Kenny (5)
Kenny (5)
Kenny (5)
db press
incline db seal 2x ### @7 db press
incline db seal 3x ### @7 db press
incline db seal
ez bar skull 2x ### @7 rows
ez bar skull 3x ### @7 rows
ez bar skull
crushers 2x ### @7 crushers 3x ### @7 crushers
1x 1 @6 190 Comp Squat 1x 1 @6.5 195 Comp Squat 1x 1
1x 6 @6 165 1x 6 @6.5 165 1x 6
2x 6 drop10% 148 2x 6 drop10% 149 2x 6
3x 4 @6 110 Paused Bench 3x 4 @6 110 Paused Bench 3x 4
2x 1 20s Side Plank
Conventional 2x 1 20s Side Plank
Conventional 2x 1
3x 3 @3-4 160 Deadlift 3x 2 @3-4 170 Deadlift 3x 2
WEEK 6 2023 220 G2 WEEK 7 2023 227
intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load
@7 156 Comp Squat 1x 7 @6 Comp Squat 1x 7 @7 163
drop 10% 140 - 2x 7 drop 10% - 2x 7 drop 10% 146
@7 120 Comp Bench 1x 1 @6 130 Comp Bench 1x 1 @6.5 133
@7 100 - 1x 8 @6 100 - 1x 8 @7 108
drop10% 90 - 2x 8 drop10% 90 - 2x 8 drop10% same
Close Grip Close Grip 92.5-
@7 2x 10 @7 92.5 2x 10 @7.5
Bench Bench 95
@7 DB Press 2x 10 @7 30 DB Press 2x 12 @7.5
20s tricep pushdown 3x 12 @7 tricep pushdown 3x 15 @7.5
210kg Comp Deadlit 1x 1 @6 217 Comp Deadlit 1x 1 @6 220
190kg - 1x 5 @5-6 190 - 1x 5 @6 193
- 2x 5 drop10% 170 - 2x 5 drop10% 173
@7 80 pendlay row 2x 10 @7 pendlay row 2x 10 @7.5 55
@7 incline db seal r 2x 10 @7 incline db seal r 2x 12 @7.5
@7 205 Comp Squat 1x 1 @6 193 Comp Squat 1x 1 @7 210
@7 168 1x 5 @6 168 1x 5 @7 180
drop10% 150 2x 5 drop10% 151 2x 5 drop10% 163
@6 115 Spoto Press 3x 6 @6 100 Spoto Press 3x 6 @6-7 108
20s Side Plank 2x 1 20s Side Plank 2x 1 20s
Conventional Conventional
@5 190 1x 8 @6 160 2x 7 @6 150
Deadlift Deadlift
WEEK 8 2023 306 WEEK 9
DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load
Comp Squat 1x 7 @7.5 165 Comp Squat 1x 7 @8 170
- 2x 7 drop 12% - 2x 7 drop 15% 150
Comp Bench 1x 1 @7 135 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7.5 140
- 1x 8 @7.5 110 - 1x 8 @8 115
- 2x 8 drop10% - 2x 8 drop10% 103
Close Grip Close Grip
2x 8 @7.5 3x 10 @8
Bench Bench
DB Press 2x 10 @7.5 DB Press 3x 12 @8
tricep pushdown 3x 12 @7.5 tricep pushdown 3x 15 @8
Comp Deadlit 1x 1 @6.5 225 Comp Deadlit 1x 1 @7 230
- 1x 5 @6.5 195 - 1x 5 @7 200
- 2x 5 drop10% 176 - 2x 5 drop10% 180
pendlay row 2x 8 @7.5 pendlay row 3x 10 @8
incline db seal r 2x 10 @7.5 incline db seal r 3x 12 @8
Comp Squat 1x 1 @7.5 213 Comp Squat 1x 1 @8 215
1x 5 @7.5 1x 5 @8
2x 5 drop12% 2x 5 drop15%
Spoto Press 3x 6 @7 Spoto Press 3x 6 @7
Side Plank 2x 1 20s Side Plank 2x 1 20s
Conventional Conventional
2x 6 @6 3x 5 @7
Deadlift Deadlift
WEEK 10 G3 WEEK 11 2023 327 WEEK 12
DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1
Comp Squat 1x 6 @6 168 Comp Squat 1x 6 @6.5 170 Comp Squat
- (注意拉屎感) 2x 6 drop 10% 151 - 2x 6 drop 10% 153 -
Comp Bench 1x 1 @6.5 136 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7 138 Comp Bench
- 1x 7 @6-7 112 - 1x 7 @6.5 113 -
-找直放與翻手差異 2x 7 drop10% 100 - 2x 7 drop10% -
Close Grip Close Grip Close Grip
3x 8 @7 3x 8 @7.5
Bench Bench Bench
DB Press 3x 10 @7 DB Press 3x 10 @7.5 DB Press
