925. JAMP_Mohamed Ali Edit.
925. JAMP_Mohamed Ali Edit.
925. JAMP_Mohamed Ali Edit.
International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy (www.academicmed.org)
ISSN (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556
use in recent times.6 Adjuvants or additives are Inclusion criteria: Patients of either gender aged 18-
frequently used with local anaesthetics for their 65 years with ASA grade I & II and posted for
combined and additive effect by extending the period elective lower limb surgery were included.
of sensory-motor block and restricting the increasing Exclusion criteria: Patients with a history of adverse
dose necessity of local anaesthetics.[7] reaction to any study drugs, spinal deformity,
The collection of local anaesthetic adjuvants has previous spinal surgery, any C/I to epidural
progressed from opioids to an extensive collection of anaesthesia like coagulation profile, with ASA II &
drugs with varying action mechanisms. A large range IV, and patients who refused were excluded.
of opioids, from morphine, fentanyl and sufentanil to A detailed history of medical illness, present and
hydromorphone, buprenorphine and tramadol, was past, along with a history of prior surgeries and
used earlier, which are restricted by their adverse anaesthetic exposure and their details, were recorded.
effects like respiratory depression, nausea, vomiting History of drug intake and allergies to drugs and latex
and pruritus, especially with its neuraxial use. Alpha were recorded. Routine investigations and that on the
2 adrenoreceptor antagonists like clonidine and surgery were done. General, systemic and thorough
dexmedetomidine are among the most extensively airway assessments of the patients were done. In the
used local anaesthetic adjuvants. Other drugs like preoperative period, all patients were instructed about
steroids (dexamethasone), anti-inflammatory agents the benefits of epidural analgesia. Inj. Ranitidine and
(parecoxib and lornoxicam), midazolam, ketamine, Inj. Metoclopramide was given as premedication.
magnesium sulfate and neostigmine have also been NIBP, ECG, SpO2, and heart rate were monitored
used with varied achievements. Local Anaesthetic continuously. 18G IV cannula were inserted and
peripheral nerve block adjuvants' success in preloaded with RL 10 ml/kg.
prolonging analgesia is an extensively researched Subjects were randomised into groups BD and BM.
topic.[8] The apprehension concerning the safety Group BD: Bupivacaine 0.5% (12 ml) +
outline of these adjuvants for prolongation of Dexmedetomidine 0.5 µg/kg (1 ml), and Group BM:
epidural analgesia demand further exploration in this Bupivacaine 0.5% (12 ml) + Magnesium sulphate 50
track. mg (1ml). Baseline cardio-respiratory parameters
Dexmedetomidine, an α2 adrenergic receptor like heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation
agonist, possesses hypnotic, sedative, anxiolytic, were recorded every 5 mins after administering study
sympatholytic, and analgesic properties without drugs.
producing significant respiratory depression. Its The sensory block was assessed using a short
sympatholytic effect decreases mean arterial pressure bevelled sterile 26G hypodermic needle along the
(MAP) and heart rate (HR) by reducing mid-clavicular line bilaterally, and the duration to
norepinephrine release.[9-11] Dexmedetomidine has a achieve up to the T10 level was noted. A modified
broad range of pharmacological properties, including Bromage scale was used to assess motor blockades.
sedation associated with arousability and orientation Scale 0 indicated no motor block, scale 1 indicated
and without respiratory depression.[12-14] Magnesium the inability to raise an extended leg, able to move
sulphate (MgSO4) has anti-nociceptive effects knees and feet, scale 2 indicated the inability to raise
primarily based on physiological calcium an extended leg and move knees, able to move feet,
antagonism, that is, voltage-dependent regulation of and scale 3 indicated a complete block of a motor
calcium influx into the cell and non-competitive limb.
