Bacterial Genome
Bacterial Genome
Bacterial Genome
(Prokaryotic and
Eukaryotic chromosome)
DNA is a working molecule; it must be replicated when a cell is ready to
divide, and it must be “read” to produce the molecules, such as proteins, to
carry out the functions of the cell.
For this reason, the DNA is protected and packaged in very specific ways. In
addition, DNA molecules can be very long. Stretched end- to- end, the DNA
molecules in a single human cell would come to a length of about 2 meters.
Thus, the DNA for a cell must be packaged in a very ordered way to fit and
function within a structure (the cell) that is not visible to the naked eye.
(B) The DNA folded into chromosomal domains by protein- DNA associations.
The proteins are depicted as the black circles, interacting with both the DNA and
with each other. Six domains are shown, but the actual number for E. coli is about
A. An illustration of an open conformation of the circular genome of Escherichia coli.
Arrows represent bi- directional DNA replication. The genetic position of the origin of
bi- directional DNA replication (oriC) and the site of chromosome decatenation (dif)
in the replication termination region (ter) are marked. Colors represent specific
segments of DNA as discussed in C. B. An illustration of a random coil form adopted
by the pure circular DNA of Escherichia coli at thermal equilibrium without
supercoils and additional stabilizing factors. C. A cartoon of the chromosome of a
newly born Escherichia coli cell.
Integrative Plasmid
Under certain conditions some plasmids may integrate into the bacterial
chromosome. They are called episome or integrative plasmids. At this stage
they replicate along with the bacterial chromosome.
The plasmids in this way are classified into 2 types
Relaxed plasmids
They are the ones which are normally maintained at multiple copies per cell.
Stringent plasmids
They are the ones which have a limited number of copies per cell.
In this case of plasmid replication, the plasmid DNA is integrated in the bacterial
chromosome and grows along with the cell. It uses the bacterial machinery for
division. A good example of this type of replication is Ti Plasmid, often used in
agricultural genetic engineering experiments. It completely uses the cell genetic
mechanism to grow.
Types of plasmid
Fertility plasmid :
That contains the tra genes required for conjugation else known as F plasmids. For
example F plasmids of E coli.
Col plasmid :
It contains genes for production of bacteriocins, proteins that kill other bacteria example
col E1.
Virulent plasmids:
Which in turn convert bacteria into a pathogen. For example, the Ti plasmid of
agrobacterium tumefaciens induces crown gal disease on dicot of the palnts
Degradative plasmid
they enable the digestion of unusual substances like toluene, salicylic acid etc.
gets transferred to another bacterial cell but don’t replicate further.
Organization of Eukaryotic Chromosome
Each species of plants and animals has a set number of chromosomes. for
example, Humans have 46 chromosomes while a rice plant has 12 and a
dog 39.
B a sic info r ma t io n a b o u
t chromatin
C hr o ma t in is t he c o mp l
e x combination of DNA and
proteins that makes up
chromosomes. It is found inside
the nuclei of eukaryotic cells.
Histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 are known as the core histones, while
histones H1/H5 are known as the linker histones.
All four of the core histones contain between 20 and 25% of lysine and
Molecular size for the core protein ranges between 11.4 KD and 15.4 KD
making them relatively small yet highly positively charged proteins
allowing them to closely associate with negatively charged DNA, for H1
Histone it is relatively larger (MW:21KD)and percentage of basic amino
acid is 30.5%
Out side the nucleosome structure there are other type of proteins called non
histone protein. A variety of non- histone proteins also bind to DNA to affect
chromatin structure and exert epigenetic control on gene expression. The
best established of these are the Polycomb (PcG) proteins and Trithorax
group (TrxG) proteins which promote transcriptional repression and activation
respectively, and both of which act stably through cell division.
The two systems interact closely with one another and with other epigenetic
systems and have been implicated in the regulation of genes in early
development and stem cell renewal.
Usually they are acidic rather than basic protein. They don't play roles in DNA
packing, but they are the only protein that remain after removing histone
during division and clear during metaphase. Much larger in molecular weight
(more than 30 KD) and irregular heterochromatin rather regular.
the basic structural unit of DNA packaging in eukaryotes are called
nucleosomes. Each nucleosome is made of DNA wrapped around eight
histone proteins that function like a spool and are called a histone octamer .
Histones are a family of basic proteins that associate with DNA in the
nucleus and help condense it into chromatin. Nuclear DNA does not appear
in free linear strands; it is highly condensed and wrapped around histones in
order to fit inside of the nucleus and take part in the formation of
Histones are basic proteins, and their positive charges allow them to
associate with DNA, which is negatively charged. Some histones function as
spools for the DNA to wrap around.
Each histone octamer is composed of two copies each of the histone
proteins H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. The chain of nucleosomes is then wrapped
into a 30 nm spiral called a solenoid, where additional H1 histone proteins
are associated with each nucleosome to maintain the chromosome
Each nucleosome attached with followed one by linker DNA ( 20 - 60 BP)
thus total DNA warp around it which will be protected from digestion with
First level twisting or super
coiling of DNA molecules