P. Mein Et Al - Magnetic Flux Tubes Observed With THEMIS/MSDP

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Mem. S.A.It. Vol.

78, 92
c SAIt 2007

Magnetic ux tubes observed with THEMIS/MSDP

P. Mein1 , N. Mein1 , M. Faurobert2 , G Aulanier1 , and J.-M. Malherbe1
1 2

Observatoire de Paris-Section de Meudon, LESIA, F-92195 Meudon Cedex Universit de Nice, UMR 6525, Parc Valrose, F-06108 Nice Cedex e

Abstract. We use 2D spectro-polarimetric data of the NaD1 line to investigate magnetic

ux tubes at several levels of the solar photosphere: - magnetic and non-magnetic bright features can be discriminated by simple criteria of intensities and dopplershifts. - 2D magnetic models and NLTE line proles are compared to observations : combination of seeing eects and departures between slopes of line proles in ux tubes and neighbouring photosphere account for vertical gradients of line-of-sight (LOS) magnetic eld measurements. - Best qualitative agreements are obtained with clusters of magnetic ux tubes.
Key words. Sun: atmosphere - Sun: magnetic elds

1. Observations
2D imaging spectro-polarimetry with THEMIS/MSDP (Mein, 2002) provided proles of the NaD1 line across the active region NOAA 8989 on May 9, 2002. Line prole analysis was performed by the bisector method. Intensities, dopplershifts and line-ofsight (LOS) magnetic elds were determined in 4 locations dened by the distances from the bisector +/-0.008, +/-0.016, +/-0.024 and +/-0.032 nm. Subsequently, the measurements at +/-0.008 and +/-0.032 nm are called core and wings measurements respectively. Figure 1 shows cuts (1) and (2) used in this analysis. Figures 2 and 3 show the LOS magnetic eld deduced from the bisector method along both cuts (Berlicki at al., 2006).
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Magnetic features A,B,C,D,E,F can be identied. In Figs. 4 and 5 showing brightness uctuations, additional bright but nonmagnetic featuress a,b,c,d,e,f are also present.

2. Discrimination by thermodynamical criteria

Magnetic and non-magnetic features can be discriminated by intensity and velocities measurements only. In Fig. 6, both kinds of features are displayed. Velocities measured in line wings at centres of features (peak values) are plotted versus dierences between wing- and core-intensity uctuations. We can see that magnetic features are displayed in the upper left part of the plot, and non-magnetic ones in the lower right part. Such discrimination might be used to analyse temperatures and velocities of magnetic structures by means of high reso-

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Fig. 3. Magnetic structures along cut (2) .

Fig. 1. LOS magnetic eld at = 0.024 nm and cuts (1) and (2) used in this paper. The eld of view is 138121. North magnetic elds are white.

Fig. 4. Bright structures along cut (1) .

Fig. 2. Magnetic features along cut (1). Full lines refer to line-core measurements and dotted lines to line-wings .

lution data obtained without polarization analysis.

3. Mean spatial structure of magnetic features

By averaging LOS magnetic elds (Figs. 2 and 3) around symmetry axis of the six magnetic features A,B,C,D,E,F, we can derive a mean spatial structure. Figure 7 presents the LOS magnetic eld versus the distance x to the axis.

Fig. 5. Bright structures along cut (2) .

Crosses specify the half widths at half maximum (noted W). We can notice that W(wings) < W(core). This is expected because of the expansion of


Mein: Magnetic ux tubes

4. 2D model ux tube (I)

In the plane x, z we dene the vertical component of the magnetic eld along the symmetry axis by Bz (0, z) = Bz (0, 0) exp(z/h) (1)

The horizontal variation of Bz inside the tube is dened by Bz (x, z) = Bz (0, z) cos2 (x/(4d(z)) 1 < x/2d(z) < 1
Fig. 6. Magnetic features A,B,C,D,E,F and non-magnetic features a,b,c,d,e,f in the diagram of wing-velocities versus dierences between wing- and core-intensity .

