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1 author:
Gabriel Oikhala
Olabisi Onabanjo University
All content following this page was uploaded by Gabriel Oikhala on 26 March 2022.
KIU Journal of Social Sciences
resources to achieve the framework for common into walloping in the venom of insecurity, grind of
good. Drawing from the above constitutional penury, stream of unemployment, agonising
responsibilities of government, governance is depression, and dreary of high level of unpleasant
therefore, presented as a function of government ethno-religious patriotism, unimaginable level of
designed to lubricate the political economy with the poor patriotism of cultural and national values
available resources in order to avert threat, and to (Oikhala and Egugbo, 2019). These uncontrollable
bring liberation, peace and progress to citizens and and worrisome levels of highly corruption and
the country as a whole. To achieve all these, public infraction of the most government officials that have
administration with its administrative law as the raised the question of relevance of administrative law
machineries for implementing government rules, in the governance process of Nigeria.
regulations, and policies should be made to be very
active and efficient. The paper assesses the law of public administration
in relation to governance process in Nigeria. It
However, there is no gainsaying the fact that determines the state of governance in Nigeria and the
governance crisis in Nigeria has presently become effects it has on national development paying
deepened and very worrisome. The conducts of most particular attention to the fourth republic. Aside from
of the top government functionaries who have been this introductory part, the rest of the paper is divided
paying attention to their self-services speak volume into six segments. The first two parts are concerned
in this regard. In fact, such unethical conducts have with the theoretical foundation and conceptual
even worsened to the extent that no day passes analysis. The fourth part looks at control of
without reading from the national daily newspapers administration; the fifth aspect is concerned with the
about their heart-breaking allegations of embezzling stance of administrative law and state of governance
several billions of naira and constant looting of in Nigeria. The last two parts concentrate on the
public treasury. Thus, money meant to respond to challenges of administrative law and governance
issues of security, poverty, health, employment, system in Nigeria; conclusion and suggestion for the
education, infrastructures, and other development way forward.
projects in Nigeria are unlawfully being diverted by
public officials for reasons best known to them. By 2. Theoretical Foundation
this token, public interest in all the core sectors at the
level of political, economic, social, and cultural is The theoretical foundation adopted for this paper is
being breached and compromised. the Legal Approach. Frank J. Goodnow and Don
Allenworth were among the first advocates to adopt it
As a law relating to public administration, in the field of public administration (Wade, 1971;
administrative law plays vital role in controlling the Goodnow, 2005; Adejuwon and Ehiane, 2011). The
lapses, arbitrariness, or indiscipline and inaction of approach covers wide range of issues relating to the
public administration. It ensures reality, probity and subject matter. Firstly, it saw law as the foundation of
proper conduct of government administration. In this governance in which public administration is
sense, administrative law keeps the powers and concerned with. In Nigeria, the 1999 constitution is
authorities of public administrators within their legal the law of the land and governance processes are tied
bounds to protect the citizens against the abuse and to to legal framework. Therefore, no government
promote governance (Ekhator, 2003; Goel, 2008; authority is expected to do anything that is not
Adejuwon and Ehiane, 2011). With the present provided for in the law of administration. On this
crystallisation of corruption and self-interest in note, decision making process and the
Nigeria governing process in which government implementation procedures of public policies,
businesses are largely being transacted in the interest programmes, and projects are carried out in
of few selected people in government and their accordance with the guidelines or extant law. This
cronies. With this development, both the political and implies that public authorities should be able to show
their technocrats‟ government officials often violated legal warrant for what they do.
administrative rules with impunity. Rather, they
showed concern with laws, which suit their personal Secondly, it cherished controls of public
agenda. Issues are bound where government officials administration and redress of administrative actions
are sued for violating administrative rules and court as pertinent to enforcing governance rules and
order or decisions are vehemently being ignored procedures for achieving results. When the spirit of
(Akpotor, 2015; Ramon, 2020; and Adesomoju, rule of law is allowed to collapse, large scale level of
2020). Consequently, Oikhala and Egugbo (2019) impunities and lawlessness are exhibited by some
noted that Nigerians are being depleted and pushed insensitive government authorities who are often
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compromised transparency and public accountability. consist of separation of powers, rules of law, and
In the same vein, if the powers and actions of people governance.
occupying public authorities are not checked, the
need for good governance shall be sacrificed at the 3.1 Administration
altar of self-service interests. By this, most of them
who are self-centred will be at the liberty to Even though the term administration is as old as
manipulate their powers of administration for selfish mankind, the subject has no uniform definition.
gains against the interest of the public. This Gladen as cited in Ogunna (1999) said administration
assumption conformed to the saying that: “If men means to care for, or to look after people; to manage
were angels, no government would be necessary. If affairs. It means that the administrator is a servant
angels were governments, neither external nor and not a master. Similarly, Adejuwon and Ehiane,
internal controls of administration would be (2011) maintained that administration exist whenever
necessary.” people cooperate to achieve the goals that involved in
planning, organizing, command, coordination and
In Nigeria, literature has showed that most people at control. For Osuofia (2006) administration involves
the helm of affairs often do not respect administrative the totality of activities of human and material
rules. There are also frequent cases of power abuse resources used in directing and managing the
and power manipulation by many government organisation towards the attainment of specified goal
officials. The Obasanjo administration unilaterally in any organisational setting. In this regard,
withheld the statutory funds of local government administration is concerned with proper organisation
councils in Lagos State between December, 2004 and and utilisation of men and material to achieve the
August, 2005 for political reasons and the Supreme desired ends.
Court order to release the funds was disobeyed
(Balogun, 2005). Also, Nnocliri (2020) documented Nwachukwu (1999:2) was able to pinpoint three main
how the Buhari administration breached the federal elements of administration. First, he said people have
character principles provided for in section 153 (1) to be present before administration can take place.
