Set 3 (2024)
Set 3 (2024)
Set 3 (2024)
|o38 BCS301
Semester B.E./B.Tech. Degrce Examination, Dec.2023/J
Time: 3 hrs.
Mathematics for Computer
Max. Marks: 100
Note: I. Answer any FIVE full
2. VTU
Formula Hand Bookguestions,
3. M: Marks,
choosingONE full question from each module.
is permitted.
L: Bloomn's level, C:
Mathematics hand book is permitted.
Course outcomes.
Q.1 a.
A Module-1 M C
Random variable X has the following probability function for varlable 6 L2 CO1
values of x.
0 12
P(x) 0 k 2k 456 7
2k3k k2k 7k+k
(i) Find the value of k.
(ii) Evaluate P(x>6) and
Find the mean and variance of Binomial
distribution. L2 CO2
C. In a certain town the duration of a shower is exponentially
distributed with L3 CO2
mean 5 minutes. What is the probability that a shower will last for,
) 10 minutes or more.
(ii) Less than 10 minutes
(iii) Between 10 and 12 minutes.
Q.2 a. A random variable X has the followiDg density function 6 L2 CO1
P(x)=JKx* -3sxs3
Find the value ofK.
Iof 4
and y is 6 L2 CO2
two rarndom variable x
The joint probability distribution table for
Q.3 as follows : 4 5
0.1 0.2 0.3
0.2 0.1|0.1 0
distribution of x and y. Obtain the
Deternine the marginal probability
corelationcoeficient between x and y. L2 CO3
vector for the regular stochastic matrix
b. Find the unique fixed probability
6 3
always throws the L3 CO3
C. Three boys A, B, Care throwing ball to each other. A likely to throw the
ball to B and B always throws the ball to C.Cis just as
throw the ball find the
ball to B as to A. If C was the first person' to
probabilities that after three throws :
(i) A has the ball.
(ü) B has the ball.
(ii) Chas the ball.
L2 CO2
The joint probability distribution of two discrete random variables x and y
is given by f(x, y) = k(2x+y) where x andy aré integers. Such that
0sx<2, 0sy<3.
() Find the value of the constant K
(i) Find the marginal probability distribution of X and Y
(iii) Show that the random variablesX and Yare dependent.
7 L2 CO3
Each year a man trades his car for a new car in 3 brands of the popular7 L3 CO3
company.If he has a swift' he trades it for 'Dzire'. If he has a Dzire' he
trades it for a 'Wagnor". If he has a Wagnor he is just as likely to trade it
for a new Wagnor or for a 'Dzire' or a 'Swift' one. In 2020 he bought his
first car which was 'Wagnor". Find the probability that he has
(i) ^2022 Wagnor.
(ü) 2022 Swift.
(iii) 2023 Dzire.
(iv) 2023 Wagnor.
Module -3
Q.5 a. Explain the following terms: 6 LI CO5
(i) Statistical Hypothesis.
(ii) Critical region of statistical test.
(i) Test for significance.
2 of 4
b. In 324 throws of asix
faced die an odd
reasonable to think that the die is annumber turncd up 181 times. Is t
unbiased one at 5% level oT
L3 CO4
One type of aircrafl is found to
total of 100and another (yDe in 7devclop engine trouble in 5 flights out of a
lights out of a total 200 lights. there a
L3 CO4
4of 4