Soft Computing Unit 1
Soft Computing Unit 1
Soft Computing Unit 1
UNIT-1 Notes
2. Neural Network:
Neural Networks (NNs) are also known as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Connectionist
Models, and Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) Models. Artificial Neural Networks are
massively parallel interconnected networks of simple (usually adaptive) elements and their
hierarchical organizations which are intended to interact with the objects of the real world in
the same way as biological nervous systems do. Fine-grained, parallel, distributed computing
model characterized by:
A large number of very simple, neuron-like processing elements called units, PEs, or
A large number of weighted, directed connections between pairs of units
Weights may be positive or negative real values
Local processing in that each unit computes a function based on the outputs of a limited
number of other units in the network
Each unit computes a simple function of its input values, which are the weighted
outputs from other units. If there are n inputs to a unit, then the unit's output, or
activation is defined by a = g((w1 * x1) + (w2 * x2) + ... + (wn * xn)). Thus each unit
computes a (simple) function g of the linear combination of its inputs.
3. Genetic Algorithm:
Genetic algorithm is basically a randomized search by simulating evolution, starting from an
initial set of solutions or hypotheses, and generating successive "generations" of solutions. This
particular branch of AI was inspired by the way living things evolved into more successful
organisms in nature. The main idea is survival of the fittest, a.k.a. natural selection.
A chromosome is a long, complicated thread of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Hereditary factors
that determine particular traits of an individual are strung along the length of these
chromosomes, like beads on a necklace. Each trait is coded by some combination of DNA (there
are four bases, A (Adenine), C (Cytosine), T (Thymine) and G (Guanine). Like an alphabet in a
language, meaningful combinations of the bases produce specific instructions to the cell.
Changes occur during reproduction. The chromosomes from the parents exchange randomly by
a process called crossover. Therefore, the offspring exhibit some traits of the father and some
traits of the mother.
A rarer process called mutation also changes some traits. Sometimes an error may occur during
copying of chromosomes (mitosis). The parent cell may have -A-C-G-C-T- but an accident may
occur and changes the new cell to -A-C-T-C-T-. Much like a typist copying a book, sometimes a
few mistakes are made. Usually this results in a nonsensical word and the cell does not survive.
But over millions of years, sometimes the accidental mistake produces a more beautiful phrase
for the book, thus producing a better species.
Structurally the neuron can be divided in three major parts: the cell body (soma), the dendrites,
and the axon, see Figure 1.1 for an illustration:
The cell body contains the organelles of the neuron and also the `dendrites' are originating
there. These are thin and widely branching fibers, reaching out in different directions to make
connections to a larger number of cells within the cluster.
Input connection is made from the axons of other cells to the dendrites or directly to the body
of the cell. These are known as synapses.
There is only one axon per neuron. It is a single and long fiber, which transports the output
signal of the cell as electrical impulses (action potential) along its length. The end of the axon
may divide in many branches, which are then connected to other cells. The branches have the
function to fan out the signal to many other inputs.
There are many different types of neuron cells found in the nervous system. The differences are
due to their location and function.
influence the performance of the system, though tasks such as writing or speaking may have to
be learned again. This can be regarded as re-training the network.
In the following work no particular brain part or function will be modeled. Rather the
fundamental brain characteristics of parallelism and fault tolerance will be applied.
Function of ANN:
Following points describes the function of ANN:
-Artificial neural networks can be viewed as weighted directed graphs in which artificial neurons
are nodes and directed edges with weights are connections between neuron outputs and
neuron inputs see figure 1.2.
-The Artificial Neural Network receives input from the external world in the form of pattern and
image in vector form. These inputs are mathematically designated by the notation x(n) for n
number of inputs.
-Each input is multiplied by its corresponding weights. Weights are the information used by the
neural network to solve a problem. Typically weight represents the strength of the
interconnection between neurons inside the neural network.
-The weighted inputs are all summed up inside computing unit (artificial neuron). In case the
weighted sum is zero, bias is added to make the output not- zero or to scale up the system
response. Bias has the eight a d i put al a s e ual to .
-The sum corresponds to any numerical value ranging from 0 to infinity. In order to limit the
response to arrive at desired value, the threshold value is set up. For this, the sum is passed
through activation function.
-The activation function is set of the transfer function used to get desired output. There are
linear as well as the non-linear activation function. Some of the commonly used activation
fu tio s a e — i a a d sig oidal fu tio s o li ea .
1. Bi a — the output has o l t o alues eithe o . Fo this, the th eshold alue is set up. If
the net weighted input is greater than 1, an output is assumed 1 otherwise zero.
. “ig oidal H pe oli — this fu tio has “ shaped u e. He e ta h pe olic function is
used to app o i ate output f o et i put. The fu tio is defi ed as — f = / + e p -�x))
where � — steepness parameter.
. ‘adial Basis Fu tio Net o k — These networks are similar to the feed forward neural
network except radial basis function is used as activation function of these neurons.
Size & Less size & complexity. It does not Highly complex and dense network of
Characteristics of ANN:
Following are the characteristics of ANN:
1. Cognitive architecture
1.1 Sensory store
Activity states of neurons are organized with the help of excitatory and inhibitory signals
exchanged between them. Sensory information along with stored data results in
convergence to a stationary state which lasts a fraction of a second. (Sensory store of time-
scale tuned to typical progression of events in real life)
1.2 Short-term memory = firing of neurons
1.3 Long-term memory = synaptic strength
LTM is reorganized with the help of synaptic plasticity, e.g. Hebb's rule - connections are
strengthened when both neurons are active together. The effect is to increase the likelihood
of those activity states that occurred in the past.
1.4 Associative Memory (found in drosophila and snails) - an optimization problem.
1.5 Content-Addressability of Memory
1.6 Constraint Satisfaction Processing (different from search-based techniques of classical AI)
2. Not so good at deductive logic
3. Performance improves with practice
4. Possibility of unsupervised and supervised learning; ability to use external feedback on the
desirability of present activity state
5. Dealing with uncertainty, imprecision, noise - imitates human flexibility.
6. Spontaneous generalization - classification by similarity rather than by property lists. Use of
prototypes is seen in humans in categorization tasks calling for say: a list of examples of birds,
response times to verify ___ is a bird and checking defaults in comprehension - I saw a ``bird''
on the grass.
7. Might offer new explanations for some puzzling discontinuities in cognitive development.
8. Some philosophers are even hopeful that neural networks may exhibit patterns of firings of
Applications of ANN:
ANN can be used in following areas:
through the connection weight. Since every value of outputs $ y_1, y_2, y_3, ... , y_N is
calculated from the same set of input values, each output is varied based on the connection
Linear separability
Perceptron cannot handle tasks which are not separable.
- Definition : Sets of points in 2-D space are linearly separable if the sets can be separated by a
straight line.
- Generalizing, a set of points in n-dimensional space are linearly separable if there is a
hyper plane of (n-1) dimensions separates the sets.
Example: XOR Gate, Figure 1.5: