Writing Process

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' Essa..~ s*r,,u~\w;,e_ · .
Move . fpom . sene'o~ . tu
10"/. ~('I he Ideas .
I \n\r~och,(:~0¥1-
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I -Tres,s sk.krnen+
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c# e.s:Sa\J -\hot eopli~€S the ma\" mes S°2Je_

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in ~ e.0-.se, ~., i\S . sho1.t.1A b:r ., ·
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s0-1-J -1-h.or.,, n<2.ve ml-~ / h.oweve'(h .
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kids CtnildroeA
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·Jv~i~ E,'d.
a., , , ,,_'

Acti vi t y 4 : T h-c p lll'pu se of acad emic wl'iti11g

~ a) It's also impo rtant to think about the purpose af your writin
Now matc h the purpo se with the task. How many of these purpo
ses are you
famil iar with? Share your response with the rest of the class.
\.l; Academic Essay Purpose
~ Purpose What is to do
~ Proc ess, 1 Pt elling a story
\, Com pare ~d 2 I . ,,exem plifyin g the meaning of certain words,
contr ast I / phras
es or ideas
~\'\.__ Desc ripti on\ - L
1 elatin g to your perception; what you see, feel,
I I smell , taste and hear

~ 0-
4 l
jivin g arguments in favou r of or against a
propo sition
,~ct;'- Narration / ~ 5, /1I describing 'a progression of event
s or ideas
~¾ ""--' Argu ment / ~ , group ing things or ideas into categories
'V r=::...., Caus e and
7 y
~ lustra ting similarities and/o r dissimilarities
<' c\ l" effec t I 1::>itween concepts
,<::"'k%..: Prob lem- /sr----..____ ·,analysing why something happened and how it
solvi ng V
rled to a result
Classification /
and Division ,
' ~
exam ining ideas, events and topic and clarifying
Defin ition 10 '- 1-J3 ddressing a problem which is worth pursuing

·, (\\ / ,,,-:- " I f\ i1l'fb "' ', , ~

I and for which a practical soluti on can be sought
\~"-J~)~~~ - pe_p ~vo.J-i~ _
~ ese purpo res can be used and combined in many types
of academic writin g
()-0 '\{/~~e,uch as essays, repor ts and reviews. We will be lookin
g at some of these
~it,<' s lJ purpo ses in more detai l in later units.

b) Read the follow ing essay titles below. What do you think
is the purpose of
these essay s? Write your responses and share with a partner.
_ · :-. '-.;:_~\\_;··-:t~~;- ~?\~ :~,, .

' . ' ,'-,- .... . r,. ..

Essay title -
.... : . . ·,
"rbrp\)sk, .- '.
Why do Bang lades hi paren ts prefe r costly English-
medi um schoo ls? 6.x:pLa 11\.C{tto Ii\,
Part- time job oppo rtunit ies for students: Exploring
the optio ns
'Lack of politic al stabi lity is the on_ly imped iment to
the econ omic deve lopm ent of Bangladesh' - Do
you agree ?

. . H(, w do I JJl an a n aca demic essay?
Act 1v 1t y 2 : -

When you writ e an essay, do you make a plan? Never /sometimes/ al

a) Read the text and study the examples to find out about how to make
plan for an essay.

Th e key to a good essay or any piece of academic writing is a g~ d

There is no best way to write a plan. Some students like to write a pl . ·
an With
bullet points*; others like to make a mind map*. The important point . h
1s t at
you need to organise your ideas by putting together the ideas that se
em to
belong to the same paragraph . You then need to decide on a logical ord f
. er or
your paragraphs.

b) Below are two examples of a plan for an essay. The topic of the essay is
1 Teenage Depression •
--------------- I

Look at both plans. Discuss in small groups:

1. Which plan do you prefer? Why?

2 . Is there anything you could improve?

Plan 1
Mind map

Co v✓- lv.s , o,.._

AclclLcho111-----. _,-\l, ~:,r,

Tcc nuRC Dep ress ion
Pl an 2
A 11"-trocl Hcti.ov..: b. l,{v.-prociuct i.vi.t ~
"F. . "P..Od!:j c. Sui.clde points
1. C.CH<St.S d. CrLV\.l.t.s
a. Relnhov..sii tp tssuts t. Murde r
L. Pa rt v..ts ii Hijac~
i.i. . DO!-¾t.sti.c Vl.DUV..ct i.Li. strnli.v..g
iiL c;lt-t.srr.ol::JS-Brta~l.{p e. Drop 01,(t froV\.I. ulucati.oll\,
IJ. Perso!Mll L future ccirur tssuts
i. 6.xaV\.I. gracle.s i.i.. joblessv..ess
LL Lack. of acti.vtttes i.ti,. i.gv..oml
m. LOW self tStuM 3. R.tw.tcli.t.s
c. oH,ers a. 111\,creasecl ctire bl:j paw-1.ts
L. c~Ucl tibl.{st b. Couv..seli.~
tt. Pur pressure c. 6cll,(caH0111,
:2 . IMpacts/R.tSuLts cl. Rtl1abi.Li.tati.ov..
a. Aclcli.cti.ov..
i.. Drugs C. COll\,Clu.si.ov..:
1.L Alcoliol

