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ADS Oscillator Design

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Lab 3.

Oscillator design

1. Varactor model 2. Resonator design 3. Reflection amplifier design Varactor model The equivalent circuit of the varactor can be found in the datasheet.

1. Create a new schematic and name it SMV1145.dsn. Draw a circuit as shown.

C Cp C=Cp pF Port P1 Num=1 L Ls L=Ls nH R= Diode DIODE1 Model=SMV1145 Area= Periph= Scale= Region= Temp= Trise= Mode=nonlinear R Rs R=Rs Ohm
Var Eqn

Port P2 Num=2

Diode_Model SMV1145 Is=1.00e-14 Rs=0 Gleak= N=1 Tt=0 Cd= Cjo=41.8e-12 Vj=2.5 V M=1.1 Fc=0.5 Imax= Imelt= Isr=0 Nr=2 Ikf=0

Bv=0 Ibv=1e-3 Nbv=1 Ibvl=0 Nbvl=1 Kf=0 Af=1 Ffe=1 Jsw= Rsw= Gleaksw = Ns= Ikp= Cjsw= Msw=

Vjsw= Fcsw= AllowScaling=no Tnom=27 Trise= Xti=3 Eg=1.11 AllParams=

VAR VAR1 Cp=0 Ls=0.7 Rs=0.60

2. In view, switch from the schematic view to the symbol view.

Draw the varactor symbol as shown.

3. Create a new schematic varactorTest.dsn. Go to the library.

In the component library, insert SMV1145 varactor diode.

Insert the components as shown.

V_DC SRC1 Vdc=Vtune V

DC_Feed DC_Feed1

Term Term1 Num=1 Z=50 Ohm

SMV1145 X1

Insert VAR and create a new variable vtune=1.

Var Eqn

VAR VAR1 Vtune=1.0

Insert a S-parameter simulation controller.

S_Param SP1 Start= Stop= Step=

Double click on the S-parameter simulation controller. Set Sweep Type to 185 MHz and Frequency 185 MHz. In the Parameters tab, check both Y and Z parameters. Click OK.

ParamSweep Sweep1 SweepVar="Vtune" SimInstanceName[1]="SP1" SimInstanceName[2]= SimInstanceName[3]= SimInstanceName[4]= SimInstanceName[5]= SimInstanceName[6]= Start=0 Stop=8 Step=

Insert a parameter sweep controller. Double click on the parameter sweep controller. Set Parameter to sweep to Vtune, Sweep Type to Linear, Start = 0 , Stop = 8 and Num. of pts. = 51. In the simulation tab, enter SP1 to Simulation 1. Click ok. Simulate. 3. In the data display window, insert the equation:
Eqn C=1/(-1*imag(Z(1,1))*2*pi*freq)

Insert a rectangular plot. Choose C and click >>Add Vs,,>>. Select Vtune in the varactor test dataset. Click OK. Click OK again.

5E-11 4E-11 3E-11

2E-11 1E-11 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Since the capacitance vs. vtune in the datasheet is in log scale, we need to change our plot to log scale. Double click on the plot. In the Plot Options tab, check Log. Uncheck auto scale, and enter Y-axis range as shown. Click OK.



1.0000000E-12 0 1 2 3 4 Vtune 5 6 7 8

It can be seen that the simulated capacitance is almost identical from the datasheet.

Resonator Design
1. The design specification:
f0 = 177 MHz

Phase noise < -100 dBc/Hz @ 10 KHz 2. Create a new schematic and name it phaseNoise 3. From System-PLL component, insert a PhaseNoiseMod component. Insert a PM_Dmod_Tuned.

Set the parameters of both components as shown. We start with QL = 30 and

Phase Noise Mod

PNoise_OL PM_DemodTuned DEMOD1 Sensitivity=180/pi Fnom=f0 Rout=50 Ohm

PhaseNoiseMod MOD1 Fnom=f0 Rout=50 Ohm Fcorner=30 MHz NF=2 dB QL=30

Insert a source P_1Tone and set the parameters as shown.

