(13) R&AW vs CIA Exposing SECRET RIVALRY Since Independence
(13) R&AW vs CIA Exposing SECRET RIVALRY Since Independence
(13) R&AW vs CIA Exposing SECRET RIVALRY Since Independence
A secret war has been going on between India's RAW and America's CIA since India's
independence, about which the general public does not know at all and this war has given
rise to heaps of anonymous murders in the last few decades, which include India's top
Brains and scientists top diplomats and even our own ex Prime Minister and all this murder
wars terrorism and destructions are happening with a smile on the faces of both the
countries on 18th September 1947, an American intelligence agency was born whose job was
to go to any extent for the American interest in the whole world. Within 10 years of their
birth, they had every detail of almost all the 190 plus countries of every continent of the
world. There was a detailed blueprint of the weaknesses, which is the government in those
countries, which is the party in opposition, which government will survive and which will
fall, how many people are there in the country, how many are religious and how many How
many cultural bell groups are there who keep agitating against the government? The
governments of all these countries have been brought down single-handedly. Because of
this one agency, some war has broken out in almost every continent and it is still going on till
date in many countries. Today, because of the US, they have become staunch enemies of
each other. You can see them on the screen itself and you know the condition of the Middle
East.Hardly any country would be left in the Middle East today. This entire area is a
complete war tone. Ruined The same situation has happened in Africa too. Civil wars are
going on in different countries. It is because of CI that today many countries are so poor that
they are unable to survive without importing two meals a day from America. When India was
born in South Asia in 1947, America's eyes were also on India. India was a newly emerging
democracy and hence it could become a good puppet state of the US in South Asia and that
is why America They also made India their big target through CI. They wanted to bring India
to its knees by whatever means possible so that India becomes weak, becomes dependent
on America and America can make India its pet. And no, I am not Ajaz's mate at all. I am
saying that the CIA has left no stone unturned to isolate India globally, to instigate wars
between different countries with India, to make India a victim of terrorism and to divide
India into many pieces and further. Their upcoming secret operations will become the proof
of these things. Just wait and see will become the proof of how the CI has conspired to
blame us for the death of our friend China's Prime Minister to defame India all over the
world. To prevent Sikkim from becoming one of our states, the CIA had made one of its own
intelligence agents the queen of the King of Sikkim and conspired many such operations, the
details of which I will reveal later. But despite all this, CIA could not completely capture
India because in 1968, an organization was born in India which till date is considered one of
the most feared intelligence agency in the world, India's Great Protector Research and
Analysis Wing. RAW, the agency which has successfully executed many missions in the
interest of India within a few years of its birth, making Sikkim a part of India, partition of
Pakistan, To suppress the Khalistan issue and of course to counter the CIA, RAW had a big
role in all this and that is why a secret war between two powerful intelligence agencies
started from 1968 itself which continues till today but all this is easy for us. It was not there
at all and many Indians do not even know this story of our history. When RAW was born in
1968, they were neither given any proper office nor any proper trained officers in it. And on
top of all this, the CI had wanted to end RAW by any means since its birth, but still RAW
started out of compulsion with one Veera Raan Pade theater and nine Sakhi officers because
before 1968, the condition of our country was very bad. Our country was almost on the
verge of disintegration and in that weak phase, the CIA launched a massive diplomatic
attack on us to defame us throughout the world on 10th April 1955. At night, Air India Flight
300 aka Kashmir Princess takes off from Mumbai for Indonesia, but just before it reaches its
destination, a bomb explodes in the right wing of the plane, causing the plane to burst into
smoke. It goes down and sinks straight into the Pacific Ocean and 16 people die in this
accident. Now the news of this blast goes viral overnight in the entire global media, but this
Not because of the accident but because just a few hours before the accident, the Chinese
Premier i.e. Prime Minister Jao Enla was also supposed to board this plane but his plan got
canceled at the last moment and that is why he survived, now it is obvious. This news has
spread a narrative all over the world that whether it is true or not, it is some conspiracy by
India to wage a proxy war against China and that is why now it is India's It had become very
important for us that we will have to remove this stain on India by any means, so our then
Prime Minister Pandit Nehru immediately sent a young officer of IB on this mission. After
Deployed B investigation, we came to know about this. That America's CIA was behind this
entire incident, that is, behind the entire plan to kill the Chinese Premier and put the blame
on India, yes, the same America which is promoting democracy all over the world. He keeps
beating the drums and seeing this, every Indian politician also wants to bring similar
democracy in our country. Later, the Chinese Premier's agency also said that yes, the CIA