(c) part 1 (8) (a) of the third schedule of the 1999 Secondly, action must take place before
Constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria. The administration can enter the picture. The third is
country has always witnessed violence and loss of interaction; the essence of administration is people
lives and destruction of valuable properties through relating to other people. According to Bhagwan and
unethical behaviour of government administrators Bhushan (2006:2), administration consists of “doing
and causing more harm to the virus of poverty, the work‟ or „getting the work done by others.” The
insecurity, poor living standard, and retarding the above definition showed that administration pervades
national development aspirations. Hence, the in all organisations. It showed that administration
application of the legal approach is helpful to exist in both public and private domains. When it
reposition public administration to function according involves household, or club activities and individual
to legal framework in ensuring good governance. organisation, it is called private administration, but
With application of administrative law in governance when it is concerned with the activities of the state
process, there will be a remarkable reduction of the that are carried out by either the Federal, the State, or
siege of insecurity, poverty, unemployment, poor the Local Governments, it is public administration.
living conditions and abuses of office among others
to boast governance in Nigeria. 3.2 Public Administration
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project. It therefore means that public administration legitimately use political power and how the power is
will be concerned with the most efficient ways of to be used. This implies that public administration as
organising, co-ordinating and controlling all the arms the action side of government and its governance
of government to achieve constitutional objectives of issues are functions of law. However, Akpotor
the government. It is in this perspective that public (2015:2-3) noted the political influence on law and
administration occupies the central ingredient in the cited Gasiokwu who defined an unjust law is an ass
whole of government operations (Laxmikanth, 2009: and an idiot, which should be avoided. This can also
Bhagwan and Bhushan, 2006). be viewed as political assault to law and writs of
equity. It can allow accused persons who stole
Importantly, this analysis saw public administration several billions of naira to go on light punishment
as law in action. Despite the fact that it is not standing on alter of plea bargain. It also encourages
naturally a legal subject, its foundation and activities application of the nolle prosequi (no longer willing to
have inclination of legal. Hence, Wilson (1941) prosecute) that sets renowned criminals free. This has
defined it as detailed and systematic application of impetus
law. As government in action, public administration
cannot perform its function in absence of legal Therefore, each of the three branches of government
framework. What the analysis also deduced is that (the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary) is involved
government responses to demand of societal concern in the process of developing and applying the law.
like implementation of palliatives and control for This implies that the Nigerian political system rests
managing the corona virus also called COVID-19 on a legal foundation. Conflicts arising from political,
pandemic are all done by public administration. By economic, social, and cultural values are resolved in
this, the outcome of governance is subjected to the terms of law while the society is controlled by law to
dynamism of public administration. In other words, a provide unity and coherence within the political
country is good when public administration is process.
effective. It is good when government administrators
do the needful. And a country is good when public However, law has also been described to just or
administration functions in accordance with unjust. Unlike the unjust laws, most of the unjust
operational guidelines. laws are influenced by politics. As cited in Akpotor
(2015:2-3), Gasiokwu posits: “An unjust law is an
3.3 Law ass, an idiot and must be avoided. The law that
allows several billions of naira thieves to go on light
Various schools of thought considered the meaning punishment on alter of plea bargaining is an ass, an
of law differently. To achieve the need for this idiot; and so, it should be jettisoned. The legal
article, attempt is made to x-ray the general meaning principles of nolle prosequi that sets renowned
of law so as to pave way for better appreciation of criminals free is an ass, an idiot and so should
what administrative law entails. According to Austin undergo legal surgery.” Law is the principal method
(1954), law is the command of a sovereign to those of control used by every political system. While the
under its jurisdiction with a sanction available for institutions of government can enforce law and to
disobedience. This simply suggests supremacy of the some extent create law; they are subject to the control
law. It means that nobody is above the law of the of law.
land (Status Populous Supreme Lex Est). It also
means that anybody that violates the law is duly 3.4 Administrative Law or Law of Public
punished as permitted by law. The element of Administration
command and sanction of law is also found in the
Holy Bible, in Genesis 2:16-17 saying: “The Lord The concept is also referred to as law of public
God gave the man this command. The Lord God said, administration. As Aghayere (2007:18) noted,
“You may eat from any tree in the garden. But you Administrative law also defies almost precise
must not eat from the tree that gives knowledge about definition. This is perhaps connected with range of
good and evil. If you eat fruit from that tree, you contextual issues that public administration deals
must die” (Zonderan, 2000:332). with. Foulkes (1976) saw it as a law relating to public
administration. This suggests that it is concerned with
From the above, law is presented as a formal method the forms and constitutional provisions of public
of social control, which uses specialised procedures authorities with their duties, powers, and the
to create order. It creates rules to govern the procedures adopted in carrying them out. It also has
relationship between individual. It also creates to do with their legal relationship with one another;
institution and processes; determines who can with the general public; and with their employees. In
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line with this, Aghayere (2007) defined Adeosun (2010) cited the former Justice Chukwudifi
administrative law as the body of general principles, Oputa saying that leadership is the purposeful
which govern the exercise of powers and duties by direction of those that lead. The above clarifications
public authorities. From this, it can be deduced that presented leadership as not meant for ordinary
the main purpose of administrative law is to keep the people. It is not for sale or meant for thieves. But it is
powers of those in government within their legal meant for people who are reasonably sensible and
bounds in order to protect the citizens against abuse. intelligently focussed. In other words; leadership is
full of wisdom and inspiration to get things done
Wade (1971) looked at administrative law as a correctly. In this sense, there is no gainsaying the fact
branch of public law, which is concerned with the that the characters exhibited by most of the
composition, powers, duties rights and liabilities of leaderships in Nigeria are more of negative
the various organs of government that are engaged in reflections of what leadership should not be.
