1. Education Introduction

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Educational Psychology

BSc (N), MSc (N), Ph.D (N)
Senior Lecturer/Dept. of SHS
Education is a social process by which the
innate capacities of an individual are
drawn out and he is adjusted to the society
by which he lives. Thus it is two -fold
process of growth of personality and
enhancement of the degree of adjustability
to the surroundings. The basic aim of
educations is to modify behavior.
Psychology is the science of human
behavior. It attempts to analyze and
interpret human behavior. It bases itself
on a keen examination of human
experience and arrives at conclusion on
human behavior. It studies the physical,
mental, emotional and social traits of
an individual.
Educational Psychology
• Educational Psychology is an
applied branch of general
psychology dealing with application
of scientific principles in the field of
• It deals with the learning process of
an individual, in the light of his
physical, mental, emotional and
social traits.
Educational Psychology cont..

• It is the combination of the study

of the individual and the study of
the environment in so far as they
affect the learning process. It
helps the teacher to foster
harmonious over all development
of the learner
Objectives of Educational Psychology
General Objectives:
• To provide a body of facts and
methods which can be used in solving
teaching problems.
• To develop a scientific and problem
solving attitude.
• To train in thinking psychologically
about educational problems.
Teaching Objectives cont…
• To develop an understanding and
appreciation of the hereditary and
environmental factors which underlines
learning ability.
• To provide base for understanding the
nature and principle of learning and supply
the techniques for its improvement.
• To understand and appreciate factors
influencing individual ability to learn.
Teaching Objectives

• To provide understanding of external

factors like training aids, libraries,
classrooms which are largely within the
control of teacher and the institution.
• To evaluate teaching efficiency.
• To develop an appreciation of individual.
Scope of educational psychology

• It is applicable in the following areas;

– Learner

– Learning Process

– Evaluation of learning process

The Learner
• Understanding the developmental
characteristics of the student
• Individual differences in intelligence
and personality
• Adjustment abilities
• Attitudes towards learning
• Good mental health
• Motivation towards learning
Learning process

Educational psychology provides

knowledge to organize various
approaches of learning process
according to the learning need.
The curriculum is designed according to;
The needs of the students
Their development characteristics
Learning pattern and
Need of the society
Special education for handicapped
Evaluation of learning Process

Immediate feedback and knowledge

of result enhance learner's motivation.
Methods of Educational Psychology
The same methods as that of general
•Case history
•Clinical methods

Observing behavior characteristics

of children while they are not
aware of being observed.
Experimental Method
It is useful in certain areas of educational
psychology. Example;
To study the role of motivation in learning,
two groups of same age, same intellectual
level, same socioeconomic status and same
educational back ground. The experimental
group (A) was given an incentive on
learning while the control group (B) gets no
incentive. Learning outcome of the groups is
Merits of Experimental Method
•It is systematic and provides objective and
reliable information.
•The experiment should be done under
strictly controlled conditions.
•Findings are verifiable to other
•Course effect relationship can be studied
and provides guidelines for solving
teaching and learning problems.
Clinical Case and History Method
• The problems of the learners are studied
using case history method.
• Students with poor performance can be
studied to identify emotional problems
like conflicts at home, anxiety, poor
coping skill etc.
• Some students are not able to perform
well in their course.
The reasons may be emotional problems
• Conflict at home
• Over anxiety
• Poor coping skills
• Less intelligence
• Their problems are identified and
modified to help the students
Inventory or questionnaire method
• Different kinds of inventories and
questionnaires are developed and
standardized. This method is important in
the following fields.
• Interest
• Aptitude
• Attitude
• Personality
For example- Aptitude Tests
• The American psychologist Moreno
introduced this method. A sociogram is
prepared according to the likes and
dislikes of students. The teacher can
effectively organize group work and
other team activities.
Special Education
• Special Education provides appropriate
educational assistance to handicapped
Remedial Education
A part time, short term, for learning
some school subjects in which the child
is weak.
Compensatory Education
It involves modification of curriculum,
methods of teaching according to the
social and cultural limitations of the
Significance of Educational Psychology
to Nursing
•To learn more effectively
•To improve memory
•To understand individual differences
between students
• To plan his / her academic achievement
Significance of Educational Psychology
to Nursing
•To understand and develop positive
attitudes towards patients and others
•To prepare themselves to be future
•To understand the students and their
problems effectively
• Thank you

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