g k Pcm 137242024
g k Pcm 137242024
g k Pcm 137242024
Standard Rate of 24 Karat/ 22 Karat/ 18 Karat/14 Karat Gold (Rs.):7810.84 Rs/7160.00 Rs/5858.17 Rs/4556.34 Rs/
Standard Rate of 95.00% Purity Platinum (Rs.) : 3,490.00
Variant no/ Purity Net Gross Net Stone Net Metal Gross Making Scheme SGST CGST Product
Qty Product Weight Weight Product Charges( discount Value
Product description (1.50%) (1.50%)
Weight (Carats/g) (g) Price Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
/Fineness HSN (g) (Rs.) HM Charges
50D4I2YHGGAA02 G*- 18Karat 1N 4.432 0.091 4.383 46989.18 8,779.00 2864.35 662.55 662.55 45494.92
750 71131930 45.00
Total 1N 4.432 0.018 4.383 46989.18 8779.00 2864.35 662.55 662.55 45494.92
1.Please note that, the net amount includes Metal Value, Cost of Stones (Precious,Non Precious and other material Charges), Product Making Charges/ Wastage Charges,
GST and other taxes (as applicable). Upon specific request detailed statement will be provided.
2.Weight verified and Received product in good condition .
3.I hereby confirm the purity,weight and value of *CN(Credit note) & have read & accepted all terms and conditions of said CN & further acknowledge the amount stated is
correct and accurate.
4.NA - Not Applicable, since the product is sold by piece / number.
5.If other (non-precious/semiprecious) materials are included in the product, the product gross weight is inclusive of other material weight.
6.The consumer can get the purity of hallmarked jewllery / artifacts verified from any of the BIS recognised A & H centre
7.The list of A & H recognised centre along with address & contact details is available on the website www.bis.gov.in
8.Hallmarking Charges is Rs.45.00/- per piece.
Customer signature
Authorised Signatory