the administration. The difference in this clarification The driving force of government is leadership. As
is that it emphasised the functions assigned to each Chibueze (2009:1) rightly puts it, “political stability
organ of government with their powers and is a function of good governance and it is an element
procedures of exercising them. In Nigeria, the of good leadership. Once it is guaranteed, the
constitution empowered the legislature to make law country‟s economy will progress steadily. Then,
and the executive implement the law while the government will be seen as very effective. But, when
judiciary interprets it. All these are aimed at leadership is weak, the chances of success for the
achieving good governance with general good order government are always slimed. To put it differently,
for the country. From observation, the unnecessary the inability of government to guarantee good
wrangling arising from political issues and power governance indicates a failure on its part. Hence, the
struggle among the executive and the legislature surge of insecurity and depressing state of poverty
especially in Nigeria‟s fourth republic has caused with political tension in Nigeria at the moment has
disrespect to administrative rules and gridlock for painted government as a weak institution that is tied
good governance. to bad leadership,
For Oloyede (1988), clarified it as a branch of the law 3.6 Separation of Powers
that vests powers in administrative agencies, imposes
certain requirements on the agencies in the exercise The theory of separation of power takes cognisance
of the powers and provide remedies against unlawful of the three arms of government; namely, the
administrative acts or omissions. This implies that the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary as the
major essence of administrative law is to give critical components in governance process. It states
credence to the use of power by the public that in order to secure the liberty of citizens, each of
authorities. Therefore, administrative law prevents the three main functions of law making, law
any misuse of power by the same body or any implementation, and law interpretation should be
government employee while performing their duties. distributed to a single organ of government to
When any public authority does what he has no perform. Iluyomade and Eka (2007:7) noted that
power to do or fails to do what he is expected to do; Baron Montesquieu who allegedly propounded it was
such an act or omission will attract sanction and well concerned with the preservation of political
whoever that is injured by such action or inaction liberty when he wrote that:
shall be entitled to remedy (Akopotor, 1996). Hence, “Political liberty is to be found, only when there is no
preventing injury of a citizen‟s rights and interest or abuse of power. But, constant experience shows us
to prevent miscarriage of justice is an essential that every man invested with power is liable to use it,
function of administrative law. and to carry his authority as far it will go. To prevent
this abuse, it is necessary from the nature of things
3.5 Leadership that one power should be a check to another. When
the legislative and executive powers are united in the
Like other concepts clarified in this paper, leadership same person or body, there can no liberty. Again,
has myriad of definitions. Although, Eghe (2006) there is no liberty if the judicial power is not
also argued that to define certain persons to be separated from the legislative and the executive.
leaders is hard, he clarified saw leadership as the There would be an end of everything if the same
strength and ability to at least being able to get things person or body, whether of the nobles or of the
done, break more grounds, initiate new ideas, and people, were to exercise all three powers.”
influencing followers towards successful governing
process of end results. Besides, Oketokun and
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From the above, the business of government is meant EFCC Chairman, Nuhu Ribadu wrote letters to
to be divided among the three arms. One arm is States‟ Attorney General (SAG) asking them to cede
allowed to exercise only one function. Also, each of their powers under the constitution of the Federal
the three arms is to exist independently and no one Republic of Nigeria to him, which is ultra vires to
arm should claim to be superior over the others. both the EFCC and the SAG.
However, Akpotor (1996) and Aghayere (2007)
agreed that no one of these organs should claim Drawing from the above, it is a bit more disturbing
superiority over the others. But, in Nigeria, the that top government officials violate the rule of law.
executive has in the recent times, wielded With this, how realistic will it be to logically pursue
domineering powers over the other arms of governance by the government whose machinery of
government. Hence, in reality, it can be argued that implementing policies, programmes and projects has
no water-tight separation of powers in the country. been infected with the unpopular culture of self-
This is in line the views of Iluyomade and Eka (2007) service? Is it not a mere beer-parlour discussion for
who posited that a very rigid and complete separation government to initiate anti-corruption crusade or talk
of power is near impossible as it is doubtful whether about effective public administration when
any system of government has ever achieved such an administrative is politically encumbered? It is in this
end. regards that Omolehin (2020:7) cited the Governor of
Sokoto State, Aminu Waziri Tambuwal saying
3.7 Rule of Law “people have entrusted us with their lives and
property‟ anything that concerns government should
This concept has to do with the doctrine that the be that which concerns the people and not
“safety of people is the supreme law” (Salus Populi politicians.”
Est Suprma Lex). Although, the concept of rule of
law is capable of several meanings, the paper is 3.8 Governance
concerned with the useful aspect to the issue under
study. Friedrich, (1940) described it as the The term „governance‟ covers a wide range of issues.
responsiveness of government to the people on the This makes thinkers to attempt it myriad of
basis of legal framework. Similarly, Akpotor (2015) definitions. In this part, the clarification of
said the rule of law is used to curb the misrule or the governance is attempted in line with the goals of this
excessive use of power of the people in government. paper. Chibueze (2009) described governance as the
As cited in Aghayere (2007:34), Albert Venn Dicey task of government. It involves the proper utilisation
identified three canons of rule of law. First, it means of human and material resources to provide the
absolute supremacy of law. This suggests that the all security and welfare needs of citizens. In this sense,
persons are equal before the law. Second, it implies governance is presented as being concerned with all
that all persons are subject to the law. In this sense, the functions of government. The erstwhile United
the rule of law is opposed to the use of arbitrary Nations Secretary-General, Kofi Annah cited in Otu
powers. And third, it means that the freedom of all (2017:37) aptly held that governance has to do with
individuals to be protected from arbitrary the “observance of rule of law, effective state
interference. In this case, there should be constant institutions, transparency and accountability in the
maintenance of law and order. To put it differently, management of all citizens‟ affairs in the political
there will be appreciable conditions of living and process, and decisions affecting their lives.” In this
national development where things are done in case, governance is connected with the use of law
accordance with rules. and the manner in which political power is exercised
in the management of individual and political system
However, in recent times, there is an increasing through the institution of government.
allegation of rule violation against many top
government functionaries in Nigeria. As Akpotor Olowu, Hyden-Williams, and Soremekun (1995)
(2015:111-112) pointed out, “The Obasanjo described governance as regime types and the process
presidency of 1999-2007 was a mirage for lack of in which government carryout business; the character
respect for rule of law and constitutionality in the and relationship that exist between the government
conduct of governance. Under Obasanjo, the and its people. This presented governance as a
executive was interpreting court judgement in the benchmark for determining the environment of
manners suitable to it only. His third term bid made political, social, cultural, and economic lives of
him to turn Ribadu led Economic and Financial people and evaluating the responsiveness and
Crimes Commission (EFCC) to a tool of political direction of government towards the realisation of the
vendetta.” Also, Akintola (2011) noted that the then will of the state (Pierre, 2000; Rhodes, 2012).
