Guide TerraExplorer
Guide TerraExplorer
Guide TerraExplorer
Opening, Creating, & Saving ..... 1 Basic Project Settings ................ 4 Measurement, Line of Sight
and Shadow ............................... 5
Navigating ................................. 2 Controlling Date and Time ........ 4
Terrain Analysis ......................... 7
Using the Project Tree............... 3
Comparison ............................... 8
System Requirements ............... 3
Loading Feature Layers ........... 14 Collaboration ........................... 19 Loading from SGS .................... 21
Loading 3D Mesh Layers ......... 15 FLY and KML/KMZ Files ........... 20 Publishing to SGS .................... 21
Loading BIM Layers ................. 16 Effects and Animation ............. 20 Other Publishing Options ........ 22
Classifying 3D Mesh Layers ..... 16
Feature Layer Operations ....... 16
Opening, Creating, and Saving a Project and
Logging In to SkylineGlobe Server
TerraExplorer basic commands are available from the File menu located in the upper-left
corner of the application.
Navigating in the 3D Window
Navigate through the 3D World in the way you find most natural and intuitive: navigate freely using
on-screen navigation controls or any of the three mouse modes, or fly to predefined locations or
Free Flight
Using the mouse to navigate:
In Drag mode, do the following:
Note: This is the default mode. Other navigation modes can be set in the Options dialog.
• To pan - Click and drag the mouse to the sides, forward, or backward.
• To zoom in and out - Roll the middle mouse wheel.
• To change direction and tilt - Click and drag the middle mouse wheel.
Using HUD navigation controls:
View tab > Select Graphic HUD to display.
Zoom in.
Zoom out.
Underground Navigation
1. Home tab > Underground Mode.
2. Navigate in the 3D environment. You can freely go through the terrain surface in any direction.
Following a Dynamic Object
• In the Project Tree > Double-click the required dynamic object.
More about: Navigating in the 3D World >
Managing Projects - Using the Project Tree
The Project Tree provides a list of elements in the terrain that can be sorted and arranged into groups.
Using this list, you control the appearance of information in the 3D Window. The Omni search tool at the
top of the Project Tree enables you to search everything (Project Tree, ribbon commands, SkylineGlobe
Server and addresses server) in one-click for the commands, layers, objects and locations you need.
System Requirements
System requirements for installing and using TerraExplorer:
• Operating System - Windows® 10 /11 – 64 bit.
• System Memory - 2GB of RAM (4 GB or more recommended).
• Video Card – 1 GB of video memory (2 GB or more recommended).
• Processor - 4 cores (8 cores recommended).
• Browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or higher.
Basic Project Settings
Project Settings, including general settings, terrain parameters, flight model, and application layout
are saved in the .Fly file and applied each time this file is used.
To open Settings dialog: Home tab > Click Project Settings > Click required tab.
Environment Tab
• Select a Sky Color.
• Select Sky Texture and Clouds Map to apply.
General Tab
Set basic parameters for the .Fly file, including startup message parameters:
• Click Set as Home to set the current camera location as the default startup position for this .Fly file.
• Click Add Message to determine the message to be shown when the project is opened.
• Click Wait to set the number of seconds TerraExplorer waits at the beginning of the session before starting the
Auto-Start procedure or allowing manual flight.
More about: Using project settings >
1. View tab > Select Time Slider. The Time Slider displays in the 3D
Window. Drag the blue marker and yellow arrow together to the
required date and time on the slider. If you want to display data whose
timespans fall anywhere in a time range, drag the blue marker to the
start point of the time range and the yellow arrow to the endpoint of the
time range
2. Click Date and Time Settings icon to the right of the slider to select a time zone, and time slider range. (When a
one-year range is selected, two sliders display, one for the date, and one for the time of day).
Note: Project startup settings for the date and time can be set in the Date and Light tab in the Project Settings
dialog box and are saved in the .Fly file. Any date and time settings made using the Date and Time Settings
icon are not saved to the .Fly.
