Practical Chemistry Techniques for Success
Practical Chemistry Techniques for Success
Practical Chemistry Techniques for Success
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ISBN 978-0-13-028002-2
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Boxes vii
Preface IX
Acknowledgements X
Abbreviations xiii
Laboratory techniques
12 Melting points 87
13 Recrystallization 92
14 Solvent extraction 102
15 Distillation 107
16 Reflux 116
17 Evaporation 121
18 Inert atmosphere methods 125
Resources for laboratory techniques 131
Classical techniques
19 Qualitative techniques for inorganic analysis 135
20 Gravimetry 139
21 Procedures in volumetric analysis 141
22 Acid-base titrations 148
23 Complexometric titrations 151
24 Redox titrations 155
25 Precipitation titrations 157
Resources for classical techniques 160
Instrumental techniques
26 Basic spectroscopy 163
27 Atomic spectroscopy 170
28 Infrared spectroscopy 180
29 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry 190
30 Mass spectrometry 200
31 Chromatography ~ introduction 205
32 Gas and liquid chromatography 211
33 Electrophoresis 225
34 Electroanalytical techniques 229
35 Radioactive isotopes and their uses 235
36 Thermal analysis 243
Resources for instrumental techniques 246
Communicating information
50 General aspects of scientific writing 325
51 Writing essays 330
52 Reporting practical and project work 332
53 Writing literature surveys and reviews 339
54 Organizing a poster display 341
55 Giving an oral presentation 344
56 Examinations 348
Resources for communicating information 354
References 355
Index 357
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For the student
This text is designed to help you in your Chemistry studies, before and
during laboratory classes, in project work, in tutorials and even in
Chapters 1-36 cover general and specific skills for laboratory work.
These are based on the authors' experience of questions that students often
ask and difficulties they have in performing laboratory work. They include
tips, hints, worked examples, definitions and "how to" boxes that set out
procedures for you step by step.
This will be an important element of your course and you will find that this
section guides you through the key skills that you will need to develop, from
presenting graphs and tables to drawing chemical structures and using
statistical tests.
These chapters will help you get the most from chemistry resources available
on the World Wide Web.
Designed to help you report practical and project work and give oral
presentations effectively, and to succeed in examinations.
We hope you will find this book a helpful guide throughout your course, and
IR infrared (radiation)
ISE ion selective electrode
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
s; acid dissociation constant
s, solubility product
Kw ion product of water
KHP potassium hydrogen phthalate
LGC Laboratory of the Government Chemist
u, relative molecular mass
MDL minimum detectable level
MEKC micellar electrokinetic chromatography
MEL maximum exposure limit
MO molecular orbital melting point
MS mass spectrometry
NH null hypothesis
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NP-HPLC normal phase high-performance liquid chromatography
ODA octadecy lsilane
OEL occupational exposure standard
PCA principal component analysis
PFA perfluoroalkoxyvin ylether
PLOT porous layer open tubular (column)
PMT photomultiplier tube
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
R universal gas constant
Rr relative frontal mobility
RA relative abundance
RNA ribonucleic acid
RP-HPLC reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography
rpm revolutions per minute
RSC Royal Society of Chemistry
SAX strong anion exchange
SCOT support-coated open tubular (capillary column)
SCX strong cation exchange
SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate
SE standard error (of the sample mean)
SEM scanning electron microscopy
SI Systeme Internationale d'Unites
STP standard temperature and pressure
TCA trichloracetic acid
TCD thermal conductivity detector
TG thermogravimetry
TLC thin-layer chromatography
TMS tetramethylsilane
TRIS tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane or
2-amino- 2-hydroxymethy 1-1,3-propanediol
URL uniform resource locator
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
UV ultraviolet
WCOT wall-coated open tubular (column)
WWW World Wide Web
-------0 Basic principles
Being prepared
• Read any handouts in advance: make sure you understand the purpose
of the practical and the particular skills involved. Does the practical
relate to, or expand upon, a current topic in your lectures? Is there any
additional preparatory reading that will help?
• Take along appropriate textbooks, to explain aspects in the practical.
• Consider what safety hazards might be involved, and any precautions
you might need to take, before you begin (p. 7).
• Listen carefully to any instructions and note any important points:
adjust your schedule/handout, as necessary.
• During the practical session, organize your bench space - make sure
your lab book is adjacent to, but not within, your working area. You
will often find it easiest to keep clean items of glassware etc. on one side
of your working space, with used equipment on the other side.
• All chemical waste (solid or liquid) should be disposed of in the
appropriate containers provided (consult the demonstrator or lecturer-
• Write up your work as soon as possible, and submit it on time, or you
may lose marks.
• Catch up on any work you have missed as soon as possible - preferably
before the next practical session.
Basic requirements
Recording practical results
An A4 loose-leaf ring binder offers flexibility, since you can insert
laboratory handouts, and lined and graph paper, at appropriate points. The
danger of losing one or more pages from a loose-leaf system is the main
drawback. Bound books avoid this problem, although those containing
alternating lined/graph or lined/blank pages tend to be wasteful - it is often
better to paste sheets of graph paper into a bound book, as required.
These range from basic machines with no pre-programmed functions and
only one memory, to sophisticated programmable minicomputers with
many memories. The following may be helpful when using a calculator:
• Power sources. Choose a battery-powered machine, rather than a mains-
operated or solar-powered type. You will need one with basic mathe-
matical/scientific operations including powers, logarithms (p. 262), roots
and parentheses (brackets), together with statistical functions such as
sample means and standard deviations (Chapter 40).
• Mode of operation. Calculators fall into two distinct groups. The older
system used by, for example, Hewlett Packard calculators is known as
the reverse Polish notation: to calculate the sum of two numbers, the
sequence is 2 [enter] 4 + and the answer 6 is displayed. The more usual
method of calculating this equation is as 2 + 4 =, which is the system
used by the majority of modern calculators. Most newcomers find the
latter approach to be more straightforward. Spend some time finding
out how a calculator operates, e.g. does it have true algebraic logic (..j
then number, rather than number then ..j)? How does it deal with
scientific notation (p. 262)?
• Display. Some calculators will display an entire mathematical operation
(e.g. '2 + 4 = 6'), while others simply display the last number/operation.
The former type may offer advantages in tracing errors.
• Complexity. In the early stages, it is usually better to avoid the more
complex machines, full of impressive-looking, but often unused pre-
programmed functions - go for more memory, parentheses, or statistical
functions rather than engineering or mathematical constants. Program-
mable calculators may be worth considering for more advanced studies.
However, it is important to note that such calculators are often
unacceptable for exams.
Risk assessment
The most widespread approach to safe working practice involves the use of
risk assessment, which aims to establish:
1. The intrinsic chemical and physical hazards, together with any maximum
exposure limits (MELs) or occupational exposure standards (OESs),
where appropriate. All chemical manufacturers provide data sheets
listing the hazards associated with particular chemical compounds.
2. The risks involved, by taking into account the amount of substance to be
used, the way in which it will be used and the possible routes of entry
into the body (Fig. 2.1). In this regard, it is important to distinguish
between the intrinsic hazards of a particular substance and the risks
involved in its use in a particular exercise.
3. The persons at risk and the ways in which they might be exposed to
hazardous substances, including accidental exposure (spillage).
4. The steps required to prevent or control exposure. Ideally, a non-
hazardous or less hazardous alternative should be used. If this is not
feasible, adequate control measures must be used, e.g. a fume cupboard
or other containment system. Personal protective equipment (e.g. lab
coats, safety glasses) must continue to be used in addition to such
containment measures. A safe means of disposal will be required.
The outcome of the risk assessment process must be recorded and
appropriate safety information must be passed on to those at risk. For most
practical classes, risk assessments will have been carried out in advance by the
inoculation person in charge and the information necessary to minimize the risks to
students may be given in the practical schedule. You will be asked to carry out
risk assessments to familiarize yourself with the process and sources of
information. Make sure you know how your department provides such
information and that you have read the appropriate material before you begin
your practical work. You should also pay close attention to the person in
charge at the beginning of the practical session, as they may emphasize the
major hazards and risks. In project work, you will need to be involved in the
risk assessment process along with your supervisor, before you carry out any
laboratory work. Any new materials synthesized during the project should be
treated with the utmost respect. An example of a risk assessment is shown in
Fig. 2.2.
Fig. 2.1 Major routes of entry of harmful In addition to specific risk assessments, most institutions will have a safety
substances into the body. handbook, giving general details of safe working practices, together with the
I Name:
I Experiment: Synthesis of N-phenylethanamide Date:
t. Hazard and Risk Codes Enter below the correct Hazard Code and Risk Code for each reagent, solvent,
product and by product (letter and number in the relevant boxes)
Containment code 1 = Open Lab 2 = Restricted lab (no naked flames) 3 = Fume Cupboard 4 = Glove Box/Safety Cabinet
Personal Protection Insert all requirements additional to coat and glasses (e.g. gloves, visor, safety screen, etc.I
Additional Information For example, disposaVspecffied waste container, sink and water, etc.
3. Signatures
Student: Supervisor: Date:
names and telephone numbers of safety personnel, first aiders, hospitals, etc.
Make sure you read this and abide by any instructions.
• All laboratories display notices telling you where to find the first aid kit
and who to contact in case of accident/emergency. Report all accidents,
even those appearing insignificant - your department will have a
reporting procedure to comply with safety legislation.
• Know the warning symbols for specific chemical hazards (Fig. 2.3).
• Never touch chemicals unless they are known to have minimal hazard:
use a spatula to transfer and manipulate solids, and pipettes for liquids -
see p. 9.
• Never mouth pipette any liquid. Use a pipette filler (see p. 10).
• Take care when handling glassware - see p. 13 for details.
• Use a fume cupboard for hazardous chemicals. Make sure that it is
working and then open the front only as far as necessary: many fume
cupboards are marked with a maximum opening.
• Always use the minimum quantity of any hazardous materials.
• Work in a logical, tidy manner and minimize risks by thinking ahead.
• Alway clear up spillages, especially around balances, infrared sample
preparation areas, etc., for the next worker.
• Always clear up at the end of each session. This is an important aspect of
safety, encouraging a responsible attitude towards laboratory work.
Pasteur pipettes
Hold correctly during use (Fig. 3.1) - keep the pipette vertical, with the
middle finger gripping the barrel to support the pipette while the thumb and
index finger provide controlled pressure on the bulb, and squeeze gently to
provide individual drops.
To prevent liquid being sucked into the bulb and hence cross-contamination:
• Ensure that the capacity of the bulb does not exceed that of the barrel.
• Do not remove the tip of the pipette from the liquid while drawing up the
liquid; the inrush of air may splash the liquid into the bulb. This is
particularly true when you lose patience trying to draw up viscous liquids.
• Do not lie the pipette on its side during use.
Conversely, if volatile liquids such as dichloromethane (DCM), ethanol,
Fig. 3.1 How to hold a Pasteur pipette. propanone (acetone) or diethylether (ether), for example, are to be
dispensed, the warmth of the glass pipette will cause the liquid to squirt
from the pipette without any pressure on the bulb. To prevent this, suck up
the liquid several times into the pipette so as to cool the glass and then
dispense as normal.
These must be mounted vertically in a clamp - don't over-tighten the clamp
10 (see p. 26) - or in a burette holder, on a stand. First ensure that the tap is
closed and, using a funnel, add a little of the solution to be dispensed, rinse
the burette and discard the washings through the tap: this is vital in
titrations where a little water in the burette will alter the concentration of
la) (bl (c) the solution. Refill the burette with solution, open the tap and allow the
liquid to fill the barrel below the tap, then take a meniscus reading, noting
Fig. 3.2 Glass pipettes: (a) graduated pipette,
reading from zero to shoulder; (b) graduated
the value in your notebook. Dispense the solution via the tap and measure
pipette, reading from maximum to tip, by the new meniscus reading. The volume dispensed is the difference between
gravity; (c) bulb (volumetric) pipette, showing the two readings.
volume on bulb.
There are various designs, including graduated and bulb (volumetric)
pipettes (Fig. 3.2). Take care to look at the volume scale before use: some
graduated pipettes empty from full volume to zero, others from zero to full
volume; some scales refer to the shoulder of the tip, others to the tip by
gravity. Never blowout volumetric (bulb) pipettes, just touch the tip
against the inside wall of the vessel.
Rinse out pipettes with a little of the solution to be delivered before
commencing the accurate measurement. To prevent cross-contamination,
never draw the solution into the pipette filler.
Pipettors (autopipettors)
There are two basic types:
1. Air displacement pipettors. For routine work with dilute aqueous sol-
utions. One of the most widely used is the Gilson Pipetrnan'f (Fig. 3.4).
2. Positive displacement pipettors. For non-standard applications, including
dispensing viscous, dense or volatile liquids where an air displacement
pipettor might create aerosols leading to errors.
Syringes should be used by placing the tip of the needle into the solution
and slowly drawing the plunger up to the required point on the scale. Check
the barrel to make sure no air bubbles have been drawn up, and expel the
solution slowly, touching the needle tip on the side of the vessel to remove
any adhering solution. If there is air in the barrel, fill past the mark, invert
the syringe and push the plunger to the mark so that the air and a little of
push button the solution are expelled into a waste collection vessel. Then dispense the
plunger solution. The use of syringes for dispensing air-sensitive reagents is
tip ejector button
described in Chapter 18.
adjustment ring
Microsyringes should always be cleaned before and after use by
repeatedly drawing up and expelling pure solvent. The dead space in the
volume scale
(volumeter needle can occupy up to 4% of the nominal syringe volume. Some micro-
syringes have a fine wire attached to the plunger, which fills the dead space.
Never pull the plunger out of the barrel.
barrel Balances
These can be used to weigh accurately (p. 22) how much liquid you have
dispensed. Convert mass to volume using the equation:
Mass/density = volume
tip ejector
e.g. a liquid (9.0g) of density (l.2gmL~I) = 7.5mL. Densities of common
solvents and common chemicals can be found in Lide (2000). You will also
disposable tip need to know the liquid's temperature, since density is temperature de-
Beakers are used for general purposes, e.g. heating a non-volatile solvent
while the solute dissolves, 'working up' a reaction where liquid/solid
products need to be accessible for manipulation (stirring with a glass rod),
or titrations using electrodes where a wide opening is essential (see p. 229).
The volume graduations on the side are inaccurate and should only be used
where approximations will suffice. The lip on the beaker is specifically
designed to aid quantitative transfer of solutions (see p. 18).
• Never carry large bottles (> 1L) by their necks - carry them in a bottle
• Dispose of broken glass thoroughly and with great care - use disposable
paper towels, tongs or dust-pan and brush and thick gloves. Always put
pieces of broken glass in the correct bin.
Using chemicals
Safety aspects
In practical classes, the person in charge has the responsibility to inform you
of any hazards associated with the use of chemicals. In project work, your
first duty when using an unfamiliar chemical is to find out about its pro-
perties, especially those relating to safety. For routine practical procedures, a
risk assessment may have been carried out by a member of staff and the
relevant safety information may be included in the practical schedule: an
example is shown in Table 4.1. If not, you will have to carry out a risk
assessment before you begin. Before you use any of the chemicals, you must
find out whether safety precautions need to be taken and complete the
appropriate forms confirming that you appreciate the risks involved. Your
Table 4. 1 Representative risk assessment
information for a practical exercise in organic
department must provide the relevant information to allow you to do this. If
chemistry: the synthesis of N-phenylethanamide your supervisor has filled out the form, read it carefully before signing.
(acetanilide) Key safety points when handling chemicals are:
Chemicals are supplied in varying degrees of purity and this is always stated
on the manufacturer's containers. Suppliers differ in the names given to the
grades and there is no conformity in purity standards. Very pure chemicals
cost more, often very much more, and should only be used when the
situation demands. If you need to order a chemical, your department will
have a defined procedure for doing this.
Preparing solutions
Solutions are usually prepared with respect to their molar concentrations (e.g.
mot l.:', mol dm ", or mol m r or mass concentrations (e.g. gL-I, or
kg rn"): both can be regarded as an amount (usually mass) per unit volume,
in accordance with the relationship:
. amount
concentration = I [4.1]
vo ume
The most important aspect of eqn [4.1] is to recognize clearly the units
involved, and to prepare the solution accordingly: for molar concentrations
you will need the relative molecular mass of the chemical, so that you can
calculate the mass of substance required. Further advice on concentrations
and interconversion of units is given on p. 45.
In general there are two levels of accuracy required for the preparation of
1. General-purpose solutions - solutions of chemicals used in qualitative
and preparative procedures (p. 17) when the concentration of the
chemical need not be known to more than one or two decimal places.
For example:
(a) solutions used in extraction and washing processes, e.g. hydrochloric
acid (0.lmoIL-1), sodium hydroxide (2M), sodium carbonate (5%
(b) solutions of chemicals used in preparative experiments where the
techniques of purification - distillation, recrystallization, filtration,
etc. - introduce intrinsic losses of substances that make accuracy to
any greater level meaningless.
2. Analytical solutions - solutions used in quantitative analytical proce-
dures when the concentration needs to be known to an accuracy of four
decimal places (e.g. 0.0001 mol L -1). For example in:
(a) volumetric procedures (titrations) and gravimetric analysis, where
the concentrations of standard solutions of reagents and compounds
to be analysed need to be accurately known;
(b) spectroscopy, e.g. quantitative UV and visible spectroscopy, atomic
absorption spectroscopy and flame photometry;
(c) electrochemical measurements: pH titrations, conductance measure-
ments and polarography;
(d) chromatographic methods.
The procedures for weighing and the glassware used in the preparation of
solutions differ according to the level of accuracy required.
beakers - ease of access for stirring - and magnetic fleas with conical flasks -
lower losses through splashing - but often it is a matter of your preference
and laboratory skills.
'Obstinate' solutions may require heating, but only do this if you know
that the chemical will not be damaged at the temperature used. Use a stirrer-
heater to keep the solution mixed as you heat it. Allow the solution to cool
to room temperature before you finalize its volume.
• Make sure that you have the most accurate available knowledge of
masses of the chemicals used.
• Ensure that you have the most accurate available knowledge of the
volumes of solutions used.
To achieve these features exact techniques of weighing and solution transfer
must be used and the procedure is illustrated in the following example.
'Prepare a standard solution (250.00 mL) of ammonium ferrous
sulphate (approximately 0.1 M), which is to be used to determine the
concentration of a solution of potassium permanganate by titration'.
Alternatively you can use a weighing bottle as shown in Fig. 4.2. The
liquid is placed in the bottle, weighed accurately and then the approximate
amount required is added to the volumetric flask containing some solvent.
The volumetric flask is stoppered immediately, the weighing bottle reweighed
and the weight of liquid dispensed is calculated. The volumetric flask is then
made up to the mark and stoppered. You now know the concentration of the
standard solution to four decimal places.
For general-purpose work using dilute aqueous solutions where the higher
degree of accuracy is not required, it may be acceptable to substitute conical
flasks, beakers or test tubes for volumetric flasks and use measuring cylinders
for volume measurements. In such cases you would calculate the volumes of
'stock' solutions (usually 'bench' reagents) and diluent required, with the
assumption that the final volume is determined by the individual volumes of
stock solution and diluent used. Thus a two-fold dilution would be prepared
by using one volume of stock solution and one volume of diluent. The dilution
factor is obtained from the initial concentration of the stock solution and the
fmal concentration of the diluted solution. The dilution factor can be used to
calculate the volumes and stock and diluent required in a particular instance.
For example, suppose you wanted to prepare 100mL of a solution of NaOH
at 0.lmolL-1. Using the bench reagent, commonly containing 2.0molL-]
(2.0 M), the dilution factor is 0.1 -i- 2.0 = 0.05 = 1/20 (a twenty-fold dilution).
Therefore the amount of stock solution required is 1/20th of 100mL = 5mL
and the amount of diluent needed is 19/20th of 100mL = 95 mL.
lightly grease the joint and stopper with petroleum jelly, since the water will
not dissolve the grease as it is poured from the flask. The stopper can be
removed easily and the solution will be uncontaminated.
Conversely, if you are using solutions made up from organic solvents, you
should not grease the joints since the organic solvent will dissolve the grease
as you pour it from the flask and contaminate the solution. Moreover, you
should not allow the solution to come in contact with the un greased joints,
since the solvent will evaporate and leave the solute to 'weld' the stopper to
the flask. Fill the flask with solution, using a filter funnel with the stem of the
funnel positioned well below the joint. See p. 43 for use of ground-glass
General-purpose balances
The most useful feature of this type of balance is the electronic zero facility
(self-taring), which means the mass of the weighing container can be
subtracted automatically before weighing chemicals.
To operate a standard self-taring balance:
1. Check that it is level, using the adjustable feet to centre the bubble in the
spirit level (usually at the back of the machine). For relatively accurate
work or when using in a fume cupboard, make sure that the draught
shield is in place.
2. Ensure that the balance is switched on: the display should be lit.
3. Place an empty weighing container (see p. 24) centrally on the balance
pan and allow the reading to stabilize. If the object is larger than the pan,
take care that no part rests on the body of the balance or the draught
shield as this will invalidate the reading. Press the tare bar to bring the
reading to zero.
4. Place the chemical or object carefully in the weighing vessel:
(a) Solid chemicals should be dispensed with a suitably sized clean
Analytical balances
These are delicate precision instruments and as such are likely to be found
away from the open laboratory in draught-free conditions on a vibration-
dampened surface. Analytical balances are maintained to the highest
specifications and should need no adjustments on your part, such as levelling
and zero adjustment. The key points for using an analytical balance are
summarized below:
Weighing containers
These come in various materials, shapes and sizes: from glass weighing boats
to beakers and even special glazed paper. The weighing container to be used
depends on several factors:
Some of the common types of weighing container are shown in Fig. 4.4.
For analytical procedures, only weighing boats, weighing bottles or glass
or plastic sample tubes should be used. Weighing boats are used to transfer a
solid directly into a volumetric flask via the neck of the weighing boat: this
procedure is recommended when the chemical is known to be totally soluble
in the solvent and allows you to omit the solution preparation stage in a
beaker or conical flask (see Box 4.2). You must ensure that the neck of the
(b) weighing boat will fit well inside the ground-glass joint of the neck of the
Fig. 4.3 Single-pan balance: (a) general
volumetric flask so that all the chemical can be washed down the sides of the
purpose, two decimal places; (b) analytical, four volumetric flask and does not stick to the ground-glass joint during the
decimal places. quantitative transfer.
Support stands
These are also known as 'retort stands' and comprise an aluminium or steel
rod screwed into a heavy metal base. Always check that the base sits level
and that the rod is tightened fully in place.
Clamp holders
support stand
These are also described as 'clamp bosses' or 'bosses'. Make sure that the
locking screws move freely and are not distorted. When you attach the clamp
holder to the support stand, tighten the screw firmly and ensure that the open
'slot' to be used for the clamp is pointing upwards (Fig. 5.2).
General-purpose clamps are used for securing glassware - therefore make
three-finger clamp clamp holder sure that the inner surfaces of the clamp 'jaws' and the 'fingers' are covered
with cork or rubber to provide a cushion for the glass: there must be no
metal to glass contact in case you overtighten the clamp and crush the glass.
Tighten the clamp firmly and ensure that the clamped glassware does not
- - .0/.·,',"','.'.·,' . move.
~._o O.0
. ~
....." ....-..
Conical flasks should be clamped at the neck and ground-glass jointware
~ ~
should be clamped at the joint - this usually has the greatest thickness of
clamp metal ring
In most clamps, only one of the jaws moves when turning the screw. When
burette clamp
you use the clamp in a horizontal position, make sure that the movable jaw is
Fig. 5.1 Clamps and supporting equipment. at the top (see p. 109).
Burette clamps are specially designed to hold the burette vertically. Springs
hold the burette at two points about 5 cm apart - again check for the
presence of a rubber or plastic 'cushion' at the points of contact - to prevent
slipping and lateral movement. Since the burette clamp slides down the rod
of the support stand, then provided the support stand is vertical, the burette
will be vertical.
Support rings
These metal rings come in various diameters to support filter funnels and
separatory funnels. Often these support rings are coated in plastic to provide
the cushion between metal and glass.
If your support ring is metal, you can make a 'cushion' by finding a piece
of thin-walled rubber tubing of the same bore as the metal of the ring,
cutting it to a length equivalent to the circumference of the ring and then
cutting down the length of the rubber tubing. You can then slide the tubing
around the ring to provide the 'cushion'.
Filtration is the physical separation of a solid from a liquid and is a process
encountered in experimental procedures such as gravimetric analysis (p. 139),
recrystallization (p. 92), and solvent drying (p. 41). In principle, the mixture
of the solid and liquid is passed through a porous material, filter paper or
sintered glass, and the solid is trapped on the porous material while the liquid
passes through.
The type of filtration equipment you select for use depends upon which of
the two components, the solid or the liquid, you are trying to isolate. In
• If you wish to isolate the liquid - use gravity filtration.
• If you wish to isolate the solid - use suction (vacuum) filtration
Gravity filtration
In gravity filtration you need to pass the liquid through the porous material
and retain all the unwanted solid in the filter. In general, the best material to
use is a filter paper of the appropriate porosity to trap all the solid particles
and with the greatest surface area to allow the liquid to pass through quickly.
The apparatus required for gravity filtration is shown in Fig. 5.5. The filter
funnels are usually made of glass, but if organic solvents are not involved in
the filtration, plastic funnels can be used. Glass filter funnels with the pipe
cut off are known as 'stemless' filter funnels and have a specific use in hot
filtration (p. 98).
The key to successful gravity filtration is the fluted filter paper. A fluted
filter paper decreases the area of contact between the filter paper and the
funnel, thus allowing rapid filtration. If you use 'traditional' cone-folded filter
paper, note that all sides of the paper are touching the sides of the funnel and
on half the filter paper the liquid has to pass through three thicknesses of
paper, all of which slow the rate of filtration. Slow filtration can lead to
disaster in hot filtration during recrystallization (p. lOO).
Since filter funnels and filter papers come in different sizes, choose a filter
paper of diameter just less than twice the diameter of the funnel. When
fluted, the filter paper will be just below the rim of the funnel. There are
many ways to fold (flute) a filter paper, but one of the simplest is shown in
Fig. 5.3 Clamping a parallel-sided funnel. Box 5.1.
To filter the mixture, swirl the suspension of the solid in the liquid so that
there is a fairly even distribution of solid in the liquid, and then pour the
mixture into the filter cone, making sure that you do not pour any of the
mixture outside the filter paper otherwise you will need to repeat the
filtration, and do not overfill the filter cone. Transfer all the mixture in this
way and finally wash the last bit of solid and liquid into the filter cone with a
small amount of filtered solution and then a little pure solvent.
Suction filtration
This technique is used for the isolation of a solid from a suspension of a solid
in a liquid and relies on producing a partial vacuum in the receiving flask.
The essential components of a suction filtration system are:
• A ceramic funnel containing a flat perforated plate: there are two types
based on size and shape called Buchner funnels or Hirsch funnels. When
you are filtering, the perforated plate is covered by a filter paper.
• A receiver flask with a side arm for attachment of the vacuum source.
Buchner flasks are conical flasks made from thickened glass, and Hirsch
tubes (also known as side-arm boiling tubes or test tubes depending upon
size) are capable of withstanding weak vacuum, e.g. a water pump.
• A flexible seal between the ceramic funnel and the receiving vessel: a
Buchner collar or filter seal.
• A source of vacuum, usually a water pump (water aspirator) which is
connected to the receiving flask by thick walled rubber tubing (pressure
tubing). Sometimes there will be a trap between the water pump and the
recei ving flask.
The various types of these components are shown in Fig. 5.6: typical
apparatus is shown in Fig. 5.7 and the general procedure for suction
filtration is described in Box 5.2.
Buchner flask
boiling tube
or test tube
thick-walled tubing
flat filter paper vacuum release tap
filter ~~:ss ~
sinter for
sinters for taper joint
In the laboratory you will be required to heat chemicals in dissolution of a
solid, promotion of reaction (reflux), distillation of pure compounds and
mixtures, extraction, coagulation of precipitates, drying solid compounds, etc.
Your choice of heat source depends upon several factors:
• First and foremost, the flammability and volatility of the chemical and
• The operation to be carried out, e.g. simple preparation of a solution,
reflux or distillation.
• The temperature required for the process.
• The amount of chemical or solvent to be heated.
Before you attempt to heat any liquid or solution you must take precautions
to prevent 'bumping'. This is when the liquid suddenly boils without any
warning and results in hot liquid and vapour shooting uncontrollably out of
the container. 'Bumping' can occur during simple heating in a test tube,
conical flask or beaker or in more complex situations such as reflux and
distillation. It is necessary to provide a point in the liquid or solution where
vaporization of the liquid can occur in a controlled manner.
Before you start heating a liquid or solution you must always take one of
the following 'anti-bumping' precautions:
(a) (b)
• Add a pyrex® glass rod to the beaker or conical flask. The rod must be
longer than the container so that it can be removed and rinsed before the
solution is used further.
• Add a 'boiling stick': these are thin pieces of wood sold as 'wooden
applicators', but you must be sure that nothing will be extracted from the
wood into your solution.
• Stir the liquid or solution with a magnetic 'flea' (see p. 35) which should
be removed before further processing of the chemicals.
• Stir the liquid or solution with a mechanical stirrer (see p. 118).
• Use an air or inert gas (nitrogen) capillary bleed during vacuum distillation
(see p. 110).
Gas burners come in two common forms: large burners called Bunsen
burners and small burners known as microburners (Fig. 5.9). Bunsen burners
are commonly used for heating aqueous solutions in flat-bottomed pyrex®
vessels supported on a tripod and wire gauze (Fig. 5.10) but for many other
heating applications Bunsen burners do not provide adequate control.
Microburners may be used for direct heating of round-bottom or pear-
shaped glassware in small-scale operations where good control of the heating
rate is required, such as distillation or determination of melting point (see
p. 87). When using a microburner for heating make sure that you do not
create a 'hot spot', which may result in uneven heating of the liquid and
'bumping', by 'waving' the flame around the flask starting just below the
level of the liquid and working down to the bottom of the flask and back
Microburners are also useful for heating boiling tubes and test tubes,
sealing the ends of melting point tubes (see p. 88), making micropipettes for
chromatography (see p. 217) and bending the ends of Pasteur pipettes for
special purposes (see p. 112).
Fig. 5.10 Heating an aqueous solution using a To use a burner, first make sure that the gas piping, is attached
Bunsen burner. securely to both the burner and the gas tap, is of the correct type of
rubber tubing, and is not damaged. Close the movable collar and light the
gas with a gas igniter: do not use a splint or a piece of burning paper in
case you cause a fire in the waste bin when disposing of the paper. Open
the collar to produce a hot blue flame and adjust the gas flow to give the
required size of flame. If your work is interrupted, close the collar a little
to produce a luminous flame. Finally, when the operations are complete,
turn off the gas and do not pick up the burner by the barrel, or put it
into a cupboard, until it has cooled.
The advantages of the burner are that the heat source can be removed
instantly from the apparatus and that the flame is visible: in contrast you
often cannot distinguish between a cold and hot metal surface. The
disadvantages are those of an open flame.
water out
water in
water out
water in water out
water in
(a) (h)
Fig. 5.11 (a) Heating a conical flask on a water bath; (b) heating a reflux set-up on
a water bath.
is very small, your attempts to heat these flasks effectively will require
excessive temperatures of the heating surface, which increases the dangers due
to lack of control of the heating process. Therefore round-bottom flasks
should only be heated using an oil bath (below) or a mantle (p. 35).
The flat exposed heating plate is extremely dangerous when hot: always
check that the plate is cool by passing your hand over the plate without
touching it or by placing a drop of water on the plate. If you have to pick up
a hot plate, hold it by the sides and do not touch the plate; it may burn.
Typical uses of hot plates are illustrated in Fig. 5.12a.
Oil baths
These are mostly used to heat round-bottom flasks at temperatures above
100°C. The oil bath, containing the heating fluid, is usually a non-ferrous
metal or pyrex® dish and heated on a stirrer hot plate, and the temperature
of the bath is measured with a thermometer. The oil bath should never be
more than half-full, to allow a margin of safety for thermal expansion of the
oil, and stirred with a magnetic 'flea' to ensure even heating. The equipment
used in a typical oil bath is shown in Fig. 5.12b.
The nature of the oil used in the bath depends upon the temperature range
required and a selection of liquids is shown in Table 5.l.
You are most likely to encounter paraffin oil baths during your laboratory
work and the following safety points should be considered:
• Paraffin oil discolours rapidly with prolonged heating. If the oil is dark,
replace it with fresh oil. Dispose of the old oil in an appropriate manner
(check with laboratory staff).
• Check that there is no water in the bottom of the oil bath: look for a
separate layer or globules of liquid in the bottom of the bath. If you heat
pouring process. Use 'rubber fingers' or an insulated glove and never use
folded pieces of paper or metal tongs (Fig. 5.17).
• Beakers: these have specific problems since they have no narrow neck
which can be gripped for lifting. Small beakers of volumes up to 400 mL
capacity can easily be gripped in one hand protected by an insulated
glove or 'rubber fingers'.
• Round-bottom flasks: small flasks of capacity up to 250 mL should be held
at the neck, gripped in one hand protected by an insulated glove or
'rubber fingers' and when moving and pouring from larger flasks they
should be held by the neck and supported underneath. Do not use a
clamp round the neck of the flask as a support.
During laboratory work you will be required to carry out experiments at
Fig.5.15 Rubber 'fingers'.
temperatures below room temperature. The most common situations where
cooling is required are:
Ice baths
A slurry of crushed ice and water can be used to give a cooling bath in the
range 0 QC to 5 "C. Pure crushed ice does not give good contact with the
glassware and inefficient cooling results.
If temperatures below 0 QC are required, mixtures of crushed ice and
various inorganic salts can be used as shown in Table 5.2. Note that these
mixtures contain no liquid and therefore cooling is inefficient and the
temperatures indicated in the table are the lowest attainable under ideal
Fig.5.17 Pouring a hot solution. conditions.
• Choose the appropriate solvent and remember to take into account the
hazards associated with its use.
• Break the solid CO2 into small pieces. The CO2 'snow' can be broken
with a spatula, but the hard blocks should be wrapped in cloth and then
broken into pieces with a wooden or polyethylene mallet.
• Half fill the bath with the solvent and then, using an insulated glove, add
small pieces of the solid CO2 until the mixture stops 'boiling' and then
add a little more solid C02 and stir with a glass rod to give a slurry.
• Use an alcohol or thermocouple thermometer to check the temperature of
the bath.
• Top up the cooling bath with solid CO2 if the temperature begins to rise.
To prevent the condensation of water into your flask, you should have an
inert gas flowing through it (see p. 126) and prepare the cold bath around the
flask and its contents so that slow cooling occurs. Sudden immersion of a
relatively 'hot' flask into the cold bath will cause the bath to 'boil' and air
(containing water vapour) will be sucked into the apparatus despite the inert
atmosphere. Alternatively a 'loosely packed' CaCb guard tube (see p. 117)
will suffice if cooling is not too rapid.
Cooling probes
These are rigid or flexible metal probes, which are connected to a
refrigeration compressor. The probe is placed in the cooling bath and covered
with a suitable solvent, which is then cooled to the temperature desired.
During your laboratory course it will be necessary to dry glassware, analytical
standard compounds (see p. 144), chemicals you have synthesized, crucibles
used in gravimetric analysis (see p. 139) and solvents. Drying solvents is
described on p. 127.
Drying glassware
For most general laboratory applications glassware can be dried in an electric
oven between 80 QC and 90 QC or by rinsing the glassware with a small
amount of water-miscible solvent, such as acetone or ethanol, and then
evaporating the solvent using a compressed-air jet. Remember to remove all
plastic components, taps and stoppers from the glassware before you put it in
the oven.
If glassware is required for anhydrous reactions, it must be heated in the
oven above 100 QC, assembled while hot and allowed to cool while a stream
of inert gas is passed through it (see p. 126).
Drying solids
Here the term 'drying' means removal of a solvent, not specifically water,
from a solid by evaporation. The rate of evaporation and thus the rate of
drying can be increased by one (or all) of the following:
when its capacity for water absorption is 'exhausted'. The water can be
removed from the pink silica gel by heating in an oven above 100°C and
restoration of the blue colour indicates reactivation.
Silica gel
solid KOH Corrosive
P20S Corrosive
Cone. H2S04 Corrosive liquid
Hydrocarbons Paraffin wax
hole for
to vacuum
• Connect the tap to an operating source of vacuum: a water pump (p. 30)
or vacuum pump (p. 110) and open the tap slowly to evacuate the
• When drying appears complete, close the tap on the dessicator and then
disconnect the vacuum supply.
• Place a small piece of filter paper on the end of the tap and open the tap
slowly. The filter paper will stick to the tap as air is drawn slowly
through it. When the air has completely filled the desiccator, the filter
paper will fall off and it is safe to open the desiccator.
If you need to heat the compound under vacuum, then you will need to use a
vacuum oven (for large quantities of solids). The principles of operation of
these pieces of equipment are similar to those of a vacuum desiccator, except
that an electric heater is incorporated. Always allow the apparatus to cool to
room temperature before releasing the vacuum.
Drying liquids
This usually means removing water from a liquid chemical or a solution of a
chemical in a water-immiscible solvent. You will always need to dry solutions
after a liquid-liquid extraction (p. 102) and you may need to dry liquids after
evaporation (p. 121) or distillation (p. 107). In both cases the liquid is placed in
direct contact with the solid drying agent, i.e. the drying agent is added to the
liquid or solution. Ideally the drying agent should be totally insoluble in the
liquid, should not react with it, absorb the water quickly and efficiently, and be
easily filtered off. A list of the common drying agents is given in Table 5.5.
You must remember that the drying agent will absorb some of the liquid
or solvent being dried as well as the water. If you wish to dry a small volume
of liquid, it is better to dissolve it in a low-boiling water-immiscible solvent
and dry the solution by the procedure described in Box 5.3.
Jointed glassware
This type of glassware, commonly known as Quickfit'[', comprises a complete
range of components fitted with standard-taper ground-glass joints. The
joints are fully interchangeable with those of the same size and apparatus for
a whole range of experiments can be assembled from the simple components
without the need to use rubber bungs, corks, etc. Where there is a mismatch
between the sizes of the joints of the pieces of glassware, reduction and
expansion adapters can be used. A typical range of jointed glassware is
illustrated in Fig. 5.20.
air condenser
(or a fractionation column)
If you are using jointed glassware with strong alkalis (NaOH, KOH), you
must grease the joints. In most cases a simple hydrocarbon-based grease, such
as petroleum jelly, will suffice, since it is easily removed from the joints by
wiping with a cloth wet with a hydrocarbon solvent (petroleum spirit, 60-
80 QC).Avoid silicone-based grease, since this is difficult to remove, soluble in
some organic solvents and may contaminate your reaction products.
To grease a joint, put a small smear of grease on the upper part of the
'male' joint, push it into the 'female' joint with a twisting movement and the
joint should become 'clear' from the top to about half-way down. If more
than half the joint has become 'clear', you have used too much grease:
separate the joints, clean with a solvent-soaked cloth and repeat the process.
To avoid trapping chemicals in the ground-glass joints, fill flasks etc. using
a long-stemmed filter funnel or paper cone, which extends past the joint into
the flask (see p. 25).
Screwcap adapters
Screwcap or thermometer adapters allow you to place thermometers, glass
tubes or air bleeds into jointed glassware flasks. The screwcap adapter works
by using the screwcap to compress a rubber ring round the thermometer or
glass tube and thus hold it in place. The flexibility of the system allows the
height of the thermometer/glass tube to be varied. The adapters come in
different joint sizes and varying hole sizes to accommodate different-diameter
thermometers, tubes, Pasteur pipettes, etc. The component parts of a
screwcap adapter are shown in Fig. 5.21.
To use the screwcap adapter with a thermometer:
• Always disassemble the adapter to ensure that the rubber ring and the
Teflon® seal are present. If they are missing, get replacements before use.
The Teflon® seal is to protect the rubber ring from corrosive and solvent
• Ease the rubber ring onto the thermometer (see p. 13) and slide the
Teflon'f seal on below the ring.