tricep pushdown 3x 12 @7 tricep pushdown 3x 12 @7.5 tricep pushdown
Comp Deadlit 1x 1 @8 220 Comp Deadlit 3x 1 @6.5 210 Comp Deadlit
-(注意拉屎感) 1x 4 @6 200 - 1x 3 @6 -
- 3x 4 drop10% 180 - 3x 3 drop10% -
pendlay row 3x 8 @7 pendlay row 3x 8 @7.5 pendlay row
incline db seal r 3x 10 @7 incline db seal r 3x 10 @7.5 incline db seal r
dips 3x 8 @8 dips 3x 6 @7
incline db press 3x 10 @8 incline db press 3x 8 @7
single arm tricep single arm tricep
3x 15 @8 3x 12 @7
pushdown pushdown
Deadlift 1x 1 @7 Deadlift 1x 1 @7
- 1x 4 @7 - 1x 4 @7.5
- 3x 4 drop12% - 3x 4 drop12%
db step ups 3x 15 @8 db step ups 3x 12 @7
Penday row 3x 10 @8 Penday row 3x 8 @7
single arm seate 3x 10 @8 single arm seate 3x 10 @7
db curl 3x 15 @8 db curl 3x 12 @7
Comp Bench 1x 1 @7 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7.5
- 1x 4 @7 - 1x 4 @7.5
- 4x 4 drop10% - 4x 4 drop10%
db ohp 3x 10 @8 db ohp 3x 8 @7
db floor press 3x 10 @7 db floor press 3x 8 @7
Incline reverese f 3x 15 @7 Incline reverese f 3x 12 @7
db skullcrusher 3x 15 @7 db skullcrusher 3x 12 @7
Comp Squat 1x 1 @7 Comp Squat 1x 1 @7.5
- 1x 5 @7 - 1x 5 @7.5
- 3x 5 drop10% - 3x 5 drop10%
Comp Bench 3x 3 @6-7 Comp Bench 3x 3 @7
Side Plank 2x 1 20s Side Plank 2x 1 20s
Paused Deadlift 3x 3 @6-7 Paused Deadlift 3x 3 @7
WEEK 28 724 WEEK 29 731 WEEK 30
DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1
Comp Squat 1x 7 @6.5 165 Comp Squat 1x 7 @7 173 Comp Squat
- 2x 7 drop10% - 2x 7 drop10% -
bench Press 1x 7 @6.5 110 bench Press 1x 7 @7 110 bench Press
- 2x 7 drop10% - 2x 7 drop10% -
Comp Bench 1x 1 @6 133 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7 135
- 1x 6 @6 113 - 1x 6 @6
- 2x 6 drop10% - 2x 6 drop10%
lateral raise 4x 15 @7 5 lateral raise 4x 15 @7
cable facepulls 4x 15 @7 20 cable facepulls 4x 15 @7
single arm push 4x 15 @7 single arm push 4x 15 @7
- -
Comp Squat 1x 3 @5-6 Comp Squat 1x 3 @6 188
- 4x 5 @5 - 4x 5 @5-6 160
Comp Bench 4x 4 @5-6 Comp Bench 4x 4 @6
Paused Deadlift 3x 3 @5-6 Paused Deadlift 3x 3 @6
WEEK 46 1127 WEEK 47 1204 WEEK 48
DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1
Deadlift 1x 1 @6.5 220 Deadlift 1x 1 @8 230 Deadlift
- 3x 6 170kg - 3x 6 175kg -
Comp Bench 3x 4 @6 Comp Bench 4x 3 @6 Comp Bench
- - -
Barbell Row 4x 8 @8 Barbell Row 3x 8 @7 Penday row
Leg Press 4x 12 @8 Leg Press 3x 12 @7 Leg Press
- - -
- - -
DAY2 157. DAY2 DAY2
Comp Squat 3x 8 @5-6 Comp Squat 3x 8 @6 155. Comp Squat
- - 155 -
Larsen Press 3x 8 @6 100. Larsen Press 3x 8 @6 Larsen Press
- 100 - -
DB Bench Press 4x 10 @8 DB Bench Press 3x 8 @7 incline db press
Curl of choice 4x 12 @8 Curl of choice 3x 10 @7 standing hip lifts
Side Plank
Comp Bench 1x 1 @7 135 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7.5 140 Comp Bench
- 1x 6 @6 115 - 1x 6 @6.5 -
- 2x 6 drop10% - 2x 6 drop10% -
lateral raise 4x 15 @8 lateral raise 3x 12 @7 lateral raise
cable facepulls 4x 15 @8 cable facepulls 3x 12 @7 cable facepulls
single arm push 4x 15 @8 single arm push 3x 12 @7 single arm push
- - -
Comp Squat 1x 3 @7 190 Comp Squat 1x 3 @7.5 165.