More about: Setting data and time >
Analysis Tools
TerraExplorer measurement and terrain analysis tools deliver extensive topographical and strategic
information, enabling a more accurate geospatial understanding of the terrain.
Viewshed on Route - Represent the view from a series of points (route).
1. Analysis tab > Click Viewshed on Route > Select any of the following:
• 3D Viewshed on Route By Speed/ 3D Viewshed on Route By Time -
Animated representation of visible terrain/ objects as object moves on
defined route based on set speed/ over set time frame.
• 3D Viewshed on Route Query - Analyzes the visibility of a selected area
from multiple viewshed observer viewpoints along a route.
2. Click in 3D Window to mark route’s waypoints. Right-click to finish.
Threat Dome - Indicates the volume visible from a given point on the terrain.
1. Analysis tab > Click Threat Dome.
2. In property sheet, set parameters including the output type > In 3D Window,
click to define pivot point.
Terrain Analysis Tools
Slope Map - Apply palette colors (slope degree) & slope arrows (slope direction).
1. Analysis tab > Click the arrow next to Slope Map and select either:
• Global Slope Map - Applies default slope map to entire terrain and 3DML
• Custom Slope Map - Advanced slope map with customizable parameters
(e.g. coverage area, palette): select: Slope Colors/Slope Dir./Both
2. For Custom Slope Map, in property sheet, set Coverage Area and Palette.
3. If you selected Rectangle Coverage Area, click in 3D Window to add opposite
corners of the coverage rectangle.
Contour Map - Apply palette colors to each elevation level and connect points of
equal elevation with contour lines.
1. Analysis tab > Click the arrow next to Contour Map and select either:
• Global Contour Map - Applies contour map to entire terrain and 3DML.
• Custom Contour Map Object - Advanced map, customizable parameters.
2. For Custom Contour Map, in property sheet, set Coverage Area, Palette, etc.
3. If Coverage Area set to Rectangle, click in 3D Window to draw rectangle.
Best Path - Calculate best path without exceeding definable climb and descent
slope limits.
1. Analysis tab > Click Best Path.
2. In property sheet, set parameters > In 3D Window, click to define start and
Terrain Profile - Display terrain elevation profile along a defined path, and
related information (e.g., maximum/ minimum elevation values, slope).
1. Analysis tab > Click Terrain Profile.
2. Select profile mode: Normal - Display profile for selected polyline(s) OR
Compare - Compare polyline's profile to specified elevation layer’s.
3. If you selected Compare mode, select elevation layer for comparison.
4. Select methods of designating the polyline(s) for terrain profile:
a Follow Line - Terrain profile created along line drawn in 3D Window.
b Selected Group - Terrain profile created for polylines in selected group.
c From Clipboard - Terrain profile created for polylines in clipboard.
More about: Terrain analysis tools >
Comparison Tools
Swipe Snapshots - Create and compare snapshots showing different
versions of the area in view in the 3D Window by showing or hiding objects
in the Project Tree.
1. Navigate to required area and click Analysis > Swipe > Swipe Snapshots.
2. Show/hide objects in the Project Tree, and click Compare.
3. Mode selection - Choose between 4 clipping modes and Transparency
4. Slider control - Define the clipping or transparency level extent.
Swipe Mesh, Point Cloud, and Imagery - Compare 2 layers or a layer to base
terrain by dynamically clipping or modifying transparency of overlaying layer.
1. Zoom in on an area with a visible imagery layer.
2. Analysis tab > Swipe > Swipe Layers.
3. Click any of the following: 3D Mesh, Point Cloud, and Imagery to filter the
selection to the layer type(s) you want. Click Refresh & Auto-Select to
auto-detect layers in view.
4. Model display style – Select mesh model display style if comparing mesh.
5. Slider control - Define the clipping or transparency level extent.
Elevation Comparison - Compare elevation of two elevation, feature, point
cloud or mesh layers or between layer and base terrain.
1. Analysis tab > Elevation > Select 3D Mesh, Point Cloud, Elevation or Feature.
2. Select the layers from the two drop-down lists, and minimum elevation
difference between the layers that should be marked.
