Threat agent Æinduces ThreatÆexploits In order to ensure that a BCP framework is meaningful
VulnerabilityÆ induces RiskÆaffects Business and fully comprehensive in tackling all aspects of
Process/FunctionÆaffects Business Continuity business continuity in the current and future situations of
uncertainty, organizations must follow some already
Figure 1. Threat, Vulnerability and Risks in BC established standards and guidelines. These standards
provide a systematic management approach to adopt the
Analysis of risks along with their impact on business is best practice controls, quantify the level of acceptable
therefore an important component of BCP [1]. Also, it is risk and implement the appropriate measures for
essential to identify the priority and classify time-critical continuity and recovery of business thus protecting the
areas or functions of the business along with their assets. organization and its stakeholders’ interests. Some of
Analyzing existing and future risks to all the critical these standards are:
business functions and calculating the effect of these
functions being non-operative for a maximum period of x BS 25999-1/2: Code-of-Practice and
time (Maximum Tolerable Downtime, MTD) along with specifications for Business Continuity (British
their Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) in each case is Standard Institute) [7]
called Business Impact Analysis (BIA). x ISO-27031: Business Continuity in ICT [8]
x ISO-22399: Incident Management & Business
Once any disruption occurs, the organization must Continuity
know how to handle the situation immediately. This is x MS 1970: Business Continuity standard in
called incident handling or crisis management. After the Malaysia
incident has been taken into control, the other business x HB 221: Business Continuity standard in
continuity processes will do what is necessary to continue Australia
delivery of products and services to the intended parties x TR 19: Business Continuity Reference
within the acceptable and already agreed ‘Service Level Singapore
Agreement’ (SLA). The final step will be to recover the
x NFPA 1600: Disaster Recovery & BC
damages or losses and restore the operation into its
standard (National Fire Protection
original status.
Association USA)
Putting it all together - Business Impact Analysis In addition to these standards, there are compliances,
(BIA), Risk Management, Incident Handling, Disaster regulations and industry best practices such as HIPPA,
Recovery and Restoration are the main components of SOX, GLBA, COSO, Patriot Act, BC 177, ITIL, COBIT,
Business Continuity Planning [3]. All these are linked etc which need to be followed in order to make the BCP
into an end-to-end system with planning, analysis, initiative more effective in meeting the challenges.
design, training, implementation, review, maintenance,
How the business function will work if the
While designing BCP for a specific disruption or change, computers and network accesses are not
various factors and parameters need to be considered. For available and is there any need for redundancy
example, the list below shows some of the requirements, of these resources?
which were learnt from the September 2001 World Trade What single point of failure exists and how
Center disaster: significant are the risks associated with it?
A BCP plan must be there in every business. What is the minimum manpower, physical space
The plan must be updated and tested frequently and other resources (communication etc)
considering all types of threats with the worst required for the recovery site?
possible consequences. Even with known Has the business unit defined critical
personalities and their roles in case of sudden
limitations, an existing BCP is indispensable to
disruptions of business and have the employees
face any disaster.
received sufficient training?
Dependencies and interdependencies of business
Have the family care and support needs of the
functions must be analyzed carefully. employees been adequately considered?
Employee counseling is important. Key
personnel may not be available at the time of Once the BIA is completed, the next step should be
need. Communication facilities, though the risk management of the possible threats and
essential, may be unavailable. disruptions. While doing this, the probabilities and
Alternate sites of IT backup should not be close frequencies of threats, the impact of disruptions on
to the primary site. business and the associated costs need to be considered.
BCP/DRP policies, procedures, guidelines Accordingly, as depicted in Figure 3, risks can be
should be kept safe in off-site location. prevented (taking precautionary measure), mitigated
The entire area may be surrounded by law (reduced by insurance for example), controlled (making
enforcement not allowing employees to contingency plan) or accepted (ignored) depending on the
approach the disaster site. Uncertainty of the characteristics of the risk and the possible damage it can
situation may lengthen the time of recovery. impose on the organization.
existing resources, if possible. Present the project should not outweigh the business functions and the risks
proposal to the management for approval. Include the being protected. The CSI/FBI (2004) and other Surveys
recommended changes, if any and arrive at the final indicate that most organizations spend 10-13% of their IT
approved proposal. budget on Information Security including BCP.
4) Write down ‘Policies’, and ‘Procedures’
documents covering all pertinent areas of BCP and DRP 5. CONCLUSION
as analyzed before [6]. Present the policies and
procedures documents to the management for refinement Business continuity Planning (BCP) is certainly ‘a must’
and final approval. Ensure that the policies and and every organization should initiate an appropriate BC
procedures are circulated to all divisions and departments plan, if not done already. It makes the business more
and to outside parties, if applicable. resilient to adopt changes, prepare for uncertainties and
5) Implement the project in phases according to remain in operation at adverse situations thus adding
priorities. Procurements or hiring of necessary value to the business. The Information Security
equipment, accessories, hardware, software, physical Management System (ISMS), which ensures security of
space, manpower, etc should be linked with the information and related services, plays a major role in
implementation phases. establishing business continuity in today’s IT-centric
6) For IT (DRP), arrangements for redundancy such world.
as alternate network link, cold-site, warm-site, hot-site,
etc with appropriate relocation policy should be BCP is not a one-time project or a technical solution
organized as per the business requirements outlined in the with a start and an end for good. Rather, it is a
design phase and in line with the ISMS processes, if continuous process and should be followed as a regular
already available. business culture. Understanding the importance of BCP
7) Achieve and maintain the standards (particularly implementation and participating in it wholeheartedly by
BS 25999 and ISO 27031), compliance, regulations and the employees is very crucial. The senior management,
industry best practices as applicable to the business. being the prime sponsor and motivator, plays a vital role
8) Link the BCP activities with the Change in this matter from the very beginning.
Management process so that any change in the business
process is automatically included in the BCP. The BC solution should be business driven and
9) Organize awareness training for the employees to carefully designed to achieve cost-effectiveness and
return-of-investment (ROI). A successful BCP needs the
make them understand the BCP policies, procedures and
best combination of People, Processes, Policies,
guidelines to be implied upon them. Maintain appropriate
Procedures, Standards, Compliances and Technology.
documentations for the entire BCP cycle.
10) Establish routines for periodic BC tests and 6. REFERENCES
incident handling at sensitive areas. Various levels of
testing such as false alarm, walk-through, simulation, [1] “Risk-Intelligence-Security-Control (R.I.S.C.)”, The
parallel and live tests should be conducted to ensure that Business Continuity Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4, January 2008
people involved are fully trained and they know what to
do in order to maintain business continuity. The tests [2] IBM Business Resiliency & Continuity -
should be conducted with proper planning and co- [3] Geary W. Sikich, Business Continuity: Maintaining
ordination so that these tests do not cause any significant Resilience in Uncertain Times, Pennwell Books, 2003
business disruptions. Define emergency response or crisis
management teams in respective areas with updated [4] Maria Cirino, The Art of Comprehensive Vulnerability
contact details. Motivate super performers (champions) Management (Black Book Series), Larstan Publishing, 2007
through appropriate appreciations. [5] Business Resilience Model, Business Resilience
11) Review and iterate (Plan, Do, Check & Act) the Certification Consortium International (BRCCI)
BCP framework and its operation. In this context, a
Business Continuity Forum (BCF) can be formulated to [6] Charles Cresson Wood, Information Security Policies Made
Easy, Information Shield Inc.2002.
review the status and effectiveness of the BC framework
periodically. Audit the BCP framework by a competent [7] “BS 25999:2006 Code of Practice for Business Continuity
and recognized auditor with the ultimate objective of Management (BCM)”, http://
getting BCP/BCM 25999 certification.
[8] ISO/IEC 27031–Business Continuity Standards for ICT
Implementing BCP framework may require additional
[9] The Hartford & US Small Business Administration
investment, which is like an insurance cost that will
2002, Page 14.
protect and assist the business in becoming more resilient
with increased preparedness to face various disastrous
situations and adding value to business. Such investment