antagonism of N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) Sedation was graded by using a five-point sedation
receptors, thereby preventing central sensitisation scale. Scale 1 indicated alert and wide awake, scale 2
induced by peripheral nociceptive stimuli.[15] indicated arousable to verbal command, scale 3
This study aimed to compare the efficacy of epidural indicated arousable with gentle tactile stimulation,
bupivacaine (0.5%) with dexmedetomidine (0.5 scale 4 indicated arousable with vigorous shaking,
µg/kg) or Magnesium sulphate (50 mg) as an and scale 5 indicated unarousable. Monitoring
adjuvant in American Society of Anaesthesiologists consisted of heart rate, non-invasive blood pressure,
(ASA) I and II patients undergoing major lower limb ECG, and SpO2 in both groups. The hemodynamic
orthopaedic surgeries. parameters and sedation were monitored
continuously during the intraoperative period and
MATERIALS AND METHODS recorded at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, and 60 minutes
after giving the block. Time in the operating room
This prospective randomised control trial was and duration of surgery were recorded. Any side
conducted at the Department of Anaesthesia, effects, including hypotension, bradycardia, nausea,
Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical vomiting, sedation, and shivering, were noted.
College and Hospital, Salem, Tamil Nadu, for two Statistical analysis
years. It was done on 50 patients who came for Numerical variables like age, HR, NIBP, SPO2, time
elective lower limb surgeries. Institutional Ethical in the operating room, and duration of surgery were
Committee approval was obtained before the start of represented in mean, median, mode and standard
the study. Informed written consent was obtained deviation. Categorical variables like gender and
from each participant. complications were expressed in frequencies and
International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy (www.academicmed.org)
ISSN (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556
percentages. Pie charts and bar diagrams were used were entered in an MS Excel sheet and analysed
as appropriate. using SPSS software version 16. American Society
When a numerical variable is associated with the of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) physical status
numerical variables, such as Pearson's correlation test classification system (ASAPS) was used.
was used after checking for normality. When a
categorical variable is associated with a categorical RESULTS
variable, the variables are represented in tables and
bar diagrams. For the test of significance, the chi- Among the dexmedetomidine group, 5 (20%) were
square test was used. Fisher's exact test was used females, and 20 (80%) were males. Among the
when more than 20% of the cell values have an magnesium sulphate group, 8 (32%) were females,
expected cell value of less than 5. P-values less than and 17 (68%) were males].
0.05 were considered statistically significant. Data
International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy (www.academicmed.org)
ISSN (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556
Duration of motor block 258.08 6.66 190.52 16.01 <0.001*
Time of sensory regression to S1 133.86 1.47 133 1.83 0.07
Duration of analgesia 596.28 31.81 280.32 25.02 <0.001*
There was statistically significant showing early onset of sensory block and onset of motor block in the
dexmedetomidine group. There was statistically significant showing a longer duration of sensory block and longer
duration of motor block in the dexmedetomidine group.
No significant difference in time for sensory regression to the S1 level between groups. There was statistically
significant showing longer duration of sedation in the dexmedetomidine group (Table 2).
Table 3: An adverse effect, a maximum level of sensory block, and sedation score between groups
Group BD Group BM
The maximum level of T10 16 64.0 15 60.0
sensory block T6 3 12.0 - -
T8 6 24.0 10 40.0
Sedation score 1 6 24.0 17 68.0
2 12 48.0 6 24.0
3 7 28.0 2 8.0
Adverse effect NIL 14 56.0 19 76.0
Bradycardia 2 8.0 0 0
Hypotension 2 8.0 2 8.0
Nausea/Vomiting 4 16.0 3 12.0
Shivering 3 12.0 1 4.0
Dexmedetomidine and magnesium sulphate had Our study shows no statistical significance between
different sensory block levels, with the groups in the case of surgery duration, which
dexmedetomidine having a higher sedation score shows the accuracy of randomisation. This was
than Magnesium sulphate. There was statistically similar to other studies where age, weight, ASA,
significant, showing 19 (76%) of the gender, and duration of surgery were equally
dexmedetomidine group were having sedation distributed among groups showing successful
score>2, and only 8 (32%) in the magnesium sulphate randomisation.[16,18,19] In our study, there was
group had a sedation score >2 (p=0.006). This shows statistically significant showing early onset of
the good sedative effect of dexmedetomidine. sensory block in the dexmedetomidine group. The
Among 25 subjects in the dexmedetomidine group. onset of sensory block was defined as the time from
14 (56%) had no adverse effects, 2 (8%) had epidural injection to the occurrence of sensory block
bradycardia, 2 (8%) had hypotension, 4 (16%) had at the T10 dermatome in the mid-clavicular line.
