Modbus TCP with instructions MB_CLIENT and MB_SERVER

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Modbus/TCP with

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Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

Entry-ID: 102020340, V 3.0, 07/2019 2
Table of content
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4
2 User Pogram of the S7-1500 CPU .................................................................... 6
2.1 S7-1500: Modbus TCP-Client .............................................................. 7
2.1.1 FB1 "ModbusClient" ............................................................................. 7
2.1.2 Data Structure at the Parameter "connectParamClient" ...................... 8
2.1.3 Parameter "dataBuffer" ........................................................................ 9
2.2 S7-1500: Modbus TCP-Server ........................................................... 10
2.2.1 FB2 "ModbusServer" .......................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Data Structure at the Parameter "connectParamServer" ................... 11
2.2.3 Parameter "dataBuffer" ...................................................................... 12
3 User Program of the S7-1200 CPU ................................................................. 13
3.1 S7-1200: Modbus TCP-Server ........................................................... 14
3.1.1 FB2 "ModbusServer" .......................................................................... 14
3.1.2 Data Structure at the Parameter "connectParamServer" ................... 15
3.1.3 Parameter "dataBuffer" ...................................................................... 15
3.2 S7-1200: Modbus TCP-Client ............................................................ 16
3.2.1 FB1 "ModbusClient" ........................................................................... 16
3.2.2 Data Structure at the Parameter "connectParamClient" .................... 17
3.2.3 Parameter "dataBuffer" ...................................................................... 18
4 Inputs and Outputs of the FBs "ModbusClient" and "ModbusServer" ...... 19
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4.1 Inputs and outputs of the FB "ModbusClient" .................................... 19

4.2 Inputs and outputs of the FB "ModbusServer" ................................... 21
4.3 Parameter "modbusMode" and "modbusDataAddress" ..................... 23
5 Structure of "TCON_IP_v4" ............................................................................ 25

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

Entry-ID: 102020340, V 3.0, 07/2019 3
1 Introduction

1 Introduction
Modbus/TCP communication between S7-1500 CPU and S7-1200 CPU is
The instructions "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER" are called and parameterized
in the user program of the S7-1200 CPU and the S7-1500 CPU.
The "MB_CLIENT" instruction communicates as Modbus/TCP client over the
PROFINET interface of the CPU. You do not need any additional hardware to use
the instruction. You use the "MB_CLIENT" instruction to establish a connection
between the client and the server, send requests and receive responses, and
control disconnection of the connection.
The "MB_SERVER" instruction communicates as Modbus/TCP server over the
PROFINET interface of the CPU. You do not need any additional hardware to use
the instruction. The "MB_SERVER" instruction processes connection requests of a
Modbus/TCP client, receives requests from Modbus functions and sends response
In this example, two Modbus functions are connections.
The S7-1500 CPU establishes the first connection as Modbus TCP client. The
S7-1200 CPU is Modbus TCP server.
The S7-1200 CPU establishes the second connection as Modbus TCP client. The
S7-1500 CPU is Modbus TCP server.
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Figure 1-1

Modbus/TCP communication

S7-1500 CPU S7-1200 CPU

Modbus client/server Modbus server/client

TCP connection (ID=1)

Modbus function: 16 (write holding register)

TCP connection (ID=2)

Modbus function: 3 (read holding register)

Industrial Ethernet

The Modbus/TCP connections are established each via a Modbus instruction pair

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

Entry-ID: 102020340, V 3.0, 07/2019 4
1 Introduction

Modbus function 16 (Write holding register)

Table 1-1 shows the parameterization of the Modbus TCP connection and the
assignment of the instruction pairs for the Modbus function 16 (Write holding
Table 1-1
Parameter S7-1500 S7-1200
Modbus function 16 (Write holding register)
Connection number (ID) 1
Connection type 0x0B (hex) = 11 (dec): TCP connection
Connection setup Active Passive
Own IP address
IP address of the remote
partner (remote IP address)
Local port 0: any port 502
Remote port 502 0: The "MB_SERVER"
instruction is to accept
connection requests from
any remote connection
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Modbus function 3 (Read holding register)

