module.json 2
module.json 2
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'horizontal', vertical: 'vertical'};function MainPage(request, extra,
javascriptConfig, output) { this.request = request; this.extra = extra;
this.javascriptConfig = javascriptConfig; this.output = output;}function
ModuleRequest(url, method, headers, httpBody) { this.url = url; this.method =
method; this.headers = headers; this.httpBody = httpBody;}function Extra(commands,
extraInfo) { this.commands = commands; this.extraInfo = extraInfo;}function
Commands(commandName, params) { this.commandName = commandName; this.params =
params;}function JavascriptConfig(removeJavascript, loadInWebView, javaScript)
{ this.removeJavascript = removeJavascript; this.loadInWebView = loadInWebView;
this.javaScript = javaScript;}function KeyValue(key, value) { this.key = key;
this.value = value;}function Output(cellDesing, orientation, defaultLayout, paging,
section, layout, data) { this.cellDesing = cellDesing; this.orientation =
orientation; this.defaultLayout = defaultLayout; this.paging = paging; this.section
= section; this.layout = layout; = data;}function Section(sectionName,
separator) { this.sectionName = sectionName; this.separator = separator;}function
Layout(insets, visibleCellsWidthS, visibleCellsWidthM, visibleCellsWidthL,
visibleCellsHeight, heightForVisibleCells, cellSize, ratio, constant,
horizontalSpacing, verticalSpacing) { this.insets = insets; this.visibleCellsWidthS
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verticalSpacing;}function Insets(top, bottom, left, right) { = top;
this.bottom = bottom; this.left = left; this.right = right;}function Size(width,
height) { this.width = width; this.height = height;}function Ratio(inRelation,
number1, number2) { this.inRelation = inRelation; this.number1 = number1;
this.number2 = number2;}function Data(image, title, description, field1, field2,
field3, field4, isChapter, link, openInWebView) { this.image = image; this.title =
title; this.description = description; this.field1 = field1; this.field2 = field2;
this.field3 = field3; this.field4 = field4; this.isChapter = isChapter; =
link; this.openInWebView = openInWebView;}function quickData(link, image, title,
field1) { return new Data(image, title, 'unknown', field1, 'unknown', 'unknown',
'unknown', false, link);}function shuffle(a) { var j, x, i; for (i = a.length - 1;
i > 0; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); x = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j]
= x; } return a;}var savedData = document.getElementById('ketsu-final-data');var
parsedJson = JSON.parse(savedData.innerHTML);let output = [];let featured = [];let
topAnime = [];let recent = [];let emptyKeyValue = [new KeyValue('', '')];const
slides = document.querySelectorAll('.swiper-wrapper > .swiper-slide.item');for
(const slide of slides) { let image =
slide.querySelector('.backdrop').style.backgroundImage; image = image.match(/\"(.
+?)\"/)[1]; image = new ModuleRequest(image, 'get', emptyKeyValue, null); const
title = slide.querySelector('.info > h2 > a').textContent; let link =
slide.querySelector('.info > h2 > a').href; link = new URL(link,
parsedJson.request.url).href; link = new ModuleRequest(link, 'get', emptyKeyValue,
null); const desc = slide.querySelector('.info > p').textContent; const obj = new
Data(image, title, 'unknown', title, desc, 'unknown', 'unknown', false, link,
false); featured.push(obj);}const tops = document.querySelectorAll('.top > .body >
ul[data-name=day] > li');for (const top of tops) { let image = ''; if
(top.className.includes('top1')) { image =\"(.