had made this plan in collaboration with their country's opposition KMT. Now this case was
solved but one thing was not understood here that why CIA wanted to target India, well to
understand this we have to look at the global history of 1947 era. We have to understand the
At the stroke of the midnight hour, the world will not sleep. India will wake up to life and
freedom in the year 1947. While there was joy over the departure of the British as soon as we
got independence, on the other hand, there was sadness over the partition of India. During
this time, at the global level Also a division or should we say a grouping had started. Only
two years had passed since the end of the World War that both the super powers USA and
USSR decided to take the rest of the countries of the world into their camp. An undeclared
cold war was started but India's PM Nehru refused to side with anyone and started a non-
aligned movement (NAM) whose motive was that India would neither go towards the USA
nor towards the USSR. On the other hand, because we had seen what happened to Europe
due to such alliances, but now the problem here was that in our name, not so much to the
USSR but to the USA, it was a big trouble. Because this idea of Nehru ji was not only keeping
India non-aligned but almost 121 countries of the world were also included in our name
group. Can you believe that today there are 193 countries in the UN and at that time 121
countries were India. Had become a part of the group formed by CIA, so obviously USA
being the top super power of that time, US got irritated and that is why CIA planned Kashmir
Princess Blast because With this plan, basically he was able to hit two birds with one stone.
The number one target was that after the plane crash, a war would break out between the
two founding members and the two big countries of Asia because during that time the
relations between India and China were very good. When India claimed Goa, China
supported it diplomatically, while China also silently supported China by occupying Tib.
This was the same period when we used to raise slogans of Hindi-Chini-Bhai- Bhai, so CIA
wanted to break this friendship between India and China by any means. Also, the second
target of CIA was that globally, whatever countries were in India's group. This includes
giving them the message that India is not a trustworthy country at all and can backstab you
at any time like it did with China by conspiring to kill their Prime Minister. Although Rach's CI
plan failed, he soon realized that if he wanted to maintain his hold on the entire region of
South Asia, he would absolutely need a puppet country in this region. And now literally zero
points. For Guessing Who Was That Puppet Country Pakistan? Now seeing what US does to
get Pakistan on its side is quite interesting. We were talking about how the US started taking
Pakistan to its side to increase its dominance in South Asia. CI placed a bet on Pakistan and
immediately started giving them a lot of financial and military aid. Now in such a situation, it
is obvious. The sword started hanging over India too and now we were forced to tilt towards
the USSR to create the balance of power. Due to this reason, if you see, in those days, the
USSR had built big dam projects, universities, hospitals etc. in India. Now if two of your
enemies become friends then what will be your condition. Same situation happened with
USA too. Now to remove US dyspareunia influence, which of course is the best solution. The
idea was to enter Indian politics by landing on Indian soil and exactly the same thing was
done by the US, so in 1957, the world's first elected communist government was established
in Kerala, India, meaning you can understand that by this year, Soviet influence had reached
India so much. Now people were voting for their communist ideology and that is why Kerala
had become the first target of the US. The US immediately assigned the mission to the CIA.
They were given the power to topple the CPI government of Kerala and you will not believe
it, but even before this government could complete its 5 year term, in just two years, so
many protests started taking place in Kerala that the Indian Government itself had to topple
the CPI government of Kerala. President's rule had to be imposed there but the fall of the
government was not such a big problem, it was a much bigger problem. The thing was that
we later came to know that all this was a conspiracy of the CIA. They knew so much detail
about the local people and languages of Kerala from the vulnerable keys of Kerala that it
took them only 2 years. Even the protests that were taking place there to topple the
government there were also paid protests. Now just think where is this news, India should
have known about this whole incident before it happened but our Central The Government
and our Intelligence Bureau IB were completely clueless, this time we did not have even an
iota of intel about what game the CIA was playing in our own country and do not forget that
IB was so capable at one time that with its help the British had carried out many Bar had
suppressed India's freedom fighters and major independence movements, but now this
department had suddenly become useless and the limits were crossed when the Indo-Pak
riots of 1962 In China War, we have the intelligence of that country according to which the
defense forces of that country make their proactive military plans like where how many
soldiers are to be deployed, where are the attacks going to come from etc. etc. But during
the time of India China War, IB What information did you have, do you know that first ital
Chinese air force is much superior to us if Indian air force uses counter strike. Firstly, China
will bomb cities like Guwahati and Kolkata.