P_1Tone PORT1 Num=1 Z=50 Ohm P=polar(dbmtow(10),0) Freq=f0

Insert VAR and set the variable f0 as shown.

Var Eqn

VAR VAR1 f0=177 MHz

Insert a HB simulation controller and set Parameter as shown. Name the output node PNoise_OL.

Double click on HB simulation controller, In Freq tab, enter f0 in for Frequency, 7 for Order click Add. Cleck Nonlinear noise. In Noise(1) tab, enter the noise frequency as shown. Enter the PNoise_OL for the nodes doe noise parameter calculation in Noise(2) tab. Click OK.

Simulate. In the data display window, insert a equation as shown

Eqn Pnoise = 10*log10(0.5*PNoise_OL.noise**2)

Insert a rectangular plot, insert Pnoise into the Traces. Click OK.

Double click on the plot. In Plot Options tab, check Log scale for x-axis. Click OK. Insert a maker to the plot. In can be seen that the phase noise @ 10kHz is less than 100dBc as desired. Hence, the Q factor of resonator circuit must be greater than 30.
m1 noisefreq=10.02kHz Pnoise=-100.718





-200 1E2 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1E7 4E7

noisefreq, Hz

4. Create a new schematic and name it resonatorTest. 5. Draw a schematic as shown. We use the capacitor and inductor component with Q factor.

6. Insert a VAR (Variables) as shown.

Var Eqn

VAR VAR1 Vtune=3.0 Cc=6

7. Insert a S-parameter simulation controller.

S_Param SP1 Start=10 MHz Stop=350 MHz Step=

Double click on the controller. In frequency Tab, choose sweep type to be Linear. Set Start, Stop and Num. of pts. to 10 MHz , 350 MHz and 101 points respectively. In Parameters tab, check all parameters, i.e. S-,Y-,Z-parameter and Group delay. Click OK.

8. Insert a Parameter Sweep controller. Double Click on the controller.

ParamSweep Sweep1 SweepVar="Cc" SimInstanceName[1]="SP1" SimInstanceName[2]= SimInstanceName[3]= SimInstanceName[4]= SimInstanceName[5]= SimInstanceName[6]= Start=3 Stop=15 Step=1

Enter Cc as a Parameter to sweep, and Sweep type Linear, Set Start, Stop and Num. of pts. to 3, 15 and 13 points respectively. Click on Simulations tab, enter SP1 in Simulation1. Click OK.


9. In the data display window, add S11 in dB scale to a rectangular plot. Click OK.





-20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

freq, MHz

Insert the Equation for Q-factor.

Eqn Q=pi*freq*(S.delay(1,1))
Plot Q-factor in a rectangular plot. Click OK. Insert two makers into the Q-factor plot.

120 100 80

m2 freq=149.4MHz Q=8.564 Cc=10.000000

m1 freq=173.2MHz Q=33.587 Cc=5.000000

60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

m1 m2

freq, MHz

To get the Q value greater than 30, the coupling capacitor has to be less than 5 pF as it can be seen from the Q-factor plot.

Active circuit design 1. A PNP transistor 2SC3356 is chosen to be an active device

The supply voltage is 5 V. The transistor operating point is shosen to be Vce = 2.5 V with Ic = 8 mA. 2. Create a schematic and name it bias. 3. Insert a 2SC2256 transistor and a transistor bias utility. Connect all components as shown.

4. In the DesignGuide menu, choose Amplifier.

Choose Transistor bias utility in Tools. Enter Vcc = 9 V, Vce = 2.5 V and Ic = 8. Click Design.

Select network number 3 for bias network. Click OK.

Back into the main schematic. Click on DA_Bias and click on push down hierarchy.

The bias circuit is shown below. All resistors will be chosen to practical values.
Port P4 Num=4

R R2 R=1.385996 kOhm

R R1 R=250 Ohm

Port P1 Num=1

Port P2 Num=2 Port P3 Num=3 R R4 R=489.197485 Ohm R R3 R=62.021403 Ohm

Reflection oscillator design 1. Create a new schematic and call it osctest 2. Draw a schematic as shown. We will use real capacitors in this simulation. The Murata GRM03 series is chosen for all capacitor values. We also use Murata LQW18 series as our inductors.