+?)\"/)[1]; image = image.includes('.jpg-') ? image.split('-w')[0] : image; } else
{ image = top.querySelector('a > .anime > .thumb > div > img').src; } image = new
ModuleRequest(image, 'get', emptyKeyValue, null); let link =
top.querySelector('a').href; link = new URL(link, parsedJson.request.url).href;
link = new ModuleRequest(link, 'get', emptyKeyValue, null); const title =
top.querySelector('a > .anime > .info > .name').textContent; const obj = new
Data(image, title, 'unknown', 'unknown', 'unknown', 'unknown', 'unknown', false,
link, false); topAnime.push(obj);}const animeList =
document.querySelectorAll('.anime-list > li');for (const anime of animeList)
{ const title = anime.querySelector('.name').textContent; let link =
anime.querySelector('.name').href; link = new URL(link,
parsedJson.request.url).href.split('?')[0]; link = new ModuleRequest(link, 'get',
emptyKeyValue, null); let image = anime.querySelector('.poster > img').src; image =
new ModuleRequest(image, 'get', emptyKeyValue, null); const obj = new Data(image,
title, 'unknown', 'unknown', 'unknown', 'unknown', 'unknown', false, link, false);
recent.push(obj);}var topLayout = new Layout(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
new Size(400, 105), new Ratio('width', 8, 14), new Size(0, 0), 0,
0);output.push(new Output(CellDesings.Special3, Orientation.horizontal,
DefaultLayouts.none, Paging.centered, new Section('', false), topLayout,
shuffle(featured)));output.push(new Output(CellDesings.Special1,
Orientation.horizontal, DefaultLayouts.triplets, Paging.leading, new Section('Top
Anime', true), null, topAnime));output.push(new Output(CellDesings.normal4,
Orientation.vertical, DefaultLayouts.longTripletsFull, Paging.none, new
Section('Recently Updated', true), null, recent));let MainPageObject = new
MainPage(new ModuleRequest('', 'get', emptyKeyValue, null), new Extra([new
Commands('', emptyKeyValue)], emptyKeyValue), new JavascriptConfig(true, false,
''), output);var finalJson = JSON.stringify(MainPageObject);savedData.innerHTML =
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'longTripletsFullDouble', longTripletsConstant: 'longTripletsConstant',
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'longTripletsFullDoubleConstant', none: ''};const CellDesings = { Special1:
'Special1', Special2: 'Special2', Special3: 'Special3', CELLHelperText:
'CELLHelperText', small1: 'small1', small2: 'small2', normal1: 'normal1', normal2:
'normal2', normal3: 'normal3', normal4: 'normal4', normal5: 'normal5', normal6:
'normal6', normal7: 'normal7', wide1: 'wide1', wide2: 'wide2', wide3: 'wide3',
wide4: 'wide4', wide5: 'wide5', wide6: 'wide6', wide7: 'wide7', wide8: 'wide8',
wide9: 'wide9', wide10: 'wide10', wide11: 'wide11'};const Paging = { leading:
'leading', centered: 'centered', none: ''};const Orientation = { horizontal:
'horizontal', vertical: 'vertical'};function Search(request, extra, separator,
javascriptConfig, output) { this.request = request; this.extra = extra;
this.separator = separator; this.javascriptConfig = javascriptConfig; this.output =
output;}function ModuleRequest(url, method, headers, httpBody) { this.url = url;
this.method = method; this.headers = headers; this.httpBody = httpBody;}function
Extra(commands, extraInfo) { this.commands = commands; this.extraInfo =
extraInfo;}function Commands(commandName, params) { this.commandName = commandName;
this.params = params;}function JavascriptConfig(removeJavascript, loadInWebView,
javaScript) { this.removeJavascript = removeJavascript; this.loadInWebView =
loadInWebView; this.javaScript = javaScript;}function KeyValue(key, value)
{ this.key = key; this.value = value;}function Output(cellDesing, orientation,
defaultLayout, paging, section, layout, data) { this.cellDesing = cellDesing;