Secondly, Intel China also has its own base in Tib from which it can attack us easily. Thirdly,
during the Intel War, Chinese locals living in the border areas of Tib will also attack China.
They will attack us for supporting us. Literally missing information is a different thing but
such misinformation will paralyze us and the same happened in IB Casey Intel Failure. Once
again, he committed such a big blunder that till today, because of this, a large part of India is
under the control of China. Now this thing is touching a junior officer of IB more than it is
hiding any Indian till date. That is why, while being in the IB, he said to his own department's
face that all this is our fault, we do not have the capability that we need to fight our
enemies. He had said this in 1962 and Do you know what happened in 1965, the infamous
1965 Indo-Pak War, which according to me, even after winning, we lost somewhere because
just a year later, two of the most brave and nationalist leaders of our country were murdered
in cold blood. Lal Bahadur Shastri and Homi Jahangir Bhaba were two such personalities of
India who wanted to make our country so capable that we could stand shoulder to shoulder
with other super powers. Homi Bhaba CIA had even given a statement in 1965 that India
would become a country with nuclear power by 1966 i.e. in just one year, the technology of
which only four countries had at that time and that is why CIA did not want to let this
happen at all. So in 1966, just one year after the India-Pakistan War, both of them were
murdered by the CIA, but the sad thing was that we came to know about this from the CIA
itself and not from the IB. During this period, the Station Chief of CIA himself accepted in an
interview that Shastri ji and Homi Jahangir Bhaba were killed by the same people but our IB
again did not have even the slightest idea about this, now after Shastri ji's death. Indira
Gandhi came to power and just like every country has an SOP to analyze things after the war,
similarly India also analyzed things after the 1965 war. Again, what came to light was that the
1965 war was also a complete intel failure on the part of IB itself. Now Indira Gandhi ji was a
hardcore nationalist of her time and she could not tolerate this at all. She immediately
called the same officer working in IB who PM was looking after the security of Nehru for
many years, who had removed the stain of Kashmir Princess from India and even after the
1962 war, he was the head of his own department IB. Do you know who this young officer
was? The gentleman man and spy master Rameshwar Nath Kao, also known as RN Kao, the
founder of India's elite external intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing RAW. Indira
Gandhi ji told RN Kao that We have to create an intel department that can raise an alarm on
such problems in advance. Then what was Kao said madam? On Gandhi's orders, a full
blueprint of RAW was made within 60 days, all the points of which were immediately
approved by Indira Gandhi, but she had only two conditions, the top two elite positions of
RAW were to maintain their appointments only with the approval of the PM. After
appointing the vacant IPS i.e. Indian Police Services personnel, Aaron Cow also put his two
conditions on the table. Number one RAW will be the most secret agency of the country,
about which No one will have any idea about the name of any joint officer here will not be
written in a single page of paper. Secondly, there will be only two posts in RAW, one
secretary who will go into the field and the other joint secretary who will stay in India or a
particular geographical location and do the analysis. All other officers will be called not by
their positions but by their names only and Indira Gandhi accepted all these conditions and
this blueprint of RAW was immediately implemented. It was approved, but how easy it was
to get it passed, it was 10 times more difficult to build RAW from scratch because when IB
came to know that a new intel agency was going to be formed apart from them, IB officers
started creating obstacles. First of all, IB refused to give officers to RAW, refused to give
furniture, even refused to give trained officers, but finally somehow by talking to PMO, Cow
started RAW with only 250 officers, yes with only 250 officers and at that time several
thousand people were working in CIA which was established two decades before us, but our
numbers were definitely less but our passion was very big. And that is why our RAW with
only 250 officers set out to fight with an elephant like the CIA. Now we had got the men but
what about the office? Aaron Cow in Vasant Vihar, Delhi. He made a closed theater his office.
Now the office has become short, but what about the international mouthpiece i.e. spine,
who will train it? So for this he got the officers trained from almost every elite intelligence
agency of the world, Israel, USSR, UK. And even America, our officers from all these
countries were trained and that too without informing each other, within a few months the
training was completed and our officers were ready, yes 197 by 70, before India. The batch
of External Intelligence Officers was ready for their mission to save the country, but now the
only question was that they should not even have to be deployed in different countries.
