NoSQL Paper 3
NoSQL Paper 3
NoSQL Paper 3
The variety of data is one of the most challenging issues for the research and practice in data management
systems. The data are naturally organized in different formats and models, including structured data, semi-
structured data, and unstructured data. In this survey, we introduce the area of multi-model DBMSs that
build a single database platform to manage multi-model data. Even though multi-model databases are a newly
emerging area, in recent years, we have witnessed many database systems to embrace this category. We pro-
vide a general classification and multi-dimensional comparisons for the most popular multi-model databases.
This comprehensive introduction on existing approaches and open problems, from the technique and appli-
cation perspective, make this survey useful for motivating new multi-model database approaches, as well as
serving as a technical reference for developing multi-model database applications.
CCS Concepts: • Information systems → Database design and models; Data model extensions; Semi-
structured data; Database query processing; Query languages for non-relational engines; Extraction, transfor-
mation and loading; Object-relational mapping facilities;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Big data management, multi-model databases, NoSQL database manage-
ment systems
ACM Reference format:
Jiaheng Lu and Irena Holubová. 2019. Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data.
ACM Comput. Surv. 52, 3, Article 55 (June 2019), 38 pages.
As data with different types and formats are crucial for optimal business decisions, we observe
the substantial increase of demands to analyze and manipulate multi-model data, including struc-
tured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. In particular, structured data includes relational,
key/value, and graph data. Semi-structured data commonly refer to XML and JSON documents.
Unstructured data are typically text files, containing dates, numbers, and facts.
In part, this work was funded by the MŠMT ČR project SVV 260451 (I. Holubová) and Finnish Academy Project 310321
(J. Lu).
Authors’ addresses: J. Lu, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b, FI-00014
Finland; email: [email protected]; I. Holubová, Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and
Physics, Charles University, Malostranské nám. 25, 118 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic; email: [email protected].
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee
provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.
Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires
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© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery.
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ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
55:2 J. Lu and I. Holubová
We illustrate the challenge of the variety of data with three examples as follows: First, let us con-
sider customer-360-view (Kotorov 2003) to enable a holistic analysis on customer behaviors. This
application demands to analyze the information from different data sources, such as product cata-
log (XML or JSON documents), customer social networks (graph data), social media (unstructured
data), and relational tables of customer shopping records. Second, in the context of healthcare,
high volumes of data are generated by multiple data sources (Aboudi and Benhlima 2018), includ-
ing electronic health records (relational data), treatment plans and lab test reports (unstructured
data), and health-condition parameters for real-time patient health monitoring (key/value data).
Finally, an oil and gas company (Hems et al. 2013) might generate over 1.5TB of diverse data every
day (Baaziz and Quoniam 2014). Those data come from diverse resources, such as sensors, GPS,
and other instruments, and consequently have heterogeneous formats. Therefore, the above three
examples demonstrate the emerging challenges to manipulate and analyze multi-model data in
complex application scenarios.
We now exemplify the challenge of multi-model data management with a concrete small exam-
ple from e-commerce in Figure 1, which contains customers, social network, and order information
with four distinct data models. Customer information is stored in a relational table—their ID, name,
and credit limits. Graph data bear information about mutual relationships between the customers,
i.e., who knows whom. In JSON documents, each order has an ID and a sequence of ordered items,
each of which includes product number, name, and price. The fourth type of data, key/value pairs,
bears a relationship between customers (their IDs) and orders (their IDs).
In these multi-model data, one may be interested in a recommendation query, which returns
“all product numbers ordered by a friend of a customer whose credit limit is greater than 3000.” Such
a query can be evaluated using various approaches, depending on the selected storage strategy.
Either the data are stored in different database management systems (DBMSs) corresponding to the
four data models, or the four types of data are transformed into a single format, e.g., the relational
format, and stored in a relational database system. However, in the former case, we need to solve
the problems of (1) the installation and administration of multiple distinct systems and (2) joining
data stored at distinct places. In the latter case, even though storing hierarchical or graph data in
a relational DBMS is feasible, the efficiency of query evaluation is a bottleneck due to the inherent
structural differences from flat relations.
A third option for the above task is to employ a single multi-model DBMS to exploit advan-
tages of both the previous solutions: (1) The data are stored in the way optimal for the particular
models and (2) only a single DBMS is employed to conveniently query across all the models. In
Figure 2, we show two sample queries to return the requested result for two existing multi-model
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:3
databases—ArangoDB (2016) and OrientDB (2016), respectively.1 A single data platform for multi-
model data is beneficial to users by providing not only a unified query interface, but a single
database platform to simplify query operations, reduce integration issues, and eliminate migra-
tion problems.
In general, there are two existing approaches to manipulate and query multi-model data:
(1) polyglot persistence and (2) multi-model databases (Lu and Holubová 2017; Lu et al. 2018a). First,
the history of polyglot persistence can be traced back to multi-databases (Smith et al. 1981) and fed-
eration databases (Hammer and McLeod 1979), which were intensively studied during the 1980s.
Their main strategy is to leverage different databases to store different models of data and then
develop a mediator to integrate them together to answer queries. Recently, some research pro-
totypes were developed on polyglot persistence platform. For example, DBMS+ (Lim et al. 2013)
targets at embracing several processing and database platforms with a unified declarative process-
ing. BigDAWG (Elmore et al. 2015) provides an architecture that supports for location transparency
and a middleware that provides a uniform multi-island interface to run users’ queries with three
different integrated systems: PostgreSQL, SciDB, and Accumulo.
The second kind of system is to build one single database to manage different data models with
a fully integrated back-end to handle the system demands for performance, scalability, and fault
tolerance (Lu et al. 2018b). A framework of a fully integrated single management system can be
traced back to the concept of ORDBMS (i.e., Object-Relational DataBase Management Systems),
which borrow and adapt the object-oriented programming model into the relational databases. An
ORDBMS can store and process various formats of data, such as relational, text, XML, spatial, and
object by leveraging domain-specific functions. But the salient difference between the ORDBMS
and multi-model databases is that, in an ORDBMS framework, only the relational model is the first-
class citizen, meaning all other models are developed on top of relational technology. But in multi-
model databases, there is no indispensable model, and every model is equally important. Compared
with the first system of polyglot persistence, the second one manages multiple models with an
integrated back-end that can satisfy the growing requirements for scalability, high performance,
and fault tolerance. In this survey, we will focus on the second approach by building a single
multi-model database. As for the first approach, interested readers may refer to Appendix C.
1 We will introduce these two systems in a more detail (together with other related representatives) in Section 4.
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
55:4 J. Lu and I. Holubová
Main Contributions. This survey reviews the representatives of multi-model databases and sum-
marizes their major features and techniques. The comprehensive review and analysis make this
article useful for motivating new multi-model processing techniques, developing real-world multi-
model database applications, as well as serving as a technique reference for selecting and compar-
ing the existing multi-model database products. In particular, the main contributions are summed
up as follows:
(1) We introduce the area of multi-model DBMSs and their relation to other database tech-
nologies. We provide historical background as well as a general classification of related
(2) We compare the existing multi-model DBMSs from various viewpoints and using distinct
criteria. We also provide the timeline depicting their evolution and reflecting the historical
needs for such systems.
(3) We provide a detailed overview and description of key features of existing representa-
tives of multi-model DBMSs. Using examples, we demonstrate their basic capabilities and
(4) We discuss the remaining open problems and demonstrate that multi-model databases
form a challenging research area where the solutions will find exploitation in a broad
range of real-world use cases.
Related Work. Currently there exist several surveys dealing with efficient management and/or
processing of Big Data. Sakr et al. (2015) describes existing Big Data processing systems, namely
big SQL systems, graph management systems, and stream processing systems. Sakr et al. (2013)
and Li et al. (2014) focus on a detailed study of the MapReduce programming framework and ap-
proaches built on top of it. Considering Big Data DBMSs, there exist tens of papers that provide a
general description and classification of NoSQL databases, experimental evaluations, comparative
studies, and/or benchmarks of selected representatives of various types of NoSQL systems, even-
tually involving also relational DBMSs. For more specific studies, Elshawi et al. (2015) and Angles
et al. (2017) survey graph DBMSs and their query languages. Cattell (2011) provides an overview
and comparison of key/value, document, extensible record (i.e., column), and scalable relational
DBMSs. There exists also a web page2 focusing on ranking of various types of DBMSs, includ-
ing NoSQL, which ranks database management systems according to their popularity, which is
evaluated3 on the basis of number of mentions of the system on websites, frequency of technical
discussions about the system, and so on. Recently, a general survey and a comparison of three
multi-model databases has been published in Płuciennik and Zgorzałek (2017). However, to the
best of our knowledge, there exists no paper solely dealing with multi-model databases in the
extent and depth comparable to this survey.
It is worthy to mention the difference between multi-modal databases and multi-model
databases. The former means the multi-media databases where the types of data may include
speech, images, videos, handwritten text, and fingerprints. But the latter stands for a system to
manage data with different models such as relational, tree, graph, and object models. The scope of
this survey is restricted to the latter one, i.e., multi-model databases.
Outline. The rest of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 presents a brief introduction
of four common data models. Section 3 deals with classification and comparison of existing multi-
model DBMSs from the view of both history and contemporary features. In Section 4, we provide
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:5
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
55:6 J. Lu and I. Holubová
network), possibly having several components. The respective operations correspond to searching
a (shortest) path, communities (i.e., subgraphs with specific features), and so on.
Interested readers may refer to other excellent surveys, such as Angles and Gutiérrez (2008) and
Davoudian et al. (2018) for rigorous and comprehensive definitions on different data models in
4 In Appendix A, we also provide an overview of the top five DBMSs in their respective classes.
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:7
towards the JSON format and there have also appeared representatives of other types of DBMSs
combining their original data format with other formats.
In Table 2, we classify the systems according to the strategy used to extend the original model
to other models or to combine multiple models. We distinguish four types of approaches:
(1) adoption of a completely new storage strategy suitable for the new data model(s),
(2) extension of the original storage strategy for the purpose of the new data model(s),
(3) creation of a new interface for the original storage strategy, and
(4) no change in the original storage strategy.
Note that in some cases the approach can be clearly categorized, whereas mainly in the case of the
first and second group, it is sometimes hard to decide where the particular DBMS belongs.
The typical representative of the first group are XML-enabled databases that use a native XML
approach for their efficient storing and querying. An example of the second group is a document
database ArangoDB, where special edge collections are used to bear information about edges in a
graph. Similarly, MongoDB uses for this purpose references among documents. An example of the
third group is Sinew, which builds a new layer above traditional relational storage strategy. Another
example can be MarkLogic, which stores JSON documents in the same way as XML documents,
but adds the support for Javascript to work with the data. And, it also supports processing of
JSON data using XQuery (W3C 2015b). Examples of the fourth group are all database systems that
naturally involve storage and processing of data formats simpler than the original one. Hence, for
example, all document databases can also be considered as key/value and column stores. Or, all
column stores can be considered as key/value stores.
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
55:8 J. Lu and I. Holubová
Next, in Table 3, we provide a matrix that visualizes the data models supported in the particular
multi-model DBMSs. Note that in case of the document model, we consider the most common JSON
format or its variants; whereas there is a separate column for the XML format, which has specific
features and history of support. For the same reason, we distinguish the general graph model and
RDF (W3C 2014) data format. We also devote a separate column to object-like models (i.e., except
for the classical object model, we add here distinct user-defined types and nested structures). The
final column shows the popularity of a different system on Nov. 2018 based on the statistics from
the DB-Engines Ranking.5
In case of the RDF model, we have to point out its specific relation to this survey. Currently
there exists a number of RDF triple stores. These systems are usually implemented as an exten-
sion of an existing DBMS, either as a part of it or as a module built on top of it. For example, a
relational DBMS can be used as a back-end that stores RDF triples, not knowing anything about
SPARQL (W3C 2013), and so on. From the point of view of our survey, this is not a multi-model
database, but a possible use case of the respective DBMS; there is no cross-model query language,
respective optimization of query evaluation, and so on. In this article, we focus on extensions to-
wards a new model that can be interlinked with other models supported by the DBMSs. Hence,
in Table 3, we provide the indication of RDF support for DBMSs that are truly multi-model and
that state the support for RDF directly as a part of the system. There exists a number of sources
discussing various implementations of RDF support, such as, e.g., W3C (2018a) and W3C (2018b)
and comparative surveys focusing on triple stores (Wylot et al. 2018; Abdelaziz et al. 2017; Özsu
2016; Sakr and Al-Naymat 2010). We refer an interested reader to them.
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:9
Nested data/UDT/object
Popularity (2018)
√ √ √ √ √
Relational PostgreSQL √ √ √ √ √ ∗∗∗∗∗
SQL Server √ √ √ √ √ ∗∗∗∗∗
IBM DB2 √ √ √ √ √ ∗∗∗∗∗
Oracle DB √ √ √ ∗∗∗∗∗
Oracle MySQL √ √ ∗∗∗∗∗
Sinew ∗
√ √ √
Column Cassandra √ √ √ √ ∗ ∗ ∗∗
CrateDB √ √ √ √ √ ∗
DynamoDB √ √ √ ∗∗∗
HPE Vertica ∗∗∗
√ √ √ √
Key/value Riak √ √ √ ∗∗
c-treeACE √ √ √ √ ∗
Oracle NoSQL DB ∗∗∗
√ √ √
Document ArangoDB √ √ ∗∗
Couchbase √ √ √ ∗ ∗ ∗∗
MongoDB √ √ √ ∗∗∗∗∗
Cosmos DB √ √ √ √ ∗∗∗
MarkLogic ∗∗∗∗∗
√ √ √
Graph OrientDB ∗∗∗
√ √ √ √
Object InterSystems Caché ∗
Tables 4, 5, and 6 provide a closer look at the particular systems.6 They overview the key charac-
teristics of the systems divided according to their original type (i.e., relational, key/value, column,
etc.). In the first two tables, we focus on:
supported data formats,
storage strategy used for the diverse data,
what query language(s) it supports,7 and
types of indices supported for the purpose of optimization of query evaluation.