(2) (3)

To keep a constant ux versus z, we assume d(z) = d(0) Bz (0, 0)/Bz (0, z) (4)

where d(0) is the half width at half maximum of the tube, at the level 5000 = 1. The horizontal magnetic eld component is dened by the zero-divergence Bx (x, z) Bz (x, z) = x z with Bx (, z) = 0 (6) (5)

Figure 8 shows the model magnetic eld (I) with Bz (0, 0) = 1100 G h = 240 km d(0) = 40 km We use the quiet solar VAL3C model (Vernazza et al., 1981) outside the ux tube. Inside the tube, we keep the same temperature at the same altitude, and modify all densities so that the total plasma pressure P(x, z) (including the turbulent pressure) compensates the horizontal component of the Lorentz force. This ensures low departures from hydrostatic equilibrium.

Fig. 7. Average observed magnetic features. Full line = line core; dotted line = line wing. .

magnetic lines from the lower levels to the upper levels of the photosphere. But we must note also that the magnetic elds at x = 0 satisfy B0 (wings) < B0 (core). That is not expected because the magnetic ux must be constant throughout the atmosphere. More detailed comparisons with uxtube models and line transfer calculations will account for this point.

5. Synthetic NaD1 spectra of model (I)

The NaD1 proles are deduced from the 2.2 version of the NLTE radiative transfer code MULTI (Carlsson 1986). We use the assumption of weak magnetic eld. At each altitude,

Mein: Magnetic ux tubes


Fig. 10. Synthetic magnetic elds of model (I) with seeing eects .
Fig. 8. 2D model magnetic eld (I). Solid and dotted lines show formation altitudes of line core and line wings of the NaD1 line .

Fig. 9. Synthetic magnetic elds of model (I) . the absorption coecient in the line is translated by the corresponding Zeeman shift, for both Stokes proles (I+V) and (I-V). Synthetic LOS magnetic elds deduced from model (I) are plotted in Fig. 9. As in the case of observations, we see that W(wings) < W(core), as expected from the expansion of ux tubes with height. But the magnetic eld values at x = 0 satisfy the reverse inequality B0 (wings) > B0 (core).

Fig. 11. Full line: NaD1 prole on the axis of ux tube model (I); dashed line: quiet prole outside the tube . we convolve the synthetic Stokes (I-V) intensities with the kernel S (x) = cos2 (x/4s) 1 < x/2s < 1 (7)

6. Model (I) with seeing effects

Seeing eects must be taken into account to mimic realistic observations. Along the x-axis,

for all wavelengths. The synthetic magnetic elds corresponding to s = 400 km are plotted in Fig. 10. Both observational relationships W(wings) < W(core) and B0 (wings) < B0 (core) are now satised. We can explain this behaviour in a simple way. Let us consider the line prole observed


Mein: Magnetic ux tubes

Fig. 12. slopes dI/d of the line prole; f ull line: axis of ux tube; dashed line: quiet prole . at tube axis Iobs (). If the width of the tube is small compared to the width of the seeing function S (x), it can be roughly derived from the prole of the ux tube without seeing eects I f t () (full line of Fig. 11) and from the quietsun prole Iqs () (dashed line of Fig. 11) by the equation Iobs () = f I f t () + (1 f ) Iqs () (8)

Fig. 13. Magnetic eld of model (II) .

where f is similar to a lling factor. Since intensity uctuations equal the Zeeman shift times the slope of the line prole dI/d, we can write the following relationship between the observed magnetic elds Bobs () and the magnetic elds which should be observed without seeing eects B f t () Bobs () = B f t ()/[1 + (1/ f 1)R] with R = (dI/d)qs /(dI/d) f t . (10) (9)