this.orientation = orientation; this.defaultLayout = defaultLayout; this.paging =
paging; this.section = section; this.layout = layout; = data;}function
Section(sectionName, separator) { this.sectionName = sectionName; this.separator =
separator;}function Layout(insets, visibleCellsWidthS, visibleCellsWidthM,
visibleCellsWidthL, visibleCellsHeight, heightForVisibleCells, cellSize, ratio,
constant, horizontalSpacing, verticalSpacing) { this.insets = insets;
this.visibleCellsWidthS = visibleCellsWidthS; this.visibleCellsWidthM =
visibleCellsWidthM; this.visibleCellsWidthL = visibleCellsWidthL;
this.visibleCellsHeight = visibleCellsHeight; this.heightForVisibleCells =
heightForVisibleCells; this.cellSize = cellSize; this.ratio = ratio; this.constant
= constant; this.horizontalSpacing = horizontalSpacing; this.verticalSpacing =
verticalSpacing;}function Insets(top, bottom, left, right) { = top;
this.bottom = bottom; this.left = left; this.right = right;}function Size(width,
height) { this.width = width; this.height = height;}function Ratio(inRelation,
number1, number2) { this.inRelation = inRelation; this.number1 = number1;
this.number2 = number2;}function Data(image, title, description, field1, field2,
field3, field4, isChapter, link, openInWebView) { this.image = image; this.title =
title; this.description = description; this.field1 = field1; this.field2 = field2;
this.field3 = field3; this.field4 = field4; this.isChapter = isChapter; =
link; this.openInWebView = openInWebView;}function quickData(link, image, title,
field1) { return new Data(image, title, 'unknown', field1, 'unknown', 'unknown',
'unknown', false, link);}function shuffle(a) { var j, x, i; for (i = a.length - 1;
i > 0; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); x = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j]
= x; } return a;}var savedData = document.getElementById('ketsu-final-data');var
parsedJson = JSON.parse(savedData.innerHTML);var finalData = '';function test(t)
{ var h = '0wMrYU+ixjJ4QdzgfN2HlyIVAt3sBOZnCT9Lm7uFDovkb/EaKpRWhqXS5168ePcG'; var i
= ''; var Ht = '='; for (t = ''.concat(t), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { if (255 <
t.charCodeAt(r)) { return null; } for (var i = '', r = 0; r < t.length; r += 3)
{ var u = [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]; u[0] = t.charCodeAt(r) >>
2, u[1] = (3 & t.charCodeAt(r)) << 4, t.length > r + (1) && (u[1] |= t.charCodeAt(r
+ 1) >> 4, u[2] = (15 & t.charCodeAt(r + 1)) << 2), t.length > r + (2) && (u[2] |=
t.charCodeAt(r + 2) >> 6, u[3] = 63 & t.charCodeAt(r + 2)); for (var e = 0; e <
u.length; e++) { 'undefined' == typeof u[e] ? i += Ht : i += function (t) { if (0
<= t && t < 64) { console.log(h[t]); return h[t]; } }(u[e]); } } } return
i;};function helperOne(t, n) { return t % n;}function helperTwo(t, n) { return t <
n;}function je(t, n) { var c = ''; for (var u, e = [], o = 0, c = '', f = 256, s =
0; s < f; s += 1) e[s] = s; for (s = 0; s < f; s += 1) o = helperOne(o + e[s] +
t.charCodeAt(s % t.length), f), u = e[s], e[s] = e[o], e[o] = u; for (var o = s =
0, a = 0; helperTwo(a, n.length); a += 1) o = (o + e[s = (s + a) % f]) % f, u =
e[s], e[s] = e[o], e[o] = u, c += String.fromCharCode(n.charCodeAt(a) ^ e[(e[s] +
e[o]) % f]); return c;}function searchHere(t) { var i = test(encodeURIComponent(t)
+ '0000000'); i = i.substr(0,6).split('').reverse().join(''); return i +
test(je(i,encodeURIComponent(''.concat(t)))).replace(/=+$/g,'');}let output =
[];let results = [];let emptyKeyValue = [new KeyValue('', '')];let newRequest = new
ModuleRequest('', '', emptyKeyValue, null);let urlRequest =
parsedJson.request.url.replace('amp;', '');if (!urlRequest.includes('vrf=')) { let
keyword = new URL(urlRequest).searchParams.get('keyword'); let page = new