Table 1-2 shows the parameterization of the Modbus TCP connection and the
assignment of the instruction pairs for the Modbus function 3 (Read holding
Table 1-2
Parameter S7-1500 S7-1200
Modbus function 3 (Read holding register)
Connection number (ID) 2
Connection type 0x0B (hex) = 11 (dec): TCP connection
Connection setup Passive Active
own IP address
IP address of the remote
partner (remote IP address)
Local port 503 0: any port
Remote port 0: The "MB_SERVER" 503
instruction ist o accept
connection requests from
any remote connection

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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2 User Pogram of the S7-1500 CPU

2 User Pogram of the S7-1500 CPU

In the user program of the S7-1500 CPU, the "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"
instructions are called for each Modbus/TCP connection with a unique ID and
separate instance. The "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER" instructions are called
each time in a separate function block.
Figure 2-1



Modbus MB_
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Main Modbus
[OB1] Data

Modbus MB_


user program system data

S7-1500 blocks blocks

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

Entry-ID: 102020340, V 3.0, 07/2019 6
2 User Pogram of the S7-1500 CPU

As Modbus TCP client, the S7-1500 CPU establishes the connection to the
Modbus TCP server (S7-1200 CPU) and sends the request to write the holding
Table 2-1
ID Call of the Instance DB of the FB Description
"MB_CLIENT" "ModbusClient"
1 FB1 "ModbusClient" DB1 "InstModbusClient" Modbus function 16
(Write holding
As Modbus TCP server the S7-1500 CPU processes the connection request of the
Modbus TCP client (S7-1200 CPU) and receives the request to read the holding
Table 2-2
ID Call of the Instance DB of the FB Description
"MB_SERVER "ModbusServer"
2 FB2 "ModbusServer" DB2 "InstModbusServer" Modbus function 3
(Read holding

2.1 S7-1500: Modbus TCP-Client

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2.1.1 FB1 "ModbusClient"

The function block FB1 "ModbusClient" is called cyclically in OB1.

Figure 2-2

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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2 User Pogram of the S7-1500 CPU

The FB1 "ModbusClient" calls the "MB_CLIENT" instruction internally to establish

the Modbus/TCP connection with ID=1 and write the holding register to the Modbus
TCP server.
The communication request to write the holding register is controlled via the
"ModbusData".clientData.request tag at the "request" input.
In this example the Modbus/TCP connection with connection number=1 is
established to Port 502 of the Modbus TCP server. The Modbus TCP server has
the IP address
10 holding registers are written on the remote address 0. For this you set the input
parameters "modbusMode", "modbusDataAddress" and "modbusDataLen" as
• modbusMode = 116
• modbusDataAddress = 0
• modbusDataLen = 10

2.1.2 Data Structure at the Parameter "connectParamClient"

Use the following structure for connection description according to TCON_IP_v4 for
programmed connections at the "connectParamClient" input.
• Make sure that you specify connections only of the TCP type in the
TCON_IP_v4 structure.
• The connection must not use the following TCP port numbers: 20, 21, 25, 80,
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102, 123, 5001, 34962, 34963 and 34964.

The figure below shows the structure of TCON_IP_v4 with the name
"connectParamClient". You specify this structure at the "connectParamClient"
parameter of the FB "ModbusClient". A description of the parameters of the
"TCON_IP_v4" structure is available in chapter 5.
Figure 2-3

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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2 User Pogram of the S7-1500 CPU

2.1.3 Parameter "dataBuffer"

At the "dataBuffer" parameter you specify the data area for storing the data that is
sent to the Modbus TCP server. The data that is written to the holding register of
the Modbus TCP server is stored in the data block DB3 "HoldingRegisterWrite".
Table 2-3
Variablenname Datentyp Hinweis
holdingRegister Array [0 .. 65535] of Word Entspricht dem
Gesamtadressbereich des
Halteregisters (0 bis 65535)
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Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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2 User Pogram of the S7-1500 CPU

2.2 S7-1500: Modbus TCP-Server

2.2.1 FB2 "ModbusServer"

The FB2 "ModbusServer" is called cyclically in OB1.