193 Comp Squat
- 4x 5 @6 160 - 4x 5 @6.5 -
Comp Bench 4x 4 @6 120 Comp Bench 3x 3 @6 160 Comp Bench
Paused Deadlift 3x 3 @6 170 Paused Deadlift 3x 3 @6 170 Paused Deadlift
12/11-12/17 WEEK 49 12/18-12/24 WEEK 50
sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps
1x 1 @6.5 220 Deadlift 1x 1 @8 230 Deadlift 1x 1
3x 6 180kg 120. - 3x 6 185kg - 3x 6
4x 3 @6 Comp Bench 3x 3 @6 Comp Bench 3x 3
115 - -
3x 8 @7 70 Penday row 3x 8 @8 Penday row 3x 8
3x 12 @7 Leg Press 3x 12 @8 Leg Press 3x 10
- -
- -
2x 8 @6.5 Comp Squat 3x 6 @4-5 Comp Squat 3x 6
- -
2x 8 @6.5 Larsen Press 3x 6 @5 100 Larsen Press 3x 6
- 30.3 -
3x 8 @7 incline db press 3x 8 @8 2.5.3 incline db press 3x 8
3x ### @5 standing hip lifts 3x ### @5 0 standing hip lifts 3x ###
2x 1 20s Side Plank 2x 1 20s Side Plank 2x 1
1x 1 @8 143 Comp Bench 1x 1 @8.5 145 Comp Bench 1x 1
1x 6 @7 - 1x 5 @5-6 - 1x 5
2x 6 drop10% - 3x 5 drop10% - 3x 5
3x 15 @7 lateral raise 3x 15 @7 lateral raise 3x 15
3x 15 @7 cable facepulls 3x 15 @7 cable facepulls 3x 15
3x 15 @7 single arm push 3x 15 @7 single arm push 3x 15
- -
1x 3 @8 198 Comp Squat 1x 2 @6 Comp Squat 1x 2
4x 5 @7 160 - 4x 4 @5-6 - 4x 4
3x 3 @6 120 Comp Bench 3x 3 @5-6 Comp Bench 3x 3
3x 3 @6 180 Paused Deadlift 3x 2 @5-6 Paused Deadlift 3x 2
12/25-12/31 WEEK 51 1/01-1/07 WEEK 52 1/08-1/14
intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load
@7.5 230 Deadlift 1x 1 @8.5 240 Deadlift 1x 1 @7
190kg - 3x 6 160kg 122. - 2x 6 165kg
@6 Comp Bench 3x 3 @6 Comp Bench 2x 3 @6 115
- 0 -
@8 Penday row 3x 6 @7 80 Penday row 2x 6 @7
@8 Leg Press 3x 8 @7 Leg Press 2x 6-8 @7
- -
- -
@5 Comp Squat 3x 6 @6 170 Comp Squat 2x 6 @6
- -
@5 Larsen Press 3x 6 @6 110 Larsen Press 2x 6 @6
- -
@8 incline db press 3x 8 @7 incline db press 2x 8 @7
@5 standing hip lifts 3x ### @5 standing hip lifts 3x ### @5
20s Side Plank 2x 1 20s Side Plank 2x 1 20s
@9 143 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7 133 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7
@6 - 1x 5 @6.5 - 1x 5 @7
drop10% - 3x 5 drop10% - 2x 5 drop10%
@8 lateral raise 2x 12 @7 lateral raise 2x 12 @7
@8 cable facepulls 2x 12 @7 cable facepulls 2x 12 @7
@8 single arm push 2x 12 @7 single arm push 2x 12 @7
- -
@6.5 195 Comp Squat 1x 2 @7 Comp Squat 1x 2 @8
@6 - 4x 4 @6.5 - 3x 4 @7
@5-6 120 Comp Bench 3x 3 @5-6 Comp Bench 3x 3 @5-6
@5-6 Paused Deadlift 5x 1 @5-6 Deadlift 7x 1 @6
WEEK 53 1/15-1/21 WEEK 54
DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load
Deadlift 1x 1 @6.5 Deadlift 1x 5 147.5kg
- 3x 3 185kg - 2x 5 continue
Comp Squat 3x 3 170kg 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 120kg