URL(urlRequest).searchParams.get('page'); let origin = new URL(urlRequest).origin;
let keywordEnc = searchHere(keyword).replace('=', ''); newRequest = new
ModuleRequest(`${origin}/search?keyword=${keyword.replace(/\\s/g, '+')}&vrf=$
{encodeURIComponent(keywordEnc)}&page=${page}`, 'get', emptyKeyValue, null);} else
{ const animeList = document.querySelectorAll('.anime-list > li'); for (const anime
of animeList) { const title = anime.querySelector('.name').textContent.trim(); let
link = anime.querySelector('.name').href; link = new URL(link,
parsedJson.request.url).href; link = new ModuleRequest(link, 'get', emptyKeyValue,
null); let image = anime.querySelector('.poster > img').src; image = new
ModuleRequest(image, 'get', emptyKeyValue, null); const tag =
anime.querySelector('.poster > .tag').textContent.trim(); const tags =
Array.from(anime.querySelectorAll('.poster > .taglist > span')).map(t =>
t.className.toUpperCase()); const language = tags.includes('DUB') ? 'DUB' : 'SUB';
let type = 'TV'; for (const stag of tags) { switch (stag) { case 'MOVIE': case
'SPECIAL': case 'OVA': case 'ONA': type = stag; break; default: break; } } const
obj = new Data(image, title +' '+type, tag +' '+ language, '', '', 'unknown',
'unknown', false, link, false); results.push(obj); } var testLayout = new
Layout(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10), 1, 2, 3, 1, 500, new Size(400, 400), new
Ratio('width', 4, 11), new Size(0, 0), 10, 10); output.push(new
Output(CellDesings.wide8, Orientation.vertical, DefaultLayouts.none, Paging.none,
new Section('', true), testLayout, results));}let searchPageObject = new
Search(newRequest, new Extra([new Commands('', emptyKeyValue)], emptyKeyValue), '',
new JavascriptConfig(true, false, ''), output);var finalJson =
JSON.stringify(searchPageObject);savedData.innerHTML = finalJson;"
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"loadInWebView": false,
"javaScript": "function Info(request, extra, javascriptConfig,
output) { this.request = request; this.extra = extra; this.javascriptConfig =
javascriptConfig; this.output = output;}function ModuleRequest(url, method,
headers, httpBody) { this.url = url; this.method = method; this.headers = headers;
this.httpBody = httpBody;}function Extra(commands, extraInfo) { this.commands =
commands; this.extraInfo = extraInfo;}function Commands(commandName, params)
{ this.commandName = commandName; this.params = params;}function
JavascriptConfig(removeJavascript, loadInWebView, javaScript)
{ this.removeJavascript = removeJavascript; this.loadInWebView = loadInWebView;
this.javaScript = javaScript;}function KeyValue(key, value) { this.key = key;
this.value = value;}function Chapter(chapName, link, openInWebView) { this.chapName
= chapName; = link; this.openInWebView = openInWebView;}function
Output(image, title, link, description, genres, field1, field2, field3, field4,
chapters) { this.image = image; = link; this.title = title;
this.description = description; this.genres = genres; this.field1 = field1;
this.field2 = field2; this.field3 = field3; this.field4 = field4; this.chapters =
chapters;}function test(t) { var h =
'0wMrYU+ixjJ4QdzgfN2HlyIVAt3sBOZnCT9Lm7uFDovkb/EaKpRWhqXS5168ePcG'; var i = ''; var
Ht = '='; for (t = ''.concat(t), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { if (255 <
t.charCodeAt(r)) { return null; } for (var i = '', r = 0; r < t.length; r += 3)
{ var u = [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]; u[0] = t.charCodeAt(r) >>
2, u[1] = (3 & t.charCodeAt(r)) << 4, t.length > r + (1) && (u[1] |= t.charCodeAt(r
+ 1) >> 4, u[2] = (15 & t.charCodeAt(r + 1)) << 2), t.length > r + (2) && (u[2] |=
t.charCodeAt(r + 2) >> 6, u[3] = 63 & t.charCodeAt(r + 2)); for (var e = 0; e <