Abbildung 2-4
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The function block FB2 "ModbusServer" calls the "MB_SERVER" instruction

internally to process the connection request to read the holding register. The
connection request is made via the Modbus TCP connection with ID=2 and Port

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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2 User Pogram of the S7-1500 CPU

2.2.2 Data Structure at the Parameter "connectParamServer"

Use the following structure for connection description according to TCON_IP_v4 for
programmed connections at the "connectParamServer" input.
• Make sure that you specify connections only of the TCP type in the
TCON_IP_v4 structure.
• The connection must not use the following TCP port numbers: 20, 21, 25, 80,
102, 123, 5001, 34962, 34963 and 34964.
The figure below shows the structure of TCON_IP_v4 with the name
"connectParamServer". You specify this structure at the "connectParamServer"
parameter of the FB "ModbusServer". A description of the parameters of the
"TCON_IP_v4" structure is available in chapter 5.
Figure 2-5
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Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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2 User Pogram of the S7-1500 CPU

2.2.3 Parameter "dataBuffer"

The "dataBuffer" parameter is a pointer to a data buffer for storing the data that is
read from or written to the Modbus server. You can use a global data block or a
marker as memory area.
The data that is read is stored in the data block DB4 "HoldingRegisterRead".
Table 2-4
Tag name Data type Note
holdingRegister Array [0 .. 65535] of Word Corresponds to the total address
area of the holding register (0 to

The table below shows how the Modbus addresses are mapped to the holding
register for the Modbus function 3 (read Word).
Table 2-5
Modbus address dataBuffer
0 "holdingRegisterRead".holdingRegister[0]
1 "holdingRegisterRead".holdingRegister[1]
2 "holdingRegisterRead".holdingRegister[2]
3 "holdingRegisterRead".holdingRegister[3]
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

4 "holdingRegisterRead".holdingRegister[4]
5 "holdingRegisterRead".holdingRegister[5]
6 "holdingRegisterRead".holdingRegister[6]
7 "holdingRegisterRead".holdingRegister[7]
8 "holdingRegisterRead".holdingRegister[8]
9 "holdingRegisterRead".holdingRegister[9]

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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3 User Program of the S7-1200 CPU

3 User Program of the S7-1200 CPU

In the user program of the S7-1200 CPU, the "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"
instructions are called for each Modbus/TCP connection with a unique ID and
separate instance data block. The "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER" instructions
are called each time in a separate function.
Figure 3-1



Modbus MB_
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Main Modbus
[OB1] Data

Modbus MB_


user program system data

S7-1200 blocks blocks

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

Entry-ID: 102020340, V 3.0, 07/2019 13
3 User Program of the S7-1200 CPU

As Modbus TCP server, the S7-1200 CPU processes the connection request of the
Modbus TCP client (S7-1500 CPU) and receives the request to write the holding
Table 3-1
ID Call of the Instance DB of the FB Description
"MB_SERVER" "ModbusServer"
1 FB2 "ModbusServer" DB2 "InstModbusServer" Modbus function 16
(Write holding
As Modbus TCP client, the S7-1200 CPU establishes the connection to the
Modbus TCP server (S7-1500 CPU) and sends the request to read the holding
Table 3-2
ID Call of the Instance DB of the FB Description
"MB_CLIENT" "ModbusClient"
2 FB1 "ModbusClient" DB1 "InstModbusClient" Modbus function 3
(Read holding

3.1 S7-1200: Modbus TCP-Server

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3.1.1 FB2 "ModbusServer"

The FB2 "ModbusServer" is called cyclically in OB1.

Figure 3-2

The function block FB2 "ModbusServer" calls the "MB_SERVER" instruction

internally to process the connection request to write the holding register. The
connection request is made via the Modbus TCP connection with ID=1 and Port

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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3 User Program of the S7-1200 CPU

3.1.2 Data Structure at the Parameter "connectParamServer"

Use the following structure for connection description according to TCON_IP_v4 for
programmed connections at the "connectParamServer" input.
• Make sure that you specify connections only of the TCP type in the
TCON_IP_v4 structure.
• The connection must not use the following TCP port numbers: 20, 21, 25, 80,
102, 123, 5001, 34962, 34963 and 34964.
The figure below shows the structure of TCON_IP_v4 with the name
"connectParamServer". You specify this structure at the "connectParamServer"
parameter of the FB "ModbusServer". A description of the parameters of the
"TCON_IP_v4" structure is available in chapter 5.
Figure 3-3
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3.1.3 Parameter "dataBuffer"