nausea and vomiting, and 3 (12%) had shivering. Yehia et al.[17] showed that the dexmedetomidine
Among 25 study subjects in the magnesium Sulphate group showed superior analgesic criteria with onset
group, 19 (76%) had no adverse effect, 2 (8%) had at 8.25 ± 1.1 min versus 9.8 ± 1.5 min in the
hypotension, 3 (12%) had nausea and vomiting, and magnesium Sulphate group and 10.1 ± 1.3 min in
1 (4%) had shivering. This was not statistically group B (P=0.0002).
significant. Bradycardia was only present in the In our study, there was a statistically significant
dexmedetomidine group (Table 3). showing of early onset of motor block in the
dexmedetomidine group and a statistically significant
DISCUSSION showing of longer duration of sensory block in the
dexmedetomidine group. The mean ± SD duration of
The study was done among 50 subjects, 25 in the the motor block in the dexmedetomidine group was
dexmedetomidine group and 25 in the magnesium 258.08 ± 6.23 min, and the magnesium Sulphate
Sulphate group. The mean ± SD age in the group was 190.52 ± 10.68 min. This was statistically
dexmedetomidine group was 39.92 ± 7.92 years, and significant, showing a longer duration of motor block
in the magnesium sulphate group was 39.92 ± 8.15 in the dexmedetomidine group. A study by Mathur et
years. This was lesser compared to a study done by al.[16] showed that the duration of sensory block (time
Mathur et al.[16] and lower than a study done by Yehia to regression sensory sensation up to S1 level) was
et al.[17] The mean ± SD weight in the 240.4 ± 28.75 minutes and 306.1±15.32 minutes for
dexmedetomidine group was 58.6± 4.78 Kg, and in group BM and BD, respectively. The duration of the
the magnesium sulphate group was 58.4 ± 5.35 Kg, motor block was 191.7 ± 31.6 minutes for the
and this is higher than a study done by Mathur et magnesium group and 258.1 ± 15.95 minutes for the
al.[16] The result showed no significant difference for dexmedetomidine group in their study. This concord
age and weight among the groups. The absence of with other studies where dexmedetomidine has
significant difference indicates the success of shown longer sensory and motor block duration.[17-19]
randomisation, and this is similar to other studies.[16- The mean ± SD time for sensory regression to S1
19] level in the dexmedetomidine group was 133.86 ±
1.47 min, and the magnesium Sulphate group was
International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy (www.academicmed.org)
ISSN (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556
133 ± 1.83 min. This was not statistically significant. receptor signalling may be important in determining
The mean ± SD duration of analgesia in the the duration of acute pain. Magnesium blocks
dexmedetomidine group was 596.28 ± 31.81 min, calcium influx and non-competitively antagonises
and the magnesium Sulphate group was 280.32 ± NMDA receptor channels.[25,26]
25.02 min. This was statistically significant, showing Among 25 subjects in the dexmedetomidine group.
a longer duration of sedation in the dexmedetomidine 14 (56%) had no adverse effects, 2 (8%) had
group (p<0.001). bradycardia, 2 (8%) had hypotension, 4 (16%) had
Jain et al.21 and Shukla et al.22 observed that the nausea and vomiting, and 3 (12%) had shivering.