Well, for this, Aaron Kao came up with a very clever idea. He became PM Advisor. Said that
you tell us the vacancies for blue collar jobs like drivers and electricians in the Indian
Embassies of different countries of the world, then we will fill our RAW in the name of those
positions. Officers were deployed there and as soon as this was finalized, the first batch of
RAW set out on its mission. Now the situation was such that on one hand our RAW was ready
to fight with the CIA, on the other hand our PM Indira Gandhi was Gandhi ji had threatened
the US twice, the first time when the US had pressurized us to implement the economic
policy on US terms in exchange for giving vet aid, but the PM did not agree, on the contrary,
he went green. After bringing revolution, we stopped taking US aid. For the second time, PM
nationalized all the banks and industries. Then according to US, this move was a socialist
move, that is, we were taking the side of its enemy USSR. Seeing all this, US was very angry.
He was furious and felt that things were going out of his control and that is why he started
giving heavily militarized weapons to Pakistan. One thing RAW Chief RN Kao understood was
that Pakistan's Through CIA, something big is being planned against India and exactly this
happened, Pakistan started Operation Search Light and they started killing the Bengali
speaking people of Pakistan. In response, this Bengali speaking population started coming
to India from East Bengal. But do you know that Aaron Kav already knew about this move,
everything was going according to his plan, long ago, RAW had come to know that Pakistan
was planning this operation search.
Light is about to be launched and for this RAW had already planned two things, first of all
RN Kao had asked PM Indira Gandhi to sign a friendship treaty with the USSR and this There
was not going to be any common treaty, according to this, if there was an attack on India,
then the USSR would consider it as an attack on itself and only then the US would enter the
field to fight with India. Secondly, they would consider the Bengali speaking people who had
come from East Pakistan. Started giving military training for them, RAW had already set up
camps in Sunderbans. These civilian forces were named Mukti Bahini and this pre- planning
of RAW was absolutely right because of the treaty with USSR when the war of 1971 started. It
started when the Seventh Fleet of the US i.e. its Naval Aircraft Carrier was coming to attack
us because India had attacked Pakistan with its help. As soon as this happened, the USSR's
nuclear Submarines deployed in the Arabian Sea, if you move forward then there will be a
nuclear attack on you and due to this, India started fighting in Pakistan comfortably without
any external threat and the force which we had created Mukti Bahini, it was the Indian Army
which majorly moved forward. Attacked along with RAW and this attack was so successful
that 1 lakh soldiers of Pakistan surrendered along with the Indian Army and in this way, in
1971, RAW along with the Indian Army captured Bangladesh. This new country was freed
from the clutches of Pakistan and the independence of Bangladesh basically meant that
now India could breathe easy for some time because our eastern area was now threat free
but the CIA had sleepless nights there. It had happened because now a new agency had
come into existence which was giving them a tough answer and this was not acceptable to
the US at all, but what to do, the situation itself was not under the control of the US for
Bangladesh Liberation. The US was just trying to recover from this shock, but after some
time RAW gave another big blow to the CIA. India became a nuclear state. 1974 Cooperation
Smiling Buddha started. PM Indira Gandhi, her two advisors, Chief Scientist Raja Ramanna.
And apart from RAW Chief RN Ka, no one else had information about it, not even the
Defense Minister, but RAW had two challenges in this mission, one was CIA. At that time, we
used to tap all the telephone conversations, so the details of the mission were to be avoided
and the second challenge was to hide the nuclear facility from the CIA's spy satellite.
Basically, we had to conduct the nuclear test from under the nose of the CI, so RAW first
contacted the CI. Studied the satellite and found out that it has a blind stop, which means
basically that satellite does not keep an eye on us for how long, it remains in this blind spot
gap for the entire time.
The solution to the second problem of running the nuclear facility was found in such a way
that all the scientists and officials involved in this mission were asked to use code words like
whiskey and Taj Mahal, this is not love, it is as easy as understanding that it is a river and you
have to go by drowning. Sir, so that CI could not catch them and lo, this plan was also
successful. On 18 May 1974, India conducted its first nuclear weapon test and we became
the first nuclear weapon in the world. We became the fifth nuclear power and now India was
in a much better position. Nuclear power meant we had an authority plus we had posed a
big threat to the East from Bangladesh Independence but there was still a country in the
North East which was close to India. Sikkim was a very big threat to India. Now why was
Sikkim such a big threat to India? Well, because both Pakistan and China individually
controlled it and cut the chicken neck of India and destroyed our entire North East India.