Activity 3: Writing a plan for an essay

~ Now go back to Activity 2 in Unit 1 Session 2, where you brainstormed

ideas for an essay title. Now use your brainstorming notes to make a plan for
the essay. You can use a mind map or bullet points. Write your plan below.

Essay Plan
My essay title:

1\clivily :{: Cohesive devices

~ You can use cohesive devices* inside a paragraph to add and connect
information, to stress a fact, to indicate change of topic or to conclude a
m atter. Here are some examples:

To reinforce and add 'to signal a change in ideas To signal a conclusion

also but thus

in other words on the other hand in conclusion

in addition however therefore

for example nevertheless accordingly

more importantly instead finally

................................. yet .................................

in contrast


in spite of [something]


a) Look back at the paragraph in Activity 2. Which cohesive devices did the
writer use? Add them to the correct column in the table

b) <fE§!j)any words in the table which are new to you. Discuss their meaning
and use with a partner.

c) Make a note of the new words you will try to use in your next writing.

I , lf '--~ \

Baul Song

Baul song, a form of folk music, has

had a tremendou s influence on the
music of Bangladesh. B uls use very
simple words, (l)_b_u_ct:
they express profound thoughts
about life, creation, death and
human emotions. They
(2) J..so use very simple
Figure 1 Fakir Lalan Shah
(Source:http://c ommons.wlklmedla.org/wlkl/File :Faklr musical instruments . Among the
Lalon Shah.jog)
Sauls, Fakir Lalan Shah is the most
!.J?romjnen t fig~re. He was a mystic poet, saint and a reformer, but
" i"l :) t' '"'\01)(1;\tt.f~tt..A ..
(3) - · ·. , Ke was the composer and singer of many famous Baul
songs now known as Lalangeeti. Lalan's song was about the philosophy of
spirituality , love and wisdom which attracted many people. Rabindranath
Tagore, (4)fi"' ~ /)rnp\e was directly influenced by Lalan's ideals.
(S)~Cle.\ fJ~ it ~an be said that (6) ~\lrn ovt
urbanisation and
westernisa tion have disrupted the easy lifestyle of the Bauls, they still charm
us with simple lyrics, melodious tunes and the deep inner thoughts of their

Home task

a) Portfolio task

,;fj In the previous session Home task you wrote the
introduction for your essay title. Now write two body paragraphs for your
essay. Remember to:
1. Structure your paragraphs so that each paragraph has a topic
sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.
2. Use cohesive devices to connect ideas within the paragraphs.

Add your completed paragraphs to your portfolio.

. . ._J
W\\::::'...--1- -

Now work in pairs. Study texts A and B carefully, and write down
differences betwe en the texts with some examples.
Features Text A
Text B
Active and passiv e tense ALL verbs. lh't l,i,'\. tl-,e soVl,,\.e veYbs. are i,111, tt,,e
acti.ve te111,s.e
-pC!s.s.i.ve teV\.s.e
e.g. The governm.e111,t is,
e.g. a 111,um.be,.. of
tryii,,.,g Lots of ways
illlitiative.s have been
· verb contra ction takevt- b,11 the governm.evt-t
Example: it's, don't

Direct questi ons

Example: How can we sort out this
problem ?

' Personal prono un*

Example: I, we, you

Colloq uial langua ge & phrasal

Example: kid, cool, Uke, sort out, get

Emotiv e langua ge
Example: unfortu nately, luckily,
surprisingly, thankfu lly

Non-s pecific langua ge

Example: thing, stuff, sort of,
people, lots of

Abbre viation s
Example: etc.

Punctu ation
Example: use of exclam ation marks
(!) and dashes( -}, CAPITAL LETTERS

Sentence fragm ents ·

Example: Coming tonight ? No idea.

Study Tip
Keep a list of formal words as you learn them and their informal equival
ents to
refer to when you are writing (e.g. also ~ furthermore) .