In the third table, we provide yes ( ) / no (×) / unknown or unspecified (–) features informing:
(5) whether the database is distributed,
(6) whether the database requires schema definition for storing the data,
Supported Query
Type DBMS formats Storage strategy languages Indices
Relational PostgreSQL relational, relational extended SQL inverted
key/value, JSON, tables—text or
XML binary format +
SQL Server relational, XML, text, relational extended SQL B-tree, full-text
JSON, . . . tables
IBM DB2 relational, XML native XML type extended XML paths / B+
SQL/XML tree, full-text
Oracle DB relational, XML, relational SQL/XML or bitmap, B+tree,
JSON, RDF JSO extension of function-based,
Oracle MySQL relational, relational SQL, B-tree
key/value memcached API
Sinew relational, logically a SQL –
key/value, nested universal relation,
document, . . . physically
Column Cassandra text, user-defined sparse tables SQL-like CQL inverted, B+ tree
CrateDB relational, JSON, columnar store SQL Lucene
BLOB, arrays based on Lucene
and Elasticsearch
DynamoDB key/value, column store simple API hashing
document (JSON) (get/put/update)
+ simple queries
over indices
HPE Vertica JSON, CSV flex tables + map SQL-like for materialized
Key/value Riak key/value, XML, key/value pairs in Solr Solr
JSON buckets
c-treeACE key/value + SQL record-oriented SQL ISAM
Oracle NoSQL key/value, key/value SQL B-tree
DB (hierarchical)
table API, RDF
Document ArangoDB key/value, document store SQL-like AQL mainly hash
document, graph allowing (eventually
references unique or sparse)
Couchbase key/value, document store + SQL-based B+tree, B+trie
document, append-only N1 QL
distributed cache write
MongoDB document, graph BSON format + JSON-based B-tree, hashed,
indices query language geospatial
Cosmos DB document, JSON format + SQL-like query forward and
key-value, graph, indices language inverted index
column mapping
MarkLogic XML, JSON, storing like XPath, XQuery, inverted + native
binary, text, . . . hierarchical XML SQL-like XML
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:11
Supported Query
Type DBMS formats Storage strategy languages Indices
Graph OrientDB graph, document, key/value pairs + Gremlin, SB-tree,
key/value, object object-oriented extended SQL extendible
links hashing,
Object Caché object, SQL or multi-dimensional SQL with object bitmap, bitslice,
multi-dimensional, arrays extensions standard
document (JSON,
Other NuoDB relational key/value – –
Redis flat lists, sets, hash key/value – –
Aerospike key/value key/value – –
In the lower part of the table, we also include systems that are not (yet) multi-model.
(7) whether the diverse data can be queried together using a single common language,
(8) whether there exists also a version for the cloud, and
(9) whether a special transaction management was introduced to handle the diverse data.
Characteristics (1) and (2) have already been described, while characteristics (4) are further an-
alyzed and discussed later in this section. Considering characteristics (3), as we can see, query lan-
guages involve various approaches, both declarative and imperative. The options range from sim-
ple API (DynamoDB), full-text search (Riak), to extensions of popular standard query languages,
such as SQL (e.g., PostgreSQL, Cassandra, or OrientDB) or XQuery (MarkLogic). Naturally SQL-
extensions and SQL-like languages form the main approach (we devote to this aspect a separate
Table 7).
If we have a closer look at characteristics provided in Table 6, we can see that most of the
systems support data distribution. For the NoSQL databases, especially those of type key/value,
regardless of the complexity of the value part (i.e., including column and document DBMSs), it is
quite a natural feature. However, we can find this tendency also among other types of systems,
which reflects the general need for Big Data management. Flexible schema is not that common
feature in general, although we can find it, for example, also among relational databases that do
not require schema for JSON or XML data. For NoSQL databases, it is usually a common feature.
Queries across multiple models are kind of a must in multi-model databases, so most of the systems
support them. In some cases, however, this information is unknown or irrelevant, depending on
the type of the system. However, we have not managed to find any explicit information about the
existence of a special type of transaction management across diverse data models. This feature,
however, is highly related to the way the system was extended towards multiple data models.
Regarding cloud computing, we can witness a strong tendency of the DBMSs vendors towards
the support of a version for the cloud. Again, this corresponds to the general trend in Big Data
management, where the DaaS (Database as a Service) approach enables to create a solution for
complex Big Data applications instantly.
Table 7 is devoted to the overview of SQL extensions and SQL-like languages used in multi-
model DBMSs. Again the systems are classified according to their original type to show that this
is probably the most common and with regards to the popularity of SQL also the most logical
approach that can be found in all types of multi-model databases. At first sight, the least-natural
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
55:12 J. Lu and I. Holubová
Multi-model transactions
Queries across models
usage of SQL-like interface can probably be found among graph and document DBMSs. How-
ever, in this case the SQL clauses are simply extended towards the access of more complex data
structures—in case of graph data, the dot notation represents the edges; in case of nested document
(JSON) data, various operators enable to access deeper data levels including items of arrays. It is
especially interesting to compare the latter approach with the way SQL/XML combines the access
to relational and XML data via embedding XQuery.
Last but not least, in Table 8, we provide a summary of query optimization strategies used in
multi-model databases for the “non-native” formats. As expected, the most common type of query
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:13
optimization is a kind B-tree/B+-tree index, especially in the case of relational databases, which
naturally exploit their most common and verified approach. Systems that support XML data also
exploit a kind of native XML index, most commonly an ORDPATH-based approach that enables
both efficient querying and data updates. A kind of hashing, a technique that can be used almost
universally, is also a common approach in various types of DBMSs. However, in general there
seems to be no universally acknowledged optimal or sub-optimal approach suitable for the multi-
model query optimization. The distinct approaches are usually highly related to the way the system
was extended towards other data models.
Summary. From the preceding discussion with regard to the varied aspects of multi-model
databases, we summarize the observations in the following:
—The data models supported by multi-model databases include relational, column, key/value,
document, XML, graph, and object.
—Multi-model databases employ cross-model languages based on the extension of SQL, XML,
and graph languages.
