Writing Process
Writing Process
Writing Process
' Essa..~ s*r,,u~\w;,e_ · .
Move . fpom . sene'o~ . tu
10"/. ~('I he Ideas .
I \n\r~och,(:~0¥1-
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.l - Discv~ bac_1..<gtoouncL e 011.cep-\r, bfbief (ij .,
I -Tres,s sk.krnen+
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c# e.s:Sa\J -\hot eopli~€S the ma\" mes S°2Je_
I and. ouf/ine_J · ··
I BoJ._IJ Df -tk £ssQ~ ;- 801. . . ..
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1o • m o \£ foofl'\
7 spec.1.frc_ to 8ene_1oJ i'dea; ..
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..iY\. ,fOiitk, .
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Ji~ec_~·o~ · ·to \ :>_o.ve_ 4he · o.udieY\ce_ 11
uii~h o... pnovoki 3
· ·thD~T . , ·.
Some - -t\p,; 4hd- . . .
· m0st ~i _ma.lnki'Ad ·. , ·
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Un~i~ Wo'flld c, (JR_ use_ ~ .
. . .
~ a) It's also impo rtant to think about the purpose af your writin
Now matc h the purpo se with the task. How many of these purpo
ses are you
famil iar with? Share your response with the rest of the class.
\.l; Academic Essay Purpose
~ Purpose What is to do
~ Proc ess, 1 Pt elling a story
\, Com pare ~d 2 I . ,,exem plifyin g the meaning of certain words,
contr ast I / phras
es or ideas
~\'\.__ Desc ripti on\ - L
1 elatin g to your perception; what you see, feel,
I I smell , taste and hear
~ 0-
4 l
jivin g arguments in favou r of or against a
propo sition
,~ct;'- Narration / ~ 5, /1I describing 'a progression of event
s or ideas
~¾ ""--' Argu ment / ~ , group ing things or ideas into categories
'V r=::...., Caus e and
7 y
~ lustra ting similarities and/o r dissimilarities
<' c\ l" effec t I 1::>itween concepts
,<::"'k%..: Prob lem- /sr----..____ ·,analysing why something happened and how it
solvi ng V
rled to a result
Classification /
and Division ,
' ~
exam ining ideas, events and topic and clarifying
Defin ition 10 '- 1-J3 ddressing a problem which is worth pursuing
b) Read the follow ing essay titles below. What do you think
is the purpose of
these essay s? Write your responses and share with a partner.
_ · :-. '-.;:_~\\_;··-:t~~;- ~?\~ :~,, .
. . H(, w do I JJl an a n aca demic essay?
Act 1v 1t y 2 : -
b) Below are two examples of a plan for an essay. The topic of the essay is
1 Teenage Depression •
--------------- I
Plan 1
Mind map
Co v✓- lv.s , o,.._
AclclLcho111-----. _,-\l, ~:,r,
Tcc nuRC Dep ress ion
Pl an 2
A 11"-trocl Hcti.ov..: b. l,{v.-prociuct i.vi.t ~
"F. . "P..Od!:j c. Sui.clde points
1. C.CH<St.S d. CrLV\.l.t.s
a. Relnhov..sii tp tssuts t. Murde r
L. Pa rt v..ts ii Hijac~
i.i. . DO!-¾t.sti.c Vl.DUV..ct i.Li. strnli.v..g
iiL c;lt-t.srr.ol::JS-Brta~l.{p e. Drop 01,(t froV\.I. ulucati.oll\,
IJ. Perso!Mll L future ccirur tssuts
i. 6.xaV\.I. gracle.s i.i.. joblessv..ess
LL Lack. of acti.vtttes i.ti,. i.gv..oml
m. LOW self tStuM 3. R.tw.tcli.t.s
c. oH,ers a. 111\,creasecl ctire bl:j paw-1.ts
L. c~Ucl tibl.{st b. Couv..seli.~
tt. Pur pressure c. 6cll,(caH0111,
:2 . IMpacts/R.tSuLts cl. Rtl1abi.Li.tati.ov..
a. Aclcli.cti.ov..
i.. Drugs C. COll\,Clu.si.ov..:
1.L Alcoliol
Essay Plan
My essay title:
1\clivily :{: Cohesive devices
~ You can use cohesive devices* inside a paragraph to add and connect
information, to stress a fact, to indicate change of topic or to conclude a
m atter. Here are some examples:
in spite of [something]
a) Look back at the paragraph in Activity 2. Which cohesive devices did the
writer use? Add them to the correct column in the table
b) <fE§!j)any words in the table which are new to you. Discuss their meaning
and use with a partner.
c) Make a note of the new words you will try to use in your next writing.