KIU Journal of Social Sciences
According to World Bank (2002) governance is the close watch and proper check. Among others, control
way and manner of exercising power to manage the process makes public servants to be committed,
socio-economic resources of a political system with a transparent, or answerable to different government
view to solving its development demands and the agencies in the exercise of their functions.
challenges of the citizens. From the above, Laxmikanth (2009) said it engenders government
governance is about the people. It is preoccupied with officials to exercise their powers and discretions
security and welfare of people in a country and within the established framework. This is related to
government responses. the views of authors of the Federalist No.51 cited in
Ujo (1999:54) that:
From the foregoing, the hub nub of governance is “If men were angels, no government would be
couched into development. It covers all issues of necessary. If angels were to be government, neither
social, economic, political, and cultural facets. It external nor internal controls on government would
tends to raise questions and attempt answers on the be necessary. In framing a government, which is to
state the nation. But, the narrative has been that be administered by men over men, the great
Nigeria is under the siege of insecurity; majority of difficulties are this, you must be first enable the
Nigeria population lives in poverty; one third of government to control the governed; and in the next
Nigeria children never enrolled in school; stream of place allows it to control itself.”
unemployment; and yet, the government tolerates
institutionalisation of self-service culture in The above view fairly captured the status of human
governance and questionable acquisition of many imperfection. It is an indication that without control
trillion-naira mansions by many public looters. This measure, the commitment of public servants to duties
supported the view of the ASUU National President, will go below epileptic. Hence, quite numbers of
Professor Biodun Ogunyemi cited in Oyero (2020:7) control mechanism particularly the internal and
that: external types are in myriad of kinds. Whichever
variety that is applied is meant to enforce rule of law,
“What we are trying to do now is a crash model - an promote commitment, transparency, accountability,
experimental approach. We want to experiment with and prevent disservice of people entrusted to carry
the lives of Nigerians - children of the poor. Many of out the functions of government. With regards to this
us in my bracket - maybe middle class - our children paper, the executive, the legislative, and the judicial
don‟t fall into that category. And that is probably control mechanisms are captured for discussion.
why we cannot appreciate why we need to do the
basic minimum. Are we saying that we should open 4.1 The Executive Control
schools without decontaminating the schools? For a
government that could go openly to decontaminate As observed by Monterio (1996), executive control
streets, to decontaminate markets? Are lives in the of administration is important for the positive
schools not as valuable as those walking on the development, enforcement of standards, and
streets? We need to do the basic minimum. It is not safeguards in the operation of large departments
about income for teachers, income for workers here. within government institutions. Gladden (1953:18)
It‟s about what we need to do to avert disaster.” identified political direction, budgetary system, and
recruitment system as the three essential control of
Substantiating, Inyang (2020:3) rightly pinpointed administration by the executive. The political
the Governor of Kogi State, Yahaya Bello saying that direction plays role in the policy making. In Nigeria,
“Politicians are playing games with Nigerians on the chief executive determines the general lines of
COVID-19 pandemic. Let us stop this game. administrative actions. A minister at the federal level
Nigerians are suffering. Instead of the lockdown with or a commissioner at the level of the state is the
its attendant negative effects on the people; why can‟t political head of every ministry with an oversight
we turn it into employment opportunities, providing power of direction, control, and supervision in
clothes for face masks to be exported to those accordance with the provision of the constitution.
countries that have the disease?” The above analysis
has presented a fair picture of the epileptic status of The executive control via budget preparation, sources
governance system in Nigeria. of income determination, and provision of the various
amount of expenditure to every government
4. Control of Administration department as permitted by law. In other words, all
departments of the public sectors with regards to their
The term „control of administration,‟ is a process of financial and manpower needs are often being
devising mechanism to keep administration under a directed by the executive. Besides, the executive
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exercises control over administration via its power to legality of the officials and their actions. Aghayere
hire and fire public servants as directed by law. In (2007:51-54) identified constitutional and statutory
Nigeria, the President is obliged to seek the approval review alongside with public and private remedies as
of the Senate and this has almost become a mere possible methods employed by judicial control of
formality in making very sensitive key appointments, administration in Nigeria.
but the executive is vested with exclusive power it
removes a person of bad character from public 4.3.1 Constitutional Review
service (Ekhator, 2003:107).
By verdure of section 1 (1) of the 1999 Constitution
4.2 The Legislative Control of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the supreme law
of the land is the constitution. Section 6 (1) vested the
The legislature exercises control over administration powers to interpret laws on the judiciary. It is within
to hold it accountable and responsible to the people the purview of the courts to declare as unlawful any
(Laxmijanth, 2009:202). By this, it controls legislation or administrative act, which is contrary to
administration through law-making process. The the commandment or prohibition of the constitution.
legislature could create a new department to give Also included in this jurisdiction are the actions,
effect to a specific law enacted by the Parliament. orders, rules, or regulations of all government
Bhagwan and Bhushan (2006) maintain that the agencies. In other words, the judiciary ensures proper
legislature controls administration when it creates adherence to principles of fair hearing (Audi Alteram
new powers, functions, procedures, and changes for Partem) and rules against interest and bias (Nemo
administration. Its budgetary control makes it Judex Casua Sua) as recognised in its section 33.
possible for administration to exercise caution on When anyone believes that his constitutional rights
public expenditure. Apart from the passes of annual have been violated or injured by any administrative
budget and authorises expenditure, it ensures that no action, he can seek and receives remedy or redress
money can be spent by the executive or other arms of from the courts.
administration without authorisation of the
legislature. To put it differently, the legislature 4.3.2 Statutory
exercises control of the national purse via close
analysis and definition of the activities that every This is where abridgement of constitutional right is
department may undertake with cost implications. not alleged and not concerned with statutory
This is synonymous to the saying that; “one who authorisation for appeal to the courts. In this case,
plays the piper dictates the tune.” When the budget is statute may provide that in a specific type of
before the parliament, the members get an administrative action or decision, the aggrieved
opportunity to review the performance of the extant person will have the right of appeal to the courts.