They could have separated us from us and the CIA also wanted to control Sikkim and keep
an eye on India and China. In fact, to carry out this mission, they even made one of their
agents the Queen of Sikkim, basically in the year 1961. This incident happened when the 36
year old Chogyal Prince of Sikkim along with his three children had come to the Wind Mer
Hotel in Sikkim where he always used to come but this time the king was quite depressed. He
was there because his wife had died recently a few years ago but perhaps this year was
something special. This time in the hotel he meets Hope Cook, an American 19 year old girl
who had recently come to visit Sikkim from Darjeeling, India. She immediately becomes a
good friend of Raja and since she was alone since childhood, both of them start sharing their
sorrows with each other and both of them find each other's stories very relatable but Hope
goes back to her country, after that the next year, at the same place, in the same hotel, Hope
meets the king again, but this time the king thinks that he will not let this opportunity go, he
proposes Hope for marriage. In 1963, they finally got married and Hope Cook became the
Queen of Sikkim. And as expected because the Queen was a US agent, the US Ambassador
visited her frequently. [Music] After Dar's departure, the Queen of Sikkim used to give anti-
India statement and if you know about Sikkim, then you would know that at that time Sikkim
was a protectorate state of India but now gradually this country is ours. The enemy was
becoming an anti-India sentiment was developing. By 1973, RAW had decided that it was
necessary to teach a lesson to the CIA because if we remained silent now, we would We will
lose Sikkim and that is why RAW took the responsibility of connecting Sikkim with India. A
very promising officer was selected for the mission who analyzed the situation and
proposed a complete plan.He said that if the CIA kills the Queen of Sikkim If she wants to
buy Khari then let her buy, we dethrone the Queen's King and for this they heard your voice
in the identification of leaders like Kazi Lup Dorji there. Monarchy will not go under rule
and you will not believe. When referendum was held in 1975, 90 people voted for democracy
and gave their decision in favor of joining with India.
Now you want to guess that young RAW officer who made Sikkim mission successful. Well,
who was our today's NSA Ajit Duval, who made Sikkim a state of India? This incident was the
first mission of his RAW career, due to which Of course, India had now got a power position
and the mouth of USA had become very small because till now the CIA, which was making
the whole world dance to its tunes, was now being controlled by a yesterday 's agency and
that too in a new country like India. The country's agency had defeated them and they did
not even realize while sitting in the US and India made Sikkim its state here but after this
came the year 1976 after which a dark phase of RAW started and National Emergency was
declared in the entire country. It was imposed and the entire opposition was leveling
allegations on RAW, calling it the private army of PM Indira Gandhi. According to the
opposition, RAW was continuously keeping an eye on the opposition leaders at the behest
of PM Indira and whoever was doing anything during the Emergency or against Indira
Gandhi. If he spoke anything, he was arrested and tortured. Now after this the Emergency
ended, but what RAW was afraid of happened in 1977. Elections were held and Janata Party
won the elections by calling Indira a dictator and the brutalities of Emergency. Morar ji Desai
became the PM of this government and Atal Bihari ji became the Foreign Minister. Seeing
the irony of this government, Morar ji himself had openly accepted in the Parliament that
we investigated. The action was taken and the report came that during the Emergency,
Indira ji did not use RAW at all to vent personal animosity, but Despite this, as soon as he
came to power, PM Murar ji started cracking down on RAW itself. A cabinet order was made
in Delhi Office. All the regional officers of RAW in Bombay, Bangalore, Madras, Calcutta,
Lucknow, Patna and Jaipur were closed which were used for recruitment of main RAW. He
did not stop here, he fired 600 top officers from RAW, forcibly sent RAW founder Aaron Kaw
on a long leave and K Shankar Nair, who were Kao's subordinates, got them demoted. Now
let's keep this aside for a while, but PM Murarji Desai went one step further and helped
Pakistan to become a nuclear state. Yes, Pakistan, a mistake of our PM. Because of this, we
were able to become a nuclear state and because of this one mistake of PM Morar ji, about
150 of our undercover RAW officers were also exposed and they were tortured a lot in
Pakistan. If they were tortured and killed, then it is not so, isn't it? The New York Times 's
own report tells that since 1950, CIA was training Pakistani scientists for nuclear technology,
that is why in 1970, Pakistan took nuclear technology with the help of China and Pakistan's
They started doing nuclear development by setting up a mine lab in an area named Kahuta
and then the US, which was keeping an eye on India, turned its back on this act of Pakistan,
but our The PM did not ignore it at all. As soon as RAW informed him that Pakistan was
planning to make nuclear weapons, he gave orders to RAW to take action on this. Acting on
this, RAW launched one of its missions, the Kahoota Mission.