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
55:14 J. Lu and I. Holubová
— The data indices in multi-model databases include inverted index, B-tree, materialized view,
hashing, and bitmap index. Most of them are based on an extension for relational or XML
— The existing multi-model databases have the features of data sharding, flexible schema, and
a version for cloud. But they still lack of the support for multi-model transactions.
In this section, we explore in more detail different multi-model databases using the classification
introduced at the beginning of Section 3. For each category, we briefly describe key features of each
of the representatives. We focus mainly on the aspects related to multi-model data management
classified in the previous section. The aim is to provide readers with a detailed look at each of the
systems in the context of its competitors.
PostgreSQL. The development of PostgreSQL8 began in the mid-1980s, aiming at a classical re-
lational DBMS. The recent versions, however, bring many NoSQL features (such as, e.g., material-
ized views enabling data duplicities for faster query evaluation or synchronous and asynchronous
master-slave replication). There also exists a number of vendors of facilities to make it easy to set
up, operate, and scale PostgreSQL deployments in the cloud.
Following the support of the XML format, since 2006 it has also supported storing of key/value
pairs9 in data type HStore. And, since 2013, it has supported storing of the JSON format in data
types json and jsonb. In the former case, an exact copy of the data is stored and it must be
re-parsed on each access. Also, not all operations are supported for data type json (such as con-
tainment and existence operators). In case of jsonb, a decomposed binary format is used for data
storage. It does not require re-parsing and supports indexing. However, the order of object keys,
white space, and duplicate object keys are not preserved. The primitive types are mapped to native
PostgreSQL types.
Both json and jsonb types can be used as other data types of PostgreSQL, such as in the def-
inition of table columns. There is no checking of schema of the stored JSON data; however, the
documentation naturally recommends the JSON documents to have a somewhat fixed structure
within a particular set stored at one place. An example of storing both relational and JSON data in
PostgreSQL can be seen in Figure 4.
Data stored in PostgreSQL data types json or jsonb can be queried using an SQL extension
for JSON involving operators getting an array element by index (->int), an object field by key
(->string), or an object at a specified path (#>text[]).10 Standard comparison operators are
available only for jsonb. It also supports further operators such as containment of values/paths
in both directions (@> and <@), top-level key-existence for a string, any of the strings, or all of
9 Note that the first releases of NoSQL databases Redis and MongoDB are from 2009.
10 Or, there exist their counterparts (with >> instead of >) returning the result in the form of text.
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55:16 J. Lu and I. Holubová
the strings (?, ?&, and ?|), concatenation (||), and deleting either a key/value pair or a string
element (-text), an array element with specified index (-int), or a field or element with specified
path (#-text[]). PostgreSQL also provides functions for JSON creation, returning the length of an
array, JSON object/array expansion, checking data types, transforming JSON data to records, or
JSON data aggregation. An example of querying both relational and JSON data (defined in Figure 4)
can be seen in Figure 5.
Data stored in jsonb can be indexed using the Generalized Inverted Index (GIN) corresponding
to a set of pairs (key, posting list). GIN consists of a “B-tree index constructed over keys, where
each key is an element of one or more indexed items and where each tuple in a leaf page contains
either a pointer to a B-tree of heap pointers (posting tree), or a simple list of heap pointers (posting
list) when the list is small enough.”
By default, the GIN index supports top-level key-exists operators (?, ?&, and ?|, for a single
string, all given strings, or any of the given strings, respectively) and path/value-containment
operator @>. Non-default GIN index supports only operator @>. The difference is that in case of
default indexing for each key and value, an independent index item is created. In case of non-
default indexing for each value, an index item is created as a hash of the value and all the related
SQL Server. Microsoft SQL Server11 started in the late 1980s as a relational DBMS. Since 2000,
it has supported XML and its access using SQLXML (Microsoft 2017c) (a deprecated Microsoft
version of SQL extension for XML data), and thus is classified as an XML-enabled database. Since
2016, it has also supported the JSON format (Popovic 2015); whereas the work with JSON data
is quite similar to XML support. JSON data can be stored as a pure text in data type NVARCHAR.
Or, function OPENJSON enables one to transform JSON text to a relational table, either with a pre-
defined schema and mapping rules (JavaScript-like paths to JSON data) or without a schema as a
set of key/value pairs.
In addition, thanks to Polybase (Microsoft 2017b), SQL Server 2016 can also be considered as
a multi-model multi-database DBMS. Polybase is a technology that accesses both non-relational
and relational data. In particular, it allows one to run SQL queries on external data in Hadoop12
or Azure blob storage.13 Microsoft Azure SQL database is a cloud database providing SQL Server
Regarding querying, SQLXML has the same aim as SQL/XML, but different syntax (Holubova
and Necasky 2009). Construct OPENXML enables to view XML data as SQL relations using a mapping
that can be utilized using user-defined parameters. Construct FOR XML enables to view relational
data as XML documents using four pre-defined modes denoting the complexity of the hierarchical
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Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:17
In case of JSON data, SQL Server enables to export relational data in the JSON format (using
clause FOR JSON), test whether a text value is in the JSON format (using function ISJSON), or
parse a JSON text and on the specified JavaScript-like path extract a scalar value (using function
JSON_VALUE) or an object/array (using clause JSON_QUERY). Function JSON_MODIFY enables one to
update the value of a property.
Columns with XML data type can be indexed, too. Using the ORDPATH schema (O’Neil et al.
2004), all tags, values, and paths in the stored XML data are indexed within the primary XML
index. Secondary indices can be created as well—a B+ tree can be built over pairs (path, value),
tuples (primary_key_of_base_table, path, value), or pairs (value, path).
For the purpose of query optimization SQL Server does not support any special indexing tech-
nique for JSON data. Depending on its storage, either B-tree or full-text indices can be used.
IBM DB2. The first release of object-relational DBMS IBM DB214 dates back to the early 1980s.
IBM Db2 on Cloud is a fully managed database on the cloud. Since 2007, it has provideed support
for XML (using the native XML storage feature called pureXML (Saracco et al. 2006)), and since
2012 it has also supported RDF graphs (using an extension called DB2-RDF (Bornea et al. 2013)).
XML data are stored (IBM Knowledge Center 2017b) in native XML data type columns in a
parsed format reflecting the hierarchical structure, or using user-defined shredding into relational
tables. The data are accessed (IBM Knowledge Center 2017a) using standard SQL/XML enhanced
with several DB2-specific constructs, such as, e.g., embedding SQL queries to XQuery expressions.
In case of the XML data type, DB2 supports several types of XML indices (Holubova and Necasky
2009). The location (i.e., regions of storage) of each XML document is automatically stored in
the XML region index. Unique XML paths and their IDs are indexed automatically in the XML
column path index. Query performance can be increased using user-defined XML index for selected
XPath (W3C 2015a) expressions.