The "dataBuffer" parameter is a pointer to a data buffer for storing the data that is
read from or written to the Modbus server. You can use a global data block or a
marker as memory area.
The data is written to the data block DB3 "HoldingRegisterWrite" and stored.
Table 3-3
Tag name Data type Note
holdingRegister Array [0 .. 4999] of Word -

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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3 User Program of the S7-1200 CPU

The table below shows how the Modbus addresses are mapped to the holding
register for the Modbus function 16 (write Word).
Table 3-4
Modbus address dataBuffer
0 "holdingRegisterWrite".holdingRegister[0]
1 "holdingRegisterWrite".holdingRegister[1]
2 "holdingRegisterWrite".holdingRegister[2]
3 "holdingRegisterWrite".holdingRegister[3]
4 "holdingRegisterWrite".holdingRegister[4]
5 "holdingRegisterWrite".holdingRegister[5]
6 "holdingRegisterWrite".holdingRegister[6]
7 "holdingRegisterWrite".holdingRegister[7]
8 "holdingRegisterWrite".holdingRegister[8]
9 "holdingRegisterWrite".holdingRegister[9]

3.2 S7-1200: Modbus TCP-Client

3.2.1 FB1 "ModbusClient"

The FB1 "ModbusClient" is called cyclically in OB1.

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Figure 3-4

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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3 User Program of the S7-1200 CPU

The FB1 "ModbusClient" calls the "MB_CLIENT" instruction internally to establish

the Modbus/TCP connection with ID=2 and read the holding register from the
Modbus TCP server.
The communication request to read the holding register is controlled via the
"ModbusData".clientData.request tag at the "request" input.
In this example the Modbus TCP connection with connection number=2 is
established to Port 505 of the Modbus TCP server. The Modbus TCP server has
the IP address
10 holding registers are read on the remote address 0. For this you set the input
parameters "modbusMode", "modbusDataAddress" and "modbusDataLen" as
• modbusMode = 103
• modbusDataAddress = 0
• modbusDataLen = 10

3.2.2 Data Structure at the Parameter "connectParamClient"

Use the following structure for connection description according to TCON_IP_v4 for
programmed connections at the "connectParamClient" input.
Make sure that you specify connections only of the TCP type in the TCON_IP_v4
The connection must not use the following TCP port numbers: 20, 21, 25, 80, 102,
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

123, 5001, 34962, 34963 and 34964.

The figure below shows the structure of TCON_IP_v4 with the name
"connectParamClient". You specify this structure at the "connectParamClient"
parameter of the FB "ModbusClient". A description of the parameters of the
"TCON_IP_v4" structure is available in chapter 5.
Figure 3-5

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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3 User Program of the S7-1200 CPU

3.2.3 Parameter "dataBuffer"

At the "dataBuffer" parameter you specify the data area for storing the data that is
received from the Modbus TCP server. The data that is read from the holding
register of the Modbus TCP server is stored in the data block DB4
Table 3-5
Tag name Data type Note
holdingRegister Array [0 .. 4999] of Word -
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Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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4 Inputs and Outputs of the FBs "ModbusClient" and "ModbusServer"

4 Inputs and Outputs of the FBs

"ModbusClient" and "ModbusServer"
4.1 Inputs and outputs of the FB "ModbusClient"
The table below shows the inputs of the function block FB1 "ModbusClient".
Table 4-1
Input Data Description
request Bool Modbus request to the Modbus server, for example:
• Write holding register
• Read holding register
The "request" parameter is level controlled. This
means that the instruction sends communication
requests for as long as the input is set.
disconnect Bool You use the parameter to control the establishment
of the connection to and disconnection from the
Modbus TCP server.
• 0: establishment of communication connection
to the configured connection partner
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• 1: Disconnect communication connection. No

other function is executed while the connection
is being disconnected. After successful
disconnection of the connection the value
0x0003 is output at the "status" parameter.
If the "request" parameter is set when the
connection is established, the Modbus request is
sent immediately.
modbusMode USint Selection of the Modbus request mode (read, write
or diagnostics)
Section 4.3 gives a detailed description of the
"modbusMode" parameter.
modbusDataAddress UDint Initial address of the data which the "MB_CLIENT"
instruction accesses.
Section 4.3 gives a detailed description of the
"modbusDataAddress" parameter.
modbusDataLen UInt Data length: number of bits or words for the data
dataBuffer Variant Pointer to a data buffer for the data to be received
from or to be sent to the Modbus TCP server.
In this example the pointer points to a global data
block (DB) with optimized block access..
• S7-1500: see section 2.1.3
• S7-1200: see section 3.2.3