First of all, RAW spread a network of its spices in the area and spread a network. These
spices had only two tasks, first find out whether nuclear weapons were actually being made
in the Khan Lab facility. And if the second one is being made, then take out the blueprint of
that facility and destroy the facility. To find out whether a bomb is being made there or not,
RAW agents started working in the salons there and when there, Khan Labs's When the
scientist came for a haircut, the agents took samples of his hair, then these samples were lab
tested, which revealed that the samples contained traces of high radiation of bomb grade
uranium. Now it was confirmed that Pakistan is making bombs in the Kaho facility itself.
After this, the second phase of this mission started to get the blueprint. For this, RAW
trapped an internal person in its trap and got the map of the nuclear facility from him. Also
got it drawn out, meaning the plan was completely ready, only approval for the attack was
needed, but by the time all this happened, two years had passed and as we saw in 1977, the
new Janata Party government had come to power. As soon as the new Chief of RAW Sunak ji
came to PM Murar ji to get the plan approved, let alone giving approval, he said that we are
India, we are not aggressors, there is no need to interfere in the internal affairs of other
countries. Now, even if we had stopped, it would have been fine, but the limit was crossed
when PM Murar ji in a conversation told Pakistani President Ziaul Haq to tell us about the
nuclear program.
I know that our RAW has found out everything. On hearing this, Pakistan deployed all our
RAW officers in Kaho with the help of ISI. Why did they do this? There are two sides to this.
Number one is because they probably followed Gandhian ideology. That is why he must
have refused. The other side is that in 1983, an American journalist had exposed that PM
Murar ji was a CIA agent to whom CIA used to pay $200 annually. At that time and at the
same time, PM Murar ji had also received Pakistan's highest civilian award Nishan Pakistan,
which by the way till date only he has received it in India. Not only this, at that time it was
also said in the PMO that he was the dictator of Pakistan. Ziaul Haq and Murar ji were very
good friends, they used to talk on phone many times. Well, late 1970's was the time when
everyone felt that the chapter of RAW, our super heroes, was finally over. As if they were
locked in a cold box, but just then a new twist comes in the story of RAW. In 1980, elections
were held in the country. With the slogan of 'Garibi Hatao', the people elected Indira Gandhi
and won the elections. She formed her government and returned to the country. She
became the Prime Minister but this was the period when the Khalistani militancy sown by
the CIA in 1971 had started destroying the country from within after 9 years. In fact, in 1971
It is a matter of when Richard Nixon asked CIA and ISI together to start an anti-India
movement in Punjab, under this, first of all he called Jagjit Singh Chauhan, a leader of
Punjab, to UK and asked him to start Khalistan movement in India, which was demanded.
Punjab will be separated from India and become a separate country, then after that CI called
Jagjit Singh to New York and then made him hold a press conference with UN and US media
in which he told this It was said that the Indian Government in Punjab is doing a lot of wrong
to the Punjabis and they are being subjected to human rights violations. The same thing that
the US says in every country and then in the name of democracy overturns the
democratically elected government there, now even here. It was fine but in 1981, CIA
crossed its limits. CIA planted a Canada based mill worker, Talwinder Singh Parmar. He was
involved in many crimes and crimes in India. Was wanted for giving death threats to PM
Indira Gandhi. Now see the twist in the story. When Talwinder went to West Germany,
German Interpol arrested him and were about to hand him over to India when the CIA
stopped him from sending him to India. Instead, the Germans sent Talwinder to Canada and
from there it is revealed that Talwinder started a Khalistani militant organization named
Babbar Khalsa. In fact, later on He also got the Kanishka bomb blast executed and was the
same person who gave birth to Khalistani militancy in India. Now seeing all this happening,
RAW was not going to remain silent for a while. RAW Chief immediately reported this to PM
Indira Gandhi and as expected. The PMO also gave approval for a new mission in one fell
swoop and thus our heroes, who had been sitting silent for three years, came back into
action. RAW was the first to do so. Activated its spy network in Pakistan. RAW Chief B Raman
says that to respond to Pakistan sponsored terrorism, RAW took its capable officers and
formed two teams, Team X and Team J. The job of Team Target killing and Team J were
specifically given the responsibility to kill Pakistan based Khalistani terrorists. These teams
were in Pakistan on urgent basis. What was Deployed? As soon as they reached there, they
started killing terrorists one after another. V Raman said that these teams had decided to
give Pakistan a brick and stone reply whenever Khalistani terrorists attack any Indian cities.