To change the value, double click at the capacitor.

Change all capacitor values and inductor value as shown.

Var Eqn

C C12 C=1000 pF

R R2 R=1.4 kOhm

VAR VAR1 Vtune=1

330 nH 100 pF 58 pF
LQW18 R L4 R1 PartNumber=LQW18ANR33G00 R=250 Ohm

V_DC SRC1 Vdc=5.0 V

GRM03 GRM03 C15 C16 pb_nec_2SC3356_19921101 PartNumber=GRM0335C1E560JD01 PartNumber=GRM0335C1E101JD01 Q8 R R4 R=500 Ohm

R R3 R=60 Ohm

DC_Block GRM03 DC_Block1 C14 PartNumber=GRM0335C1E680JD01

68 pF
GRM03 C17 PartNumber=GRM0335C1E220JD01

Term Term1 Num=1 Z=50 Ohm

R R5 R=50 Ohm

Click simulate. In the data display plot, plot magnitude and phase of S11.

m1 freq=158.8MHz dB(S(1,1))=9.809

dB(S(1,1)) phase(S(1,1))

5 0 -5 0 -50 -100 -150 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

freq, MHz

It can be seen that the S11 is greater than 1 (0dB) around desired frequency and the phase slope is negative. Hence, the circuit will oscillate when a resonator is connect at the port.

Complete oscillator circuit 1. Deactivate all S-parameter components 2. Add the resonator part as shown. Insert a OscPort between the resonator and the active device port. Set the capacitor and the inductor values as shown.

10 pF

100 pF

7 kOhm

33 nH

Insert a HB simulation controller. Double click on the HB simulation controller. Check on Nonlinear noise and Oscillator. In Params Tab, enter 8 for Fundamental oversample. In Freq Tab, enter 160 MHz for Frequency and 7 for Order.

In Noise(1) tab, enter Log Sweep Type. Enter 10 Hz, 10 MHz and 10 for Start, Stop and Pts./decade respectively. In Noise (2) tab, enter vout for nodes for noise parameter calculation.

Click OK. Simulate. In the data display window, insert a rectangular plot. Add dBm(vout) vs freq to Traces. Click OK.
m2 freq=159.4MHz plot_vs(dBm(vout), freq)=-19.858
0 -20 dBm(vout) -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 freq, GHz 0.8 1.0 1.2


It can be seen from the plot that the frequency of oscillation is 159.4 mHz at Vtune = 1 V. Double click on the HB simulation controller. In the sweep tab, enter Vtune for Parameter to sweep. Choose Linear as the Sweep type. Enter 0.5, 5, and 11 for Start, Stop and Num ot pts. respectively. Click ok and simulate.

In the data display window, enter the equation Eqn mix2 = freq[::,1] Insert a rectangular plot. Add mix2 vs HB.Vtune. into Traces. Click OK. It can be seen that the output frequency varies between 152.3 MHz and 200.3 MHz with 0.5 to 5 V of the tuning voltage.

2.1E8 2.0E8 1.9E8



1.8E8 1.7E8 1.6E8 m3 1.5E8 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0


m3 m4 indep(m3)=0.500 indep(m4)=5.000 plot_vs(mix2, HB.Vtune)=1.523E8 plot_vs(mix2, HB.Vtune)=2.003E8

Insert a rectangular plot, Add pnmx vs noisefreq to Traces. Click OK. Double click on the plot. In plot option tab, change X-axis to Log scale. Click Ok.

m5 indep(m5)=1.000E4 plot_vs(pnmx, noisefreq)=-104.148 Vtune=5.000000

0 -50 pnmx -100 -150 -200 1E1








noisefreq, Hz
It can be seen that the phase noise at 10 KHz is about -100 dBc as desired.

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