• Slide the screwcap over the top of the thermometer and then screw the
whole assembly onto the base of the adapter and tighten the screw
slightly, just enough to hold the thermometer.
~ rubber ring
• Trial fit the adapter and thermometer into the apparatus and adjust the
~ ( Teflon® seal
height of the thermometer by disassembling the adapter and moving the
rubber ring up or down. Reassemble the adapter.
• Check for final fit and tighten the screwcap firmly, but do not over-tighten.
Joint clips
Plastic joint clips or Keck@ clips (Fig. 5.22a) are used for holding ground-
joint glass joints firmly together and may be used to replace clamps and support
stands at certain points when building apparatus (see p. 109) and are essential
when using rotary evaporators (p. 122). The main weakness of these
Fig. 5.21 The screwcap adapter. otherwise useful devices is that they soften at about 130 QC and this may
allow the joints to separate. Therefore they should never be used at the 'hot
end' of a distillation, for example. The clip should be used to hold a
distillation adapter on the end of a water condenser, or the flasks onto a
fraction collector, but never on the distilling flask or to hold the condenser
onto the still head (Fig. 5.22b).
When using joint clips always:
• Check that you are using the appropriate size of clip for the joints being
held. The clips are often colour coded.
• Check that the clip is not cracked or split.
• Check that the wide 'lower jaw' of the clip fits under the rim of the
'female' joint and the 'upper jaw' fits round the male joint.
• Support the joints with your hand as you push the clip into place. If in
doubt use a protective insulated glove.
Electrolytic dissociation
This occurs where a substance dissociates to give charged particles (ions). For
a strong electrolyte, e.g. Na+CI-, dissociation is essentially complete. In
contrast, a weak electrolyte, e.g. ethanoic acid, will be only partly dissociated,
depending upon the pH and temperature of the solution (p. 57).
Osmotic effects
These are the result of solute particles lowering the effective concentration of
the solvent (water). These effects are particularly relevant to biological
systems since membranes are far more permeable to water than to most
solutes. Water moves across biological membranes from the solution with the
higher effective water concentration to that with the lower effective water
concentration (osmosis).
Ideal/non-ideal behaviour
This occurs because solutions of real substances do not necessarily conform
to the theoretical relationships predicted for dilute solutions of so-called ideal
solutes. It is often necessary to take account of the non-ideal behaviour of
real solutions, especially at high solute concentrations (see Lide (2000) for
appropriate data).
In SI units (p. 71) the concentration of a solute is expressed in mol m -3,
which is essential for calculating specific parameters for substances (e.g.
p. 73), but which is inconvenient when dealing with solutions in the labora-
tory. A cubic metre (m") of water weighs approximately I ton! A common
unit of volume used in chemistry is the litre (L): this is a non-SI unit and is
converted to the SI unit of volume (m") using 1.0 L = 10-3 m". The concen-
tration of a solute is usually symbolized by square brackets, e.g. [NaCI].
Details of how to prepare solutions are given on pp. 17, 19.
A number of alternative ways of expressing the relative amounts of solute
and solvent are in general use, and you may come across these terms in your
practical work or in the literature.
This is the term used to denote molar concentration, [C), expressed as moles
of solute per litre volume of solution (mol L -1). This non-SI term continues
to find widespread usage, in part because of the familiarity of working
scientists with the term, but also because laboratory glassware is calibrated in
This is used to express the concentration of solute relative to the mass of solvent,
i.e. mol kg:". Molality is a temperature-independent means of expressing solute
concentration, rarely used except when the osmotic properties of a solution are
of interest (p. 49).
Activity (a)
This is a term used to describe the effective concentration of a solute. In
dilute solutions, solutes can be considered to behave according to ideal
(thermodynamic) principles, i.e. they will have an effective concentration
equivalent to the actual concentration. However, in concentrated solutions
( ~ 0.5 mol L -I), the behaviour of solutes is often non-ideal, and their
effective concentration (activity) will be less than the actual concentration [C].
Table 6.1 Activity coefficient of NaCI solutions The ratio between the effective concentration and the actual concentration is
as a function of molality. Data from Robinson called the activity coefficient (I') where
and Stokes (1970)
I' = [e] [6.3]
0.1 0.778 Equation [6.3] can be used for SI units (mol m "), molarity (mol L -1) or
0.5 0.681 molality (mol kgr '). In all cases, l' is a dimensionless term, since a and [C] are
1.0 0.657 expressed in the same units. The activity coefficient of a solute is effectively
2.0 0.668
4.0 0.783 unity in dilute solution, decreasing as the solute concentration increases
6.0 0.986 (Table 6.1). At high concentrations of certain ionic solutes, I' may increase to
become greater than unity.
1mol of HCI reacts with 1mol of NaOH, the equivalent mass of HCI is
M,= 36.5 and the equivalent mass of NaOH is also its M; = 40.
H2S04 + 2NaOH ---+ Na2S04 + 2H20
since 1mol of H2S04 reacts with 2 mol of NaOH, the equivalent mass of
H2S04 is M, 7 2 = 98 7 2 = 49, while the equivalent mass of NaOH is still
M, = 40.
5FeS04 + KMn04 ---+ Fe2(S04)3 + 2MnS04
since 1mol of KMn04 reacts with 5 mol of FeS04, then the equivalent mass
ofKMn04 is M, 7 5 = 15875 = 31.6, and that of FeS04 is still M, = 152.
But, for:
H2S04 + Na2C03 ---+ Na2S04 + CO2 + H20
since the reaction is 1:1, the equivalent masses of H2S04 and Na2C03 are
their Mr values, 98 and 106 respectively.
A 1 normal solution (1 N) is one that contains one equivalent mass of a
substance per litre of solution. The general formula is:
, mass of substance per litre
norma Iity = ----, ------- [6.4]
equivalent mass
This non-SI expression is used to describe the number of moles of
osmotically active solute particles per litre of solution (osmol L:"). The need
for such a term arises because some molecules dissociate to give more than
one osmotically active particle in aqueous solution.
This term describes the number of moles of osmotically active solute particles
per unit mass of solvent (osmol kg "). For an ideal solute, the osmolality can
be determined by multiplying the molality by n, the number of solute
particles produced in solution (e.g. for NaCl, n = 2). However, for real
solutes, a correction factor (the osmotic coefficient, 1J) is used:
Table 6.2 Osmotic coefficients of NaCI If necessary, the osmotic coefficients of a particular solute can be obtained
solutions as a function of molality, Data from from tables (e.g. Table 6.2): non-ideal behaviour means that 1J may have
Robinson and Stokes (1970) values> 1 at high concentrations. Alternatively, the osmolality of a solution
can be measured using an osmometer.
E 4
The extent to which a solute will dissolve in a solvent is called its solubility.
The solubility of a chemical is conventionally expressed as the maximum
number of grams of a chemical that will dissolve in lOOg of solvent but
conversion to mol L -I or g L -I is simple and may be appropriate for some
applications (see below). Since solubility is temperature dependent, is always
quoted at a specific temperature. With a very few exceptions, increasing the
temperature of a solvent increases the solubility of the solute.
Saturated solutions
For practical purposes, a saturated solution is one in which no more solute will
dissolve. For example, the solubility of sodium chloride in water is 35.6 g per
lOOg at 25 QC and 39.1 g per 100 g at 100 QCand both solutions are saturated
solutions at their respective temperatures. If the 100 QC solution is cooled to
25 QC, then 3.5 g of NaCl crystals will precipitate from the solution, because
the solution at 25 QCrequires only 35.6 g of NaCI for saturation. This process
is the basis of purification of compounds by recrystallization (see p. 92).
Solubility product
In dilute aqueous solutions, it has been demonstrated experimentally for
poorly soluble ionic salts (solubilities less than 0.01 mol L -I) that the
mathematical product of the total molar concentrations of the component
ions is a constant at constant temperature. This product, K; is called the
solubility product. Thus for a saturated solution of a simple ionic compound
AB in water, we have the dynamic equilibrium:
For example, silver chloride is a solid of solubility 0.000 15g per 100mL of
water in equilibrium with silver cations and chloride ions. Then:
K; = [Ag+] x [Cl"]
Metathesis reactions are really equilibria between the ionic species, which
are displaced to the right (to the reaction product) by a feature which defines
the classification of the reaction type.
Acid-base reactions
The most common acid-base reactions are exemplified by the neutralization
reaction between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions; for example, the
reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute sodium hydroxide:
H+CI(;.q)+ Na+OH(;.q) -+ H-OH(liq) + Na+CI(;.q)
Since water is essentially a covalent compound (see p. 56) its formation
effectively removes H+ and OH- from the equilibrium and drives the reaction
to completion. Other examples of this general type of reaction include the
removal of a molecule as a gas, such as reactions of acids with carbonates
and bicarbonates, where unstable H2C03 decomposes to H20 and CO2.
Precipitation reactions
In these reactions between ions, one substance is removed from the ionic
equilibrium by precipitation (see solubility product, p. 50) and drives the
equilibrium to the right (see p. 51).
Complexation reactions
A complex ion is formed by the reaction of a metal cation, in particular
transition metals, with an electron donor molecule (ligand), which can be
neutral or have a negative charge. The cation can accept an electron pair and
the ligand donates an electron pair to form a covalent donor (co-ordinate)
bond between the ligand and the metal ion. The ligands are said to co-
ordinate with the metal ion to give a complex. Many ligands are more
powerful electron donors than water and thus the addition of a ligand to an
aqueous solution of a metal cation displaces the equilibrium towards the
more stable complex ion. (See p. 151 for stability constants and complexes.)
The effects of complex formation are illustrated in Box 6.3.
The overall effect of complex formation is to 'remove' a hydrated metal
ion from the mixture of ions in solution by displacing the equilibrium in
favour of the complex, cf. the similar process in the formation of water in
acid-base titrations and precipitation reactions.
Magnesium metal has lost two electrons in forming Mg2+ ions and has
therefore been oxidized. The two protons have each gained an electron to
form hydrogen atoms (and then one hydrogen molecule) and have been
reduced. Since magnesium metal has been oxidized, it is a reducing agent and
because H+ has gained an electron, it is an oxidizing agent.
The stoichiometry of a redox reaction is defined by the number of
electrons transferred between the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent since
the number of electrons lost by the reducing agent must equal the number of
electrons gained by the reducing agent, e.g.
Such problems can be broken down into several simple steps, each with its
own set of rules:
• Identify the atoms, IOns or molecules which have been oxidized and
• Identify the ionic half-reactions for the species being oxidized and
reduced and combine them.
• Balance the ionic half-reactions and combine them to give a balanced
equation for the reaction.
The species which are oxidized and reduced can be identified using the
concept of oxidation numbers. The rules for determining oxidation numbers
and examples are given in Box 6.4 and the application of ionic half-reactions
to balance redox equations is shown in Box 6.5. Note that the result of the
use of partial ionic equations gives a balanced ionic equation for the redox
where H-A represents the acid and A-is the corresponding conjugate
base. The dissociation of an acid in water will increase the amount of
protons, reducing the amount of hydroxyl ions as water molecules are
formed (eqn [7.1]). The addition of a base (usually, as its salt) to water
will decrease the amount of H+, owing to the formation of the conjugate
acid (eqn [7.2]).
• Dissociation of alkalis, according to the relationship:
Many compounds act as acids, bases or alkalis: those which are almost
completely ionized in solution are usually called strong acids or bases, while
weak acids or bases are only slightly ionized in solution (p. 45).
In an aqueous solution, most of the water molecules are not ionized. In
fact, the extent of ionization of pure water is constant at any given
temperature and is usually expressed in terms of the ion product (or
ionization constant) of water, Kw:
where [H+] and [OH-] represent the molar concentration (strictly, the
activity) of protons and hydroxyl ions in solution, expressed as mol L -I. At
25 QC,the ion product of pure water is 10-14 mol/ L -2 (i.e. 10-8 mof mr").
This means that the concentration of protons in solution will be 10-7 mol
L -1 (10-4 mol m-3), with an equivalent concentration of hydroxyl ions (eqn
[7.1]). Since these values are very low and involve negative powers of 10, it is
customary to use the pH scale, where:
Table 7.1 Effects of temperature on the ion ~ While pH is strictly the negative logarithm (to the
product of water (Kw>' H+ ion concentration base 10) of H+ activity, in practice H+ concentration in mol l,r ' (equiva-
and pH at neutrality. Values calculated from lent to kmol m-3 in SI terminology) is most often used in place of activ-
Lide (2000). ity, since the two are virtually the same, given the limited dissociation of
H20. The pH scale is not SI: nevertheless, it continues to be used widely
in chemistry.
The value where an equal amount of H+ and OH- ions are present is
0 0.11 X 10~4 33.9 7.47 termed neutrality: at 2S QCthe pH of pure water at neutrality is 7.0. At this
4 0.17 x 10~4 40.7 7.39
0.29 x 10~4
temperature, pH values below 7.0 are acidic while values above 7.0 are
10 53.7 7.27
20 0.68 x 10~4 83.2 7.08 alkaline. However, the pH of a neutral solution changes with temperature
25 1.01 x 10~4 100.4 7.00 (Table 7.1), owing to the enhanced dissociation of water with increasing
30 1.47 X 10~4 120.2 6.92
37 2.39 x 10-4
temperature. This must be taken into account when measuring the pH of any
154.9 6.81
45 4.02 x 10-4 199.5 6.70 solution and when interpreting your results.
Always remember that the pH scale is a logarithmic one, not a linear one:
a solution with a pH of 3.0 is not twice as acidic as a solution of pH 6.0, but
a thousand times as acidic (i.e. contains 1000 times the amount of H+ ions).
Therefore, you may need to convert pH values into proton concentrations
before you carry out mathematical manipulations (see Box 40.2). For similar
reasons, it is important that pH change is expressed in terms of the original
and final pH values, rather than simply quoting the difference between the
values: a pH change of 0.1 has little meaning unless the initial or final pH is
Measuring pH
pH electrodes
Accurate pH measurements can be made using a pH electrode, coupled to
Table 7.2 Properties of some pH indicator a pH meter. The pH electrode is usually a combination electrode,
dyes comprising two separate systems: an H+ -sensitive glass electrode and a
reference electrode which is unaffected by H+ ion concentration (see Fig.
7.2). When this is immersed in a solution, a pH-dependent voltage
between the two electrodes can be measured using a potentiometer. In
most cases, the pH electrode assembly (containing the glass and reference
Thymol blue
(acid) Red-yellow 1.2-6.8 electrodes) is connected to a separate pH meter by a cable, although some
Bromophenol hand-held instruments (pH probes) have combination electrodes and
blue Yellow-blue 1.2-6.8 meter within the same assembly, often using an H+ -sensitive field effect
Methyl orange Red-yellow 2.8-4.0 transistor in place of a glass electrode, to improve durability and port-
Congo red Blue-red 3.0-5.2 ability.
Bromocresol Box 7.1 gives details of the steps involved in making a pH measurement
green Yellow-blue 3.8-5.4 with a glass pH electrode and meter.
Methyl red Red-yellow 4.3-6.1
Litmus Red-blue 4.5-8.3 pH indicator dyes
Chlorophenol red Yellow-red 4.8-6.3 These compounds (usually weak acids) change colour in a pH-dependent
Bromocresol manner. They may be added in small amounts to a solution, or they can be
purple Yellow-purple 5.2-6.8
used in paper strip form. Each indicator dye usually changes colour over a
blue Yellow-blue 6.0-7.6 restricted pH range (Table 7.2): universal indicator dyes/papers make use of a
Neutral red Red-yellow 6.8-8.0 combination of individual dyes to measure a wider pH range. Dyes are not
Phenol red Yellow-red 6.8-8.2 suitable for accurate pH measurement as they are affected by other
1-Naphthol- components of the solution including oxidizing and reducing agents and salts.
phthalein Yellow-blue 7.2-8.6 However, they are useful for:
phthalein None-red 8.3-10.0 • estimating the approximate pH of a solution;
• determining a change in pH, e.g. at the end-point of a titration.
Rather than simply measuring the pH of a solution, you may wish to control
the pH, during EDTA complexation titrations (see p. 152) or preparative
experiments involving carbonyl compounds, and one of the most effective
ways to control pH is to use a buffer solution.
A buffer solution is usually a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate
base. Added protons will be neutralized by the anionic base while a reduction
in protons, e.g. due to the addition of hydroxyl ions, will be counterbalanced
by dissociation of the acid (eqn [7.2]); thus the conjugate pair acts as a
'buffer' to pH change.
The British standard for the pH scale is an aqueous solution of potassium
hydrogen phthalate (0.05 M), which has a pH of 4.001 at 20 QC and is often
used as a calibration solution for pH meters.
alkali added
Fig. 7.1 Theoretical pH titration curve for a
buffer solution. pH change is lowest and buffer By rearranging eqn [7.6] and taking negative logarithms, we obtain:
capacity is greatest at the pKa of the buffer
solution. [A-]
pH = pKa + 10glO [HA] [7.7]
acknowledge the early work of Dr N.B. Good and eo-workers: HEPES is one
of the most useful zwitterionic buffers, with a pKa of 7.5 at 25°C.
These zwitterionic substances are usually added to water as the free
acid: the solution must then be adjusted to the correct pH with a strong
alkali, usually NaOH or KOH. Alternatively, they may be used as their
sodium or potassium salts, adjusted to the correct pH with a strong acid,
e.g. HCI. Consequently, you may need to consider what effects such
changes in ion concentration may have in a solution where zwitterions are
used as buffers.
Fig. 7.4 shows a number of traditional and zwitterionic buffers and their
effective pH ranges. When selecting one of these buffers, aim for a pKa which
is in the direction of the expected pH change (Tables 7.2, 7.3). For example,
HEPES buffer would be a better choice of buffer than PIPES for use at
4 6 10 11
6.0 6.2 43.8
6.2 9.3 40.7
6.4 13.3 36.7 Fig. 7.4 Useful pH ranges of some commonly used buffers.
6.6 18.8 31.2
6.8 24.5 25.5
7.0 30.5 19.5
7.2 36.0 14.0
7.4 40.5 9.5
7.6 43.5 6.5
7.8 45.8 4.2
8.0 47.4 2.6
Anon. (1989) Safe Practices in Chemical Laboratories, Royal Society of
Chemistry, London.
Anon. (1989) COSHH in Laboratories, Royal Society of Chemistry, London.
Bennett, S.W. and O'Neale, K. (1999) Progressive Development of Practical
Skills in Chemistry. A guide to early-undergraduate experimental work, Royal
Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Fumiss, BA, Hannaford, AJ., Smith, PW.G. and Tatchell, A.R. (1989)
Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn, Longman,
Harlow, Essex.
Halpern, A.M. (1997) Experimental Physical Chemistry, Prentice Hall,
Harlow, Essex.
Harwood, L.M.,Moody, c.J. and Percy, J.M. (2000) Experimental Organic
Chemistry, 2nd Edn, Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford.
Lehman, J.W. (1999) Operational Organic Chemistry. A problem-solving
approach to the laboratory course, 3rd Edn, Prentice Hall, Harlow, Essex.
Lenga R.E. (1988) Sigma-Aldricn Library of Chemical Safety Data, 2nd Edn,
Sigma-Aldrich Ltd, Gillingham.
Lister, T. (1996) Classic Chemistry Demonstrations, Royal Society of
Chemistry, Cambridge.
Mendham, J., Denney, R.C., Barnes, J.D. and Thomas, M.I.K. (2000)
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Edn, Prentice Hall,
Harlow, Essex.
Nelson, J.B. (1997) Laboratory Experiments for Chemistry, Prentice Hall,
Harlow, Essex.
Sharp, JT., Gosney, I. and Rowley, A.G. (1989) Practical Organic
Chemistry, Chapman and Hall, London.
Suib. S.L. and Tanaka, J. (1999) Experimental Methods in Inorganic
Chemistry, Prentice Hall, Harlow, Essex.
Urben, P.G. (1999) Bretherick's Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards, 6th
Edn, Butterworth-Heinemann, London.
Zubrick, J.W. (2001) The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual. A student's
guide to techniques, 5th Edn, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Chichester.
Basic laboratory skills, LGC, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (1998).