Fig. 14. Synthetic magnetic elds of model (II) with seeing eects . B0 (wings) < B0 (core) (Figs. 7 and 10). But quantitative agreements should imply larger synthetic values of W0 and B0 . Model (I) is not able to accept any increase of magnetic eld, because the pressure reduction at high levels cannot exceed the pressure itself. A simple way to increase the amplitude of observed elds is to use clusters of ux tubes instead of single ux tubes. But a new diculty arises. At high levels, where tubes are merging, the total eld intensity exceeds the limit implied from gas pressure. It is possible to get round this diculty by inclining ux tubes. Figure 13 shows the magnetic model (II). Tube axes are straight lines.The central tube is vertical. At altitude zero, the widths of ux tubes are dened by d(0), and the horizon-

where (dI/d)qs and (dI/d) f t are the slopes of quiet-sun and ux-tube proles respectively. Figure 12 shows (dI/d) f t (full line) and (dI/d)qs (dashed line). We can see that R decreases from the wings to the core of the line, which accounts for Bobs (wings) < Bobs (core).

7. Cluster of inclined ux tubes (II)

The model (I) satises both observed qualitative relationships W(wings) < W(core) and

Mein: Magnetic ux tubes


tal distance between successive axes is 150 km. From one tube to the next, the inclination = x/z increases by 0.6, so that the angles with the vertical direction are roughly 31 and 50 degrees. For each tube, we again keep Eqs. (2),(3),(4),(5), and (6), but we replace Eq. (1) by Bz (x0 , z)2 (1 + 2 )/20 = R P(, z) (11) where x0 is the abscissa of tube axis at altitude z, R a ratio that does not depend on z, and P(, z) the pressure of the quiet sun model. After adding the magnetic elds of all tubes, we dene the total pressure by P(x, z) = P(, z) (Btx (x, z)2 + Btz (x, z)2 )/20 (12)

1) The detection of magnetic features can be performed by simple thermo-dynamical criteria using intensities and dopplershifts across the NaD1 line. 2) The comparison with static magnetic ux tube models and NLTE synthetic proles show that slopes of line proles combined with seeing eects account for the apparent increase of LOS magnetic eld between line wings and line core. 3) Clusters of ux tubes provide better agreement with observations than single ux tubes. More details will be given in a forthcoming paper (Mein et al., 2007). Further investigations should take into account more sophisticated models including velocities and temperature uctuations, that could be deduced from observations taking into account point (1). 3D magnetic models of ux-tube clusters (point 3) should be also investigated for a better agreement with observations.
Acknowledgements. THEMIS is a French-Italian telescope operated on the island of Tenerife by CNRS-CNR in the Spanish Observatorio del Teide of the Instituto de Astrosica de Canarias. We thank the THEMIS team who operates the telescope at Tenerife, and also C. Coutard and R. Hellier who performed many adjustments of the MSDP.

where Btx and Btz are the components of the total eld. This condition, somewhat dierent from the condition used in model (I), also ensures low departures from hydrostatic equilibrium. We choose the following parameters including seeing eects (Eq. 7): R = 0.5 d(0) = 20 km s = 700 km. The synthetic magnetic elds are plotted in Fig. 14. Both relationships W(wings) < W(core) and B0 (wings) < B0 (core) are still satised. In addition, the order of magnitude of widths w is close to the observed values. The only condition that is not satised concerns the magnitude of observed elds. A ratio around 4 still remains between B0 values of gures 7 and 14.

Berlicki, A., Mein, P. & Schmieder B., 2006, A&A 445, 1127. Carlsson, M., 1986, Uppsala Astron. Obs. Report 33. Mein, P., 2002, A&A, 381,271. Mein, P., Mein, N., Faurobert, M., Aulanier, G. & Malherbe, J-M., 2007, A&A, in press. Vernazza, J.E., Avrett, E.H., and Loeser, R., 1981, ApJ Suppl., 45,635.

8. Conclusion
We analysed observations of facular features obtained with THEMIS/MSDP along the prole of NaD1 . We can deduce three main conclusions:

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