this level is typically six (6) four (4) years of junior high
years old. school education and two (2)
years of senior high school
Secondary education refers to education. The entrant age to
the third stage of compulsory the two high school levels is
basic education. It consists of typically twelve (12) and
sixteen (16) years old, reflective, collaborative and
respectively. integrative;
6. The curriculum shall adhere to
Section 5. Curriculum the principles and framework of
Development. — The DepEd shall Mother Tongue-Based
formulate the design and details of the Multilingual Education (MTB-
enhanced basic education curriculum. MLE) which starts from where
It shall work with the Commission on the learners are and from what
Higher Education (CHED) to craft they already knew proceeding
harmonized basic and tertiary from the known to the
curricula for the global unknown; instructional
competitiveness of Filipino graduates. materials and capable teachers
To ensure college readiness and to to implement the MTB-MLE
avoid remedial and duplication of curriculum shall be available;
basic education subjects, the DepEd 7. The curriculum shall use the
shall coordinate with the CHED and spiral progression approach to
the Technical Education and Skills ensure mastery of knowledge
Development Authority (TESDA). and skills after each level; and
8. The curriculum shall be flexible
To achieve an effective enhanced enough to enable and allow
basic education curriculum, the schools to localize, indigenize
DepEd shall undertake consultations and enhance the same based on
with other national government their respective educational and
agencies and other stakeholders social contexts. The production
including, but not limited to, the and development of locally
Department of Labor and produced teaching materials
Employment (DOLE), the shall be encouraged and
Professional Regulation Commission approval of these materials
(PRC), the private and public schools shall devolve to the regional
associations, the national student and division education units.
organizations, the national teacher
organizations, the parents-teachers Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual
associations and the chambers of Education (MTB-MLE) is a
commerce on matters affecting the language policy in the Philippines that
concerned stakeholders. uses local languages as the primary
language of instruction for the first
The DepEd shall adhere to the three years of school. After grade
following standards and principles in three, Filipino and English are
developing the enhanced basic introduced as official languages.
education curriculum:
The goal of MTB-MLE is to produce
1. The curriculum shall be students who are multilingual,
learner-centered, inclusive and multicultural, and multi-literate. The
developmentally appropriate; program is based on the idea of
2. The curriculum shall be starting with what students already
relevant, responsive and know and their first language.
3. The curriculum shall be
4. The curriculum shall be
contextualized and global;
5. The curriculum shall use
pedagogical approaches that are
constructivist, inquiry-based,
Some say that MTB-MLE is an
effective educational policy
program. Others suggest that for more
effective implementation, the
program's goals and strategies should
be aligned with the community's
linguistic, economic, and cultural
Some challenges that teachers face in
implementing MTB-MLE
include: Vagueness of topics and
lessons, Difficulty achieving lesson
objectives, Improper sequencing of
topics, Unfamiliarity with terms used,
and Coverage of too many topics in a