administration. Thus, the debates and discussions are Under this circumstance, many courses of actions are
to examine and scrutinise the activities of the various available to the injured or aggrieved person.
governmental agencies to control their excesses and Basically, public and private remedies are available
activate them for efficiency (Goel, 2008). in judicial control of administration. The public
remedy is required for criminal prosecution of public
4.3 Judicial Control officers; the private remedy is concerned with civil
suit against public officers. While the government
The power of judicial control of administration is may be immune from suit, its officials are not always.
embedded in law. The judiciary is recognised as the They are answerable for wrongs committed in the
guardian of the rights of people. It protects these course of their official duties. As noted in Aghayere
rights from every possibility of individual and public (2007:52-53), the possible common law writs that are
encroachments (Goel (2008). In the word of White employed by the judiciary to review administrative
(1983:321), “it is an accepted axiom that the real actions consist of writs of certiorari; mandamus;
kernel of democracy lies in the Courts enjoying the prohibition habeas corpus and equity. These writs of
ultimate authority to restrain the exercise for absolute remedies can be classified into preliminary,
and arbitrary power.” Therefore, without some kinds preventive, and mandatory.
of judicial control administrative over authorities and
their actions, they may violate rules or commit
excesses (ultra vires), and their conducts may Writ of Certiorari
degenerate into arbitrary burdens that would be
inimical to governance. Ekhator, 2003) maintained This is a prerogative writ which is issued from a
that the judicial control over administration ensures superior court to a named court of inferior
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jurisdiction commanding it to certify and return to the in this part is assessed in twofold. The first fold takes
higher court of record of a particular case. This writ a look at how administrative law is related to the
is one of the most valuable and effective remedies governance system in Nigeria. The second fold
derived from the common law. It is used to review assesses the present state of governance in Nigeria.
the procedures of inferior courts officer, boards or
tribunals. In this case, the administrative department 5.1 The Stance of Administrative Law in
is considered as a lower tribunal exercising judicial Governance System of Nigeria
As a law of public administration, administrative law Writ of Mandamus is an inevitable force that drives the wheel of
governance via public administration. If governance
This is an action of judicial proceedings of a civil is a function of government and the body of
nature in which a writ is used in the name of the state government that carries out its function is public
to an inferior tribunal, a corporation, board, or a administration; the instrument that controls and
person commanding them to perform certain act, regulates public administration is administrative law.
which the law specifically demands as a duty of an Therefore, administrative law cannot be divorced
office. In other words, it happens under from governance system. When failure of
circumstances of duty failure. Discretionary functions government functions is blamed on the inept and
are not inclusive and hence, the particular method of indiscipline of public administration; it amounts to
performance will not be specified. treating an ailment and leaving its causes.
Administrative law protects citizens against Writ of Prohibition administrative abuse of public administration and it
keeps the powers of government agencies engaging
This is the process by which a superior court prevents in governance process within their legal bounds
inferior courts officer from exercising a jurisdiction; (Iluyomade and Eka, 2007).
they have not been permitted by law.
Drawing from the fact that governance is well Writ of Habeas Corpus concerned with the observance of the rule of law,
effective management of state institutions in
This is the most familiar and most important of all transparency and accountability for proper response
the common law writs. It is directed to a person who to citizens. The legal instrument that regulates and
is detaining another. It commands him to produce the controls the actions, duties, powers, rights, and
person being detained at a given time and place. This authorities of public administration to keep it within
writ also requests the party detaining to do, or to legal bounds while implementing policies,
submit to, or receive whatever the court may consider programmes, and projects towards addressing the
best. issues of security, health, education, economic,
technology with social infrastructures like roads, Equity Writ water, and electricity including the management and
control of the ongoing global outbreak corona virus
This writ is also called writ of injunction. It demands pandemic disease among others functions is
an act, which the court regards as essential to justice administrative law. Viewing from this sense, it is
or restrains an act, which the court believes to be sensible to maintain that there is a strong relationship
contrary to fairness and good conscience. This writ is between the role played by administrative law and
concerned with preliminary, preventive, and the governance system in Nigeria. If administrative
mandatory. Thus, they are all used to prevent action given enabling environment to exercise its functions,
before it happens; and then ruling for address. the performance of public administration will be
impressive (Akpotor, 2015; and Aghayere, 2007).
5 Administrative Law and the State of
Governance in Nigeria 5.2. State of Governance in Nigeria
Pope John Paul II once said: “A good government Section 14 (2) (b) of the 1999 Constitution of the
requires accurate controls and complete honesty in all Federal Republic of Nigeria assigned the functions of
socio-economic transactions. In no way can it be security and welfare of citizens to government. These
permitted that resources intended for the public good functions are fragmented to various policy
are used for other interests of a private or even frameworks, programmes, and projects to achieve the
criminal nature” (Chibueze, 2009). The issue raised constitutional objectives. In other words, public
KIU Journal of Social Sciences
administration und the watch of administration law is Table 1 contained data on corruption perception
responsible for carrying out every government policy, index while table 2 presented data on the state of
project, or programme. If governance process is the local security network in Nigeria. This will show the
function of government, then, an assessment of state level of government supports to administrative law or
of government is to determine the degree of security the public administration that makes things happen in
and welfare of citizens in Nigeria at the moment. It is government. This is in line with the common view
also an attempt to underscore the level of that if government is determined and has done the
commitment of administrative law in making public needful, none of its machinery or agent that will not
administration to be alive to its responsibility. be effective.
Besides, it is an effort to deduce the level of supports
enjoyed by administrative law from the government Table 1 below presented a corruption perception
in ensuring proper performance of its constitutional index to assess the state of present governance in
obligations. Nigeria. It provides precise information on the level
of efficiency and effectiveness of administrative law
To logically assess the state of governance in Nigeria, and the commitment of leadership, and nature of
the level of security and welfare of citizens will be public administration and the stance of government in
looked at. The choice is based on the fact that peace, its constitutional functions. The corruption perception
good order, progress, and meaningful development is index released by Transparency International from
impossible in a country that is insecure and corrupt. 2000 to 2019 was utilised because it captured almost
Two tables were adapted to present data for discreet the period of this Nigeria‟s fourth republic.
analysis of the current state of governance in Nigeria.