u.length; e++) { 'undefined' == typeof u[e] ? i += Ht : i += function (t) { if (0
<= t && t < 64) { console.log(h[t]); return h[t]; } }(u[e]); } } } return
i;};function helperOne(t, n) { return t % n;}function helperTwo(t, n) { return t <
n;}function je(t, n) { var c = ''; for (var u, e = [], o = 0, c = '', f = 256, s =
0; s < f; s += 1) e[s] = s; for (s = 0; s < f; s += 1) o = helperOne(o + e[s] +
t.charCodeAt(s % t.length), f), u = e[s], e[s] = e[o], e[o] = u; for (var o = s =
0, a = 0; helperTwo(a, n.length); a += 1) o = (o + e[s = (s + a) % f]) % f, u =
e[s], e[s] = e[o], e[o] = u, c += String.fromCharCode(n.charCodeAt(a) ^ e[(e[s] +
e[o]) % f]); return c;}function getId(t) { var i = test(encodeURIComponent(t) +
'0000000'); i = i.substr(0, 6).split('').reverse().join(''); return i + test(je(i,
encodeURIComponent(''.concat(t)))).replace(/=+$/g, '');}var savedData =
document.getElementById('ketsu-final-data');var parsedJson =
JSON.parse(savedData.innerHTML);let emptyKeyValue = [new KeyValue('Referer',
'')];const info =
document.querySelector('.info');try{ document.querySelector('p[itemprop=description
] .more').click();} catch(e){ console.log(e);}const metaArr =
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'-').toLowerCase(); const value = re[1].trim(); meta[key] = value;}var episodes =
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'').replace(' less', '').trim();} catch {}try { if (desc.length == 0) { desc =
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null), new Extra([new Commands('', emptyKeyValue)], emptyKeyValue), new
JavascriptConfig(false, false, ''), new Output(image, title, parsedJson.request,
desc, genres, status, 'Anime', type, 'Eps: ' + episodes.length, episodes));var
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this.value = value;}function Chapter(chapName, link, openInWebView) { this.chapName
= chapName; = link; this.openInWebView = openInWebView;}function
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chapters) { this.image = image; = link; this.title = title;
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`&${key}=${sources[key]}`; } const obj = new Chapter(title, new ModuleRequest(link,
'get', emptyKeyValue, null), false); episodes.push(obj);}if (episodes.length == 0)
{ console.log('just there doing nothing'); const dummyQuest = new Chapter('NO
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false); episodes.push(dummyQuest);}parsedJson.request.url =;let infoPageObject = new Info(new ModuleRequest('', '',
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'' + link; if (x == 0) { var nextRequest =
url } else { extraInfo.push(new KeyValue(`${x}`, `${url}`)); }}let emptyExtra = new
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{ this.needsResolver = needsResolver; this.rawVideo = rawVideo;}function
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resolverIdentifier; = link;}function RawVideo(video) { =
video;}function Video(videoQuality, videoLink) { this.videoQuality = videoQuality;
this.videoLink = videoLink;}function getValueFromKey(keys, key) { for (var x = 0; x
< keys.length; x++) { let tKey = keys[x]; if (tKey.key == key) { return tKey.value;
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parsedJson.output.videos;;var actualCount = getValueFromKey(extraInfo, 'count');var
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getValueFromKey(extraInfo, nextCount);if (actualCount == 0) { output = new
Videos([], []);}function ze(input) { var key =
console.log(input); var t = input.replace(/[\\t\\n\\f\\r]/g, '').length % 4 == 0;
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input; } if (t.length % 4 == 1 || t.match(/[^+/0-9A-Za-z]/)) { throw new Error('bad
input'); } var i = 0; var r = ''; var e = 0; var u = 0; for (o in t) { e = e << 6;