duration of sensory and motor block times was Among 25 study subjects in the magnesium Sulphate
significantly longer in the dexmedetomidine group group, 19 (76%) had no adverse effect, 2 (8%) had
than in the magnesium group. Dexmedetomidine can hypotension, 3 (12%) had nausea and vomiting, and
act as an α2-adrenoreceptor agonist in the peripheral 1 (4%) had shivering. This was not statistically
and CNS. This analgesic effect of intrathecal significant. Bradycardia was only present in the
dexmedetomidine occurs through inhibition of the dexmedetomidine group. The fall in blood pressure
release of C-fibre transmitters and hyperpolarisation and heart rate due to dexmedetomidine is attributed
of the postsynaptic dorsal horn neurons, which can to its central action at the brain stem level and
explain the prolonged duration of a spinal block when sympathetic outflow inhibition.[16,27,28]
dexmedetomidine was added to intrathecal Siddique et al.[18] found that dexmedetomidine as an
anaesthetics.[19,23] adjuvant with hyperbaric bupivacaine leads to the
Duration of analgesia was significantly more earlier onset and prolonged sensory and motor block
protracted in the dexmedetomidine group than in the duration compared to magnesium sulfate. Mathur et
magnesium sulphate group. Dexmedetomidine has al.[16] also found that the onset of sensory and motor
been proposed to provide analgesia by both spinal block was earlier in group BD, the duration of
and supra-spinal mechanisms. At a spinal level, it sensory and motor blockade was significantly
activates α-2a and α-2c adrenergic receptors mainly prolonged in group BD, and the incidence of sedation
in lamina II, thus reducing the release of P and was more in group BD. Shahi et al.[20] did a study to
glutamate in primary afferent terminals. It also establish the effect of adding magnesium or
activates G- protein-mediated potassium channels dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to epidural
causing hyper-polarisation of interneurons. Supra bupivacaine in lower limb surgeries. They found that
spinally, it causes suppression of neuronal firing in analgesia in the post-operative period was better in
locus coeruleus by causing hyper-polarisation of Group D, the sensory and motor blockade duration
noradrenergic neurons and inhibiting norepinephrine was significantly prolonged, and the incidence of
release in descending pathways, terminating sedation was more in Group D. Sayed et al.[19] also
propagation of pain signals, thus causing had similar findings. Tariq et al.[29] showed that post-
analgesia.[16,18-20] operative analgesia was better in the
Among the dexmedetomidine group, 6 (24%) had a Dexmedetomidine group with less rescue analgesic
sedation score of 1, 12 (48%) had a sedation score of requirement and more incidence of sedation.
2 and 7 (28%) had a sedation score of 3. Among the
magnesium sulphate group, 17 (68%) had a sedation CONCLUSION
score of 1, 6 (24%) had a sedation score of 2 and 2
(8%) had a sedation score of 3. This was statistically The study concludes that dexmedetomidine 0.5 µg/kg
significant, showing 19 (76%) of the seems to act as a better adjuvant than magnesium
dexmedetomidine group were having sedation score sulphate (50 mg) with 0.5% bupivacaine, providing
>2, and only 8 (32%) in the magnesium sulphate exceptional post-operative analgesia and superior
group had a sedation score >2. This shows the good sedative quality without undesirable side effects.
sedative effect of dexmedetomidine (p<0.006). The Dexmedetomidine also provides early onset and
dexmedetomidine group shows considerable sedation prolonged sensory and motor block duration, which
without respiratory depression compared to the may be useful during longer orthopaedics surgeries.
magnesium sulphate group. The α2 agonist causes The prevalence of adverse effects was more, and
sedation by its action on the locus coeruleus. This bradycardia as an adverse effect was present only in
mechanism synergises with the sedation caused by the dexmedetomidine group. Non-competitive
epidural anaesthesia due to decreased afferent NMDA antagonist magnesium sulfate, administered
proprioceptor discharge. Sedation characteristics of epidurally, also prolongs the duration of analgesia,
dexmedetomidine include a normal sleep pattern and but less than epidural dexmedetomidine.
calming effect on the patients who remain quiet but Recommendation
arousable and cooperative.[24] Noxious stimulation Further studies with increased sample sizes matched
releases glutamate and aspartate neurotransmitters, for confounding factors in other settings, such as
which bind to the NMDA receptor. Activation of primary and secondary care, will represent the true
these receptors leads to calcium entry into the cell. It nature of the study findings. Further studies are
initiates a series of central sensitisation such as wind- required to determine whether larger doses of
up and long-term potentiation in the spinal cord in the epidural magnesium sulfate can produce greater
response of cells to prolonged stimuli. NMDA
International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy (www.academicmed.org)
ISSN (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556
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International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy (www.academicmed.org)
ISSN (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556