Data presented from table 1 above showed depressing the past and present Nigeria leaderships have always
issues on governance process in Nigeria. Going by shown concerned over the deplorable status of
the data, the long and short of the story is that the epileptic governance and high venoms of ravaging
state of governance under the Nigeria‟s fourth corruption in Nigeria with little or no appreciable
republic is in a comatose. It denotes the epileptic efforts to curb them. During his campaign rally Port-
nature of administrative law and a type of public Harcourt, the Presidential candidate of the All
administration that is highly institutionalised Progressive Congress (APC), Major General
corruption self-service in Nigeria. With this, the Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) cited in Onoyme (2015:8)
Nigerian public authorities are working into their expressed worries that “if we don‟t kill corruption,
personal pockets at the awful detriment of public this corruption will kill us. If you make a mistake of
goodwill, safety, welfare, progress, and good order of voting PDP, I assure you, you will regret it.” The data
citizens and the country generally. Repeatedly, both showed that the surge of corruption during his
KIU Journal of Social Sciences
ongoing tenure is even worsened. Obasanjo (2007) countries of the world;” is another testimony that
maintained that pursuance of government contracts Nigeria leadership needed to concentrate on how to
has become the priority of public officers in Nigeria. genuinely fight corruption and selfish ambition in
But, his administration also failed in reducing the government service than to make noise. As revealed
high level of corruption. Similarly, the allegation of in this paper, the view of Gowon (2002) that no
the Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Godswill matter how much we may yearn for unity and all that;
Akpabio during NDDC public hearing on Monday we are not going to achieve unity, peace, or
20th July 2020 said: “We all know that most of the development, and good governance by merely talking
contracts from NDDC were awarded to members of about them; when the culture national unity, rule of
the National Assembly” showed the level of law, enforcement of law, and issues of governance
government support for institutionalisation of are being influenced and frustrated by the Nigerian
corruption and self-service in Nigerian public service political gladiators is sacrosanct.
(Adedapo, Gbadebo, and Ukaibe, 2020:5). In the
same vein, Osiganjo (2016) alleged that all public Table 2 below is used to present data on the state of
institutions in Nigeria involved in corruption internal security in Nigeria. The period covered was
implicated the government insincerity in fighting the between January 2015 and June 2020. The choice
surge of corruption in Nigeria. Also, the allegation was based on the opinion of Alemika (2013) that a
made by the National Publicity Secretary of the country is good when its internal security is effective.
Peoples‟ Democratic Party (PDP) Kola The internal security is effective when life and
Ologbondiyan that was documented in Adejokun and property are not threatened. Besides, the internal
Usigbe (2020:1&11) that it is a national security is effective when a country is governed
embarrassment that “under an administration by the according to law. Also, attention was paid to violent
same leader who wears the medal as African Union crimes such as the massacre of Boko Haram Islamic
(AU) Anti-Corruption Champion and whose sect and the carnage of the Fulani herdsmen. Other
government boasts of zero-tolerance for corruption, banditries such as kidnapping, gender violent against
our nation now ranks as fourth most corrupt country women and children were all captured for reason of
in West Africa and one of the leading most corrupt their regular happenings at the moment.
Table 2: Analysis of Internal Security Network on State of Governance Process in Nigeria between January 2015 and June 2020
Months/Year Number of Death Recorded and Burnt Churches Sources of Incident
Jan-June, 2018 1, 750 Christians, Non-Muslims Herdsmen and Boko Haram
Jan 2015- May 2018 8,800 Christians Killed Boko Haram Insurgents
Jan 2015-Jun 2019 1,014 Christians Killed Security Forces
Jan 2015-Jun 2019 1, 130 Members of Shiite Muslim Set Security Forces
Jan 2015-May 2018 Over 1,000 Churches Burnt Boko Haram Insurgents
Jan 2015-May 2019 Over 1,209 Security Forces Killed Boko Haram Insurgents
Jun 2015-May 2018 25,794 People Killed Across States of Nigeria Herdsmen/Boko Haram/Bandits
Jan 2015-May 2019 15,984 People Killed in Zamfara State Herdsmen/Boko Haram/Bandits
Jun 2015-May 2019 9,691People Killed in Borno State Herdsmen/Boko Haram/Bandits
Jun 2015-May 2019 5,552People Killed Benue State Herdsmen/Boko Haram/Bandits
Jun 2015-May 2019 1,529 Killed in Adamawa State Herdsmen/Boko Haram/Bandits
Jun 2015-May 2019 1,520People Killed in Kaduna State Herdsmen/Boko Haram/Bandits
Jun 2015-May 2019 1,683People Killed in Plateau State Herdsmen/Boko Haram/Bandits
Jun 2015-May 2019 730 People Killed in Rivers State Herdsmen and Armed Bandits
Jun 2015-May 2019 649 People Killed in Taraba State Herdsmen/Boko Haram/Bandits
Jun 2015-May 2019 467 {people Killed in Cross Rivers State Herdsmen and Armed Bandits
Jun 2015-May 2019 301 People Killed in Ogun State Herdsmen and Armed Bandits
Jun 2015-May 2019 252 People Killed in Niger State Herdsmen/Boko Haram/Bandits
Jan 2018 -Jun 2019 Over 2.392 People Killed in Yobe State Herdsmen/Boko Haram/ Bandits
Jan 2020-May 2020 717 Rape Cases Reported to Police in 5 Months Violent against Women /Children
Jan 2015-Feb 2020 11,500 Christian Killed in North East Boko Haram Insurgents
Jan 2015-Feb 2020 12,000 Christians Killed in North Central Herdsmen and Armed Bandits
Jan 2017-May,2 2020 2,539 Nigerians Killed in 654 Attacks and 253 Kidnapped Herdsmen and Armed Bandits
Across Nigeria
Mar 10 – June 2020 3,600 Rape during COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Across Violent against Women /Children
Jan 2020-April, 2020 1,400 People Killed Across Nigeria Armed Bandits/Political Violence
Jan 2020–April, 2020 1,416 People Killed-Civilian 1,141; 275 Security Agents Boko Haram Insurgents
Mar,2020 Crime Track Killed in Plateau 92; Niger 90; Kogi 48; Benue 19; Herdsmen/Bandits/Kidnapping
Nasarawa 4; kano 1
KIU Journal of Social Sciences
Mar,2020 Crime Track Killed in Delta 54; Edo; Rivers 24; Bayelsa 19; Cross River Kidnapping/Cult/Violence Bandits
12, Akwa Ibom 5
Mar,2020 Crime Track In Ondo 15 People Killed; Lagos 14; Ogun 8; Ekiti 5; Oyo 4; Armed Bandits/Violence/Cult
Osun 3
Mar,2020 Crime Track In Anambra 18 People Killed; Abia 12; Ebonyi 11; Imo 4 Herdsmen/Violence Bandits
Mar,2020 Crime Track In Bornu 342 People Killed; Yobe 72; Taraba 34; Adamawa Boko Haram/Herdsmen/Bandits
21; Bauchi 1