Further Laboratory Skills, LGC, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge
SoftCOSHH 2000, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Measurement scales
Variables may be measured on different types of scale:
• Nominal - where classification is based on a descriptive characteristic
(e.g. colour). This is the only scale for qualitative data.
• Ordinal - this classifies by numerical rank, from smallest to greatest, but
with no assumption of equal spacing between ranks.
• Interval - for certain quantitative variables, where numbers on an equal
unit scale are related to an arbitrary zero, e.g. temperature in "C.
• Ratio - similar to the interval scale, except that the zero point represents
an absence of that character, i.e. it is an absolute zero.
You should aim to do quantitative measurements using a ratio scale
whenever possible, to allow you to use the broadest range of mathematical
operations and statistical procedures. For example, if you are measuring the
surface area of a sample of graphite you could give the area as 200 m2 but, if
you know the mass of the sample (10 g), you should quote the surface area as
20m2 g-l.
Primary record
The primary record is made at the bench and you must concentrate on
the detail of materials, methods and results. Include information that
would not be used elsewhere, but which might prove useful in error
tracing: for example, if you note how a solution was made up (exact
volumes and weights used rather than concentration alone), this could
reveal whether a miscalculation had been the cause of a rogue result.
Note the origin, type and state of the chemicals used. In the experimental
section, the basic rule is to record enough information to allow a
reasonably competent scientist to repeat your work exactly. You must
tread a line between the extremes of pedantic, irrelevant detail and the
omission of information essential for proper interpretation - better
perhaps to err on the side of extra detail to begin with. An experienced
worker can tell you which subtle shifts in technique are important (e.g.
batch numbers for an important chemical, or when a new stock solution
is prepared). Many important scientific advances have been made because
of careful observation and record taking and because coincident data
were recorded that did not seem of immediate value. Make rough
diagrams to show the arrangement of replicates, equipment, etc. If forced
to use loose paper to record data, make sure each sheet is dated and
taped to your lab book, collected in a ring binder, or attached with a
treasury tag. The same applies to traces, printouts and graphs.
The basic order of the primary record should mirror that of a research
report (see p. 332), including: the title and date, brief introduction, a
comprehensive experimental section, the data and short conclusions.
Secondary record
You should make a secondary record concurrently or later in a bound
book and it ought to be neater, in both organization and presentation.
This book will be used when discussing results with your supervisor, and
when writing up a report or thesis, and may be part of your course
assessment. Writing a second, neater version forces you to consider again
details that might have been overlooked in the primary record and
provides a duplicate in case of loss or damage. While these notes should
retain the essential features of the primary record, they should be more
concise and the emphasis should move towards analysis of the experi-
ment. Don't repeat the experimental section for a series of similar
experiments; use devices such as 'method as for Expt B4'. A photocopy
may be sufficient if the method is derived from a text or article (check
with your supervisor). Outline the aims more carefully at the start and
link the experiment to others in a series (e.g. 'Following the results of
Expt D24, I decided to test whether .. .'). You should present data in an
easily digested form, e.g. as tables of means or as summary graphs. Use
appropriate statistical tests (p. 271) to support your analysis of the
results. Always analyse and think about data immediately after collecting
them as this may influence your subsequent activities. Write down any
conclusions: sometimes those which seem obvious at the time of doing the
work are forgotten when the time comes to write up a report or thesis.
Likewise, ideas for further studies may prove valuable later. Even if your
experiment appears to be a failure, suggestions as to the likely causes
might prove useful.
Electric potential
Table 9.3 Prefixes used in the SI difference volt V m2 kg A-1 S-3 J C-1
Electric resistance ohm n m2 kg A-2 S-3 V A-1
Electric conductance siemens S S3 A2 kg-1 m-2 A V-1 or n-1
Electric capacitance farad F S4 A2 kg-1 m-2 C V-1
10-3 milli m 103 kilo k
10-6 Luminous flux lumen Im cd sr
micro J1 106 mega M
10-9 Illumination lux Ix cd sr m-2 Im m-2
nano n 109 giga G
Frequency hertz Hz S-l
10-12 pi eo p 1012 tera T
10-15 femto f 1015 peta P Radioactivity becquerel Bq s"
10-18 atto a 1018 exa E Enzyme activity katal kat mol substrate S-l
• Give symbols and prefixes appropriate upper or lower case initial letters
as this may define their meaning. Upper case symbols are named after
persons but when written out in full they are not given initial capital
• Show the decimal sign as a full point on the line. Some metric
countries continue to use the comma for this purpose and you may
come across this in the literature: commas should not therefore be used
to separate groups of thousands. In numbers that contain many
significant figures, you should separate multiples of 103 by spaces
rather than commas.
Use of prefixes
• Use prefixes to denote multiples of 103 (Table 9.3) so that numbers are
kept between 0.1 and 1000.
• Treat a combination of a prefix and a symbol as a single symbol. Thus,
when a modified unit is raised to a power, this refers to the whole unit
including the prefix.
• Avoid the prefixes deci (d) for 10-1 and centi (c) for 10-2 as they are not
strictly SI.
• Express very large or small numbers as a number between 1 and 10
multiplied by a power of 10 if they are outside the range of prefixes
shown in Table 9.3.
• Do not use prefixes in the middle of derived units: they should be
attached only to a unit in the numerator (the exception is in the unit for
mass, kg).
The SI unit for mass is the kilogram (kg) rather than the gram (g): this is
unusual because the base unit has a prefix applied.
Amount of substance
You should use the mole (mol, i.e. Avogadro's constant, see Table 9.4) to
express very large numbers. The mole gives the number of atoms in the
atomic mass, a convenient constant.
The SI unit of concentration, mol m>', is not convenient for general
laboratory work. It is equivalent to the non-SI term 'millimolar' (mM) while
'molar' (M) becomes kmol m ". If the solvent is not specified, then it is
assumed to be water (see Chapter 6).
In general, use the second (s) when reporting physical quantities having a
time element. Hours (h), days (d) and years should be used if seconds are
clearly absurd (e.g. samples were taken over a 5-year period). Note,
however, that you may have to convert these units to seconds when doing
The SI unit is the kelvin, K. The degree Celsius scale has units of the
same magnitude, QC, but starts at 273.15 K, the melting point of ice at
STP. Temperature is similar to time in that the Celsius scale is in
widespread use, but note that conversions to K may be required for
calculations. Note also that you must not use the degree sign (0) with K
and that this symbol must be in upper case to avoid confusion with k for
kilo; however, you should retain the degree sign with QC to avoid
confusion with the coulomb, C.
Interconversion of SI units
You will find that the use of SI units simplifies mathematical manipulations
and ensures that you obtain the correct units for the parameter being
calculated. Remember that you must convert all units into the appropriate SI
units, e.g. masses must be expressed as kg, volumes as m3 and concentrations
as kg m-3 or mol m-3, etc., and that you may need to use alternatives in
derived units (Table 9.2). The application of these principles is shown in Box
Confounding variables
These increase or decrease systematically as the independent variable in-
creases or decreases. Their effects are known as systematic variation. This
form of variation can be disentangled from that caused directly by treatments
by incorporating appropriate controls in the experiment. A control is really
just another treatment where a potentially confounding variable is adjusted
so that its effects, if any, can be taken into account. The results from a
control may therefore allow an alternative hypothesis to be rejected. There
are often many potential controls for any experiment.
The consequence of systematic variation is that you can never be certain
that the treatment, and the treatment alone, has caused an observed result.
By careful design, you can, however, 'minimize the uncertainty' involved in
your conclusion. Methods available include:
• Ensuring, through experimental design, that the independent variable is
the only major factor that changes in any treatment.
• Incorporating appropriate controls to show that potential confounding
variables have little or no effect.
• Selecting experimental subjects randomly to cancel out systematic
variation arising from biased selection.
• Matching or pairing individuals among treatments so that differences in
response due to their initial status are eliminated.
• Arranging subjects and treatments randomly so that responses to
systematic differences in conditions do not influence the results.
• Ensuring that experimental conditions are uniform so that responses to
systematic differences in conditions are minimized.
Nuisance variables
These are uncontrolled variables which cause differences in the value of y
independently of the value of x, resulting in random variation. Nuisance
variables are not common in chemistry except where molecules from natural
sources are used. To reduce and assess the consequences of nuisance
• incorporate replicates to allow random variation to be quantified;
• choose experimental subjects that are as similar as possible;
• control random fluctuations in environmental conditions.
Using replicates
Replicate results show how variable the response is within treatments. They
allow you to compare the differences among treatments in the context of the
variability within treatments - you can do this via statistical tests such as
analysis of variance (Chapter 41). Larger sample sizes tend to increase the
precision of estimates of statistical parameters and increase the chances of
showing a significant difference between treatments if one exists. For
statistical reasons (weighting, ease of calculation, fitting data to certain tests),
it is best to keep the number of replicates even.
3x3 4x4 If the total number of replicates available for an experiment is limited by
resources, you may need to compromise between the number of treatments
and the number of replicates per treatment. Statistics can help here, as it is
possible to work out the minimum number of replicates you would need to
show a certain difference between pairs of means (say 10%) at a specified
level of significance (say P = 0.05). For this, you need to obtain a prior
estimate of variability within treatments (see Miller and Miller, 2000).
Multifactorial experiments
The simplest experiments are those in which one treatment (factor) is applied
at a time to the samples. This approach is likely to give clear-cut answers, but
it could be criticized for lacking realism. In particular, it cannot take account
of interactions among two or more conditions that are likely to occur in real
life. A multifactorial experiment (Fig. lOA) is an attempt to do this; the
interactions among treatments can be analysed by specialized forms of
analysis of variance.
Multifactorial experiments are economical on resources because of 'hidden
replication'. This arises when two or more treatments are given to a subject
because the result acts statistically as a replicate for each treatment. Choice of
relevant treatments to combine is important in multifactorial experiments; for
instance, an interaction may be present at certain concentrations of a
chemical but not at others (perhaps because the response is saturated). It is
factor B
• If c = 0, there is no interaction
(e.g. 2 + 2 + c = 4).
• If c is positive, there is a positive interaction (synergism) between A and B
(e.g. 2 + 2 + c = 5).
• If c is negative, there is a negative interaction (antagonism) between A and B
(e.g. 2 + 2 + c = 3).
also important that the measurement scale for the response is consistent,
otherwise spurious interactions may occur. Beware when planning a
multifactorial experiment that the numbers of replicates do not get out of
hand: you may have to restrict the treatments to 'plus' or 'minus' the factor
of interest (as in Fig. 10.4).
Repetition of experiments
Even if you have taken great care to ensure that your experiment is well
designed and statistically analysed, you are limited in the conclusions that can
be made. Firstly, what you can say is valid for a particular place and time,
with a particular investigator, experimental subject and method of applying
treatments. Secondly, if your results were significant at the 5% level of
probability, there is still an approximately 1 in 20 chance that the results did
arise by chance. To guard against these possibilities, it is important that
experiments are repeated. Ideally, this would be done by an independent
scientist with independent materials. However, it makes sense to repeat work
yourself so that you can have full confidence in your conclusions. Many
scientists recommend that all experiments are carried out three times in total.
This may not be possible in undergraduate practical classes or project work!
Getting started
Fig. 11.1 is a flowchart illustrating how a project might proceed; at the start,
don't spend too long reading the literature and working out a lengthy
programme of research. Get stuck in and do an experiment. There's no
substitute for 'getting your hands dirty' for stimulating new ideas:
Fig. 11.1 Flowchart showing a recommended • Be considerate - keep your 'area' tidy and offer to do your share of lab
sequence of events in carrying out an duties such as calibrating the pH meter, replenishing stock solutions,
undergraduate research project. distilled water, cleaning used glassware, etc.
• Use instruments carefully - they could be worth more than you'd think.
Careless use may invalidate calibration settings and ruin other people's
work as well as your own.
• Do your homework on techniques you intend to use - there's less chance
of making costly mistakes if you have a good background understanding
of the methods you will be using.
• Always seek advice if you are unsure of what you are doing.
Experimental You should note as many details as possible when doing the
experiment or making observations. Don't rely on your memory or hope that
the information will still be available when you come to write up. Even if it
is, chasing these details might waste valuable time.
Results Show your supervisor graphed and tabulated versions of your data
promptly. These can easily be produced using a spreadsheet (p. 307), but you
should seek your supervisor's advice on whether the design and print quality
is appropriate to be included in your thesis. You may wish to access a
specialist graphics program to produce publishable-quality graphs and charts:
allow some time for learning its idiosyncrasies! If you are producing a poster
for assessment (Chapter 54), be sure to mock up the design well in advance.
Similarly, think ahead about your needs for any seminar or poster you will
Discussion Because this comes at the end of your thesis, and some parts can
only be written after you have all the results in place, the temptation is to leave
the discussion to last. This means that it can be rushed - not a good idea
because of the weight attached by assessors to your analysis of data and
thoughts about future experiments. It will help greatly if you keep notes of
aims, conclusions and ideas for future work as you go along (Fig. 11.1).
Another useful tip is to make notes of comparable data and conclusions from
the literature as you read papers and reviews.
References Because of the complex formats involved (p. 319), these can be
tricky to type. To save time, process them in batches as you go along.
Adams, M.J. (1995) Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Royal Society of
Chemistry, Cambridge.
Crawford, K. and Heaton, A. (1999) Problem Solving in Analytical
Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Massart, D.L., Vandeginste, B.G.M., Buydens, L.M.C, de Jong, S., Lewi,
PJ. and Smeyers-Verbeke, J. (1997) Handbook of Chemometrics and
Qualimetrics: Part A, Elsevier Science RV., Amsterdam.
Meier, P.C (2000) Statistical Methods in Analytical Chemistry, 2nd Edn,
John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester.
Miller, J.N. and Miller, J.C (2000) Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical
Chemistry, 4th Edn, Prentice Hall, Harlow, Essex.
1. The melting range and upper limit are an indication of the purity of the
2. Comparison of the melting point with the literature may indicate the
identity of the compound or confirm that it is not the compound required.
3. If the compound is new, other scientists will need the information.
4. The compound can be identified with reasonable certainty by taking a
mixed melting point (p. 90).
Criterion of purity
Pure solid covalent organic compounds and many inorganic complexes
incorporating organic ligands have definite melting points. The pure solid will
melt reproducibly over a narrow temperature range, usually less than 1 QC,and
this melting range is known as the melting point. If the compound is not pure,
the melting range will increase significantly and the upper end of the melting
range will be lowered. Thus the melting point ( of a compound is a
measure of its purity (p. 90). Other methods are used routinely to estimate
purity of solid compounds, such as NMR (p. 190), and the presence of a single
'spot' or a single peak on a chromatogram from thin-layer (p. 216), gas-liquid
(p. 211) or high-performance liquid (p. 218) chromatography, but melting point
remains the standard measure of purity.
Capillary tubes
Capillary tubes for melting point measurement are available commercially
and are supplied open at both ends or closed at one end or closed at both
Laboratory techniques 87
Melting points
(c) (d)
Fig. 12.1 Melting point apparatus: (a) oil bath; (b) heated block - thermometer
readout; (c) heated block - digital readout; (d) Kofler hot-stage microscope.
ends. To seal one end of an open capillary tube, just touch the end of the
capillary tube onto the outer 'layer' of the hot flame of a microburner (see
Fig. 12.2). The end of the tube will collapse in and seal the tube. Make sure
that the tube is sealed, i.e. there is not a fine line in the sealed end, and that
there is no large globule of glass on the end of the tube, otherwise it may not
fit into the hole in the heating block of the melting point apparatus.
Similarly, if you push the tube too far into the flame, the tube will bend and
therefore not fit into the heating block.
To put the compound into the capillary tube, place a little of the dry
compound in a small heap on a watch-glass and press the open end of the tube
into the heap, trapping a plug of chemical in the opening. The chemical can be
88 Laboratory techniques
Melting points
moved to the sealed end by turning the tube over and tapping it on the bench,
? or by vibrating it by rubbing it against the thread of the screw on a clamp, or
dropping it down a long glass tube onto the laboratory bench. Remember: you
only need 2-3 mm of sample in the bottom of the capillary tube.
Tube has been
tube tilted to stages for Oil bath apparatus
prevent water correct sealing
condensation inside
The component parts of a typical oil bath melting point apparatus are shown
in Fig. 12.3.
Fig. 12.2 Sealing a melting point capillary
tube. • Check that the mineral oil is clean and contains no water (p. 34) and that
the bulb is only two-thirds full, to allow for expansion. Clamp the oil
bath to a support stand (p. 26).
• Check that your thermometer is of the appropriate range, that the mercury
thread is intact and the glass, in particular the bulb, is not cracked.
• Attach the capillary to the thermometer with a rubber ring, making sure
that the compound is next to the thermometer bulb and remember to
hold the thermometer near the bulb while attaching the capillary tube
(p. 13).
• Press the thermometer into the 'notched' cork, making sure that you can
see the thermometer scale, and trial fit the thermometer, sample and cork
into the oil bath making sure that the thermometer bulb and sample are
in the centre of the oil bath and that the rubber band is not in the oil,
and will not be covered by oil, when the oil expands on heating.
• If adjustment is needed, carefully slide the cork up or down the thermo-
meter (p. 13).
• You can attach a melting point capillary to both sides of the thermometer
bulb to carry out two separate melting point determinations simul-
Laboratory techniques 89
Melting points
Thermometer calibration
Your thermometer may be a major source of error in melting point
measurement. Occasionally thermometers for routine laboratory use may not
be accurate and may read up to 10 DC high or low. To avoid this problem
you should always calibrate your thermometer to determine any error and be
able to correct for it.
To calibrate your thermometer you must measure the melting points of a
series of very pure compounds, available commercially, having a range of
melting points similar to the range over which you will use the thermometer;
a general-purpose series is shown in Table 12.1. Having measured the melting
points of each of the pure compounds, take the mid-point of each value for
the thermometer reading of melting point for each compound and the mid-
point of the literature melting point of each compound and plot them
Table 12.1 A typical series of standards for graphically using literature temperature as the y-axis and the thermometer
thermometer calibration reading as the x-axis, The straight-line plot will obey the equation
y = mx + c, where y = real temperature (literature, x = thermometer
reading, m = slope and c = intercept. If you use a computer and suitable
Naphthalene 79-80°C program, the values of m and c will be calculated and you then solve the
Benzoic acid 121°C equation for using the thermometer reading (x-axis values) to find the real
4-Nitroaniline 147°C
4-Toluic acid 180-182"C temperature of melting (y-axis values) to find the true melting range.
Anthracene 216-218°C Of course, if you break or lose your thermometer, you must calibrate
1. The melting point of the mixture is the same as the pure compound,
which means that the unknown compound and the known compound
are the same.
90 Laboratory techniques
Melting points
2. The melting point of the mixture is lower than either of the two pure
components and the melting range is large. This is because the two
compounds are different with the result that one is an impurity in the
For example, both benzoic acid and mandelic acid are white crystalline
solids which melt at 121°C. However a 1: 1 mixture of the two compounds
begins to melt at about 80°C.
The usefulness of mixed melting points is limited in that you must have
some idea of the chemical nature of your unknown compound and a sample
of the suspected compound must be available.
Laboratory techniques 91
-------0 Recrystallization
The products from many synthetic preparations are seldom pure and the
technique of recrystallization, which involves dissolving the impure material
in a hot solvent and then cooling the solution to produce crystals, is routinely
used to purify covalent organic and inorganic solids.
In general there are three types of impurities, which are removed by the
recrystallization process:
92 Laboratory techniques
the dipole, the greater the polarity of the solvent, e.g. trichloromethane has
three polarized C-C1 bonds, giving an overall dipole to the molecule and
producing a good solvent for many molecules, but in tetrachloromethane all of
the C-C1 dipoles cancel out, giving a non-polar solvent with different solvent
properties in comparison. An additional feature that adds solvating power is
hydrogen bonding. Thus water, a polarized molecule, can form hydrogen bonds
with oxygen and nitrogen atoms in solutes, dissolving them efficiently.
When you are choosing a solvent for recrystallization, look for the
following general characteristics:
• A high dissolving power for the solute at high temperature and a low
dissolving power at room temperature or below, so that a high recovery
of purified compound can be achieved.
• A high or negligible dissolving power for the impurities, so that they will
either be filtered off or remain in solution.
• A relatively low boiling point, to facilitate drying the purified compound.