- Comp Bench 2x 8 @5 100
- Db Press 2x ### @6 30
- Neutral grip lat p 2x ### @6 52
50dis 5
- Farmers carry 2x 1 @6
standing hip lifts 2x ### @6 8
Comp Bench 1x 1 @6.5 High Bar Squat 3x 5 132.5kg
- 3x 3 117.5kg -
- Larsen Press 2x 7 @5 95.9
- - 22.5.
- db military press 2x ### @6 20.2
- lateral raise 2x ### @6 0
- DB Reverese Fly 2x ### @6 5
Deadlift 7x 1 130kg Comp Bench 1x 1 @5-6 130
- - 1x 6 @5 113
- - 2x 6 drop10% 100
incline db press 2x ### @6
incline db seal r 2x ### @6
db skullcrusher 2x ### @6
tricep pushdown 3x ### @6
Deadlift 1x 1 @max Comp Squat 1x 6 @5
- 2x 6 drop10%
Paused Deadlift 3x 3 @5
Spoto Press 2x 5 @5
WEEK 55 129 WEEK 56 205 WEEK 57
DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1
Deadlift 1x 8 147.5kg Deadlift 1x 8 147.5kg Deadlift
- 1x 8 continue - 2x 8 continue -
3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 120kg 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 122.5kg 3:1:0 Tempo Ben
Comp Bench 3x 8 @5 100 Comp Bench 3x 8 @5-6 Comp Bench
Db Press 2x ### @7 30 Db Press 3x ### @7.5 Db Press
Neutral grip lat p 2x ### @7 Neutral grip lat p 3x ### @7.5 Neutral grip lat p
50dis 10 Farmers carry 50dis
Farmers carry 2x 1 @7 3x 1 @7 Farmers carry
tance tance
standing hip lifts 2x ### @7 8 standing hip lifts 3x ### @7 standing hip lifts
High Bar Squat 3x 5 135kg High Bar Squat 3x 5 137.5kg High Bar Squat
- - 97.5. -
Larsen Press 3x 7 @5 Larsen Press 3x 7 @5-6 92.5. Larsen Press
- - 92.5 -
db military press 2x ### @7 db military press 3x ### @7.5 22.5 db military press
lateral raise 2x ### @7 lateral raise 3x ### @7 lateral raise
DB Reverese Fly 2x ### @7 DB Reverese Fly 3x ### @7 DB Reverese Fly
Comp Bench 1x 1 @5-6 130 Comp Bench 1x 1 @6 133 Comp Bench
- 1x 6 @5-6 113 - 1x 6 @6 113 -
- 2x 6 drop10% 103 - 2x 6 drop10% 103 -
incline db press 2x ### @7 incline db press 3x ### @7.5 incline db press
incline db seal r 2x ### @7 incline db seal r 3x ### @7.5 incline db seal r
db skullcrusher 2x ### @7 db skullcrusher 3x ### @7.5 db skullcrusher
tricep pushdown 3x ### @7 tricep pushdown 3x ### @7 tricep pushdown
Comp Squat 1x 6 @5-6 168 Comp Squat 1x 6 @6 170 Comp Squat
- 2x 6 drop10% - 2x 6 drop10% -
Paused Deadlift 3x 3 @5-6 165 Paused Deadlift 3x 3 @6 170 Paused Deadlift
Spoto Press 3x 5 @5 105 Spoto Press 3x 5 @6 105 Spoto Press
212 吃飽飽 WEEK 58 219 WEEK 59 226
sets reps intensity load
150太 DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps
1x 8 150kg 輕鬆 我 Deadlift 1x 1 @5 210 Deadlift 1x 1
2x 8 135kg 直接 - 3x 8 @5 165 - 3x 8
1x 1 125kg 160 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 @5-6 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1