3. Mark area by drawing area polygon or from clipboard.
4. Review analysis in results dialog and graphically represented by the
generated point feature layer.
Buffer Query – Scans for all 3D elements within a set buffer zone of a
selected line and highlights them in the 3D Window.
1. Analysis tab > Click Buffer Query.
2. Set scan properties (e.g., buffer zone radius, scanning area).
3. Select polylines for buffer query: From Clipboard or Selected Group.
4. All query points in whose buffer zone 3D elements were found are colored
in red. Click a red query point to highlight in red the 3D elements found.
Creating and Editing a Presentation
Easily share your 3D visualization with others by creating a presentation that can be replayed, in
which you combine a customized flight route with a particular display of the project. Presentations
consist of a series of actions, which are organized into steps, to help you structure your
presentation. Each action is added to the presentation from the “Create new action” dropdown list
in the toolbar at the top of the Presentation Editor.
Presentation Editor .
Working with Objects
In the Project Tree, double-click the required presentation. Use the control
panel to start, stop, jump to previous/next action or step, and set time factor.
Creating Movies
Share your 3D visualization even with people who do not have TerraExplorer installed, by creating a
movie in MP4 or AVI format from any presentation in your project.
1. Create a presentation.
Basic Objects
Add and edit graphic entities, each with its own styling properties. Objects include: labels, lines,
polygons, 2D/ 3D shapes, 3D models, and buildings. Available objects depend on TerraExplorer
license level. Objects can be organized in Project Tree groups.
Creating an Object
1. Objects tab > Click <required object>.
2. Click and draw the object in the 3D Window. Right-click to finish. For 2D and 3D shapes, left-click to finish.
Selecting an Object
After selecting a single object, a yellow frame surrounds the object and the object’s property sheet opens. When selecting
multiple objects, a yellow frame surrounds each of the selected objects and the Multi Edit property sheet opens.
Working with Objects
Editing an Object
1. Project Tree > Right-click object and select Properties.
2. On the top of the property sheet, click to edit the entire object. Then:
• To move the object. Drag to required location.
• To change the object’s altitude. Drag to required height.
• To move the object based on where the mouse is pointing (rather
than according to XYZ offset).
• To set position based on mouse and snap the object to another
object. Drag to required location.
3. To edit object nodes (of polylines, 2D polygons, and 3D polygons), click . Then:
• To move a node. Then click required node and drag to new location.
• To change node’s altitude. Then click required node and drag to new height.
• To move a node based on where the mouse is pointing (rather than according to XYZ offset).
• To set position based on mouse and snap the object to another object. Then click required node and drag to
required location.
• To delete a node, point to the node, right-click, and select Delete Node.
• To add a node, point to one of the object’s lines, and click anywhere a red node appears.
4. Set properties such as color, altitude, timespan, tooltip, and texture in the
object’s property sheet.
Adding 3D Models
1. Objects tab > Click 3D Model.
2. In dialog, browse to the required file to load.
3. In 3D Window, click mouse to define position of model’s pivot point on
4. Adjust the model’s position and size in the 3D Window or from property
sheet. See: “Editing an Object.”
5. Using the property sheet, set the parameters of the 3D object.
6. Drag any of the three arrow resizers in/ out to adjust any of the model’s
More about: Creating and editing objects >
Working with Objects
Advanced Objects
Create advanced objects: e.g., dynamic objects, modify terrain objects, video, buildings, and 3D
Creating Buildings
1. Objects tab > Click Building.
2. In 3D Window, click the mouse to define roof polygon. Right-click to finish.
3. If there is no horizontal offset between roof and base, right click to finish. If there is an offset, drag base to place
and left-click.
4. In property sheet, set building’s properties including height, texture, and roof style.
Working with Raster Layers
Raster layers include imagery layers containing geo-referenced, satellite or aerial images that
overlay the terrain imagery, and elevation layers containing geo-referenced elevation raster that
replaces the elevation data of the terrain.