The miscibility of solvents with each other must be taken into account
when attempting mixed-solvent recrystallizations (see p. 95); the properties of
some common recrystallization solvents, which you are likely to encounter in
your laboratory work, are shown in Table 13.1. Remember that this is only a
general list of solvents; further information on solvent properties can be
found in standard textbooks such as Harwood et al. (2000, p. 133),
Loewenthal (1990, p. 146) and Furniss et al. (1989, p. 137).
Solvent selection
To find a suitable solvent for recrystallization you must carry out a series of
tests measuring the solubility of your crude compound in a series of solvents
(cold and hot) of varying solvent polarity. This series of tests is called 'solvent
selection' and is carried out on a test tube scale but, as your technique
improves, you can carry out the tests using semi-micro scale since you will
use less of your compound during the process. The procedure for solvent
selection at the test tube scale is described in Box 13.1 and modification of
the procedure to semi-micro scale requires only a corresponding reduction of
the quantities of solvent and solute used.
Laboratory techniques 93
94 Laboratory techniques
Recrysta 11ization
Mixed solvents
When no single solvent is found to be suitable for recrystallization, then a
mixed solvent system must be used. There are three essential properties
required for a pair of solvents to be used in a mixed-solvent system:
I. The two solvents must be miscible in all proportions over the
temperature range to be used.
2. The solute must be insoluble in one of the solvents.
3. The solute must be soluble in the other solvent.
It is an advantage if the two solvents have similar boiling points within 20-
Suitable common solvent pairs from the solvents given in Table 13.1 are
water/ethanol and dichloromethane/light petroleum ( 40-60°C), but
many other combinations are possible. One of the most frequently
encountered mixed solvent systems is 'aqueous ethanol' (water/ethanol) in
which the compound to be recrystallized is insoluble in water and very
soluble in ethanol.
You can identify the solubility characteristics of your compound using the
solvent selection procedure shown in Box 13.1 and modifications for mixed
solvent selection are given in Box 13.2.
Laboratory techniques 95
To carry out a single-solvent recrystallization (Box 13.3) you must get the
compound into solution and this is achieved by suspending it in the
appropriate cold solvent, found in the solvent selection process, and then
heating the mixture to dissolve the solid. The equipment used will depend on
the boiling point of the solvent, its flammability and toxicity. Some general
systems are shown in Table 13.2.
When heating solvents in conical flasks and beakers you should cover the
top of the flask with a clock-glass or watch-glass to prevent excessive
evaporation of the solvent, resulting in the formation of crystals on the sides
of the flask above the surface of the solution. Do not forget to take the
appropriate 'anti-bumping' precautions (p. 31), because you may need to boil
the mixture for several minutes to achieve complete dissolution of the
chemical(s). You should use a glass rod, a wooden 'boiling stick' or anti-
bumping chips in conical flasks of volume up to 500mL; magnetic 'fleas' or
anti-bumping granules in round-bottom flasks in reflux apparatus (p. 116);
magnetic 'fleas' or stirring bars in large-volume glassware (> 500 mL).
Small amounts of coloured impurities can be removed from your product by
absorption on finely divided charcoal, which is then removed in the hot
filtration process (p. 98). In general, you should use charcoal in every
96 Laboratory techniques
• Add the charcoal only when the solution has been formed. If you add
charcoal to the cold solution, you will not be able to see when all of the
compound has dissolved.
• Do not add charcoal to a boiling or a very hot solution otherwise the
solution will boil extremely vigorously, usually boiling out of the flask or
reflux apparatus.
• To add charcoal to a hot solution, remove the flask from the heat source
and then let it cool a little (not enough to cause precipitation). Add the
charcoal either from a spatula (into a conical flask or beaker), a paper
funnel (p. 25) or powder funnel (into a round-bottom flask with a
ground-glass joint in reflux apparatus), and then reheat the solution.
Laboratory techniques 97
Hot filtration
This is a modification of gravity filtration (p. 28), designed to remove
solvent-insoluble impurities, charcoal, anti-bumping granules or magnetic
'fleas' from the hot solution before cooling the solution to form the crystals
of purified product.
For a successful hot filtration the solution must pass through the filter paper
and filter funnel into the collection flask as quickly as possible so that cooling
and crystallization do not occur. The following points should be noted:
Rapid cooling in an ice-water bath ('crash-crystallization') usually produces
small crystals occluded with mother-liquor, whereas slow cooling by allowing
the collection flask to stand on the laboratory bench often produces large
well-defined crystals. Remember to:
• cover the top of the collection flask with a watch- or clock-glass to
prevent solvent evaporation and entry of dust into the flask: do not use
rubber bungs or corks since they may be pulled into the flask as it cools
(p. 21);
• clamp the flask in place, if you use an ice-water bath, otherwise it may
fall over as the ice melts and the volume of water increases;
• make sure that the solution is cold, even after slow cooling, so that
maximum precipitation of the solid occurs.
If no crystals appear on cooling, you will have formed a supersaturated
solution and, to induce precipitation of the solute, you must provide sites for
nucleation and crystal growth. This can be achieved by either seeding the
solution by adding a few crystals ('dust') of the crude compound or
scratching the inside of the flask at the surface of the liquid, using a Pyrex@
glass rod (Fig. 13.2).
98 Laboratory techniques
collecting flask to the filter using a little of the filtrate: do not use fresh
solvent. The filtrate is a saturated solution of the compound being
recrystallized and cannot dissolve any more solute, but fresh solvent will
dissolve some of your product resulting in an inefficient recrystallization
Laboratory techniques 99
The purified compound should be dried by the appropriate method as
described on p. 39. If you do not know the melting point of your
compound, you should always carry out a test by placing a small amount
on a watch-glass in the oven, before committing the bulk of your
Detailed procedures for single-solvent and mixed-solvent recrystallizations
are shown in Box 13.3 and Box 13.4 respectively and the modifications
necessary for the use of other solvent systems can be worked out from the
information in Table 13.2.
Problems in recrystallization
There are three common problems encountered during recrystallization:
1. The compound crystallizes in the filter funnel during hot filtration. This
is because the solubility of the solute decreases rapidly with temperature
and the slight cooling during hot filtration causes precipitation of the
solid, even though you are heating the funnel. The answer is to use more
than the minimum. amount of solvent and then evaporate off the excess
before cooling.
2. The compound does not recrystallize. There are two reasons: you have
used too much solvent and you must evaporate off some solvent before
cooling, or you have formed a supersaturated solution and you must
'seed' or 'scratch' the solution (see p. 98).
Liquid-liquid extraction
Several experimental processes in practical chemistry are based on liquid-
liquid extraction:
Acid Neutral Salt Neutral
insoluble in H20 insoluble in H20 soluble in H20 insoluble in H20
soluble in CH2CI2 soluble in CH2CI2 soluble CH2CI2
ArNH2 + RH CH;CJ; ArNHt CI- + RH
Amine Neutral Salt Neutral
insoluble in H20 insoluble in H20 soluble in H20 insoluble in H20
soluble in CH2CI2 soluble in CH2CI2 soluble CH2CI2
All of these processes involve mixing the two immiscible solvents, one of
which contains the mixture, in a separatory funnel (p. 103) and shaking the
funnel to promote the extraction process. The immiscible layers are allowed
to reform and are then separated.
Partition coefficients
The theory of liquid-liquid extraction is based on the equilibrium between
the concentrations of dissolved component in the two immiscible liquids,
when they are in contact. The equilibrium constant for this process is called
the partition coefficient or distribution coefficient and is given by:
concentration of solute in liquid I
K = concentration of solute in liquid 2
You only need to calculate such quantities if:
Separatory funnels
These come in a range of sizes from 5 mL to 5000 mL and there are two
general types: parallel sided and cone shaped (Fig. 14.1). Cone-shaped
separatory funnels are made of thin glass and should be supported in a ring
(p. 104). Small-volume cone-shaped funnels « 100mL capacity) and
parallel-sided separatory funnels should be clamped at the ground-glass joint
at the neck (p. 27).
Separatory funnels will have glass or Teflon@ taps with a rubber ring and
clip or screw cap on the end to prevent the tap slipping from the barrel, or a
Rotaflo'P tap. You must ensure that the tap assembly is in good condition by
making the following checks before starting work:
• For glass taps: disassemble the tap by first removing the clip and ring or
cap from the tap (note the order of the component parts for
reassembling). Dry the tap and barrel with tissue, add a light smear of
grease to the tap (making sure you do not clog the hole in the tap) and
reassemble the tap and fittings, turning the tap to ensure free movement.
Support the separatory funnel in position and add some of the organic
solvent to be used (2-3 mL) to the funnel, with the tap closed, to check
that the tap does not leak. If the tap leaks, disassemble and regrease.
• For Teflon® taps: disassemble the tap, wipe the tap and barrel with clean
tissue, reassemble without grease, check for free movement of the tap and
for leakage as described above. When you have finished using the funnel,
loosen the clip/cap on the tap since Teflon® will flow under pressure and
the tap may 'seize' in the barrel.
• For a Rotaflo® tap: unscrew the tap from the funnel and ensure that
the plastic locking thread is in place (Fig. 14.2). If it is not present,
consult your instructor and obtain a replacement. Dry the barrel of
the tap and the tap with a tissue and reassemble. Do not grease the
Rotaflo® tap.
I ~ glass thread
Rotaflo® tap
(ready for use)
(a) (b)
Fig. 14.2 A Rotaflo® tap. Fig. 14.3 A separatory funnel (a) ready to use and (b) in use.
5. Always take the stopper from the separatory funnel before you attempt
to allow liquid to run from the funnel. If you do not remove the stopper
from the top of the funnel, a vacuum is formed in the funnel after a little
of the liquid has run out. Air will be sucked into the funnel through the
outlet stem causing bubbles, which will remix your separated layers. If
your funnel is equipped with a Quickfit'f stopper, it is good practice to
take the stopper out of the top and put it back upside down (Fig. l4.3b).
This ensures that no vacuum is formed and that organic vapours do not
Fig. 14.4 Holding a separatory funnel. escape easily from the flask.
Solid-liquid extraction
In this process the components of a solid mixture are extracted into a solvent.
The 'batch process', analogous to liquid-liquid extraction, involves grinding
the solid to a fine powder, mixing it with the appropriate solvent, and
filtering off the solid by gravity (p. 27) or under vacuum (p. 30) and then
evaporating the solvent (p. 121) from the extract solution. However, a more
Distillation equipment
Apparatus used for the various types of distillation has several general
• Distillation flask: usually round bottom or pear shaped with one or two
necks (to allow a vacuum bleed to be fitted).
• Still-head: to hold the thermometer and to channel the vapour into the
condenser. For fractional distillation, the fractionating column is fitted
between the distillation flask and the still-head.
• Condenser: usually with circulating cold water.
• Take-off adapter: to allow the distillate to run into the collecting vessel.
For vacuum distillation, the adapter will have a vacuum inlet tube and
could have three 'arms' to allow three fractions to be collected without
breaking the vacuum.
• Receiving (collection) vessel: this can be a test tube, a measuring cylinder,
a conical flask, or a round-bottom flask with a ground-glass joint.
No matter what type of distillation you are attempting, it is essential that you
assemble the apparatus correctly, since you are dealing with hot, often
flammable, liquids and vapours. A typical simple distillation apparatus is
shown in Fig. 15.1 and the method of assembly is described in Box 15.1.
The procedure for doing a simple distillation is described in Box 15.2 and
joint clips
you should note the following points:
Fractional distillation
Simple distillation is not very effective in separating liquids unless their
boiling points are at least 80 QCapart and a better separation can be achieved
if a fractionating column is used. There are many types available (Fig. 15.2)
and the device brings the ascending vapours into contact with the condensing
(in the fractionating column) liquid and amounts to a succession of many
simple distillations in which the descending liquid strips the high-boiling
component from the ascending vapour. Overall, the lower boiling component
distils first and cleanly. The column packing, usually glass beads, helices or
'fingers', gives a large surface area for contact of the ascending vapours and
descending liquid. After the first fraction has distilled, the temperature will
rise and the rate of distillation will slow. This is an intermediate fraction
containing a little of both components of the mixture. Finally, the
temperature will become constant and the pure higher boiling compound will
distil. The procedure for fractional distillation is given in Box 15.3.
• A vacuum source: this can be a water pump (see p. 29) with an 'anti-suck-
back' trap producing a vacuum of 15-25 mm Hg, at best; or a rotary vacuum
pump (consult your instructor about its use since it is an expensive piece of
equipment and easily contaminated or damaged), which will evacuate down
to 0.1 mm Hg. Two-stage dry vacuum pumps produce a vacuum of 1~5 mm
Hg, are resistant to organic and acid vapours and are easy to use.
• A manometer to measure the pressure (vacuum) in the apparatus, since the
boiling point of a liquid varies with pressure. Two types are in common use
(Fig. 15.3): the Anschutz manometer, which gives a constant reading of the
vacuum throughout the distillation, and the Vacustat'P, which is used to
take a 'sample' of the vacuum at a given instant. Vacustats'P are very
accurate and are more often used in combination with a rotary oil pump.
• A take-off adapter, which permits the collection of several fractions
without stopping the distillation to change the receiving flasks. A
receiving adapter, termed a 'pig' (Fig. 15.4), can be rotated on the end of
the condenser to collect three fractions.
• Appropriate 'anti-bumping' measures: reduced-pressure distillations are
notoriously prone to 'bumping' (p. 31) and anti-bumping granules are
ineffective. You can use a magnetic 'flea' in conjunction with a hot plate-
stirrer and oil bath; an air bleed, made by pulling out a Pasteur pipette
into a fine capillary using a microburner (consult your instructor),
inserting it into a screwcap adapter (p. 43) and placing it in the second
neck of the distilling flask. The vacuum pulls a fine stream of air into the
to aspirator
to apparatus
Anschutz manometer
via trap
'pig' type
flask and forms small bubbles which agitate the liquid during distillation;
or a wooden boiling stick for small-scale distillations of short duration,
since the vacuum will pull air from the stick and agitate the liquid.
• A three-way tap inserted between the vacuum source and the manometer,
so that you can control the vacuum applied to the distillation system.
Quickfit® thermometer
Kugelrohr distillation
This is also known as short-path distillation or bulb-to-bulb distillation. It is a
procedure for reduced-pressure distillation, which almost eliminates losses
owing to the size of the apparatus, and is particularly useful for small volumes of
liquids. The liquid sample is placed in a small round-bottom flask, connected to
a series of bulbs (Fig. 15.6) and then heated and rotated (to prevent bumping)
under vacuum in an electric oven. The liquid distils from the flask inside the
oven to a cold bulb outside the oven. Since the distillation path is very short the
length of a ground-glass joint losses are minimized. The use of several bulbs as
receiver flasks allows a small volume of mixture to be fractionated by varying
the temperature in the oven. The distillates can be removed from the bulbs by
either washing into another flask with a low-boiling-point solvent or using a
'bent' Pasteur pipette (Fig. 15.7) since the bulbs can only be held horizontally.
oven motor
heating control
temperature gauge
Steam distillation
This process can be used to separate water-insoluble covalent compounds
from crude reaction mixtures or to isolate volatile natural products, e.g.
terpenes from plant tissue. The crude mixture is heated with water and steam
and the steam-volatile material eo-distils with the steam and is then
Fig. 15.7 A 'bent' Pasteur pipette.
condensed with the water and collected. You will then need to carry out an
extraction (p. 102) to separate the water and the insoluble component.
Claisen adapter
heat source
Reflux is one of the most common techniques you will encounter in your
chemistry laboratory classes. Since many reactions between covalent
compounds are slow processes rather than instantaneous reactions, prolonged
heating forces the equilibrium to give an acceptable amount of product. In the
reflux process, the reactants are dissolved or suspended in a suitable solvent, the
solvent is boiled and then condensed so that it returns to the reaction flask.
Once set up, a reaction carried out under reflux can be run for minutes, hours
or even days to promote the required reaction. The basic components for a
reflux apparatus are:
• a reaction flask;
• a reflux condenser;
• a heat source (see p. 32);
• a coolant source, usually water, for the condenser.
The procedure for setting up a simple reflux apparatus (Fig. 16.1) is given
in Box 16.1.
Reaction flasks
Round-bottom or pear-shaped reaction flasks are preferred, but note that
stirring with the usual type of magnetic 'flea' is not possible in pear-shaped
flasks. The flasks can have multiple necks so that the apparatus can be
configured for temperature measurement, addition of solids or liquids,
mechanical stirring and inert atmosphere work (p. 125). No matter which
arrangement of components is used, always clamp the reaction flask at the
neck and keep the heaviest components (such as an addition funnel
containing another chemical) vertically above the flask. A condenser will still
function at 30° from vertical and it is not very heavy.
For general-purpose work, these are usually single-surface or double-surface
types (Fig. 16.2): the double-surface condenser is used for low-boiling point
solvents such as dichloromethane, diethyl ether or light petroleum ( 40-
60 QC).
heating bath
(oil etc.)
magnetic stirrer/
hot plate
~ ©~
~=~----~~~ single double
surface surface
outer rubber gasket Rubber tubing for coolant water is attached to the condenser in two ways:
pipe ~.
1. If the condenser has glass inlet and outlet pipes with a 'knuckle', wet the
inside of the rubber tube with a little water and slide it onto the pipe and
past the 'knuckle'. The rubber tubing must be a tight fit otherwise it may
slide off over a period of time.
2. Modern condensers have plastic adapters, which can be attached to the
tubing and then screwed on the threaded inlet and outlet pipes. Slide the
rubber tubing onto the moistened 'pipe' on the adapter, and then screw
inner rubber gasket the adapter onto the condenser. You must ensure that the adapter has a
rubber gasket on the inside of the threaded portion (Fig. 16.3), otherwise
Fig. 16.3 Plastic connectors for condensers.
it will leak water at the condenser inlet or outlet.
Drying tubes
Water can get into your reaction by condensation from the atmosphere or
by condensation of the steam produced in a water bath. To exclude
water, you should fit a guard tube containing a solid drying agent such as
anhydrous calcium chloride or calcium sulphate to the top of the
condenser. A typical guard tube is shown in Fig. 16.4; use a coarse-sized
drying agent rather than a fine powder, which would 'cake' very quickly
as it absorbs moisture.
guard tube 1
two-neck flask
stirrer bars
(a) (b)
_"\ I, "'",
:'@/~~ ::'@/~ _,\ I1 -.
equalizing funnel.
(a) (b)
sealed stirrer
three-neck flask
heat source
(bath, heating mantle)
Fig. 16.6 Apparatus arrangements for reflux with addition: (a) heating a reaction
mixture to reflux during the addition of a reagent; (b) heating a stirred reaction
mixture during the addition of a reagent; (c) heating and overhead stirring of a
reaction mixture during the addition of a reagent.
3. A stirrer gland, which fits into the top ground-glass joint of the flask
acting as a seal for the refluxing vapour and a guide for the stirrer shaft.
There are several types of gland available, but the best is now made from
Teflon@ and needs no lubrication. If this is not available, a screwcap
adapter in which the rubber sealing ring has been lubricated with a touch
of silicone oil can be used. Note that the stirrer shaft should rotate in the
adapter, not the adapter in the joint of the flask, so do not tighten the
screwcap too much.
4. A Teflon® paddle which swivels on the end of the stirrer shaft so that it
can pass through the ground-glass joint on the top of the flask.
Evaporation of solvents
There are three commonly used techniques for solvent evaporation:
I. Evaporation from open flasks on a steam bath.
2. Rotary film evaporation.
3. Gas 'blow-down'.
All these techniques have advantages and disadvantages. Where your
experimental protocol may simply state 'the solvent is evaporated off, you
should select the most appropriate procedure based on:
There are many variations in the details of the form of rotary film
evaporators and a typical assembly is illustrated in Fig. 17.1. A general guide
to the use of a rotary evaporator is given in Box 17.1.
When using rotary film evaporators you should take note of the following
safety advice:
• Never use flat-bottom flasks or conical flasks under reduced pressure (p.
• Always check your flask for 'star' -cracks.
• Always make sure that your solution has cooled to room temperature
before you begin, otherwise it may boil vigorously and 'bump' when you
apply the vacuum, before it is lowered into the water bath.