Oracle DB. Object-relational DBMS Oracle DB15 was released in 1979 as the first commercial
RDBMS based on SQL. Oracle8 was released in 1997 as the object-relational database. Oracle9i,
released in 2001, introduced the ability to store and query XML. Oracle12c, released in 2013, was
designed for the cloud, featuring an in-memory column store and support for JSON documents as
well as RDF data (thanks to the Oracle Graph module).
XML data are stored similarly and in the case of DB2, i.e., either shredded into tables or in
a native XML data type XMLType, without the need to use the schema (but the validity can be
checked if required). However, JSON data are stored as textual/binary data using VARCHAR2, BLOB
(preferred, since it obviates the need for any character-set conversion), or CLOB. Also in this case, a
schema of the data is not required. Oracle only recommends to use the is_json CHECK constraint.
XML data in Oracle DB are accessed using standard SQL/XML. For the purpose of accessing
JSON data Oracle extends SQL with SQL/JSON functions (json_value for selecting a scalar value,
json_query for selecting one or more values, json_table for projecting JSON data to a virtual
table), conditions (json_exists, is (not) json, json_textcontains), as well as a dot notation
that acts similarly to a combination of json_value and json_query (Oracle 2017).
In case of XML data shredded into object-relational tables, a B-tree index can be naturally used.
For native XML storage, the XMLIndex indexes paths, values, and relations parent-child, ancestor-
descendant, and sibling. A variant of the ORDPATH numbering schema is exploited for storing
positions of nodes. A function-based index can be created for SQL function json_value. For XML
data it is denoted as deprecated.
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MySQL. Open-source relational DBMS MySQL16 was released in 1995. In 2008, it was acquired
by SUN Microsystems and in 2010 by Oracle. In 2014, the first version of MySQL cluster, enabling
data sharding and replication, was released. With the support of Memcached API17 (since 2011), it
enables to combine relational and key/value data access advantages. By default, pairs (key, value)
are stored in the same table, i.e., no schema has to be defined. User-defined key prefix, however,
can determine a pre-defined table and column where the value should be stored (Keep 2011). Most
MySQL indices are stored in B-trees, R-trees are used for spatial data types, and MEMORY tables
support hash indices.
Sinew. The DBMS Sinew (Tahara et al. 2014) is based on the idea of creating a new layer above a
traditional relational DBMS that enables to query multi-model data (key/value, relational, nested
document, etc.) without a pre-defined schema. A logical view of the data is provided to the user
in the form of a universal table. Columns of the table correspond to unique keys in the dataset
(nested data are flattened).
Physically, the data are stored in an underlying relational DBMS. Depending on the query work-
load, a subset of the columns of the logical table is materialized; others are serialized in a single
binary column. The storage schema is periodically adapted to the evolving workload.
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Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:19
LIMIT. However, only a single table can be queried in FROM clause, and there are certain limita-
tions for conditions in WHERE clause, such as restrictions only to the primary key or columns with
a secondary index, and so on. Sorting is supported only according to the columns that determine
how data are sorted and stored on disk. Clause SELECT JSON can be used to return each row as a
single JSON encoded map; the mapping between JSON and Cassandra types is the same as in case
of storing.
There are several types of indices in Cassandra. The primary key is always automatically in-
dexed using an inverted index implemented using an auxiliary table. Secondary indices can be
explicitly added for the columns according to which search data we want, including collections.
The respective SSTable Attached Secondary Indices (SASI) are implemented using memory mapped
B+ trees and thus also allow range queries. Indices are, however, not recommended for “high-
cardinality columns, tables that use a counter column, a frequently updated or deleted column,
and to look for a row in a large partition unless narrowly queried” (DataStax, Inc. 2013).
CrateDB. CrateDB20 was released in 2016 after three years of development. It is a distributed
column-oriented SQL database with a dynamic schema that can also store nested JSON docu-
ments, arrays, and BLOBs. It is built upon several existing open-source technologies, such as
Elasticsearch21 or Lucene.22 CrateDB can be deployed to any operating system capable of run-
ning Java and thus also various cloud platforms.
Each row of a table in CrateDB is a semi-structured document ( 2017). Every table in
CrateDB is sharded across the nodes of a cluster, whereas each shard is a Lucene index. Operations
on documents are atomic.
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Data in CrateDB can be accessed via a standard ANSI SQL 92. Nested JSON attributes can be
included in any SQL command. For this purpose, CrateDB added an SQL layer to a Lucene index-
based data store using Elasticsearch interface to access the underlying Lucene indices.
DynamoDB. Amazon DynamoDB23 was released in 2012 as a cloud database that supports both
(JSON) documents and key/value flexible data models. In DynamoDB, a table is schema-less and
it corresponds to a collection of items. An item is a collection of attributes and it is identified by
a primary key. An attribute consists of a name, a data type, and a value. The data type can be a
scalar value (string, number, Boolean, etc.), a document (list or map), or a set of scalar values. The
data items in a table do not have to have the same attributes (Amazon 2017).
DynamoDB primarily supports a simple API for creating/updating/deleting/listing a table and
putting/updating/getting/deleting an item. A bit more advanced feature enables to query over
primary or secondary indices using comparison operators.
Two types of primary keys are supported in DynamoDB: The partition key determines the par-
tition where a particular data item is stored. The sort key determines the order in which the data
items are stored within a partition. DynamoDB also supports two types of secondary indices—
global and local. A secondary index consists of a subset of attributes from a selected base table and
a corresponding alternate key. Global secondary index can have the partition key different from
the base table, local secondary index can not.
HPE Vertica. HPE Vertica24 is a high-performance analytics engine that was designed to manage
Big Data. Vertica offers two deployment modes for running in the clouds. The storage organization
is column-oriented, whereas it supports standard SQL interface enriched by analytics capabilities.
In 2013, it was extended with flex tables (Hewlett Packard Enterprise 2018), which do not require
schema definitions, are also enabled to store semi-structured data (e.g., JSON or CSV formats), and
support SQL queries.
Creating flex tables is similar to creating classical tables, except column definitions are optional
(if present, then the table is denoted as hybrid). Vertica implicitly adds a NOT NULL column __raw__,
which stores the loaded semi-structured data. For a flex table without other column definitions,
it also adds auto-incrementing column __identity__, used for segmentation and sort order. The
loaded data are stored in an internal map data format VMap, i.e., a set of key/value pairs, called
virtual columns. Selected keys can then be materialized by promoting virtual columns to real table
Besides the flex table itself, Vertica also creates an associated keys table (with self-descriptive
columns key_name, frequency, and data_type_guess) and a default view for the main flex table.
The records under the key_name column of the table are used as view columns, along with any
values for the key. If no values exist, then the column value is NULL. Both the keys table and the
default view enable to explore the data to determine its contents, since the schema of the stored
data is not required.
