0811 ATZ Elektronik Funktions Und Softwareentwicklung En
0811 ATZ Elektronik Funktions Und Softwareentwicklung En
0811 ATZ Elektronik Funktions Und Softwareentwicklung En
6 3,330
2 authors, including:
Ulrich Lauff
Vector Informatik GmbH
All content following this page was uploaded by Ulrich Lauff on 20 September 2016.
Figure 1: Analysis, specification, implementation, and integration of functions and software in vehicle electronics
– whether within the ECU or ECU net- implementation of ECU software, is describes and analyzes vehicle electron-
work, or with sensors and actuators – is based on the definition of functions to ics and software functions subsequent
handled on the central layer, the so- be implemented in the software. Func- Autosar conformant implementation.
called runtime environment (RTE). The tion development normally occurs in The implementation of system require-
RTE serves as the interface to the basic three steps: Following Step One – an ments in terms of features, reciprocal
software, which provides communica- analysis of the requirements for an ap- effects, and variants can thus be tracked
tion and diagnostic protocols, drivers, plication, such as an engine control across the various levels [3]. The devel-
the microcontroller’s operating system unit, Step Two specifies the individual opment of functions and ECU software
(OS), as well as system services in the open-loop/closed-loop control and diag- avails itself of tools offered by tool ven-
form of software modules with standard- nostic functions, such as injection or dors such as Etas. While the discussion
ized interfaces. ignition. Step Three consists of map- below makes reference to applications
Autosar uses this basic architecture to ping individual function algorithms, of Etas tools, no claims of exclusivity or
define methods for the ECU independent like the load dependent calculation of completeness of descriptions given are
design of software components at a logi- the firing angle, Figure 1. The software expressed or implied.
cal abstraction level, the so-called virtual integration process converts and en- The “ASCET” function and software
function bus (VFB), as well as the assign- capsulates an application’s algorithms development environment is capable of
ment of components to the individual in software components. The ECU soft- displaying functions either graphically,
ECUs of an overall system. The most re- ware – for instance, that of the engine in the form of block diagrams or state
cent Autosar releases provide the basic control unit – is then assembled from machines, or in text form with the aid of
specifications for the production specific software components and basic soft- the control specific description language
deployment of ECUs running Autosar ware and subsequently integrated in termed ESDL (Embedded System Descrip-
conformant software. The releases define the ECU, Figure 1. tion Language) [4]. The behavior of the
the interfaces of both basic software As part of the ongoing update of the algorithms implementing the specified
modules and RTE, the exchange formats Autosar precursor project East-EEA, the functions can be simulated on the PC
and templates for the design and distri- East architecture description language and validated in the real-world environ-
bution of software components, plus an was further developed within the scope ment with the aid of a real-time experi-
initial selection of standardized applica- of the publicly funded Atesst initiative mentation system that augments or re-
tion software interfaces. (Advancing Traffic Efficiency and Safe- places the target ECU (Rapid Prototyping;
ty through Software Technology, www. [5, 6, 7, 8]; Figure 2, Step 1 and Step 2). By
atesst.org), itself an initiative of the exploiting the computing power of a PC
5 Function Development and ECU Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) or experimentation system, and with the
Software Implementation within the EU’s “IST” (Information So- primary focus on the “physical” closed-/
ciety Technologies). Based on applica- open-loop control behavior, the function
The principal subject of the Autosar ble engineering specifications, the do- algorithms are implemented in floating
standard, namely, the description and main specific “East-ADL2” language point arithmetic.
Figure 2: Development and integration of functions, software and ECUs in virtual and physical environments