. iPll -' t. 111 g u .1ge in arad t" 11t k Wri ti
' l 1:,;tll~ l . tll 1 Ilg
kttdl' --
.._ 0
~ rn
'~~·e o,w (.) t the ft' ~ tur es that m ake your writing style more
~ y 1

. . _ tiolJS IJnguage . When you express your sta nd .

d- •rnir ,, using c,1 u Point 0 11
Jc-- t · . . u need to use cautious la nguage because absol a
artrl'vf.:ir subJe<"t. yo , Ute
t:' _ . ._ is seldom made. You may use caut, ous/hedgin "'
, t 1ti cat1on of c1a,,r,_ g
,u_ , tn demonst rate your compete nce as a wri te r, redu
i ,ngua.ge ,n c roer l . ce the
" . . _. be mo re precise in reporting resu lts a nd show modest
rt~-"- i: t Cflh l.1Si11, Yand
Introducing an underground
[)hakJ has inadequate road service mightsolve sorne of
~etworks for its size . Dhaka's congestion problems.

.: - ~,;s in pairs:
.. . Wh at type of language do you use to state facts?
: . \\1i at type of language do you use when you are uncertain or want to
be cautious?

c, Herc are some more examples of cautious language. Put the word in the
correct column in the table thatfollows;

I suggest probability often tendency claim

/ likely may frequent generally indicate

appear tend to might probably

A; Common ways to make your B: Examples of cautious

writing style more cautious language
1. Use i1troductory verbs e1ppwr
e.g. It seems that ...

2. Uie modal verbs

e.g. le could be argued that ...
-- ---
1. Use moda l adverbs
e.g. his commonly found that ...
- --
4• Use modal adjectives --- - - -
e.g. It is possible to fin d that ...
-- -
5. Use modal nou;; -- - -- - -
e g. There is an assumption that ...
--· - -
Loot bock at Text 8 m A t" . - · .- -- - l_----- -- . .
c IVJty l . find and underline examples of cautious
1onguoge that the writer has used.

Acti vity 3:. How cautious ar
At. ~ .
. Work m pairs. Do you think th t
cautious enough? Make them m th
. a e following sentences are
ore cautious, if necessary.
1. Jute cultivation is becomi
ng unpopular among farmers.

VvtO Vlfi soVvte ~m-VlA.eYs .
tvicit · a.tk~£___lli~~~~m!dJIBr
cuLti.vcit' , ,A ,
l.Ovt. l.$ u eCOVIA.t. V\-

2. Telemedic ine does not work ,·n

rura 1areas.

3. Urban young women prefer not to we

ar sarees.

4. Microcred it has transformed the lives of 11

a women .m rural and urban

Activity 4: Develop ing an academic style

~ a) Read the following text. Find and underline the informal

language features.

According to me cricket is the most popular game in

Bangladesh nowadays . Its popularity is going up more
and more among people of all ages. You'd be
surprised to see that a lot of kids love to watch cricket
matches in the stadium. They support the Bangladeshi
team waving the national flag. It's amazing! Don't you
think so? There're stadiums in almost all the district
towns but not many of them are of international standard. A few of them like
Sheikh Abu Naser Stadium, Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium etc. are used
as internation al venues. I think the government's patronising cricket a lot but
it needs to promote other games as well. If the government supports other
games......;football and Ha Du-Du, they will regain their past glory.

Unit 7 Acade rnic Style

Organising linking
notes ideas ldeu Referencing

The writing process

Ses s ion 2

In this session you will learn how to do the following:

• Use objectiv e and impersonal language

• Develop precisio n in your academic writing
• Write cohesiv ely and coheren tly

Act ivi ty 1: Writin g objecti vely and impers onally - can you do it?

-- ~
Good academ ic writing is objective and impersonal rather
than persona l and subjecti ve. Using 'I' can lead to writing about personal
feelings / experie nces. In academic writing the readers are interested in the
informa tion itself rather than the informer .

a) Study the following table and use the information to do the task in b).

Creatin g an objectiv e and Do not write Do write

imperso nal academ ic style
It is assumed that ...
Avoid using pronouns* (I/my/me, I assume that ...
you/you r, and we/our/ us)
It is believed that ...
Use impersonal subjects {It, There I believe that ...
Use passive verbs (avoid stating I interview
ed thirty Thirty students from
students from three different
the subject)
three different faculties were
faculties. interviewed
luckily the meeting The meeting had
Avoid using emotive language
had started late. started late.
(fortuna tely/unf ortunate ly, luckily,
shockingly, surprisingly, thankfully)
Frankly, I am not It is not surprising that
Avoid using personal opinion
surprised he failed . he failed .
words and informal words E.g. get
personally, in my opinion, actually,
to be honest, in reality, frankly