In its routine, Team J used to kill any terrorist by counterattacking in Lahore or Karachi and
do you know who was giving the address of Khalistani terrorist in Pakistan to RAW. Khad is
the intelligence agency of Afghanistan which with the help of their network used to give the
exact location of Khalistani terrorists to RAW and then RAW agents used to go there and kill
them. Because of this strategy, RAW's crackdown on those terrorists was very high. had
increased and the Pakistani government was not able to understand what to do to stop
these attacks, so finally they went to their close friend Jordan and literally After pleading,
he went to India to stop these attacks and since then you know that till today the news
keeps coming that RAW Pakistan keeps doing secret killings of terrorists in Canada and
Nepal every day.
Now one thing is going to be noticed here. That RAW has mostly been more activated when
there has been a nationalist Prime Minister to lead India and when some Prime Ministers
have CIA links somewhere or are even a puppet Prime Minister. So, at that time, RAW always
felt like a toothless tiger. Well, now there is one more special thing about ROCK. You must
have often seen that whether it was CIA or Israel's massacre, these agencies used to
celebrate their achievements. Operations are declassified after a few years, that is, they
release their coded secret documents publicly after the mission ampling, so that the whole
world knows about their exploits and all Now the world is afraid of him, Mossad is one step
ahead in this game, now there will be four notifications in my phone, Masad has eliminated
Hezbollah Chief, terrorist's pages are getting blasted, Iran Chief has gone underground due
to fear of Mossad, it is carrying out its operations live. We even stream, but if you watch
RAW, we neither globally accept nor proudly showcase any of our cove operations. Masad
CIA even puts open recruitment listing on its website and our RAW has not even created its
own website. We have never declassified any of our operations or classified coded
documents of killings. That is why all the stories of RAW that we have presented before you
today, we got them with great difficulty from the declassified documents of CIA or from the
books of ex-officers of RAW. That is why these missions are just the tip of the iceberg. Just
imagine, if our RAW's name appears in the list of one of the most feared and elite agencies
out of 190 and 23 countries in the world, then you can imagine what will be the dominance
of RAW globally. What level of missions would be being executed and that is why the CIA,
which was trying to destroy RAW since its birth, is itself praising RAW today. India is using
Lebanon network to identify Kashmiri militants in Pakistan Are you serious I swear to God
Mosa Chief OP has said that RAW is such a capable agency that we have taken their help
many times to conduct joint operations, they have been intelligence cooperation between
Israel and India over the years it's a long long cooperation so my point is basically that who
knows how many more such dangerous And there will be many fearless missions, how many
deadly operations will there be which have been successfully executed by RAW but we have
no information about them, who knows how many such RAW officers there will be who have
made ultimate sacrifice for our country but we do not know about them at all.
How many such officers are there who change their disguise for 15 years, 20 years and live in
enemy countries where radical terrorist organizations flourish? They are away from their
country, away from their families, doing an extremely risky job like Mukh Bhari and in the
end, regretfully, they do not get even a page in the history of India. No celebrations, no
medals, no appreciation. How many times, even their body has to be accepted by India.
Refuses to do so, we disown them globally, but despite knowing this, these officers remain
anonymous for the safety of the country and for the honor of the country. They keep
fighting in life, keep giving their lives, only they can be called truly deserving true patriots.
This research paper is dedicated to these brave warriors so that if their name is correct then
their work is athletic, their sacrifice for our country may be immortal. Sake Jai Hind Vande