESTING Aircraft arresting barriers. These devices,
commercial airplane traffic. If the nosegear SYSTEMS which do not depend on arresting hooks
spray deflectors used on some legacy
on aircraft, stop an aircraft by absorbing its
commercial airplanes come in contact with
The three basic systems used to arrest forward momentum in a landing or aborted
the arresting systems, there is a possibility
aircraft are aircraft arresting barriers, aircraft takeoff overrun. These systems are most
that the deflectors could shatter, creating
arresting cables, and engineered materials commonly net devices (see fig. 1), but they
foreign object debris (FOD). In extreme
arresting systems. The first two systems also include older devices that catch the
cases, the FOD could damage a critical
are primarily military systems used for main gear struts. The barriers typically are
airplane system.
Figure 1: Barrier net
Arresting barriers, such as this net system, stop an aircraft by absorbing its forward momentum in a landing or aborted takeoff overrun.
1 Auxiliary Energy Absorber
2 Stanchion
3 Anchor Strap
4 Net Webbing ft Trav
5 Runway Overrun Area
6 Main Energy Absorber
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Figure 3: Typical arresting gear cable installation locations
At this airport, an aircraft operating on runway 10R would use the cable at the far end for both landing and aborted takeoff unless the aircraft had an
emergency, at which point the arresting gear nearest the approach end of the runway would be used.
2,200–2,500 ft
(671–762 m)
Arresting Gear Cables
1,500–1,800 ft
(457– 549 m)
located in the overrun of the runway, are The engagement direction is the Engineered materials arresting systems
unidirectional, and can have collocated or anticipated direction from which an aircraft (EMAS). EMAS, which are constructed of
interconnected arresting cables as part of will engage the cable. The system runout is high-energy-absorbing materials of specific
their configuration. the distance from the original cable location strengths, are located in the safety area, or
to the location at which the aircraft stops, overrun, of the runway. They are designed
Aircraft arresting cables. Arresting cables
which is typically 950 to 1,200 feet (290 to to crush under the weight of commercial
span the width of the runway surface and
360 meters). The meteorological condition airplanes as they exert deceleration forces
are engaged by the aircraft arresting gear
is whether the system is used under visual on the landing gear. Since EMAS are located
hook (see fig. 2). Cables are typically 1 to
meteorological conditions or instrument in the overrun area of the runway, the EMAS
1.25 inches (2.5 to 3.2 centimeters) in
meteorological conditions (see fig. 3). do not affect the normal landing and takeoff
diameter and suspended 1.5 to 3 inches
The installation criteria for cable systems of airplanes. More information concerning
(3.8 to 7.6 centimeters) above the pave
on commercial runways are identified in the EMAS is in FAA AC 150/5220-22B, Engi
ment surface by rubber donuts 6 inches
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) neered Materials Arresting Systems (EMAS)
(15.2 centimeters) in diameter. Used primarily
Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5220-9A, Aircraft for Aircraft Overruns.
by military aircraft built in the United States
Arresting Systems for Joint Civil/Military Air
and Europe, arresting cables have been
ports. The location of the cable is marked
used by the military since the late 1920s on OPERATIONAL CONCERNS FOR
on the runway by a series of reflective AIRLINES
aircraft carriers and land-based runways.
discs 10 feet (3 meters) in diameter painted
While commercial airplanes have become
“identification yellow.” These discs are laid
engaged or tangled in arresting cables, Airlines may have concerns about operating
out with 30 feet (9.1 meters) between
these occurrences are rare. commercial airplanes on runways with
centers and extend the full width of the
Three main factors determine where aircraft arresting systems. These concerns
runway (see fig. 2). (See the definition of
cables are located on runways: include airplane nosegear interference,
location identification in “Common terms”
trampling of the arresting cable, adjustments
1. Engagement direction. on page 20.)
to declared distances, dealing with arresting
2. System runout.
barriers, runway availability, airplane main
3. Meteorological condition.
tenance, and unintentional engagement of
an arresting system.
Figure 4: Nosegear device
An MD-80 type is equipped with a combination
nosegear spray–FOD deflector for normal
operations. The ground clearance of this deflector
is 0.75 to 1.5 inches (1.9 to 3.8 centimeters).