3x 8 @6 Comp Bench 3x 8 @5-6 Comp Bench 3x 8
3x ### @8 Db Press 3x 10 @7 Db Press 3x 10
3x ### @8 Neutral grip lat p 3x 10 @7 Neutral grip lat p 3x 10
50dis 50dis
3x 1 @7 Farmers carry 2x 1 @7 Farmers carry 2x 1
tance tance
3x ### @7 standing hip lifts 2x ### @7 standing hip lifts 2x ###
3x 5 140kg High Bar Squat 2x 9 127.5kg High Bar Squat 3x 8
- -
3x 7 @6 100 Comp Bench 3x 7 @5-6 Comp Bench 3x 7
- -
3x ### @8 20 db military press 3x 10 @7 db military press 3x 10
3x ### @7 lateral raise 3x 12 @7 lateral raise 3x 12
3x ### @7 DB Reverese Fly 3x 12 @7 DB Reverese Fly 3x 12
1x 1 @6 133 Comp Bench 1x 1 @6 130 Comp Bench 1x 1
1x 6 @6 115 - 1x 5 @5 - 1x 5
2x 6 drop10% 105 - 3x 5 drop10% - 3x 5
3x ### @8 incline db press 3x 10 @7 incline db press 3x 10
3x ### @8 incline db seal r 3x 10 @7 incline db seal r 3x 10
3x ### @8 db skullcrusher 3x 12 @7 db skullcrusher 3x 12
3x ### @7.5 tricep pushdown 3x 12 @7 tricep pushdown 3x 12
1x 6 @6 170 Comp Squat 1x 3 @5-6 Comp Squat 1x 3
2x 6 drop10% 150 - 1x 6 @5-6 - 1x 6
3x 3 @6 170 - 2x 6 drop10% - 2x 6
3x 5 @6 105 Paused Deadlift 3x 3 @6 Paused Deadlift 3x 3
Comp Bench 3x 4 @5 Comp Bench 3x 4
WEEK 60 304 WEEK 61 311
intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load
@6 220 Deadlift 1x 1 @6.5 225
175. Deadlift 1x 1 @7 230
@6 - 3x 7 @6 175. - 3x 7 @6.5 175.
@6 125 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 @6 170
125 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 @6.5 170
@6 Comp Bench 3x 8 @6.5 105. Comp Bench 3x 8 @7
@7.5 Db Press 3x 10 @7.5 100 Db Press 3x 10 @7.5
@7.5 Neutral grip lat p 3x 10 @7.5 Neutral grip lat p 3x 10 @7.5
50dis 50dis 50dis
@7 Farmers carry 2x 1 @7 Farmers carry 2x 1 @7
tance tance tance
@7 standing hip lifts 2x ### @7 standing hip lifts 2x ### @7
130kg High Bar Squat 3x 8 132.5kg High Bar Squat 3x 8 135kg
105. - 105. -
@5-6 105. Comp Bench 3x 7 @5-6 100. Comp Bench 3x 7 @6
100 - 25.2
100 -
@7.5 db military press 4x 10 @7.5 db military press 3x 10 @7.5 22.5
@7 lateral raise 4x 12 @7 6
0 lateral raise 3x 12 @7
@7 DB Reverese Fly 4x 12 @7 DB Reverese Fly 3x 12 @7
@6.5 135 Comp Bench 1x 1 @6.5 135 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7
@6 118 - 1x 5 @6 120 - 1x 5 @6.5
drop10% 105 - 3x 5 drop10% - 3x 5 drop10%
@7.5 30 incline db press 4x 10 @7.5 incline db press 3x 10 @7.5
@7.5 25 incline db seal r 4x 10 @7.5 incline db seal r 3x 10 @7.5
@7.5 db skullcrusher 3x 12 @7.5 db skullcrusher 3x 12 @7
@7 tricep pushdown 3x 12 @7 tricep pushdown 3x 12 @7
@6 Comp Squat 1x 3 @6.5 Comp Squat 1x 3 @7
@6 - 1x 6 @6.5 - 1x 6 @7