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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4 Inputs and Outputs of the FBs "ModbusClient" and "ModbusServer"

Input Data Description

connect ParamClient Variant Pointer to the structure of the connection
You can use the following structures (system data
• TCON_IP_v4: contains all the address
parameters needed for establishing a
programmed connection. When TCON_IP_v4
is used, the connection is established when the
"MB_CLIENT" instruction is called.
• TCON_Configured: contains the address
parameters of a configured connection. When
TCON_Configured is used, an existing
connection is used, which was established
after loading of the hardware configuration by
the CPU.
The TCON_IP_v4 structure is used in this example.
The structure of TCON_IP_v4 is described in
chapter 5.
• S7-1500: For parameterization of the data
structure, see section 2.1.2
• S7-1200 For parameterization of the data
structure, see section 3.2.2
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The following table shows the outputs of the function block FB1 "ModbusClient".
Table 4-2
Output Data Description
done Bool The bit at the "done" output is set to "1" as soon as
the last job has been executed without error.
busy Bool • 0: no Modbus request is being processed
• 1: Modbus request is being processed
error Bool • 0: no error
• 1: error occurred. The cause of the error is
displayed at the "status" output.
status Word Detailed Status information of the "MB_CLIENT"

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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4 Inputs and Outputs of the FBs "ModbusClient" and "ModbusServer"

4.2 Inputs and outputs of the FB "ModbusServer"

The table below shows the inputs of the function block FB2 "ModbusServer".
Table 4-3
Input Data Description
disconnect Bool The "MB_SERVER" instruction enters into a
passive connection with a partner module. The
server reacts to a connection request from the
IP address that is specified in the "TCON_IP_v4"
data structure at the "connectParamServer" input.
You use this parameter to control when a
connection request is accepted.
• 0: if there is no communication connection, a
passive connection is established.
• 1: initialization of the connection status. If the
input is set, no other processes are executed.
After successful disconnection of the
connection the value 0x0003 is output at the
"status" output.
connectParamServer Bool Pointer to the structure of the connection
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You can use the following structures (system data

• TCON_IP_v4: contains all the address
parameters needed for establishing a
programmed connection. When TCON_IP_v4
is used, the connection is established when the
"MB_SERVER" instruction is called.
• TCON_Configured: contains the address
parameters of a configured connection. When
TCON_Configured is used, the connection is
established after loading of the hardware
configuration by the CPU.
The TCON_IP_v4 structure is used in this example.
The structure of TCON_IP_v4 is described in
chapter 5.
• S7-1500: For parameterization of the data
structure, see section 2.2.2
• S7-1200 For parameterization of the data
structure, see section 3.1.2

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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4 Inputs and Outputs of the FBs "ModbusClient" and "ModbusServer"

Input Data Description

dataBuffer Variant Pointer to the Modbus holding register of the
"MB_SERVER" instruction.
The "dataBuffer" parameter must always refer to a
memory area that is greater than 2 bytes.
The holding register contains the values which a
Modbus TCP client is allowed to access via the
Modbus functions 3 (read), 6 (write) and 16 (write
As memory area you use a global data block (DB)
with optimized access or the memory area of the
Table 3-4 shows how the Modbus addresses are
mapped to the holding register for the Modbus
function 16 (read Word).
Table 2-5 shows how the Modbus addresses are
mapped to the holding register for the Modbus
function 3 (read Word).

The table below shows the outputs of the function block FB2 "ModbusServer".
Table 4-4
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Output Data Description

ndr Bool "new data ready"
• 0: no new data
• 1: new data written by the Modbus TCP client
dataRead Bool "data read"
• 0: no data read
• 1: data read by the Modbus TCP client
error Bool If an error occurs while the "MB_SERVER"
instruction is being called, the output at the "error"
parameter is set to "1". Detailed information about
the cause of the error is displayed at the "status"
status Word Detailed status information about the
"MB_SERVER" instruction.

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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4 Inputs and Outputs of the FBs "ModbusClient" and "ModbusServer"

4.3 Parameter "modbusMode" and "modbusDataAddress"

For the values 0 and 1 of "modbusMode" the combination of the parameters
"modbusModus", "modbusDataAddress" and "modbusDataLen" define the Modbus
function code that is used in the current message:
• "modbusMode" contains the information whether the job is reading or writing.
– 0: Read
– 1: Write
• "modbusDataAddress" contains the information about what is to be read or
written, as well as address information from which the "MB_CLIENT"
instruction calculates the remote address.
• "modbusDataLen" includes the number of values to be read / written.

The following holds for the values 101 to 116 of "modbusMode":

• "modbusMode" defines the Modbus function code.
• "modbusDataAddress includes the remote address.
• "modbusDataLen" includes the number of values to be read / written.

The table below shows the relationship between the inputs of the function block
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"ModbusClient" and the Modbus function.

Table 4-5
modbusMode modbusDataAddress modbusDataLen Modbus Function
function and Data
116 Initial address: Data length 16 Write 1 to
• 0 to 65535 (WORD) per call: 123 holding
• 1 to 123 register on
the remote
address 0 to
103 Initial address: Data length 3 Read 1 to
• 0 to 65535 (WORD) per call: 125 holding
• 1 to 125 register on
the remote
address 0 to

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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4 Inputs and Outputs of the FBs "ModbusClient" and "ModbusServer"

modbusMode modbusDataAddress modbusDataLen Modbus Function

function and Data
1 Initial address: Data length 16 Write 2 to
• 40001 to 49999 (WORD) per call: 123 holding
• 400001 to • 2 to 123 register on
the remote
address 0 to
Write 2 to
123 holding
register on
the remote
address 0 to
0 Initial address: Data length 3 Read 1 to
• 40001 to 49999 (WORD) per call: 125 holding
• 400001 to • 1 to 125 register on
the remote
address 0 to
Read 1 to
125 holding
register on
the remote
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

address 0 to

Hinweis Further information about addressing the memory areas in SIMATIC

S7-1200/S7-1500 with a Modbus TCP data exchange is available at this link:

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

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5 Structure of "TCON_IP_v4"

5 Structure of "TCON_IP_v4"
Folgende Tabelle beschreibt die Parameter der Struktur "TCON_IP_v4".
Table 5-1
Byte Parameter Datentyp Beschreibung
0 to 1 InterfaceID HW_ANY Hardware ID of the local interface (value range: 0 to
The hardware ID is to be found in the device
configuration of the CPU. Mark the PROFINET
interface to display the properties of the PROFINET
interface in the inspector window. In the "General" tab
you navigate to "HW Identifier" to determine the
hardware ID.
2 to 3 ID CONN_OUC Reference to this connection (value range: 1 to 4095).
The parameter uniquely identifies a connection in the
CPU. Each single instance of the "MB_CLIENT" and
"MB_SERVER" instructions must use a unique ID.
4 ConnectionType BYTE Connection type
Select 11 (decimal) for TCP. Other connection types
are not permissible.
5 ActiveEstablished BOOL ID for how the connection is established.
True: active connection establishment
False: passive connection establishment
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6 to 9 RemoteAddress ARRAY [1..4] IP address of the remote connection partner.

10 to RemotePort UINT Port number of the remote connection partner (value
11 range: 1 to 49151).
• MB_CLIENT: Use the IP port number of the server
to which the client establishes a connection and
communicates over the TCP/IP protocol.
• MB_SERVER: Use the IP port number of the client
from which the connection request is to be
accepted. If the "MB_SERVER" instruction is to
accept connection requests from any remote
connection partner, use "0" as the port number.
12 to LocalPort UINT Port number of the local connection partner (value
13 range: 1 to 49151).
– Port numbers: 1 to 49151
– Any port: 0
• MB_SERVER: The number of the IP port defines
which IP port is monitored for connection requests
of the Modbus client.

Modbus/TCP with "MB_CLIENT" and "MB_SERVER"

Entry-ID: 102020340, V 3.0, 07/2019 25

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