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Imię i nazwisko: ________________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 26

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the 3 Translate the words and phrases in brackets to
box. There are three extra words. complete the sentences.
appeared box offices designs gig handed 1 I often wonder how a(n) ______________
lyrics published reviewers supporting tune (powieściopisarz) invents a believable character
that has never existed.
1 The film received very high ratings from expert
________________ and cinemagoers alike. 2 The ______________ (skrzypce) is the most
difficult musical instrument to master.
2 Their ______________ are nothing original: they
sing about heartbreak and break-ups. 3 Do you know who agreed to ______________
(zagrać rolę) of Batman in The Flash?
3 She ________________ all of her books under
a male pen name as women were not allowed to 4 Have you seen this new ______________ (film
have their writings printed then. katastroficzny) about a cruise liner sailing from
Cape Town and getting turned upside down in
4 Official records say that __________________
a storm?
around the country sold over 14 million tickets
for the latest blockbuster. 5 The ______________ (rzeźbiarz) worked mainly
with wood as he claimed that stone is too hard
5 My favourite band is playing a(n) ____________
for him to turn into the shape of a human body.
in our town next month. I need to get a ticket!
6 Watching the ice show with actors dancing on
6 My grandma promised to give me the necklace
the rink in glamorous costumes was a(n)
that was ________________ down to her by her
______________ (niezapomniany) experience
mother and has been in the family for generations.
for my kids.
7 Has Brad Pitt ever won an Oscar for a(n)
____ / 6
________________ role?
____ / 7 4 POZIOM ROZSZERZONY Complete the sentences
with the words from the box. There are three extra
2 Read the definitions and write the words. The first words.
letter of each word has been given. There is one
agony aunt appealing gallery genre heroine
space for each missing letter
hilarious prequel sequel stalls
1 l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – a painting which shows an area
1 A(n) ___________ is a film or book that shows
of countryside
you the earlier story, giving you details of what
2 d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – the person who tells actors what happened before the events in the first film or
to do and decides what will be included in the book.
final version of a film or play
2 A(n) ___________ is the main female character.
3 r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – time when actors get ready
3 If your seat is on the main floor of a theatre or
and practise before a show
cinema, it’s in the ________ .
4 e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – an event during which
4 A(n) __________ is a style in the arts that has
paintings or other works of art are shown to the
a certain set of shared characteristics, for
public in an art gallery
example poetry in literature or reggae in music.
5 c _ _ _ – all the actors in a film or play
5 A(n) ______________ book or film makes you
6 d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – terrible, very bad or unpleasant laugh a lot.
7 f _ _ _ – a kind of art typical of a particular 6 A(n) ______________ is a person working for
region or country a newspaper or magazine who gives advice to
____ / 7 people who write in with personal problems.
____ / 6

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników, Poziom podstawowy z materiałem rozszerzonym 1
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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