• Do not rush to lower the flask into the water bath: wait to see what
happens to the extent of evaporation at room temperature.
• Always have the water bath just warm, not hot, at the start of the
procedure. If the water bath is too hot, allow it to cool or add cold water
or Ice.
• Check that all joints are 'sealed' and that the water pump is producing
a vacuum: it will change 'note' as the vacuum is produced, when it is
working properly. If there is no vacuum, the solution may not boil
and you will overheat it in trying to promote evaporation. The joints
may suddenly seal and the solution will then boil vigorously under the
reduced pressure and will 'bump' into the condenser and receiving
If it is necessary to evaporate volumes of solvent greater than the
capacity of the rotating flask, you can carry out the process batch-wise
involving several separate evaporations or the rotary evaporator can be
modified for continuous evaporation (Fig. 17.2). A thin Teflon® tube is
attached to the vacuum inlet adapter so that it feeds down the condenser
into the 'barrel' and another glass tube, dipping into the solution to be
Fig. 17.1 (a) Typical examples of a rotary evaporated, is connected to the air inlet on the vacuum adapter. Once the
evaporator; (b) exploded view of glassware. rotary evaporator is operating, the tap on the vacuum adapter is opened
a little. Solution is drawn up by the vacuum, runs into the rotating flask
and is evaporated. Careful control of the tap allows a constant volume of
solution to be sucked into the rotating flask and evaporated without
overfilling it.
Gas 'blow-down'
This procedure is useful for removing very small volumes of solvents
(about 2 mL) from solutes by blowing a stream of nitrogen over the
surface of the solution, while warming the solution gently. The main
application of the gas blow-down is in the isolation of small amounts of
solute from rotary evaporation or small-scale liquid-liquid extraction, for
further analysis by instrumental techniques, where the sample size may
be 20 mg or less: for example, infrared spectroscopy (p. 180), NMR
spectroscopy (p. 190), gas chromatography (p. 211) or liquid chromato-
graphy (p. 218).
The simplest system for evaporation by gas blow-down is shown in Fig.
17.3. A Pasteur pipette is connected by a flexible tube to a cylinder of
nitrogen, which has a gas blow-off safety system (p. 125). The sample is
placed in a special tube with a conical base, such as a ReactiVial®. Hold the
Pasteur pipette and direct a gentle stream of nitrogen towards the side of the
tube so that it flows over the surface of the liquid. As the solvent evaporates,
the liquid and tube will cool and may condense atmospheric water into the
tube. To prevent condensation, clamp the tube in a warm sand bath or above
a closed steam bath or in the hole of a purpose-designed aluminium heating
air or nitrogen
Pasteur pipette
\ r
Fig. 17.2 The procedure for continuous
solvent removal using a rotary evaporator.
Heating medium
block, The following points should be noted when using a gas blow-down
During your laboratory work you may need to carry out reactions using
chemicals which are described as air sensitive or moisture sensitive. These
compounds may react with water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and even nitrogen
(e.g. lithium metal). The most sensitive chemicals may require special
apparatus such as glove boxes or vacuum line equipment and you should
consult the appropriate specialist literature (Errington, 1997, p. 56). On the
other hand, many reactions involving some air-sensitive reagents (e.g.
organolithium compounds or hydride reducing agent) can be done on a small
scale using standard glassware with appropriate modifications. For simple
apparatus for inert atmosphere reactions, the basic requirements are:
the apparatus. To do this, fit a glass tube 'T-piece' in the gas line to your
apparatus and connect it to a Dreschel bottle containing mineral oil to a
depth a little more than that of the mineral oil in the 'bubbler'. If there is a
sudden upward change in gas pressure, the gas will be vented through the
Dreschel bottle, as well as through your apparatus.
Gas 'bubblers'
The exit of the inert gas from the apparatus must be protected by a gas
'bubbler'. The 'bubbler' allows you to monitor the flow of inert gas through
the apparatus and prevents the entry of air into the apparatus. Several
designs of gas 'bubbler' are available (Fig. 18.2) and it is usual to connect the
'bubbler' to the apparatus at the top of the condenser. You should make sure
that the 'bubbler' contains enough mineral oil to create a seal from the
atmosphere and that it has a bulb above the mineral oil to collect any
mineral oil, which could be sucked back into your apparatus if there is a
sudden contraction in the volume of inert gas in the apparatus. Such changes
in volume will occur if you suddenly cool the apparatus without increasing
the gas flow to compensate for the resulting reduction in inert atmosphere
Depending upon the type of reaction to be carried out, one of the assemblies
shown on p. 119 may be used, with additional modifications for inert gas
inlet and outlet. You should consider very carefully what is required: heating
or cooling, magnetic or mechanical stirring, temperature measurement, etc.
The gas inlet can be either directly into the reaction flask or into the inlet
arm of the gas 'bubbler' - it depends on the number of 'necks' available on
the reaction flask.
seal or
inert -.-
gas in
Drying glassware
All equipment to be used should be dried (e.g. in an oven overnight at 125 QC-
do not forget to remove all plastic or TeflonC1\lcomponents before placing the
glassware in the oven). After drying, the apparatus should be greased,
-.- inert
gas out
assembled hot, using heat-resistant gloves as protection, and allowed to cool
with the inert gas flowing rapidly through it. Once cool, the water connections
for the condenser should be fitted - screw-on water connectors (p. 118) are
most useful in this context.
inert gas out
t inert-.-
gas In Addition of chemicals
Chemicals should be added to the reaction flask using a pressure-
-.- inert
gas out
equalizing dropping funnel (p. 119). Liquids and solid compounds are best
added as solutions in the solvent used in the reaction. If the solid is
insoluble, a little solvent should be added to the reaction flask, the
'bubbler' outlet sealed, a stopper to the flask opened and the gas flow rate
increased. The solid can then be added from a wide-stemmed filter funnel,
protected by the inert gas and solvent vapour, so that air does not enter
the apparatus. Then, simultaneously unseal the 'bubbler' and restopper the
inert gas in
flask, and then turn down the gas flow. Alternatively a solids addition tube
(Errington, 1997, p. 124; Harwood, et al., 2000, p. 89; Furniss, et al., 1989,
Fig. 18.2 Typical 'bubblers'. p. 82) can be used.
Solid chemicals
These should be dried by the methods outlined on p. 39. The most common
approach is to dry the chemical in an oven and then allow it to cool in a
vacuum desiccator (p. 40). Techniques for extremely air-sensitive solids can
be found in the specialist literature.
Liquid chemicals
All liquids should be dried by a method appropriate to the amount of
water they may contain (p. 41). Generally, the liquid should be dried with
a solid drying agent (p. 41) which does not react with the chemical
(consult the appropriate literature or your instructor), filtered, distilled
(p. 107), then stored over molecular sieves (p. 41) in a bottle capped by
a septum and redistilled before use. Alternatively, the liquid can be dissolved
in a solvent, the solution dried (p. 41), the solvent removed by evaporation
(p. 121) and the liquid distilled and stored as described above.
The solvent will have the greatest volume in your reaction and it must be
dry. Most laboratory-grade solvents, as supplied by manufacturers, contain
varying amounts of water and therefore must be dried by the appropriate
method before use. If you are required to dry the solvent, you should
consult the literature (Errington, 1997; Harwood, et al., 2000; Furniss, et aI.,
Some manufacturers supply dry solvents in 2.5 L quantities for inert
atmosphere reactions and HPLC (p. 2 I8). These solvents are relatively
expensive but may be economic in terms of time and expense if one-off
reactions are required. However, such solvents should be treated with
suspicion if the containers are less than half-full, since air and moisture may
have been allowed into the container by previous users. If you have any
doubts, dry the solvent.
Syringe techniques
Many air-sensitive chemicals are supplied as solutions in nitrogen-filled
bottles, which are sealed by a septum, and small volumes (up to 25 mL) of
these solutions are best transferred to the apparatus using glass syringes.
Similarly, air-sensitive liquids can be added to the reaction using a syringe.
Glass, gas-tight syringes with a Luer lock fitting are the most versatile type of
syringe and they come in a range of sizes. The Luer lock enables the stainless
steel needle to be locked in place on the end of the syringe so that there is no
danger of the needle dropping off the syringe during the transfer process
(Fig. 18.3). Variations in syringe types include those with Teflon® -tipped
pistons (plungers), which are somewhat more expensive.
Before using a syringe, always check that it is working by sucking up a little
~lllllllllJilllllllll of the solvent to be used, ensuring that air is not sucked into the syringe either
via the Luer lock or down a gap between the syringe and piston. If all is correct,
glass barrel glass piston
disassemble the syringe and needle, dry in an oven at 120 QC (not if Teflon®
tipped) and allow to cool in a desiccator. Once you have transferred the air-
~lllil'lill'iIlJilill sensitive reagent, you must clean out the syringe and needle immediately, by the
appropriate method, as air will get into the needle and syringe and decompose
glass barrel
the reagent causing the syringe to jam or the needle to block.
thick-walled rubber tubing
needle-ta-tubing connector
ring support to hold
bottle securely
reagent bottle
Fig. 18.5 Inert atmosphere transfers: (a) balloon and needle; (b) preserving the
inert atmosphere while removing reagent.
inert gas
Fig. 18.7 Transfer of air-sensitive reagents using the double-ended needle technique.
clamp addition funnel
three-neck flask
__ ....
-@- stirrer
Bennett, S.W. and O'Neale, K. (1999) Progressive Development of Practical
Skills in Chemistry. A guide to early-undergraduate experimental work, Royal
Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Errington, R.J. (1997) Advanced Practical Inorganic and Metalorganic
Chemistry, Blackie Academic and Professional, London.
Furniss, BA., Hannaford, A.J., Smith, P.W.G. and Tatchell, A.R. (1989)
Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn, Longman,
Harlow, Essex.
Halpern, A.M. (1997) Experimental Physical Chemistry, Prentice Hall,
Harlow, Essex.
Harwood, L.M., Moody, C.l and Percy, J.M. (2000) Experimental Organic
Chemistry, 2nd Edn, Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford.
Lehman, J.W. (1999) Operational Organic Chemistry. A problem-solving
approach to the laboratory course, 3rd Edn, Prentice Hall, Harlow, Essex.
Lister, T. (1996) Classic Chemistry Demonstrations, Royal Society of
Chemistry, Cambridge.
Loewenthal, H.J.E. (1990) A Guide for the Perplexed Organic Experimentalist,
2nd Edn, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester.
Mendharn, J., Denney, R.e., Barnes, J.D. and Thomas, M.J.K. (2000)
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Edn, Prentice Hall,
Harlow, Essex.
Nelson, J.H. (1997) Laboratory Experiments for Chemistry, Prentice Hall,
Harlow, Essex.
Sharp, J.T., Gosney, I. and Rowley, A.G. (1989) Practical Organic
Chemistry, Chapman and Hall, London.
Suib, S.L. and Tanaka, J. (1999) Experimental Methods in Inorganic
Chemistry, Prentice Hall, Harlow, Essex.
Williamson, K.L. (1999) Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments,
3rd Edn, D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington.
Basic Laboratory Skills, LGC, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge
Further Laboratory Skills, LGC, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge
Qualitative tests for cations and anions • Always test solutions with a known composition before you attempt to
An unknown solution was tested as follows: analyse solutions with an unknown content. This allows you to gain the
necessary experience in solution manipulation, observation skills and the
Test Observation Conclusion
interpretation of results.
2 drops of dilute White Sulphate
HCI, boil, then add 1 precipitate ISO~-I present
• The colour of solutions and/or precipitates has to be interpreted from
drop BaClz solution written or oral information. Interpretation of colour can be subjective, so
you will need to gain sufficient experience using solutions of known
content to establish how a particular colour appears to you.
• Establish a protocol for recording of observations after carrying out
different tests (Fig. 19.1).
Test performed on
unknown solution • Reagents should be added from Pasteur pipettes held with the tip just
above the mouth of the test tube. Never put Pasteur pipettes inside test
Fig. 19.1 Recording your observations in tubes as this can lead to contamination of the reagents.
qualitative analysis. • Effective mixing of the test solution and added reagents is essential. This
can be achieved by holding the test tube between the thumb and index
finger of one hand and 'flicking' the tube with the index finger of your
other hand. Alternatively, solutions can be mixed by bubbling air from a
Pasteur pipette held at the bottom of the test tube.
• Evolved gas can be drawn up into a Pasteur pipette and then bubbled
through a test solution, e.g. CO2 can be drawn into a Pasteur pipette and
then 'blown' out through lime water (Ca(OH)2 solution) giving a milky-
white solution.
• Solutions can be tested for pH using litmus paper. Never place litmus
paper directly into the test solution. Instead, dip a glass rod into the
solution, remove, touch the wet glass rod onto the litmus paper and note
the colour. Acidic solutions change blue litmus paper to red; alkaline
solutions change red litmus paper to blue. Alternatively, universal
indicator paper can be used. In this case, the orange paper turns 'reddish'
with acidic solutions and 'bluish' with alkaline solutions. By comparing
any change in colour with a chart (supplied with the universal indicator
paper), the pH of the solution can be estimated.
Centrifugation of solutions
Centrifugation causes particulate material to accumulate at the bottom of the
test tube. The procedure for centrifuging your sample is described in Box
19.1. The speed and time of the run will depend on the centrifuge available,
but will typically be in the range 5000-10 000 rpm for 5-10 min, respectively.
Always allow the centrifuge to stop in its own time, as abruptly halting the
centrifuge will disturb light precipitates. After centrifugation, hold the test
tube at an angle so that it is easy to remove the liquid component (or
centrifugate) with a Pasteur pipette (Fig. 19.2). You will find that it is
difficult to remove all the centrifugate from the precipitate, and to maximize
the transfer of centrifugate it is necessary to wash the precipitate. This is
carried out as follows:
Flame tests
Simple flame tests can be carried out on solid samples. Place a little of the
* The colour is often obliterated by trace
impurites of sodium present (sodium gives
solid on a watch-glass and moisten with a drop of concentrated hydrochloric
an intense yellow colour). You can overcome acid. The purpose of the hydrochloric acid is to produce metal chlorides
this by viewing the colour through cobalt-blue which are volatile at the temperature of the Bunsen burner.
glass which allows the lilac colouration from Pre-clean a platinum or nichrome wire by holding it in the hottest part of
potassium to be seen.
the Bunsen flame (just above the central blue cone) until there is no coloured
** Viewing through cobalt-blue glass also
flame from the wire. Cool, then dip the cleaned wire into the moistened solid
allows calcium and strontium to be
distinguished. In this case, calcium is light sample. Place the wire at the edge of the Bunsen flame (Fig. 19.3) and record
green in colour while strontium appears purple. the colour of the flame from the sample (see Table 19.2).
Table 20.1 Common precipitants Inorganic ions can be separated from mixtures using organic reagents
(precipitants), with which they form sparingly soluble, often coloured,
compounds. The precipitants usually have high molecular weights, so a small
quantity of the ion will produce a large amount of precipitate. Ideally, the
Dimethylglyoxime Ni2+ Pd 2+, Pt2+, Bi3+ precipitant should be specific for a particular ion, though this is rarely so.
and Au3+ Examples of common precipitants and their target ions are shown in Table
Cupferron Sn4+ Cu2+ and Pb2+ 20.1 and their structures are shown in Fig. 20.1.
8-Hydroxyquinoline A1 + Many metals Dimethylglyoxime is only slightly soluble in water (0.40 g L -I) and it is
therefore used as a 1% wjv solution in ethanol. Cupferron, the ammonium
salt of N-nitroso-N-phenylhydroxylamine, is used as a 5-10% wjv solution in
hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid. Oxine (8-hydroxyquinoline) is almost
insoluble in water and is used as either a 2% or a 5% wjv solution in
2 mol L -1 acetic acid.
When precipitating a compound:
(QrN"O-NHt • Mix your reagents slowly, with continuous stirring, to encourage the
growth of large crystals of the compound.
• Improve the precipitation process by heating your solutions: ideally, one
~ or both solutions should be heated to just below boiling point.
• Wash your precipitate with a dilute electrolyte solution, to remove any
other constituents (it is essential to remove any impurities). Choose a
solution that does not interact with the precipitate, and that is volatile at
Fig. 20.1 Structures of common precipitants. the drying temperature to be used.
• Use the minimum quantity of wash solution as no precipitate is absolutely
-- Gooch crucible insoluble. While suitable wash solutions include dilute electrolytes, e.g.
rubber cone
ammonium salts, ammonia solution or acids, pure water is rarely used, as it
Gooch funnel
may dissolve the precipitate.
• Test your filtered wash solution for impurities using simple qualitative
tests (Chapter 19). Continue until your final washing solution contains no
Buchner flask trace of other constituents.
• It is best to wash repeatedly with several small amounts of solution,
allowing the precipitate to drain between washings.
Fig.20.2 Experimental arrangement for To carry out this procedure, you will need to assemble a Gooch crucible and
filtration of precipitate. funnel on a Buchner flask, clamped for stability using a retort stand (Fig. 20.2).
The glass Gooch crucible has a porous disk of sintered ground glass, typically
of pore diameter 20-30 !lm, which is satisfactory for moderately sized
precipitates. Fit the crucible into a Gooch funnel using a rubber cone, put the
funnel into a one-holed rubber bung and then into a Buchner flask. The tip of
the funnel must project below the side arm of the flask to prevent loss of filtrate
down the side arm (see p. 28). Then, connect the Buchner flask to a water
pump. Pour your precipitate suspension into the Gooch crucible, using a glass
rod (p. 18) to direct the liquid into the centre of the sintered base. The lower
end of the glass rod should be close to, but not touching, the sintered-glass
base. Never overfill the crucible. The precipitate remaining in the bottom of the
beaker should be rinsed out with the filtrate solution: disconnect the pump and
pour the filtrate back into the beaker containing the precipitate. The pump
should be disconnected by pulling off the vacuum tube from the Buchner flask.
Fig. 20.3 Structure of nickel-dimethylglyoxime On no account turn off the water pump while doing this. You may need to
complex. rinse the beaker several times, to collect all of the precipitate in the crucible.
The volume of standard solution that reacts with the substance in the test
solution is accurately measured. This volume, together with a knowledge of
concentration of the standard solution and the stoichiometric relationship
between the reactants, is used to calculate the amount of substance present in
the test solution. Specific examples of the different types of calculations
involved are shown in Chapters 22 to 25.
The process of adding the standard solution to the test solution is called a
titration, and is carried out using a burette (see below). The point at which
the reaction between the standard solution and the test substance is just
complete is called the equivalence point or the theoretical (or stoichiometric)
end-point. This is normally detected by a visible change, either of the
standard solution itself or, more commonly, by the addition of an indicator.
Standard solutions
A standard solution can be prepared by weighing out the appropriate
amount of a pure reagent and making up the solution to a particular volume,
as described on p. 24. The concentration of a standard solution is expressed
in terms of molarity (p. 19). A substance used in a primary standard should
fulfil the following criteria:
• It should be obtainable in high purity (> 99.9%).
• It should remain unaltered in air during weighing (i.e. it should not be
• It must not decompose when dried by heating or vacuum.
• It should be capable of being tested for impurities.
• It should be readily soluble in an appropriate solvent.
• It must react with the test substance stoichiometrically and rapidly.
Filling a burette
• Clamp a clean 50.00 mL burette (p. 10) in a laboratory stand. Place a
beaker on a white tile immediately below the outlet of the burette (Fig.
• Place a small filter funnel on top of the burette and, with the tap open,
carefully pour in the standard solution (or titrant) until it starts to drain
into the beaker.
• Close the burette tap, and fill the burette with the standard solution until
the meniscus is about 1-2 cm above the zero mark. Remove the funnel.
• Open the tap and allow the solution to drain until the meniscus falls to
the zero mark. The burette is then ready for the titration.
Note that to avoid contamination the solution in the beaker should be
discarded, rather than recycled.
Using a pipette
A clean 2S.00mL pipette (p. 10) is required together with a suitable pipette
filler. Various designs of pipette filler are available. The most common type is
based on a rubber-bulb suction device. It is best to evaluate a range of
pipette fillers, if available in the laboratory, for ease of use and performance.
The pipetting procedure is as follows:
• Pour the solution of unknown composition (the titrand) into a beaker.
Never place the pipette in the volumetric flask containing the solution as
this can lead to contamination of the solution from the external surface
of the pipette.
• Using your pipette filler, draw the titrand to just beyond the graduation
mark (Fig. 21.3a). Remove the pipette filler, and invert the pipette to
allow the solution to drain out. This ensures that the titrand used
subsequently will be undiluted and uncontaminated by any residue or
liquids in the pipette.
----- burette
6 clamp
retort stand
• Refill the pipette until the meniscus of the titrand is above the graduation
mark (Fig. 21.3a). Remove the pipette filler and block the hole at the top of
the pipette with the index finger of your right hand (if right-handed; Fig.
21.3b). Carefully raise the pipette to eye level, and allow the titrand to drain
out into a beaker by lifting your finger slightly from the top of the pipette.
Continue until the bottom of the meniscus is on the graduation mark.
• Wipe the outside of the pipette with a tissue (Fig. 2l.3c). Be careful not
to touch the point of the pipette with the tissue otherwise solution will be
lost by capillary action.
• Allow the pipette's contents to drain into a conical flask.
• Finally, touch the end of the pipette on the wall of the flask (Fig. 21.3d),
and rinse the inside of the neck of the flask with distilled water. This will
ensure that exactly 25.00 mL of the test solution has been delivered by the
Performing a titration
Add one or two drops of indicator to the titrand contained in the conical
flask. For a right-handed person the process is as follows:
(a) (bl
• Hold the conical flask containing the tit rand and the indicator in your
right hand, and control the tap of the burette with your left hand. The
burette should be arranged so that the tap is on the opposite side of the
burette to your palm. In this way, your left hand also supports the body
of the burette (Fig. 21.4).
• Add the titrant by opening the tap, and simultaneously swirl the contents
of the conical flask. This may take a bit of practice, so do not worry if
you cannot do it straight away. The titrant can be added quickly at first,
but as the end-point approaches, additions should be made drop-wise.
• The end-point is indicated when the appropriate colour change takes
place. When the end-point is reached, one drop of titrant should be
sufficient to cause the colour change. You should note the volume used
for the titration to the nearest 0.1-D.05mL. This is done by reading off
the volume of titrant used (Fig. 21.5).
• Refill the burette to the zero mark using a funnel ready for the next
(c) (d)
1. Write the balanced equation for the reaction between the standard and
the test substance.
2. From the stoichiometry of the reaction, determine how many moles of
the test substance react with 1 mole of the standard substance. For
example, in the reaction between an H2S04 standard solution and an
NaOH test solution:
If both the acid and alkali are strong electrolytes, the resultant solution will be
neutral (pH 7). If on the other hand either the acid or alkali is a weak
electrolyte the resultant solution will be slightly alkaline or acidic, respectively.
In either case, detection of the end-point requires accurate measurement of
pH. This can be achieved either by using an indicator dye, or by measuring the
pH with a glass electrode (described in Chapter 7).
Acid-base indicators
thymol blue Typical acid-base indicators are organic dyes that change colour at or near
the equivalence or end-point. They have the following characteristics:
Neutralization curves
10 A plot of pH against the volume of alkali added (mL) is known as a
neutralization or titration curve (Fig. 22.2). The curve is generated by a
'potentiometric titration' in which pH is measured after each addition of
alkali (or acid). The significant feature of the curve is the very sharp and
sudden change in pH near to the equivalence point of the titration. For a
50 100 150 ZOO strong acid and alkali this will occur at pH 7. If either the acid or base
volume of NaOH added (mLI concentration is unknown, a preliminary titration is necessary to find the
Figure 22.2 A typical neutralization curve: 0.1 approximate equivalence point followed by a more accurate titration as
M HCIwith 0.1 M NaOH. described on p. 146. The ideal pH range for an indicator is 4.5-9.5.
Example calculations
Standardization of a sodium hydroxide solution
What is the molarity of a solution of sodium hydroxide, 25.0 mL of which
2 requires 21.0 mL of a standard solution of hydrochloric acid of concentration
0.100 mol L -I for neutralization?
50 100 150 200
Following the sequence in Box 21.1:
volume of NaOH added ImL) 1. Write the equation:
Figure 22.3 Determination of the equivalence NaOH(aq) + HCI(aq) -+ NaCI(aq) + H20(l) (22.2)
2. Determine the equivalences.
Equation [22.2] shows that I mole of NaOH requires 1 mole of HCI for
neutralization, i.e. 1 mole of NaOH is equivalent to I mole of HCI.
3. Calculate the number of moles of standard used.
Number of moles concentration (mol L -I) x volume (mL)
of HCl 1000
0.100 molL -1 x 21.0mL
= 2.1 X 10-3 mol
= 0.084molL-1
Types of ligand
Ligands are chemical species that co-ordinate with metal ions to form a
complex. They are classified on the basis of the number of points of
attachment to the central ion.
• Monodentate ligand - here the ligand is bound to the central ion at only
one point, e.g. H20, NH3.
• Bidentate ligand - this has two points of attachment to the central ion,
e.g. ethylenediamine (en) (Fig. 23.1).
Fig. 23.1 Structure of [Co(enbl3+. It is a six-
co-ordinate octahedral complex of • Multidentate ligand - these have several points of attachment, e.g.
ethylenediamine (en) with cobalt (Ill).The ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA), which is a hexadentate ligand
complex has three five-membered rings. (six points of attachment) (Fig. 23.2).
HOOC- CHz, "CHz- COOH The basis of a complexometric titration involving EDTA
HOOC- CHz CHz - COOH The metal ion under investigation is bound to an indicator in solution (under
strict pH control). This solution is then titrated against a standard solution of
EDTA. This can be expressed in the form of an equation:
For example, if the indicator being used was solochrome black, the metal-
indicator solution would be red while the colour of the free indicator would
be blue (in the pH range 7-11). The reaction takes place if the EDTA
displaces the indicator from the metal-indicator complex. Therefore the
metal-EDT A complex must be more stable thermodynamically than the
metal-indicator complex.
Stability of complexes
The thermodynamic stability of a species is an indication of the extent to
which that species will be formed (under certain conditions and provided that
Fig.23.2 Structure of EDTA.(a) EDTAcontains it is allowed to reach equilibrium).
two donor N atoms and four donor 0 atoms. It As an example consider the general case of a metal, M, in solution
can therefore form a hexadentate complex together with a monodentate ligand, L. It is possible to describe this system
(b) with a metal ion, e.g. Pb2+.
in terms of step-wise equilibria:
Table 23.1 Stability constants of selected The reaction of a metal ion with EDT A is always in the ratio I: I. The
metal-EDTAcomplexes (expressed as log 1<)* stability constants of selected metal-EDTA complexes are given in Table
Ion logk Ion logk
Mg2+ 8.7 Ni2+ 18.6 The detection of the end-point in titrations involving EDTA is most
Ca2+ 10.7 Cu2+ 18.8 commonly achieved using a metal-ion indicator, i.e. a compound that
Fe2+ 14.3 Hg2+ 21.9
C02+ Sc3+
changes its colour when it complexes with a particular metal ion. The
16.3 23.1
A13+ 16.3 Cr3+ 24.0 structures of selected metal-ion indicators are shown in Fig. 23.3 and the
Cd2+ 16.6 In3+ 24.9 properties of a variety of metal-ion indicators are given in Table 23.2.
< pH 9 (H4In-) Red-violet orange (Cu2+), yellow (Ni2+ and C02+)
pH9-11 (H3In2-) Violet and red (Ca2+)
> pH 11 (H2In3-) Blue
Solochrome black
< pH 5 (H2In-) Red In pH range 7-11 colour change is
pH7-11 (Hln2-) Blue blue-red (Mg, Mn, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cu,
> pH 11.5 (In3-) Orange AI, Fe, Ti, Co, Ni and Pt metals)
<pH 5 (H2In-) Red Same colour change as solochrome
pH 7-9 (Hln2-) Blue black but clearer and sharper
>pH 11.4 (In3-) Red-orange
Pyrocatechol violet
< pH 1.5 (H4In) Red In pH range 2-6, yellow to blue
pH 2-6 (H3In-) Yellow (Bi and Th); pH 7 violet to blue
pH 7 (H2In2-) Violet (Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Ni2+ and C02+)
>pH 10 (In4-) Blue
Practical considerations
• pH adjustment is critical in EDTA titrations. The pH is monitored with a
pH meter or pH test paper.
• The metal ion under investigation should ideally be approximately
0.25 mM in a volume of 50--150mL of solution. Dilution of the metal ion
may be necessary to avoid end-point detection problems.
• Do not add excess indicator, as too intense a colour can lead to
problems, e.g. masking of the colour change.
• It is sometimes difficult to detect the end-point because the colour change
can be slow to develop. Stirring is recommended to assist colour
• The use of metal-ion indicators to indicate the end-point of complexometric
titrations is based on a specific colour change. Some individuals may find it
difficult to detect a particular colour change (e.g. those with colour
blindness). Alternative approaches for end-point detection are available
based on a colorimeter/spectrophotometer (devices for measuring colour,
see Chapter 26) or electrochemical detection (see Chapter 34).
Example calculation
A solution of Ni2+ (25.00mL) was titrated with 0.1036mol L -I EDTA at
pH 5 and required 20.25 mL for the metal-indicator to change colour. What
is the concentration (g L -1) of Ni2 +? The atomic weight of nickel is
58.71 g mol ":
1. Write the balanced equation for the reaction between the standard and
the test substance
2. Determine the equivalences of the reacting species:
1 mole of EDTA is equivalent to 1 mole of Ni2+
Table 24.1 Common oxidizing and reducing agents used in redox titrations
Example calculation
Standardization of potassium permanganate with a primary
standard, sodium oxalate
An accurately weighed portion of sodium oxalate (0.1550 g) was dissolved in
dilute sulphuric acid (250mL). Whilst maintaining the temperature of the
solution above 70 "C, it was titrated to equivalence with potassium perman-
ganate solution (18.5 mL). What is the molarity of potassium permanganate?
1. Write the balanced equation for the reaction between the standard and
the test substance (using the two half-equations [24.1] and [24.2]):
= 0.025 molL -I
For example, in the titration of 100mL of 0.1 mol L -I NaC1 with 0.1 mol L -I
AgN03 the initial concentration of [Cl"] is 0.1 mol L -I, so by using eqn [25.1]
the p function is 1 or pCl- = 1.
When 25mL of O.lmoIL-1 AgN03 has been added, 75mL of NaCl
remains in a total volume of 125mL. Therefore, the concentration of the
chloride ion is given by
and pCl- = 1.22. (Note that the solubility product, Kg, of AgCl is
Table 25. 7 Titration of 100 mL of 0.1 M NaCI 1.1 x 10-10, see p. 50.)
with 0.1 M AgN03. (Note that Ks. for
AgCI = 1.1 x 10-1°)
o 0.1 0.0
pAg+ + pCl- = 9.96 = pAgCl [25.4]
25 1.2 8.7
50 1.5 8.5
90 2.3 7.7 It was found above that pCl- = 1.22, hence pAg+ = 9.96 - 1.22 = 8.74. In a
95 2.6 7.4
similar manner, the pAg+ values can be calculated.
98 3.0 7.0
99 3.3 6.7 At the equivalence point [Ag"] = [Cl"], Therefore:
99.5 3.6 6.4
[Ag+] = [Cn = ..[J{; = vU X 10-10 = 1.05 X 10-5 [25.5]
100 5.0 5.0
100.1 5.7 4.3 pAg+ = -10g(1.05 x 10-5) = 4.98 [25.6]
100.2 6.0 4.0
100.5 6.4 3.6
101 6.7 3.3 Beyond the equivalence point the situation changes. For 100.1mL AgN03
102 7.0 3.0 solution:
105 7.4 2.6
110 7.7 2.3
120 8.0 2.0 [A+]=0.lmLxO.1M=5x10-5 lL-1 [25.7]
g 200.1 mL mo
130 8.1 1.9
140 8.2 1.8
150 8.3 1.7 or pAg+ = 4.3. Therefore,
0.0 Only indicator methods will be discussed further. Three types of indicator
0 50 100 150 methods can be applied to determine the end-point of an Ag" and a Cl-
0.1 M AgN03 (mL)
titration. These are:
Fig. 25.1 Precipitation titration curve. Initial 1. Mohr titration, which involves the formation of a coloured
and final slopes are drawn (see Fig. 22.3) and a
precipitate by reaction with the indicator. For example, in the
parallel line is drawn such that the mid-point is
on the curve. This is the equivalence point. determination of chloride concentration with silver nitrate a small
amount of potassium chromate solution is added as an indicator.
This results in the formation of a red silver chromate (Ag2Cr04)
precipitate at the end-point:
In this case, the precipitate may form slightly after the end-point, but
this error can usually be neglected. Also, the titration should be done in
neutral or slighly alkaline solution (pH 6.5-9) otherwise silver chromate
might not be formed.
2. Volhard titration, which involves the formation of a soluble coloured
compound. This approach is exemplified by the quantitative analysis of
chlorides, bromides and iodides by back titration. In this case, the halide
is titrated with silver:
Excess silver ions are then titrated with standard potassium thiocyanate
solution in the presence of an iron (Ill) salt:
When all the Ag" has been reacted, the SCN- reacts with Fe3+ to form
a red complex, indicating the end-point:
Fe3+ + SCN- --'> FeSCN2+ [25.11]
Table 25.2 Selected applications of e.g. fluorescein or eosin. The most common indicator for AgCl is
precipitation titrations
dichlorofluorescein (Fig. 25.2) (this is greenish yellow III solution but
changes colour to pink when it is ads or bed on AgCl).
Mohr method: A92Cr04 used as Selected examples of precipitation titrations are shown in Table 25.2.
Volhard method: precipitate
removal is unnecessary
CI-, CW, Volhard method: precipitate
CO~- removal is required
CI-, Br-, 1-, Fajans method: titration with
SCN- Aq '. Detection with fluorescein,
dichlorofluorescein and eosin
Titration with Th(N03)4 to
produce ThF4. End-point
detection with alizarin red S
General books
Main supplementary text:
Mendham, J., Denney, R.e., Barnes, J.D. and Thomas, MJ.K. (2000)
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Edn, Prentice Hall,
Harlow, Essex.
Basic Laboratory Skills, LGC, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (1998).
Further Laboratory Skills LGC, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge
Chemistry Video Consortium, Practical Laboratory Chemistry, Educational
Media Film and Video Ltd, Harrow, Essex, UK - Inorganic analysis
(gravimetric analysis).
Chemistry Video Consortium, Practical Laboratory Chemistry, Educational
Media Film and Video Ltd, Harrow, Essex, UK ~ Volumetric techniques
(using a balance, using a pipette, using a burette and making-up solutions).
Chemistry Video Consortium, Practical Laboratory Chemistry, Educational
Media Film and Video Ltd, Harrow, Essex, UK - Volumetric analyses
methods (doing a titration, some common end-points and potentiometric
red E
infrared c
700 1 0-4 -'=
c; V=- [26.2]
orange ~
yellow visible
1 0-6 Introduction to spectroscopy
green ultraviolet The absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation of specific energy
1 0-8 (wavelength) is a characteristic feature of many molecules, involving the
movement of electrons between different energy states, in accordance with the
violet x-rays laws of quantum mechanics. Electrons in atoms or molecules are distributed at
400 1 0-10 various energy levels, but are mainly at the lowest energy level, usually termed
ultraviolet 390 nm the ground state. When exposed to energy (e.g. from electromagnetic
gamma rays radiation), electrons may be excited to higher energy levels (excited states),
300 1 0-12
with the associated absorption of energy at specific wavelengths giving rise to
an absorption spectrum. One quantum of energy is absorbed for a single
cosmic rays
electron transition from the ground state to an excited state. On the other
hand, when an electron returns to its ground state, one quantum of energy is
Fig. 26.1 The electromagnetic spectrum.
released; this may be dissipated to the surrounding molecules (as heat) or may
give rise to an emission spectrum. The energy change (D.E) for an electron
moving between two energy states, El and E2, is given by the equation:
where h is the Planck constant (p. 72) and v is the frequency of the
electromagnetic radiation (expressed in Hz or s"). By substituting for
!:::.E= he [26.4J
UV Ivisible spectrophotometry
This is a widely used technique for measuring the absorption of radiation in
the visible and DV regions of the spectrum. A spectrophotometer is an
instrument designed to allow precise measurement at a particular wavelength,
while a colorimeter is a simpler instrument, using filters to measure broader
wavebands (e.g. light in the green, red or blue regions of the visible
light I detector amplifier/
you should use the absorbance scale.
u V/visible spectrophotometer
source exit test readout The principal components of a U'V/visible spectrophotometer are shown in
slit solution
Fig. 26.2. High-intensity tungsten bulbs are used as the light source in basic
Fig.26.2 Components of a UV/visible instruments, capable of operating in the visible region (i.e. 40Q-700nm).
spectrophotometer. Deuterium lamps are used for DV spectrophotometry (200-400 nm); these
lamps are fitted with quartz envelopes, since glass does not transmit UV
The spectrophotometer is a major improvement over the simple colorimeter
since it uses a diffraction grating to produce a parallel beam of monochromatic
light from the (polychromatic) light source. In practice the light emerging from
such a monochromator is not of a single wavelength, but is a narrow band of
wavelengths. This bandwidth is an important characteristic, since it determines
the wavelengths used in absorption measurements - the bandwidth of basic
spectrophotometers is around 5-10 nm while research instruments have
bandwidths of less than 1nm.
Bandwidth is affected by the width of the exit slit (the slit width), since the
bandwidth will be reduced by decreasing the slit width. To obtain accurate
data at a particular wavelength setting, the narrowest possible slit width
should be used. However, decreasing the slit width also reduces the amount
of light reaching the detector, decreasing the signal-to-noise ratio. The extent
to which the slit width can be reduced depends upon the sensitivity and
stability of the detection/amplification system and the presence of stray light.
Most Uv/visible spectrophotometers are designed to take cells (cuvettes)
with an optical path length of 10mm. Disposable plastic cells are suitable for
routine work in the visible range using aqueous and alcohol-based solvents,
while glass cells must be used for most other organic solvents. Glass cells are
manufactured to more exacting standards, so you should use optically
matched glass cells for accurate work, especially at low absorbances « 0.1),
where any differences in the optical properties of cells for reference and test
samples will be pronounced. Glass and plastic absorb UV light, so quartz
cells must be used at wavelengths below 300nm.
Before taking a measurement, make sure that cells are clean, unscratched,
dry on the outside, filled to the correct level and in the correct position in
their sample holders. Unwanted material can accumulate on the inside faces
of glass/quartz cells, so remove any deposits using acetone on a cotton bud,
or soak overnight in I mol L -1 nitric acid. Corrosive and hazardous solutions
must be used in cells with tightly fitting lids or Teflon@ stoppers, to prevent
damage to the instrument and to reduce the risk of accidental spillage.
Basic instruments use photocells similar to those used in simple
colorimeters or photodiode detectors. In many cases, a different photocell
must be used at wavelengths above and below 550-600nm, owing to
differences in the sensitivity of such detectors over the visible waveband. The
detectors used in more sophisticated instruments, give increased sensitivity
and stability when compared with photocells.
Digital displays are increasingly used in preference to needle-type meters,
as they are not prone to parallax errors and misreading of the absorbance
scale. Some digital instruments can be calibrated to give a direct readout of
the concentration of the test substance.
With most molecules, after electrons are raised to a higher energy level by
second absorption of electromagnetic radiation, they soon fall back to the ground
, exited state
.~~ : state by radiation1ess transfer of energy (heat) to the solvent. However, with
§ ~ r
some molecules, the events shown in Fig. 26.3 may occur, i.e. electrons may
c-, lose only part of their energy by non-radiant routes and the rest may be
exited state emitted as electromagnetic radiation, a phenomenon known as fluorescence.
Since not all of the energy that was absorbed is emitted (due to non-radiant
loss), the wavelength of the fluorescent light is longer than the absorbed light
(longer wavelength = lower energy). Thus, a fluorescent molecule has both
an absorption spectrum and an emission spectrum.
Fig. 26.3 Energy levels and energy transitions The principal components of a fluorescence spectrophotometer (fluorimeter)
in fluorescence. are shown in Fig. 26.4. The instrument contains two monochromators, one
to select the excitation wavelength and the other to monitor the light emitted,
usually at 90° to the incident beam (though light is actually emitted in all
directions). As an example, the wavelengths used to measure the highly
G light source
fluorescent compound naphthalene are 270 nm (excitation) and 340 nm
(emission). Some examples of molecules with intrinsic fluorescence are given
in Table 26.1.
§ \ excitation monochromator
Table 26.1 Examples of compounds with intrinsic fluorescence
or filter
s: or filter
Compared with Uv/visible spectrophotometry,
has certain advantages, including:
fluorescence spectroscopy
Fig. 26.4 Components of a fluorimeter • Not all compounds show intrinsic fluorescence, limiting its application.
(fluorescence spectrophotometer). Note that However, some non-fluorescent compounds may be coupled to fluorescent
sample cells for fluorimetry must have clear dyes, or fluorophores (e.g. alcohol ethoxylates may be coupled to
sides all round.
naphthoyl chloride).
• The light emitted can be less than expected owing to quenching, i.e. when
substances in the sample (e.g. oxygen) either interfere with energy
transfer, or absorb the emitted light (in some instances, the sample
molecules may self-quench if they are present at high concentration).
Atomic spectroscopy
nebulizer Atoms of certain metals will absorb and emit radiation of specific wavelengths
flame when heated in a flame, in direct proportion to the number of atoms present.
r n rL_~
compressed ~ detector
Atomic spectrophotometric techniques measure the absorption or emission of
~ ~U~~'-/~ particular wavelengths of DV and visible light, to identify and quantify such
filter or amplifier / metals.
rnonochrornator readout
test burner Flame atomic emission spectrophotometry (or flame photometry)
The principal components of a flame photometer are shown in Fig. 26.5. A
Fig. 26.5 Components of a flame photometer. liquid sample is converted into an aerosol in a nebulizer (atomizer) before
being introduced into the flame, where a small proportion (typically less than
I in 10000) of the atoms will be raised to a higher energy level, releasing this
energy as light of a specific wavelength, which is passed through a filter to a
photocell detector. Flame photometry can be used to measure the alkali
metal ions K+, Na" and Ca2+ in, for example, biological fluids and water
samples (Box 26.2).
• improved sensitivity;
• increased precision;
• decreased interference.
The technique can be used with or without a flame. In the flameless
technique several variations are possible, including a graphite furnace or cold
vapour, all of which are more sensitive than flame photometry. Further
details on atomic absorption spectroscopy are given in Chapter 27.
Radiation source
The main radiation source for AAS is the hollow-cathode lamp (HCL). The
HCL (Fig. 27.3) emits radiation characteristic of a particular element. The
choice of HCL for AAS is simple. For example, if you are analysing for lead,
you will need a lead-coated HCL. It is normal to pre-warm the HCL for
about 10min prior to use. This can be done either by using a separate pre-
Atomization cell
Several types of atomization cell are available: flame, graphite furnace,
hydride generation and cold vapour. Flame is the most common. In the pre-
mixed laminar flame, the fuel and oxidant gases are mixed before they enter
the burner (the ignition site) in an expansion chamber. The more commonly
used flame in FAAS is the air-acetylene flame (temperature, 2500 K), while
the nitrous oxide-acetylene flame (temperature, 3150 K) is used for refractory
elements, e.g. AI. Both are formed in a slot burner positioned in the light
path of the HCL (Fig. 27.4).
In the graphite furnace atomizer, a small volume of sample (5-100,uL) is
introduced onto the inner surface of a graphite tube (or onto a platform
placed within the tube) through a small opening (Fig. 27.5). The graphite
tube is arranged so that light from the HCL passes directly through the
centre. Passing an electric current through the tube allows the operator to
program a heating cycle, with several stages (Fig. 27.6) including the
elimination of water from the sample (drying), removal of the sample matrix
(ashing), atomization of the analyte (analysis), and removal of extraneous
material (cleaning). An internal gas flow of inert gas (N2 or Ar) during the
drying and ashing stages removes any extraneous material.
Hydride generation is a sample introduction technique exclusively for
elements that form volatile hydrides (e.g. As, Se, Sn). An acidified sample
solution is reacted with sodium borohydride solution, liberating the gaseous
hydride in a gas-liquid separator. The generated hydride is then transported to
sample is drawn up through the capillary tube by the action of the oxidant
gas (air) escaping through the exit orifice that exists between the outside of
the capillary tube and the inside of the stainless steel tube. The action of the
escaping air and aqueous sample is sufficient to form a coarse aerosol in a
process termed the Venturi effect. The typical uptake rate of the nebulizer is
between 3 and 6mLmin-1.
The expansion chamber (Fig. 27.7) has two functions. The first IS
concerned with aerosol generation the objectives of which are:
• to convert the aqueous sample solution into a coarse aerosol using the
oxidant gas;
• to disperse the coarse aerosol further into a fine aerosol, by interaction
with baffles located within the chamber;
• to condense any residual aerosol particles, which then go to waste.
The second function involves the safe pre-mixing of the oxidant and fuel
gases before they are introduced into the laminar flow burner.
sample injection port
graphite tube
flame. The most well-known example of this is the absorption signal
suppression that occurs for Ca at 422.7 nm owing to increasing amounts of
phosphate. This signal suppression is due to the formation of calcium
f~~:~~~-+-(_)~ O ~
pyrophosphate, a thermally stable compound in the flame.
Ionization interferences occur most commonly for alkali and alkaline earth
leads to its ionization in the flame in preference to the metal of interest, e.g.
Na. This process is termed the 'mass action' effect.
Physical interferences are due to the effects of the sample solution on
aerosol formation within the spray chamber. The formation of an aerosol is
dependent upon the surface tension, density and viscosity of the sample
solution. This type of interference can be controlled by the matrix matching
of sample and standard solutions, i.e. add the same sample components to
the standard solution, but without the metal of interest. If this is not possible,
it is then necessary to use the method of standard additions (Box 27.3).
Fig. 27.6 Heating cycle for a graphite furnace Spectral interferences are uncommon in AAS owing to the selectivity of
atomizer. 1. drying; 2. ashing; 3. analysis; 4. the technique. However, some interferences may occur, e.g. the resonance
cleaning and 5. cooling line of Cu occurs at 324.754 nm and has a line coincidence from Eu at
324.753 nm. Unless the Eu is 1000 times in excess, however, it is unlikely
fine aerosol to cause any problems for Cu determination. In addition to atomic
to burner spectral overlap, molecular band absorption can cause problems, e.g.
calcium hydroxide has an absorption band on the Ba wavelength of
553.55 nm while Pb at 217.0 nm has molecular absorption from NaCl.
Molecular band absorption can be corrected for using background
~ or cloud
correction techniques (see p. 174). The operation of a flame atomic
sample chamber absorption spectrometer is described in Box 27.6.
r mirror
photoemissive detector. The sample is introduced using a pneumatic nebulizer
as described for F AAS (p. 172). Flame photometry is therefore a simple,
robust and inexpensive technique for the determination of potassium
Fig. 27.8 Schematic diagram of the optical
(766.5 nm) or sodium (589.0 nm) in clinical or environmental samples. The
arrangement for AAS. technique suffers from the same type of interferences as in F AAS. The
operation of a flame photometer is described in Box 26.2.
Initiation of the plasma is achieved as follows. The carrier gas flow is first
switched off and a spark added momentarily from a Tesla coil (attached to
the outer edge of the plasma torch). The spark, a source of 'seed' electrons,
causes ionization of the argon gas. The co-existence of argon, argon ions and
electrons constitutes a plasma located within the confines of the plasma torch
but protruding from the top in the shape of a bright white luminous bullet.
In order to introduce the sample aerosol into the ICP (7000-10 000 K) the
carrier gas is switched on and punches a hole into the centre of the plasma
creating the characteristic doughnut or toroidal shape. The emitted radiation
is viewed laterally (side-on) through the luminous plasma.
Sample introduction
The most common method of liquid sample introduction in ICP-AES is the
o o load coil nebulizer. The nebulizer operates in the same manner as that used for F AAS
o o but there are differences in its construction material and manufactured
tolerance (the nebulizer for ICP-AES generates a finer aerosol, but is more
injector tube inefficient). The pneumatic nebulizer consists of a concentric glass tube
through which a capillary tube passes (Fig. 27.10). The sample is drawn up
through the capillary by the action of the argon carrier gas escaping through
the exit orifice that exists between the outside of the capillary tube and the
inside of the glass concentric tube. The typical uptake rate of the nebulizer is
between 0.5 and 4mLmin-l. In common with FAAS, a means to reduce the
coarse aerosol generated to a fine aerosol is required. In ICP-AES
intermediate gas flow
terminology this device is called a spray chamber (Fig. 27.11).
r \
argon gas
allows multiwavelength or multielement detection. The former can perform
sequential multielement analysis, while the latter carries out simultaneous
multielement analysis. The typical wavelength coverage required for a
spectrometer is between 167nm (AI) and 852 nm (Cs).
The most common detector for AES is the photomultiplier tube (see p. 174).
Fig. 27.10 Schematic diagram of a pneumatic An alternative approach for the detection of multielement (multiwavelength)
nebulizer. information is the charged-coupled device (CCD). A CCD is essentially an
array of closely spaced metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes formed on a
wafer of semiconductor material. Incident light striking the CCD is converted
nebulizer----.-J ~ into an electrical signal.
~~ Interferences in ICP-AES
Interferences for AES can be classified into two main categories, spectral and
Fig. 27.11 Schematic diagram of a spray matrix interferences. Spectral interference can occur as a result of an
chamber. interfering emission line from either another element or the argon source gas,
impurities within or entrained into the source, e.g. molecular species such as
N2. Such interferences can be eliminated or reduced either by increasing the
resolution of the spectrometer or by selecting an alternative spectral emission
• Use the highest purity of reagents and acids, including the water used for
sample dilution.
• Use sample blanks in the analytical procedure, to identify the base level
of impurity in the reagents.
• Soak sample vessels in an acid leaching bath (e.g. 10% v]» nitric acid) for
at least 24 hours, followed by rinsing in copious amounts of ultrapure
• Store cleaned volumetric flasks with their stoppers inserted; cover beakers
with Clingfilm'P or store upside down to protect from dust.
• In addition to the wearing of a laboratory coat and safety glasses, it may
be necessary to wear 'contaminant'-free gloves and a close-fitting hat.
Acid digestion
This involves the use of mineral or oxidizing acids and an external heat source
to decompose the sample matrix. The choice of an individual acid or
combination of acids depends upon the nature of the matrix to be decomposed.
For example, the digestion of a matrix containing silica, Si02 (e.g. a geological
sample), requires the use of hydrofluoric acid (HF). A summary of the most
common acids used for digestion and their application is shown in Table 27.3.
Once you have chosen an appropriate acid, place your sample into an
appropriate vessel for the decomposition stage. Typical vessels include an open
glass beaker or boiling tube for conventional heating or for microwave heating,
a PTFE or Teflon® PFA (perfluoroalkoxyvinylether) vessel. A typical micro-
wave system operates at 2.45 GHz with up to 14 sample vessels arranged on a
rotating carousel; commercial systems have additional features such as: a
PTFE-lined cavity; a safety vent (if the pressure inside a vessel is excessive the
vent will open, allowing the contents to go to waste); and an ability to measure
both the temperature and pressure inside the digestion vessels. The procedure
for acid digestion of a sample is shown in Box 27.7.
Hydrochloric acid (HCIl 110 Useful for salts of carbonates, some oxides and some sulphides. A weak reducing
agent; not generally used to dissolve organic matter
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) 112 For digestion of silica-based materials only. Cannot be used with glass containers
(use plasticware). In addition to laboratory coat and safety glasses, extra safety
precautions are needed, e.g. gloves. In case of spillages, calcium gluconate gel is
required for treatment of skin contact sites and should be available during use;
evacuate to hospital immediately if skin is exposed to liquid HF
Nitric acid (HN03) 122 Useful for the digestion of metals, alloys and biological samples. Oxidizing attack
on many samples not dissolved by HCI; liberates trace metals as the soluble
nitrate sa It
338 Useful for releasing a volatile product; good oxidizing properties for ores, metals,
alloys, oxides and hydroxides. Often used in combination with HN03. Note:
Sulphuric acid must never be used in PTFE vessels (melting point 327 DC)
Hydrochloric/nitric acids A 3: 1 v/v mixture of HCI and HN03 is called aqua regia. It forms a reactive
(HCI/HN03) intermediate, NOel. Useful for digesting metals, alloys, sulphides and other ores
Infrared spectroscopy
A covalent bond between two atoms can be crudely modelled as a spring
connecting two masses and the frequency of vibration of the spring is defined
by Hooke's law (eqn [28.1]), which relates the frequency of the vibration (v)
to the strength of the spring, expressed as the force constant (k), and to the
masses (m] and m2) on the ends of the spring (defined as the reduced mass
i1 = (m) x m2) -;.-( m) + m2)).
v for C-H > v for C-C; v for C-H > v for C-D; v for O-H > v for S-H
Bonds can also bend, but this movement requires less energy than
stretching and thus the bending frequency of a bond is always lower than the
corresponding stretching frequency. When IR radiation of the same
frequency as the bond interacts with the bond it is absorbed and increases the
amplitude of vibration of the bond. This absorption is detected by the IR
spectrometer and results in a peak in the spectrum. For a vibration to be
detected in the IR region the bond must undergo a change in dipole moment
when the vibration occurs. Bonds with the greatest change in dipole moment
during vibration show the most intense absorption, e.g. C=O and c-o.
Since bonds between specific atoms have particular frequencies of
vibration, IR spectroscopy provides a means of identifying the type of bonds
in a molecule, e.g. all alcohols will have an O-H stretching frequency and all
compounds containing a carbonyl group will have a c=o stretching
frequency. This property, which does not rely on chemical tests, is extremely
useful in diagnosing the functional groups within a covalent molecule.
IR spectra
A typical IR spectrum IS shown III Fig. 28.1 and you should note the
following points:
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 600 crn'
(a) scan speed: this is the rate at which the chart moves - slower for
greater accuracy and sharp peaks;
(b) wavelength range: the full spectrum or a part of the IR range may
be selected;
(c) 100% control: this is used to set the pen at the 100% transmittance
line when no sample is present the base line. It is usual practice to
set the pen at 90% transmittance at 4000cm-1 when the sample is
present, to give peaks of the maximum deflection.
You should remember that this is an electromechanical instrument and
you should always make sure that you align the chart against the
calibration marks on the chart holder. In the more advanced instruments
an on-board computer stores a library of standard spectra, which can be
compared with your experimental spectrum.
2. F ourier transform IR (FT -IR) spectrometer: the value of IR
spectroscopy is greatly enhanced by Fourier transformation, named after
the mathematician J.B. Fourier. The FT is a procedure for inter-
converting frequency functions and time or distance functions. The IR
beam, composed of all the frequencies in the IR range, is passed through
the sample and generates interference patterns, which are then
transformed electronically into a normal IR spectrum. The advantages of
FT-IR are:
(a) rapid scanning speed - typically four scans can be made per minute,
allowing addition of the separate scans to enhance the signal-to-
noise ratio and improve the resolution of the spectrum;
(b) simplicity of operation - the reference is scanned first, stored and
then subtracted from the sample spectrum;
(c) enhanced sensitivity: the facility of spectrum addition from multiple
scans permits detection of smaller quantities of chemicals;
(d) the integral computer system enables the use of libraries of spectra
and simplifies spectrum manipulation, such as the subtraction of
contaminant or solvent spectra.
Sample handling
You can obtain IR spectra of solids, liquids and gases by use of the
appropriate sample cell (sample holder). The sample holder must be
completely transparent to IR radiation; consequently glass and plastic cells
cannot be used. The most common sample cells you will encounter are made
from sodium chloride or potassium bromide and you cannot use aqueous
solutions or very wet samples, otherwise the sample cells will dissolve. A
typical range of sample cells is shown in Fig. 28.3 and for routine qualitative
work you will regularly use NaCI plates and KBr disks to obtain spectra of
solids and liquids. Solution cells and gas cells are utilized in more specialized
CD applications and require specific instructions and training.
Liquid samples
The most convenient way to obtain the IR spectrum of a pure, dry liquid
is to make a thin liquid film between two NaCl disks (plates). Since the
film thickness is unknown, this procedure is not applicable to quantitative
NaCI work.
Solid samples
If you were to place a fine powder between two NaCI plates, a usable
spectrum would not be obtained because the IR radiation would be scattered
by diffraction at the edges of the particles and would not pass through to the
detector. There are three solutions to this problem:
1. Mulls: in which the finely ground solid is mixed with a liquid, usually
Nujol® (liquid paraffin) or, less frequently, HCB (hexachloro-I,3-
butadiene). This mulling liquid does not dissolve the chemical but fills
NaCI the gaps round the edges of the crystals preventing diffraction and
scattering of the IR radiation. Remember that these mulling liquids have
their own IR spectrum, which is relatively simple, and can be subtracted
either 'mentally' or by the computer. The choice of mulling liquid
depends upon the region of the IR spectrum of interest: Nujol® is a
(c) simple hydrocarbon containing only C-H and C-C bonds, whereas HCB
has no C-H bonds, but has C-Cl, C=C and C-C bonds. Examination of
Fig. 28.3 Cells for IR spectroscopy:
the separate spectra of your unknown compound in each of these
(a) demountable cell for liquid and solid films
and mulls; (b) solution cell; (c) gas cell. mulling agents enables the full spectrum to be analysed.
2. KBr disks: here the finely ground solid compound is mixed with
anhydrous KBr and squeezed under pressure. The KBr becomes fluid
and forms a disk containing the solid compound dispersed evenly within
it and suitable for obtaining a spectrum. The advantage of the KBr disk
technique is the absence of the spectrum from the mulling liquid, but the
disadvantages are the equipment required (Fig. 28.4) and the practice
required to obtain suitable transparent disks, which are very delicate and
rapidly absorb atmospheric moisture.
3. Thin solid films: here a dilute solution of the compound in a low-boiling-
point solvent such as dichloromethane or ether is allowed to evaporate
on a NaCI plate producing a thin transparent film. This method gives
excellent results but is slightly limited by solubility factors.
When you are recording spectra of mulls, KBr disks and thin solid films air is
used as the reference and they are suitable for qualitative analysis only. The
procedure for the preparation of liquid and solid films and mulls is described
in Box 28.2 and that for KBr disks in Box 28.3.
Interpretation of IR spectra
To identify compounds from their IR spectrum you should know at which
frequencies the stretching and bending vibrations occur. A detailed analysis
can be achieved using the correlation tables found in specialist textbooks. For
interpretation, the spectrum is divided into three regions.
Naming blocks
When a group of cells (a block) is carrying out a particular function, it is
often easier to give the block a name which can then be used in all formulae
referring to that block. This powerful feature also allows the spreadsheet to
be more readable.
Graphics display
Most spreadsheets now offer a wide range of graphics facilities which are
easy to use and this represents an ideal way to examine your data sets rapidly
and comprehensively. The quality of the final graphics output (to a printer) is
variable but is usually sufficient for initial investigation of your data. Many
of the options are business graphics styles but there are usually histogram,
bar chart, X-Y plotting, line and area graphics options available. Note that
some spreadsheet graphics may not come up to the standards expected for
the formal presentation of scientific data (p. 343).
Printing spreadsheets
This is usually a straightforward menu-controlled procedure, made difficult
only by the fact that your spreadsheet may be too big to fit on one piece of
paper. Try to develop an area of the sheet which contains only the data that
you will be printing, i.e. perhaps a summary area. Remember that columns
can usually be hidden for printing purposes and you can control whether the
printout is in portrait or landscape mode, and for continuous paper or single
sheets (depending on printer capabilities). Use a screen preview option, if
available, to check your layout before printing. Most spreadsheets are now
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) so that the appearance on the
screen is a realistic impression of the printout. A 'print to fit' option is also
available in some programs, making the output fit the page dimensions.
Use as a database
Many spread sheets can be used as data bases, using rows and columns to
represent the fields and records (see Chapter 48). For many applications in
chemistry, the spreadsheet form of database is perfectly adequate and should
be seriously considered before using a full-feature database program.