Set 3 (2024)

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|o38 BCS301
Semester B.E./B.Tech. Degrce Examination, Dec.2023/J
Time: 3 hrs.
Mathematics for Computer
Max. Marks: 100
Note: I. Answer any FIVE full
2. VTU
Formula Hand Bookguestions,
3. M: Marks,
choosingONE full question from each module.
is permitted.
L: Bloomn's level, C:
Mathematics hand book is permitted.
Course outcomes.

Q.1 a.
A Module-1 M C
Random variable X has the following probability function for varlable 6 L2 CO1
values of x.
0 12
P(x) 0 k 2k 456 7
2k3k k2k 7k+k
(i) Find the value of k.
(ii) Evaluate P(x>6) and
Find the mean and variance of Binomial
distribution. L2 CO2
C. In a certain town the duration of a shower is exponentially
distributed with L3 CO2
mean 5 minutes. What is the probability that a shower will last for,
) 10 minutes or more.
(ii) Less than 10 minutes
(iii) Between 10 and 12 minutes.
Q.2 a. A random variable X has the followiDg density function 6 L2 CO1

P(x)=JKx* -3sxs3
Find the value ofK.

Evaluate (i) P(I<x<2) (i) P{x s 2)

In a factory producing blades,the probability of any blade being defective 7 L2 C02
is 0.002.If blades are supplied in packets of 10, using Poisson distribution
determine the number of pakets containing,
(i) No defective.
(ü) One defective
(iii) Two defectiye blades respectively in a consignment of 10,000
a particular 7 L3 CO2
C. In a test on electric bulbs, it was found that the life time of
brand was distributed normally with an average life of 2000 hours and
standard deviation of 60 hours, If a firm purchases 2500 bulbs find
number of bulbs that are likely to last for,
More than 2100 hours.
(ii) Between 1900to 2100 hours.
(iii) Less than 1950
(Given (1.67)= 0.4525, (0.83)= 0.2967)

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and y is 6 L2 CO2
two rarndom variable x
The joint probability distribution table for
Q.3 as follows : 4 5
0.1 0.2 0.3
0.2 0.1|0.1 0
distribution of x and y. Obtain the
Deternine the marginal probability
corelationcoeficient between x and y. L2 CO3
vector for the regular stochastic matrix
b. Find the unique fixed probability

6 3

always throws the L3 CO3
C. Three boys A, B, Care throwing ball to each other. A likely to throw the
ball to B and B always throws the ball to C.Cis just as
throw the ball find the
ball to B as to A. If C was the first person' to
probabilities that after three throws :
(i) A has the ball.
(ü) B has the ball.
(ii) Chas the ball.
L2 CO2
The joint probability distribution of two discrete random variables x and y
is given by f(x, y) = k(2x+y) where x andy aré integers. Such that
0sx<2, 0sy<3.
() Find the value of the constant K
(i) Find the marginal probability distribution of X and Y
(iii) Show that the random variablesX and Yare dependent.
7 L2 CO3

b. Find the unique fixed probability vector for the matrix, P = 0 0 1

Each year a man trades his car for a new car in 3 brands of the popular7 L3 CO3
company.If he has a swift' he trades it for 'Dzire'. If he has a Dzire' he
trades it for a 'Wagnor". If he has a Wagnor he is just as likely to trade it
for a new Wagnor or for a 'Dzire' or a 'Swift' one. In 2020 he bought his
first car which was 'Wagnor". Find the probability that he has
(i) ^2022 Wagnor.
(ü) 2022 Swift.
(iii) 2023 Dzire.
(iv) 2023 Wagnor.
Module -3
Q.5 a. Explain the following terms: 6 LI CO5
(i) Statistical Hypothesis.
(ii) Critical region of statistical test.
(i) Test for significance.
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b. In 324 throws of asix
faced die an odd
reasonable to think that the die is annumber turncd up 181 times. Is t
unbiased one at 5% level oT
L3 CO4

One type of aircrafl is found to
total of 100and another (yDe in 7devclop engine trouble in 5 flights out of a
lights out of a total 200 lights. there a
L3 CO4

Significant difference in the two tvpes of aircrafts so far as engine delects

are concerned? Test at 59%
significance level.
Q.6 OR
Define : L1 CO5
(i) Null Hypothesis.
(ii) Significance level.
(ii) Type Iand II error.
b. A COin was tOssed 1000 times and head turns up 540 times. Test the L3 C04
hypothesis that the coin is unbiased at 1% level of significance.
C. L3 CO4
In an exit poll enquiry it was revealed that 600 voters in one locality and
400 voters from an other locality favoured 55% and 48% respectively a
Particular party to come to power. Test the hypothesis that there is a
ditference in the locality in respect of the opinion at 1% level of
Q.7 a. A random sample of size 64 is taken from an infinite population having L2 COs
mean I 12 and variance 144. Using central limit theorem, find the
probability of getting the sample mean X greater than 114:5
7 L2 CO4
b. The following data shows.the runs scored by two batsman: Can it be said
that the performance of batsman A is more consistent than the performance
of batsman B? Use 1%level of significance (Foö1.4,7=7.85)
Batsman A 40 | 50 352560 70 65 55
Batsman B 60 70 40 30 50
a 7 L3 C04
C. A coins are tossed 100 times and the following results were obtained. Fit
binomial distribution for the data and calculate the theoretical frequencies.
Number of heads01 2 3
Frequency 5 2936| 255
(Given Xo0s =9.49 for 4 degree of freedom)
takeD from a normal population 6 L2 C04
Q.8 a Suppose that 10, 12, l6, 19 is a sample interval for the population
with variance 6.25. Find at 95% confidence
population and their heights 7 L3 COS
b.The individuals àre choosen at random from a
68, 69, 70, 70, 71,71. Test the
in inches are found to be 63, 63, 66, 67, universe is 66 inches. (Given
hypothesis that the mean height of the
toos =2.262 for 9 degree of
was L3 C04
results of 500 students war made. It
C. Asample analysis of examination 170 had secured third class, 90 had
found that 220 students had failed, secured first class. Do these figures
secured second class and 20 had which is in the ratio 4 :3:2:1 for
support the general examination
the respective categories
(Given Xo0s =7.81 for 3 degree of freedom).
3 of4
Module -5
groups of rats for 5 weeks. 10 L3 CO6
Three different kinds of food are tested on three
Q.9 a.
difference in mean weight (in grams) of the
The objective is to check the
a0.05 significance level to
rats per week. Apply one-way ANOVA using
the following data:
|Food l|8 12 19 8 611
Food 2 4 4 6 9
Food 3|11|8 7 1379
b Analyze and interpret the following statistics concerning output of wheat 10 L4 CO6
per field obtained as a result of experiment conducted to test four varieties
of wheat viz. A, B, C, D under a Latin-square design.
2523 20 20
19 21|18
19 14 17 20
17 20 21
Q.10 a. Set up an analysis of variance table for the following per acre production |10 L3 CO6
data fothree varieties of wheat, each grown on four plots and state it the
variety differences are significant at 5% significant level (Two way
Plot of land Per acre production data
Variety of wheat
6 5
7 4
3 3
4 8 4

b. Set up ANOVA table for the

following information relaing to three drugs
testing to judge the effectiveness
different groups of people.
in reducing blóod pressure for three 10| L4 C06
Group.of people Drug
A 14 10 11
B 12 7 10
8 11

Do the drugs act

Are the different differently?
groups,of people
interaction term significant? affected differently?
Is the
Answer the above questions taking a
significant levelof 5%?

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