A flex table can be processed using SQL commands SELECT, COPY, TRUNCATE, and DELETE. Cus-
tom views can also be created. Both virtual and real columns can be queried using classical SELECT
command. A SELECT query on a flex table or a flex table view invokes the maplookup() function
to return information on virtual columns. Materializing virtual columns by promoting them to real
columns improves query performance (at the cost of more space requirements). Promoting flex
table columns results in a hybrid table so both raw and real data can still be queried together.
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Fig. 8. An example of storing multi-model data in Oracle NoSQL Database—the resulting table.
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Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:23
in collections. A document contains a collection of attributes, each having a value of an atomic type
or a compound type (an array or an embedded document/object).
A document collection always has a primary key attribute _key, and in the absence of further
secondary indices, the document collection behaves like a simple key/value store. Special edge
collections store documents as well, but they include two special attributes, _from and _to, which
enable to create relations between documents. Hence, two documents (vertices) stored in document
collections are linked by a document (edge) stored in an edge collection. This is ArangoDB’s graph
data model.
ArangoDB query language (AQL) allows complex queries. Despite the different data models, it
is similar to SQL. In case of the key/value store, the only operations that are possible are single
key lookups and key/value pair insertions and updates. In case of the document store, queries
can range from a simple “query by example” to complex “joins” using many collections, usage of
functions (including user-defined ones), and so on. For the purpose of graph data, various types of
traversing graph structures and shortest path searches are available. The most notable difference
is probably the concept of loops borrowed from programming languages.
ArangoDB involves several types of indices. Some of them are created automatically, others that
can be created on collection level are user-defined. For each collection there is a primary index that
is a hash index for the document keys (attribute _key) of all documents in the collection. Every edge
collection also has an automatically created edge index that provides quick access to documents
by either their attributes _from or _to. It is also implemented as a hash index that stores a union of
all the attributes. A user-defined index is also hash, in particular unsorted, so it supports equality
lookups but no range queries or sorting. Optionally, it can be declared as unique or sparse.
Another type of index is called a skiplist. It is a sorted index structure used for lookups, range
queries, and sorting. Optionally it can also be declared as unique or sparse. Other types of indices,
such as persistent, full-text, or geo, are available, too.
Couchbase. Another document DBMS with a support for multiple data models is Couchbase,30
originally known as Membase, first released in 2010, and it can be easily deployed in the cloud. It
is both key/value and document DBMS with an SQL-based query language. Documents (in JSON)
are stored in data containers called buckets without any pre-defined schema. The storage approach
is based on an append-only write model for each file for efficient writes, which also requires reg-
ular compaction for cleanup. A special type of memcached buckets support caching of frequently
used data. Hence, they reduce the number of queries a database server must perform. The server
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provides only in-RAM storage and data does not persist on disk. If it runs out of space in the buck-
ets’ RAM quota, then it uses the Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm to evict items from the RAM.
The SQL-based query language of Couchbase, denoted as N1 QL, enables to access the JSON data.
In addition, key/value API, MapReduce API, and spatial API for geographical data is provided.
N1 QL involves classical clauses such as SELECT, FROM (targeting multiple buckets), WHERE, GROUP
Two types of indices are supported in Couchbase—B+tree indices similar to those used in rela-
tional databases and B+trie (a hierarchical B+-tree based trie). B+trie provides a more efficient tree
structure compared to B+trees and ensures a shallower tree hierarchy.
MongoDB. Probably the most popular document DBMS, MongoDB31 (whose development began
in 2007) was declared as multi-model at the end of 2016. Its document model, which can also
naturally store simple key/value pairs and table-like structures, has been extended towards graph
data. In addition, MongoDB Atlas is a cloud-hosted database service.
In general, documents in MongoDB (expressed in JSON) have a flexible schema and hence the
respective collections do not enforce document structure (except for field _id uniquely identifying
each document). The user can decide whether to embed the data or to use references to other
documents (which enable to form a graph). Operations are atomic at the document level.
MongoDB query language uses a JSON syntax. It supports both selections of documents using
conditions (involving logical operators, comparison operators, field existence, regular expressions,
bitwise operators, etc.), projections of selected fields of the result, accessing of document fields in
an arbitrary depth, and so on. MongoDB does not support joins. There are two methods for relating
documents: (1) Manual references, where one document contains field _id of another document
and thus a second query must always be used to access the referenced data; (2) DBRefs references,
where a document is referenced using field _id, collection name, and (optionally) database name,
i.e., different document collections can be mutually linked. Also in this case, a second query must
be used to access the data, but there are drivers involving helper methods that form the query for
the DBRefs automatically.
Documents are physically stored in BSON32 —a binary representation of JSON documents. The
maximum BSON document size is 16MB. MongoDB automatically creates a unique primary index
on field _id. It also supports a number of secondary indices, such as single-field, compound (to
index multiple fields), multikey (to index the content stored in arrays), geospatial, text, or hashed.
Most types of MongoDB indices are based on a B-tree data structure (MongoDB, Inc. 2017).
Cosmos DB. Azure Cosmos DB33 (before May 2017 called DocumentDB) from Microsoft is a
cloud, schema-less, originally document database that supports ACID compliant transactions. It is
multi-model and it supports document (JSON), key/value, graph, and columnar data models. For
a new instance of Cosmos DB, the user chooses one of the data models and respective APIs to be
For accessing document, columnar, or key/value data, Cosmos DB uses an SQL-like query lan-
guage (Microsoft 2017a). Every query consists of clause SELECT and optional clauses FROM, WHERE,
and ORDER BY. Clause FROM can involve inner joins, whereas we join fields in JSON documents
are accessible via dot notation and positions of items in the arrays. Clause WHERE can involve
arithmetic, logical, comparison, bitwise, and string operators. For working with graph data, the
standard Gremlin (Rodriguez 2015) API is supported.
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Fig. 10. An example of modeling JSON data as trees in MarkLogic (source:
By default, Cosmos DB automatically indexes all documents in the database and it does not
require any schema or creation of secondary indices. These defaults can be modified by setting an
indexing policy specifying including/excluding documents and paths (selecting document fields)
to/from index, configuring index types (hash/range/spatial for numbers/strings/points/polygons/
linestrings, and their required precision), and configuring index update modes (consistent/lazy/
none). The indexing strategy in Cosmos DB (Shukla et al. 2015) is based on two strategies: (1) a
map of tuples (document ID, path) and (2) a map of tuples (path, document ID). Particular path
patterns can be excluded from the index.
4.4.1 XML Stores. XML stores can be considered as a special type of document databases. How-
ever, XML stores do not belong to the group of core NoSQL databases, so they are usually not
intended for Big Data and respective distributed processing.