Common terms
Arresting Gear Cable Status: ■■ Rigged and up — Also referred to as Location identification — A description
the gear being “in battery.” This means identifying the location of arresting systems
■■ Derigged — The cable is removed
the cable is under tension across the by the approach or departure end, runway
from the runway surface and is not an
runway and elevated off the surface by designation, and position in hundreds of
operational concern.
use of rubber donuts (BAK-9/-12/-13) feet from the threshold. For example, the
■■ Out of battery (slack cable) — The or rubber elevation arms (BAK-14 or location identification “extended runout
cable is extended across the runway Type H modification). BAK-12 at +1,500 on approach runway
but is not under tension. 36” indicates a 1,200-foot (366-meter)
BAK — U.S. designation for a barrier
runout BAK-12 arresting system located
■■ Rigged and down — The cable is arresting system. Non-U.S. arresting
1,500 feet (457 meters) beyond the
under tension across the runway but systems carry other designations. (See
threshold of runway 36.
not elevated off the surface by use of “U.S. and International Aircraft Arresting
rubber donuts (BAK-9/-12) or rubber Systems” on page 23.) Reset time — The time required to ready
elevation arms (BAK-14 or Type H the arresting system for another engage
Cycle time — A measure of time
modification). ment after aircraft release. (This does not
between engagement of an aircraft and
include time to disengage the aircraft
the point when the arresting system is
from the arresting system but does
certified fully operational and ready for
include the time required to inspect and
another engagement.
certify that the system is fully operational.
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Figure 5: Adjusting declared distances
In this example of adjustments to declared distances, an 8,000-foot (2,438-meter) runway could be reduced to 5,000 feet (1,524 meters) of usable runway
length for each of the following declared distances: takeoff distance available, takeoff runway available, accelerate stop distance available, and landing
distance available.
Arresting Gear Cables
Nosegear interference. Some Boeing early slow-taxi over the cable, avoiding the donuts It is important to note that the cable
model commercial airplanes have unique (if the cable is raised). If the nosegear spray must be kept under tension, whether lying
nosegear devices to deflect either spray or deflector is damaged and removed, in on the pavement or elevated by the donuts.
FOD. DC-9s, MD-80s, MD-90s, and 717s accordance with the FAA-approved airplane Otherwise, the cable could be lifted by
are equipped with nosegear spray-FOD flight manual’s configuration deviation list, the airplane landing gear and contact the
deflectors (i.e., DC-9s having chine tires or the airplane is limited to operating on dry bottom of the fuselage or antennae located
the 717 that can have the outboard deflector runways until the deflector is replaced. on the lower fuselage. (See definitions of
and support missing).The ground clearance out of battery, rigged and down, and rigged
Trampling of the arresting cable. The 737
of this deflector is 0.75 to 1.5 inches (1.9 to and up in “Common terms” on page 20.)
(excluding those with gravel deflectors), 747,
3.8 centimeters) (see fig. 4). Because
757, 767, 777, and 787 families can land and Adjustments to declared distances. Some
most arresting cables are 1 to 1.25 inches
taxi over the arresting cable/donuts at any airlines that operate on runways with
(2.5 to 3.2 centimeters) in diameter and
speed without exceeding design limit loads arresting cables have reduced the available
suspended in the center of rubber donuts
of the main and nose landing gears. How runway length by the distance from the
that are 6 inches (15.2 centimeters) in
ever, because the nosegear load increases approach end of the runway, or threshold,
diameter, nosegear deflectors are at risk
substantially when taxiing above 25 knots, to the cable (see fig. 5).
of being damaged if a donut is struck.
it is recommended to taxi below 25 knots If the distance between the threshold
Typical installation is for the rubber donuts
and initiate takeoff roll once past the cable if and the cable is not used, however, the
to be approximately 6 feet (1.8 meters) apart,
raised. Hard braking should be avoided while remaining runway available for use substan
starting 3 feet (0.91 meters) from the runway
traversing the cable during taxi. If an operator tially reduces the allowable payload on a
centerline on runways 200 feet (61 meters)
considers the trampling, or rolling over, of a 767-300ERF and 737-800 operation, based
or less in width. For runways wider than
cable to be too rough on the airplane, the on the conditions of a standard day, optimal
200 feet (61 meters) or that have the
donuts that elevate the arresting cable above flap setting, zero wind, no obstacles, and
additional system to raise/lower the cable,
the runway surface can be moved to the zero slope (see fig. 6). This method of
the donuts are placed 8 feet (2.4 meters)
sides of the runway during commercial reducing available runway may be usable
apart, starting 4 feet (1.22 meters) from the
operations. This allows the cable to rest for a short-haul flight, but it is not a
runway centerline. To minimize potential
directly on the pavement surface, minimizing preferred long-term solution.
damage to the nosegear deflectors, air
the bump effect on the airplane.
planes with such attachments should
Figure 7: Retractable cable
A BAK-14 modification enables air traffic control personnel to remotely raise (left) and lower (right) an arresting cable.