drop10% - 2x 6 drop10% - 2x 6 drop10%
@6 Paused Deadlift 3x 2 @6.5 Paused Deadlift 3x 2 @7
@5-6 Comp Bench 3x 4 @5-6 Comp Bench 3x 4 @5-6
WEEK 62 318 WEEK 63 325
DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load
Deadlift 1x 1 @6 220 Deadlift 1x 1 @6.5 225
- 3x 6 @5-6 - 3x 6 @6
3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 @6 125 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 @6.5 130
Comp Bench 3x 7 @5-6 105 Comp Bench 3x 7 @6 108
Penday row 3x 10 @7 Penday row 3x 10 @7.5
Db Press 3x 10 @7 Db Press 3x 10 @7.5
seated Leg Curl 3x 12 @7 seated Leg Curl 3x 12 @7.5
Plank 2x 1 1mis/45s Plank 2x 1 1mis/45s
High Bar Squat 3x 8 @4-5 140 High Bar Squat 3x 8 @5-6 145
- -
Comp Bench 3x 6 @5-6 110 Comp Bench 3x 6 @5-6 110
- -
db military press 3x 10 @7 20 db military press 3x 10 @7.5
lateral raise 3x 12 @7 6 lateral raise 3x 12 @7
DB Reverese Fly 3x 12 @7 5 DB Reverese Fly 3x 12 @7
Comp Bench 1x 1 @6.5 138 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7 140
- 1x 5 @6 - 1x 5 @6.5
- 3x 5 drop10% - 3x 5 drop10%
neutral grip db pr 3x 10 @7 neutral grip db pr 3x 10 @7.5
incline db seal r 3x 10 @7 incline db seal r 3x 10 @7.5
Weighted Pushup 3x ### @7 Weighted Pushup 3x ### @7
single arm push 3x ### @7 single arm push 3x ### @7
Comp Squat 1x 2 @6 185 Comp Squat 1x 2 @6.5 190
- 1x 5 @6 - 1x 5 @6.5 173
- 2x 5 drop10% - 2x 5 drop10%
Paused Deadlift 4x 3 @5-6 Paused Deadlift 4x 3 @5-6 115.
Comp Bench 4x 3 @5-6 Comp Bench 4x 3 @5-6
WEEK 64 401 WEEK 65 408 WEEK 66
DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1
Deadlift 1x 1 @7 230 Deadlift 1x 1 @7.5 240 Deadlift
- 3x 6 @6 - 3x 6 @6.5 -
3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 @6.5 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 @7 135 3:1:0 Tempo Ben
Comp Bench 3x 7 @6 Comp Bench 3x 7 @6.5 Comp Bench
Penday row 3x 10 @8 Penday row 3x 10 @7 Penday row
Db Press 3x 10 @8 Db Press 3x 10 @7 Db Press
seated Leg Curl 3x 12 @8 seated Leg Curl 3x 12 @7 seated Leg Curl
Plank 2x 1 45s/30s Plank 2x 1 50s/35s Plank
High Bar Squat 3x 8 @6-7 150 High Bar Squat 3x 8 @7 153 Comp Squat
- - 115. -
Comp Bench 3x 6 @6-7 Comp Bench 3x 6 @6-7 115. Comp Bench
- - 110 -
db military press 3x 10 @8 db military press 3x 10 @7 db military press
lateral raise 3x 12 @7 lateral raise 3x 12 @7 lateral raise
DB Reverese Fly 3x 12 @7 DB Reverese Fly 3x 12 @7 DB Reverese Fly
Comp Bench 1x 1 @7.5 145 Comp Bench 1x 1 @8 150 Comp Bench
- 1x 5 @7 - 1x 5 @7.5 125 -
- 3x 5 drop10% - 3x 5 drop10% -
neutral grip db pr 3x 10 @8 neutral grip db pr 3x 10 @7 neutral grip db pr
incline db seal r 3x 10 @8 incline db seal r 3x 10 @7 incline db seal r