MarkLogic. The development of MarkLogic34 began in 2001 as a native XML database, i.e., a
system natively supporting hierarchical semi-structured XML data. Since 2008, it has also sup-
ported the JSON format (MarkLogic Corporation 2017a) and currently also other data formats,
such as, e.g., RDF, binary, or textual. It can be deployed, managed, and monitored in various cloud
As can be seen in Figure 10, MarkLogic models a JSON document like an XML document, i.e.,
as a tree of nodes, rooted at an auxiliary document node. The nodes represent objects, arrays, text,
number, Boolean, or null values. The name of a node corresponds to the property name if specified,
otherwise unnamed nodes are supported. This similarity provides a unified way to manage and
index documents of both types. MarkLogic indexes the structure of the data upon loading regard-
less of their eventual schema. An example of storing both XML and JSON data in MarkLogic can
be seen in Figure 11.
Thanks to the tree representation, the JSON documents can be traversed using XPath queries
that can also be called from the JavaScript and XQuery code. For querying using SQL, MarkLogic
enables to create a view that flattens the JSON/XML hierarchical data into tables. An example of
querying both XML and JSON data using XQuery can be seen in Figure 12.
Actually, MarkLogic stores, retrieves, and indexes document fragments. By default, a fragment
is the whole document. But, MarkLogic also enables users to break large XML documents into
document fragments. JSON documents are single-fragment; the maximum size of a JSON document
is 512MB for 64-bit machines.
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MarkLogic maintains a default universal index (MarkLogic Corporation 2017b) to search the
text, structure, and their combinations for XML and JSON data. It includes an inverted index for
each word (or phrase), XML element and JSON property and their values (further optimized using
hashing), and an index of parent-child relationships. Range indices for efficient evaluation of range
queries can be further specified. A range index can be described as two data structures: (1) an array
of pairs (document ID, value) sorted by document IDs and (2) an array of pairs (value, document
ID) sorted by values (whereas both are further optimized so the values are stored only once). A
path range index further enables to index JSON properties defined by an XPath expression. Last
but not least, MarkLogic enables one to create lexicons, i.e., lists of unique words/values that enable
identification of a word/value in the database and the number of its appearances. There are several
types of lexicons, such as word, value, value co-occurrence, range, and so on.
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Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:27
Classes can have relationships of two types: (1) Referenced relationships are stored as physical
links managed by storing the target record ID in the source record(s), similarly to storing pointers
between two objects in memory. Four kinds of relationships are supported—LINK pointing to a
single record and LINKSET, LINKLIST, or LINKMAP pointing to several records. (2) Embedded rela-
tionships are stronger and stored within the record that embeds. Embedded records do not have
their own record; they are only accessible through the container record and cannot exist with-
out it. Similarly to links, four kinds of embedded links are supported: EMBEDDED, EMBEDDEDSET,
EMBEDDEDLIST, and EMBEDDEDMAP. An example of storing both graph and JSON data in OrientDB
together with a graphical visualization of the result can be seen in Figure 13.
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OrientDB supports querying the data with graph-traversal language Gremlin or SQL extended
for graph traversal (OrientDB 2017b). The main difference in SQL commands is in class relation-
ships represented by links. Classical joins are not supported, and the links are simply navigated
using dot notation. Otherwise, the main SQL clauses as well as nested queries are supported.
OrientDB uses several indexing mechanisms. SB-tree (O’Neil 1992) is based on classical B-tree
optimized for data insertions and range queries. It has variants (dis)allowing duplicities and for full
text indexing. Significantly faster extendable hashing has the same variants but does not support
range queries. Lucene full text and spatial indexing plugins are also available.
38 In fact, originally it was a key/value database—a long time before this term was introduced in the world of NoSQL
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For example, SAP HANA DB39 is an in-memory, column-oriented, relational DBMS. It exploits
and combines the advantages of a row (OLTP) and columnar (OLAP) storage strategy together
with in-memory processing to provide a highly efficient and universal data management tool.
Another example is OctopusDB,40 whose aim is to mimic OLTP, OLAP, streaming, and other
types of database systems. For this purpose, it does not have any fixed hard coded (e.g., row or
columnar) store, but it records all database operations to a sequential primary log by creating
appropriate logical log records. It later creates arbitrary physical representations of the log (called
storage views), depending on the workload.
4.6.3 Not (Yet) Multi-Model. Currently there also exists a number of DBMSs that cannot be
denoted as multi-model. However, their current architecture enables this extension or such an ex-
tension is currently under development. Another set of DBMSs mentioned in this section involves
systems whose support for multiple data models is highly limited. But, in this case, we can also
assume that it will probably (soon) be extended.
NuoDB. NuoDB,41 released under version 1.0 in 2013, is a relational, or more specifically NewSQL
DBMS, which works in the cloud. As mentioned in NuoDB (2013) “the NuoDB SQL engine is a per-
sonality for the atom layer,” whereas the authors of NuoDB “are actively working on personalities
other than the default SQL personality.” Data are stored and managed using self-coordinating ob-
jects (atoms) representing data, indices, schemas, and so on. Atomicity, consistency, and isolation
are ensured at the level of atom interaction without the knowledge of their SQL structure. Hence,
replacing the SQL front-end would not influence the ACID semantics.
Redis. Redis42 was first released in 2009 as a NoSQL key/value store. However, in the value part
it supports not only strings, but also a list of strings, an (un)ordered set of strings, a hash table, and
so on, together with respective operations for storing and retrieval of the data. Although the basic
value types cannot be nested, the Redis Modules43 are expected to turn Redis into a multi-model
database (Curtis 2016). Redis Modules are add-ons to Redis that extend Redis to cover most of the
popular use cases for any industry.
Aerospike. DBMSs Aerospike,44 first released in 2011, is a key/value store with the support for
maps and lists in the value part that can nest. In addition, in 2012 Aerospike acquired AlchemyDB,
“the first NewSQL database to integrate relational database management system, document store,
and graph database capabilities on top of the Redis open-source key/value store” (Aerospike, Inc.
4.6.4 No More Available. Even in the dynamically evolving world of multi-model databases,
we can also find systems that are no longer maintained or available. The reasons are different. For
example, DBMS FoundationDB, supporting key/value, document, and object models, was acquired
by Apple (Panzarino 2015) in 2015 and it is no longer offering downloads. Similarly, Akiban Server,
which has the ability to treat groups of tables as objects and access them as JSON documents via
SQL (The 451 Group 2013), was acquired by FoundationDB (Darrow 2013) in 2013.
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Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:31
assumption of schema-lessness. A possible solution may find inspiration, e.g., in the proposal
of the NoSQL AbstractModel (NoAM) (Bugiotti et al. 2014), an abstract data model for NoSQL
databases that specifies a system-independent data representation. However, the proposal covers
only aggregate-oriented NoSQL databases (i.e., key/value, column, and document).