Mar,2020 Crime Track In Kaduna 198 Killed; Kastina 139; Zamfara 77; Sokoto 22; Boko Haram/ Herdsmen/Bandits
Kano 10, Jigawa 3
Source: Allen (2019); Erezi (2019); Adetayo (2020); Aborishade (2020) Akinloye, (2020); Adeoye and Alagbe (2016); Idada (2018); Oikhala
and Osifo (2020)
Data from table 2 showed that Nigeria is under the rules in relation to governance process in Nigeria are
siege of insecurity. Apart from indication of paucity raised, many thinkers used to identify corruption,
of local security implementation policy, it showed indiscipline, poor observance and enforcement of
high level of disregard to rule of law. All of these law, poor accountability and transparency and so
implicated the irresponsiveness of government to the forth. Even as these claims are not meant for debate;
basic needs of people. Hence, Nigerians are forced the focus in this part is to attempt discussion on the
into sleeping with their two eyes wide opened and issues considered to be more pathetically significant.
they continue to live in fears and mercy of terrorists,
bandits, rapists, and kidnappers. Governance is about One of these worrisome factors, which obstructed the
government response to citizens‟ security and enforcement of laws relating to governance system, is
welfare. But, what will be the value of government the desecration of cultural and national values
that cannot protect its citizens? How possible is including the public service in Nigeria. The
governance in Nigeria with paucity of internal politicians have recently turned Nigerian streets into
security? What business can anyone transact in an a battle-field in the pursuit of their political agenda.
unsafe environment? Which reasonable investors will There is no day passes without a report of political
be ready to establish business in a country dominated killing and these notorious killers are being shield by
with insurgents? The above issues supported the wise their sponsors (political godfathers). Thus, it has all
saying that “it is only a mad man that stands on the been tales of woes, imperfections, and regrets for
path of a moving train.” In other words, Okechukwu common Nigerians. Its effects have caused the
as cited in Adejokun and Usigbe (2020:1&11) said current state of insecurity, corruption, hardship, and
that Nigeria needed to interrogate how it conducted loss of cultural and national values. Worst still, those
the business of security in the country. It needed to elected leaders who persuasively preached the gospel
question why government should be investing of peace, rule of law, security, progress, eradication
heavily on trader moni, when there is no money to of poverty, employment opportunities, good order
adequately fund the security agencies. As Amodu, and enabling environment for equal opportunities and
Olatunji, Usigbe, Osadebamwen and Akintola good governance are the least committed to such
(2020:7) documented, the President of the Senate, ideas. In the sense of it, many politicians can move
Ahmad Lawan, said “as we represent people here, we through twenty-one different political parties in
must not shy away from what affects their lives. The twenty-one years just to hijack governance and
reality is that today, the security of our people is the siphon public treasury into their own pockets without
issue that concerns almost every single Nigerian.” any slightest touch. Hence, Nigeria has become
This is how best to admit the fact that the state of where a politician will be canvassing for electorate
insecurity should be given a better and purposeful support in a campaign rally with a promise that “once
urgent attention. If this ugly trend is urgently you join the ruling party, your sins are forgiven”
addressed, it is not the present depressing state of (Nwafor, 2019). When the political gladiators are
governance that will be worsened, but the survival of turning Nigeria into a theatre of fiasco, corruption,
Nigeria will be threatened. vendetta, injustice, self-help, abuse law and due
process among others, how will it possible for
6. The Challenges of Administration Law and administrative to be effective? Or will such
Governance System of Nigeria environment promote a purposeful public
administration? With above situation, the dream of
The forces militating against law of administration in administrative law for a purposeful governance and
governance system of Nigeria are just like a deep national development are being compromised.
forest with very deep-rooted trees. But, when the The syndrome of tribalism and nepotism is another
issues confronting the enforcement of administrative factor that militates against enforcement of law of
KIU Journal of Social Sciences
public administration in governance process of Nigeria economy? All these are in line with the view
Nigeria. Today, the syndrome of “me first” is fast of Yar‟Adua (2007:4) that “nobody in Nigeria
eroding the culture of national unity in Nigeria. This deserves the right to be protected by law when
personal interest has interjected the public interest looting public funds.” But, there cannot be leadership
that public administration is known for. In fact, it is without followership. The character of most of the
not difficult to find in Nigeria‟s environment, the Nigerian followership is so gullible and docile. They
overbearing of ethnic-divides, religion-divides as are uninterested to challenge the looting habits of
well as the spirit of “man-know-man” in Nigerian their leadership. Instead, they allowed the leaders to
public service. The effects of all these have not to deceive them cheaply with inconsequential gifts of
only make the role of administrative law a burden of even food items and a mere stipend to throw their
woes to the governance process; but it has slowed conscience into the dustbins to support bad leaders to
down the pace of development efforts in Nigeria. continue to loot the public treasuries for at the
detriment of good conscience, common good and
The depressing state of economy of Nigeria is a huge good governance in Nigeria. Whatever happens, it is
challenge of law of public administration on unreasonable to excuse leadership from the centre of
governance issues. Available literature showed that blame when issues of breakdown of law of public
governance and economy cannot be divorced. Both administration and lapses on governance in Nigeria
determine the pace of the development or retardation. are being experienced as shown in this paper. The
If the economy will remain stagnant, it will reflect on integrity of leadership lies on its ability to apply due
the machineries of governance. When a country state process to get things done and secure the goodwill of
of economy is under depression and the citizens are the citizens and to utilise the human and natural
being subjected to suffer from basic needs. Thus, to resources at the disposal of government.