Weighted Pushup 3x ### @7.5 Weighted Pushup 3x ### @7 single arm push
single arm push 3x ### @7.5 single arm push 3x ### @7
Comp Squat 1x 2 @7 195 Comp Squat 1x 2 @7.5 200 Comp Squat
- 1x 5 @6.5 - 1x 5 @6.5 175 -
- 2x 5 drop10% - 2x 5 drop10%
Paused Deadlift 4x 3 @6-7 Paused Deadlift 4x 3 @7 190 Paused Deadlift
Comp Bench 4x 3 @6 Comp Bench 4x 3 @6.5 110 Comp Bench
416 WEEK 67 WEEK 68 4/29
sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps
1x 1 @7 235 Deadlift 1x 1 @8.5 245 Deadlift 1x 1
3x 5 @4-5 - 3x 5 @5 - 3x 4
1x 1 @6 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 @6.5 130 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1
3x 7 @5 Comp Bench 3x 7 @6 Comp Bench 3x 7
2x 10 @7 Penday row 2x 10 @7.5 Penday row 3x 10
2x 10 @7 Db Press 2x 10 @7.5 Db Press 3x 10
3x 12 @7 seated Leg Curl 3x 12 @7 seated Leg Curl 3x 12
2x 1 45s/30s Plank 2x 1 30s/25s Plank 2x 1
3x 6 @5-6 168 Comp Squat 3x 6 @6 Comp Squat 3x 6
- -
3x 6 @5-6 110 Comp Bench 3x 6 @6 Comp Bench 3x 6
- -
3x 10 @7.5 db military press 3x 10 @8 db military press 3x 10
2x 12 @7 lateral raise 2x 12 @7 lateral raise 3x 12
2x 12 @7 DB Reverese Fly 2x 12 @7 DB Reverese Fly 3x 12
1x 1 @7 140 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7.5 Comp Bench 1x 1
1x 5 @6.5 115 - 1x 5 @6.5 - 1x 5
3x 5 drop10% - 3x 5 drop10% - 3x 5
3x 10 @7.5 neutral grip db pr 3x 10 @8 neutral grip db pr 3x 10
2x 10 @7.5 incline db seal r 2x 10 @8 incline db seal r 3x 10
3x ### @7 single arm push 3x ### @7 single arm push 3x ###
1x 1 @7 205 Comp Squat 1x 1 @7.5 Comp Squat 1x 1
3x 4 @5-6 - 3x 4 @6 - 3x 4
4x 4 @5-6 175 Paused Deadlift 3x 5 @5-6 Paused Deadlift 3x 5
3x 3 @6 Comp Bench 3x 3 @6.5 Comp Bench 3x 3
WEEK 69 506 WEEK 70 0 5/13-19
intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load
@7.5 240 Deadlift 1x 1 @8 Deadlift 1x 1 195kg
@5 - 3x 4 @5.5 - 3x 4 172.5kg
@6.5 3:1:0 Tempo Ben 1x 1 @7 -
@6.5 103 Comp Bench 3x 7 @6.5 Goblet Squat 3x 10 @6-7 30
@7 Penday row 3x 10 @7.5 incline db seal r 3x 12 @6-7 20
@7 Db Press 3x 10 @7.5 Neutral grip lat p 3x 12 @6-7
@7 seated Leg Curl 3x 12 @7.5 -
50s/35s Plank 2x 1 30s/20s -
@6.5 Comp Squat 3x 6 @6.5 Comp Bench 1x 5 @5 115
- - 3x 5 @5
@6.5 Comp Bench 3x 6 @6.5 DB Shoulder Pre 3x 10 @6-7
- Flat db bench pr 3x 10 @6-7
@7 db military press 3x 10 @7.5 single arm lying d 3x 15 @6-7
@7 lateral raise 3x 12 @7 lateral raise 3x 15 @6-7
@7 DB Reverese Fly 3x 12 @7 -
@7 Comp Bench 1x 1 @8 Comp Squat 1x 5 @5 170
@7 - 1x 5 @7 - 3x 5 @5 160
drop10% - 3x 5 drop10% DB RDL 3x 10 @6-7 32.5
@7 neutral grip db pr 3x 10 @7.5 T-bar rows 3x 10 @6-7 30
