Welcome to Word
Welcome to Word
Welcome to Word
Instructions you can edit, share, and
Unlike old-school user guides, this doc is yours to tailor exactly for your needs.
Reading it will teach you some basics about Word, but this document isn’t just for
reading. It’s for editing too, so you can learn by doing.
For practice using Word features, watch for Try it text in red throughout this
Time saver: If you’ve only got a
minute and you want to see how
this works, watch this Video:
Welcome to Word.
Try it: Select File > Save As, and then select OneDrive and give this document a
If you sign in to Office 365 on another device, this document will be in your list of
recent files. You can pick up where you left off… even if you left the document open
on the computer you’re using now.
Share and collaborate
With this document saved in OneDrive, you can share it with others. They don’t
even need Word to open it.
Try it: Select Share, and send a link to this document. (keyboard shortcut –
Alt+F+Z or Alt+Z+S)
You can send the link by typing someone’s email address or by copying the link and
pasting it into a message or chat. If you want them to read the document but not
edit it, set their permission to view-only.
If they don’t have Word, the document will open in their web browser, in Word
Word works with Bing to give you access to thousands of pictures you can use in
your documents.
Try it: Hit enter after this line to make a blank line:
1. With your cursor in the blank space above, go to the Insert tab, select
Online Pictures, and then search for something, like puppy clip art.
To format text, select it, and then select a button in the Font or Paragraph area on
the Home tab.
Try it: Select text in the lines below and choose formatting options so that the text
is an example of the formatting it’s describing:
Font color
Pro tip: If you selected whole words for this exercise, did you notice that Word
popped up a little toolbar, with the font formatting options?
1. Put your cursor somewhere in the heading above (“Make magic: use Heading
styles”) – don’t select anything.
2. On the Home tab, find Styles, and select Heading 1 (keyboard shortcut
Ta-da! Now it looks like a heading, and acts like one too.
Give your doc an instant makeover
Style sets and themes let you completely change the look of your document in an
instant. They work best when your document is formatted with styles (so it’s good
that we fixed that Heading style, above).
Try it: Explore style sets and themes:
1. On the Design tab, select Themes, and choose a theme from the drop-
Notice that the gallery of style sets updates to reflect the theme you picked.
2. Select any theme you like from the drop-down and click to apply.
Just for fun
If you have a little more time, give these a try.
Try it: Find and replace
Press Ctrl+H and use Find/Replace to replace all the instances of Try it with I tried
The Tell me search box takes you straight to commands and Help in Word.
Try it: Get help: