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Name: Kolawole Olarewaju

Qualification obtained: Bachelor of Science

Course: BSc (H) Real Estate
Classification: Pending
Award date: Pending

Higher Education Achievement Report (Diploma Supplement)

This Higher Education Achievement Report incorporates the model developed by the European Commission, Council of
Europe and UNESCO/CEPES for the Diploma Supplement.

The purpose of the Supplement is to provide sufficient recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc).
It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context and status of the studies that were pursued and
successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualifications to which this Supplement is appended. It
should be free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all
eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why.

Nottingham Trent University only produces HEARs in a digital format. Only HEARs accessed via www.gradintel.com can
be considered valid and verified.

1. Information identifying the holder of the qualification

1.1 Family name: Olarewaju

1.2 Given names: Kolawole
1.3 Date of birth (day/month/year): 29 July 2006
1.4 Student identification number: T0333733
HESA identification number:
HUSID (HESA Unique Student Identifier) is the unique national identifying number for students registered at a UK
university. It is defined by HESA, the UK's Higher Education Statistics Agency.

2. Information identifying the qualification

2.1 Name of qualification and (if applicable) title Pending

2.2 Main field(s) of study for the qualification: BSc (H) Real Estate
2.3 Name and status of awarding institution: Nottingham Trent University - a recognised body with
taught and research degree awarding powers.
2.4 Name and status of institution (if different from As awarding institution
2.3) administering studies:
2.5 Language(s) of instruction and examination: English

This HEAR was created for Kolawole Olarewaju on 19 July 2024 1 of

Higher Education Achievement Report (Diploma Supplement) Nottingham Trent University

3. Information on the level of the qualification

3.1 HESA level of qualification: First degree with honours

3.2 Official length of course: 3 years
3.3 Access requirement(s):
Nottingham Trent University admits students of the highest calibre, who have the academic potential and the
motivation to develop their knowledge and skills. The university encourages applications from candidates from
all backgrounds regardless of economic and social circumstances, and it evaluates each applicant based on their
individual merits and ability to succeed on our challenging courses. More information on entry requirement to
all courses can be found at: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/hearcourses

4. Information on the contents and results gained

4.1 Mode of study:

Year Mode of Study

2023/24 Full-Time

4.2 Course requirements:

A UK University Undergraduate course leads to an award after a period of study to the level and credit criteria set
out to be achieved for that award in the undergraduate award framework available at:

The learner must also satisfy the Learning Outcomes as prescribed in the course specification. The University
publishes the learning outcomes of its courses through the University’s website at:

The following levels demonstrate the qualities a student who successfully passes these levels of the degree will
have obtained:

Level 4 FHEQ (e.g. Certificate of Higher Education)

Students develop awareness of appropriate sources and how to locate them; employs a range of specialist
foundation skills; generates a range of appropriate responses to unfamiliar problems; evaluates information and
uses it to plan and develop investigation strategies and responses. Communicates effectively.

A student operates in a range of contexts involving activities and new information. Shows judgement in planning
and carrying out prescribed tasks.

The student also undertakes directed and a limited amount of self-directed study.

Level 5 FHEQ (e.g. Diploma of Higher Education and Foundation Degree)

The knowledge and skills build on the previous year, and the student researches, analyses, reformats and
evaluates a wide range of information; formulates appropriate responses to resolve unfamiliar and/or complex
problems. Students also command a wide range of specialised and conceptual skills and generate ideas through
the analysis of information and concepts. A student communicates effectively.


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Higher Education Achievement Report (Diploma Supplement) Nottingham Trent University

Individuals are able to demonstrate command of a range of skills in a range of functions; exercises appropriate
judgement in planning, carrying out and evaluating a range of procedures.

Within broad guidelines, the student accepts responsibility and accountability for determining and achieving
outcomes, including group outcomes where appropriate. Individuals also demonstrate a progression away from
close guidance appropriate at Year 1 (Level 4) through developing an extended repertoire of skills and applying
them in less familiar and more complex situations.

Level 6 FHEQ (e.g. Honours Degree)

Students are able to build on earlier study to utilise research skills; demonstrate capacity for critical evaluation of
new knowledge, concepts and evidence from a range of sources. Individuals also use specialised skills across an
area of study; critically reviewing, consolidating and extending a coherent body of knowledge in a systematic
manner. Individuals have further developed their capability to communicate effectively.

Students are able to apply diagnostic, analytical and creative skills in a range of situations and exercise judgement
in a number of complex planning, design, technical and management functions appropriate to the area of study.

At honours level, students accept responsibility in determining and achieving appropriate outcomes, including
group outcomes, they demonstrate autonomy with reference to research and utilisation of primary sources of

Level 7 FHEQ (e.g. Integrated Masters)

Integrated Masters are four year degree courses which combine 120 credits of level 7 study with 360 credits of
undergraduate study. They are designed to provide students with the opportunity to study their subject in greater
depth than would ordinarily be achieved during a standard 3 year undergraduate course.

4.3 Course details, and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained:

Course start date 18 September 2023
Course end date Not yet completed

Study Year Module Code Title Credits Agg. Grade Mark Credits Result
2023/24 PRMD10008 Professional, Academic and Business Skills 20 3MID 5.4 10.0 Passed
Coursework 100% 3MID
2023/24 PRMD10009 Surveying Skills 20 22LOW 7 10.0 Passed
Coursework 100% 22LOW
2023/24 PRMD10010 Construction 20 FMID 2.1 10.0 Referred
Coursework 70% ZERO
Examination 30% 22LOW
2023/24 PRMD10011 Economics and Valuation 20 22LOW 6.5 10.0 Passed
Coursework 100% 22LOW
2023/24 PRMD10012 Law 20 FMARG 2.7 10.0 Passed
Examination 30% FMID
Coursework 70% FMARG
2023/24 PRMD10013 Planning and Land Use 20 FLOW .6 10.0 Referred
Coursework 70% ZERO

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Higher Education Achievement Report (Diploma Supplement) Nottingham Trent University

Examination 30% FMID

TOTAL YEAR 2023/24 CREDITS 120 60.0


4.4 Grading scheme and, if available, grade distribution guidance:

The University's generic level descriptors for undergraduate study are consistent with the Ofqual1 National
Qualifications Framework Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7. The general grading descriptors define, for each undergraduate
level, the standards of performance expected across the NTU seventeen point grading scale. Further
information can be found at: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/hearassessment

4.5 Overall classification of the qualification Pending

(in original language):

5. Information on the function of the qualification

5.1 Access to further study:

Graduates from our courses have gone on to successful, varied careers in both the private and public sectors.
Others choose to take up Postgraduate study in preparation for a research degree or other professional career.
Nottingham Trent University degrees equip students with essential transferable skills that are needed for a
wide range of opportunities.

5.2 Professional status (if applicable):

There are a number of courses at Nottingham Trent University that have been granted professional
accreditation from various professional bodies due to the nature of the course. For some courses this is not
applicable. Further details of professional accreditation can be found at: NTU Governance Support and External

6. Additional information

6.1 Additional information:

6.2 Further information sources:

Further information about the HEAR is available from the University's web site www.ntu.ac.uk/hear

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Higher Education Achievement Report (Diploma Supplement) Nottingham Trent University

7. Certification of the HEAR

7.1 Date of award: Not yet certified

7.2 Signature:

Mr Steve Denton

7.3 Capacity: Chief Operating Officer and Registrar

7.4 Official stamp or seal:

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Higher Education Achievement Report (Diploma Supplement) Nottingham Trent University

8. Information on the National Higher Education System

Description of Higher Education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Framework (to replace, in time, the National Qualifications Framework
In England, Wales and Northern Ireland¹, higher education (NQF)). These authorities regulate a number of professional, statutory
institutions are independent, self-governing bodies active in and other awarding bodies which control VET and general qualifications
teaching, research and scholarship. They are established by Royal at all levels. The QCF is also incorporated into the CQFW. There is a
Charter or legislation and most are part-funded by government. close association between the levels of the FHEQ and the NQF (as
Higher education (HE) is provided by many different types of shown overleaf), and other frameworks of the UK and Ireland (see
institution. In addition to universities and university colleges, whose 'Qualifications can cross Boundaries'
charters and statutes are made through the Privy Council which https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/
advises the Queen on the granting of Royal Charters and qualifications-can-cross-boundaries.pdf
incorporation of universities, there are a number of
publicly-designated and autonomous institutions within the higher
education sector. Publicly funded higher education provision is
Quality Assurance
available in some colleges of further education by the authority of Academic standards are established and maintained by higher education
another duly empowered institution. Teaching to prepare students institutions themselves using an extensive and sophisticated range of
for the award of higher education qualifications can be conducted in shared quality assurance approaches and structures. Standards and
any higher education institution and in some further education quality in institutions are underpinned by the universal use of external
colleges. examiners, a standard set of indicators and other reports, by the
activities of the QAA, and in professional areas by relevant professional,
statutory and regulatory bodies. This ensures that institutions meet
Degree awarding powers and the title 'university' national expectations described in the FHEQ: subject benchmark
All universities and many higher education colleges have the legal statements, the Code of Practice and programme specifications. QAA
power to develop their own courses and award their own degrees, as conducts peer-review based audits and reviews of higher education
well as determine the conditions on which they are awarded. Some institutions with the opportunity for subject-based review as the need
HE colleges and specialist institutions without these powers offer arises. The accuracy and adequacy of quality-related information
programmes, with varying extents of devolved authority, leading to published by the higher education institutions is also reviewed. QAA
the degrees of an institution which does have them. All universities also reviews publicly funded higher education provision in further
in existence before 2005 have the power to award degrees on the education colleges.
basis of completion of taught courses and the power to award
research degrees. From 2005, institutions in England and Wales that
award only taught degrees ('first' and 'second cycle') and which meet
Credit System
certain numerical criteria, may also be permitted to use the title Most higher education institutions in England and Northern Ireland
'university'. Higher education institutions that award only taught belong to one of several credit consortia and some operate local credit
degrees but which do not meet the numerical criteria may apply to accumulation and transfer systems for students moving between
use the title 'university college', although not all choose to do so. All programmes and/or institutions. A framework of national guidelines,
of these institutions are subject to the same regulatory quality the Higher Education Credit Framework for England, was launched in
assurance and funding requirements as universities; and all 2008. Credit is also an integral part of the CQFW and the QCF. It may
institutions decide for themselves which students to admit and be possible for credit awarded in one framework to be recognised by
which staff to appoint. Degrees and other higher education education providers whose qualifications sit within a different
qualifications are legally owned by the awarding institution, not by framework. HE credit systems in use in England, Wales and Northern
the state. The names of institutions with their own degree awarding Ireland are compatible with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
powers (“Recognised Bodies”) are available for download at: for accumulation and transfers within the European Higher Education
http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/higher-education/ Area, and are used to recognise learning gained by students in
recognised-uk-degrees/recognised-bodies institutions elsewhere in Europe.

Higher education institutions, further education colleges and other Admissions

organisations able to offer courses leading to a degree of a The most common qualification for entry to higher education is the
Recognised Body are listed by the English, Welsh and Northern Irish General Certificate of Education at 'Advanced' (A) level. Other
authorities, and are known as “Listed Bodies”. View the list at: appropriate NQF level 3 qualifications and the kite-marked Access to
http://www.bis.gov.uk/policies/higher-education/ HE Diploma may also provide entry to HE. Level 3 qualifications in the
recognised-uk-degrees/listed-bodies CQFW, including the Welsh Baccalaureate, also provide entry, as do
Scottish Highers, Advanced Highers or qualifications at the same levels
Qualifications of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. Part-time and
The types of qualifications awarded by higher education institutions mature students may enter HE with these qualifications or alternatives
at sub-degree and undergraduate (first cycle) and postgraduate level with evidenced equivalent prior formal and/or experiential learning.
(second and third cycles) are described in the Framework for Higher Institutions will admit students whom they believe to have the
Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland potential to complete their programmes successfully.
(FHEQ). This also includes qualification descriptors that were
developed with the HE sector by the Quality Assurance Agency for ¹ The UK has a system of devolved government, including for higher
Higher Education (QAA - established in 1997 as an independent education, to Scotland, to Wales and to Northern Ireland. This
UK-wide body to monitor the standard of higher education provision description is approved by the High Level Policy Forum which includes
- www.qaa.ac.uk). The FHEQ was self-certified as compatible with representatives of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills,
the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly Government, the Higher
Area, the qualifications framework adopted as part of the Bologna Education Funding Councils for England, Scotland and Wales, the
Process, in February 2009. Foundation degrees, designed to create Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), Universities UK (UUK), GuildHE and
intermediate awards strongly oriented towards specific employment the National Recognition Information Centre for the UK (UK NARIC)
opportunities, were introduced in 2001. In terms of the European
Higher Education Area they are “short cycle” qualifications within
the first cycle. The FHEQ is one component of the Credit and
Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW). The Qualifications and
Curriculum Authority (QCA), the Department for Children,
Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills, Wales (DCELLS) and the
Council for Curriculum Examination and Assessment, Northern
Ireland (CCEA) have established the Qualifications and Credit

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This HEAR was created for Kolawole Olarewaju on 19 July 2024 7 of

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