@7 incline db seal r 3x 10 @7.5 db step ups 3x 15 @6-7 14.1
@7 single arm push 3x ### @7 lying leg curl 3x 15 @6-7
@7 Comp Squat 1x 1 @8 215 Comp Squat 1x 1 197.5kg
@6.5 - 3x 4 @6.5 - 3x 4 140kg
Comp Bench 1x 1 @6
@5-6 Paused Deadlift 3x 5 @5-6 - 3x 4 92.5kg
@6.5 Comp Bench 3x 3 @6.5 CG Bench press 3x 8 @6-7
Tricep pushdown 3x 15 @6-7
WEEK 71 1 5/20-26 WEEK 72 2 5/27-6/2
DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load
Deadlift 1x 1 @6 Deadlift 1x 1 @7
- 5x 4 160kg - 5x 4 167.5kg
- -
Goblet Squat 4x 10 @7 Goblet Squat 4x 10 @8
incline db seal r 4x 12 @7 incline db seal r 4x 12 @8
Neutral grip lat p 4x 12 @7 Neutral grip lat p 4x 12 @8
- -
- -
Comp Bench 1x 5 115kg Comp Bench 1x 5 117.5kg
- 3x 5 - 3x 5
DB Shoulder Pre 4x 10 @7 20 DB Shoulder Pre 4x 10 @8
Flat db bench pr 4x 10 @7 30 Flat db bench pr 4x 10 @8
single arm lying d 4x 15 @7 7.5 single arm lying d 4x 15 @8
lateral raise 4x 15 @7 lateral raise 4x 15 @8
- -
Comp Squat 1x 5 172.5kg Comp Squat 1x 5 177.5kg
- 3x 5 - 3x 5
DB RDL 4x 10 @7 DB RDL 4x 10 @8
T-bar rows 4x 10 @7 T-bar rows 4x 10 @8
db step ups 4x 15 @7 db step ups 4x 15 @8
lying leg curl 4x 15 @7 lying leg curl 4x 15 @8
Comp Squat 1x 1 @6 190 Comp Squat 1x 1 @7 195
- 5x 4 145kg - 5x 4 150kg
Comp Bench 1x 1 @6 Comp Bench 1x 1 @7
- 5x 4 95kg - 5x 4 100kg
CG Bench press 4x 8 @7 CG Bench press 4x 8 @8
Tricep pushdown 4x 15 @7 Tricep pushdown 4x 15 @8
WEEK 73 3 6/3-9 WEEK 74 4 6/10-16 WEEK 75
DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1 sets reps intensity load DAY1
Deadlift 1x 1 @8 245 Deadlift 1x 1 @9 250 Deadlift
- 5x 4 175kg - 5x 4 180kg -
- - -
Goblet Squat 3x 8 @7.5 Goblet Squat 3x 8 @7 Comp Bench
incline db seal r 3x 10 @7.5 incline db seal r 3x 10 @7 -
Neutral grip lat p 3x 10 @7.5 Neutral grip lat p 3x 10 @7
- - -
- - -
Comp Bench 1x 5 @7 120 Comp Bench 1x 5 @7.5 125
120. Comp Squat
- 3x 5 @6.5 118 - 3x 5 @7 115. -
DB Shoulder Pre 3x 8 @7.5 DB Shoulder Pre 3x 8 @7 115 Comp Bench
Flat db bench pr 3x 8 @7.5 Flat db bench pr 3x 8 @7 -
single arm lying d 3x 12 @7.5 single arm lying d 3x 12 @7
lateral raise 3x 12 @7.5 lateral raise 3x 12 @7
- - -
Comp Squat 1x 5 @7 180 Comp Squat 1x 5 @7.5 188 Comp Bench
- 3x 5 @6.5 170 - 3x 5 @7 170 -
DB RDL 3x 8 @7.5 DB RDL 3x 8 @7 DB Shoulder Pre
T-bar rows 3x 8 @7.5 T-bar rows 3x 8 @7 Flat db bench pr
db step ups 3x 12 @7.5 db step ups 3x 12 @7 single arm lying d
lying leg curl 3x 12 @7.5 lying leg curl 3x 12 @7 lateral raise
4 days out
Comp Squat 1x 3 @6-6.5
- 2x 3 drop10%
Comp Bench 1x 3 @7
- 2x 3 @6
3 days out
Comp Squat 6x 1 120kg
Comp Bench 6x 1 80kg
Deadlift 6x 1 135kg