Working with Feature and 3DML Layers
Working with Feature and 3DML Layers
Using the Attribute Table: Searching for Features and Editing Attributes
1. In Project Tree, select required layer. Then Layer Edit tab > Attribute Table.
2. In the Query builder section, enter an attribute,
condition, and value and click Insert String.
3. If you want to include additional strings in your
search expression, click one of the connector
buttons: (And, Or, ()) and repeat step 2 for the next
condition. Then click Search.
4. To display on the terrain only filtered features, click
Operation > Select Show Exclusive.
5. To create a new layer of filtered features, click
Operation > Add as new layer entry.
6. To save the selected features to a new shapefile or
.Fly file, click Operation > Select Save As.
7. To modify attribute properties, double-click the
attribute value and modify as required.
Working with Feature and 3DML Layers
Saving a Layer
• On the Layer Edit tab, click Save Layer to save changes to original layer or Click Export Layer > Save As to save to a
new file.
Working with Feature and 3DML Layers
Working with Feature and 3DML Layers
Exporting to Models
Polygonal areas of a mesh layer, e.g., buildings,
can also be exported to individual OBJ models.
Export is supported for all mesh layers except for
imported 3D Tiles and BIM, 3DML created from models feature layers, and 3DML from SGS that do not have edit
1. Select the mesh layer, and then on the 3D Mesh Layer tab > Click Export Mesh, and select way to define areas to
• Export by All Classification Features
• Export by Selected Features > Select required features in classification layer.
• Export by External Feature Layers > In dialog, select layers.
• Draw and Export Single Model > Draw polygon around required model.
2. Browse to Output Folder, and click Create.
Additional Capabilities
The collaboration server can run on a local computer of one of the session
members, or as part of an existing collaboration server (to enable better
management and control and to solve security problems when accessing
end-user computers behind firewalls).
When a collaboration server is activated, using the Start Local Session request,
it serves the current session on a local machine and after the termination of
the session the server shuts down. When the collaboration server is set up as
part of an existing collaboration server it is always up and running.
Managing a Session
If you created the session:
• To appoint a different leader, in Participants list, select name > Click Set as Leader.
• To send your camera position to other participants, select Broadcast location.
If you joined a session:
• To attach your 3D Window to leader’s view, select the Follow leader check box. Clear to navigate freely.
• To invite participants to session, click Invite. Then in the Enter Email(s) field, type the e-mail address. Click Invite.
• Follow the instructions in the message body and send the mail.
Working with Capabilities
Additional Feature and 3DML Layers
1. Home tab > Click Feature layer > Select .fly or kml/ kmz.
2. In dialog, browse to required file and click Open.
Light Effects
• Effects tab > Light group> Light Effect, and select required effect. Then place the effect object in the 3D Window by
clicking in the desired location.
More about: Adding effect objects to enhance your 3D visualization >
SkylineGlobe Server
Other with Feature
Publishing and 3DML Layers
Publishing a Kit
1. Save project.
2. Home tab > Click Publish Offline > Select either Publish Project as Local Kit or Extract and Publish Area as Offline
3. For Publish Project as Local Kit: > In the dialog that
opens, in Kit field, browse to folder for kit files.
4. In the Terrain field, select whether to copy the
terrain database to kit, to keep a link to database,
or not copy (to save space).
5. Select the Include TerraExplorer install kit check
box for user who doesn’t have TE installed > Click
6. For Extract and Publish Area as Offline Kit (Create a directory for offline use that contains the terrain, layers, objects,
and resources of a selected subset of the TerraExplorer project): > In the dialog that opens, in Kit field, browse to
folder for kit files.
7. In the Output Project section of dialog, click Create and mark area of interest by drawing a clip polygon in 3D
8. When updating existing offline kit, if want to accelerate process by skipping terrain and layer extraction for existing
files, select relevant check boxes. > Click Publish.
More about: Publishing TerraExplorer projects >
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Skyline, It’s your world, the Skyline logo, TerraExplorer, TerraExplorer Pro, TerraExplorer Plus, TerraDeveloper, TerraBuilder, TerraGate, SFS, and the
TerraExplorer logo are trademarks of Skyline Software Systems Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Trademark names
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