I , lf '--~ \
Baul Song
Home task
a) Portfolio task
,;fj In the previous session Home task you wrote the
introduction for your essay title. Now write two body paragraphs for your
essay. Remember to:
1. Structure your paragraphs so that each paragraph has a topic
sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.
2. Use cohesive devices to connect ideas within the paragraphs.
. . ._J
W\\::::'...--1- -
Now work in pairs. Study texts A and B carefully, and write down
differences betwe en the texts with some examples.
Features Text A
Text B
Active and passiv e tense ALL verbs. lh't l,i,'\. tl-,e soVl,,\.e veYbs. are i,111, tt,,e
acti.ve te111,s.e
-pC!s.s.i.ve teV\.s.e
e.g. The governm.e111,t is,
e.g. a 111,um.be,.. of
tryii,,.,g Lots of ways
illlitiative.s have been
· verb contra ction takevt- b,11 the governm.evt-t
Example: it's, don't
Emotiv e langua ge
Example: unfortu nately, luckily,
surprisingly, thankfu lly
Abbre viation s
Example: etc.
Punctu ation
Example: use of exclam ation marks
(!) and dashes( -}, CAPITAL LETTERS
Study Tip
Keep a list of formal words as you learn them and their informal equival
ents to
refer to when you are writing (e.g. also ~ furthermore) .
. iPll -' t. 111 g u .1ge in arad t" 11t k Wri ti
' l 1:,;tll~ l . tll 1 Ilg
kttdl' --
.._ 0
~ rn
'~~·e o,w (.) t the ft' ~ tur es that m ake your writing style more
~ y 1
.: - ~,;s in pairs:
.. . Wh at type of language do you use to state facts?
: . \\1i at type of language do you use when you are uncertain or want to
be cautious?
c, Herc are some more examples of cautious language. Put the word in the
correct column in the table thatfollows;
Acti vity 3:. How cautious ar
At. ~ .
. Work m pairs. Do you think th t
cautious enough? Make them m th
. a e following sentences are
ore cautious, if necessary.
1. Jute cultivation is becomi
ng unpopular among farmers.
VvtO Vlfi soVvte ~m-VlA.eYs .
tvicit · a.tk~£___lli~~~~m!dJIBr
cuLti.vcit' , ,A ,
l.Ovt. l.$ u eCOVIA.t. V\-
Unit 7 Acade rnic Style
Organising linking
notes ideas ldeu Referencing
Ses s ion 2
Act ivi ty 1: Writin g objecti vely and impers onally - can you do it?
-- ~
Good academ ic writing is objective and impersonal rather
than persona l and subjecti ve. Using 'I' can lead to writing about personal
feelings / experie nces. In academic writing the readers are interested in the
informa tion itself rather than the informer .
a) Study the following table and use the information to do the task in b).
Appe n di x 1: Ex a m p I e es.Say ' Units
- 1 -8
. h h
Satellit e TV c anne Is ave experienced an unprecedented. rise in .popularity as a
. f · t across the globe. Similarly, since the introduction .
medium o entertainmen - -- . of
· I d h · .
satellit e TV to Bang a es in 1992 Bangla deshi audienc es have embrac ed 1t as one
the most popu Iar f orms o f e ntertai nment with its appeal spreading particularly
urban society .
amongst th e more affluent With this spread, a key concern 1s the
potent ial negative influence of satellite TV on cultural traditions
and societal
behaviour in Bangladesh. This e.. :'. s~J..!L_f.QM on the possible impact
and effects of
satellite TV ~ tly on Bangladeshi traditions and culture and then on
the behaviour
of specific s; ctions of society.
Bangladesh has a rich cultural tradition enriched by its history, rituals,
values and
heritage. Shamsher and Abdullah (2012) suggest 't hat through satellit
e TV the
viewing Bangladeshi public is exposed to external norms and values
that are in
conflict with local values and ideals. In their view this is threatening
the country's
cultural heritage. Many young people are adopting a more westernised
culture and
lifestyle. Increased fast food consumption, greater fashion-consci
ousness and
height ened interest in music and movies produced outside Bangladesh,
appears to
be growing. Correspondingly, there is a lack of interest in local music,
food, dress,
festivals, language and values. Desai and Agarwal (2009), refer to a media-
cultural imperialism. They argue that satellite TV threatens the cultura
l traditions of
developing countries. lJ:!_,us, aGCOrding to these authors, satellite TV
appears to be
having an adverse impact on the culture of Bangladesh.