Dealing with arresting barriers. Nets are Airplane maintenance. If the flight crew the arresting system. Educating the various
located in the overrun area near the runway believes the airplane nosegear deflector parties on the operational needs of com
threshold. If the net is in the raised position has contacted one of the hard rubber mercial airplanes can alleviate many
at the lift-off end, it should be treated as an donuts supporting an arresting gear cable, limitations. Six ways to minimize the impact
obstruction that has to be cleared by 35 feet a visual inspection of the nosegear spray of arresting systems located on runways
(11 meters) in accordance with typical regu deflector should be conducted to verify used by commercial airplanes are:
lations, and an adjustment should be made whether it has been damaged. A similar
■■ If the airport has parallel runways, nor
to the takeoff runway available. There are visual inspection would apply if the flight
mally only one of the two runways has
rare situations in which a net has been crew thought that the cable had made
the arresting system installed. Consider
located across the actual runway. If a net contact with the belly of the airplane. For
limiting commercial operations to the
is lying on top of the runway, the airplane airlines that routinely operate on runways
runway without the arresting system.
should not cross it. with arresting-gear cables, additional visual
■■ Coordinate the permanent removal
inspections may be conducted depending
Runway availability. A commercial airplane of the arresting system. The military
on the type of arresting systems installed
following a military aircraft in to land could aircraft using the runways may no longer
and to what extent the airplane interacts
experience a delay in landing if the military need the arresting cable, which could
with the system.
aircraft engages the arresting gear. The flight be removed.
crew of the commercial airplane should ■■ Install a system to lower the arresting
expect to execute a missed approach while MEASURES TO HELP ENSURE SAFE cable flush into a track on the runway
the military aircraft is removed and the COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS (see fig. 7). This modification, referred
arresting gear is reset. Typical cycle times to as BAK-14 or Type H, allows the air
for arresting gear can vary from 3 to The key to dealing with the presence of traffic control tower to remotely raise the
10 minutes depending on the type of arresting cables on runways is coordination arresting cable for military operations
system. (See definitions of cycle time and among the airline operator, the airport and lower it into a track flush-mounted
reset time in “Common terms” on page 20.) authority, and the agency having control of on the runway for commercial operations.
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U.S. and International Aircraft Arresting Systems
TAIL HOOK SYSTEMS 1300 Rotary hydraulic (water brake) BEFAB 12:3* N/A
500S-8 (TAG)
energy absorber. System is Source: U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
Rotary friction (trans-arresting
called BAK-15 with Net en route supplement, a DOD Flight Information
Interconnect (NI). Publication (FLIP) produced and distributed by
500S-8 Rotary friction the National Imagery and Mapping Agency
BEFAB 6:3* Description not available (N/A)
Figure 8: Disconnecting an
arresting cable
In some situations, an arresting cable can simply
be disconnected and laid on the side of the
runway during periods of commercial operations.
At the majority of joint-use airports in the runway so that the cable lies flat on
United States, this modification has been the pavement but is still under tension.
made to the standard BAK-9/-12/-13 The airplane then can roll over the top
Commercial airplanes can safely use
systems that previously were supported of the cable.
runways with aircraft arresting systems.
by rubber donuts. Worldwide, there are ■■ Although not considered an optimal
Approximately 400 airports with arresting
approximately 500 BAK-14 and 25 Type solution, the runway length can be
gear systems have reported commercial
H systems installed. Roughly 95 percent reduced. This is feasible if the runway is
airplane traffic. Safe operation requires
of joint-use runways have BAK-14 or of sufficient length that the mission of the
coordination among airline operators,
Type H modifications installed. (See the airplane can be achieved on the usable
airport authorities, and the agencies that
definition of BAK in “Common terms” on runway distance between arresting gears
control the arresting systems.
page 20.) installed at each end of the runway.
For more information, e-mail
■■ Disconnect the cable and lay it on the At a minimum, operators may consider
[email protected]
side of the runway during periods of reducing only the distance from the
commercial operations (see fig. 8). approach end of the runway to the gear.
Temporarily disconnecting the cable ■■ Operators may want to increase the
is a workable solution provided the frequency of maintenance inspection
scheduled commercial operations do of the nosegear and lower fuselage
not interfere with the flight schedule of areas for airplanes that routinely operate
military aircraft. Alternatively, the rubber over arresting-gear cables.
donuts could be slid to the edge of the
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