A closely related problem of schema inference from a sample set of data instances is another
open issue in the multi-model context. There exists a number of approaches dealing with inference
of, e.g., JSON (Baazizi et al. 2017) or XML (Mlýnková and Necaský 2013) schemas. Recently there
have appeared approaches inferring a schema for NoSQL document stores (Gallinucci et al. 2018a)
or in general for aggregate-oriented databases (Sevilla Ruiz et al. 2015; Chillón et al. 2017). There are
even methods that identify aggregation hierarchies in RDF data (Gallinucci et al. 2018b). However,
in the world of multi-model data, we also need to infer references between the distinct models. In
addition, the inference approaches may benefit from information extracted from related data with
distinct models.
—Multi-model evolution. In general, it is a difficult task to efficiently manage data schema
evolution and the propagation of the changes to the relevant portions in a database system, such as
data instances, queries, indices, or even storage strategies. In some smaller applications a company
can rely on a skilled database administrator to manage the data evolution and to propagate the
modification to other impacted parts manually. But in most cases, it is a complicated and error-
prone job.
In the context of multi-model databases, this task is more subtle and difficult. We can distinguish
intra-model and inter-model changes. In the former case, we can re-use the existing approaches for
single models. In the latter case, however, they cannot be straightforwardly applied. The state-
of-the-art solutions (Polak et al. 2015), using the classical Model-Driven Architecture, deal with
multiple data models that represent distinct and overlapping views of a common model of the
considered reality by which a change can be propagated to all affected parts. Then the change
propagation can be solved within particular data models separately. In the case of multi-model
databases, the distinct models cover separate parts of the reality, which are interconnected using
references, foreign keys, or similar entities. Hence, the evolution management has to be solved
across all the supported data models. In addition, the challenge of query rewrite (Curino et al.
2008; Manousis et al. 2013), i.e., propagation of changes to queries, also becomes more complex in
case of inter-model changes that require changes in data access constructs.
—Multi-model extensibility. The last but not least open problem is the challenge of model
extensibility, which can be considered in several scopes. First, we may consider intra-model exten-
sibility, which means extending one of the models with new constructs, e.g., extending the XML
model with the support for the query on IDs and IDREF(S). Second, we may consider inter-model
extensibility, which adds new constructs expressing relations between the models, e.g., the abil-
ity to express a CHECK constraint from the relational model across both relational and XML data.
And third, we can provide extra-model extensibility, which involves adding a whole new model, to-
gether with respective data and query, e.g., adding time-series data with the support of time-series
The specific V-characteristics of Big Data bring many challenging tasks to be solved to provide
efficient and effective management of the data. In this survey, we focus on the variety challenge of
Big Data, which requires concurrent storage and management of distinct data types and formats.
Multi-model DBMSs analyzed in this survey correspond to the “one size fits a bunch” viewpoint
(Alsubaiee et al. 2014). Considering the Gartner survey (Feinberg et al. 2015), which shows the high
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near-future representation and the existing large amount of multi-model systems, this approach
has demonstrated its meaningfulness and practical applicability. However, this survey also shows
that there still remains a long journey towards a mature and robust multi-model DBMS comparable
with verified solutions from the world of relational databases. One intention of this survey is
to promote research and industrial efforts to catch the opportunities and address challenges in
developing a full-fledged multi-model database system.
To provide a broader context, in this appendix, we overview the top five DBMSs45 in the particular
classes defined in Table 1. As we can see in Table 9, where the multi-model DBMSs are in bold, most
relational databases can support multiple models. However, two popular column stores, HBase46
and MS Azure Table Storage,47 are not multi-model. The main features of HBase are based on ideas
proposed in the Google BigTable (Chang et al. 2008), whereas it is a part of Apache Hadoop48 and
based on the usage of HDFS. The data can be processed using MapReduce or an SQL extension
provided by separate Apache projects. Contrary to (multi-model) MS Cosmos DB, MS Azure Table
Storage is a pure column store with an emphasis on high throughput. The tables are schema-less
and can be queried using MS LINQ (Microsoft 2016).
Two key/value DBMSs are single model databases.49 Memcached50 is an in-memory store that
was originally intended and is currently often used by other systems for caching data in RAM to
speed up their processing. It can be described as a large hash table where the least-recently used
data are purged when necessary. The other representative, Hazelcast51 , is also an in-memory sys-
tem where the elastically scalable data grid provides similar functionality and advantages. A pop-
ular single-model document store is Apache CouchDB.52 It stores data in a JSON format, whereas
a document can also have a set of binary attachment files. Querying of data is implemented using
views, which are generated on-demand to process data using MapReduce.
Finally, in the world of graph databases, there is surprisingly one exception represented by the
most popular DBMS of this kind—Neo4j.53 Its logical model involves labeled nodes and edges that
can have an arbitrary number of attributes. The graph data can be queried using the standard
Table 9. The Top 5 DBMSs in the Particular Classes According to DB-Engines Ranking
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
Multi-model Databases: A New Journey to Handle the Variety of Data 55:33
graph traversal language Gremlin, Java graph traversal interface, or SQL-like graph query lan-
guage Cypher (Francis et al. 2018). Internally, the data are stored in the form of adjacency lists,
where adjoining nodes and edges point to each other. Neo4j High Availability enables a horizon-
tally scaling read-mostly architecture.
— Federated system: multiple homogeneous data stores and one single standard query
— Polyglot system: multiple homogeneous data stores and multiple query interfaces.
— Multistore system: multiple heterogeneous data stores and one single query interface.
— Polystore system: multiple heterogeneous data stores and multiple query interfaces.
First, federated systems were thoroughly researched during the 1980s and 1990s. Their main
strategy is to leverage different databases to store various models of data and then develop a mid-
dleware (called mediator) to integrate them together to answer queries. For example, one well-
known system, Multibase (Huang 1994), leverages a global schema and a single query interface.
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 3, Article 55. Publication date: June 2019.
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To process queries, the system decomposes the query to multiple local sub-queries based on the
global schema and local schemata.
Second, polyglot systems address the need to handle complex data flows in the cloud envi-
ronment and distributed file systems, where the users’ requests can be formulated with both
complicated algorithms and declarative queries. For example, a representative system Spark SQL
(Armbrust et al. 2015) provides APIs to allow users to process data with both DataFrames and SQL
to access a number of data sources, such as JSON, JDBC, Hive, ORC, and Parquet.
Third, multistore systems provide integrated accesses to a number of data stores, including
HDFS, RDBMS, and NoSQL databases. They have an integrated query interface to process the
data. The representative systems include HadoopDB (Abouzeid et al. 2009), Estocada (Bugiotti
et al. 2015), and Polybase (DeWitt et al. 2013).
Finally, polystore systems are built on top of multiple heterogeneous data storage engines. Users
can choose from a number of queries to process data that are stored in a variety of data stores. The
representative systems include BigDAWG (Duggan et al. 2015), RHEEM (Agrawal et al. 2018), and
Myria (Wang et al. 2017).
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