Appe n di x 1: Ex a m p I e es.Say ' Units
- 1 -8

- - - - - - --- - -- - v-- on Ban ladeshi cult re and societ

T-he Im act of sate llite T

. h h
Satellit e TV c anne Is ave experienced an unprecedented. rise in .popularity as a
. f · t across the globe. Similarly, since the introduction .
medium o entertainmen - -- . of
· I d h · .
satellit e TV to Bang a es in 1992 Bangla deshi audienc es have embrac ed 1t as one
the most popu Iar f orms o f e ntertai nment with its appeal spreading particularly
urban society .
amongst th e more affluent With this spread, a key concern 1s the
potent ial negative influence of satellite TV on cultural traditions
and societal
behaviour in Bangladesh. This e.. :'. s~J..!L_f.QM on the possible impact
and effects of
satellite TV ~ tly on Bangladeshi traditions and culture and then on
the behaviour
of specific s; ctions of society.
Bangladesh has a rich cultural tradition enriched by its history, rituals,
values and
heritage. Shamsher and Abdullah (2012) suggest 't hat through satellit
e TV the
viewing Bangladeshi public is exposed to external norms and values
that are in
conflict with local values and ideals. In their view this is threatening
the country's
cultural heritage. Many young people are adopting a more westernised
culture and
lifestyle. Increased fast food consumption, greater fashion-consci
ousness and
height ened interest in music and movies produced outside Bangladesh,
appears to
be growing. Correspondingly, there is a lack of interest in local music,
food, dress,
festivals, language and values. Desai and Agarwal (2009), refer to a media-
cultural imperialism. They argue that satellite TV threatens the cultura
l traditions of
developing countries. lJ:!_,us, aGCOrding to these authors, satellite TV
appears to be
having an adverse impact on the culture of Bangladesh.

Howevgr, alongside these valid concerns, other considerations need to

be borne in
mind. Firstly, we live in a fast-changing, technological world. Notions
of the "world
village" and "connected societies" have accompanied the commu
nications and
telecommunications revolution that has developed in the past century
. In a world
where news and the views of others travel through fibre optic cables
and satellite
communications, it might appear that becoming aware of how other
societies live;
along with their cultural outlook is a natural consequence
of iACreased
communication and contac t with other nations.

The pote ~s.. ateJ lite v~ wing on Bcmgtaclesh society

also requires
consid eration . Some comm entato rs suggest that many satellite channe
ls broadcast
progra mmes with unsuitable conten t. They contain vulgarism, sexuall
y provocative
images and obscenity. This has had a negative impact on the practic
e of family
viewing. Watching TV togeth er can lead to a strengthening of family
bonds, but this
congenial pastime is diminishing as a result of the content of some program
There has aJso been an alai_i:!J.lngjn.cr...ea-se in violenc!.!!->-
"' in Ban ga
I des h society
__ _____ · . It could
be argued that exposure to vulgarity and violence through watchi
ng satellite
channel s provokes people to become involved in sexual violence
(Shamsher and
many sa tellit e TV progr amm es contain
Abdullr1h, 2012 ).A further concern is that
violence, and bloodshed. Children in urban settings are often dependent on TV as
of a lack of playgrounds. Exposure to
their chief medium of entertainment because
a significant negative impact on
violence during childhood may indeed have
children's social behaviour.
satellite TV on the culture and society
This essay has sought to consider the effect of
satellite viewing may play a part in
of Bangladesh. It can be concluded that
and social behaviour of the nation,
negatively affecting the cultural practices
influence of satellite TV could be
parti cular ly with regard to young people. The
l and social violence now evident in
considered to be a factor in the increased sexua
lite TV also should not be denied as far
socie ty. Nevertheless, the importance of satel
ness and connectivity to current
as its role in developing people's glo~al aware
that many of the societal and cultural
affairs is concerned. Moreover, it is also true
result of technological advancement,
changes which are taking place are also the
ver, given the continuing growing
globalisation and greater social c~anges. Howe
ladesh, its negative impact on the
popu larity and spread of satellite TV in Bang
ladeshis should be monitored carefully.
cultu ral ident ity and social behaviour of Bang


Desai, M .K. and Agarwal, B.C. (2009) Telev

ision and cultural crisis: an analysis of
transnational television in India. New Delhi: Conc
t of satellite television on the culture
Shamsher, R. and Abdullah, M.N. (2012) 'Effec
European Journal of Business and
of Bangladesh: the viewer's perception',
Man agem ent, 4(9), pp. 45-54.


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