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String.fromCharCode((16711680 & e) >> 16); r += String.fromCharCode((65280 & e) >>
8); r += String.fromCharCode(255 & e); e = 0; u = 0; } } return 12 == u ? (e = e >>
4, r += String.fromCharCode(e)) : 18 == u ? (e = e >> 2, r +=
String.fromCharCode((65280 & e) >> 8), r += String.fromCharCode(255 & e)) :
r;}function getLink(url) { var i = url.substr(0, 6); var n = url.substr(6,
url.length); var c = ze(n); console.log(c); return decodeURIComponent(je(i,
c));}function je(t, n) { var c = ''; for (var u, e = [], o = 0, c = '', f = 256, s
= 0; s < f; s += 1) e[s] = s; for (s = 0; s < f; s += 1) o = helperOne(o + e[s] +
t.charCodeAt(s % t.length), f), u = e[s], e[s] = e[o], e[o] = u; for (var o = s =
0, a = 0; helperTwo(a, n.length); a += 1) o = (o + e[s = (s + a) % f]) % f, u =
e[s], e[s] = e[o], e[o] = u, c += String.fromCharCode(n.charCodeAt(a) ^ e[(e[s] +
e[o]) % f]); return c;}function helperOne(t, n) { return t % n;}function
helperTwo(t, n) { return t < n;}const script =
document.querySelector('script').innerHTML.replace('/*', '').replace('*/',
'');const data = getLink(JSON.parse(script).url.replaceAll('=',
''));output.needsResolver.push(new NeedsResolver('', new
ModuleRequest(data.replace('', '').replace('?
autostart=true', ''), 'get', emptyKeyValue, null)));extraInfo[0].value = '' +
(parseInt(actualCount) + 1);if (nextRequest == undefined) { nextRequest = '';}let
emptyExtra = new Extra([new Commands('', emptyKeyValue)], extraInfo);var
chaptersObject = new Chapters(new ModuleRequest(nextRequest, 'get', emptyKeyValue,
null), emptyExtra, new JavascriptConfig(false, false, ''), new Output(output, null,
null));var finalJson = JSON.stringify(chaptersObject);savedData.innerHTML =
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method; this.headers = headers; this.httpBody = httpBody;}function Extra(commands,
extraInfo) { this.commands = commands; this.extraInfo = extraInfo;}function
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{ this.removeJavascript = removeJavascript; this.loadInWebView = loadInWebView;
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this.value = value;}function Output(video) { = video;}function
Video(videoQuality, videoLink) { this.videoQuality = videoQuality; this.videoLink =
videoLink;}function getNext(match, array) { for (var x = 0; x < array.length; x++)
{ let mMatch = array[x]; if (mMatch.includes(match)) { return array[x + 1]; } }}var
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ModuleRequest(url, method, headers, httpBody) { this.url = url; this.method =
method; this.headers = headers; this.httpBody = httpBody;}function Extra(commands,
extraInfo) { this.commands = commands; this.extraInfo = extraInfo;}function
Commands(commandName, params) { this.commandName = commandName; this.params =
params;}function JavascriptConfig(removeJavascript, loadInWebView, javaScript)
{ this.removeJavascript = removeJavascript; this.loadInWebView = loadInWebView;
this.javaScript = javaScript;}function KeyValue(key, value) { this.key = key;
this.value = value;}function Output(video) { = video;}function
Video(videoQuality, videoLink) { this.videoQuality = videoQuality; this.videoLink =
videoLink;}function getNext(match, array) { for (var x = 0; x < array.length; x++)
{ let mMatch = array[x]; if (mMatch.includes(match)) { return array[x + 1]; } }}var
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"functionName": "example",
"msgTitle": "Search Query",
"msgBody": "Please click on okay and do the search query on the popup
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headers, httpBody) { this.url = url; this.method = method; this.headers = headers;
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