wallop in a stream of insecurity, unemployment,
poverty, underemployment, low capita income, poor On a final note, the failure of government in Nigeria
quality of life, and hectic and recurrent economic is a serious challenge for administrative law with
recession are indication of bad governance and a regards to governance process in Nigeria. The
status of depressing economy. This is in tandem with inability of government to guarantee enabling
view of President Muhammadu Buhari cited in environment has compromised the function of
Usigbe (2019:7) that: “when I drive around the administrative law towards governance process in the
country, what upsets me more is the status of poor country. Therefore, proper implementation of
people in this country. You see young, the so-called policies, programmes, and projects designed to
Almajiris with torn dresses with plastic bowl. They achieve the security and welfare of Nigerians are
are looking basically for what to eat.” Except the being undermined. If a government is not of the
level of hardship is addressed, the possible for proper people and for the people; that government labours in
administration of law of administration in governance vain even if it is by the people. Good government
process is always counter-productive as people requires accurate controls and complete sincerity in
struggle between hand and mouth for survival. transacting the affairs of Nigeria. What effectiveness
is possible for administrative law towards a
The absence of true leadership and followership in governance process when the government permitted
Nigeria is another titanic challenge to law of public that resources intended for public good be used for
administration in the governance system of Nigeria. other interests of a private or even for settlement of
At the moment, there is no gainsaying the fact that boko haram terrorists? Or is there any hope of
many leaders are being consumed with the effectiveness for administrative law for governance
paraphernalia of public office and dazzled by the when a government allowed the fraudulent use of
glamour. What will be the result of governance in public funds and deprived the citizens of the basic
where a leader is appealing for public looters and services in Nigeria.
other criminal elements to join a ruling party for their
sins to be forgiven? Or what type of governance is 7. Conclusion and the Way Forward
feasible when religion and traditional leaders
continue to accept donations and award chieftaincy In recent times, the governance crisis in Nigeria has
titles to honour people alleged for corruption. Also, begun to develop into endemic proportion that is
what nature of governance is possible when drawing global attention. There is no day passes now
electorates now cast vote on the basis of vote- in Nigeria without hearing allegation of one form of
buying? Or when the law allowed a plea bargain for administrative abuse or another against many public
looters of public funds, or amnesty for boko haram authorities. Funds budgeted for palliatives,
terrorists; and immunity for people mismanaging the infrastructures and other developmental projects in
KIU Journal of Social Sciences
Nigeria are continuously reported to have been does not compromise the truth. In other words, a
cornered into individual pockets. However, the good leadership does not witch-hunt, victimise, or
situation even become more sad when a government stomach any grudge and other elements against
that is unable to fund its security agencies to curb the political opponents or those who criticise his actions.
frightening insecurity; fails to provide employment Because, a good leadership is honest and upright, it
opportunities for the teeming unemployed youths; operates people-oriented system of government
and unable to provide the essential amenities required where transparency and accountability are the watch
to improve the suffering of the masses decided to word. With this, there will be no public sector that
tolerate the siphoning of funds from public treasury will be defective in performance.
and questionable acquisition of mansions worth about
several trillions of naira by a privileged public There is a need to urgently reposition the institution
servants. The governance process has been weighed of followership in Nigeria. Every society deserves the
down with such sorrowful venoms of intolerable kind of leader it gets. Hence, all actions of leadership
corrupt leadership as well as the defective nature of are supported by followership in one way or the
all institutions of governance in Nigeria. In turn, other. A bad follower would prefer to support a bad
these have incidentally manifested into the heighten leader. Therefore, followership across the various
struggle for power in quest to satisfy individual religion bodies, traditional institutions, and other
interest. Besides, it has led to the atrocious level of social groups should stop shielding bad leadership. A
insecurity, stream of poverty, surge of corruption, leader that has made millions of unfulfilled
disregard of administrative rules and prevalence of campaigns promises over and over again should not
high state of depression or charming economic be supported for re-election. The followers should
recession in Nigeria. The paper therefore, concluded resist political godfatherism. Apart from the havoc it
that the functions of administrative law had causing through the unholy act of ritual killings,
ingredient and potential for a purposeful governance kidnappings, other carnage and hooliganism, which
system in Nigeria. However, it was deficiently have recently desecrated human and cultural values,
applied for reasons of leadership and followership the funds budgeted for security and provision of other
failures to produce a friendly political environment, socio-economic welfare of citizens are being diverted
which will accommodate the utilisation of into the pockets of political godfathers. Worst still,
administrative law on governance issues in Nigeria; the political godfathers deprived the followership
hence, governance is in an epileptic condition. from enjoying their voting rights, stewardship and
There is a common saying that “when the head is accountability from the leadership. The followership
sick, the body becomes weak. What is feasible in a should stop being economical with truth. It is a
country with fraught and epileptic institutions of person that wears a shoe that knows where it pinches.
leadership and followership is to have a police state It is the followers that know the level of hardship,
whereby a selected ruling class will conspire with the insecurity, joblessness, poor healthcare, malnutrition,
docile and gullible followership to undermine the and many others. The followers should urgently
popular interests and encumbered the structures of wakeup from their slumbering and take bull by the
governance. horn by withdrawing support from leaders who are
responsible for their suffering. They should know
Based on the conclusion of this paper, the way that no one borrows waist to dance and everyone
forward is very simple and straightforward. The way dances with the waist he has. For this reason, the
forward is twofold. The first is for Nigeria to have a followers should not involve in any illegal means of
good leadership. The second is for Nigeria to have a self-help, violence, protest, and election-boycott to
good followership. To practically solve the functional present their election their grievances. The voter card
issues of administrative law and governance process should be utilised to vote out bad leadership in
in Nigeria, both institutions of leadership and Nigeria.
followership should urgently undergo a fruitful
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